Free Vibration Analysis of A Dam
Free Vibration Analysis of A Dam
Free Vibration Analysis of A Dam
This document describes an example that has been used to verify that the natural
frequency of a vibrating dam, fixed at the base, is calculated correctly.
Used version:
• PLAXIS 2D - Version 2015.02
• PLAXIS 3D - Anniversary edition (AE.01)
Geometry: A dynamic analysis is carried out to identify the natural frequencies of a free
vibrating dam. The dam is 45.0 m high and has a 157.5 m wide base. The slope at its left
side equals 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) while the one at the right side equals 1.5:1. The base
of the dam is fixed in all directions and the rest of the dam is allowed to vibrate only in the
horizontal direction by use of prescribed line displacements (fixed in vertical direction). A
static point load is acting horizontally at the left side of the crest. The model geometry is
presented in Figure 1.
In PLAXIS 3D the model is extended by 1 m in the y-direction (plane strain conditions).
Prescribed surface displacements are used in order to force the dam to vibrate only in
horizontal direction. The default viscous dynamic boundaries in y-direction are changed
to None.
Materials: The dam is constructed of compacted clayey soil with shear wave velocity
(Vs ) equal to 365.8 m/s (1200 ft/s). The values of Rayleigh α and Rayleigh β are selected
to be zero to avoid any material damping. Undamped free vibration analysis of the dam
can be carried out. The adopted material parameters are:
Soil: Linear elastic Drained γ = 18 kN/m3 ν ' = 0.2 G = 245.5 ×103 kN/m2
Meshing: The prescribed line/surface displacements used to force the dam to vibrate
horizontally result in a well-formed structured mesh. In both PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D
models, the Fine option is selected for the Element distribution. The crest of the dam is
refined with a Coarseness factor of 0.2. The resulting mesh is shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 3.
Calculations: The self-weight P of the dam is not considered for generation of the initial
stresses in the initial phase ( Mweight is selected equal to 0). A plastic analysis (Staged
construction) is performed in Phase 1, with a static load equal to 1000 kN/m acting at the
crest (Figure 1).
In Phase 2, the free vibration analysis is performed. The time interval is selected to be 10
s and the displacements field obtained in Phase 1 is taken into account. The static load is
deactivated in order to allow for free vibrations. The Mass matrix value is selected equal
to 1, considering a consistent mass matrix. The Newmark alpha and Newmark beta
coefficients for the numerical time integration are defined as 0.25 and 0.5 respectively
(average acceleration method).
Output: The horizontal displacement ux for a point located at the crest of the dam is plot
against time. The results for both PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D are presented in Figure 4
and they are in good agreement.
The corresponding Power spectrum is plot against frequency in Figure 5. Two distinct
peaks are observed in which the power spectral density is concentrated. The
corresponding frequencies are 2.9 Hz and 6.4 Hz respectively. PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS
3D results are in perfect agreement.
Verification: The natural frequencies of a free vibrating dam are calculated as (Lambe
& Whitman, 1979):
Vs βn
ωn = (4 + m)(2 − m) (1)
H 8
where, ωn is the nth natural frequency of the dam in rad/s, H is the height of the dam, βn
is the nth root of a period relation for the first five modes of vibration (Kramer, 1996), m is
a stiffness parameter which relates the shear modulus of soil at depth z to the average
shear modulus at the base of the dam: G(z) = Gb (z/H) m .
The results obtained with PLAXIS are verified against the closed form analytical
solutions. The first two natural frequencies (n = 1, n = 2) are reported to be 3.1 Hz and
7.0 Hz (Kramer, 1996). The values obtained from the analysis in PLAXIS (Figure 5) are in
close agreement with the analytical solution.
[1] Kramer, S.L. (1996). Geotechnical earthquake engineering. Prentice Hall, New
[2] Lambe, T.W., Whitman, R.V. (1979). Soil Mechanics. John Wiley and Sons.