Saep 50
Saep 50
Saep 50
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Applicable Documents.................................... 2
3 Definitions and Acronyms............................... 3
4 Instructions..................................................... 8
5 Responsibilities.............................................. 9
6 Project Activity Matrix................................... 33
1 Scope
This SAEP does not apply to royalty/custody metering projects developed, funded and
executed by Saudi Aramco. SAEP-21 shall apply for these projects.
2 Applicable Documents
The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure:
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
3.1 Definitions
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Meter Skid: The field portion of a metering system consisting of the following
components, as applicable: meters, strainers, density meter, flow-conditioning
sections, block valves, control valves, piping, instruments, electrical equipment
and associated structural steel.
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Proponent: The Saudi Aramco organization responsible for signing the Saudi
Aramco Form 7213-ENG, Mechanical Completion Certificate. In the context of
this document, the Proponent is the Saudi Aramco organization responsible for
operating and maintaining the metering facility.
Prover Skid: The field portion of a metering system consisting of the meter
prover, outlet block valve, control valve, piping, instruments, electrical
equipment, and associated structural steel.
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Vendor: The party that supplies or sells integrated metering systems, metering
equipment, or components.
3.2 Abbreviations
9COM - Commodity Code
AFC - Approved for Construction
AOC - Aramco Overseas Company BV
ASC - Aramco Services Company
BI - Budget Item
CE&TSD - Communication Engineering & Technical Support
CMU - Process & Control Systems Department/Process
Instrumentation Division/Custody Measurement Unit
CSD - Consulting Services Department
DBSP - Design Basis Scoping Paper
DMU - Drawing Management Unit of Engineering Knowledge &
Resources Division
DSD - Domestic Sales Division
DS&LD - Domestic Sales & Logistics Department
E&C Engineering & Construction
EIV - Emergency Isolation Valve
ESD - Emergency Shutdown
FAT - Factory Acceptance Test
FPD - Facilities Planning Department
FSD - Functional Specification Document
GI - General Instruction
GCPSU - Gas Customers Projects Support Unit/Northern Area Projects
GNP&DMD - Gas/NGL Planning & Domestic Marketing Division
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
4 Instructions
The location for Custody Transfer Measurement will be based on the following:
1) Upstream of the point where responsibility changes from a supplier to SA when
the Supplier owns, operates and maintains the measurement equipment;
2) Downstream of the point where responsibility changes from SA to a Customer
when the Customer owns, operates and maintains the measurement equipment
Custody transfer metering systems for hydrocarbon gases shall be designed and
installed in accordance with SAES-Y-101. Royalty and/or custody transfer metering
systems for hydrocarbon liquids shall be designed and installed in accordance with
Each purchase order for a royalty/custody metering system shall include a requirement
for the Vendor to provide on-site operations, maintenance and engineering training
following installation.
Each meter prover shall be calibrated prior to the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) by a
Third Party Inspector.
Each ultrasonic meter in a Major or Primary Gas Metering System shall be calibrated at
an approved calibration facility prior to the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).
Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT’s) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT’s) shall be
conducted for the various types of metering systems as follows:
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
A water injection test shall be conducted for each automatic sampling system in crude
oil service when is installed at the site.
Meter calibration curves shall be generated for all liquid pipeline and marine
loading/unloading meters. When a meter will be used for the transfer of more than one
hydrocarbon liquid, a separate curve shall be developed for each liquid.
5 Responsibilities
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Each design review will require at least 15 working days after receipt of the
design package by the Saudi Aramco reviewing organizations.
v. Conduct a Pre-Inspection Meeting with the Metering System Vendor.
This meeting will be attended by the Monitoring Inspector, VID and
Customer assigned Third Party Inspector(s).
w. Submit “key” design drawings to GCPSU for concurrence by GCPSU and
approval by the Proponent(s) and PCG, if applicable.
x. Submit the Approved-for-Construction (AFC) Drawings and specifications
in hard copy and CD formats to GCPSU for distribution to the
Proponent(s) and PCG, if applicable.
y. Submit Vendor’s draft Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Procedure to
GCPSU for review by GCPSU, Proponent(s), CMU and MINPET (royalty
metering systems only) at least 60 days prior to the scheduled FAT.
Include the Vendor’s system drawings, logic and cause and effect
drawings, graphic displays, report formats, equipment manuals and
literature, and volume calculations with the draft FAT Procedure. Forward
all comments to the Vendor for implementation.
Commentary Note:
Review of the FAT Procedure will require at least 15 working days after
receipt of the procedure by Saudi Aramco reviewing organizations.
z. Prepare construction contract.
aa. Bid and award construction contract.
bb. Submit final FAT Procedure to GCPSU for distribution to Proponent(s),
CMU and MINPET (royalty metering systems only) at least 30 days prior
to the scheduled FAT.
cc. For a Major or Primary Gas Metering System, notify GCPSU of the
schedule for the meter calibration(s) at least 50 days prior to the scheduled
dd. For a Major or Primary Gas Metering System, witness and approve the
ultrasonic meter calibration(s).
ee. Notify GCPSU of the FAT schedule at least 50 Days prior to the scheduled
FAT to be conducted at Europe and USA vendors. This notification period
will apply for both Gas and Liquid Metering Systems.
ff. Pre-FAT reports shall be made available to all the involved parties in
Saudi Aramco to confirm that the FAT can go ahead. Approve the
results from the metering system Pre-FAT. Confirm that the Vendor’s
“as-manufactured” drawings are complete and are available for the FAT.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
gg. Witness the FAT, provide a list of exception items and approve the FAT
hh. Submit approved FAT report, complete with all FAT exception items, to
GCPSU for distribution to Proponent(s) and CMU.
ii. For Project where an existing metering system is to be upgraded or
replaced, the Vendor/Customer shall provide GCPSU with a Switch-
Over Procedure document. PMT shall forward this procedure to CMU
for Approval and MINPET in case of Royalty metering projects
jj. Submit Vendor’s draft Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Procedure to GCPSU
for review by GCPSU, CMU and Proponent(s) at least 60 days prior to
the scheduled SAT. Prepare comments spreadsheet. Forward all
comments to the Vendor for implementation.
Commentary Note:
Review of the SAT Procedure will require at least 15 working days after
receipt of the procedure by the Saudi Aramco reviewing organizations.
kk. Submit final SAT Procedure to GCPSU for distribution to CMU and
Proponent(s) at least 30 days prior to the scheduled SAT.
ll. Clear metering system for shipment after receiving confirmation that all
exception items from the FAT have been completed.
mm. Prepare a construction Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan
that generally follows Saudi Aramco Contract Schedule Q and
SAEP-1150. Submit final QA/QC Plan to GCPSU for approval by PID.
nn. Prepare an Inspection Plan indicating details of inspection coverage for
all the proposed purchase orders for the project and submit to GCPSU
for review and approval by VID.
oo. Arrange/conduct Inspections for project material/equipment as per
approved Inspection Plan. Saudi Aramco will provide Monitoring
Inspections only for the Metering System Purchase Order or will advise
Customer if further involvement is needed.
pp. Construct metering facility in accordance with the applicable Saudi
Aramco engineering documents, approved waivers, General Instructions
Approved-for-Construction (AFC) Drawings and approved QA/QC Plan.
qq. Prepare the Start-Up and Operating Instructions. Submit the Start-Up and
Operating Instructions to GCPSU for review by GCPSU and
Proponent(s). Revise instructions in accordance with all comments
received. Submit final Start-Up and Operating Instructions to GCPSU for
approval by Proponent(s).
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
rr. For liquid metering systems, notify GCPSU of the schedule for the
official prover calibration at least 14 days prior to the scheduled
ss. For a liquid metering system, perform the official prover calibration by
the waterdraw method in conjunction with a Third Party Inspector.
Master Meter method can be used upon approval of the Chairman of
Custody Measurement Standards Committee. Submit the prover
calibration certificate and calculations to GCPSU for approval by
Proponent(s), CMU and MINPET if required.
tt. Notify GCPSU of the schedule for the facility walk-through.
uu. Conduct the facility walk-through with various Saudi Aramco
organizations. Compile a list of exception items for the Mechanical
Completion Punch List. Submit the list to GCPSU for approval and
preparation of the Mechanical Completion Certificate, Form
vv. Complete items required for start-up (“yes” items) from Mechanical
Completion Punch List. Obtain approval from GCPSU, Proponent(s)
and other originating individuals or organizations that their respective
items have been satisfactorily completed.
ww. For a Secondary Gas Metering System, notify GCPSU of the schedule
for the non-flowing SAT at least 14 days prior to the scheduled SAT.
xx. For a Secondary Gas Metering System, conduct non-flowing SAT in
accordance with approved SAT Procedure. Include integrated meter
system checkout. Obtain GCPSU concurrence Proponent(s) and CMU
approval for the SAT report.
yy. For a Secondary Gas Metering System, submit the approved SAT report,
complete with a list of all exception items, to GCPSU for distribution to
Proponent(s) and CMU.
zz. Submit Vendor’s proposal for on-site training to GCPSU for review by
Proponent(s). Request Vendor to revise program in accordance with any
comments received. Schedule on-site training for Proponent
engineering, operations and maintenance personnel with GCPSU.
aaa. In conjunction with the Vendor, conduct on-site training for Proponent
engineering, operations and maintenance personnel.
bbb. Prepare as-built Start-Up, Operating and Maintenance Manuals in
accordance with SAEP-121 and SAEP-122. Include technical operating
and maintenance documents for all computer systems and equipment.
ccc. Submit the as-built Start-Up, Operating and Maintenance Manuals, and
Test Certificates to GCPSU for distribution to Proponent(s).
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
ddd. Prepare spare parts list for start-up and first routine maintenance. Submit
list to GCPSU for review by Proponent(s). Revise list in accordance
with all comments received.
eee. Procure and store spare parts in accordance with provisions of
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement and the agreed upon
spare parts list. Notify GCPSU when all spare parts have been received.
fff. If applicable, prepare a procedure for the Proponent(s) to request spare
parts. Submit proposed Spare Parts Request Procedure to GCPSU for
review by the Proponent(s). Revise procedure in accordance with any
comments received.
ggg. If applicable, submit final Spare Parts Request Procedure to GCPSU for
distribution to Proponent(s).
hhh. Following installation and checkout of communications facilities, request
GCPSU issue a Partial Mechanical Completion Certificate, SA Form
SA-7213-ENG, for communications portion of the project if applicable.
iii. Schedule and complete pre-commissioning activities. Include loop
checks of the communications to OSPAS and functional tests for all
equipment controlled by OSPAS (e.g., remotely-operated emergency
isolation valves (ZV’s) and/or flow control valves (FCV’s)). Obtain
concurrence from GCPSU and approval from Proponent(s), OSPAS, and
PID that pre-commissioning has been satisfactorily completed.
jjj. Prepare three sets of as-built “red-line” mark-ups of the Approved-for-
Construction (AFC) Drawings, specifications and other engineering
documents. Submit drawings, specifications and documents to GCPSU
for review by Proponent(s). Revise drawings in accordance with any
comments received. Submit final drawings to GCPSU for distribution to
kkk. With the Proponent(s), prepare system for commissioning and start-up.
Obtain confirmation from GCPSU that the system is ready for start-up.
lll. After signing the MCC and receiving the operating order from OSPAS,
commission and start-up the system with the Proponent(s).
Commentary Note:
Each facility must comply fully with SA standards and field test
requirements before they can be officially commissioned.
mmm. For a liquid metering system or a Major or Primary Gas Metering
System, notify GCPSU of the schedule for the flowing SAT at least 14
days prior to the scheduled SAT.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
nnn. For a liquid metering system, or Major or Primary Gas Metering System,
conduct the flowing SAT in accordance with the approved SAT
Procedure. Obtain GCPSU concurrence, and Proponent(s), CMU and
OSPAS approval for the SAT report.
ooo. For a liquid metering system, or a Major or Primary Gas Metering
System, submit four copies of the approved SAT report, complete with a
list of all exception items, to GCPSU for distribution to Proponent(s),
ppp. If a crude oil automatic sampling system is installed, notify the GCPSU
of the schedule for the water injection test at least 14 days prior to the
scheduled test.
qqq. If a crude oil automatic sampling system is installed, conduct the water
injection test in conjunction with the Vendor. Submit the water injection
test report to GCPSU for concurrence and approval by the Proponent(s),
CMU and MINPET if required.
rrr. For a liquid pipeline, or marine loading/unloading metering system,
notify GCPSU of the schedule for the meter calibration at least 14 days
prior to the scheduled calibration.
sss. For a liquid pipeline or marine loading/unloading metering system,
establish meter calibration curves for each liquid hydrocarbon.
Ensure all proving reports are signed by the Proponent(s) and MINPET
if required. Submit the meter calibration data to GCPSU for approval by
Proponent(s), CMU and MINPET if required.
ttt. For a liquid pipeline, or marine loading/unloading metering system, enter
the approved meter calibration data in the applicable flow computers.
uuu. Complete remaining exception items from the Mechanical Completion
Punch List and non-flowing or flowing SAT, as applicable.
Obtain concurrence from GCPSU and approval from Proponent(s)
and the originating individual or organization that each item has been
satisfactorily completed.
vvv. Complete and verify correctness of as-built CADD drawings. Submit
drawings to GCPSU for review by GCPSU and Drawing Management
Unit of Engineering Knowledge & Resources Division. If required,
revise drawings based on comments received. Submit final drawings to
GCPSU for distribution to Drawing Management Unit for incorporation
into the Saudi Aramco drawing system.
www. Compile bound Start-Up and Operating Instructions, Maintenance and
Equipment Manuals, Calculation Manuals, As-Built Photostat Books and
Inspection and Pre-commissioning Data Books in accordance with
SAEP-121 and SAEP-122. Ensure that the technical, operating and
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Domestic Sales and Logistics Department (DS&LD) has the two following
divisions that administer the domestic hydrocarbons sales.
1. Gas/NGL Planning and Domestic Marketing Division (GNP&DMD) is
responsible for the sales of Sales Gas, Ethane and NGL Products.
2. Domestic Sales Division (DSD) is responsible for all other hydrocarbons
sales in the Kingdom.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
The Inspection Department (ID) concurs with all waivers of Saudi Aramco
engineering requirements in accordance with SAEP-302.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
As the Customer or Supplier has more than a vested interest in the quality
of the facilities, ID/Project Inspection Division’s role will be less than on a
“normal” SA project. GCPSU will work with the Customer or Supplier to
develop an acceptable QA/QC Plan.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
f. For projects that transmit data to/from OSPAS, install the equipment
supplied by the project and build/configure the necessary software to
monitor and control the facility.
g. Participate in the facility walk-through and submit a list of exception items
for the Mechanical Completion Punch List.
h. If applicable, approve the satisfactory completion of any OSPAS start-up
items (“yes” items) on the Mechanical Completion Punch List.
i. Participate in, and approve the satisfactory completion of, pre-
commissioning. Include loop checks of the communications to OSPAS
and functional tests for all equipment controlled by OSPAS (e.g.,
remotely-operated emergency isolation valves (ZV’s) and/or flow control
valves (FCV’s).
j. Following receipt of the approved Mechanical Completion Certificate and
upon receipt of a request from the DS&LD or GNP&DMD, issue an
Operating Order (via dispatcher) authorizing start-up of the system.
k. For a liquid metering system, or Major or Primary Gas Metering System,
approve the report from the flowing Site Acceptance Test (SAT).
l. If applicable, approve the satisfactory completion of any remaining
OSPAS items on the Mechanical Completion Punch List.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Each facility must comply fully with SA standards and field test
requirements before they can be officially commissioned.
z. For a liquid metering system, or a Major or Primary Gas Metering System,
witness the flowing SAT, provide a list of exception items and approve the
SAT report.
aa. If a crude oil automatic sampling system is installed, witness the water
injection test and approve the test report.
bb. For a liquid pipeline, or marine loading/unloading metering system,
witness the meter calibration, sign all proving reports and approve the
meter calibration data.
cc. Approve the satisfactory completion of the remaining exceptions items
from the Mechanical Completion Punch List and the SAT.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
The Gas Customers Projects Support Unit (GCPSU) of the Northern Area
Projects Department normally acts as SAPMT for all third party royalty/custody
metering projects.
GCPSU acts as the liaison between the Customer or Supplier and other
Saudi Aramco organizations during a Third Party Metering Project.
Specific responsibilities of GCPSU are summarized below:
a. Concur with the project scope and the basis for the Operating and
Maintenance (O&M) Agreement proposed by the Customer or Supplier.
Submit the project scope to DS&LD or GNP&DMD, as applicable, for
b. Initiate the Third Party Metering Project. Prepare the Saudi Aramco man-
power estimates for the DBSP Support Agreement, and the Engineering
and Construction (E&C) Agreement. Submit estimates to DS&LD or
GNP&DMD, as applicable, for review. Coordinate the BI assignment,
dummy contract number assignment and open the associated accounting
files. Notify CMU of impending Third Party Metering Project.
c. Review the DBSP Support Agreement.
d. If the DBSP is prepared by the Customer or Supplier, circulate the DBSP
to various Saudi Aramco organizations for review and comment.
Forward all comments received within 15 days to the Customer or
Supplier for implementation. Circulate the revised DBSP to applicable
Saudi Aramco organizations for approval. Approve the DBSP.
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or Supplier.
f. Monitor Saudi Aramco project. Track man-hours and costs against the
DBSP and/or Engineering and Construction estimates.
g. Review the Engineering and Construction (E&C) Agreement.
h. Initiate the approval process for waivers of Saudi Aramco engineering
requirements in SAP in accordance with SAEP-302. Notify Customer or
Supplier of the final disposition of any waivers requested.
i. Obtain a list of technically acceptable vendors from SAES-Y-100.
Submit list to Customer or Supplier.
j. Review the metering system Functional Specification Document (FSD),
Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s), Piping & Instrument Diagrams
(P&ID’s), and Instrument Specification Sheets (ISS’s). Submit the FSD,
PFD’s, P&ID’s and ISS’s to OSPAS, Proponent(s) and CMU for review.
Forward all comments within 15 working days to Customer or Supplier
for implementation. Concur with final FSD. Submit final FSD to
Proponent(s) and CMU for approval.
k. Distribute approved FSD to Saudi Aramco organizations, and Customer
or Supplier. Distribute final metering system PFD’s, P&ID’s and ISS’s to
various Saudi Aramco organizations.
l. If the project involves the installation or use of voice or data
communication facilities, submit a Communications & Support
Equipment Service Request to CE&TSD for approval.
m. Review metering system purchase order package. Ensure that the
purchase order package includes a requirement for the Vendor to provide
on-site operations maintenance and engineering training. Forward all
comments within 15 working days to the Customer or Supplier for
n. Submit one copy of the metering system purchase order package to the
Proponent and three copies of the purchase order package to VID. Notify
the Proponent(s), VID and CMU of the selected metering system Vendor.
o. Submit the Vendor’s QA/QC Plan to VID for approval. Submit the
approved Vendor QA/QC Plan to the Customer or Supplier.
p. Review Detailed Design Package(s). Submit Detailed Design Package(s)
to DS&LD or GNP&DMD (as applicable), CSD, PID, LPD, OSPAS,
P&CSD, PDD, Proponent(s), and PCG, if applicable, for review.
Forward all comments received within 15 working days to Customer or
Supplier for implementation.
q. Concur with “key” drawings. Submit “key” drawings to Proponent(s) and
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
jjj. If a crude oil automatic sampling system is installed, submit the approved
water injection test report to the Customer or Supplier and Proponent(s).
kkk. For a liquid pipeline, or marine loading/unloading metering system, notify
Proponent(s) and CMU of the schedule for the meter calibration.
lll. For a liquid pipeline, or marine loading/unloading metering system,
submit the meter calibration data for approval by the Proponent(s), CMU
and MINPET if required.
mmm. For a liquid pipeline, or marine loading/unloading metering system,
submit the approved meter calibration data to the Customer or Supplier
and Proponent(s).
nnn. Approve the satisfactory completion of any remaining GCPSU items from
Mechanical Completion Punch List and SAT. Obtain approval from
Proponent(s), CMU, OSPAS, PID, and other originating individuals
(organizations) that their respective items have been satisfactorily
ooo. Assist Customer or Supplier with preparation of as-built CADD drawings.
When complete, review the as-built drawings for completeness and
accuracy. Submit the final drawings to Engineering Management Unit of
Engineering Knowledge & Resources Division for incorporation into the
Saudi Aramco drawing system and advise the Proponent of the
ppp. Review project documentation for completeness and correctness.
Submit documentation for review by Proponent(s), PCG and PDD as
applicable. Forward all comments received within 15 working days to
Customer or Supplier for implementation.
qqq. Submit the final project documentation to Proponent(s), PCG and PDD as
rrr. Concur with the final Performance Acceptance Punch List.
sss. Concur that the exception items from Performance Acceptance Punch List
have been satisfactorily completed. Obtain approval from the
Proponent(s) and PCG, if applicable, that the exception items have been
satisfactorily completed.
ttt. When required, prepare Performance Acceptance Certificate (PAC), Form
SA-7214-ENG. Circulate PAC for approval by Proponent(s) and PCG, if
uuu. Distribute approved PAC.
vvv. Inform DS&LD or GNP&DMD that project is complete. Receive and
consolidate charges from all involved organizations. Close out the
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
The following matrix summarizes the general sequence of activities and corresponding
responsible organizations for a Third Party Metering Project. Detailed requirements for
each organization are specified in Section 5.
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
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Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Page 38 of 40
Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
1. Required for royalty measurement systems only.
2. Normally, the Customer or Supplier prepares the DBSP and FPD reviews the DBSP. When requested by the Customer or
Supplier and if acceptable, FPD may prepare the DBSP in which case the Customer or Supplier approves the DBSP.
3. Preparation and approval of the Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement may occur at any time before the Mechanical
Completion Certificate (MCC), Form SA-7213-ENG, is approved.
4. Required for projects involving the installation of communications facilities.
5. The purchase order package shall include a requirement for on-site operations, maintenance and engineering training by the
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-50
Issue Date: 10 September 2013 Project Execution Requirements for
Next Planned Update: 15 March 2015 Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems
Revision Summary
15 March 2010 Major revision.
10 September 20013 Editorial revision to change the primary contacts.
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