Physical Geology Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Energy Resources
Physical Geology Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Energy Resources
Physical Geology Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Energy Resources
ty, humans consume as much as 110 times as much energy per person as early humans. Most of the energy we use today come from fossil fuels (stored solar energy). But fossils fuels have a disadvantage in that they are non-renewable on a human time scale, and cause other potentially harmful effects on the environment. In any event, the exploitation of all energy sources (with the possible exception of direct solar energy used for heating), ultimately rely on materials on planet Ea
Some of the questions we want to answer in this discussion are:
ble on a human time scale? Since fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal) are our main source of energy, how are they formed, how do we find them and exploit them? What is the future for our energy needs?Energy Sources
There are 5 fundamental sources of energy:
generated by the Earth & Moon. Nuclear fission reactions. Energy in the interior of the Earth. Energy stored in chemical bonds.
Solar Energy
can be used directly for heat and converted to electricity for other uses. It is a nearly unlimited source, it is renewable, and largely, non-polluting.
Gravity Generated by the Earth & Moon.
ides. Tidal flow can be harnessed to drive turbines. This is also a nearly unlimited source of energy and is largely non-polluting.
the atmosphere by the process is what we call the wind. Energy can be extracted from the wind using windmills. Water flowing downhill has a result of gravity can also be harnessed for energy to drive turbines and generate electricity. This is called hydroelectric energy. This sources of energy are mostly renewable, but only locally, and are generally non-polluting.
Nuclear Fission Reactions
roposed as a cheap, clean, and safe way to generate energy, Nuclear power has come under some disfavor. Costs of making sure nuclear power plants are clean and safe and the problem of disposing of radioactive wastes, which are unsafe, as well as questions about the safety of the plants under human care, have contributed to this disfavor.
Energy in the Interior of the Earth
pward into the crust. Groundwater circulating in the vicinity of igneous intrusions carries the heat back toward the surface. If this hot water can be tapped, it can be used directly to heat homes, or if trapped at great depth under pressure it can be turned into steam which will expand and drive a turbine to generate electricity.
Energy Stored in Chemical Bonds
energy is either released or absorbed. If it is absorbed, it is stored in the chemical bond for later use. If it is released, it can produce useful heat energy. electricity, and light.
produce H2O, and releases electricity and heat. The reaction is non-polluting, but currently has problems, such as safely storing and distributing compressed hydrogen gas, and producing hydrogen efficiently.
ganic byproducts. Such organic material is produced by photosynthesis, a chemical process which derives energy from the Sun and stores that energy until the material is burned.
urn it to release the energy. Among these sources are petroleum (Oil & natural gas), oil shale, tar sands, and coal. All of which will be one of the primary topics of our discussion here.
er through decay by reaction with oxygen in the atmosphere, or by adding oxygen directly by burning, energy is produced, and water and carbon dioxide return to the Earth or its atmosphere.
ries of slow chemical reactions occur which turn the organic molecules into hydrocarbons- Oil and Natural Gas, together called Petroleum. Hydrocarbons are complex organic molecules that consist of chains of hydrogen and carbon.
nt such hydrocarbons, but the most important of these are a group known as the paraffins. Paraffins have the general chemical formula:
the value of n in the formula increases, the following compounds are produced:
n Formula Compound Use
1 CH4 methane
2 C2H6 ethane
3 C3H8 propane
4 C4H10 butane Natural Gas
5 C5H12 pentane
6 C6H14 hexane
7 C7H16 heptane
8 C8H18 octane
9 C9H20 nonane Gasoline
>9 various variousLubricating Oils, Plastics
g these compounds and add oxygen to it, either in furnaces, stoves, or carburetors the following reaction takes place:
te forms, which is not a useful hydrocarbon. Thus oil is not formed during metamorphism and older rocks that have been heated will also lose their oil forming potential.
m such rock. Nature, however, does separate the oil and gas. As a result of compaction of the sediments containing the petroleum, the oil and natural gas are forced out and migrate into a reservoir rock.
Petroleum Reservoirs
rvoir rocks because of the pore space left around the rounded sand grains. Highly fractured rock of also a good reservoir rock, because the fractures provide lots of open space. Limestone, if it has often been partially dissolved, also has high porosity.
between the pores. Low permeability means that the fluids cannot easily get into or out of the pore spaces. Highly cemented sandstones, unweatherd limestones, and unfractured rock have low permeability.
pward. It would continue upward and seep out at the surface where it would oxidize, if it were not for some kind of trap that keeps it in the Earth until it is extracted.
Oil Traps
meable rock called a seal or caprock, which prevents the petroleum from migrating to the surface. Exploration for petroleum reservoirs requires geologists to find trap and seal configurations where petroleum may be found.
o a reservoir formed by one of these traps, note that the petroleum, like groundwater, will occur in the pore spaces of the rock. Natural gas will occur above the oil, which in turn will overly water in the pore spaces of the reservoir. This occurs because the density of natural gas is lower than that of oil, which is lower than that of water.
Structural Traps
k layers like shales or mudstones, and the rocks are folded into an anticline, petroleum can migrate upward in the permeable reservoir rocks, and will occur in the hinge region of the anticline.
be found by observing the orientation of rocks on the surface, anticlinal traps were among the first to be exploited by petroleum geologists.
Note that synclines will not form an oil trap (Why?).
ermeable rocks always have impermeable rocks above them, then an oil trap can form. Note that both normal faults and reverse faults can form this type of oil trap.
e often exposed at the Earth's surface, the locations of such traps can often be found from surface exploration.
ition of a thick layer of salt on the bottom of the basin. The salt was eventually covered with clastic sediments. But salt has a lower density than most sediments and is more ductile than most sedimentary rocks.
ng its margins, folding it upward to create oil traps. Because some salt domes get close to the surface, surface sediments overlying the salt dome are often domed upward, making the locations of the subsurface salt and possible oil traps easy to locate.
Stratigraphic Traps
bove the unconformity are impermeable rocks and permeable rocks layer are sandwiched between impermeable layers in the inclined strata below the unconformity.
Earth's surface. Locating possible traps like this usually requires subsurface exploration techniques, like drilling exploratory wells or using seismic waves to see what the structure looks like.
lenses of sand are impermeable and deformation has produced inclined strata, oil and natural gas can migrate into the sand bodies and will be trapped by the impermeable rocks.
ap is also difficult to locate from the surface, and requires subsurface exploration techniques.
Petroleum Distribution
een, in order to form a petroleum reserve, the development of 4 features is necessary :
out of the reservoir.Because these features must develop in the specified order, development of an oil reserve is geologically rare. As a result, petroleum reserves reserves are geographically limited. The largest known reserves are currently in the Persian Gulf (see figure 14.15 in your text)..
have had more time to erode or metamorphose, most reservoirs of petroleum occur in younger rocks. Most petroleum is produced from rocks of Cenozoic age, with less produced from rocks of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age.
Petroleum Exploration and Production
59. Oil wells eased petroleum recovery and initiated an oil boom, and within years, 1,000s of oil wells had been drilled. It was soon realized that a systematic approach to oil exploration was essential to prevent drilling dry holes.
ace mapping and drill holes, geologic cross sections are made and such cross-sections often reveal structures and potential reservoir rocks that could then be drilled.
k to surface from different rock interfaces below the surface and these reflected waves are then detected by receivers called geophones. By moving the source and the receivers along the surface, and tracing the pulse of each seismic wave, a cross section can be constructed that reveals potential reservoir rocks. These sections are correlated with drill holes where the geology is known, to produce a detailed picture of the subsurface. (see figure 14.12 in your text).
he rock cuttings. The heavy mud also helps to prevent blowouts.As the bit advances, the open borehole deepens. Drill pipe is added by a drill derrick, a tower that stands above the surface. Some derricks are mounted on offshore platforms and many of these platforms can drill many holes in many directions.
steel casing is inserted to line the hole and prevent collapse. After the casing has been emplaced, the well is pumped to recover the oil and gas.
extract as much of the rest as possible. Secondary recover involves pumping in fluids, like steam or CO2 to help push the oil out. Sometimes hydrofracturing using high pressure or explosives, can be used to artificially increase permeability and allow for more efficient extraction.
Oil Shale and Tar Sands
f oil shales is not currently cost-effective, but may become so as other sources of petroleum become depleted. Known deposits of oil shale are extensive. Tar Sands are sandstones that have thick accumulations of viscous oil in their pore spaces. Extraction of this oil also requires heating the rock and is therefore energy intensive and not currently cost effective.
ng results in a more carbon- rich coal called bituminous coal. If the rock becomes metamorphosed, a high grade coal called anthracite is produced. However, if temperatures and pressures become extremely high, all of the carbon is converted to graphite. Graphite will burn only at high temperatures and is therefore not useful as an energy source. Anthracite coal produces the most energy when burned, with less energy produced by bituminous coal and
ory was during the Carboniferous and Permian Periods, the continents were apparently located near the equator and covered by shallow seas. This type of environment favored the growth of vegetation and rapid burial to produce coal.
Known reserves of coal far exceed those of other fossil fuels, and may be our best bet for an energy source of the future. Still, burning of the lower grades of coal, like lignite and bituminous coal produces large amounts of waste products, like SO2 and soot, that pollute the atmosphere. This problem needs to be overcome before we can further exploit this source of energy.
Mining of coal is still a problem from an aesthetic point of view. Seams near the surface are often strip mined and backfilled, leaving temporary scars on the landscape. Deep coal seams have to be mined through tunnels, which often collapse, catch fire, or explode as a result of ignition of coal dust or methane released from the coal. Coal miners often suffer from black-lung disease from years of breathing coal dust.
Energy for the Future
% other). Since fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy, at least in human lifetimes), we need to ask how much longer society can rely on this source. Further, what are the options for the future?
Non-Renewable Resources
m (for nuclear energy) and Coal appear to be most plentiful, while Tar sands and oil shale are currently not economical. The current known oil reserves will likely run out sometime between 2050 and 2150.
e discovery of new resources. Even in terms of 4,000 years of human history, the oil age will be very short lasting only 150 to 200 years.
uclear seems like a good bet in terms of available resources, but can it be made cheap, clean, and safe? Will the recent problems with nuclear reactors during the March 11, 2011 earthquake have an effect on the future of nuclear energy?
search to find more efficient way to extract, the resource, but will likely be necessary to replace oil in the short term.
Renewable Resources
he wind mills are not aesthetically pleasing to look at at, make a lot of noise and kill large numbers of birds, all problems that would need to be overcome to expand this resource.
y increase, since most rivers are already dammed and there are few places left where new hydroelectric facilities could be built.
al activity (mainly recently active volcanic areas). It is a great local resource, but will never play a major role as an energy resource.
, Rare Earth Elements) to exploit. Many of these problems might be overcome with new research and the development of new technologies.
ther promising resources with plenty of supply, but needs further research and technological development.
cal and economic implications that could change the world order. Still, the geologic aspects of energy resources will play a large role.
Questions on this material that could be asked on an exam.
cribe 5 types of oil traps. Why is petroleum mainly produced out of rocks with relatively young geologic ages? What are the problems associated with the recovery of energy from oil shales, tar sands, and coal? What are the different grades of coal? Which of these grades produce the most and least amount of energy when burned? If we run out of oil, what energy sources hold the most promise for the future of our society?Return to EENS 1110 Page