Reading Comprehension 5 1stQ Sample
Reading Comprehension 5 1stQ Sample
Reading Comprehension 5 1stQ Sample
Enduring Understandings Essential Questions
Learners will come to understand that nouns: Learners will explore the answers to:
1. stories are meant to be shared and inspire people. 1. How can a story inspire people?
2. reading skills are study skills 2. What is the importance of knowing what and how to
3. information is anywhere, everywhere. easily get needed information?
4. stories make us better understand people and life 3. How do we know if an information is credible?
situations 4. Why can we always relate to stories in one way or
Knowledge Skills
Learners will know that: Learners will be skilled at:
Performance Task:
• G – Your goal is to share your most favourite story or novel character to courage people to read.
• R – You are one of the selected students to present a characterization poster in celebration of Book Week.
• S – You are chosen by your teacher to be the representative of your class in the poster presentation activity in the Book Week celebration. You are
going to include in the poster the elements of your favourite story so they could understand why you love that particular literature.
• P – You are to create an eye-catching, creative, characterization poster depicting one main character from your favourite story or novel. You are
going to present it with the elements of the story such as setting, character, plot, conflict and problem.
Poster includes a picture of the Poster includes a picture of the character Poster includes a picture of the
character with at least 5 descriptive with at least 3 descriptive adjectives, character with only one descriptive
adjectives, important quotations from quotations with explanation and proper adjective, irrelevant quotation without
and about the character with citation explanation and proper citation
adequate explanation and proper
Poster is original, colourful and neat Poster is original but lacks colors and Poster is very common and there are
and the texts are legible and neatness. Also, the texts are a bit signs of borrowing. Colors are very
Creativity readable. Overall, the poster draws unclear from afar. Overall, the poster still dull and smudged. Overall, the poster
so much attention and leaves a great is appealing but not lasting. does not appeal at all to the audience.
impact on the audience.
Other Evidences:
Pencil-and-paper tests
Written Exercises
Book activities
The teaching and learning will involve…
I. Objectives:
At the end of a 50-minute period, the Grade 5 should be able to:
a. unlock word meanings through word association;
b. identify the basic elements of the story (Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict and Solution)
c. use a story pyramid to retell the story;
d. identify the important characters in the story;
e. pick out positive and negative characteristics of the characters;
f. state the lesson learned from the stories read.
II. Materials
PowerPoint presentation, flashcards with names of characters, enlarged story pyramid
Soro, Delia H Reading Network 3rd Edition. page 55.
Art Materials
III. Procedure.
A. Routines
1. One-minute silence
2. Prayer
3. Word for the Day
B. Motivation
I am sure you already read several books. Who are your favorite characters in a story that you have read?
C. Presentation
1. Steps
Name Game: Divide the class into five groups and give each group a number. Place the flashcards on the table and tell them to
listen attentively as you describe a character. As soon as a group can identify the character(s), any member can run to the
table, pick out the card with the name, and place it on the board. The group with the most number of correct answers wins.
2. Learning Activity
Read and guide the learners in answering the book activities on page 55.
Read a certain story together and use a story pyramid to note the story ideas through its elements.
3. Application
In groups
Pick a story from the list and note the elements of the story using the story pyramid
4. Generalization: Ask the learners to answer the EQs
What is the importance of knowing what and how to easily get needed information?
Why do we have to understand the characters in the stories we read?
IV. Homework
Go to the library and read about the fable of the thirsty cow. Identify the traits of the crow based on what you read. Using a story pyramid, write the
elements of the story that you read. Write your answers in your Reading notebook.
Quiz on Basic Elements of the story
Oral reading practice