5.professional Practices

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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore

Course Title: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES (Mechanical Stream)

Total Contact Hours: Course
Scheme (L:T:P) : 0:2:4
78 Code:15ME55P
Type of Course: Assignment Core/ Elective:
Credit :03
Group talk and practice Core(practice)
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks
Prerequisites: Enthusiasm to Explore New things by taking individual tasks and acquires
skills from participating in group activities.

Course Objectives:

Professional development of Diploma engineering students is to be done by exposing them to

various simulative situations in the industries. This is achieved by involving students in
activities such as inviting experts from various industries for sharing their experiences,
arranging industrial visits, seminars etc.
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Linked Linked Teaching

Course Outcome CL
activity PO Hrs

Search the information related to

CO1 topic, and acquire knowledge of
contemporary issues related to Analysis 1 2,8,9 15
advancements in Mechanical
Exposure to various industry
environment practice and global,
CO2 societal, economic, and/or Application/
2 2,7,8,9 15
environmental issues, by listening analysis
experts talks and interact with
Discuss & disseminate about
CO3 advancements in related Innovative
3 7,8,9 15
profession including societal, /Analysis
CO4 Develop individual confidence
and acquire life skills to handle Application 4 2,7,8 15
various engineering assignments
Enhancing the employability
CO5 skills and to increase his ability Analysis
5 2,4,10 18
to engage in, life-long learning, /Creation
by undergoing industrial visits
Total 78

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P


Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 3 0 1 0 0 2 3 2 1
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

1. Information Search and Data collection: 15HRS

Information search can be done through manufacturer’s catalogue, websites, magazines;
books etc. Following topics are suggested.
1. Engine lubricants & additives
2. Automotive gaskets and sealants
3. Automobile automatic diagnostics
4. Engine coolants and additives
5. Two and Four wheeler carburettor.
6. Power steering
7. Filters
8. Different drives/Transmission systems in two wheelers.
9. Types of bearings – applications and suppliers.
10. Heat Exchangers
11. Maintenance procedure for solar equipment.
12. Tools holder on general purpose machines and drilling machines.
13. The student should search any relevant information of innovation principles should lead
to selection of Project in Current semester.
14. Cutting tools
15. Additive manufacturing
16. Alternative materials for manufacturing
17. Composite materials
18. Nano materials
19. Welding in medical applications
20. Micro machining and fabrication
21. Advanced metal casting
22. Special purpose machines
23. Jigs and fixtures
24. Plant maintenance
25. Industrial safety
26. Fire fighting
27. Industrial Effluent treatment
28. Low cost automation

Method for conducting Graded activities

1. The student should individually select the topic, and search the information related to
2. The report is strictly hand written document to have knowledge of precise writing
and report making based on data collection

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

3. Carry out class room presentation.

2. Guest Lecturers: To be organized from any two of the following areas 15 HRS

Experts / Professionals from different field/industries are invited to deliver lectures at least
TWO sessions in a semester. The topics may be selected by the teacher /industry expert to
develop required skills.
Note: The ISTE student chapter/CCTEK/ Institute of engineers (Institute chapter)/ student
clubs of polytechnic may be used as platform to conduct this activity.
1. Pollution control.
2. Non destructive testing.
3. Fire Fighting / Safety Precautions and First aids.
4. Computer Networking and Security.
5. Career opportunities,
6. Yoga Meditation,
7. Aids awareness and health awareness.
8. Use of plastics in automobiles.
9. Nonferrous Metals and alloys for engineering applications
10. Surface Treatment Processes like electroplating, powder coating etc.
11. Computer aided drafting.
12. Industrial hygiene.
13. Composite Materials.
14. Heat treatment processes.
15. Ceramics
16. Safety Engineering and Waste elimination
17. Interview Techniques.
18. Alternate fuels – CNG / LPG , Biodiesel, Ethanol, hydrogen
19. Piping technology
20. Electronic fuel injection systems
21. Exhaust gas analysis.
22. Vehicle testing.
23. Environmental pollution & control.
24. Vehicle aerodynamics & design.
25. Earth moving machines.
26. Biotechnology
27. Nanotechnology
28. Rapid prototyping
29. Programmable logic controllers
30. TQM
31. MPFI
32. Hybrid motor vehicles
33. Packaging technology
34. Cloud computing
35. Expert systems

Method for conducting Guest lectures

1. The teacher/ISTE student chapter convener should fix up the date for guest lecture
2. The HOD of the department should chair the event
3. The students of class allowed to participate in the session

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

4. Watch the talk and make the brief hand written report on the guest lecture delivered
by each student as a part of Term work.
5. Make Audio/visual record of the guest lecture by using any smart devices
6. Opportunity should be provided for students for live Interaction with experts and
record it on any one smart device.

3. Group Discussion: (One topic) 15HRS

The students shall discuss in group of six students .Some of the suggested topics are
1. Polythene bags must be banned!
2. Do we really need smart cities?
3. E – Books or Printed books – what's your choice?
4. Is Face book for the attention – seeking and lazy people?
5. Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture.
6. Analytically evaluate the solutions to traffic problems
7. Global warming is caused more by developed countries
8. Rain forests help in maintaining the earth’s ecosystem
9. Reservation for women would help the society
10. How to deal with terrorism
11. Water resources should be nationalized
12. Daughters are more caring than sons
13. NGOs - Do they serve people's interests?
14. Managers are born, not trained
15. Managerial skills learnt in the classroom
16. Women are good managers
17. India's growth rate is bridging gap between rich and poor.
18. Nuclear power is a safe source of energy
19. Electronic media vs. print media
20. Corruption is the price we pay for democracy
21. Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
22. Advertising is a waste of resources.
23. Privatization will lead to less corruption.
24. China market - a threat to Indian market
25. Technology Creates Income Disparities
26. India should be reorganized into smaller states.
27. Rising petrol prices - Govt. can control?
28. Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope
29. Developing countries need trade, not aid.
30. Business and Ethics do not go together
31. Performance based bonuses for government employees should be welcomed
32. Depreciation of Indian Rupee has only negative impact on the economy
33. Gold: Best investment or a bursting bubble?
34. Freedom of press should exist
35. India needs a strong dictator
36. Media is a mixed blessing/How ethical is media?
37. Computer viruses are good
38. India should practice "Swadeshi"
39. The government should stop funding IIT's and IIM's
40. Food Bill - Is it really something India needs?
41. Will India really be the superpower of 21st century?

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

42. Quality is a myth in India.
43. China - A threat to India?
44. Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
45. Mobile phones - requirement of the day.
46. Cursing the weather is bad farming
47. If you want peace, prepare for war
48. Education is a progressive way of discovering your ignorance.
49. Beauty contests degrade womanhood
50. If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem
51. Examinations - has it killed education?
52. The medium of teaching in schools should be English
53. A room without books is like a body without soul.
54. Educated Indians lack national commitment.
55. E-Learning is good for the education system and society

Methodology for conducting Group discussion/Seminar

1. The teacher will allot a topic for a group of six students
2. The teacher should give an introductory talk on Ways and rules to carry out group
3. The students should ask to show interest with others and work effectively with them
to meet common objective. The teacher should provide tips to accept feedback in a
constructive and considerate way and how to handle frustrations in group, while
4. The placement officer and any other senior faculty of the institute/ HOD of other
department should be invited and they should act as observing members, apart from
5. The teacher should fix up the time duration for initiating and conducting the activity

6. Documentation to be produced for validation

∑ Hand written document on minutes of discussion, description of the topic discussed
∑ Record the few minutes of discussion by smart device

4. Individual Assignments and Life skills 15HRS

The students will perform ANY ONE of the following activities individually (other similar
activities may be considered) in both the sections
A. Individual assignments
1. Collecting Failure data for automobile / machines / equipment.
2. Study of Hydraulic system for any one application like – dumpers, Earth moving
equipment, Auto service station.
3. Survey of oils used for hydraulic circuits – specifications, properties, costs,
manufacturers names etc.
4. Study any one type of CNC machining centre and prepare report on tooling and tool
holding devices
5. For a given job write a sequence of operations performed by automated
manufacturing system. Draw a block diagram of control system to perform above
6. Survey of types of bearings involving information about construction working
principles, mounting, lubrication, materials, advantages, limitations and cost.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

7. Prepare a trouble shooting chart for any refrigeration system and suggest remedial
measures to avoid failures
8. For a drilling or milling operations on a simple machine component,
9. Draw a jig or fixtures showing various features like locating clamping, fool proofing
10. Compare non traditional methods on the basis of working principles, accuracy , MRR,
Applications and limitations a) EBM b) PAM C)AJM d)WJM
B. Life skills
1. Conduct aptitude, general knowledge test, IQ test, Solve Puzzles.
2. Set the goal for personal development.
3. Develop good habits to overcome stress.
Methodology for conducting activity
1. The teacher will assign a topic for individual student; give sufficient time to complete
the task. Ask the student to submit an hand written report
2. The teacher should conduct any one specified life skill activity with local NGO/
placement cell/ISTE student chapter/CCTEK/ NSS unit of the institute. The student
should present his/her experiences in a class and make report.

5. Industrial Visits 18HRS

Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same shall be submitted by the individual
student, to form a part of the term work. Following are the suggested types of Industries/ Fields.
Note: One Industrial visit is arranged per practical batch of students.

1. Automobile manufacturing / press component / auto component manufacturing units to

observe the working of SPM / Non Conventional Manufacturing process / CNC / FMS /
2. Refrigeration and air conditioning manufacturing / servicing units
3. Industries
4. State transport depot/workshops
5. Automobile service stations for four wheelers/Wheel Balancing unit for light and/or
heavy motor vehicles/exhaust gas analysis and vehicle testing / ST workshop.
6. Co-ordinate measuring machine to observe its construction working specifications and
applications. Engine Testing unit to gather details regarding the testing
procedures/parameters etc.
7. Food processing/ Dal mill/ Oil Mill/ Automated bakery unit.
8. Textile industry / Textile machinery manufacturing / garment manufacturing /embroidery
/ textile printing and dying units.
9. Hydro electric and Thermal power plants.
10. Tyre retreading, paint manufacturing, foundries, forging unit, heavy fabrication unit, steel
and wooden furniture/Toys manufacturing/Agricultural equipment manufacturing units.
11. Hardware and Machinery stores selling agro equipment
12. Plastic injection moulding, extrusion, blows moulding.
13. Stone crushers / hot mix plant/ service stations of JCBs and other earthmoving equipment

M Methodology for conducting activity

1. The subject teacher(s) have liberty to select nearby organization/industry of local vicinity
with prior approval of principal of the institute
2. Arrange the nearby visit and Prepare a word processing report of the visit including
details observations made, Details of visit should be mentioned with date , place etc

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through discussions and activities

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:

What To whom When/Where Max Evidence Course

(Frequency in Marks collected outcomes
the course)
CIE IA Students Each activities 25 Report 1,2,3,4,5
@5 marks each
End of the 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5
course at BTE
Student Feedback Students Middle of the Feedback forms 1,2,3
on course course Delivery of
End of Course End of the Questionnaires 1,2,3,4,5,6
Survey course Effectiveness
of Delivery of
instructions &
Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Student activities report for25 marks
2. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

For end examination:

1. Note for examiners : The records of the activities should be preserved in the
department for minimum three years and the examiner should verify these
records to prevent duplication of the activity

Scheme of Valuation for End Examination

Serial no Description Marks

Report and presentation on Information Search and Data

1 10

2 Document on Guest Lecturer by experts 10

3 Recording of Group discussions made by any smart devices 10

4 Report on Individual assignment/ Life skill activity recorded 10

5 Report on Industrial visit 10


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Student
1 2 3 4 5 Score
Collects very Collect much Collects Collects a Ex:
Does not collect
limited information; some basic great deal of
Collection any information
information; but very information; information; 4
of data relating to the
some relate to limited relate most refer to all refer to
the topic to the topic the topic the topic
Does not perform Performs all
Fulfil Performs very Performs
any duties Performs very duties of
team’s roles little duties but nearly all 5
assigned to the little duties assigned
& duties unreliable. duties
team role team roles

Rarely does Usually does Always does

Shares Always relies on the assigned the assigned the assigned 3
does the
work others to do the work; often work; rarely work without
equally work needs needs having to be
reminding reminding reminded.

Usually does Talks good;

Is always talking; Listens, but
Listen to most of the but never Listens and 2
never allows sometimes
other Team talking; rarely show interest speaks a fair
anyone else to talk too
mates allows others in listening amount
speak much
to speak others

Average / Total marks=(4+5+3+2)/4=14/4=3.5=4

Note: This is only an example. Appropriate rubrics/criteria may be devised by the
concerned faculty (Course Coordinator) for assessing the given activity

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

- Semester Diploma Examination

Time: 3 Hours] [Max Marks: 50

1. Write brief note on information searched and data collected activity 10marks
2. Give brief explanation about knowledge acquired by you during
the guest lecture 10 marks
3. Write the conclusion of the topic given for the group discussion 10 marks
4. Write brief note on individual assignment performed and
information gathered and data collected activity 10marks
5. Write the sequence of processing followed in the industry/work shop
You have visited 10 marks
Note: The marks should be awarded on the basis of Reports/Documents submitted by the

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka StateMECH 15ME55P

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