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The holy month of Shaban

Sha'baan is the eighth month of the Islamic Calendar.

Literal meaning: Sha'baan means to spread and distribute. During this month
blessings descend and the provisions and sustenance of man is distributed.

Beginning of Sha'baan

Blessings are initiated and progressively escalate so that by mid-Sha'baan the

blessings have reached a considerable amount and finally these blessings reach
their peak by the end of Ramadan.

What is Sha'baan ?

Sha'baan is the month that comes between Rajab and Ramadhaan. There are
many virtuous days with which Allah (swt) has blessed his prophet Mohammed
(saw). He has promised us great reward for each and every virtuous deed, even
if it be as small as removing something from a pathway that may trouble others.

Every day Allah (swt) through His love and mercy has allocated a specific time in
which those who call unto Him are answered. He has set aside certain days in
which mercy has no limits, to those who plead for it. From amongst the special
times and days is the month of Sha'baan, in which each deed acted upon, is
rewarded more generously by Allah (swt) than compared to any other day.

Why is Sha'baan important ?

In a Hadeeth Sayyidina Usama (r.d) reports that prophet Hazrat Mohammed

(saw) said, "There is a month between Rajab and Ramadan called Sha'baan,
people are very ignorant towards this month, even though the reward of each
deed is greater within it and the deeds are presented to Allah (swt)." (Imam
Baihaqi reports this hadeeth in his kitaab Shuab-ul-Imaan).

It has also been stated in the kitaab 'Daylami' that prophet Hazrat Mohammed
(saw) proclaimed, "Sha'baan is my month." In another hadeeth Sayyedna Aa'isha
(r.d.a) narrates that prophet Mohammed (saw) preferred to observe the fasts of
Sha'baan thus uniting them with the fasts of Ramadan. From the above
Ahaadeeth we learn the significance of Sha`ban and prophet Mohammed (saw)
attachment to this blessed month.
This month should be spent preparing for Ramadan, by dong virtuous deeds, so
that in Ramadan we undertake even more virtuous deeds. By then hopefully our
religious duties would become habitual.

Events of Sha'baan

1. 'Laila-tul-Baraa'at' (Shab-e-Barat) (Night of forgiveness), the fifteenth night of


2. 'Qibla', the direction to face in Salaat, was once again reverted to the Kabah in
Makkah (after facing Bait-ul-Muqaddas in Jerusalem for a short period of time).
This took place two years after Hijrah on the 15th of Sha'baan.

3. Fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan was made compulsory two years
after Hijri on the 25th of Sha'baan

Virtue of the 15th night of Sha'baan

Allah (swt) descends to the lower heaven and turns with special mercy and
forgiveness towards those who repent and seek forgiveness. Unlike any other
night, wherein Allah (swt) descends during the latter part of the night, on the 15th
night of Sha'baan, Allah (swt) descends to the lower heaven from sunset

Hazrat Anas [ibn Maalik] (r.d) once said: When asked about the most meritorious
fasting, the prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) said: “Fasting in Sha’baan in
honor of Ramadan.”

Hazrat ‘Ubaidu’llaah ibn Qais once heard Sayyedina A’isha (r.d.a) say: “The
dearest of months to Allaah’s Messenger (saw) was Sha’baan, which he would
link to Ramadan.”

According to Hazrat ‘Abdullaah (r.d), Allaah’s Messenger (saw) once said:

Anyone who fasts on the last Monday of Sha’baan will be granted forgiveness. -
meaning the last Monday that falls within it, not as the very last day of the month,
for it is forbidden to anticipate the month [of Ramadan] by one or two days.

Allah (swt) has said: Your Lord creates and chooses what He wills. “wa
Rabbuka yakhluqu maa yashaa’u wa yakhtaar”. (Holy Qur’an, 28:68)

Thus Allah (swt) has selected four out of each kind of thing,

He has chosen one of the four: From among the Angels, He selected Gabriel
[Jibriil], Michael [Miikaa’iil], Israafiil and ‘Azraa’iil, then He chose Gabriel from
these four.
From all the Ambiyaa (Sallallahu alayhim ajma’een), the four He selected were
Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (Allaah bless them all, and give them
peace), then of these He chose Muhammad (saw).

The four He selected from among the Companions (r.d) were Abuu Bakr, ‘Umar,
‘Uthmaan and ‘Ali, his preferred choice was Abu Bakr (r.d).

The four mosques: The Sanctuary Mosque [by the Ka’ba in Mecca], al-Aqsaa
Mosque [in Jerusalem], the Mosque of Medina the Ennobled City, and the
Mosque of Mount Sinai. Of these He chose the Sanctuary Mosque [al-Masjid al-

The four days: The Day of Breaking Fast [Yawm al-Fitr], the Day of Sacrifice
[Yawm al-Adhaa], the Day of ‘Arafa, and the Day of ‘Ashuuraa.’ Of these He
then chose the Day of ‘Arafa.

The four nights: The Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Baraa’a], the Night of Power
[Lailat al-Qadr], the Night of Friday Congregation [Lailat al-Jum’a], and the Night
of the Festival [Lailat al-‘Id]. Of these He chose the Night of Power.

The four sites: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and the Mosques of the Tribes
[Masaajid al-‘Ashaa’ir]. Of these He chose Mecca.

The four mountains: Uhud, Sinai, Likaam, and Lebanon [Lubnaan]. Of these He
chose Mount Sinai.

The four rivers: Jaihuun, Saihuun, the Euphrates [al-Furaat] and the Nile [an-
Niil]. Of these He chose the Euphrates.

The four months: Rajab, Sha’baan, Ramadaan, and al-Muharram. Of these He

chose the month of Sha’baan, and made it the prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw)
own month. So, just as the prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) is the most
excellent of Ambiya, his month is the most excellent of months.

According to Abuu Huraira (r.d), the prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) once said:
“Sha’baan is my month, Rajab is Allah (swt) month, and Ramadan is the month
of my ummaha. Sha’baan is the expiator, while Ramadan is the purifier.”

According to Anas ibn Maalik (r.d), the prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) once
said: “The excellence of Rajab over other months is like the excellence of the
Qur’aan over all other speech, while the excellence of Sha’baan over other
months is like my excellence over the rest of the Prophets, and the excellence of
Ramadan over other months is like the excellence of Allah (swt) over all His
Anas ibn Maalik (r.d) is also reported as having said: “When the Companions of
the prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) beheld the new moon of Sha’baan, they
would immerse themselves in reading their copies of the Qur’aan. The Muslims
would pay the alms-due [zakaat] assessed on their wealth, thereby providing the
means for the weak and the poor to fortify themselves in preparation for the
fasting of the month of Ramadan. The governors would summon the prison
inmates, to carry out the sentence on those convicted of major offences under
Islamic law, and to set the rest free. Businessmen would set about paying their
debts and collecting their dues. Then, when they beheld the new moon of
Ramadan, they would bathe themselves and devote themselves to worship.”

On the meanings of the five Arabic letters of the word Sha’baan.

The word Sha’baan [in the Arabic script] is spelled with five letters: shiin, ‘ain,
baa’, alif and nuun. The shiin stands for sharaf [nobility], the ‘ain for ‘uluww
[sublimity], the baa’ for birr [piety], the alif for ulfa [harmonious intimacy], and the
nuun for nuur [radiant light].

These are the gifts from Allah (swt) to His servant in this month. It is a month in
which treasures are laid open, in which blessings are sent down, in which faults
are forsworn, in which sins are expiated, and in which benedictions are multiplied
upon prophet Hazrat Mohammad (saw), the best of human creatures.

This is the month of blessings upon the Chosen Prophet. Allah (swt) has said,
“Inna ‘llaaha wa malaa’ikata-hu yusalluuna ‘ala ‘n-Nabiyy: yaa ayyuha ‘lladhiina
aamanuu salluu ’alai-hi wa sallimuu tasliimaa”. (Allah and His angels shower
blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe invoke blessings upon him and
salute him with a worthy salutation.) (Holy Qur'aan 33:56)

“The blessing of the Lord (Blessed and Exalted is He) upon His prophet Hazrat
Mohammed (saw) is the enhancement of respect. The blessing of the angels
upon him (saw) is the display of gracious favor. The blessing of his ummah upon
him (saw) is the request for intercession.”
As he himself (The Holy Last Messenger, (saw) has told us: “When someone
pronounces a single blessing on me, Allaah blesses him ten times.”

Far from being negligent during this month, therefore, every conscientious
believer is obliged to exert himself in preparation for the coming month of
Ramadan, using the days that remain to get clear of sins and repent those
committed in the past. One should beseech Allah (swt) in the month of
Sha’baan. One should appeal to Allaah (Exalted is He) through the owner of the
month, prophet Hazrat Mohammad (saw), until the corruption of one’s heart is
corrected, and the sickness of one’s inner being is cured.

This must be done without delay and not put off until tomorrow, for the days are
three: yesterday, which is a date in history [ajal]; today, which is a time for action
[’amal]; and tomorrow, which is a hopeful expectation [amal], for whether you will
get there or not is beyond your ken. Thus yesterday is a caution, today is an
opportunity, and tomorrow is a risk.

The months are likewise three: Rajab, now past and gone beyond return;
Ramadan, awaiting in a future you may not live to see; and in between we have
Sha’baan, so let us seize this opportunity for worshipful devotion.

The prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) once said to ‘Abdu’llaah ibn ‘Umar ibn al-
Khattaab (r.d) by way of stern advice:

Make the most of five before five: youth before old age; health before sickness;
wealth before poverty; ease before business, and life before death.

Prophet Hazrat Mohammed (saw) has said “On this day the angles come to the
earth and Rehmat-e-illahi is spread to those who remembered Allah (swt)”. On
this night those who remembered Allah (swt) their status will be raised high and
Allah (swt) will forgive them of all sins. Prophet Mohammed (saw) said “Those
amongst us who are alive at the time of Shab-e-Barat and prays to Allah (swt)
then he will be blessed for his prayer till the Day of Judgment and it will be written
in their graves”
Allah (swt) says on this day if anyone says O Allah (swt) forgive me then he will
be forgiven, if anyone says O Allah (swt) please give me health then he will be
given the best health, if any poor person ask to be removed from his poverty then
Allah (swt) will give him wealth.
On this blessed night one must take a bath (ghusal), wear nice clothes, put nice
perfume (attar), put surma in your eyes for prayer, do miswak, go to the grave
yards give Fateha, charity, pray for the deceased, look after the ill people, read
tahajjud namaz, read Darood sharif, salat-o-salaam and nafil namaz as much as

What to do on Laylatul Baraa'ah (I5th night of Sha'baan)

As much time as possible should be spent in nafl salaah and reciting of the

On one occasion Khatoon-e-jannat Hazrat Fatema (r.d.a) said, “I won’t step into
jannah until i won’t take the people who had offer namaz on this night”

Sher-e-Khuda Maula Hazrat Ali (r.d) has said, “ who pray in this night will be
relieved from all problem, 1000 angels will pray for him for his jannah”

Prophet Mohammed (saw) has said, “ A person who read Darood Sharif 3000
times and bless me I will assure his forgiveness on the day of judgment”
Nafil Namaz

On the 15th of Shaban at the time between Asr and Magrib read 40 times La
hola wala kuwata illabilhil aliyul azim

After Namaze Magrib read 6 rakat nafil namaz with 3 salams (3x2)

1. 2 rakat nafil namaz with intention (niyat) of Daraze Umar (Long life)
2. 2 rakat nafil namaz with intention (niyat) of Dafa-e-Bala (rid of all
3. 2 rakat nafil namaz with intention (niyat) of Rozi mein Barkat and Maklooq
ka mahutaj na hona (prosperity in work, wealth and not to be depended on
any human being)

In the above namaz in each rakat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlas 11
After every 2 rakats read Surah Yaseen and Nisfe Shaban once each

Nisfe Shaban
Allahumma Yaa Dhal manni walaa yumannu `alayh
Yaa dhal Jalaali wa'l iIkraam
Yaa dhal-Tawli wa'l iIn'aam
Laa Ilaaha illa anta
Zahru'l laaje'en wa Jaaru'l mustajeereen wa Amaanu'l khaa’ifeen

Allahumma in kunta katabtanee `indaka fee Ummil Kitabi

shaqiyyan aw mahruman aw matrudan aw muqattaran `alayya fir-rizqi
famh'ullahumma bi-fadlika
shaqaawati wa hirmaani wa tardi waqtitaara rizqee
wathbitnee 'indaka fee Ummil Kitabi
sa`eedan marzuqan muwaffaqan lil-khayraati
fa innaka qulta wa qawluk al-haqq
fee kitabikal muzal `alaa lisaani Nabiyyikal mursal
<<yamhullahu maa yashaa'u wa yuthbit
wa 'indahu Ummul Kitab>>

Ilaahi bit-tajalli'l A'dham

fee laylatin-nisfi min shahri sha`ban al-mukarram
allatee yufraqu feehaa kullu amrin hakeemin wa yubram
an takshifa `annaa min al-balaa'i wal-balwaa'i
maa na`lamu wa maa laa na`lam
wa anta bihi a`lam
Innaka antal-a`azz ul-akram

wa sallallahu ta`ala `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-in

Wa `alaa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi wa sallam
Wal-hamdu lillahi Rabbil-'aalameen

Ameen Ya Allah


Nisfe Shaban - English

O Allah! You shower favours on everyone

And no one can do You any favour.
O the Possessor of Majesty and Honour,
O the Distributor of bounty and rewards,
There is no one worthy of worship except You.
You help the fallen
And provide refuge to the refugees
And give peace to those who are in fear.

O Allah! If in the Mother of All Books that is with You

You have written me down as someone who is
Doubtful of achieving salvation, or deprived,
Or rejected or without enough sustenance,
Then, O Allah, with Your Grace
Remove all of these misfortunes from me
and in the Mother of All Books that is with You,
establish me as someone who is
blessed, with abundant provision and charitable good deeds.
Indeed, what You said in The Book You sent
Through the tongue of Your Blessed Prophet is true
That Allah changes and establishes what He wants
And with Him is the Mother of All Books.

O My Lord! For the sake of Your Divine Manifestation

On this fifteenth night of the blessed month of Sha'ban
In which You issue all Wise and Irrevocable Decrees
Remove from us all calamities and hardships,
those that we know about as well as those that we don't,
while You know everything.
Truly, You are the Most Powerful, Most Generous.

And may Allah the Exalted shower blessings and peace on

Sayyidina Muhammad, and on his family and his companions
And all praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Amen O Allah

After Isha take a bath (ghusal) with intention of prayer then read 2 rakats nafil
namaz tahiyatul wadu, even if ghusal is not done read tahiyatul wadu in each
rakat read Surah Fateha once, Ayatal Kursi once and Surah Ikhlas 3 times.

Then read the following nafil namaz:

1. 2 rakat nafil namaz of Shabe-e-barat in each rakat after Surah Fateha

read Ayatal Kursi 1 time and Surah Ikhlas 15 times
After 2 rakat read Darood Sharif 100 times for enhancement in

2. 8 rakats nafil namaz of Shab-e-Barat with four salaam (2 rakat each 4

times) in each rakat after Surah Fateha read Surah Qadr 1 time and
Surah Ikhlas 25 times.

3. 8 rakats nafil namaz of Shab-e-Barat with four salaams (2 rakat each 4

times) in each rakat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlas 10 times.

4. 14 rakats nafil namaz of Shab-e-Barat with seven salaam (2 rakat each 7

times) in each rakat after Surah Fateha read Surah Kaffiron, Surah
Ikhlas, Surah falak and Surah Naas 1 time each (4 Quls). After every 2
rakats read Ayatal Kursi 1 time and Istekfar 101 times.
5. 8 rakats nafil namaz for the blessing of Bibi Fatehma-tuz –Zohra (r.a)
(salate Fatehma-tuz Zohra) with one salam (8 rakat 1 time) in each rakat
after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlas 11 times.

After namaz by making prophet Mohammed (saw), Bibi Fatehma-tuz-Zohra (r.a.)

and all blessed saints the waseelah (link) make dua to Allah (swt). Allah (swt) will
give you prosperity in your work, a long life, protect you from evil (Shaytan) and
any problem and a good health Insha Allah. Ameen.

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