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Reg Oft
RR Donnelley lndia Outsource Pvt. Ltd.
43 A l st Main Road, R A Puram, chennai - 600 028. lndia
Telephone: + 9'l 44 42241000 Fax No: + 9'l 44 42?41021
Corporate ldentity No. : U30006TN1 995PTCo53395
This is to certify that Saravanan Ramkumar has been an employee in good standing with
RR Donnelley lndia Outsource Private Limited from November 27 , 2013 to May 30, 2018. At the time of
leaving he was designated as Senior l\4anager - Business Performance lmprovement.
He has been a hardworking employee, performing his responsibilities accurately and sincerely. We wish
him all success in his future endeavors.
JayaYthi Shivakumar
Assistant Vice President - Human Resources
He was last employed in Process Excellence Department. His title at the time of leaving us
was Senior Specialist - PEX.
Yours faithfuliy,
for Maersk Global Services Centres (India) Private Limited
hya subramanian
Hu an Resources Lead
Mr. Saravanan R
Emp Code: 2755A704
Employee ID | 21550704
Designation : Quality Program Analyst lI
Date of Joining : December 09, 2009
Date of Relieving : )une 22, 20Lz
Reason for Leaving HP :Resignation
You are relieved after the working hours on June 22, 2012 as per the
terms of your appointment.
Thank you for your support to HP and wish you all the very best in your
future endeavors.
Yours Sincerely
for Hewlett-Packard
Monica Janet Globol e: Business OPerolions Pvt Lid
Human Resources K.R.M. Plozo, Horrington Rood,
Chetpet, Chennoi - 600 031 , lndiq.
Regd. Offica: HP Tower I & 2, Golf Vew Compur, Wind Tunnel rood, Murogerhpolyo, Bongolorc ' 560 017, lndio
Staffing Solutions
This is to certify that Mr. R Saravanan is employed with TeamLease Services Pvt Ltd for a period of 24
Months from 17101120A8 b 0411212009 and his designation is lndustraal Engineer. He is deputed to HP E
Yours Sincerely,
For TeamLease Services Pvt Ltd.,
Authorized signatory
This is to certificate that Mr.R.Saravanan is employed with Masila Electricals Industries for
the period of eight months from April 23 2007 to December 76 2007 and his designation is
site in charge, during this tenure he was reporting to Mr.Manickaraj. He is committed to his
work during his tenure with us. With reference to his resignation please note that the same is
accepted and he is relieved fionr our service. We wish him all the very best for his future
Yours truly
$ ar
#t 16, Grnoxr STREET, P.H. RoaD, RA.JIA| NasaR, AvADtr CHENNAT - 7t,
TEL : +9 1 44 2635ZaO? E-MA|L : madladeotdcals@)€hoo,Com