Howdoigeta Reentry Permit?: Iama Permanent Resident B5
Howdoigeta Reentry Permit?: Iama Permanent Resident B5
Howdoigeta Reentry Permit?: Iama Permanent Resident B5
permanent resident B5
How do I get a
reentry permit?
A lawful permanent resident (LPR) normally may travel outside before you depart the United States. If you stay outside of the
the United States and return; however, there are some limitations. A United States for 1 year or more and did not apply for a reentry
reentry permit can help prevent two types of problems: permit before you left, you may be considered to have abandoned
• Your Permanent Resident Card becomes technically invalid for your permanent resident status. If this happens, you may be
reentry into the United States if you are absent from the United referred to appear before an immigration judge to decide whether or
States for 1 year or more. not you have abandoned your status.
• Your U.S. permanent residence may be considered as abandoned If you are in this situation, contact the U.S. consulate about
for absences shorter than 1 year if you take up residence in a returning resident visa.
another country.
A reentry permit establishes that you did not intend to abandon I am a LPR and need to travel abroad. Can I file my Form
status, and it allows you to apply for admission to the United States I-131 to get a reentry permit while I am outside the United
after traveling abroad for up to 2 years without having to obtain States?
a returning resident visa. Reentry permits are normally valid for 2 No. You cannot file a Form I-131 to obtain a reentry permit unless
years from the date of issuance. you are physically present in the United States when you file the
You may also want to get a reentry permit if you plan on traveling form.
outside the United States and cannot or do not wish to get a You should file your Form I-131 no fewer than 60 days before you
passport from your home country. Many countries throughout the intend to travel abroad.
world may allow you to use a reentry permit much like you would
use a passport—placing necessary visas and entry and exit stamps
in the permit—so you may use it as your main travel document. If I file Form I-131 to get a reentry permit while I am in
Be sure to check with any country you plan to visit about specific the United States, will USCIS deny the Form I-131 if I
requirements before you travel. leave the United States while the form is still pending?
We recommend that you file Form I-131 while you are in the United
How do I get a reentry permit? States. However, you do not have to be in the United States for
USCIS to approve your Form I-131 and issue
To obtain a reentry permit, file Form I-131, Application for Travel a reentry permit to you if your biometrics (photo, fingerprints) have
Document. You should file this application well in advance of your been obtained. You can indicate on your Form I-131 that you want
planned trip. Filing instructions and forms are available on our Web USCIS to send your reentry permit to a U.S. Embassy, consulate
site at or a DHS office overseas, so you can pick it up from one of those
The instructions on the form will give you more details. For facilities.
additional questions, check our Web site or call Customer Service
at 1-800-375-5283.
If I file Form I-131 for a reentry permit while I am in the
United States, can I submit my biometrics while I am
What will happen if I do not apply for a reentry permit outside the United States?
before I travel outside of the United States? No. When you file your Form I-131 to obtain a reentry permit,
If you are an LPR planning to travel outside of the United States for USCIS will notify you when to appear at a designated Application
1 year or more, it is important that you apply for a reentry permit Support Center (ASC) to obtain your biometrics. You must provide
Key Information
Key USCIS forms referenced Form #
in this guide
Application for Travel Document I-131