Guidelinesofwaterqualitymanagement PDF
Guidelinesofwaterqualitymanagement PDF
Guidelinesofwaterqualitymanagement PDF
1. Introduction
2. Step-I Setting Water Quality Goal
3. Step-II Water Quality Monitoring
4. Step-III Identification of Nature and Magnitude of Pollution
5. Step-IV Source Inventory
6. Step - V Water Quantity information
7. Step -VI Selection of Technology
8. Step -VII Financing Waste Management
9. Step – VIII Maintenance of sewage treatment plants
10. Step – IX Pollution from industrial sources
11. Step – X Pollution from non-point sources
12. Step – XI Some other Important Options for Water Quality Management
¾ For preparation of water quality management plan the first step is to identify water quality goal for the
water body in question.
¾ To set the water goal one has to identify use(s) of water (please refer Annexure 1) in the given water body
or its part in question.
¾ If the water body is used for more than one use than identify the use , which demands highest quality of
water called “designated best use”.
¾ Identify the water quality requirements for that “designated bast use” in terms of primary water quality
Effluent Tax
¾ Today there is no provision for collection and treatment of about 22000 mld of wastewater. With fast
urbanization this quantity will be about 40,000 mld by the end of 11th Plan. Each mld cost about Rs. 1
crore for establishing treatment facilities and about 4 crores for collection facilities. This makes total
requirement of funds in the tune of more than one lakh crores just for establishing facilities. The
operation and maintenance may be another about 10% of the above cost every year. Funding of such
schemes from exchequer’s fund in order to achieve the goals, as is being done today under NRCP,
would be detrimental to the economy of the country.
¾ The present approach of financing the waste management is neither adequate nor effective in tackling
the massive problem water quality degradation. Thus the approach needs to be changed.
¾ The major part of the cost on waste management should be born by the urban population according to
‘polluter pay principle’.
¾ It can be applied to any dischargers, cities or industries, with two benefits; it induces waste reduction
and treatment and can provide a source of revenue for financing wastewater treatment investments.
¾ Municipal wastewater treatment is a particularly costly and long-term undertaking so that sound
strategic planning and policies for treatment are of special importance.
¾ Pricing and demand management are important instruments for encouraging efficient domestic and
industrial water-use practices and for reducing wastewater volumes and loads.
¾ Water and sewerage fees can induce urban organisations to adopt water-saving technologies, including
water recycling and reuse systems, and to minimise or eliminate waste products that would otherwise
end up in the effluent stream.
¾ In addition to price based incentives, demand management programmes should include educational and
technical components, such as water conservation campaigns, advice to consumers, and promotion,
distribution or sale of water-saving devices like "six-litre" toilets which use less than half the volume of
water per flush than a standard toilet.
It is also important to consider the beneficiaries. The waste management benefits following:
1. Local citizens
2. Protection of environment
3. Protection of Public health
4. Protection of water resources – water supply, irrigation, other uses
5. Protection of industrial use
6. Enhanced Property values
7. Enhanced tourism
All the above agencies may contribute to waste management. A mechanism can be evolved to coordinate with all the
beneficiaries and charge them the benefit tax.
¾ If the undertakings and the administrative Ministry/State Government failed to respond, action under the
Environment (Protection) Act need to be taken forthwith thereafter.
¾ SPCBs should monitor the progress and report on the outcome. The SPCBs should examine the prevailing
arrangements in charging water supply for industry and formulate proposals in consultation with the concerned
departments on how the system can be rationalized to conserve water and recycle it for use.
¾ Emerging technologies such as aerobic composting, vermiculture, ferti-irrigation, etc. as secondary treatment
should be adopted for the organic wastes by the industries. Recently, the root-zone technology is also being
advocated is yet another alternative for energy saving for treatment of industrial wastewaters.
¾ Incentives have to be made more attractive to make the industries undertake pollution control measures. It
is important to assess the effectiveness of this measure and work out other measures which would serve as
effective incentives for pollution control.
¾ The segregation of waste water streams may help in reducing waste water volume and waste strength and may
help recycling and reuse of majority of waste streams. The quantity of the effluent generated in sugar industry
can be reduced from 300 litres to 50 litres per tonne of cane crushed, if recycling techniques are meticulously
followed. The wastewater quantity generated in continuous fermentation distilleries is 7 litres per litre of alcohol
produced, as compared to 14-15 litres per litre of alcohol produced in batch fermentation process distilleries. The
reduction in wastewater quantity is mainly achieved by recycling wash and adopting reboiler system. In pulp and
paper industries, the paper mill wastewater is completely recycled into pulp mill by adopting fibre recovery
system. It has helped to reduce the wastewater from 200 cum to 50 cum per tonne of paper produced.
¾ It is also extremely important to focus attention upon the problem of non-point pollution from unsewered
sanitation, uncollected wastes dumped haphazardly in urban and industrial areas and apllication of chemicals in
agriculture such as pesticides, insecticides and chemical fertilisers.
¾ Presence of unacceptably high levels of the persistent pollutants in the groundwater and run-off waterthese are
likely to increase with greater application of these commodities in the future.
¾ In this regard it is essential that an integrated pest management policy should be evolved and standards made to
regulate the use of toxic pesticides and to develop substitutes which are ecologically more acceptable.
12. Step – XI Some other Important Options for Water Quality Management
In majority of cases establishment of sewage treatment plant and its proper operation alone may not be adequate to
maintain or restore water quality in a water body. In such case multipronged approach is required to ensure restoration of
water quality. Some of the options that are available are provided in Annexure 5.
Annexure 1
Procedure for setting water quality goals
The term "water quality" is a widely used expression, which has an extremely broad spectrum of meanings. Each individual has
vested interests in water for his particular use. The term quality therefore, must be considered relative to the proposed use of
water. From the user's point of view, the term "water quality" is defined as "those physical, chemical or biological characteristics
of water by which the user evaluates the acceptability of water". For example for the sake of man's health, we require that his
water supply be pure, wholesome, and potable. Similarly, for agriculture, we require that the sensitivity of different crops to
dissolved minerals and other toxic materials is known and either water quality other type of crops is controlled accordingly.
Textiles, paper, brewing, and dozens of other industries using water, have their specific water quality needs.
For management of water quality of a water body, one has to define the water quality requirements or water quality goal for that
water body. As mentioned above, each water use has specific water quality need. Therefore, for setting water quality objectives
of a water body, it is essential to identify the uses of water in that water body. In India, the Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB), an appex body in the field of water quality management, has developed a concept of "designated best use". According
to which, out of several uses a particular water body is put to, the use which demands highest quality of water is called its
"designated best use" , and accordingly the water body is designated. The CPCB has identified 5 such "designated best uses". All
those water bodies, which are used for drinking without any treatment, but with disinfection (chlorination), are termed as "A"
Class Water, those which are used for outdoor bathing are termed as "B" Class Water, those which are used for drinking after
conventional treatment are termed as "C" Class Water, those which are used for propagation of wildlife and fisheries are termed
as "D" Class Water and those which are used for irrigation, cooling and controlled waste disposal are termed as "E" Class Water.
For each of these five "designated best uses" , the CPCB has identified water quality requirements in terms of few chemical
characteristics, known as primary water quality criteria. The "designated best uses" along with respective water quality criteria is
given in Table 1.
Table 1 : Use based classification of surface waters in India
The CPCB, in collaboration with the concerned State Pollution Control Boards, has classified all the water bodies including
coastal waters in the country according to their "desiganed best use". This classification helps the water quality managers
and planners to set water quality targets and identify needs and priority for water quality restoration programmes for various
water bodies in the country. The famous Ganga Action Plan and subsequently the National River Action Plan are results of
such exercise.
Annexure - 2
1 Introduction
The main objectives for water quality monitoring for Surface and Groundwater Agencies under the HP were
identified as:
− monitoring for establishing baseline water quality
− observing trend in water quality changes
− calculation of flux of water constituents of interest
− surveillance for irrigation use
− control and management of water pollution (for groundwater only)
The networks of monitoring stations were designed/upgraded accordingly with the above objectives in mind.
The present document summarises the design approach and delineates actions necessary to operationalise the
monitoring programme.
The document is meant to be used as a ready reference by the field staff, water quality laboratory personnel and
managers of the water quality monitoring programmes.
2 Frequency and Parameters
2.1 Groundwater
• Since not much is known about the present water quality status at various stations, to start with, all
stations will be a combination of baseline and trend stations.
• Samples will be collected every two months: May/June, August, October, December, February,
and April. This will generate six samples from perennial rivers and 3-4 samples from seasonal rivers,
every year.
• After data are collected for three years, the stations will be classified either as baseline, trend or
flux station.
• Those stations, where there is no influence of human activity on water quality, will be reclassified
as baseline stations. Others will remain as trend stations.
• If a station is classified as a baseline station, it will be monitored, after every three years, for one
year every two months.
• If a station is classified as trend station, it will continue to be monitored but with an increased
frequency of once every month.
• Stations will be classified as flux stations where it is considered necessary to measure the mass of
any substance carried by the flow. The frequency of sampling at such stations and analyses of
constituents of interest may be increased to 12 or 24 times per year. Measurement of discharge at such
stations is necessary.
• The recommended parameters for analysis are given in Table 2.
• Other inorganics, metals, organics and biological parameters will be determined as part of special
survey programmes.
• The survey programmes may include some of the trend stations where there is a need for
determination of any of these groups of parameters.
• The survey programmes will ordinarily be of one year duration. The sampling frequency may be
the same as that for trend stations.
• Special arrangements for sampling and transport of the samples would be necessary for the survey
programmes and microbiological samples.
Baseline Once every year, (pre-monsoon, May- Temp, EC, pH, NO2- + NO3-, total P,
June) K+, Na+, Ca++, Mg++, CO3--, HCO3-, Cl-
, SO4-- , COD, SiO2, F, B.
Trend Four times every year, (pre-monsoon, Temp, EC, pH, NO2- + NO3-, total P,
May-June & after intervals of 3 months) Cl-, COD.
Trend–cum–surveillance Minimum four times a year (as above), According to the problem under
higher frequency if dictated by surveillance (e.g. Heavy metals in
importance of water use mining areas)
− Fluoride
− Iron
− Industrial,
mining As, Cd, Hg, Zn
a- based on ‘Surface Water Quality Network Design, Guidelines and an Example’, June 1997
b- depending on workload, analysis frequency may be reduced upto 2 samples per year
3 Sample Collection
• At least one day before sampling, make sure that all the arrangements are made as per the check list
given in Annexure I.
• Make sure that you know how to reach sampling site(s). Take help of location map for the site which
shows the sample collection point with respect to prominent landmarks in the area. In case there is
any deviation in the collection point, record it on the sample identification form giving reason.
• Rinse the sample container three times with the sample before it is filled.
• Leave a small air space in the bottle to allow mixing of sample at the time of analysis.
• Label the sample container properly, preferably by attaching an appropriately inscribed tag or label.
The sample code and the sampling date should be clearly marked on the sample container or the tag.
• Complete the sample identification forms for each sample, Figures 1 and 2 for ground and surface
water, respectively.
• The sample identification form should be filled for each sampling occasion at a monitoring station.
Note that if more than one bottle is filled at a site, this is to be registered on the same form.
• Sample identification forms should all be kept in a master file at the level II or II+ laboratory where
the sample is analysed.
3.2 Groundwater
• Samples for groundwater quality monitoring would be collected from one of the following three types
of wells:
− Open dug wells in use for domestic or irrigation water supply,
− Tube wells fitted with a hand pump or a power-driven pump for domestic water supply or
− Piezometers, purpose-built for recording of water level.
• Open dug wells, which are not in use or have been abandoned, will not be considered as water quality
monitoring station. However, such wells could be considered for water level monitoring.
• Use a weighted sample bottle to collect sample from an open well about 30 cm below the surface of
the water. Do not use a plastic bucket, which is likely to skim the surface layer only.
• Samples from the production tube wells will be collected after running the well for about 5 minutes.
• Non-production piezometers should be purged using a submersible pump. The purged water volume
should equal 4 to 5 times the standing water volume, before sample is collected.
• For bacteriological samples, when collected from tubewells/hand pump, the spout/outlet of the pump
should be sterilized under flame by spirit lamp before collection of sample in container.
• Samples will be collected from well-mixed section of the river (main stream) 30 cm below the water
surface using a weighted bottle or DO sampler.
• Samples from reservoir sites will be collected from the outgoing canal, power channel or water intake
structure, in case water is pumped. When there is no discharge in the canal, sample will be collected
from the upstream side of the regulator structure, directly from the reservoir.
• DO is determined in a sample collected in a DO bottle using a DO sampler. The DO in the sample
must be fixed immediately after collection, using chemical reagents. DO concentration can then be
determined either in the field or later, in a level I or level II laboratory.
3.4 Sample Containers, Preservation and Transport
• Samples should be transported to concerned laboratory (level II or II+) as soon as possible, preferably
within 48 hours.
• Analysis for coliforms should be started within 24 h of collection of sample. If time is exceeded, it
should be recorded with the result.
• Samples containing microgram/L metal level, should be stored at 4oC and analysed as soon as
possible. If the concentration is of mg/L level, it can be stored for upto 6 months, except mercury, for
which the limit is 5 weeks.
• Discard samples only after primary validation of data.
Figure 1 Sample identification form for groundwater samples
Sample code
Observer Agency Project
Temp C pH EC DO mg/L
Odour (1) Odour free (6) Septic Colour (1) Light brown (6) Dark green
Code (2) Rotten eggs (7) Aromatic code (2) Brown (7) Clear
(3) Burnt sugar (8) Chlorinous (3) Dark brown (8) Other (specify)
(4) Soapy (9) Alcoholic (4) Light green
(5) Fishy (10) Unpleasant (5) Green
+10 min
+20 min
+30 min
+40 min
Figure 2 Sample identification form for surface water samples
Sample code
Source of sample
Temp C pH EC DO mg/L
Odour (1) Odour free (6) Septic Colour (1) Light brown (6) Dark green
code (2) Rotten eggs (7) Aromatic code (2) Brown (7) Clear
(3) Burnt sugar (8) Chlorinous (3) Dark brown (8) Other (specify)
(4) Soapy (9) Alcoholic (4) Light green
(5) Fishy (10) Unpleasant (5) Green
Weather o Sunny o Cloudy o Rainy o Windy
Water vel. m/s o High (> 0.5) o Medium (0.1-0.5) o Low (< 0.1) o Standing
• Each laboratory should have a bound register, which is used for registering samples as they are
• An example of headings and information for such a register is given in Figure 3.
Parameter code
received at lab.
Station code
• Column 3 gives the station code conventionally followed by the monitoring agency.
• Column (4) gives the project under which the sample is collected.
• Column (7) corresponds to the parameter(s) code given in the sample identification form.
• Column (8) gives the laboratory sample number assigned to the sample as it is received in the
laboratory. Note that the numbering has two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part is assigned in
a sequential manner as samples are received from various stations. If two samples are collected at the
same time from a station for different sets of analysis, the first part of the number is the same. The
second part corresponds to the parameter code.
• The results of the analyses of all the samples having the same first part of the code would be entered
in the data entry system as one sample having the same station code and time of sample collection.
• The laboratory incharge should maintain a bound register for assignment of work. This register would
link the lab. sample number to the analyst who makes specific analyses, such as pH, EC, BOD, etc.
• An estimate of time needed for performing the analyses may also be entered in the register.
• Each laboratory analyst should have his/her own bound register, where all laboratory readings and
calculations are to be entered.
• When analysis and calculations are completed, the results must be recorded in a register containing
data record sheets described in the next section.
• A recommended format for recording data is given in Figure 4. It includes all parameters, except
heavy metals and trace organics, that may be analysed in the water quality monitoring programme
currently envisaged. Note that ordinarily a sample would NOT be analysed for all the listed
• Record of analyses for heavy metals and trace organics, which would be performed on a limited
number of samples, would be kept separately in a similar format.
• Columns (2) – (3) are filled from the entries in the Sample Receipt Register.
• Columns (4) – (9) pertain to the field measurements. This information would be available from the
Sample Identification Forms.
• Columns (10) – (36) would be filled in by the analyst(s) whom the work has been assigned (see Work
Assignment Register).
• The format also includes primary data validation requirements, columns (37) – (53). The laboratory
incharge should perform these validation checks as the analysis of a sample is completed. In case the
analysis results do not meet any one of the validation checks, whenever possible, the analysis should
be repeated. She/he would also fill in Columns (54) – (55).
• The results of the laboratory analyses would be entered from these records in the data entry system.
Figure 4: Data record and validation register
Data record Laboratory / organisation Laboratory code
Field determinations General Nutrients Org matter Alkalinity Hardness Major ions Other inorganics Coliforms Biol
Date of collection
NO2-+NO3-, mg
Lab sample No
EC, µmho/cm
EC, µmho/cm
Total P, mg/L
mg CaCO3/L
mg CaCO3/L
mg CaCO3/L
MPN/100 mL
HCO3-, mg/L
NH3, mg N/L
mg CaCO3/L
Colour, code
Odour, code
Station code
CO3--, mg/L
COD, mg/L
Mg++, mg/L
BOD, mg/L
SO4--, mg/L
Ca++, mg/L
TDS, mg/L
TSS, mg/L
Na+, mg/L
DO, mg/L
Temp, oC
Cl-, mg/L
K+, mg/L
Si, mg/L
F-, mg/L
B, mg/L
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36)
Data validation
Cations Anions Ion balance EC bal Carbon bal CO3-- bal Verification criteria Checked by Remarks
Lab sample No
HCO3 , meq/L
CO3 , meq/L,
Total cations
Mg++, meq/L
SO4--, meq/L
Total anions
Ca++, meq/L
Station code
Na+, meq/L
Cl-, meq/L
K+, meq/L
(1) (2) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55)
Itinerary for the trip (route, stations to be covered, start and return time)
Personnel and sample transport arrangement
Area map
Sampling site location map
Weighted bottle sampler
DO sampler
BOD bottles
Sample containers
Special sample containers: bacteriological, heavy metals, etc.
DO fixing and titration chemicals and glassware
Tissue paper
Other field measurement kit, as required
Sample identification forms
Labels for sample containers
Field notebook
Pen / pencil / marker
Soap and towel
Match box
Spirit lamp
Drinking water
• Note that depending on the local conditions, water body, analysis requirements, etc., all items may not be
necessary, or other items, not listed, may be required.
• Decide on the number of each item that would be required depending on the number of samples to be
collected. It is always safer to carry a few numbers in excess.
• Ensure that the concerned laboratory is informed of the programme and ready to receive samples,
particularly those, which would need immediate attention.
17 Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi
Polluted River Stretches Identification And Action Plan to Control of Water Pollution
For rational planning of any pollution control programme, complete knowledge of nature and
magnitude of pollution is pre-requisite. To acquire such knowledge it is essential that a sound scientific water
quality monitoring programme is established. The monitoring programme also helps prioritising pollution
control efforts, establishing water quality trends and evaluating effectiveness of pollution control measures
already in existence. Realizing this fact, CPCB in collaboration with concerned State Pollution Control Boards
has initiated water quality monitoring at limited number of locations. The monitoring network was gradually
augmented. At present there are 784 locations. The monitoring data are annually compiled, analysed and
compared with desired water quality in different water bodies. Where-ever, gaps are observed especially with
respect to pollution related indicators like Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) the water body is identified as
It is important to concentrate and prioritise pollution control efforts in order of merits. In 1988-89, CPCB
identified 10 problem areas and 10 polluted river stretch to concentrate the pollution control efforts the list of
polluted stretches formed the basis for formulation of River Action Plan of the National River Conservation
Directorate. The list was further extended based on increasing pollution problem in our country.
In the present exercise those water bodies having BOD more than 6 mg/l are identified as polluted water
bodies. A list of such water bodies is attached.
The respective State Pollution Control Boards/ Pollution Control Committee’s were requested to formulate
action plan to restore the water quality of the water bodies. This is for kind information of the Board.
1.Godavari • Polavaram to D/S of Rajamundary & Polavaram BOD - 6-12
Rajamundary Sewage
2.Nagavalli • Nagavalli along Thotapalli Industrial & Domestic water BOD- 6-10
Regulator from Rayagada
3.Musi • D/S of Hyderabad Hyderabad- Securanderabad- BOD- 16-44
4. • Kishtra Reddy Pet Tank, Medak Sewage BOD- 9-28
5. • Dharamsagar tank, Warangal Sewage BOD- 7.5-9.4
6. • Hussain Sagar Lake Hyderabad-Securandabad BOD- 8-19
7. • Sarronagar Lake Ranga Reddy Hyderabad BOD- 8.0-12.5
8. • Pulicate Lake,Nellore Nellore sewage BOD- 8-12.1
9.Kalong • Elengabeel System Nagaon- Sewage BOD- 10-70
10.Bharalu • D/S Guwahati Guwahati Sewage BOD- 38
11.Yamuna • Wazirabad to Okhla Industrial & Domestic Waste BOD- 6-77
from Delhi
12.Subarnrekha • Ranchi to D/S of Industrial & domestic
Jamshedpur waste from ranchi & Jamshedpur BOD
13.Sabarmati • Ahmedabad to D/s of Discharge from Meshwa BOD-56-504
Vautha & Ahemdabad
• Kankoria Lake,Ahemdabad Municipal & Industrial waste BOD-6-29
from Ahemdabad
14.Amlakhadi • Along Ankeshwar Industrial & Domestic waste BOD-138-920,
from Ankeshwar Ammonia-117.6-201.60
15.Shedi • Along Kheda Kheda Sewage BOD- 8-19
16.Damanganga • Vapi D/S to Confl. with Industrial & Domestic waste BOD- 9-10
sea from Vapi,Salvas,Daman &
17.Ambika • Billimora D/S Billimora Sewage BOD- 18
18.Bhadar • Jetpur to Ratia Jetpur & Dhoraji Sewage BOD- 33
19.Khari • Lali village, Ahemdabad BOD-92-675
20.Kolak • Vapi to Patalia. Vapi Industrial township Phase – BOD- 11-35
III,IV & Daman Industrial area
21.Par • Vapi to Patalia Atul township & Industrial BOD- 27
waste water, Pardi &Umarkhadi
waste water
22.Ghaggar • Interstate border with Industrial & Municipal waste BOD-8-50
Punjab to Ottu wier at from Sirsa
Himachal Pradesh
25.Markanda • Kala Amb D/S to Haryana Industrial & Domestic waste BOD- 55
Border from Kala Amb Colour- 1009 Hazen
26. • Renuka Lake BOD- 8
27.Bhadra • Maleshwaram to D/s of Industrial & Domestic BOD- 7.2
Bhadravathi waste from Bhadravathi
28.Tunga • D/S of Shimoga Shimoga Sewage BOD
29.Kali • Along Dandeli Town West Coast Paper BOD
Mill waste
30.Tungabhadra • Harihar D/S to Hara eahalli Harihar Sewage & Grasim waste BOD- 6-8
31. • Heballa Valley Lake, Mandya Sewage BOD- 6-36
32. • Ulsoor Lake Bangalore sewage BOD- 6-18
33.Khan river • Indore city to confluence Indore-sewage BOD- 65-120
with Kshipra
34.Kshipra • Ujjain to confluence with Ujjain- sewage BOD- 8-24]
35.Chambal • D/S of Nagda Industrial Waste – Grasim & BOD- 8-24
Nagda Sewage
36.Tapi • D/S of Napanagar to Domestic & Industrial waste BOD
Burhanpur city water from Nepanagar &
37. • Lower & upper Lake, Bhopal sewage BOD- 6-8
38.Godavari • Nasik to( Raher) Nanded Sewage from Nasik, BOD- 6-66
53.Kharkhala • Near Sutnga Khlieri,Jaintia BOD – 8-10
54. • Umiam Lake, Barapani Sewage from Shillong BOD 7-13
55. • Ward Lake, Shillong BOD 9-12.2
56. • Umtrew lake, Byrnihat BOD - 7-9
57. • Thadlaskena lake Shilong BOD 7-9
58.Brahmani • Panposh D/S to Sewage & Industrial waste from BOD 6-7
Dharamsala Panposh, Rourkela, Talcher,
59.Ib • Sundargarh to Confl. With Sewage & Industrial waste from BOD 6-9
Mahanadi Sundargarh, Jharsuguda,
63.Satluj • D/S of Ludhiana Sewage from Ludhiana and BOD 8-14.4
64.Beas • D/S of Mukorian Industrial discharge from BOD-8.4-20
Goindwal and Mukarian
66.Ghaggar • Ottu weir to Hanumangarh Industrial & domestic waste BOD
from Haryana & Punjab
67.Chambal • D/S Kota city Industrial & Domestic waste BOD 6-6.4
from Kota
68.Banas / • Udaipur to Chittorgarh Municipal waste from Udaipur BOD
Berach river & Chittorgarh
Tamil Nadu
69.Vaigai • Along Madurai Madurai-Industrial & domestic BOD- 7-9
70.Palar • Vaniyambadi Vaniyambadi - Industrial & BOD-
Municipal Wastewater
71.Adyar • Along Chennai Chennai- Industrial & Municipal BOD
72.Coovum • Along Chennai Chennai- Industrial & Municipal BOD
73.Tambiraparani • Papavinasam to Madura Coats Indusitrial waste BOD- 6-13
74.Noyyal • Along coimbatoor, Industrial & domestic BOD
Tirupur, Palyanakotti wastewater from coimbatoor,
Tirupur, Palyanakotti
75.Cauvery • D/s of Mettur Dam to Municipal sewage of Erode BOD- 6.4-7
Erode city
76.Ranichu • Along Ranipur Municipal Wastewater Ranipur BOD- 24
Uttar Pradesh
77.Yamuna • Kosi Kalan to confl. with Sewage from Agra, Vindravan, BOD- 6-37
Chambal Mathura & Etawah
West Bengal
85.Damodar • Durgapur to Haldia Industrial waste & sewage from BOD 6.4-32
Durgapaur & Asansol
Demarcate location of cities and towns and industrial units on the identified
polluted stretches.
2. Industrial Pollution
3. Domestic Pollution
Water quality monitoring of rivers/water bodies/STP’s to be carried out on regular basis to evaluate the
performance of
¾ If the city does not have adequate land for irrigation due to increased urbanisation, the neighboring states
may be approached. The fresh water so saved from irrigation could be utilised for meeting the drinking
water requirements or for ensuring minimum flow in river.
¾ It is felt that the dilution of effluents is not a practical and economically viable solution to the problem that
domestic and industrial effluents be adequately treated for re-use, for irrigation, industries, etc.
¾ Where irrigation from treated sewage is not feasible, the possibility of recharging ground water aquifer by
sewage, treated to a certain desirable level, may be explored by taking up some experimental studies.
Water Conservation
Incentives for Water conservation
If water is available in abundance, there is a usually tendency to use it carelessly. Along with the measures
towards pollution abatement it is imperative to further intensify our efforts for conservation of water to prevent
water scarcity in surface water sources and ground water depletion. At present the consumer has little incentive
to conserve water, as water tariffs are very low. In addition to appropriate pricing of water to reduce water
demand in the household sector, there is a need to develop and implement such cost-effective water appliances
as low-flow cisterns and faucets and formulate citizen forum groups to encourage and raise awareness on
water conservation. Price of water should reflect its scarcity value and environmental costs. It is very
important to reduce water use through pricing. The need is to develop surface irrigation sources and take
measures for rainwater harvesting and preventing water run-offs. The amount unit area run-off from various
basins of India very widely reflects the spatial distribution of annual rainfall. Moreover, the rivers of the
country carry about 80% during the monsoon months of June-September and generally in excess of 90% during
the period of June-November. Hence, the run-off can be tapped by building appropriate water harvesting
structures in the lower reaches to trap the water. However, there are certain constraints associated with
rainwater harvesting in terms of the capacity of soil to absorb large quantities of water in a shorter time frame,
quality of the harvested water for drinking water purpose, and the cost involved with building such harvesting
structures. There is no doubt that water harvesting is a highly desirable solution but it is an iota solution to a
holistic problem of water scarcity.
Wastewater as a resource
Since, there is no dilution available in the receiving water bodies, it is important that no wastewater is
discharges into them even after treatment. The efforts should be to use entire wastewater after proper treatment.
There are many cases where the sewage or industrial wastewater is treated and used for various inferior uses.
Many companies are coming in this business. Focus should be to promote such business. This will benefit the
water quality in many ways:
1. reduce pollution
2. save water
3. save nutrients
4. reduce over-exploitation of water resources
Apply the polluter-pays-principle: The polluter-pays-principle, where the costs of pollution prevention,
control and reduction measures are borne by the polluter, is not a new concept but has not yet been fully
implemented, despite the fact that it is widely recognized that the perception of water as a free commodity can
no longer be maintained. The principle is an economic instrument that is aimed at affecting behavior, i.e. by
encouraging and inducing behavior that puts less strain on the environment. Examples of attempts to apply this
principle include financial charges on sewage generated by urban population, industrial waste-water discharges
and special taxes on pesticides. The difficulty or reluctance encountered in implementing the polluter-pays-
38 Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi
principle is probably due to its social and economic implications. Full application of the principle would upset
existing subsidized programmes (implemented for social reasons) for supply of water and removal of
wastewater in India. Nevertheless, even if the full implementation of the polluter-pays-principle is not feasible
at present, it should be maintained as the ultimate goal.
Balance economic and regulatory instruments: Until now, regulatory instruments have been heavily relied
upon. Economic instruments, typically in the form of wastewater discharge fees and fines, have been
introduced to a lesser extent. Compared with economic instruments, the advantages of the regulatory approach
to water pollution control is that it offers a reasonable degree of predictability about the reduction of pollution,
i.e. it offers control to authorities over what environmental goals can be achieved and when they can be
achieved. A major disadvantage of the regulatory approach is its economic inefficiency. Economic instruments
have the advantages of providing incentives to polluters to modify their behaviour in support of pollution
control and of providing revenue to finance pollution control activities. In addition, they are much better suited
to combating nonpoint sources of pollution. The setting of prices and charges are crucial to the success of
economic instruments. If charges are too low, polluters may opt to pollute and to pay, whereas if charges are
too high they may inhibit economic development. Against this background it seems appropriate, therefore, to
apply a mixture of regulatory and economic instruments for controlling water pollution. In our country
financial resources and institutional capacity are very limited, the most important criteria for balancing
economic and regulatory instruments should be cost-effectiveness and administrative feasibility.
Establish mechanisms for cross-sectoral integration: since water quality management is related to many
sectors, their involvement is very crucial in implementing various policies and regulations. The most important
ones are: Ministry of Water Resources, Central Water Commission, Central Ground Water Board, State ground
Water departments, State Irrigation/Water Resources Departments, Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water Mission,
State Public Health Departments, Water Supply Authorities, Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Power, and
Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Agriculture. In order to ensure the co-ordination of water
pollution control efforts within water-related sectors, a formal mechanisms and means of co-operation and
information exchange need to be established. Such mechanisms should:
• Allow decision makers from different sectors to influence water pollution policy.
• Urge them to put forward ideas and plans from their own sector with impacts on water quality.
• Allow them to comment on ideas and plans put forward by other sectors. For example, a permanent
committee with representatives from the involved sectors could be established. The functions and
responsibilities of the cross-sectoral body would typically include at least the following:
• Co-ordination of policy formulation on water pollution control.
• Setting of national water quality criteria and standards, and their supporting regulations.
• Review and co-ordination of development plans that affect water quality.
• Resolution of conflicts between different states and government bodies regarding water pollution issues
that cannot be resolved at a lower level.
Encourage participatory approach with involvement of all relevant stakeholders: The participatory
approach involves raising awareness of the importance of water pollution control among policy-makers and the
general public. Decisions should be taken with full public consultation and with the involvement of groups
affected by the planning and implementation of water pollution control activities. This means, for example, that
the public should be kept continuously informed, be given opportunities to express their views, knowledge and
priorities, and it should be apparent that their views have been taken into account. Various methods exist to
implement public participation, such as interviews, public information sessions and hearings, expert panel
hearings and site visits. The most appropriate method for each situation should take account of local social,
political, historical, cultural and other factors. Public participation may take time but it increases public support
for the final decision or result and, ideally, contributes to the convergence of the views of the public,
governmental authorities and industry on environmental priorities and on water pollution control measures.
Give open access to information on water pollution: This principle is directly related to the principle of
involvement of the general public in the monitoring, decision-making process, because a precondition for
participation is free access to information held by public authorities. Open access to information helps to
stimulate understanding, discussions and suggestions for solutions of water quality problems.
39 Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi
Promote interstate co-operation on water pollution control: Trans-boundary water pollution, typically
encountered in large rivers, requires interstate co-operation and co-ordination of efforts in order to be effective.
Lack of recognition of this fact may lead to wasteful investments in pollution load reductions in one state if,
due to lack of cooperation, measures are introduced upstream (Delhi-Haryana case) that have counteractive
effects. Permanent interstate bodies with representatives from riparian states can be established, with the
objective of strengthening interstate co-operation on the pollution control of the shared water resources.
Economic Instrument for Pollution Control: Besides the ‘command and control’ regulatory mechanism the
government has also introduced major economic incentives for pollution abatement in India, not as alternative
to regulation but only as a supplementary measure. The Water Cess Act was introduced in 1977, empowering
the state pollution control boards to levy a cess on local authorities supplying water to consumers and on
consumption of water for certain specified activities. The Act also provides for a rebate on the cess payable if
the person or local authority concerned installs a plant to treat sewage or trade effluent. Besides the Water
Cess Act, efforts have to be made to introduce and implement the Zero discharge concepts, which would
enhance recycle and reuse of effluent discharge.
Innovation in pollution prevention/waste minimization efforts on the part of the industries needs to be sternly
promoted. Pollution prevention/ waste minimization, in our country at least, is done only for product quality
improvement, energy saving or other economic reasons and any reduction in pollution is only incidental.
All organic wastes are best source of energy. A number of anaerobic technologies are now available for treatment of
organic industrial effluents. Spent wash, black liquor (pulp mill), dairy effluents, sugar factory effluents and press
mud etc. are some of the organic wastes tried for energy recovery. The energy recovery will incidentally solve the
air pollution problem, as biogas is a cleaner fuel compared to baggasse, rice husk or coal. It is essential to introduce
energy audit in all the industries so hat cost-benefit ratio can be established in each case.
Bio-fertilizers are now prepared from organic rich wastes by admixing filler materials. Spent wash is converted to
manure by addition of press mud, bagasse cillo, agricultural residues etc. In this technology the entire liquor
effluent is converted into solid mass and it can be termed as "Zero-discharge” technology.