Specular Meteor Observations Using The Jicamarca Meteor Radar
Specular Meteor Observations Using The Jicamarca Meteor Radar
Specular Meteor Observations Using The Jicamarca Meteor Radar
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• The radar hardware specifications and data processing software were pro- • The ability of JASMET to provide meteor speeds [9] will provide comple-
vided by Atrad, with the hardware provided by the Jicamarca Radio Ob- mentary measurements to meteor head echo meteoroid speeds obtained
servatory. using high-power large-aperture (HPLA) main array of the Jicamarca radar
[e.g., 10].
• JASMET operates in a very similar manner to the Atrad meteor radar, a s • Transmission is performed using four 5-element Yagi antennas, each point-
installed at Adelaide [1] and Darwin [2], Australia; Davis [3], Antarctica; • JASMET was first operated in November 2005 as a proof of concept trial, ing in one of the four cardinal directions with elevation angles of 45◦ .
Svalbard [4] and Tromso [5], Norway; and Wuhan [6, 7], China, and will with data processing performed offline.
allow collaborative/comparative measurements with these radars.
• Reception is performed using five two-element folded dipoles aligned along
• The first campaign of the integrated system including on-line analysis was an azimuth of 135◦ , that are fed to a multi-channel multiple-purpose ac-
• This paper describes the implementation of the specular meteor mode, conducted in June 2006. quisition system based on digital receiver technology.
and presents the first results.
• The meteoroid speeds are estimated using the Fresnel transform, which
significantly increases the accuracy and yield of speed estimates compared
to those for similar all sky meteor radar systems [9].
The four plots to the right show the height, range, time and angle of
arrival (AOA) distributions for 19th to 16th June 2006. The gap in the
AOA distributions is a consequence of the polar diagram of the linearly
polarised receiving antennas, which has a minimum at low elevations along
the azimuth of the antennas (indicated by the dashed line).
Winds Sporadic meteors: June 15 - 19, 2006 Shower meteors: June 16, 2006
Radiant map (e.g. [12]) obtained using a pass-band width of 20◦ , suggesting
the Helion (H) anti-Helion (AH) sporadic meteor sources contribute most Radiant map (e.g. [12]) obtained using a pass-band width of 4◦ . The June
significantly to the meter count rate. 2006 campaign was conducted towards the tail end of the daytime Arietids
meteor shower. The radiant map shows the shower radiant (49◦ , 26◦ ) close to
the expected position (44◦ , 23◦ ), indicated by the diamond.
Zonal (top) and meridional (bottom) winds obtained from 15th to 19th June
• Both components show a clear diurnal variation. Meteoroid speeds of all meteors with great circles within 2◦ of the estimated
shower radiant after subtraction of a reference subset of sporadic meteors.
Fresnel transform meteoroid speed distributions as a function of time, height The resulting speed estimate (36.5 kms−1 ) shows good agreement with the
• The prevailing winds below 90 km are eastward, as expected for the Austral and range. accepted speed for this shower (37 kms−1 ).