WSH Guidelines For Investigating Workplace Incidents For SMEs
WSH Guidelines For Investigating Workplace Incidents For SMEs
WSH Guidelines For Investigating Workplace Incidents For SMEs
1. Introduction 2
1.1 Why you should Investigate Incidents 2
1.2 Purpose of this Guide 2
3. Investigation Guide 4
3.1 Who should Investigate? 4
3.2 How to Do it? 4
4. Investigation Kit 6
7. Other Resources 12
8. Annex
Annex A – Sample Checklist for Incident Investigation 13
Annex B – Sample Incident Investigation Form (Blank) 15
Annex C – Sample Incident Investigation Form 19
1. Introduction 2. What to Do when an
Incident Happens
1.1 Why you should Investigate Incidents When an incident occurs, stay calm. Check the area for immediate danger and take steps such
as switching off machinery involved and moving any injured persons to safety if need be.
Incidents can be prevented or avoided if the situation(s) that caused the incident were known,
and action was taken. Risk assessment is a tool to identify the hazards and risks in your You can consult Figure 1 for the course of action to be taken.
work and the workplace. It is a safety management tool that must be used to prevent incidents
from occuring.
Injuries, damages to equipment, structures and interruptions to work operations due to incidents To notify
can be costly. Therefore, as part of a good safety management system, you need to investigate Commissioner
incidents in a systematic way. This is to find out how they happened so that steps can be taken (see Section 5)
No Was anyone injured? Yes
to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
Even incidents that did not result in injury or damages should be investigated. This would help First aid /
workers regain confidence after the incident, and address any related worries. Control access to Call ambulance
the incident area
Check with Treatment, take
1.2 Purpose of this Guide insurance company photos of injury
This guide provides general guidance for incident investigation methods and their related tasks
like information gathering, analysis, implementation and review for simple or direct incidents. Information Check the Interview the
gathering incident area, injured person
take photos
For major incidents, the authorities (i.e., the Ministry of Manpower, Singapore Civil Defence
Force or the Singapore Police Force) will be involved. In such situations, please cooperate with Interview
the officers and follow their instructions. You can carry out your investigation while working witnesses
with them.
Implement changes
and communicate
Refer to Section 5 of this publication, “Reporting to the Ministry of Manpower,” for details on the
types of incidents that need reporting and the amount of time you have to make the report.
2 3
3. Investigation Guide • Note the position of tools and equipment; and the state of housekeeping and work
environment at the scene. Take photos if necessary.
• Interview each witness privately, asking open-ended questions.
• It is important to listen and not assign any blame at this point.
Part 2: Analysis
3.1 Who should Investigate? • Write down what happened during the incident.
The person leading the investigation should be one with authority to put in place immediate Safe Work Procedure
• Clearly record any unsafe acts and conditions.
corrective action when the investigation is completed. The person carrying out the investigation Unstuffing Container
must be neutral and not belong to the team involved in the incident. • Look through the information gathered.
1) Identify type of cargo coming into warehouse, monitor container arrival.
• Review current related documents, such as: 2) Ops direct container to designated bay.
Depending on the size and complexity of the incident, the investigation team can include – Safe work procedures (SWPs; see Figure 2);
3) Ops read UTS and identify type of cargo to unstuff.
4) Observe container for any sign of leakage.
people from different levels of the company (e.g., worker, supervisor, engineer, etc.).
– Safety data sheets (SDSs; see Figure 3); 5) Put on chassis wheel choke.
The supervisor needs to be involved because he knows the work area and processes well; he – Maintenance logs; and
7) Observe container floor board for any leakage.
10) Ensure no leakage and safe to unstuffy further.
comparing the unsafe acts and conditions during 11) Put cargo in staging area.
The investigation process has three main parts: as possible.
1. information gathering; • Review the effectiveness of the new control
2. analysis; and
3. review and implementation.
Part 1: Information Gathering
• Stop work in that area.
• Cordon off the incident area and make sure that people who are not involved in the incident
do not remain there.
• Make sure that the area is safe for investigation (e.g., turn off the power to the machinery or
wear the necessary personal protective equipment [PPE] such as safety boots in areas with
sharp or broken objects on the floor). Figure 3: Safety data sheets.
4 5
4. Investigation Kit 5. Reporting to the
Ministry of Manpower
Having a pre-prepared bag or box of items to use during incident investigation can help make Under the Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations, employers are required
things operationally smoother when an incident happens. Items in the kit should include: to report workplace accidents, dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases to the
• Investigation checklist or flowchart (see Annex A); Ministry of Manpower.
• Investigation form (see Annex B); and the following (see Figure 4) Accidents that need to be reported under the Regulations include:
* If the employee subsequently dies from the injury, the employer must notify the Commissioner for Workplace Safety and
Health as soon as he knows of the death.
+ For a List of Occupational Diseases, go to
6 # For a List of Dangerous Occurrences, go to 7
For more details on the types of incident that need reporting, go to: 6. Sample Investigation Process
For examples on what needs to be reported, go to:
As an employer or occupier, if you fail to make a report as required under the Regulations, you Part 1: Information Gathering
will be liable to: A. Investigate and check the scene
• a fine of up to $5,000 for a first offence; • Ah Meng suffered some cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. You instructed Tian Beng,
• a fine of up to $10,000, or a jail term of not more than 6 months, or both for the second and who was trained in first aid, to attend to Ah Meng and ensure that he was taken care of.
subsequent offence. • You checked the accident area for any CCTV camera that may have captured the footage,
but there was none.
Any person who makes a false notification or report of any workplace accident, dangerous • As the ladder and the toolbox were the only items on the scene, you secured the accident
occurrence or occupational disease to the Commissioner will be liable to a fine of up to $5,000, area using the barricade tape to prevent people from entering.
or a jail term of not more than 6 months, or both.
• Tian Beng and Stephanie, an office worker, were the only two witnesses to the accident.
For more information on incident reporting, go to: • The ladder was leaning against the wall, while the toolbox was on the floor. A screwdriver was found next to Ah Meng.
• The corridor was brightly lit, even though Ah Meng was supposedly changing one of the
light tubes. The condition of the floor was good as it was cleaned in the morning and the
corridor was not exposed to rain.
• You proceeded to take photos of the ladder, toolbox, screwdriver, the lighting tube Ah
Meng was supposed to change, and the view of the corridor from different angles.
8 9
B. Interview (Refer to Annex B – Sample Accident Investigation Form for interview details) D. Recommendations and Key Learning Points
• Tian Beng had finished bandaging Ah Meng. You asked Tian Beng to keep the first aid kit Looking at the root cause analysis and company records, you see that the company’s training
then interviewed Ah Meng privately in your office. and maintenance programmes need to be strengthened. Employees also need to check ladders
before using them, this should be added to the SWP. You plan how to carry this out (e.g., source
• After Ah Meng’s interview, you then asked Tian Beng into your room for his account
for trainers, plan a system for ensuring maintenance for ladders). Safer work methods, like using
of the incident.
a step platform, are considered.
• Lastly, you proceeded to interview Stephanie to gain a better understanding of the incident.
Part 3: Review and Implement
Part 2: Analysis You inform the management about your plan and get approval to carry it out. You then inform
C. Write down the information all employees of this. The plan was implemented within a reasonable timeframe. The measures
You gathered the information and reviewed all related documents (e.g., maintenance logs) and you implemented are reviewed and revised accordingly to feedback from employees. Changes
proceeded to write down what happened (see Annex C). The “root cause analysis” showed that: to the measures are recorded and kept along with the original plan.
Incident summary
Worker fell from ladder.
Cause analysis
Worker was distracted. Spreader was Rungs were
worn out. damaged.
Root cause
Worker lacks training or awareness of risk. Company does not have a
maintenance programme.
10 11
7. Other Resources Annex A – Sample Checklist for
Incident Investigation
• Investigating Accidents and Incidents – A Workbook for Employers, Unions, Safety Representatives First response
and Safety Professionals Action Done? Remarks
First aid for injured (if any).
• The Safety Library – Accident Investigation Control access to the scene.
Shut off power to machinery (if needed).
• A Guide to Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations Record names of witnesses.
• Singapore Civil Defence Force – Guidelines for Company Emergency Response Plan Action Done? Remarks
Police or Civil Defence (if needed).
Facilities manager.
Safety officer or manager.
Ministry of Manpower (if needed, e.g., death or
hospitalisation, see Section 5).
Scene investigation
Action Done? Remarks
Make sure that area is safe for investigation.
Wear PPE (if needed).
Taken note of:
• environment (lighting, floor, etc.);
• housekeeping; and
• location of equipment.
Took relevant photos of scene, equipment, and so on.
Action Done? Remarks
Assure interviewees of the “no blame” approach.
Interview injured person (if any).
Interview witnesses.
12 13
Analysis Annex B – Sample Incident
Use form to do cause analysis.
Investigation Form (Blank)
Come up with recommendations and key
learning points.
For all incidents
Come up with corrective actions and plan how Incident details
to carry them out.
Location Injury
Get management approval and carry out plan.
Date Property damage
Time Near miss
Date approval given: Done by:
Incident description
14 15
Equipment, tools or PPE involved (include serial numbers, if any): Witness’s account
Name Contact no.
16 17
Analysis Annex C – Sample Incident
Incident summary
Investigation Form
Root cause
Incident description
Ah Meng was found lying on the floor of the admin office corridor. He had been standing on a
ladder to change the fuse of the light tube of the corridor.
Corrective measure(s) to prevent repeat of incident
18 19
Equipment, tools or PPE involved (include serial numbers, if any): Witness’s account
Ladder, toolbox, screwdriver. Name Chew Tian Beng Contact no. 9xxxxxxx
No PPE worn, no Safe Work Procedure (SWP). He saw some ceiling lights blinking and wanted to tell Ah Meng about them. When he
walked closer, he saw Ah Meng climb down the ladder, miss a step and fall off the
ladder’s 4th last step (1.5m).
20 21
Incident summary
Worker fell from ladder.
Cause analysis
Worker was distracted. Spreader was Rungs were
worn out. damaged.
Root cause
Worker lacks training or awareness of risk. Company does not have a
maintenance programme.