Short Note

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01. Offic e Memo 27. Telephone

02. Office Order 28. Teletext

03. Office C ircular 29. Video text

04. Office Note 30. S election I nt er view

05. E-mail 31. Mass Communication

06. V-mail 32. Feedback

07. Fax 33. Communication M odel

08. F.O.D. 34. Commu nica tion Pr oc ess

09. Telex 35. T wo- wa y C ommu nica tion

10. Wor d Pr ocess or 36. O ne- wa y C ommu nica t ion

11. Internet 37. Verbal Communication

12. Multimedia 38. Writt en C ommu nicat ion

13. Telecommuting 39. Oral Communication

14. T eleconf er encing 40. Non- ver ba l C ommu nica tion

15. T elephone Answer ing 41. Vis u a l C ommu n ica t ion

16. Video Conf er enc e 42. Au dia l C ommu n ica t ion

17. Pager 43. Au di o-v is u a l C ommu nica t ion

18. Intercom 44. Para language

19. Electr onic Bu llet in Boa r d 45. S ilent C ommu nica t ion

20. On-line Databas e 46. Advertisement Communication

21. Office Suite 47. Board Meeting

22. Computer 48. Sta tutor y Meeting

23. Photocopier 49. Annua l G ener a l Meeting

24. Scanner 50. Extr a -or dina r y M eet ing, Email: [email protected]

25. All in one offic e 51. W e l c o m e A d d r es s

26. Cellu lar Phone 52. Int er ns hip Pr ogra m R ep ort

Short Notes

01. Office Memo

Ans : The word memorandum shortly termed as 'memo' means taking note for future
or any matter to be remembered. Indeed, memo is one kind of written note that helps
to keep something in memory. Office memo is a written means of internal
communication. It is used to exchange information among official’s subordinates or
people of same status in an o rganizat ion. In fact, office memo is a wr itten means
of communication in between different sections, departments or unit s w it hin t he
o r g an iz at io n. I t is u se d t o exc ha ng e information among executives, sub-
ordinates and people of same status.
Office memo is written referring to a specific issue of the organizat io n. Polices and
principles o f t he organizat ion, clarification of policies, any change or modification
brought in present policies, any change in work schedule, providing or soliciting
advice, request for supplying information, granting permission to perform a particular
task etc. are used as the subject matter of office memo. The officials, sub-ordinates and
people of the same status may use office memo to exchange information in matters
of various 'courses of action of the o ffice. Office me mo is fr equent ly used fo r
co nve ying information, making requests and providing response.
As a tool of internal communication office memo provides certain specific benefits. It
provides the message in brief and effect ive form. It is less expensive and may be
used as reference. But office memo can be used only in limited areas. If it is used
formally, rules and regulations should be followed strict ly and t his causes
unnecessary delay. If any wrong, exaggerated or distorted information is included in
a memo, it cannot by instantly altered. A corrigendum becomes necessary for it. It is
useless of the illiterate people.
0 2 . O ffi ce O rd e r:
Ans : Office order is a means of internal communication within an organization.
The term 'order' generally means telling subordinates to do or refrain from doing a
specific job. But' passing an order high level executives want their subordinates carry
out the order. When a message is conveyed as an order, it means that it carries a
stamp of authority with it and has to be accepted. The high level executives circulate
office order to t he emp lo yees. Order is generally issued for post ing o f
emplo yees, promotion, suspension, transfer, discharge from job, sanction or
recession of yearly increment, imposing rules and regulations, enforcing certain rules
or course of action etc.
An o ffice o r d er d escend s fr o m t he t o p o f t he o r g an izat io na l
structure down to the employees for execution. Since o ffice 'order is a for mal
course o f act ion, it should preferably be written.
Office o rder is a sensible part of communicat ion. It s subject matter should be
well thought, organized, meaningful and at t ached wit h r easo nable int erpr et at io n, Email: [email protected]
so t hat no unpleasant sit uat ion grows in the enterprise. It should be relevant,
concise, easy to understand and issued with proper authority and interpretation.
03. Office Circular:
Ans : Office circular means written communication to be moved within the
organization. It is issued to make the people concerned informed of the general
matters of the organization. In the words of R. Pal and J. S. Korlahalli "Office circulars
are meant to convey some info r mat ion to a large number of people. Such
information are usually of general nature and not confidential."
Thus, office circular is a written method of exchanging information by which
the written message of higher level are sent to lower level for their information. By
means of an office circular many people are made informed of the same matter
simu lt aneo usly. It is an import ant means of est ablishing written communicat io n
about 'o fficial matters among the employees of an organization.
An office circular can be made to reach the concerned people in two ways— (i)
hanging on the notice board and (ii) d istribut io n of copies o f circular to the
readers. In many organizat ions a notice board is hung near the main gate used for
entry or exit. Copies of the circular are hung on the board. Of course many
organizations follow the practice of hanging circulars on notice board fixed on walls
adjacent to different departments of the organization. Of course, where readers are
mo r e o r nu mer o us, man y co pie s o f o ffi ce c ir cular ar e distributed among the
readers with or without their signature.
04. Office Note:
Ans :Office note is a widely used means of int ernal communication of an
enterprise. It is used to exchange any message or information in writing among the
people of the same status in an enterprise. Especially the emplo yees o f
interdependent of identical status use office notes regarding exchange of information.
Counseling, recommendations or any other course of action to be adopted. In the
words of R. Pal and J. S. Korlahalli "Office memos are used for horizontal
communication. They are exchange between departments or between officers of
almost equal rank asking for suggestion or seeking or giving information about some
matters concerning their respective departments.
Thus office note is one kind o f written communicat ion which takes place among the
people of the same status in an enterprise for exchanging information about any
departmental course of action, providing opinions, counseling etc.
05. E-mail:
Ans: Electronic mail, on commonly known as E-mail, is a med ia of electronic
co mmunicat ion that helps sending of message via t eleco mmu nicat io n link s. I f
t wo co mput er terminals are connected on a network it is possible to send message
fro m one to the other. Under • E-mail system the communicator composes his
message in .a computer and edits t he s a me t o be s ur e o f it s a c c ur ac y a nd t he n
t h e t h e specific button for transmitting, that message to the expected receiver.
Having instruction from the sender the computer sends t he matter to the
receiver's computer inst ant ly. By o pening t he ma ilbo x t he r eceiver can r ead
t he messag e recorded in the monitor earlier and can respond instantly or at his
convenience. This process helps the communicator transmit his messag e wit hin a
ver y short t ime. Fo r using e- mail technique in communication the computer
terminals of both the sender and the receiver should be under the same network.
However, it should be mentioned that, in spite of having computer if its terminal is
not connected with the network, email system cannot be used. The e-mail system is
not meant for external communication only. It is simultaneously useful in int ernal
communicat ion of t he organizat io n co ncerned. A manager can instantly
communicate with his subordinates or colleagues using internal e-mail connection.' It, Email: [email protected]

can be stored for future reference.
06. V-mail:
Ans : Voice mail or V-mail is a very important method of e l e c t r o n i c
c o m m u n i c a t i o n . U n d e r t h i s m e t h o d o f communication a message is sent to
the receiver in the voice of the communicator instead of sending the same in writing.
For availing the voice mail service the sender has to store his oral statement dialing a
specific telephone number. Then the stored information are transmitted to the expected
receiver. The voice mail received can be stored. The special advantage of v-mail
system is that the original voice of the sender can be heard without any distortion.
It solved the time-gone difficult ies cross-country and international communication.
07. Fax:
An s : F acs i m i le p o p u lar l y k no wn a s Fa x is a ver y important method of
electronic communication. It is used to transmit any sort of written matter, picture,
diagram etc. from one place to another. This device acts through telephone line. Under
this method, any document containing info rmat ion which is put as input in t he
fax machine o f t he sender is electronically transformed as photocopy as the origin
in the receiver fax machine. Using this method similar document of the origin can
be transmitted from one place to another in home and abroad instantly. Specially it
is used to present any written statement, diagram photograph, certificate, testimonial
etc. to the receiver as it is.
Thus, fax machine is a very useful method of transmitting visual materials viz,
diagrams, illustrations, photographs or copies of artwork visuals. The fax machine is
connected with a telephone.
08. FOD:
Ans : Fax-on-demand or FOD is an automated machine by which an organization
can receive requests for information and respond to those requests automat ically,
24 hours per day, 7 days per week without ever touching the key board. Satellite
links are essential for this mode of communication. An organization can create a
variety of documents like its corporate profile, information about its products, the
latest catalog etc. These information are stored in a computer with specific code
number. A customer can have automatically access to any these documents via a
satellite link.
09. Telex:
Ans : Telex is o ne of t he mo st import ant medium of electronic communication.
Telex is the name given by the people of the postal depart ment to a teleprint er
whereby written messages can be co mmunicated fro m one place to another wit h
the help of a machine. It is used to transmit .information with the help of
teleprinter though exchange system. Post and telegram departments provide services
to the telex users under this exchange syst em. The user of telex machine has to
collect the specific telex number from the near by po st and t elegr aph o ffice.
I n fo r mat io n can be transmitted by t he telex through exchange as a part icular
telephone set is connected with another exchange system.
The teleprinter has two parts : (i) Key board transmitter and (ii) receiver. When a
message is to be sent, the typist presses a button, waits for dial tone, dials the
number desired and if the number is contacted types the message. The message as
typed in the originating office is typed on a strip of paper at the receiver's end.
This is one of the quickest and most accurate methods of transmitting written
10. Word Processor:
Ans : A word processor combines in it the characteristics of a computer and a
type writer. It thus simplifies to a great ext ent t he work of written communicat ion.
For efficient operation of a word processor, its uses need three things viz. typing
skill, basic computer literacy and word processing software. Without any of these, Email: [email protected]
three basic things the use of word processor becomes meaningless.
1 1 . I n t e rn e t :
A n s : T h e I n t e r n e t m a y b e t e r m e d a s . a g l o b a l communicat ion o f
people. For int ernet communicat io n a' number of computers are linked together
by telephone lines, radio links or satellite links. With the help of 'internet we can
serve many purposes. Internet is the world's largest computer network. Started in 1964
by the United States Department of Defense, the internet is a voluntary cooperative
undertaking. It links thousands of smaller computer networks and millions of
individual computer users in homes, business organizations, government officers
and schools all over the world. To reach t he int er net we need a co mput er wit h a
mo der n and an int ernet service provider (ISP), a company t hat provides access
to the inter -net. For a face, one can dial into one of the ISP's host computers, which
will link to one of the networked computers in the internet. The most widely used
part of the interest is the world wide web developed in 1990. The web enables
users t o search for display and save mult imedia resources, such as, graphics, text
and audio and video flies.
1 2 . M u lt i m ed i a:
Ans: Multimedia is combination of many media brought together to convey a
message. These 'media' may encompass graphics, photo music, voice text and
animations. When these elements are placed together on computer screen, they become
Mult imedia. It is a very powerful media of communication. Mu lt imed ia ca n be
ver y p o p ular ly used fo r mar k et ing campaigns. Mult imed ia demo nstrat io ns
placed on flo ppy d isks can be used as a cost saving and efficient way o f
distributing an eye catching and informative demonstration of a company's products
and services.
13. Teleco mmuting:
Ans: Telecommuting is an admixture of using electronic devices for
co mmunicat ion. Under t his syst em small and easily carriable devices such as
portable computer, cellular phone, portable printer, fax machine, bupers etc. are
used to make any space a virtual office. Thus it provides facility for the user to
make his home, car, a customers office a work place.
14. Teleconferencing:
Ans : It allows people to meet and work collaboratively from distant places. It
will seem to them that they are living in the same room. They can hear and see each
other and share information with one another as if they are placed together in one.
single room. It saves both time and money. In the present era of globalization when
multinationals are simultaneously operat ing in several countries separated from
another by thousand kilometers, teleconferencing has beco me a very effective
means of mutual consultation.
I n fact , it is o ne t yp e o f e lect ro nic meet ing which transforms the discussion
about specific matters of different people of different locations held through
telephone. This type o f co nfer ence is . he l d t hro ugh t he lo ca l, nat io na l and
international telephone call. The communicator can take part in communication with
necessary documents with the help of own fax machine or e-mail.
15. Telephone answering machine:
Ans : The telephone answering machine is particularly useful, when some one is
not present in the room to attend the incoming telephone call. If some one phones the
machine will catch all voices of the sender. Whenever the telephone rings the machine
reproduces a pre - recorded message. This machine is used widely in railway stations
and airline inquiry offices. Sometimes telephone message arrive when there is no
one personally present to attend them. Usually message of routine nature are informed, Email: [email protected]
by a telephone answering machine.
16. Video Conference:
Ans : Video conferences are important devices for mutual co mmunicat io n. These are
electronic meet ings that allow part icipants in scattered geographical lo cat ions to
see and hear one another on television monitors by ways of images transmitted
over telephone lines. This results in vivid and meaningful mutual oral
communication. A particular company can reduce the cost of sending participants to
distant places o f abro ad and save • t ime t hrough t he use o f t he video
conference system. Thus video conferences are very much use fu l a nd he lp fu l i n
r u n n in g t he o r ganiz at io ns mo r e economically and efficiently and in making the
best use of the available working hours o f the part icipat ing people in t he video
17. Page r:
Ans : Pagers are battery power small devices that provide signal to the user about
telephone messages. When the user stay outside the office or home, the inco ming
message are stored in pager and the communicator conveniently receives the
message from it. Its specialty is that it is less expensive than t he cellular phone.
Instead o f anno ying beeps, many pagers provide signals by means of vibrations or
link blinking - lights. There are some models through which the sender can t ransmit
message alo ng wit h t he telepho ne numbers. The number is instantly exhibited on
the pagers- display screen. Alphanumeric pagers, commonly known as voice pagers,
allow the callers to such brief message such as 'Trip canceled', Dial Ra h i m b y
nu mber ' et c. T hr o u g h co mb i n at io n o f vo ic e mailbox wit h some pagers direct
co nnect io n bet ween t he sender and the receiver can be established.
1 8 . In t ercom:
Ans :Intercom is an electronic device for establishing internal oral
communicat ion among the people engaged in different branches, sect ions, unit s
or officers of the same organizat ion. It is an expansion of telephone connection of a
particular office. But it cannot be used to contact with the peo ple out side t he
o rg anizat io n. Generally lar g e scale organ izat io ns has various departments or
units engage many people to accomplish their specific tasks. Those people perform
their jobs sitting in many office rooms., of different floors: For smoot h funct ioning
t he engaged p eo p le are provided with intercom facility. Generating intercom
system t he t elepho ne set s o f var ious depart ment s or offices are connected with
the main intercom machine installed earlier. Under this system the user has not to pay
for every call. Thus this system ensures economy in communication.
19. Elect roni c Bulletin Boa rd:
Ans : Bulletin board is used communicate with a huge number of people within
the computer network. This type of board contains different information. The
computer connected w it h t he co mp ut er net wo r k c a n e a s i l y g e t ne c e s s a r y
information from the bulletin board or it can store information on it for other users. A
particular type of software is used to o per at e co mput er based bullet in bo ard.
S u ch so ft war e resounds to the incoming calls from other computers, receivers and
stores t he message t ransmit t ed by ot her computers, provides the users with the
scope of using files of the bulletin board etc.
20. On-line Databa se:
Ans : Data are preserved in the computers data base file o f which online database
is specially preserved in the data file. Necessary amount of information can be
procured from the database for research work or by the users of the business purposes.
For this reason the user has to establish connection with the database through the
application program. In this case, 'Dat a Manipulat ion Language' (DML) is u sed
for handling and monitoring data and necessary information is collected by giving
query., Email: [email protected]
21. Office Suite:
Ans : Five categories of primary business software are used in a computer. These
are Word processing, databases, present at ion graphics, communicat ion and
spreadsheets. Though these software's are separately produced, packaged and sold in
-the business world, they are integrally used. For example, a manager can use any
document or section of word processing in a presentation slide. Again a spreadsheet
allows the laborers to collect numerical information by which they understand the
impact of changes on production. In view of these dimensional uses of software,
the software developers have introduced integrated office suites. Microsoft's office
professional contains word (word processing), Excel (spread s h e e t , p o w e r p o i n t
( P r e s e n t a t i o n g r a p h i c s ) , M a i l (communications) and Access (database
22. Computer Printer:
Ans : The computer printer is a machine that provides the .mechanism to convert
from the computer screen the words and image into electric pages. Now-a-days,
word processing software generates letters, memos reports proposals and other
documents for official communications and other uses too. Printers can generate
pages of necessary amount easily and quickly in accordance with necessity.
2 3 . Ph o t o cop i er:
Ans : Any written document can be necessarily duplicated through the photocopier.
A photocopier machine can print necessary amount of copies original in color and
even in color from black and white. These are used for exchanging information or
communication purposes. At present, the latest 'photo co piers are available in t he
market by which any document or image can be printed in color as well as black
and white and even, can be printed in small or big sized as necessitated by the
2 4 . S c an n e r:
Ans : Scanners are devices that can scan and transform all t ypes o f print ed
info rmat ion into digit ized data t hat t he customers can read, store and strive. The
most sophisticated scanners scan text and graphic images in color and black and white.
A typical model can transform a standard type written page into a digitized format in
just eight seconds. scanners increase productivity by eliminating the need to
keyboardist documents into the computer. They also eliminate the need to store papers
2 5 . All i n on e offi ce:
An s : Oft en it r eally beco mes d ifficu lt for many o rganizat io ns to use the
latest devices of communicat ion because of being heavily expensive. In view of this
limitation, the manufacturers are producing and marketing multifunction machines
linking with computers. For example, instead of us ing fo ur separat e equipme nt 's
an o ffice ma y be fu lly integrated with an inkjet printer, plain paper fax machine,
copier and scanner. The office jet retail price considerably less t han t he cost o f
buying each component separately. As a matter of fact, small or large concerns are
now being able to achieve economy in using all in one office machine in the field of
26. Cellu la r Ph o n e:
Ans : Cellular phones are one sort of wireless telephones which transmit voice and
data in the form of radio signals. Personal and business information can be easily
transmitted with the help of cellular phones. Today, a cellular phone is one of the
quickest means of communication for which time and money of the user are solved.
27. Telephone:
An s : T e le p ho ne is a n i nt egr a l p ar t o f e le ct r o nic co mmunicat io n. This, Email: [email protected]
device is used for transmitt ing oral messages to the receiver at a distant place.
Renowned German scientist Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. It
carries the conversation of both the sender and the receiver through electric cables.
For establishing telecommunication the use of exchange is a mu*. Telephone
connections done with the help of cables through exchange in different areas of the
country. At present easy telephoning communication has been introduce through the
satellite system and its network has been quickly spread throughout the world.
T elep ho ne is a w ide ly used and po pu lar med iu m o f electronic
communication. It is helpful in establishing rapid communication at less time and
expense and the response of the receiver can also be obtained instantly. Today three
types of telephone communicat ion are available analogue, digital and mobile. Of
those sophisticated technology based digital and mobile telephone communication is
easier and free from hazards as compared to the analogue telephone.
28. Teletext:
Ans : Teletext is a new and amazing addition to electronic communication. It is one
way expansion system. Under this method written message is broadcast through the
television. It is very much useful to communicate summarized or brief
information to the millions of receivers at a time. Weather forecasting, business
news of home and abroad, advertisement o f goods and ser vices, st ock exchange
repo rt s et c. ar e circulated by teletext.
29. Videotext:
Ans : Videotext is a device that is used for collection of information. Under this
method the user can collect necessary information by making connection with large
database using telecommunication network. It is used to send information to t he
i n q u ir e r o r int e r e st e d pe r so n o r i ns t it ut io n w it h broadcasting like teletext.
Any message, business news, stock exchange report et c. stored by t he person o r
inst it ut io n concerned under this method of vidotext.
3 0 . S e l e c t i on I n t e rv i e w :
Ans : The int er view which is conduct ed to find out suitable candidate for
employing in the vacant post is called selection interview. This type of interview is
arranged by the employing authority in which the employer tries to select an
applicant fo r a jo b. Here t he employer's aim is to know whether the applicant
can be of service to his company and the applicant's aim ,is to find out whether the
job being offered by the company can be suitable to him. Selection Interview is an
important task of the recruitment process. En most cases 'selection interview' is taken
by a panel of expert interviewers whose funct ions are to draw out and reveal aspect
of t he candidates personality which are relevant to the needs of the job.
In fine, it can be said t hat t he int erview which is t he employer or by a panel of
expert interviewers (on behalf of the employer) to size up an applicant for a specific job
is called is selection interview.
3 1 . M a ss Co m m u n i cat i on :
A n s : T h e w o r d ' m a s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n m e a n s co mmu n icat ing w it h a
lar g e nu mber o f peo ple. T hat is transmitting message or information to many
persons may be termed as mass co mmunicat io n. But this definit io n is not
s u f f i c i e n t t o e x p r e s s t h e o v e r a l l m e a n i n g o f m a s s communication.
Transmission of message to a large number of persons is not enough to express the
true meaning of mass communicat ion. In fact, mass co mmunicat ion is a process
through which a message is transmitted among a large number of persons who
naturally stay far away from the source. In addit io n to this, it invo lves
heterogeneous audience, vast boundaries of space and some intermediary channels
through. which a message can be sent to the destination. Thus mass communication
is a process in which intermediary channels are u s e d t o d is s e m i n a t e a me s s a g e t o, Email: [email protected]
a la r g e n u m b e r o f heterogeneous but wide spread audience who are far away
from source.
Today radio, television, film, newspaper, magazine, book publicit y, sound recording,
computer, internet, billboards, posters, theater stage, comic books, stage pay etc. are
widely u sed media o f mass co mmu nicat io n. Press associat io n, advertising
agencies, advertising department, public relation, depart ment , public relat io n
co unseling fir ms, report ers syndicate etc. act as mass communication agencies.
32. Feedback:
Ans :The term 'feedback' means the return of the result or response of a particular
communication from the receiver. Feedback is frequently used in communication to
convey the repercussio n o f t he receiver what he perceives from t he message
received earlier. So feedback is the return message or response from the receiver to the
sender. It is a response from the receiver to the sender. It is a response from the
receiver that informs the sender. It is a response from the receiver that inform the
sender how the message is being interpreted and how the communication is received
in general.
When a message is received, decoded and understood by the receiver, he is
expected to show some response or reaction; he may take so me act ion or reply or
behave in a part icular way as a result of message received. For completion of the
communicat ion process the communicator need's to know whether the receiver has
responded in the desired way or not, he can find this out by getting feedback from the
receiver. Thus feedback is knowledge of result of a particular communication; it can be
used for modifying the future course of action relating to communication. No
communication is complete without feedback. It completes the circle of two way

33. Communication Model:

Ans : The term 'communication model' is meant to indicate the design or pictorial
presentation of communication process. Many elements are contained in the process of
communication. When these elements are represented through diagram, it is c a l l e d
co m mu n ic a t io n mo d e l. I t is n o t a s e p ar at e o r independent method rather it is
the presentation of an existing object . The co mmu nicat io n mo del is simp ly a
symbo lic representation of the communication process. It does not show, the details
of a message rather it presents only those elements that are related to the object of
sending a message.
Communication model can be used as a sample for further research and investigation.. If
suffers from many limitation. It is s ymbo lica lly r epr esent ed, but it cannot displa y
d et ail descript io n. Less impo rt ant element s or any support ing information are
not shown in the model. It is difficult to form a true idea about the message from a
model. It is inflexible.
34. Communication Process:
Ans : Process refers to the various interrelated steps invo lved in t he
acco mp lishment o f a desired o bject ive. Communication process includes all the
steps and operations involved in the transmission of message from the sender to the
receiver. A message originates in a particular place and ends when it reaches the
destinat ion. The steps involved in the transmission of a message from the station
of origin to the destination are involved in the term communication process. It is a
system through which a sender reaches the receiver with a message. Therefore, it may be
said that the steps that are to be passed over from sending of the message to the receiving, Email: [email protected]

of the same const itute a communicat ion process. The process of communication
cannot be complete without any feedback from the receiver of the message to the
original sender.
There are three main elements in communication process vie. communicator (sender
of message), the message and the communicate (receiver). David K. Berlo
mentioned nine components of communication process. These are : (i) the
communicator (ii) encoding (iii) the message (iv) the channel (v) decoding (vi)
meaning (vii) the receiver (viii) feedback and (ix) noise. Though the authors differ as
to the number of steps in communication process they agree an one point that there
must exits one sender and receiver at the two ends of the communication process.
35. Two-way Communication:
Ans : In two-way communication process both the sender and the receiver of message
can communicate with each other and the sender finds opportunities to study the
reaction of his message on the receiver. The word two-way communication points to
the flow of information in two defections back and forth. In two-way
communication, a sender (usually a boss) transmits a message to the intended
receiver (subordinates) and the receiver sends back his feedback (reply or reaction) to
the original sender. Face-to-face discussion or telepho ne c o n v e r s a t i o n a r e
co mmo n exa mples of two-way c o m m u n i c a t io n. R e c ip r o ca l
co m mu n ic a t io n be t w ee n management and subordinates or between supervisio n
and workers belong to this category of communication. In fine, we can say that when
the communication channel allows the flow of infor mat ion or fact s in t wo
d irect ions— fo rward and backward it is called t wo-way communicat ion. Two-
way communication completes the communication circuit, first- the message flows from
the sender to the receiver and then back to the sender again with response or reaction
of the receiver.
36. One-way Communication:
Ans : When a message pushed through the communication channel moves in one
direction only ie. from the sender to the receiver, it is called one-way
co mmunicat io n. One-way communication process involves the simplest way for the
flow o f in for mat ion or idea. Movement of a message in t wo directions — back
and forth — is not possible in one-way communication. The message pushed through
the channel can t ravel o nly fro m t he sender to t he receiver, but reply or feedback
from the receiver is neither possible nor solicited. In one way communication, a
message may travel vertically or horizontally. Examples of one way communication
are public speech, radio or television transmission or sending message to subordinates
without allowing them to reply or send back information.
37. Verbal Co mmunication:
Ans : When communication is done basing on language, it i s c a l l e d v e r b a l
c o m m u n i c a t io n. I t i s t he p r i n c i p a l communication idea used by the
organizations to perform their day-to-day functions. The executives and the
employees spend t he ir max i mu m t ime in wo r d or language based
Different authors have defined verbal communications in different ways. In the words
of Bovee his associates, "Verbal co mmunicat io n is the expressio n o f informat io n
through language, using words and grammar". Bartol and Martin says, "Verbal
communication is the written or oral use of words to communication."
In fine, it can be said that verbal communication is the excha nge o f ide as,
w is h es, fe e lin g s, at t it u des et c. as information through written or oral use of
words. That is, it may take place through use of words both-spoken or written.
V e r b a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n m a y t a k e t h e f o r m o f o r a l co mmu nicat io n,, Email: [email protected]
wr it t en co mmu nicat io n o r elect r o nic communication.
38. Written Communication:
Ans : Wr it t en co mmunicat io n is t he t ransmissio n o f thoughts, ideas, opinions,
feelings etc. through words that are meant to be read. So a message co mmunicated
in a written form is known as written communicat io n. It is word-based
communication and always takes place in written form. Under this form, the sender
transmit s message to the receiver in wr it ing and t he r eceiver also expr esses h is
react io n o r repercussion through written means. In the words of J. P. Bose,
"Communication that takes place through manuals, written instruct ions, notes,
memo s, reports, journal etc. is called written communication."
Written communication constitutes the greatest medium for conveying information in
all organizations. It is always put into writ ing and generally used when the
audience is at a distant place, or when permanency of record is required, or where
its preservation is essential in case it is needed as an evidence to solve disputes.
Landing orders and instructions, progress reports, returns and standardized form and
bulletins are made out in writing.
39. Oral Communication:
Ans : Oral communicat ion is the oral transmissio n o f ideas, feelings, attitudes,
opinions or information between two or more persons. It is a language based
communication that takes place through words spoken. In oral communication both
the sender and the receiver reciprocally express their ideas or opinions using oral
means. Oral communication usually takes place through face-to-face conversation or
group discussion. It may also take place through telephone calls and radio or
t elevisio n t alks. I n o ral co mmu nicat ion, there is direct interact io n o f ideas and
facts between the sender and the receiver. Perhaps it is the most effective way of
sending one's views, feelings, sentiments etc. to other persons. When it takes place
through face-to-face conversation, group discussion or t elepho ne calls,
co mmu nicat es react io n can be easily ascertained.
Henry Mintzberg observed in 1973 that most managers spend between 50 to 90
percent of their time talking to other people. It has been used by managers from the
old age because it saves time and it is, flexible and effective .for illiterate people.
But an oral message cannot be preserved as records and it often leads to confusion
and misinterpretation.
40. Non- verbal Commun i cat ion:
Ans : Non-verbal communication talks place without the use of words or language.
We often express our thoughts, feelings, emotions, sentiments and ideas by means
other than spoken or written words, but is based on symbo ls such as facial
expression, hand gesture, signal, silence, picture etc. are u se d t o co mmu nic at e a
me s sag e. I n fa ct , no n- v er ba l communication is the other name of non-word
communication. In fact, it is the expression of message or information through gesture
and behavior that cannot be coded into words. Nonverbal co mmunicat ion may be
done through using visual, audial or audio-visual techniques. Such technique are
often used to supplement the use of verbal communication.
41. Visual Communication:
Ans : When communication takes place through a visual t echnique, it is called
visual co mmunicat ion. I n visual communication an idea, information or message is
presented through pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps or visual technique, Visual methods
are sued to make the message or information a t t r act ive a nd eas il y u nder st andable
t o t he aud ience. Communication through visual techniques is very effective
particularly when the communicate tee is illiterate and hearing i mpa ir ed o r fa i ls t o
u nd er st and t he mea ning o f o r a l communication or unable to make out the theme, Email: [email protected]
of written communication. Information presented through visual methods is easily
understood by the people. Mass education program o f t he go ver nment cir cu lat ed
t hro u g h t he Bangladesh Television is a very effective example of visual
communication. In the mass educat io n program the illiterate people were
e n co u r a g e d t hr o ug h p ict ur e s, p o st er s a nd d ia gr a ms . Information about the ups
and downs of production, demand, supply, sale and price of goods can be easily and
attractively pr esent ed t hroug h visua l t echniques. However, visu al
co mmunicat ion alone is not sufficient for transmitt ing a message effectively. It
can give better results when used in combination with other methods.
42. Adudial Communication:
Ans : When message are communicated through sound only, it is called audial
or audible communication. Iri this type of communication the communicator sends
messages to the communicat e t hrough a part icular sound. On hearing t he sound
the communicate decodes it to unearth the meaning. Various t ypes of sound are
used for transmitt ing different types of message. The whistle of a motor car, ringing
of bell by the referee, etc. are instances of audial communication. By ringing bell
the tiers and students of a school are informed of starting and ending of a particular
class hour. Likewise, a railway station master permits the waiting train to leave the
stat io n through ringing bell. But audible co mmunicat io n becomes meaningless if
the communicate is hearing impaired.
43. Audio-Visual Communication:
Ans : When a message is communicated with the help of both sight and sound, it
is called audio-visual communication. In fact, it co mbines both audial and visual
techniques of communication. In this method some pictures are displayed on the
screen and side by side so me audible message is also conveyed. A very important
and popular example of audiovisual communication is the display of oral saline
preparation in the Bangladesh Television. In the BTV advertisement we See on the
screen the procedure of preparing saline water as well as listen to the message.
Popular BTV advertisement "Ei din din no i, aro din ache" (These days are not last
days, good days coming ahead) circulated in support of mass education program
proved very, effective. Strictly speaking these are not non-verbal, communication
techniques, because they use both oral and written words for better understanding.
Telecasts, short films, cinema screen, video taps etc. are powerful media of audio-
visual communication. It is particularly suitable for mass communicat ion. Special
advant age o f aud io -visual communication is that message transmitted through it is
easily understood and retained for a long time.
44. Para language:
A n s : P a r a la ng u a g e c o ns is t s o f vo c a l a s p e c t s o f communicat ion that
relate to how something is said rather than to what is said. Simply it refers to the use
of variation in voice. By nature human being attach more importance to the way
something is said than what is said. Even if something posit ive is said we at t ach
impo rt ance t o t he amount of enthusiasm in the speaker's tone. Because of this human
nature variations in voice tone or para language is often used as an effective means
of communication. Besides variations, there are other aspects of he voice such as
volume, quality and rate. These are also part of non-verbal communication. Of course,
para language also includes such vocal sounds as grunt s, groans and clearing of
the throat. With help of these nonver ba l me a ns o r a l co m mu n ic at io n c a n b e
ma d e mo r e impressive and more appealing. This can be done by changing aspects of
voice— sometimes making high, sometimes low and sometimes taking a pause At the
appropriate time.
Emot ional st ate o f mind can be better communicat ed through variations in
tone. Anger and boredom are common emotions in human beings. Speaker's anger is, Email: [email protected]
indicated when he speaks loudly, at the fast rate, in high pitch with irregular
inflections and clipped enunciation. But boredom is reflected by mo der at e
vo lu me, p it c h. a n d r at e a nd a mo no t o no us inflection.
45. Passive / Silent Communication:
Ans : It is generally said that silence is the symptom of co nsent. That is why
silence is recognized as a media of communicating message. When no words are
used, no posters or gestures made, no signals wove, but the message is rightly
communicated, then it is call silent or passive communication. In our daily life we
often face certain situations where nothing can express one's response so effectively as
silence can. Seeing the gloomy face of the boss subordinates can realize that he may
get energy at any time. On the contrary, when the boss finds that in spite of issuing
orders in time, the subordinates are not Working with enthusiasm and the progress
of work is
Many large scale organizations have separate department for advertising its goods
and services in the market. Of course, there are many advertising agencies for
advertising goods and services of their client on contract bases.
46. Board Meeting:
Ans : The directors of a joint stock company are jointly k no w n a s t he bo a r d o f
d ir e c t o r s o r t he bo a r d . T he administrative funct ions and policy planning o f a
company are unseated in the board. The board of directors or often kno wn as t he
nu mber s o f t he bo ar d s it at meet ings t o supervise t he progress of rout ine
business or for policy planning or review of the progress of plans already accepted
for implementation. Such meetings are called board meetings.
The rules of board meeting are usually mentioned in the Memorandum o f
Asso ciat ion (M/ A) and t he Art icles o f Association (A/ A) of the company. As per
provisions of the Companies Act, a board meeting should be held at least once in
every three months or at least four times in a year. At least one-third members of the
board of directors or two members (Whichever is higher) constitute quorum in a board
meeting. In the absence of the chairman of the board, the senior-most director or
any one (with the consent of all from the present directors) may preside over the
board meeting.
A board meet ing is usually held for consider ing t he application for shares,
allotment of shares and their forfeiture, issue of debenture, approval of contract,
fixing the date of annual general meeting, determining business policy and plans,
appointment of managing director, filling in vacancy in the board by appointing a
new director temporarily.
47. Statutory Meeting:
Ans: Statutory meeting is the first meeting of a joint stock company which can be
attended by the general shareholders! The statutory meeting is convened with a view to
informing the general shareholders of the objective behind the formation and not up to
the mark, then he must realize t hat they did not accept the instruction whole-
Silence may co nvey d ifferent responses on different occasions. When a teacher
enters the class room the students who were loitering and talking aloud suddenly take
their seats and become silent. This silence is a symbol of respect to the t e a c he r .
S o me t i me s , ne g a t i ve r e s p o ns e ma y a l s o be communicated through silence.
Suppose, a school-going child asks his mother to increase his tiffing money and mother
keeps silence. Here silence signifies refusal. Thus, consent, refusal or disapproval,
anger, resentment, lack of interest and the like can well be communicated through
48. Advertisement as a Technique of Communication:, Email: [email protected]

Ans : Advertisement is a commonly used technique of introducing goods and
services to the people in general. The ut il i t y, a va i la b i l it y, mo de o f u se a n d
ot her ne ce ss ar y description of the goods, the rules of its trading etc. may be
known from advertisement. It is generally a printed media of publicit y. When t he
people are infor med about goods and services with the help of any notice, it is called
advertisement. Ad v er t is e me nt a i ms at at t r a ct ing t he ge ner a l ma s s t o particular
product. As a result of technological development a huge vo lume o f goods can be
produced within a short time. But production becomes useless if these cannot be
sold in a short time. Advertisement takes the responsibility of finding customers for
those goods. Thus advertisement has become an 'essential ingredient of modern large
scale business. Today. the function of advertisement is to create and increase demand
for goods, bring customers to the sales centers, persuade them to buy, increase
direct sales and win over competition.
To day advert isement is an impo rt ant med ia o f mass co mmunicat ion.
Advert isement through radio, television, newspaper, magazine,. handbill,
periodicals, cinema, fair and exhibition etc. play a very important role in transmitting
the news and views about the goods to the general people. the future activities of the
company. According to sec. 77(1) of the companies Act every-company must convene
it statutory meeting one month after but not after six months from the date of certificate
of commencement of business. It is binding for every joint stock company. Statutory
meeting is held only once during the life time of company. However, a private and a
company limited by guarantee need not convene a statutory meeting.
The shareholders of a company are informed about its objectives and activities in
statutory meeting. The shareholders can have an idea about preliminary expenses,
allotment of shares, important deeds and agreement s signed by t he company. They
can also know about the statutory report and express opinion on it.
It is the first meet ing between t he co mpany and t he shareholders. Here the
shareholders become acquainted with the company, its rules, norms and policies
and the persons selected as its directors. The notice of statutory meeting should be
sent to the shareholders at least 21 days before the meeting.
49. Annual General Meeting :
Ans : Every company limited by shares is required to hold a meeting with all of its
shareholders once a year. Such a meeting is called annual general meeting. The first
annual general meeting must be held within 18 months from the date of its incorporation.
In the subsequent years the annual general meet ing should be held at least once a
year, but under emergency the gap between two annual general meeting may be up to 15
months. The annual general meeting carries important message. , to the shareholders.
Usually its agenda includes declaration of dividend of shares appointment of auditor
and fixation of his fees, approval of auditors report and audited accounts, approval
of annual report, appointment of new directors where necessary etc.
The notice of the annual general meeting should be sent to the shareholders at least 14
days before the meeting. However, a notice of less than 14 days may be sent with the
consent of all shareholders expected to remain present. The agenda of the meeting should
be sent with the notice, For failure to convince the annual general meeting in time the
company itself and every director liable for such failure may be fined up to Tk. 500/.

50. Extra-ordinary Meeting:

Ans : Any general meeting convened in between two annual general meetings is
called extra-ordinary meeting or extra-ordinary general meeting or emergency meeting.
Usually such meet ing is convened for discussing and reso lving important and
emergency topics. Etta-ordinary meeting can be convened by the directors or
shareholders. It is generally co nvened for alt er ing . any clause of Memorandu m, Email: [email protected]
of Association (M/ A) or Articles of Association (A/A) change of share capital,
removal of any director, alternation of the rights of debenture holders or for any
fundamental change etc.
The owners of at least one-tenth of the paid up capital of the company may submit a
prayer to the board of directors for an extra-ordinary meeting. The shareholders must
state the reason of the meeting in the requisition letter and it must be signed by all of
t hem and submit t ed in t he co mpany's registered office. Nice board of directors
must convene the extra-ordinary meeting withing 21 days from the submission of the
requisition. On their failure the requisition themselves be able to convene the meeting. Of
course, the meeting should be held withing three months from the 'date of requisites will
bear the same effects as it were convened by the board and all expenses will be
borne by the company. However, such expenses may be realized from the fees of
the directors at fault.
51. Welcome Address in a Seminar Session:
Ans : When few people meet together to participate in a seminar session, a
welcome address is given to them on behalf of the organizers of the seminar. The object
of such a welcome address is to give . a preliminary idea about the topic of the
seminar, its area, scope and importance and the perso ns behind the seminar. The
welcome address also gives an idea about the persons presenting different articles in
the seminar and the general participants.
A se minar is at t ended by a nu mber o f people. T he welco me addr ess in a
seminar sessio n is g ive n b y t he or ganizer s. It is an important medium of
communicat ion between the organizers and the participants.
52. Internship Program Report:
Ans : An internship report is prepared by a student under internship program and
submitted to the supervisor. It is returned to the student with some comments and
suggestions. After necessary modifications and alterations the internee submit s t he
final repo rt to t he supervisor who put s his signature on the report and recommends
for its evaluation by a board.
From an internship report the supervisor can learn about the nature of the
activities of the internee, pattern of work in a particular organization and the nature of
the people guiding his activities there.
Thus, internship progress report plays its role as a media of communication
between two organizations— one providing internees and the other offering opportunities
as trainer far the internees., Email: [email protected]

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