Handout (HBO) - Employee Attitude & Job Satisfaction
Handout (HBO) - Employee Attitude & Job Satisfaction
Handout (HBO) - Employee Attitude & Job Satisfaction
- Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment – the most commonly studied work related trait
- It is important because satisfied and committed employees tend to:
o Attend work
o Stay with an organization
o Arrive at work on time
o Perform well
o Engage in behaviours helpful to the organization
: the way you feel and think about something or someone
: a feeling or way of thinking that affects a person’s
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: attitude an employee has toward her job
: the extent to which an employee identifies with and is involved with
an organization.
= attend work, stay with the organization, perform well & engage in
behaviours helpful to the organization
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3 Motivational Factors
Affective Commitment
: employee wants
Continuance Commitment
: employee believes
Normative Commitment
: employee feels
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Individual Differences: individual’s personal tendency across
situations to enjoy one does
Genetic Predisposition
Core Self – Evaluations : emotional stability, self-esteem, self-efficacy,
external locus of control:
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Intrinsic Satisfaction & Job Characteristic Theory –
“Interesting tasks”
Maslow’s Social Level Facet Theory
Social Learning Theory - vicarious learning, model, social
Equity Theory – how fairly we believe we are treated -
Distributive Justice – actual decisions made in an organization
Procedural Justice – methods use to arrived to the decision
Interactional Justice – interpersonal treatment
- Intrinsic Satisfaction & Job Characteristic Theory – interesting jobs could elevate job satisfaction, therefore it is important to INNOVATE.
- Maslow’s Social Level Facet Theory – if the need of belongingness fulfilled
- Social Learning Theory – thru models or influence of social environment – For an instance a new employee is influence by the old employee’s negative
opinion about the company (stories, rants, etc) could affect the new employee’s perspective and may judge the company with the same belief with the
old employee.
- Equity Theory – the belief of an employee of he/ she is treated (fairly or unfairly towards the rewards like promotion) in comparison with others and
seek justice in 3 ways:
o Distributive Justice – is the perceived fairness of the actual decisions made
o Procedural Justice – is the perceived fairness of the methods use to arrive at the decision
o Interactional Justice – is the perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment employees receive.
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Maslow’s Self Actualize Level – need for growth and
Job Rotation: same number of tasks, but changes time to
Job Enlargement:
Knowledge – make more complex decisions
Task Performance - more tasks to do at one time, same
difficulty level
Job Enrichment: authority to make decisions about one’s
own work
Decision Making Responsibilities
Meaning and worth
Self – directed teams or quality circles
- Maslow’s Self Actualize Level: the need for growth and challenge, could be achieved into 3 ways:
o Job Rotation: employee is given with same number of tasks to do at one time but changes from time to time
o Job Enlargement: can through knowledge and task performance
Knowledge Enlargement – employees are allowed to make complex decisions
Task Enlargement – employees are given more tasks of the same difficulty level
o Job Enrichment: employee is given the authority to make decision about one’s own work
3 Methods
1. Give workers more responsibility over their job – make their own judgment about own work
2. Explain the job’s meaning and that they are meeting worthwhile goal through their work (the importance of their work or job to other
people, how their work could be helpful to other people)
3. Use of Self-directed teams or quality circles – allowing employees to participate in making decisions.
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Face Scale
MEASUREMENT – to help the organization measure employee satisfaction and to prevent consequences
- Face Scale – easy to use but no longer use because it lacks sufficient detail, lacks construct validity and that it’s so simple its demeaning
- Job Description Index – consists of a series of job-related adjectives and statements that are rated by employees
- Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire – 100 items, useful when an organization wants to measure the overall level of job satisfaction
- Nagby Satisfaction Questionnaire – criticized many of the standard test – that it only measure employee’s satisfaction on a certain aspect of the job but
not how important that aspect of job to them.
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Allen and Meyer Survey – 3 motivational factors
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire
: Acceptance of organization’s values and goals,
willingness to help and desire to remain
Organizational Commitment Scale
: identification , exchange and affiliation
- Allen and Meyer Survey – has 24 items and focus on the 3 motivational factors: Affective, Continuance and Normative
o Affective commitment
“I would be very happy to spend the rest 7 of my career in this organization.” “I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own.”
o Continuance commitment
“It would be very hard for me to leave my organization right now, even if I wanted to.”
o Normative commitment
“I would feel guilty if I left my organization now.” “This organization deserves my loyalty.”
- Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ)
o Focus on acceptance of the organization’s values and goals, willingness to work to help the organization, and a desire to remain with the
- Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS)
o Focus on identification, exchange, and affiliation
- Custom Designed Inventories
o The organization may need to hire a consultant that will make a custom survey with questions that are specific to the need of organization.
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Attendance to Consequences – importance
Rewards for Attending:
Financial Incentives
Time-off (Paid)
Recognition Programs
Discipline – warning, less popular work assignment, firing
Clear policies and better record keeping (Frequency vs. Instances)
Reducing Employee Stress
Reducing Illness
Not Hiring “Absence-Prone” Employees
Caused by Unique Events
- ABSENTEEISM: if an employee contemplated that attendance and the consequence is not of priority and decided to absent
Ways to Reduced or Prevent:
o Rewards for Attending – could be through financial incentives, time-off and recognition programs
o Discipline – to giving warning, to punishment (like giving less popular work assignment) and firing
o Clear Policies and better record keeping – instead of how frequent, record the number of instances and make a policy about it. For example, 3
consecutive days or missing one day is considered 1 count of absenteeism and could be subjective to corrective action
o Reducing Employee Stress – determine what causes your employee’s stress (personal problem and lessen it thru engaging the in variety of programs
and Employee Assistance Program (EOP) or seek counselors’ help
o Reducing Illness – consider employees’ health provide wellness program, on-site fitness programs and vaccinations, health screening, etc.
o Not Hiring “Absent-Prone” Employees – Controversial, the theory state that there are certain personality traits that could imply of a worker who will
most likely to miss work. For example, an employee with personality trait of conscientiousness and low in extraversion were least likely to absent.
o Caused by Unique Events –like Bad weather, accessibility of the work site – organizations moved to a place that it accessible for their employees or
can provide shuttle services or living perks
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Unavoidable Reason
Unmet Needs
Unmet Expectations
Counterproductive Behaviours – “get back”
Aimed at individuals
Aimed at the organizations
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