Factors Impacting Leadership Effectiveness
Factors Impacting Leadership Effectiveness
Factors Impacting Leadership Effectiveness
ew vi
ISSN: 2223-5833
Researchers have been identifying incessantly that how the leadership does influence the people and process
of organization, which in turn gives positive outcomes to the organization, results in enhancing the performance
of organization. The idea of this paper is to determine the relationship between leadership and performance of
organization. Secondary research based data is used to reach the result of this paper.
Keywords: Leadership; Performance; Leadership style; Structure; [5]. Leadership is a challenge at influence the behavior of subordinates
Culture through the communication process and toward the attainment of
goal or goals [6]. Leadership is about vision, ideas, direction, and has
Introduction most important inspiring people to bring the trust between them and
Continuously organization requirements replicate the fact that a team effort to work together to attain the goal. He should be the one
leadership is very crucial in any kind of organization. Imperfect capable of inspiring others to do tasks without any close supervision to
leadership may encounter various problems whereas perfect leadership his subordinates [7].
may lead to smooth functioning, motivated employees and overall Performance through leadership
effectiveness in the performance of organization, without changing
other factors in the organization. Leadership is always being vital and Managing and measuring performance become exceedingly
vivid from time to time and organization to organization. One leader complex as healthcare institutions evolve into integrated health systems
may produce better results in specific organization but may not be so comprised of hospitals, outpatient clinics and surgery centres, nursing
efficient for other organization. Reasons could be many for instance homes, and home health services. Leaders of integrated health systems
his working style, his people interaction pattern, fitness of leader with need to develop a methodology and system that align organizational
the organization structure; culture; and other related factors or may strategies with performance measurement and management. To meet
be alone his personality. But for sure it does make influence on the this end, multiple healthcare organizations embrace the performance
overall effectiveness and performance of organization. Erkutlu [1] indicators. The set of macro-level indicators gives senior management
suggests that leaders with their style of handling and dealing people and a fast but comprehensive glimpse of the organization’s performance in
concerns do impact the subordinates and to get outcome from them. meeting its quality, operational, and financial goals [8].
Considering ideas of employee, following communication pattern
which brings clarity, punishing and rewarding people they deserve, The strategy of an organization is embodied in its ‘prevailing pattern
motivation to employees are the ways of relationship-oriented leader of moves and approaches’ [9] and typically includes formulating a
which results in transformation of behavior of employees. Ekeland [2], strategic intent, crafting a strategy to achieve the desired intent,
in any organization ways of performing and processes and structure implementing and executing the strategy efficiently and effectively, that
used to adopt by people are predetermined, and the one who decides is, continuously evaluating (control) performance. A ‘good’ strategy
and make it to implementation is the leader. is considered to lead to a sustainable competitive advantage, thus
improving organizational output performance. Although each firm’s
Leadership can be defined as the process of influencing people, as strategy is idiosyncratic researchers have sought to clarify business
leader conforms that objectives get achieved by efforts and coordination strategies into typologies to study more effectively relationship between
of all employees and for which he motivate people and also ensures strategy and performance [10].
the culture which is apt to perform. Leadership is a group event, Yulk
[3]. Leaders use different styles with subordinates to influence the The correct business strategy is the essential major step to achieving
situation and make impact on employees. Therefore they impact the high performance, but it is not enough. To execute the strategy effectively
performance. Best fitted behavior to people and organization will result and achieve the high-octane results is equally important looking to the
in increasing the performance. Leadership paradigms is being changing various manufacturing and health care organization. Therefore an
and organization do not have the leaders matching this new thoughts appropriation of strategy and its understanding to implementation
of subordinates they face problems to reach objectives. Such leaders
are productive but only for short span. Therefore the requirement of
leadership with changed pattern and values of employees and fitness to *Corresponding author: Chattopadhyay P, Amity Global Business School,
organization should also change to ensure desired performance. Gokhalenagar, Pune, India, Tel: 9096495066; E-mail: [email protected]
Literature Review Received March 27, 2014; Accepted August 12, 2015; Published August 24,
Introduction to leadership Citation: John S, Chattopadhyay P (2015) Factors Impacting Leadership
Leadership is an interpersonal skill applied by a leader in the Effectiveness: A Literature Review. Arabian J Bus Manag Review 5: 156.
style which is best suited to the situation and ensures the attainment
of desired goals by effective and continuous communication [4]. Copyright: © 2015 John S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
Leadership is the process of impacting people through continuous and use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
useful communication between leader and follower to achieve the goal source are credited.
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will make a huge impact to make organization functions smoothly for environment thus: “The environment includes factors outside the
years. But organization structure is equally important for it to align firm which can lead to opportunities or a threat to the firm. Although
with. there are many factors, the most important of these factors are socio-
economic, technological, supplier, competitor and the government.
Most firms have a mixed structural form, with fewer firms exhibiting
Therefore it can be said that the organization should develop culture
either high-levels of structure or low-levels of structure. Also, Reactors
which is unique and is a result of long term planning.
represent the fewest firms, while the most firms are Defenders. No
differences are found between the strategy types and their associated Milliken further suggested that there are three types of uncertainty
organizational structures, with each strategy type equally likely to about environments [20]. Effect uncertainty is an inability to predict
implement either a high, mixed, or low structural configuration. Also, the nature of the effect of a future state of the environment on the
in regards to perceptions of performance, the structural form of firms organization. Response uncertainty is an inability to predict the likely
has no impact and neither does the interaction of structure and strategy. consequences of a response choice. The third type, state uncertainty,
Therefore, any structural form has an equal chance of achieving high is also referred to as perceived environmental uncertainty. Strategic
performance, regardless of the strategy implemented. typologies represent broad categories of businesses’ strategic behavior
Numerous structural characteristics are common in the literature. into a few types [10]. Strategy is something which is and will affect the
However, four major structural dimensions are prevalent: (a) environment.
formalization, (b) integration, (c) centralization and (d) complexity Organization tends to develop strategy to match to environment
[11-17]. Centralization refers to the degree to which the right to make because a strategy can run for years but it is the environment which
decisions and control activities is concentrated [16]. In other words, brings twist and many organization gets failure and success as per the
a high degree of centralization within an organization means that the selection of strategy they have. The success is possible when the strategy
critical decisions are made at the top management level. Formalization fit to the environment and gives results. Environment is unpredictable
can be defined as the extent to which an organization uses rules and and is never constant and when the change will come is also
procedures to prescribe behaviour such as the details on how, where, unidentifiable. Hence matching the environment as per the organization
and by whom tasks are to be performed [16]. Formalization restricts is equally important. Environment refers to all external forces that have
the activities of employees to those proscribed in advance. Complexity a bearing on the functioning of a business. It is inescapable aspect in
describes the many, usually interrelated, parts of an organization [16]. performance of organization. Competitive strategy is about being
This includes the number of hierarchical levels, the span of control, or different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to
the geographical dispersion of operating sites, among others. deliver a unique mix of value [21]. Further there is ample evidence to
Although the inconsistency of the impact of structural dimensions suggest that firm performance is associated with both strategic factors
on performance is accepted, it is, however, widely accepted that specific that are consistent across firms and strategic factors that are unique
structural characteristics do indeed influence performance in some way to individual firms [22,23]. McDonald and Westphal found that
[17]. Organizational structure, conceptualized as the decision-making executives’ focus on information from close personal sources inhibited
structure among a group of individuals, is shown to affect the number their propensity to change corporate strategies and thus dampened
of initiatives pursued by organizations, and the omission. subsequent performance [24]. The strategy of a business enterprise
consists of what management decides about the future direction and
The structure of organization varies in terms of dimensions. scope of the business. It entails managerial choice among alternative
Some of the most important dimensions are (i) efficiency of resource action programmes, commitment to specific product market,
utilization (ii) efficiency of time utilization (iii) responsiveness to the competitive moves and business approaches to achieve enterprise
environment (iv) adaptability over time and (v) the ability to hold objective. Michael Mankins and Richard Steele research shows that a
people accountable Nohria Nitin [18]. select group of high performing companies have managed to close the
Today corporate civilization can be inordinately complex. strategy-to-performance gap through better planning [25].
Simplification, alignment and modernization a new vision of what Leadership style and its impact
the organization look like and all of it accomplished with a stroke of a
pen. The restructuring that works best such as those at Ford, Xerox and Weber and Kelloway, provides experimental evidence that
Cisco focus first on organization’s critical decisions. Then they build transformational leadership can result in changes in subordinates’
an organization that can make and execute those decisions better and perceptions of managers’ leadership behaviors, subordinates’ own
faster than the competition. commitment to the organization, and hugely impact the financial
performance of the organization [26]. This delineates that leadership
Hence for the improved performance organization seeks and organization performances are the element which goes hand in
reorganization of structure. Management control systems must have hand and the effective manner of leadership will surely make positive
a structure which supports the flexible organizational culture taking impact on the performance of the organization.
organizational transform and adaptation as a base in the emerging new
production and competition conditions. Whenever the term “style” is used, it most commonly refers to
one’s fashion or outer appearance. A style is the total combination
On the basis of review, Milliken [19] developed a general definition of the way you dress, talk, move your body, or do anything for that
of environmental uncertainty, calling it “an individual’s perceived matter. Simply put, it’s how we express our inner being outwardly. This
inability to predict (an organization’s environment) accurately” because includes all of our thoughts, emotions, interests, and values. Everything
of a “lack of information” or “an inability to discriminate between on the outside is merely a reflection of what’s on the inside. Style is the
relevant and irrelevant data”. The research by Baum, Locke and Smith manner in which a one chooses among different strategies to address
suggests untying the multifaceted process by which entrepreneurs an issue. A style reveals the individual’s personality or voice, but it also
affect competitive strategy and performance. Jauch and Gluecke define shows how he or she sees the world.
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Leadership style is the distinctive way in which a superior manages consistent with the literature that states the boomer generation focuses
her/his interfaces with subordinates. Leadership styles are often an on personal gratification. The interview with the nexter was consistent
extension of the personality of a leader and are shaped by the needs of with responses from the generation x in their core and work values of
the position. Dr. Rao has developed an instrument for measuring three honesty, family, and balancing life and work.
styles of leadership: The critical or coercive, the developmental and the
The leadership styles of the three leaders differed. The veteran
benevolent or paternalistic [27]. These are the top management styles
seemed to prefer a style characterized by that generation cohort’s core
which talks about creating different kind of work atmosphere in an
and work values. The boomer leadership style as well seemed to mirror
organization and their fitness with organization needs. Burns studied
the generation’s work and core values. It is in line with the participative
the stories of great and lesser leaders to develop a classification of
leadership style, although the interviewee characterized it as servant
amoral (power wilders) and moral (transactional and transformational
leadership. The studies help individual to understand that different
leadership), and only moral leaders are admitted to his typology [28].
style will produce different outcomes and that is why identification of
The typology is a duality in that amoral leaders are not admitted to
style is important.
be “real leaders,” and the real leaders are either transactional or
transformational. In 1985, Bernard Bass [29] cites that, the leader who Thus this has demanded the need to know first the prevailing
recognizes the transactional needs in potential followers “but tends to styles of leadership because the styles of leadership has being changing
go further, seeking to arouse and satisfy higher needs, to engage the full from past and has shown a tremendous impact on the performance of
person of the follower, to a higher level of need according to Maslow’s organization.
hierarchy of needs”.
Studies have also supported that organization culture is important
In his study Bass proposed that the transactional leaders’ works key element which influence the style of leaders and followers
within the organizational culture as it exists; the transformational acceptance level. People with different culture; possess different values
leader changes the organizational culture” [29]. The transformational and leader matching to that culture will be accepted to the followers
leader even “changes the social warp and woof of reality”. In sum, or he should be a transformational kind which can bring all change
transformational is hierarchically superior to transactional leadership even into the culture. This thought give another inevitable insight to
valuation. Bass [29] further concludes that “the leadership of the great leadership’s aspect that is culture and understanding of organization
men (and great women) of history has usually been transformational, culture in affecting leadership style.
not transactional”. Great leadership works through emotions [30].
Culture has long been the focus of management theorists; the
Leaders are artists; tolerate chaos and lack of structure. They keep
concept of cultures in organizations was alluded to as early as the
answer in suspense preventing premature closure on important
Hawthorne studies. The topic came into its own during the early
issues. The study also examined the transformational, transactional,
1970’s. Peters and Waterman, [34] suggest a psychological theory of
and passive/avoidant leadership styles and how they are perceived
the link between organizational culture and business performance.
by subordinates in predicting subordinate extra effort, manager
Culture can be looked upon as a reward of work, we sacrifice much to
effectiveness, and satisfaction with management.
the organization and culture is a form of return on effort. Deshpande
Further the research by Ali [31] address notion of leadership in and Webster [35] defined organizational culture as a “pattern of shared
Muslim countries. The study seeks to develop a model for understanding values and beliefs that help individuals understand organizational
leadership in Islamic culture and discusses the factors which give rise to functioning and thus provide them with the norms for behavior in the
two types of leadership: the prophetic and, which were in the Prophet organization”.
era and rightly guided caliphs.
The organizational culture constructs combines elements of tactic
Turner et al. had done the study on difference in leadership styles knowledge, social interconnections and specificity that make culture-
of project manager and functional manager [32]. Projects and their based competitive advantage unique and extremely difficult for
management are often used as a training ground for development of competitor to fathom and imitate [36]. The heterogeneity of cognitions,
general managers. The study has shown that successful management skills, and ties is said to provide top management teams with diverse
of projects does not automatically qualify for successful general inputs and helps them be more responsive to environmental complexity
management. Different leadership dimensions play a role at different and change [37,38]. Weber et al. [39] observe that to facilitate the
levels of management. Accordingly, training programs for managers process of combining two organization entities, manager and employee
should prepare candidates in line with the requirements of their tasks. expectations must be taken into account, proper communication
The involving leadership style appears to be sufficiently flexible to cope channel need to be established and acculturation to both national and
with less-than-perfect context fit. So project management training corporate culture of the partner firm should taken place.
should initially focus on this leadership style to allow project managers
Culture has been defined as the specific collection of values and
to build a solid base there and then add other styles on a contingency
norms that are shared by the people and the groups in an organization
and that control the way they interact with each other and with the
Another research by Salahuddin MM examines whether there is stakeholders outside the organization. Agrawal and Krishnan [40]
a relationship between leadership style and generational group and in their study of relationship between leadership style and value
its potential impact on organizational success [33]. It studies four systems, found that relationship-oriented leadership is positively
generations namely Veteran, Boomers, Generation X and Nexter, related to value of achievement, self-direction and power. On the
there were differences among the generations. The boomer discussed basis of organizational values one can develop organizational norms,
taking care and commitment to self. Whereas, the veteran states he guidelines or expectations that prescribe appropriate kinds of behavior
admires individuals who knew how to surround themselves with by employees in particular situations and control the behavior of
individuals that could help them. The individual states they believe in organization members towards one another [41].
taking care of themselves spiritually, physically, and mentally. This is
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Nohria, Joyce and Roberson [42] Building the right culture is all play a role in effectiveness of leadership [56]. An effective leader
imperative and winning companies design and support the culture is someone who motivates a person or a group to accomplish more
that encourage outstanding individual and team contribution and than they would have otherwise accomplished without that leader‘s
one that hold employees not just manager responsible for success. It is involvement [57].
through the medium of culture that we are able to make sense of our
world and by means of organizational culture that we appreciate and
attribute meaning to our organization experiences. It is a reward to an The literature has suggested that structure and culture in
organization as people within the organization will often possess quite organizations exist in close alignment. Structure is one of the
similar views concerning as culture is shared among people. determinants of culture; conversely, culture has been shown to have
an influence on the organizational structure and operational systems
As the culture talks about the way of life in an organization it
in an organization. Leadership occurs in an environment embedded in
indicates that such things are created by leaders only. Unless the support
ambiguity, complexity, and informational overload it’s very important
of leader is not there for particular value system it’s not possible to let
for organizations to have the roles of individual well defined. There is
it sustain. Hence leaders play a very crucial role in setting the culture
a close relationship between structure and culture both should be well
of the organization.
aligned in an organization.
Studies indicated that the strategy of an organization plays
The study reveals that organizational leadership and involvement,
an important role in affecting the performance. Strategy is often
traditional maintenance practices, successful adaptation of effective
considered as the means by which a firm achieves and sustains a
total productivity maintenance initiatives can significantly contribute
competitive advantage over other firms in the industry [43,44]. An
towards accruing core competencies in the organization. It has been
industrialised nation’s economic future does not lie in the production
concluded that top management leadership, effective organization
of low-cost standardised products (cost leadership); rather the only
structure, adaptation of efficient traditional maintenance practices,
way such manufacturing firms can respond is to adopt a strategy of
total productivity maintenance implementation initiatives and
customer-focussed flexible manufacturing offering diverse, unique
realization of focused results through holistic implementation program
and/or technologically superior products to customers [17,45-48]. It
can significantly contribute in harnessing core competencies in the
is a strategy which attempts to maximise differentiation [49,50]. Firms
organization, thereby providing a sound platform for the organization
pursuing a strategy of flexibility aim to respond to customer demands
to compete effectively in the dynamic environment.
by offering products with unique attributes and/or switching from
one product to another through co-ordinated actions to offer product It makes individual clear that combinations of variable have being
variations [51,52]. researched and performance is being viewed of an organization.
Therefore study is significant to be done as it has a direct relation to
The organization should think of an inbuilt strategy to develop
overall organization performance. The above discussion states that the
a kind of background which is unique and cannot be copied by the
performance of a company depends on leadership style, organization
competitors and give the competitive advantage to the organization.
structure, strategy, environment, and organization culture and their
Strategy is a broad general plan developed to achieve long-term
fitness together.
organizational objectives; it is the end result of strategic planning. A
strategy provides a unified direction for organizations. It links the The question emerges what is the role lead by factors like leadership
resources of organization with the environmental risks and challenges. style, organization structure and strategy and organization culture on
Miles and Snow [49] assume that organization act to create their own performance and is there any impact of fitness of all these factors.
environments through a series of choices regarding market, product, Thus researcher concludes that there are following research gaps a)
technology, desired scale of operation etc. explanation of performance heterogeneity b) what styles of leadership
exists in corporate c) is there any relationship of leadership styles with
Furthermore leadership is that development in which he gives
performance d) is there any type of fitness of styles with other variables
the direction, support and communication which brings everyone
leadership style, organization structure, strategy and organization
together and makes them perform their tasks in the desired form [53].
culture can make an impact on performance.
Leader is the person who can identify well who is capable to perform
what and he put that person to the task and which enhances the Future Scope of Study
effectiveness of it. This is not possible unless the leader gets the trust
The resource based concept is still to find a significant position in the
and belief of his subordinates. It is a deliberate process of continuous
leadership style and its fitness with strategy, environment, organization
interaction between leader and subordinate to make the task happen
culture and structure on performance. There is need to build up a body
with their coordination and knowledge. Effective leaders engage their
of knowledge so as to understand performance heterogeneity on the
communications and motivation skills and translate these into explicit
basis of leadership styles and strategy, environment, organization
behaviors to positively influence change initiatives.
culture and structure. It has being well identified that studies have been
Leader effectiveness is primarily determined by selecting the right done in this area but none of the study combinable talks about the
kind of leader for a certain situation or changing the situation to fit variables proposed here.
the particular leader‘s style [54]. Organizations have attempted to References
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