Matrix Stiffness Method
Matrix Stiffness Method
Matrix Stiffness Method
In the present work the dynamic behavior of several beams with different support conditions, forced or in free
vibration, is studied. Using the Discrete Element Method (DEM), the expressions governing the motion of the
blocks in which the beam is discretized are derived. A MATLAB program that calculates natural frequencies
and mode shapes is developed; the results are then compared with the exact solutions, in order to validate
the models. The program also allows to simulate the evolution of the dynamic systems in time, yielding
displacements, velocities and accelerations. The effect on the beam behavior due to the introduction of one or
more cracks is analyzed; cracks with different sizes and positions are considered. Three distinctive cases for
the studied models are considered: non-existence of cracks, permanently open cracks or “breathing cracks”
(cracks that open and close depending on the curvature sign). The obtained results are shown with the help of
tables and graphics and, when possible, compared with the exact solutions or with numerical or experimental
results found in literature.
1. Introduction
The method applied in the development of the DEM implemented in MATLAB.
models presented in this paper is the Discrete
Element Method (DEM) (Neild et al., 2001). Using One of the most important criteria to obtain good
this method one can represent the beam as a results using the DEM is the process adopted for the
discrete system of blocks (i.e. with a finite number of beam discretization. It is expectable that, as one
degrees of freedom) where the mass and the refines the mesh, the results tend towards the exact
moment of inertia of each block are lumped in its solutions. However, the number of blocks should not
respective middle point and where rotational and be indefinitely increased as that would lead to an
transverse springs, connecting adjacent blocks, increase of the time expended in the numerical
simulate respectively the bending and shear calculations. There should therefore exist a balance
distortion. Thus, the beam can be seen as a between the time and the effort used in the
sequence of rigid blocks linked by pairs of springs, as calculations and the aimed precision for the results.
observed in Figure 1. The easiness with which the DEM considers cases
where the beams are cracked should be noted.
Assuming the existence of cracks between rigid
blocks, the localized loss of stiffness (coincident with
the crack position) is taken into consideration by
changing the stiffness constants of the springs
Figure 1. Beam model using the Discrete Element Method. connecting the blocks; the amount of reduction of the
stiffness will be dependent on the crack depth
Once the model is defined, the differential equations (Okamura et al., 1969).
governing its evolution in time are established. For
the particular case of a beam, these equations In Section 2 a cantilever beam model is studied and
involve relative rotations and displacements between the system of ordinary differential equations that
blocks, as well as their derivates with respect to time. governs its motion is obtained. The action of an
The dynamic behavior in time of several beam external force on the beam and the existence of a
models is studied and simulated with the help of the crack (which introduces a local stiffness discontinuity
in the model) are also considered. The crack is either
assumed to be always open or to behave like a
breathing crack (a crack that opens and closes
accordingly to the sign of the curvature of the cross
section). The time integration of the equations that
govern the motion of a cracked cantilever beam is Figure 4. Discrete elements model of the cantilever beam
performed by the Runge-Kutta method and the time where the stiffness is also discretized in the interfaces
evolution of the beam’s dynamic response is between blocks.
presented and compared with experimental results. In the current study the shear distortion is neglected.
In Section 3, an analogous study is made for a So one only has the rotational springs between
suspended cracked beam submitted to an oscillatory blocks. The system of governing ordinary differential
external force acting perpendicularly to the beam’s equations is (Neves, 2015)
suspension plane and free of support conditions in its
plane of motion. 1
(𝐽 + 𝐿𝐵̲ 𝐴−1 𝑚 𝐴−𝑇 𝐵𝑇 𝐿) 𝜃̰ ̈ + 𝐴 𝐾 𝐴
̲𝑇 𝜃̰ = 0̰ , (1)
The last section is dedicated to the conclusions that
result from the performed numerical investigations
and to enumerate some aspects that are worth of a system of ordinary differential equations in terms of
future attention. the 𝑁 − 1 block rotations. The matrices (𝐽 +
𝐿𝐵̲ 𝐴−1 𝑚 𝐴−𝑇 𝐵𝑇 𝐿) and 𝐴 𝐾 𝐴
̲ 𝑇 are symmetric. System
(1) can also be written as
2. Cantilever beam
2.1. Dynamics of a homogeneous 𝜃̰ ̈ = − (𝐽 + 𝐿𝐵̲ 𝐴−1 𝑚 𝐴−𝑇 𝐵𝑇 𝐿) 𝐴 𝐾 𝐴
̲𝑇 𝜃̰ (2)
cantilever beam
and shall be complemented with a set of suitable
In this section a cantilever beam of length 𝐿 with initial conditions
uniform rectangular transverse section 𝑏 × ℎ and
mass density 𝜌 (Figure 2) is considered. The beam is 𝜃̰ (0) = 𝜃̰ 0 , 𝜃̰ ̇ (0) = 𝜃̰ ̇ 0 . (3)
decomposed into 𝑁 blocks, as illustrated in Figure 3
One can use system (2) to estimate the exact natural
angular frequencies and the exact mode shapes.
Assuming a solution of the exponential type
Figure 2. Homogeneous cantilever beam with rectangular the following eigenproblem is obtained
transverse section.
which corresponds to the discrete stiffness version [𝜆2 𝐼 + (𝐽 + 𝐿𝐵̲ 𝐴−1 𝑚 𝐴−𝑇 𝐵𝑇 𝐿) 𝐴 𝐾 𝐴
̲𝑇 ] 𝛩̰ = 0̰ , (5)
represented in Figure 4, where each pair of
consecutive blocks is connected by a pair of springs
from which it is possible to calculate approximations
(rotational and transverse). The first and last blocks
for frequencies and vibration mode shapes.
have a length that is half the length of the
𝐿 Considering an external concentrated varying force
intermediate blocks, the latter with length 𝑙𝑛 = , acting on the cantilever beam tip and Rayleigh
mass 𝑚𝑛 = 𝜌𝑏ℎ𝑙 and moment of inertia 𝐽𝑛 = damping, the system of ordinary differential
(ℎ2 + 𝑙𝑛 2 ) around an axis perpendicular to the equations (1) becomes (Neves, 2015)
plan of motion. The first block is considered to be
clamped. 1
(𝐽 + 𝐿𝐵̲ 𝐴−1 𝑚 𝐴−𝑇 𝐵𝑇 𝐿) 𝜃̰ ̈ + 𝐶𝜃̰ ̇ + 𝐴 𝐾 𝐴
̲𝑇 𝜃̰ = 𝐹(𝑡)𝑙̰ ′ . (6)
will produce a stiffness reduction in the section where The stiffness of the spring affected by the crack is
it is situated. determined based in (Okamura et al., 1969). If the
cross section has a positive curvature sign, the crack
A cantilever beam with a breathing crack in its upper is considered to be closed and the stiffness of the
part, with height 𝑎 and at a distance 𝑥𝑐 from the correspondent spring, like the other springs, follows
clamped end is modeled (Figure 5). As the crack is the known expression
located in the upper part of the beam, when the
curvature in that section is positive the crack is 𝐸𝐼
assumed to be closed (Figure 6) and there is no 𝑘𝑐 = (7)
discontinuity in flexural stiffness; otherwise, if the
where 𝑙 stands for the length of each block or,
curvature in that section is negative the crack is open
equivalently, the length of influence of the 𝑛-th spring.
(Figure 7) and the local stiffness changes. It is
But if the cross section has a negative curvature
assumed that the crack thickness is negligible when
compared to its height and that it does not sign, the crack is considered to be open and the
propagate. stiffness of the correspondent spring is given by
(Okamura et al., 1969)
𝑘𝑐 = (8)
𝑙 72 𝑎
+ 𝐹( )
𝐸𝐼 𝐸𝑏ℎ2 ℎ
𝑎 𝑎 2 𝑎 3 𝑎 4
𝐹 ( ) = 1.98 ( ) − 3.277 ( ) + 14.43 ( ) −
ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ
𝑎 5 𝑎 6 𝑎 7 (9)
31.26 ( ) + 63.56 ( ) − 103.36 ( ) +
ℎ ℎ ℎ
𝑎 8 𝑎 9 𝑎 10
147.52 ( ) − 127.69 ( ) + 61.50 ( ) .
ℎ ℎ ℎ
2.2. Results
Geometric properties
𝑏 [m] 0.06
ℎ [m] 0.22
𝐿 [m] 8.0
Material properties
𝐸 [Pa] 210 × 109
𝑙 72 𝑎 𝜌 [kg/m3 ] 7800
Figure 7. Open crack, where 𝜃𝑙 + 𝜃𝑟 = 𝑀 ( + 𝐹 ( )).
𝐸𝐼 𝐸𝑏ℎ2 ℎ
2.2.1. Natural Frequencies blocks were needed, which means the frequency
convergence is much slower for the cantilever beam.
Table 2 shows the exact natural frequencies of the This obvious difference in the convergence rates is
cantilever beam together with the ones obtained probably due to the fact that the mode shapes of a
through the DEM (approximated frequencies), for an cantilever beam are not the simple circular
increasing number of blocks 𝑁 = 24, 48, 96, 192, 384. trigonometric functions as for the simply supported
Figure 8 represents the ratio between the first five beam.
frequencies calculated with the program developed 2.2.2. Mode shapes of the cantilever beam
with MATLAB and their homologous exact natural without cracks
frequencies, as a function of the number of blocks 𝑁
mentioned in Table 1. Figures 9 and 10 represent the first five exact
normalized mode shapes and the first five mode
shapes obtained using the DEM for a beam
Table 2. Exact and approximated natural frequencies of the discretization of 96 blocks.
cantilever beam.
Approximated frequencies (𝑝𝑎 ) (rads−1 )
(𝑝𝑒 )
𝑁 = 24 𝑁 = 48 𝑁 = 96 𝑁 = 192 𝑁 = 384
(rads −1)
Even without an excellent precision, with a
discretization of 96 blocks it is already possible to
replicate well enough the first three mode shapes.
Obviously, by increasing the number of blocks more
precise mode shapes would be obtained; but the big
improvement achieved for the first five frequencies
and modes due to the transition from a low number
of blocks to 96 blocks is hardly repeatable if the
number of blocks is increased from 96 to more: the
approximation improvement is not maintained with an
indefinite refinement.
Geometric properties
𝑏 [m] 0.02
ℎ [m] 0.02
𝐿 [m] 0.230
Material properties
𝐸 [Pa] 2.5 × 109
𝜌 [kg/m3 ] 1200
3. Suspended beam the following eigenproblem is obtained
Geometric properties
𝑏 [m] 0.026
ℎ [m] 0.019
𝐿 [m] 0.9
Material properties
From the observation of Table 5 and Figure 15 one
can conclude that to obtain an error lower than 0.5%
in the estimation of the first three exact frequencies
of the suspended beam 12 blocks can be used. To
obtain an error lower than 1% in the estimation of the
first five frequencies at least 24 blocks are needed.
One verifies that the approximations obtained with
the DEM, especially considering 2% of damping, are
quiet acceptable and are, in general, better than the
approximations obtained in the models described in
the articles (Saavedra, Cuitiño, 2001) and (Sinha &
Friswell, 2002).A shift between the response of the
model and the experimental response is observed.
However, the steady state response from the model
has a frequency equal to the frequency of the
exciting force. The shift between the responses can
Figure 18. Crack, force and response evaluation positions.
be due to the fact that in the experimental situation
Figures 19 and 20 represent the acceleration of gravity is present which may produce variations in
section A (at a distance of 810 mm from the left end the crack state.
of the beam) calculated with the DEM, considering
the existence of a breathing crack, a mesh of 31
blocks and a damping factor 𝜉 = 0.1 or 𝜉 = 0.2 4. Conclusions
respectively; the results found in the article
(Saavedra, Cuitiño, 2001) are also represented in the
4.1. Contributions
same Figures.
The crack detection in structures is a very important
issue and more practical and less onerous detection
methods are continuously investigated; this topic is
common to many engineering branches such as
Civil, Mechanical and Aeronautical. This work intends
to contribute to the characterization of the vibrations
that the existence of cracks of different
characteristics causes in the free or forced dynamic
response of some structures. Thus, from the data
collected from accelerometers strategically placed in
the beam the existence of cracks can be detected
and their depth and location may be assessed.
In the course of this work a program in MATLAB
environment that allows the application of the
Discrete Elements Method (DEM) to the analysis of
the dynamic behavior of some structures is
Figure 19. Acceleration at section A of the suspended developed. Taking as a starting point the model of a
beam (𝜉 = 1%): breathing crack 𝑎 = 0.4ℎ (31 blocks). simply supported beam, for which expressions were
____ DEM curve; ▲ Experimental values (Saavedra, obtained in (Neild et al., 2001), the expressions for
Cuitiño, 2001). the remaining models were derived.
The DEM is a valid and simple method to simulate
the behaviour of cracked beams. Based on the
presented tables and figures and also on the results
presented in (Neves, 2015), the following
conclusions could be inferred:
The results obtained with DEM in situations cracked beams using instantaneous frequency.
where experimental results are not available NDT&E international, , 411-419.
come out as expected, namely:
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o The stiffness of a cracked beam is lower than model of a vibrating beam using a time-stepping
the stiffness of an uncracked beam and that approach. Journal of Sound and Vibration,
condition is reflected in the reduction of the 239(1), 99-121.
natural frequencies of the cracked beam and
in its free dynamic response; Neves, C. (2015). Vibrações de vigas: Modelos de massa e
o The frequencies are more sensitive to the rigidez discretas. MSc Thesis in Civil Engineering,
existence of cracks when these are located Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa.
in regions of higher curvature of the
corresponding vibration modes; Okamura, H., Liu, H., Chu, C.-S., Liebowitz, H. (1969). A
o The natural frequencies of a beam where cracked column under compression. Engineering
there is a “breathing crack” have Fracture Mechnics, 1, 547-564.
intermediate values between those of an
Orhan, S. (2007). Analysis of free and forced vibration of a
uncracked beam and a beam with an always
cracked cantilever beam. NDT&E International,
open crack;
o The existence of “breathing cracks” located 443-450.
in regions of larger curvature yields more Rao, S. (2004). Mechanical Vibrations. Pearson Education
irregular responses when the crack state Inc., Prentice Hall.
changes (when the crack goes from being
open to closed or vice-versa); Saavedra, P., Cuitiño, L. (2001). Crack detection and
o For a cracked beam, the vibration amplitudes vibration behaviour of cracked beams.
in a forced vibration increase compared to Computers and Structures, 79, 1451-1459.
the case of an uncracked beam, according to
the verified reduction of stiffness. Saeedi, K., Bhat, R. (2011). Clustered natural frequencies
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4.2. Future developments Sinha, J., Friswell, M. (2002). Simulation of the dynamic
response of a cracked beam. Computers and
One important aspect that would be interesting to Structures, 80, 1473-1476.
develop in future works is the consideration of the
shear distortion (which was ignored in the numerical
simulations of the presented models). Taking it into
account, the derivation of the expressions that rule
the blocks’ motions becomes more complex but the
achieved results will be more accurate, especially
when beams have small slenderness ratios 𝐿/ℎ.
It would also be interesting to study a larger number
of possibilities for the crack localization and quantity
of cracks, as a way to deepen the knowledge about
how the crack localization modifies the dynamic
behavior of a beam. The analysis could also be
extended to more complex structures, such as
continuous beams with two or more spans or even