Elecric Test
Elecric Test
Elecric Test
Grid Protection
20.1 Voltage Issues
Whenever var load exceeds var capability, voltage will sag. If voltage sags
gradually, time-delayed undervoltage relaying can actuate to initiate load
shedding. If voltage drops suddenly, high-speed undervoltage relaying
is needed. The setpoints of undervoltage relays need to be based on the
design objective. If the objective is to protect the power grid from collapse,
relatively high dropout undervoltage trip settings should be established.
If the objective is to protect connected loads from damage, specific calcu-
lations need to be developed for the protected loads.
© 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
316 Protective Relay Principles
Undervoltage Relay
138 KV Bus
13.8 KV Bus
Load that
Can Be Shed
Figure 20.1
One-line diagram showing simplified transmission system and traditional undervoltage
relay applications.
Figure 20.2
Undervoltage trip setting, range of actual trip values, and reset voltage.
With 138-KV, 120-V VTs, the relay would be set at 113.5 volts, which cor-
responds to 130.5 KV. The pickup/dropout ratio needs to be taken into
account as automatic controls may enable voltage recovery and negate the
need for load shedding. Allowance for errors is application specific.
The desired trip setting, the maximum undervoltage trip value if all
errors combine to increase the actual trip setting, the minimum under-
voltage trip value if all errors combine to decrease the actual trip value,
and the minimum recovery voltage that is required to allow the under-
voltage relay to reset are illustrated in Figure 20.2.
Power Grid
345 KV
138 KV Bus
Undervoltage Relay
13.8 KV Bus
Figure 20.3
One-line diagram showing multiple voltage transformations.
VT inaccuracy: 0.5%
Relay setpoint inaccuracy 1.0%
Relay setpoint drift 0.5%
Relay pickup/dropout ratio 2.0%
Voltage drop in motor cables 3.0% (calculated, application specific)
Voltage drop in 13.8-KV, 480-volt transformer 2.0% (calculated, application specific)
Minimum motor voltage, 480-volt base: 414 volts ÷ 480 volts = 86.2%
Minimum 480-V bus voltage: 86.2% + 3% = 89.2%
Minimum transformer 13.8-KV voltage: 89.2% + 2% = 91.2%
Minimum undervoltage setting: 13.8 KV × (91.2% + 4%) = 13.14 KV,
95.3% on 13.8-KV base
With 13.8-KV, 120-V VTs, the undervoltage relay would be set at 109.5
volts, which corresponds to 13.14 KV.
The load protection criteria would be used to determine setpoints when
undervoltage relays are used to initiate load transfers to standby sources.
When undervoltage settings for grid protection are lower than under-
voltage settings for load protection, the settings developed for grid pro-
tection should be applied. If the settings developed for load protection
are applied, inadvertent scheme actuation may occur when grid voltage is
low, but acceptable.
Overvoltage Relay
138 KV Bus
13.8 KV Bus
Figure 20.4
One-line diagram showing two voltage transformations and two switched capacitors.
With 138-KV, 120-V VTs, the relay would be set at 128.5 volts, which cor-
responds to 147.8 KV. Allowance for errors is application specific.
Automatic tripping of generators to reduce system voltage is not rec-
ommended unless load flow studies are developed to demonstrate that
system voltage will decrease when generators are tripped off-line. The
concern is that if generators that are absorbing vars are tripped off-line,
system voltage may increase rather than decrease.
Power Grid
345 KV
138 KV Bus
Overvoltage Relay
13.8 KV Bus
Figure 20.5
One-line diagram showing multiple voltage transformations.
Maximum transformer voltage: 504 volts, full load 528 volts, no load
VT inaccuracy: 0.5% 0.5%
Relay setpoint inaccuracy 1.0% 1.0%
Relay setpoint drift 0.5% 0.5%
Voltage drop –2.0% 0%
Relay pickup/dropout ratio 2.0% 2.0%
Total margins 2.0% 4.0%
With 13.8-KV, 120-V VTs, the relay would be set at 123.5 volts, which cor-
responds to 14.2 KV. Allowance for errors and voltage drop is application
20.6 Frequency Control
Whenever there is a load-generation mismatch, system frequency can-
not be maintained at 60 Hz. The usual range of system frequency is 59.98
to 60.02 Hz. On a thirty day average, the system frequency should be
60.00 Hz so every time there is a minor underfrequency excursion (0.01
to 0.02 Hz), there will be an intentional, minor, overfrequency correction
period. Similarly every time there is a minor overfrequency excursion,
there will be an intentional, minor underfrequency correction period.
Generator governors respond to frequency changes and automatically
restore system frequency. If, however, system frequency decays substan-
tially, there may not be enough generation on the system to restore system
frequency. Underfrequency relays are then utilized to shed customer load
and restore the balance between load and generation. Likewise, if system
frequency rises substantially, the only alternative may be to trip genera-
tors off-line. Overfrequency relays are utilized as a last-ditch attempt to
shed generators when prolonged overfrequency conditions occur.
If power system frequency drops below 57 Hz, damage to blades of large
steam turbine generators (caused by mechanical resonance) should be
anticipated. For this reason, large steam turbine generators are equipped
with underfrequency relays that trip generators off-line when the power
system frequency decays to 57 Hz for several seconds. This, however, is
a last resort because when generators are tripped off-line as system fre-
quency is decaying, system collapse will occur.
for transient and steady-state conditions in the event the next worse-case,
single contingency occurs. When equipment failures occur, a grace period
(10–15 minutes) is allowed before the generation mix needs to be adjusted
to cover the next worse-case, single contingency.
Considering the above, it is easy to see that underfrequency and overfre-
quency relay setpoints cannot be determined as exactly as other types of
protective relays. The first hurdle is that the initiating event is undefined.
The second hurdle is that pre-event system conditions are undefined. The
third hurdle is that postevent system conditions are undefined. In special
cases, such as the state of Florida and the city of San Francisco, pre-event
and postevent conditions are better understood, but the initiating event
remains undefined.
20.7 Underfrequency Relaying
Given all of the above listed uncertainties, plus knowledge of past events,
such as the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965, how can underfrequency
setpoints be determined?
One method is to define protective needs based on the limited informa-
tion that is available. For example, the expected drop in system frequency
for loss of generation can be calculated. Assume that the frequency of a
system that has 50,000 MW of generation operating and 50,000 MW of cus-
tomer load is expected to drop 0.2 Hz for the loss of 2200 MW of genera-
tion (loss of two large 1100-MW generators within minutes of each other).
This indicates that the maximum underfrequency setpoint at a distri-
bution substation should be 59.8 Hz minus margins for relay accuracy. If
the underfrequency relay accuracy is ±1%, the maximum underfrequency
relay setpoint should be 59.2 Hz.
If the underfrequency setpoint at generating stations is 57 Hz, then the
minimum underfrequency setpoint at a distribution substation should be
57 Hz plus 1% margin for relay accuracy at generating stations plus 1%
margin for relay accuracy at distribution substations or 58.2 Hz.
If three-step underfrequency relaying is installed, the underfrequency
setpoints at distribution substations could be 59.2 Hz, 58.7 Hz, and 58.2 Hz.
If six-step underfrequency relaying is installed, the underfrequency
setpoints at distribution substations could be 59.2 Hz, 59.0 Hz, 58.8 Hz,
58.6 Hz, 58.4 Hz, and 58.2 Hz.
The next consideration is how much load shedding is necessary. Is 10%
or 5000 MW the proper amount? Would 20% or 10,000 MW be better?
How about 30% or 15,000 MW? There is no absolute answer to this ques-
tion. When setting underfrequency relays, the assumption is that there
Frequency, Hertz
Time, Variable
Design Transient, No Load Shedding
Figure 20.6
Power system frequency, recoverable underfrequency transient, no load shedding.
Frequency, Hertz
Time, Variable
Level 1 Transient, 10% Load Shed at 59.2 Hertz
Figure 20.7
Power system frequency, 10% load shed.
Frequency, Hertz
Time, Variable
Level 2 Transient, 10% Load Shed at 58.7 Hz, 10% at 59.2 Hz
Figure 20.8
Power system frequency, 20% load shed.
Time, Variable
Level 3 Transient, 10% Load Shed at 58.2 Hz, 58.7 Hz, and 59.2 Hz
Figure 20.9
Power system frequency, 30% load shed.
Frequency, Hertz
Time, Variable
System Collapse
Figure 20.10
Power system frequency, system collapse.
or more major generating units trip off during recovery, recovery will be
unsuccessful and system collapse will occur.
Three-step underfrequency relaying with 10% load shedding is one
alternative. Six-step underfrequency relaying (59.2 Hz, 59.0 Hz, 58.8 Hz,
58.6 Hz, 58.4 Hz, and 58.2 Hz) with 5% load shedding at each frequency
and twelve-step underfrequency relaying (0.1 Hz increments with 2.5%
load shedding at each step) are other alternatives.
Table 20.1
Three-Step Underfrequency Load Shedding
Underfrequency Underfrequency
Desired Result Relay Setpoints Scheme Time Delay
Shed 10% customer load 59.2 Hz 6 cycles
Shed 10% customer load 58.7 Hz 15 cycles
Shed 10% customer load 58.2 Hz 6 cycles
Shutdown system 57.6 Hz 5 seconds
Table 20.2
Six-Step Underfrequency Load Shedding
Underfrequency Underfrequency
Desired Result Relay Setpoints Scheme Time Delay
Shed 5% customer load 59.2 Hz 6 cycles
Shed 5% customer load 59.0 Hz 15 cycles
Shed 5% customer load 58.8 Hz 6 cycles
Shed 5% customer load 58.6 Hz 15 cycles
Shed 5% customer load 58.4 Hz 6 cycles
Shed 5% customer load 58.2 Hz 15 cycles
Shutdown system 57.6 Hz 5 seconds
20.8 Overfrequency Relaying
Overfrequency relay settings cannot be determined as easily as underfre-
quency relay settings. The reason for this is that large power systems may
have less than 50 large generators (500 MW and larger) and numerous
small generators. The large generators are base load units and the small
generators are peaking units, cogenerators, independent power produc-
ers, waste recovery generators, etc. Loss of a single large generator can
stress the power system. Loss of two or more large generators will stress
the power system unless the generator tripping can be matched geograph-
ically to system load.
Small generators, while more numerous, may not be on-line when an
overfrequency transient occurs. Nuclear powered generating units are
exempt from overfrequency tripping unless the overfrequency trip was
initiated by the reactor protection system.
With only 50 large generating stations, it is difficult to ensure that over-
frequency tripping of generators will not cause oscillations between over-
frequency and underfrequency conditions. The recommended practice
for setting overfrequency relays is as follows:
The selected setpoints should ensure that overfrequency limits are not
exceeded, nuclear units do not trip off-line, and the system returns to a
stable configuration.
Many utilities rely on mechanical overspeed devices to trip generators off-
line when the turbine-generator speed rises to unacceptably high levels.
When overfrequency relaying schemes are installed, the preferred alter-
native is to delay overfrequency scheme tripping as long as possible so
that generator governors can act to restore the load-generation balance.
Table 20.3 lists three-step, overfrequency relays setpoints that could
be used to trip 15% of generators off-line in four groups. Each generat-
ing station that participates in the overfrequency trip program would be
equipped with two overfrequency relays set to trip at 61.4 Hz, 62.2 Hz, or
63.0 Hz. Two overfrequency relays are connected in series so that a single
relay misoperation will not cause a generator to trip off-line.
Figure 20.11 shows a design basis overfrequency transient. Figure 20.12
shows a severe overfrequency transient that would likely result in genera-
tor tripping. A severe overfrequency transient would most likely be caused
by loss of transmission lines between remote generators and load centers
that are importing a large portion of the power they are consuming. Most
likely, the load center will experience underfrequency load shedding at
the same time that remote generators are experiencing overfrequency.
Table 20.3
Three-Step Overfrequency Generator Tripping
Overfrequency Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Desired Relay Time Time Time Time
Result Setpoints Delay Delay Delay Delay
Shed 5% 61.4 Hz 15 seconds 30 seconds 45 seconds 60 seconds
Shed 5% 62.2 Hz 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds
Shed 5% 63.0 Hz 1.0 seconds 1.5 seconds 2.0 seconds 2.5 seconds
Frequency, Hertz
Time, Variable
Design Transient
Figure 20.11
Power system frequency, recoverable overfrequency transient.
Frequency, Hertz
Time, Variable
Severe Transient
Figure 20.12
Power system frequency, system collapse
Figure 20.12 differs from Figures 20.8 and 20.9 in that overfrequency
relay actuations are delayed whereas underfrequency relay actuations are
instantaneous. The reason for the time delays used with overfrequency
relaying is to ensure that the recovery is unlikely without overfrequency
relay operation. If power system frequency rises to 66 Hz, mechanical
overspeed trip devices will actuate instantaneously and may trip numer-
ous generators simultaneously.