Life of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

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Early Life of The Holy Prophet

Lineage of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W): Qussay → Abd ud-Dar → Hashim (Amr) → Abdal Mutallib
→ Abdullah → Muhammad. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was born in 570 A.D. in Makkah. Makkah
was ruled by Banu Quraish. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)’s father died 4 months before his birth.
He was sent with Bibi Halima of Bedouin tribe of Najd. She belonged to Banu Sa’ad. He returned
to Makkah when he was 5 years old. His mother died about a year later. His grandfather Abdal
Mutallib took care of him. When he was 8 years his grandfather died too. He was now under the
guardianship of his uncle Abu Talib. He accompanied his uncle on caravans. He met Christian
Hermit named Bahira in Bosra, Syria.

War of Fijar (Harb al-Fijar) or the Sacrilegious War

War of fijar was fought between Quraish and Kinana on one side and the Hawazin on the other.
It lasted for sixteen years. The given causes: The insult to a Hawazin maid by a Quraishite youth
The boasts of a poet who struck by an indignant Hawazinite The insults hurled by a creditor on a
Kinanite debtor The real cause was that imperialist intrigues of Persian and Byzantium empire
threatened Quraish’s commercial ambitions. This war was soon followed by the League of Just,
called the Hilf al-Fudhul.

Hilf al-Fudhul

Hilf al-Fudhul war had shown the residents of Makkah that they lacked a central authority.
They also realized Makkah was largely unjust. After their expeditions to Yemen and Syria
they came to conclusion that the element of justice was surely mussing in Makkah. The
justice was to be provided to everyone the natives and the travelers, and the wanderers
alike. 4 of the 10 Quraish tribes formed the League. They were Banu Hashim, led by al-
Zubair uncle of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), Banu Asad, Banu Zubrah, and Banu Taym.

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) who was present at the oath taking ceremony was clearly happy
with its just aims. Later in life, he upheld the oath and conceded its validity. He said “… if I be
invited to such a pact again I will surly take part.” This shows that justice is a universal
principle. Islam accepts justice even if Muslims aren’t involved. It is pertinent to note here
that these 4 clans were poor compared to the others who didn’t join.

The Call: 610 A.D.

By the time the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was 40 years old, he was spending more and more
time in Mount Hira where meditated for days and nights. One-night Angel Gabriel came and
said “Read.” These were the first words the Allah revealed to His Messenger. the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied “I cannot read.” To which Angel Gabriel repeated the word ‘read.’
After the episode, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) came home trembling and pale. He told Hazrat
Khadija about the incident over which she reacted calmly. This shows how sincere she was
to him. After that she went to her cousin named Waraqa and narrated the whole story. Her
cousin was now convinced that indeed he was the Last Prophet that was promised.
Afterwards started the series of revelations that we have today in the shape of Quran.

From the Call to the Migration

Early Preaching and Conversions

It is widely believed the first one to accept Islam after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was his
wife, Hazrat Khadija. About men, there are minor confusions about who converted first, but
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s conversion has political and social significance. Only twenty people had
accepted Islam in the first 3 years. Subsequently, he received revelation to preach publicly.
With this object in view, he assembled all the clans of Quraish on the hill of Safa where he
gave God’s message to the populace. Some stayed silent and some uttered evil words against
him. Among them was the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)’s uncle Abu Lahab. In the end, everyone
went home paying no heed to the message. Undeterred by the lukewarm response, the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) started preaching at the Eastern gate of the Kaaba because a lot of people
passed from here. The gate was also known as al-Arqam.

The last of the man to convert here was Omer in the 6th year of prophethood. Some
historians maintain that most of the converts were from lower class. Significant amount of
the converts was slaves. But there were exceptions such as Abu Bakr, Hazrat Omer, and
Hazrat Osman.

Opposition by the Quraish

Religious Causes

The Makkans were basically polytheist who worshipped stones and objects. Islam, on the
other hand, talked of One God – Allah. They also contended that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
had ulterior motives for personal gains. This is why they tried buying him through offering
beautiful wife, house, and lots of money. Moreover, Muslims believed in resurrection which
would shake the Makkans status quo. They couldn’t commit adultery, and usury. It should
also be noted that for the Makkans, Kaaba was a place that generated a lot of capital because
it was a sanctuary that stored 360 idols.

Social Causes

Parties that enjoy from the present conditions resort to extreme measures to keep the
conditions same. The Quraishite were an aristocratic class in Arabia. Islam with its message
of equality and justice threatened their superiority and authority. Islam set out to replace
slavery. It also placed women on equal footings with men. In addition, Islam strived to attain
‘Ummah’ and not petty and small tribes that were a norm in Arabia. If observed with care,
one can see Islam was diagrammatically opposite of the Jahiliya period.
Political Causes

Makkah had no central government. And unlike other religions, Islam proclaimed itself as a
complete code of life (this is why it is called deen instead of mazhab). Few clans enjoyed
greater authority and wealth. They also had hegemony over Kaaba. Banu Hashim was in
decline for few years now. Banu Makhzum and Umayya were the real players. They believed
the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was aiming for the political seat. They also cried if Allah were to
send his prophet why not from them as well.

Economic Causes

The Makkans loved usury. They Big Two also loved the monopoly they had over the trade.
They also loved the money generated through Kaaba. With the advent of trade, Makkah was
in true sense capitalist because rich was getting richer and poor poorer. But money is the
root evil in any problem. Islam’s message was to distance oneself from the riches. It wanted
men to contend himself. It wanted no gambling or usury.

The Persecution by the Quraish

It would be relevant to note here that the real wrath fell on lower class such as slaves. They
were humiliated, tortured, and sometimes killed. Nevertheless, they were socially weak but
not in their character or faith. For the Quraish members who turned to Islam, the Makkans
asked clans’ leaders to upbraid their members. Take for instance, Hazrat Usman was beaten
by his uncle Zubair ibn al-Awwam. When this severe persecution couldn’t dissuade the
Prophet and his followers, the leaders sent Utba bin Rabia with worldly offers such as
wealth, a beautiful woman or even leadership of Makkah. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
rejected the offer outright. They even asked Abu Talib to convince his nephew. He tried too,
but our Prophet remained undeterred.

Migration to Abyssinia

Although the Holy Prophet remained protected by his loyal uncle, other Muslims were not so
safe. The Holy Prophet advised them to migrate to neighboring area of Abyssinia. It was
Christian kingdom which was ruled by Negus. Negus was famous for his kind-heartedness.

Upon the advice, 15 Muslims (11 men & 4 women) migrated to Abyssinia. The migrants
included the Holy Prophet’s daughter Ruqqaya and her husband Usman. It also included
Ja’far, son of Abu Talib. But the Quraish would not let this go so easily. They had established
trade ties with Abyssinia. They persuaded the King Negus to return the migrants, over which
the King called all of the migrants to his court. Ja’far acting as a spokesperson replied,

“O King, we were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we worshipped idols,
practiced immorality, ate dead bodies, and spoke abomination; we disregarded every feeling
of humanity, and the duties of hospitality and neighborhood; our law was the law of the
strong and our government was the government of the tyrants. At last God raised among us
a man, of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty, and purity we know fully well; and he called un
to the unity of God and taught us not to associate anything with Him; he forbade us the
worship of idols; and enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trust, to be
merciful, and to regard the rights of neighbors. He forbade us to speak evil of women or take
property of the orphans. He ordered us to fly from vices and to abstain from evil; to offer
prayers, to render alms and to observe the fast. We have believed in him and accepted his
teachings and his injunctions to worship God and not to associate anything with Him. For
this reason our people have risen against us, have persecuted us in order to make us forgo
the worship of God and return to the worship of idols of wood and stone and other
abominations. They have tortured and injured us, until finding no safety among them; we
have come to your country and hope you will protect us from their oppression.”

It is also said the Ja’far recited a verse from Surah Maryam in front of him.

The speech isn’t just a plea to save the migrants from the oppression of the Quraish. It also
outlines the basic faith over which Muslims must act. It repeatedly talks about One God,
justice, abstaining from evil etc. Impressed by the speech and their courage, Negus allowed
them to stay. He rejected the Quraish’s demand of returning the fugitives. Encouraged by
the first party’s migration, 101 more Muslims migrated to Abyssinia during the year 616.
The first migration took place in 615. It must also be noted that Negus was so kind because
he himself was a Christian. He believed in Jesus. He knew a prophet would come.

Why they or the Holy Prophet chose Abyssinia? It is assumed that King Negus was know for
just attitude. Moreover places like Yemen and Syria had very close ties with Quraish due to
trade. Few of these places were also pretty far. After the conquest, we know the Holy
Prophet sent letters to leaders of countries. He sent one to Negus too, thanking him for
providing Muslims with shelter in 615/616. He also invited him into the fold of Islam.
Without any reluctance, Negus (Nijashi) accepted Islam and wrote back to the Holy prophet.
The episode also teaches us that migration is necessary when one cannot practice his/her
religion freely. This was further reinforced after migration to Madinah. Subsequently, it also
depicts how Muslims should leave their land not just in hard times but also to emanate and
spread the message of Islam. Consequently, when Negus refused to return the refugees, the
Quraish intensified their persecution. They knew Banu Hashim protected the Holy Prophet.
They cut all relation with the clan at least for 3 years. They were made to live in outskirts of

Visit to Taif

Due to blockade, the missionary activities subsided in Makkah. The Holy Prophet turned to
other cities. Taif was a near one. He went there with the invitation of Islam. But as it turned
out, they wouldn’t even listen. They hooted and hurled stones at the Holy Prophet. It is said
that the Holy Prophet’s sandals were soaked in blood, but he still prayed for their mercy. He
returned to Makkah in state of despair. The missionary activities were now very limited and
took place in limited close circle. But a miracle was to happen → the migration to Madinah
(called Yathrib then).
Migration to Madinah (Yathrib)

Yathrib lay 300 miles north to Makkah. The city had Jews as well as Arab tribes. The two
Arab tribes – Khazraj and Aws – were always at loggerheads with each other. The area was
war-stricken. In addition, Jews and Arabs would also quarrel. The city, unlike Makkah which
at least trade relations, was self-dependent. They relied heavily on their own cultivation, but
war was the order of the day. This made for a deadly combination.

In 620, party of few men from Khazraj tribe came to Makkah for pilgrimage. They saw the
Holy Prophet preaching and thought he was the prophet or messiah the Jews talked about.
But soon they were so impressed by the message that they returned next year more men.

Next year, 6 men along with 5 more (2 from Aws) met the Holy Prophet secretly. They
promised (pledged) to follow Allah’s religion. They planned to take the message to their
hometown. This was called “the first pledge of Aqabah”.

In 622, about 75 Yathribi Muslims came to Makkah to formally invite the Holy Prophet to
take refuge in Madinah. Thereupon, the Holy Prophet after reciting some verses and
repeating the earlier pledge asked them to obey him and fight for him. This was called “the
second pledge of Aqabah”. It is estimated that about 100 families (300 persons) left for
Madinah. Only few were left among them Ali, Abu Bakr, and the Holy Prophet himself.

Upon hearing the news, the Quraish decided to kill the Prophet before migrating but
fortunately couldn’t.After travelling for a while, the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr reached
Quba on 22nd September 622. They stayed there for two weeks and then proceeded to

Foundation of the Republic of Madinah

Yathrib at the time of Hijrah

As mentioned earlier, the Battle of Bu’ath had caused much destruction and discontent
among the populace. To rid Yathrib continuous warlike situation, the tribes decided to end
their enmity and elect a chief with central authority. At home, it was being decided that
Abduallah bin Obay would be the leader. Whereas, there were other Arabs that were busy
pledging in Makkah. At the time of the Holy Prophet’s arrival, Yathrib was divided into two
blocs: Ansar and Muhajireens / 2. Jews and supporters of Abdullah bin Obay. It is pertinent
to express here that Yathribis reached out to the Holy Prophet because they had their fear
that Abdullah might not be impartial in future. Thus, they wanted some impartial, just, and

The Brotherhood

The Muhajireens that arrived in Madinah were in state of poverty. They had to abandon all
their wealth in Makkah which was seized by the Quraish. The Ansars were in position to
help. And they helped immensely without any question. There are many unbelievable, yet
true, stories of their generosity. This relationship showed how Islam connected people not
on ethnicity, race, color, wealth, or area but by faith. Over time, the Muhajireens became
independent; they started trading. The event also portrayed what an Ummah would look
like. Madinah prospered because Ansars helped, if they hadn’t it is highly probable that state
of Madinah would’ve been the same as it was before.

Charter of Madinah

Following are main clauses of Charter of Madinah:

Political Clauses

Republic and Nation of Madinah (Madinah is a one political entity ~ Ummah)

Sovereignty of Allah and Presidency of the Prophet (the disputes if erupted would be solved
by the God and His Prophet, no one can declare war except for the Holy Prophet)

Duties and Obligations of War and Peace (while making peace or war, the believer will act
collectively as a body, the Jews and Muslims must mutually help each other if Madinah
comes under the threat of invasion)

Civic Clauses

Responsibility for peace and blood-money (everyone would be responsible for their own
wars. Blood-money be paid on time so that no discord should arise)

Duties regarding debt and contract (rescue anyone who has fallen badly into debt, no
contract if a contract already exists with other believer)

No believer shall assassinate other believer. If someone does do that, retaliation or blood-
money is a way out. The victim may forgive too. Same applies to the Jews.

Religious Clauses

Mutual responsibility and brotherhood of Muslims.

Element of tolerance.

Jews are recognized as a political alliance.


United a city that was plunged into civil strife. Life and property of every citizen was
protected under the law. No killing would go unpunished. The minorities were given their
due ad equal rights. For the first time in history, Arabia had now a city which was politically

Its Significance

In a sense, it was an outline of what the Holy Prophet and especially Islam aimed to achieve:
a united Ummah where rule of law, equality, justice, tolerance, and brotherhood prevailed.
This Magna Carta of early Islam also shook the social order of Arabia. It was now moving
from Tribalism to a unity based on faith.

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