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Action Plan On Reading Intervention For Struggling Readers

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S.Y. 2017-2018
(A one-week remedial reading program intended to make the struggling readers be proficient readers)

Phases of the Goals and Activities/Strategies Persons Resources Time Frame Success
Institutionalization Objectives Involved Needed Indicator
Phase I: Pre- 1. To provide 1. Selection and Principal, Entrance Exam January 2018 Level of
Implementation entrance Classification of Head Teacher (Test Support to the
SELECTION examination students who will in English, Questionnaire) Program
(Conceptualization which undergo on the one Grade __ Level of
of the Remedial includes Oral week Remedial Teachers, and Acceptability
Reading and Test and Reading Class Remedial
Selection of the Reading Reading
Remedial Reading Comprehensi
Class) on Test

ORIENTATION 2. To give 2. Information Teacher Letter to Parents 1st week of

(Orientation and orientation on dissemination and Remedial Contact April 2018
Introduction of the the nature, Orientation of Reading Number
one-week scope, and parents and Teacher,
remedial reading rationale of the students through Students, and
program) remedial letters and personal Parents
reading to conversation.
students and
parents for
familiarity and
to stimulate
students love
for reading.
Phase II: 1. To assess the 1. Assessment of Remedial Pre-Test April __, 2018 Reports on
Implementation reading level of students’ reading Reading Questionnaire (first day) Reading
Proper the students level by giving Pre- Teacher, and Photocopies of Diagnosis
through giving Test Students Story
CONDUCT Pre-Test Oral reading of
(Actual the story
Implementation of Remedial Answering of
the Remedial Reading comprehension
Reading Program) Teacher, and questions
2. To increase 2. Adoption of a. Basic Sight April __, 2018 Maximum
the reading Reading Words Flash on (second, third, Participation of
proficiency of Intervention such the Wide screen fourth day) the students
students by as: b. SRA kit and
presenting Word Wall Student and power builders
engaging A Page A day Relatives c. word game:
activities SRA Scrabble
d. viewing of

3. To encourage 3. Embracing Reading short April __, 2018 Satisfactory in

a sense of reading even at fables and Analytic
personal home with the legends. Scoring Rubric
responsibility guidance of the
for one’s own parents, sisters, or
progress brothers, etc.
Phase III: Post- 1. To evaluate 1.Evaluation of Reading Furnish Post April __, 2018 Report on Mean
Implementation the students’ reading Teacher and Test: Oral and and Proficiency
FINAL improvement of level Students Written Reading Level
EVALUATION the students’ Test
(Diagnosis) reading

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