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New Special Vehicle Loading in IRC:6 For Design of Bridges

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com New OWC Loading in IRC:6

Alok Bhowmick Lakshmy Parameswaran G L Verma

Managing Director Chief Scientist Director
B&S Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bridges & Structures Division Engineering & Planning Consultants
315-316, Vishal Chambers, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, 241, Somdutt Chambers-II, 9, Bhikaji
Sector 18, Noida, U.P 201301 New Delhi-110025 Cama Place, N. Delhi - 110 066
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Mr. Alok Bhowmick, born 1959, graduated Dr. Lakshmy Parameswaran, born in 1962, Mr G L Verma has about 39 years of experience
in Civil Engineering from Delhi University received PhD (Civil Engineering) from IIT in design, supervision, maintenance, repairs,
in 1981 and did his post graduation from Roorkee. She has more than 26 years experience rehabilitation of all types of Bridges. After
IIT, Delhi in 1992. Mr Bhowmick has made and is currently working in CSIR-CRRI as a Chief graduation from Delhi College of Engineering,
significant contributions in the field of Scientist. Her main areas of research are bridge he worked in various capacities in India,

New Special Vehicle structural engineering both within and outside

his organization by sharing his expertise and
experience. He is an active member of several
management, health monitoring of bridges and
bridge aerodynamics
Africa, Middle- East and Far-East in Bridges,
Highways and Traffic and Transportation,
He is an active member of several technical

Loading in IRC:6 for

technical committees of Indian Roads Congress.
committees of Indian Roads Congress.
He is a fellow member of governing council of
Indian Association of Structural Engineers.

Design of Bridges axle hydraulic trailers and to prepare guidelines regarding in case authorities/bridge owners feel that a specific
the maximum number of multi axles hydraulic trailer units corridor (say bridges on port connectivity to the sites of
that can be permitted for a given type of consignment, heavy industries, thermal/hydro/nuclear power stations)
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION span, superstructure type and deck configuration, is to be designed for passage of OWC, the loading criteria
satisfying the requirements of IRC: SP:37-2010(3), using is available for the designers for application and safety of
he paper discusses the background, basis and Exponential growth in infrastructure sector in general working stress method of design. Also, this is to facilitate the bridges during the passage of OWC can be ensured
T features of the new clause on Special Vehicle
Load, introduced in IRC:6 (Published in Indian
and power sector in particular has led to construction of
thermal/hydro/ nuclear power plants in different land-
the transporters of OWC in planning the route/s as well
as the vehicle type for shipment of their consignments
up to the GVW of SV.
Highways(1)). This loading is to be adopted for locked parts of the country in the recent past. This has and to enable the regulatory authorities to arrive at quick This paper discusses the basis and features of new Special
design of new bridges in select corridors where passage led to significant increase in frequency of Over Weight decision for regulating the safe passage of such OWC’s. Vehicle Loading for bridge design introduced in IRC:6 in
of Over Weight Consignment (OWC) carrying stator units, Consignments (OWC) being transported by road using Based on this detailed study, guidelines were issued 2014 and its implications on bridge design.
turbines, heavy equipment and machinery may occur registered Multi Axle Hydraulic Trailers (MAHT). For by MORTH (2013)(4) and the details of the study are
occasionally. This loading represents a spectrum of special BRIDGE FAILURES DUE TO OVERLOADING/OWC
carrying such OWC over existing bridges, at present, each presented in the paper in fib congress (2014)(5).
vehicles in the country and should be considered for movement of trailer needs permission from multiple It is seen from literature that incidents of major bridge
inclusion in the design where ever applicable. The impact Some bridge failures took place in different part of the failures have been drastically increasing in USA as well
authorities, which is causing inordinate delay in the
of this loading on cost of bridge project is also discussed country due to over loading and during the passage of
delivery. In view of this, Ministry of Road Transport and as the rest of the world during the last decade and
in this paper for the benefit of designers and decision OWC, as shown in Fig. 1-4.
Highways, (MORT&H), India also got a study conducted overloading was the second largest reasons. However,
through Hydraulic Trailers Owners Association (HTOA) Realizing the above, (MORT&H) also felt the need to the number of failure of bridges reported in Europe due
Keywords: Overweight Consignment, over dimensioned (2). The major objective of this study was to assess the introduce a Special Vehicle (SV) load in IRC:6(6) for design to overloading/ OWC was only 2. Table 1 shows some of
Vehicle, Multi-Axle hydraulic Trailers, abnormal loading, adequacy of the existing bridge with identified span/ of new bridges which can be adopted in select corridors these failures of bridges due to overloading or during the
bridge failures superstructure arrangement for carrying the OWC’s multi as per requirement of the transport corridor. For example, passage of a heavy load much larger than the design load.

72 Heavy Haulers May 2015 May 2015 Heavy Haulers 73

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Table 1. Bridge Failures Due to Over Loading/OWC such as those carrying abnormal indivisible loads. SO do in Indian roads (Table 3). These vehicles are categorized
Sl No. Bridge Description Country Year of Failure Reason for failure not comply AW regulations and STGO. Further, SOV load in to 3 distinct groups as shown in Table 4. Loading
models were introduced to assess the effect of SO vehicles. arrangement of these MAHT is illustrated in Fig. 5 to Fig. 8
1 Water Bridge, Shanxi China 2007 Collapse of one of the two spans, when 180T vehicle overloaded the bridge
There are four SOV load models comprising of tractor and and it may be noted that the maximum axle load on each
Province designed for just 20T
trailer combinations, i.e., SOV-250, SOV-350, SOV-450 and trailer axle has been considered as 18.0T and the spacing
2 Harp Road Bridge USA 2007 Failure occurred when weight of a truck hauling an excavator of 82T was moving SOV-600 with maximum total weight of trailer up to 250T, between consecutive axles is 1500mm.
over this bridge rated for just 16T. 350T, 450T and 600T respectively. Maximum axle weight
3 Steel Bridge, Kullu, India 2008 Passage of OWC on an old posted bridge, capable of taking only 30T, led to BASIS FOR SELECTION OF SPECIAL VEHICLE FOR DESIGN
of trailer is 22.5T and minimum spacing between trailer
Himachal Pradesh bridge collapse (Fig. 1) axles is 1.5m. The braking load of Special SO vehicle must The Special Vehicle configuration chosen from the group
4 Tarcoles Bridge, 82m Costa Rica 2009 Overloaded heavy trucks and weight of water pipe not be considered if the vehicle movement is controlled.
suspension Bridge Table 3: Different Types of MAHT Currently Plying
constructed in 1924 Eurocode, EN-1991-2(10) defines Group of loads gr5, the
Special Vehicles and the different classes are given in Sl No. Type of Load GVW including Puller Tractor (T)
5 Bridge over Shetranjuy India 2009 Passage of OWC led to bridge collapse (Fig. 2)
Table 2. 1 HT1-4 97
River, NH-8E Gujarat
2 HT2-6 133
6 No. 3 Quiangtang River China 2011 Partial collapse when two truck each loaded with over 100 T of goods were TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MAHT STUDIED
3 HT3-8 169
Bridge, Zhejiang Province crossing the bridge
4 HT4-10 205
7 Balanced Cantilever Bridge, India 2011 Passage of MAHT with heavy turbine of GVW > 400 T led to collapse (Fig. 3) Table 2: Classes of Special Vehicle in Eurocode (EN-1991-2)
5 HT5-12 241
Madhya Pradesh
6 HT6-14 277
8 Gongguan Bridge, Fujian China 2011 Overloading Sl No. Notation Composition Total Weight (kN)
7 HT7-16 313
Province 1 600/150 4axle-lines of 150kN 600
8 HT8-18 349
9 Steel truss Bridge, 85m India 2011 During the passage of OWC carrying 100T (Fig. 4) 2 900/150 6axle –lines of 150kN 900
9 HT9-20 385
span Sikkim 3 1200/150 8axle-lines of 150kN 1200
10 HT10-(8+8)Axle 313
1200/200 6 axle –lines of 200kN
10 Bathe Bridge, Beijing China 2011 During the passage of a 160T truck over this bridge designed for 46T 11 HT11-(10+10) Axle 385
(230m Span) 4 1500/150 10 axle-lines of 150kN 1500
12 HT12-(14+14)Axle 529
11 Devon Bridge, New Jersey USA 2012 Overloaded by a garbage truck 1500/200 Or 7 axle -lines of 200kN + 1
13 HT13-(16+16)Axle 601
axle line of 100kN
5 1800/150 12 axle -lines of 150kN 1800
1800/200 9 axle –lines of 200kN Table 3: Different Types of MAHT Currently Plying
6 2400/200 12 axle-lines of 200kN 2400 Sl. No. Vehicle Type Axle Arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight (*) (T)
2400/240 10 axle-lines of 240kN 1 HT1 to HT9 Trailer Unit carrying 4 to 97 to 385
(Single Trailer 20 axles for HT1 to HT9
2400/200/200 6 axle –lines of 200kN
unit) respectively
(spacing 12m)+ 6 axle –lines
of 200kN 2 HT10 to HT11 (8+8) & (10+10) axle 313 to 385
Fig. 1 : Kullu (June,2008) Fig. 2: Gujarat (Aug 22, 2009) Fig. 3 : Madhya Pradesh (Sep 28, 2011) Fig. 4 : Sikkim (Dec 19, 2011) (Twin Trailers Trailer units for HT10 & HT11
7 3000/200 15 axle-lines of 200kN 3000
From Fig 1-4, it is seen that the failure can be either due to flexure or shear, when the load carrying capacity of existing bridge is much lower with Turn Table respectively
3000/240 12 axle-lines of 240kN+1 Bolster)
than the load effects produced by the OWC. Also, these failures had led to loss of human life
axle line of 120kN
3 HT12 to HT13 (14+14) & (16+16) axle 529 to 601
3000/200/200 8 axle –lines of 200kN (Twin Multi- Trailer units for HT10 & HT11
ABNORMAL LOADS FOR BRIDGE DESIGN –AN OVERVIEW pressure vessels, machine presses, etc.) likely to use the (spacing 12m)+ 7 axle –lines Axle Trailer respectively
roads in the area. The HB vehicle load is represented by of 200kN with Girder
Prior to arriving at the new SV loading a study on codal Arrangement)
a four axled vehicle with four wheels equally spaced on 8 3600/200 19 axle-lines of 200kN 3600
provisions of some of the countries like UK, Europe and
Australia were carried out and briefly discussed below: each axle. The load on each axle is defined by a number of 3600/240 15 axle-lines of 240kN
(*) GVW includes weight of puller tractor taken as 25T.
units which is dependent on the class of road, for example, 3600/200/200 9 axle –lines of 200kN
Australia had introduced Heavy Load Platform, HLP 320 (spacing 12m)+ 9 axle –lines of 13 vehicles (Table 3) considered in MORT&H study and
motorways and trunk roads require 45 units, Principal
and HLP 400 with GVW 320T and 400T, for improving of 200kN is such that it caters for 90% of the MAHT loads plying in
roads require 37.5 units and other public roads require
transport productivity, AUSTROADS (1992a)(7). the country and also fulfilling the following criteria:
30 units, where, one unit of HB is equal to 10kN per axle. Various types of MAHT are currently used in our country
In UK, Type HB loading is included in BD 37/01(8)- Appendix Also, BD 86/11(9) defines the Special Type General Order for transporting indivisible OWC. As per the HTOA, there a) From consideration of simplicity in use by designers,
A of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, considering (STGO) and Special Order (SO) vehicles for assessment of are thirteen different configurations with Gross Vehicle it should be a single puller-tractor vehicle, which will
the requirements derive from the nature of exceptional Highway Bridges. STGO include vehicles up to 150T GVW, Weight (GVW) ranging from 97 T to 601T including 25T be representative of the load effects of majority of the
industrial loads (e.g. electrical transformers, generators, which do not comply Authorised Weight (AW) regulations weight of Puller Tractor, which are most commonly plying MAHT that are plying on the Indian Roads. In order to

74 Heavy Haulers May 2015 May 2015 Heavy Haulers 75

New OWC Loading in IRC:6

Fig. 5. Vehicle Type HT 6 (Typical for Vehicle Type HT1 to HT9)

Fig. 6 Vehicle Type HT10 (Typical for Vehicle Type HT10 to HT11)

Fig. 7 Vehicle Type HT12 (Typical for Vehicle Type HT12 to HT13)

Fig. 8 Transverse Arrangement of Hydraulic Axles

choose the most appropriate trailer arrangement, the in comparison to those bridges, which are otherwise
comprehensive analytical study(2) was also reviewed designed for appropriate existing IRC Class 70R/Class
by the Loads and Stresses Committee (B-2) of Indian A loading depending on the carriage way width and
Roads Congress (IRC) considering the dynamic impact of vehicular traffic.
b) Considering the infrequent nature of these loads, the c) In general, the MAHT carrying the OWC moves very
chosen load configuration including the magnitude slowly and the speed of crossing of such loading
of individual axle load and the total load, should not on bridge is limited to 5 kmph which is in line with
lead to significant increase in the initial cost of bridges international practice. Also, special precautions need

76 Heavy Haulers May 2015 May 2015 Heavy Haulers 77

New OWC Loading in IRC:6

Fig. 9 Longitudinal View of SV

Fig. 10 Axle Arrangement of SV

to be taken to avoid application of brakes/acceleration likely to take place during the passage of MAHT.
while the MAHT is on the bridge. Further, in no case Therefore, the action of wind, earthquake and floods
the vehicle shall be stationed over the structure. In acting independently / simultaneously during the
view of this, no dynamic impact is considered during transportation of the OWCs is not to be considered,
the movement of SV loading while assessing the in conjunction with SV for bridge design,
design forces on the bridge. g) It is to be understood that the Special Vehicle (SV) in
d) In order to reduce the cost impact on the bridge, IRC: 6 is an exceptional load. Such vehicles will not be
passage of such MAHT shall be regulated, which allowed to pass the bridge without any regulations.
is in line with the current practice existing in many These loads do not comply with the National
countries all over the world. Regulations and passage of such type of loads would
require prior permission from the relevant authorities
e) Only single lane of MAHT shall be allowed on the including checking of adequacy of the bridge with
bridge at any given time. Also, it must ply at the actual loads, even if the bridge is originally designed
center of the deck with a maximum tolerance of for SV loading.
300mm. No other vehicle shall move on any part of
the carriageway/s when the trailer is crossing the Considering the above aspects, the Special Vehicle (SV)
bridge. for bridge design as ‘HT9’ of the vehicles considered in
MORTH study as this load gives the worst effect in bridges
f ) The movement of MAHT is not allowed over a up to span 50m and therefore in case the design of
bridge when the wind speed is high or at the time bridge is checked for this vehicle, 90% of the existing
of flood. Also, it is assumed that no earthquake is OWC plying in the country will be catered for. Once the

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Fig. 11 Positioning of SV for Design as well as during the Passage over Bridge

(iii)Cost impact on Superstructure spans more than 20m is 3. IRC: SP: 37-2010: Guidelines for Evaluation of Load
likely to vary from 10% to 30%, depending upon the span carrying Capacity of Bridges, Indian Roads Congress,
length. Longer the span more severe will be the impact. New Delhi.
(iv)The design of substructure and foundation in a bridge 4. MORT&H letter no. 35072/1/2010 S&R(B) dated 24th
is mostly governed by the lateral loads caused by seismic January 2013 issuing guidelines regarding Movement
/ Wind / Braking forces and so on. Since passage of OWC of Over Weight and Over Dimensional Consignment
is an infrequent and temporary condition, which will be (OW/ODC).
regulated, these loads are not likely to affect design of
5. Mahesh Tandon, Alok Bhowmick, G.L. Verma and
substructure and foundation & there is no cost impact.
Aditya Sharma(2014), “Analytical Study Of Adequacy
Fig. 12 Comparison of Maximum Mid span BM due to Fig. 13 Comparison of Support Shear Force due to SV
CONCLUSION Of the Bridges To Carry Over-Weight Vehicles Using
SV and Normal IRC Loading and Normal IRC Loading
Multi-Axle Hydraulic Trailers”, Proceedings, 4th
Vehicles carrying OWC threaten bridge safety and often
From Fig. 12 and 13, it is evident that superstructure design and detail and bearing design of the bridge will be affected by the SV loading. International fib Congress 2014, Mumbai.
Also, following observations are made. cause many fatal accidents. Considering the increasing
frequency of MAHT carrying OWC on Indian roads, due 6. IRC:6 (2014): Standard Specifications and Code of
to exponential growth of infrastructure in the country, it Practice for Road Bridges – Section II-Loads & Stresses,
bridge is designed for this SV loading, safety of practically Also, for the load combination with special vehicle, the was felt necessary to define SV loading in IRC:6 to facilitate Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
80-90% of the bridges will be assured for majority (80- partial safety factor for verification of equilibrium and design of new bridges in corridors where frequent
7. AUSTROADS (1992a), Bridge Design Code,
90%) of the OWC carried by MAHT. structural strength under Ultimate Limit State and for movement of OWC is envisaged. IRC:6 recently introduced
AUSTROADS, Sydeny, Australia.
verification of Serviceability Limit State shall be taken as the Special Vehicle Loading including the associated
1.0. load combination and design philosophy, considering 8. BD 37/01, Loads for Highway Bridges, Design Manual
The SV is a special multi axle hydraulic trailer vehicle, i.e., the MAHT plying in India, and in line with international for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), Vol. 1, Section 3, Part
prime mover with 20 axle trailer, with a GVW of 385T and IMPACT OF SV LOADING ON BRIDGE DESIGN standards, so that transport productivity will be enhanced 14, 2001, U.K.
the longitudinal view is shown in Fig. 9 and axle details To understand the impact of SV loading on design of new without compromising on safety of bridges.
9. BD 86/11, The Assessment of Highway Bridges and
in Fig. 10 bridges, load effects were computed on simply supported REFERENCES Structures for the Effect of Special Types General
Also, for the design and during the actual passage of bridges up to span of 50m and compared with the normal Order (STGO) and Special Order (SO) Vehicles, Design
IRC loading as shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. 1. Indian Highways, published by Indian Roads Congress,
SV Loading, it shall be considered to ply close to center Manual for Roads and Bridges( DMRB), Vol. 3, Section
February 2014 issue.
of carriageway with a maximum eccentricity of 300mm (i)The impact of SV loading will be maximum for 2 lane 4, Part 19, 2011, U.K.
for single carriageway bridges or for dual carriageway bridges. Multi-lane bridges will have lesser influence. 2. MORT&H/HTOA(2012) Study for Assessment of
10. BS EN 1991-2(2003), Eurocode 1-Action on Structures-
bridges, as shown in Fig.11. Also, during the passage of Adequacy of Road Bridges to carry overweight cargo
(ii)Shorter spans having span length less than 20m do Part 2: Traffic Loads on Bridges, European Committee
SV Loading, no other vehicle shall be considered to ply on using Multi Axle Hydraulic Trailers by a consortium
not have any significant influence of SV loading. Impact for Standardization, Brussels.
the bridge. No wind, seismic, braking force and dynamic of following consultants: a) Tandon Consultants Pvt.
impact on the live load need to be considered as the SV will be mostly for spans more than 20m. Longer the span Ltd.; b) B & S Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd ; c)
shall move at a speed not exceeding 5 Km/hr over the length, more severe will be the influence of SV loading Gifford India Pvt. Ltd.; d) Engineering and Planning
bridge. over ‘normal’ IRC loadings Consultants

80 Heavy Haulers May 2015 May 2015 Heavy Haulers 81


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