Speaking - Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Level
Speaking - Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Level
Speaking - Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Level
What is the most What are some of the What do you think the
positive change you advantages of most common crime in
have experienced in cooking your meals your country is?
your life? at home? How about Should police in your
country be stricter or
the disadvantages?
less strict?
Who, besides your Who was the wisest What was the
parents, had the person in your worst/best date that
biggest impact on country’s history? you have ever been
your childhood? What kind of advice on?
did they give?
What was your most Have you hand-written Do you think that
memorable a letter and sent it to people are born with
someone? If no, why
birthday? empathy or are they
not? If yes, how often
do you send letters and
taught it?
to whom?
If you were going to get What are some of the “The only thing
a new car, what kind of most serious constant is change.”
car would you get? A environmental Do you agree with
luxurious car? A sports
problems in your this statement?
car? A hybrid or electric
car? country? Explain.