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PDC Memo

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Quezon Avenue comer EDSA, Quezon City
JuIY L7, 2Ol4
No. 2OI4-82





Section 10, Article XIll of the 1987 Constitution provides that "Urban and rural poor
dwellers shall not be evicted nor their dwellings dcmolished, excepl in accordance with law
and in a just and humane manner".

Pursuant to this constitutional mandate, Section 28 of Republic Act (RA) No' 7279'
otherwise known as "Urban Dcvelopment Housing Act (L.lDHA) of 1992", prescribes certain
requirements that must be complied with in the execution of demolition and,/or eviction to
be undertaken:

Sections 4 and 5 of Executivc Ordcr (EO) No. 152 as amended by EO No. 708
recognize the need to provide police assistancc in the conduct of demolition and eviction
activities involving the underprivileged and homeless citizens;

On May 2, 2012, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)'
through the late Secretary fessc Robredo, issued a directive to the Philippine National Police
(PNP) to strictly comply with the mandatory Pre-Demolition Conference mandated by the
UDHA, prior to rendering assistance in demolitions and,/or cvictions activities.

In order to clarify any confusion in thc conduct of a Pre-Demolition conference

(PDC) and to bring life to the intent of the latc Sccretary fesse Robredo of ending
unwarranted violence during the eviction and demolition activities involving
Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens, all DILG Regional/Provincial/City Directors,
CLGOOs and MLGOOs arc dirccted to cause the widest dissemination to all LGUs of the
attached guidelines, which was jointly promulgated by the DILG, Philippine Commission for
the Urban Poor (PCUP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) and conformed to by the
National Presidents of the League of Cities of the Philippines and League of Municipalities of
the Philippines.

For strict compliance ancl guiclance.

otl605Ec oUTGotNG 14-03255

I ll.! DE |l'{ () ll-:l'tii $ I\il OlR E VIC'l'IC}irq li.CTl.\./I'll'I ES

ryllrlD[:!i -l-FdE ti"ittl'Atf,J t]|fl\JEt.o5r$,ilEl{T Lrr.lllt} l.lousftrl0 ,rtc"ll'

!iiI;.r::r,:j, Sectiorl 10, l\r i.icl(: XlIL oi the 1.987 C:on,-;titution provicies tl'}Jt "Urtldn
{rr] ii
aifro r1. -.:i1 [)oor dwollers :jlli]ll r|[]t bc *victecl not' tlrcir ilwellings demolisjlred, except
li i1c,.ii)r d.r Icf]l vvitll l:rw arr(l in ,rr luSt iir'ld humane l't]i:r|lr'tcr ,
br/ t r |r: lrr.r,"i...;/ llr.|| su(rnt lo lrlri:i con:jtrl:r.ltional nlondat;(r/ Sect;iofr 2B of 11'lpLrblic Act
'{RA) No. 7279, otlrerwi!,) lin()vvn .rs "Ul ban DevelollrlrenI of' HoL,sin! Act (UDHA) of
../1992", prc: cri[]es certi]irr ri:ciu rreme r'rts that rnLrst bc ljornplied wittr in the execution

4 ?rnil l, ol' [:x,]cLrl.ive Ordcr' (t.U) l\o. 152 as ?nrendeci by EO

Uty'$lE!.iilii.,r.li, Sect;ions
l\rr. 7{)8 f ci:ollrlizes tlri) ne,rcl to lli ovicle police ;t-.lsistance in the conduct of
[len] olil:ir.,'r itnd eviction actrvrl.ie:l Involving thc r Inderpr ivileged ancl hclnreless

&.HJLl;i, orl Ma\y' 2r ?01l,tlrc Dcu.rrtrrent ol' the l terior ancl l-ocal Govef nrT)e t
\/r"/ l^d lE
(DILG) is:,u€d a Letter dire(].ing the Philippitle Nat:ional l)olice (PNP) to strictly
cornpry witl) thc matldatofy l)r e- Dctrolition conlbrerrce mandated by the uDl-lA,
l.)nor l1r rcnd(,r'inc iitsliistilrct] ifr clefirolitions and/or evictions ilctivities;

NCrVrJ. [l]u:'&€FOI{E, irr rr (lrjr- to (:l,rr'riy any c:orrtLtsion ir't the inr lllefire ntatic)n of

(.l,rnolltLofl ;:I.ld/of evic(ior-l ir{:tivitier;, to be corrilLrr-tcd elfter a Pre- Demolition

ConrclTcrlce (PDC) the fr-rllowirrrl guidolines are lrereby promulgated and aldoptecl.

Secu\)!! x" rITL[:, - Il]l!j :ihrlll lle refefl ed lo as the "Guidelines on ltequesting
l'or tro{ice irssistar-!{:e in D{:ftlolirtiokr or Eviction ,Activities under the UDl"lA".

i'.: ,J s€cr.ro,r 7-, COVIE$trd6€. - lllr:r s{.rt of Gr]iclelines shilll apply to requests for Police
\tl Ae!r::t..l|rce In Dtlmolitiorr or L:vicliorl activities ertl'ect.ing UrrcJerprivileged ancl
t lorlelt-s:', Crtrzens vvhei.lr,jr throLtgh ( t) a Cou|t Order, or ( 2)Adm itlistrative Order
\ \ (Sumnrary or Extra - judicial l:victions and/or Dentolitions).

Sectiiofl 3, C,B.IECTMS. - lllis set of Guidelines is i tencled ro:

:r. rrrevelr[, ar']Li rl rlot, to stop the llostility atnd violrlnce ;irisit'rg froBl the
Oer)rolition ancl/or Eviclion of U nclerprivileged itnd Hoftteless Citizens;

b. :jalL:quard lronr l.lostrlily and violence, not only the alfected Unclerpnvtleged
irnd l-lomeless Citizerrs btrt al:io the reprcsentittives of goventment agencies
il|r(l llolice l)ersor']|rt?1, lnvc)lved in the Dernolition;rrrd/or Eviction,
I i:5

-l Flec{:lo!'r 4i.. DEU-XNnTIOlNil OF TE$e|jvl5. -. For t1"t€) pLtrpose of inter-preting these

Curclr)liniis, tlre te11ns and words us{td herein shall be constrlled to mean as follows:

j,talrninistr tive or'i:tnrr rcll'er :i [o rn orcler oi Evic]tion ancl/or Denrolition from tlle
lleS a'f mrnrstratrve or govenlrrent aqencies with cluasi- iLldicidl functions involving the
iiFl.{ *l'
Il' I [LAi
tJncl ef pr-i vi leged d ni1 I-lorrele:rs Citiz(,r'1s,.

i i"'= S.? Coufi Arder - rei'ers t{l a writ oi eviction and/or dr)molition issLted tly a coutt of
iri/l trj! corlrpetLi|rt lurisdiction. l-lris cloes not inc[lcle orcleTs or decisions of courts of
q/r.- conrpelerrt juris{licfion whiL:h nrr:rely grant or lift trmporary restraining orders,
ili il trl::
tJ il11)c) rllilr'rent or indeifinite inj u rlctlon:;/ lrrolr ibitions a|isin!J ffom actiorlS l"ilccl relative to
ll i I!'iD :-': irritiril Lxtr er -lr.rclicii:rl Eviciion alnd Derylolition orders as defined her€in. Neither does
li I 'q t2
it i '.!.!
l\ tj i; {/ Pa(le L oi 5
'1 r:; rir(-rrii.ri;j !vr'ri::;/ 0r-i.ral1; artrr/.,r u{rijr:;ron:; oI cunr1.:: ijr compcLctrt Jsr.rjJrction LirciL
,to Ili,r tr't\,,,)tv{t l r|lderl:]f tvtlrtll(.,-l iltid tjutltele:;:i C,ti:{(iit::;.

!''1r/t'.t .r,i,'!.'ir:i - rrrrrir- LO irl(:d5 wrriL:h wrren or',:u1.,i+ci fot

Jf:flr..Iy r-,ii:-.i ii,,r]!.lc' i,) flrd rn'e, sa{ety aLnd proprr.ty of eirher trre pLrrpo:;.,!
rd.ilLtiltL:j {}l Dl ttl0.Jitricjl i:jl ct}lt.iltlullify. -l.hs diinqcr iS,Jrjc
,rr 1trC0,il.l,,r lrtnl] trD hu|)an lit(.r or wull,beinrJ.
t(] fl Ltnitv()i(lable source

)Jj:ttjt*tllt!\)t,t - t fi)rj lI) to (ltj,{ll;tnt.li|l! by l:he t-oi_sl (joveltlmilrit- U it (LGd.,, atiy

,\;(l.:rlty .l t:hOt izccl ilLle ncy or lror sOrrncl oi tlre llovi]| nlnent of all strLtctures wjthin
l.lr(] llr-i]iitr:;d:; trjbJe(jt l'Ot. {ji.ji,i lrl,:1.

,rvrl{tldt)Ji, - | oti::f5 Lo thC rrtrlt(]v. of il person and l:lieit' belongings fi ot.lt a subjecl
IIU L 11r:]r :It1.ratl]lil oI i: -c r1] Oi lii)th.

- \t-.)<rftt-J!i iJtc.iJr ;vi{:N:!nfi irrlrrr D.:n.,..lition - rrjr'ers to the' Eviction

/ l ln, Lr, 01,
'\ri\/il,:r,,.i,-1 ai.r rr-,--.-,.^"
/ll:l:]'iil',y:,..,1:1.,.1:,1 ,.i,:
cririzeis and/or rh€r r"'noriutn oi"u,u'n'.r*""riing";
i': _..:ll,l uu "este|Ls",.ri,irro.:cr rracr<s,
rivrlr b,irli:;, slrot elinesi, watorways. public places ,ru.t, -i, ' ,id;;;ru, ";;fii;
earb;rse rrump-s,

rrorncr€:,:r citizcns
r1u51", ard ptdysLOunds; or the r=viction oi-Ltrrcr"ipii"il",s"5
!ill!1, crnd/of trre Demorition of their dvve|ings because ot qouJ-.;nt
rlr astrLrctLrre prolcct:; wrth iiv.lihbre tuncling that are to be i,"prdn"'enteJ ov
n'rtrilnar r.,r rocar qovcrnrlrcnts o'arry rega|y arutfrorizerr government
elgency witrrout
a no0rt ol- ii coL[-[ ordcr l]t.tr:;l_lr|tt to SocLion ZB (a) atnri (b) of Ure

tuntlc,tr i ! ! rfirr;tr.rtratu[t! ura,i,ect : teft-rr s to a governmc r i[]itia[eci

isd ir'{r,;/r,,!:rlJf
pr-olect for pllrposc:j of errharrr-:ing, introclucing 0r
aalcling to the loc;ll or national
in.'irslr uctLire. such t:; tJl,l i. ii,.rrr€lat(:cl web Jf roa,rJs, niglnways,
:;ocrcrlized hoLlsincJ projeicts, pLtblic u[ilities, flood cciutrol
p,ifrii. rrriiJi"gJ,
1)ro;ects and the lil<e.
P't'cr) xi'5'li/sftir'cd - rertl.s hJ .he rl€)acer(eepinc.J arcr r;"rw enforcerlcrtt
\\tr tl)e l)l\P Llrinng thcl cotl Icl ol,t)cnlolitions ancl/orl Evir-tiorrs.
suppoft of
r'-\.. r2r{Jporir':ht
- rcti'Cf:j tO d te pirf rjy req (lS!nq fbr poltce t\SststelnCe .

I st! tt t! ttir t"y,/ fvictistr aitd fl,,tr,uoritisr, - refers

to the inrmecJiate dism;Jntrirlg of new
i illeqiil strLlctures by the t (;Us or rJovernntent i:rqi:,rcy authorizecl
to condLlct
Dcr)rolitiorr ;lctivitie:'; ;rn(r irr. to uro immecriate rernivirr
;|rcl flle,'rl)i]rs oi'sqrrattinq syn(licate:i pllrsLrant to sectrir)n9 27
of professionar .qruti"ri
and 30 0t ttre i.loHH.-
). -i u*dr!r!i! r,tilsged afiur c"ifi2efls -. ref,crs to Lhe beneficiaries of tfre
fiJ'.' ur)H/\ an.r to individLrals'r-iroi,ritela$s
or 1'rrriries resicrinq in urban or urbanizabre areas whose
-1- incorre or comr-rined holrs*hord inconre fals within the poverty
lry []lre r!;1rior.rr Ecororlric -.cr Deveropment Authority thresh()rd as defined
rrolrse l'.rrrities. 'r-his shal inctijLre those who rive inrnnj anct wno oo nli own
in rni:l<esrrifi clwelring units ano io
not cnjoy l;ecurity oi l.eIIlt.i,r.

!LEQli.9{$T [:{i,trr p,oLIcH /{5$Is]fu{tqcE purock-lpuN{E$

tie ,
S\:duofl 5. !,.,LICC J\SSI'TA'\..CE. * Before police ilsststance is provicleci to the
t*t Propotlent, i,he followinq l)r.ocosses shitll be obscrveci:
I *{ i'(,
il < i7 3. Thc Proporl.'lrrt srr:rrr rr-rr(e i1 r(r In,lr rctter request r.or police
assistiance to the
F :5
il! (/) crlicr rrNrj ilt the r;)l\p r\ationar l.reacrquarters tbr request. tor r.'orice
ll I t-- r-
)- ,i l.ttit t\atio'il Capital l{egio'(NCR) or to the retevant Regao.al Director Assistance
li bU
:i t<r. :i tlri: r)Np rlsr'riiinar or'iice for re(.rLrests for porice (rssistance oJtsi,re tne at
ll lll t:..|
r.'+ l.'.lrri: terl (10) ci y$ pnor r-o the scl.reduled (iate of, the
rucn ai
ti t., oen-rolition and/oi
ii I-. :-L" l-viCtii)n;
l IrDOe 2 of 5
ii li)
L \l lit{tt.t)vvIlu (loclltl[]tttr; .jlrJtll D(tt iil-Lacl)ecl to Ultj t,orrnal lL:llcr I rj(tlLlt:st:
1 A ccr'lilrij(1 tr u(j (i)l)v uf ro relevat|.]lj {.j!)t]r t ofcler or- r\clrrr rf] rstr?crve
r)rfl{)r ancl/iji .! cef [ilir:{l tIUe col]y ol i:hi} Certit,icate or
(coc) or Der'r(iritio. or Eviction issrr{.}d by ttre Cl-rarrrnan of the
L-ocal frorisir)q rjoiirij r.)Llrsuiint to thc t)It-G Momoranflrrm
rio. 2008-.1.,t :j ; arrd
2. A cet tiiiei.t tr-uo copy Df tfte proponent,s fbrrnitl letter teqllesr rot.
r!isi:ttitni:e i:id.l t.i:):,;s;ecl to the l)hilipl)irrit {:ommission tor
troor'(PCLp) flri,ct iona l/ t: ielcl OfTice or pCLtp flead Ofi"ice, rnarl(ed
flre Ur.ban
"Rcceiv.lcl"; as
.j. Olhiir llcrttir"t itr'tt intorntiition in sLtppot.t iJf the retoUest.

r;ccuior'r !n. !-!-i/!i L,R.E-i(][it./ilt)d_]t'it"l[{}ht (iO!,lFlE[tEt\Icig" *-l () el-fect

the itJl ijle|nentatior I
or Det llolrtrun .ind/crr Evict:iori .r(:livitie .;, the lbllo$/in(J pr ocedur-es
shall be complied
wrtir :

alrofr rr:r,::ctf)t oi'th(i tornrul lctt(.:r r€quest, th(i pCUp shzrll

(48) trrlLrrs, prcpor \:i anci scr.ve Notices oi the pre Demc)rition witltirl fotty eight
cofrference to
!,]1.Io]l:r*lne, , DIL(:i, frN t), Dep rtment of Social Welfare ancj De velopmeni
(crrF)., the .National l-tou:;in(t Aurhority (NtJA), Commisiio,.l onr-,,,,rr,un Rights
l-ocar r'rors'q Boirrd of the t-cu auitrorizect to cause the
Dentolltion or Eviction, reprcsent.auves of the att.ected farnilies,
c.rse of' privately uwrtr.cl pt ol)er l.y), tfte prol)onet.tt, the relevant
a0en.-y rssLUrlg lhe IJcr.nolitr0n/ Eviction 0rdcr, and other concerned Court or
qoveInfncnt acjenci.::j ;

l). lh{,: e Der'olitao' Ci'ttcri.lnce shall be conve.ed and .on,fttcted by

Pf-t-JP. irt least l.hrce (.t) clay:; or seventy-two (72) hours pr
:;cited'lcci cliitit of DentnliLiorr arrd/or Eviclion. tVotiring
ior to the
hereirr shatt preveni
{t.'J thc rrcu P fro,]r convcni(q flle Pre-Dernolition conf.er6nce even before the
\,\ir reccipt ol' requests f,or itaisistal'ce ntentioned underr 5 (b2), :;r,rcfr
lj|olloncnt presenti,; the F(lllP with a copy o[ n demano ro vacate as if the
ljinril; -documcntg. or other

,,re rrcurr -;haI prerliirre over tire p[e- Dem oriti.r.l Li)nl'erence
t:he arssistitnce
of ou]€r :ralcnctesj ?Js necessary;
a'cr rrray car o'
Ll. biirore rrre corlference c-omrne.cesr pcLrp shaI ccrtify that
the rlotices of pre-
i-[ Derni:ilitron Contercncc wcrc ser.ved, throuqh ttre
acceltti:cl nrocles of service,
to.rll 1.lre cclncc[necl pnr.tics, menlionecl in Section 6(d);
d. Ihe.-r elevant uovernnlent agerlctes and int.erestecl parties scr-ved
.''il oi Pt
wr.] l\oLrce:;
e-DemolitioTl Lbnt,creirce sl.rall be listed ancl flrgrr preserrce
""T- ab:,;erce s'all be LiLtly nore.. .tis shall forr' an intelgial part and/or
of tne r ecorJs
or tlr!: l)t e-De|]tolitl()ft (:O forencc;

tn rlre rollLlwirg ropic:; :;rrall to.r1 part of the alrend.i to be

zl discusr;crl riuring the
e Der)tolitiot-l
lrr Confererrr:et prop,::t.:
< rd1i
'&: 1. ProJect or cdge Dtler;
2. fteview o[) Scction 2g ()l RA No.7279;
F- .}l* 3. PN P Operational procellLtres;
4. Rolo:i ?tn(:l prr rli(:ipattio of LGU and othcrr governmcnt
i{:< lJ. -l-he cJesi(:lnatiotl ol, tlte appt.opr iate pe rstrn-In_Cha|'cJe
,m() cjuring the
dctuill co dLt(.r oi D,.)n)olition a,Xl/or l-vi{lton;
r, [N
t- ::5
ut Paqe 3 of 5
Dc!rr.Ji1irUa, ()t'] l-tiitr lrl\P Oitic:{tt..iti.'(iltarge of thr.: r r i; lr-ri,e'ii'ce
Ln r
peitce tlt(.1 ()r ,let-clurrnq the ddunl ()l)ct?dons;
,/. InlOfiniitrot),t itn ;lcllice inl.(rlligenc(} ;ictivi[ie:' which miry
affcct ti-rc t.'l iJerly ;rrd peacef l in rqrlerlentation oi the eviction
;r Irrllilt cl,.: fl t c) liL: i0 |1 ;
tj. Av.rilal-rilit./ ol'tfre .lo{:r.lrT|ents sutlmill:c{l to the IrNP fa,r verificauorl;
1r. Delibc'-ilie t,lall oi /\ctior! ol,the pl\P.
l-0.Ot'her i.jjuo:j .rnd c,Jncents oF the lrffoctecl frlmilies, participating
z1ljenci( iji 3nd otth{:jl S;til l(eh o lders:

rhu der,rgri-)t*ci DIt.G r{:r)f.i:;cnLative or' th(i oiry/MLrnicipari[y shiil serve

r'lr\r se,irretariat or the r),-c-Demorition conference. r-re/she srral
r'\liiljor-rsillle fuir rijc(}i-dirltl itnci dOCufftentinq the cntire pl"oceedinq,s;

li(,tiitc As:,isl:incc :ilritll be l)ror/td,ed only: ,1:orr colnplianc.e of all the

rr':tlLrir.crnclrts stiil.cd if ) si-xitiiorr 28 of the uDflA and procedurss s;tated in the
ili (lcedir'lg gccti0lt jj_

Ser:i&o , 7. SLi!-,J|tlAiDI/-I"cV Cil_ri{y:i,f . _ It anv p|ovi$tons of me G iclelines

rnvtlrci or Un*lnstit[tioIla]l, any outer provisiotis not sr) aft'ected shall are held
valici al lci eft'ectiive.
continue to be

Secrii<"r,r ti. EFFiEC'{-1IVJ:'fV. - -t

he:;e Guideliues shall takc elTect Iiiteen (15) oay:,
irfi:eI it1, l)u llliciltac)t I j|l i:r r.tcw:tl]rrper oi genet-al circulation.
..t.,tJr'OVe(l Llrj- . Lt.rl ,rl 201.3 ii') Quezon City,

l"!An RpxAs
Secrederr Y -. f,a")'
l)epartrr tent Ol' lnterior and L{cal (iovernmetlt

\rr\/, i- ,
\I4',)!/ I" --)-
u/1t.vr "t
\. - \^r{-J
r/ C fl $,J; N lt t-tvri i{€,.{f t {I:r.jh;i{
A!-,ANI 17[.0|/{.]tsxMA
Clrarnr):lt/CE() Policr) Gener.il
Pr-esiid(.rflt.ictl Cotrntiision Ctriel',

liage 4 ot b
Wiltr our Conrormit',, :

IARDiO l{. .!AVIER, Jn.

lVational President
League of Municipalities of the phitippines

Page 5 or .i

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