Action Plan On Reading Intervention For Struggling Readers
Action Plan On Reading Intervention For Struggling Readers
Action Plan On Reading Intervention For Struggling Readers
S.Y. 2017-2018
(A one-week remedial reading program intended to make the struggling readers be proficient readers)
Phases of the Goals and Activities/Strategies Persons Resources Time Frame Success
Institutionalization Objectives Involved Needed Indicator
Phase I: Pre- 1. To provide 1. Selection and Principal, Entrance Exam January 2018 Level of
Implementation entrance Classification of Head Teacher (Test Support to the
SELECTION examination students who will in English, Questionnaire) Program
(Conceptualization which undergo on the one Grade __ Level of
of the Remedial includes Oral week Remedial Teachers, and Acceptability
Reading and Test and Reading Class Remedial
Selection of the Reading Reading
Remedial Reading Comprehensi
Class) on Test