Bank of America - Dian
Bank of America - Dian
Bank of America - Dian
Class of R-41A
29109106 Dian Gita Utami
Reading Materials:
1. Putting The Service-Profit Chain to Work
2. R&D Comes to Services:
Bank of America’s Pathbreaking Experiment
3. Zero Defections: Quality comes to Services
“Bank of America”
1. How would you characterize Bank of America’s new system for new developing
services? Focus on its process, organization, management, and culture.
Bank of America new system, for the new developing service is Incremental
Innovations Service Improvements
service business. They are not trying to achieve big leaps in terms of innovation.
They are committed to improving innovation and willing to learn from mistakes.
It lacked any formal infrastructure for developing new ideas. Until relatively
recently, Bank of America had never made innovation a priority. However,
recognizing several years ago that it needed to improve its innovation
performance, the bank decided to create a new corporate unit called the
innovation and development (I&D) team.
The management is divided by customer, geography, and product. They very much
interested in innovation which is evident from its approval of 50% more resources
to the I&D Market. The management wants to focus on improving existing service
and introduce new service all geared towards increasing customer satisfaction
index and attracting new customers.
Each employee has the freedom, authority, and responsibility to do the right thing
for clients, customers, communities — and each other. They take collective
responsibility for the quality of client and customer experiences. The culture built
driven by cost reduction, and consolidation. Have a passion for achieving results
and winning — for the clients and customers, for the teammates and communities
and for shareholders. Decisive leaders at every level, communicating vision and
taking action to help build a better future.
The difference is that only Bank of America that did the innovation in all area while
the others innovate only in specific area, like The Fifth/Third Bank in Ohio only
innovated on the cost side, while Washington Mutual (WAMU) innovated on the
service side.
fixed assets, and need less investment on patents and licenses for the
development of new services.
- Fail early and often, but avoid mistakes. Novel ideas are bound to fail, which is
why early failures are necessary to eliminate unfavorable options quickly and
enhance learning. Experiments that result in failure are not failed experiments.
Corporations like Bank of America, BMW, and IDEO have used factors such as
fidelity, cost, iteration time, capacity, strategy, signal-to-noise ratio, and type of
experiment to maximize learning from projects. These companies have achieved a
balance in managing the following dual objectives: (1) finishing projects on time
and within budget and (2) using projects as experiments for learning.
4. Decision point: Should Butler and Brady accept ten additional bank branches
into its experimentation portfolio? Why or why not? Please be prepared to
discuss your specific plans on how they should respond to senior management’s
Butler and Brady, are faced with the decision regarding whether or not to accept
ten additional bank branches into the groups experimentation portfolio. The ten
additional branches would be located in many far-reaching locations across the
country which could have both positive and negative effects on the innovation and
development department.
Positive effects:
Negative effects:
There are negative effects of having to utilize the extra ten branches. Given the
limited budget and resources, doubts exist with whether or not it would be
feasible in terms of budget and labor required in order to actually develop the
branches to the standards required for them to be included in the program. An
extensive amount of training would need to take place with the staff at these
branches, as well as the implications of having to manage and measure
experiments in branches across the country. When the team had initially added
five more branches in Atlanta alone, they experienced significant strain on their
resources and time.
The decision:
Butler and Brady should accept the ten additional banks branches into its
experimentation portfolio, on the condition that their budget is expanded by the
amount required in order to utilize these branches effectively and make them
suitable for inclusion in the development process. This would allow them to
reduce their experiment backlog and would encourage faster implementation of
their successful developments across the entire bank. This could allow for faster
repayment of the company’s investment in the I&D Team.