List of The World Wide Web Terms: Pass To: Eujane Grace Egada

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List of the
World wide web

Pass to: Eujane Grace egada

 Anchor

Synonymous with hyperlinks, anchor refers to non-linear links among documents. Or

more simply put, it's the word or phrase that can be clicked to connect to another page or

 Anchor Color

You guessed it, the color on screen that represents the anchors. The reason so many are
blue is that is the default color. This color can be changed to any combination of red, blue
or green.

 Agent

Agents are search tools that automatically seek out relevant online information based on
your specifications. Agent A.K.A.s include: intelligent agent, personal agents, knowbots
or droids.

 Annotations

Personal notes you can attach to the documents you have saved in Mosaic. The notes are
available to you whenever the document is viewed.

 Archie

Derived from the word archive, Archie is a Net-based service that allows you to locate
files that can be downloaded via FTP.


(pronounced "Ask-ee") An acronym for American Standard Code for Information

Exchange, ASCII is an international standard in which numbers, letters, punctuation
marks, symbols and control codes are assigned numbers from 0 to 27. Easily transferred
over networks, ASCII is a plain, unadorned text without style or font specifications.
 Asychronous Connection

The type of connection a modem makes over a phone line, this connection is not
synchronized by a mutual timing signal or clock.

 AU Sounds

This is an audio format used in Mosaic.

 Authoring Software

This term refers to software that enables the creation of multimedia or hypertext
documents and presentations.

 Avatar

This term refers to an interactive representation of a human in a virtual reality


 Bandwidth

The range of transmission frequencies a network can use. The greater the bandwidth the
more information that can be transferred over that network at one time.

 Baseband

A transmission method in which a network uses its entire transmission range to send a
single signal.

 Baud

A unit of data transmission speed, or the maximum speed at which data can be sent down
a channel. Baud is often equivalent to bits per second.


This is an acronym for Bulletin Board System, a computer equipped with software and
telecommunications links that allow it to act as an information host for remote computer

 BinHex

A file conversion format that converts binary files to ASCII text files.
 Bit

A contraction of binary digit, a bit is the smallest unit of information

that a computer can hold. The speed at which bits are transmitted or bit rate is usually
expressed as bits per second or bps.

 Broadband

A transmission method in which the networks range of transmission frequencies is

divided into separate channels and each channel is used to send a different signal.
Broadband is often used to send different types of signals simultaneously.

 Browser

A type of software that allows you to navigate information databases.

 Byte

The number of bits used to represent a character.


Compact Disk-Read Only Memory: An optical disk from which information may be read
but not written.

CD-R or Compact Disk-Recordable: Refers to computer peripheral disk drives that allow the
user to record content on to a blank compact disk.

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