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The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

Bill Bishop
CEO, Bishop Information Group, Inc.
Bill Bishop, CEO of Bishop Information Group, Inc., is the creator of the Unique Name
Formula. Bill developed the process by combining his experience and expertise in marketing,
advertising, public relations, sales, publishing and journalism. Bill and his team of instructors
have taken hundreds of clients through the process and have worked with more than 4,000
companies over a 20-year period.

In 1998, his company launched what is now known as the Breakthrough Marketing Program.
The process helps business owners develop and implement innovative marketing strategies to
ensure the future success of their enterprise. The program applies the principles of the
Relationship First Formula, first presented in his book The Strategic Enterprise, Building a
Better Business for the 21st Century.

Bill’s dual affinity with marketing and computers led to his pioneer work in eMarketing,
marked by publication of his landmark book, Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age, in 1997.
The book, which set up the ground rules and principles of eMarketing, was widely read in
every English-speaking country in the world.

Shortly after, Bill wrote his follow-up book, Global Marketing for the Digital Age, which
explains how to use eMarketing technology to reach customers in a globalized and ever-chang-
ing economy.

Bill is also a successful speaker and mentor. As a speaker for the National Speaker’s Bureau,
Bill has given keynote speeches to hundreds of audiences. He has been quoted in business,
computer, and marketing publications, and his articles have appeared in more than 200
newspapers and magazines.

Dan: Bill, why don’t we start out by you telling was about 12, he asked me if I wanted to help
our listeners a little bit about your background him out. I said, “Okay.” He was going to pay me
and how you got into this business and market- $1.65 per hour. That’s not like much money in
ing game. those days!

Bill: I’m the owner of a company called Bishop The project was a promotion for a supermarket
Information Group. We’re situated in Toronto, in our city. He got me to dress up like a frog. I
Canada. We work exclusively with business had this big green frog outfit, and I walked
owners and entrepreneurs. We help them devel- around the mall and handed out prizes and bal-
op a marketing plan, and then carry out that loons to all the kids. It was embarrassing, but at
plan. least I had a mask on. It was really hot.

I’ve been in the marketing business since I was Part of me was thinking, “This was a dumb
about 12 years old. My father had a marketing thing to do,” but it was my first marketing
company. I used to listen to all of his stories project.
about his business and everything else. When I

What Do These 19 Multi-Million Dollar Marketers Know That You Don't (And Probably Never Will)?
The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

About two months later, they got me to dress up The story I was telling him was this. I was work-
like an Easter bunny in a pink Easter bunny out- ing in this steak restaurant. They had this contest
fit, which was even more embarrassing, and do to see who could sell the most lobsters with the
the same basic thing. That was my start. steak. I asked him, “How do you suggest I sell
more lobsters?” They said, “Well, just make sure
It convinced me there was a better way to do you ask each customer whether they’d like to
marketing. I didn’t know what at that point, but have a lobster with their steak.”
it did get me interested. I thought, “Well, it is
kind of a fun business, anyway.” I did all these I took that advice. I went out and started asking
various jobs, part-time and so on. people. Most of them said, “No.” I would say,
“Would you like a lobster with your steak?”
I took journalism in university because writing “No.” “No.” After a few days, I had sold maybe
was a skill that I had. When I got out of journal- one lobster. I wasn’t doing very well.
ism, I thought, “Well, I don’t know what I really
want to do. I think marketing is something that I started thinking about how could I get more
might be interesting.” people to buy these lobsters, because it seemed
like a good thing to have. I looked at the menu
I started doing a whole bunch of different mar- and saw that if you took a steak and a lobster
keting jobs. In 1987, I started my own company and rice and added that all together, it would
called Bishop Information Group. That’s the cost you $18.50.
company I run now.
I went out to the next table and I said, “We have
That’s the background of how I got going with this special tonight. It’s a steak and lobster spe-
marketing. I’ve been doing it for quite a long cial with rice, and it costs $18.50.” Everybody at
time. I have about 4,000 clients, and I’ve worked that table ordered it. They all said, “I’ll have the
in pretty well every industry there is. special. I’ll have it. I’ll have it.”

Dan: Bill, your latest book, How to Sell Lobster, is Over the next three months, I ended up selling
a very interesting title. What does it mean? 1,400 lobsters. I won the contest hands-down. I
What’s the story behind it? never told anybody how I had done it.

Bill: Well, it’s a fun title. I decided that I wanted Dan: So you sold it as a combo. Is that correct?
to have something on the cover of my new book
that would catch people’s attention, so there’s a Bill: Well, I learned a couple of things. One is that
big picture of a lobster, and it says, “How to Sell it was just about packaging, really. You see, it
Lobster.” made it easy for them to buy it. I had just taken
it, put it all together as a package, and called it
The idea for the book started about three years “special.” That makes it sound like something
ago. I was at a family function, and I was talking that isn’t going to be available all the time.
about some experiences I had when I was work-
ing as a waiter when I was in University. My Dan: It sounds like a good deal as well.
uncle, who’s a conservative guy, was just laugh-
ing and laughing. He thought it was a funny Bill: It sounds like a good deal, and it’s not going
story. I thought, “If I can get him to laugh and to be here forever. It’s a good chance to have a
listen to my story, then maybe there’s something lobster, right?
The other thing is I realized that people were

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The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

more comfortable buying the lobster as a special Dan: Bill, what is the difference between a
because most people, when they go out for din- salesperson and a marketer?
ner, are actually a guest of someone else.
Bill: The way I look at it is that most people are
If you’re a guest and the waiter says, “Would acting as salespeople. If I look at all the compa-
you like to have a lobster with your steak?” you nies I’ve worked with and all the individual
sound greedy ordering it. It’s okay to order a entrepreneurs, most of them are doing sales.
special if you’re a guest. Therefore, people felt
comfortable with that. “Oh, jeez! Here’s a The analogy I use is it’s like knocking on doors.
chance for me to get a lobster, and I’m not look- You’re going out. I’ve done this. I’ve done door-
ing greedy.” Right? to-door sales. You just go from house-to-house
or office to office and knock on doors. You’re
Dan: The host is happy. The guest is happy. You hoping someone will let you in. If you knock on
are happy. enough doors, somebody’s going to let you in.
Then you present to them and so on. That’s one
Bill: Everybody was happy there. The idea of the technique.
packaging and just getting into the mind of the
people that are sitting around the table. That’s That can happen through all kinds of methods,
really what a marketer needs to do, start think- like doing telemarketing and so on. That’s sales.
ing like the customer. On the other hand, a marketer is someone that
gets people to knock on their door. They come to
There were a few lessons there. It took me a few you.
years to think about it and understand what had
happened. It was also that I just tried something They knock on your door. That’s a much better
different as well. The way I was doing it wasn’t situation because if they’re knocking on your
working. door, they’re saying, “I want to work with you. I
want to buy what you have.” That puts you in a
It was sort of the direct sales approach. I had to much stronger position.
rethink my strategy. I tried it. If that hadn’t
worked, I would have tried something else. Unfortunately, most people never get there.
Luckily, I found the formula there. They don’t do any marketing. They just do sales.
Some people are successful at it, but they have to
Dan: When you look at a situation like this, it’s work really hard to make those sales.
not what you sell because the product you’re
selling is the same. It’s how you sell it and how What we do in our business is help people
you present it, how you market it. understand how they can be a marketer, figure
out how to do a marketing plan, develop it, and
Bill: It’s interesting. With all my clients, and I’ve get people to come to them. That’s the ultimate
seen it so many times, we don’t change that goal of what we do. Unfortunately, most people
many things. It’s just a couple of little things. It’s stick with sales because they don’t know how to
how you say it or how you package or price it, become a marketer.
how you deliver it.
Dan: Bill, can you give me a real-life example,
Just some very fine changes can make a huge like a client of yours that was a salesperson and
difference in how successful you can be with then became a marketer? What did he do
something. It’s different in every case. That’s differently?
what makes it interesting, of course, as well.

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The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

Bill: I’d like to give you my example, because it’s interesting guy. Maybe he can help me. I’ll give
where I learned the lesson directly. When I start- him a call.” That’s a much better way for me to
ed my business in 1987, I was doing sales. Even work now.
though I had started a marketing company, I
was doing sales myself. Dan: Bill, talk to me about sales pitch bunker con-
cept. What is a sales pitch bunker?
I was making many phone calls. I was actively
talking to everyone I could. I was doing much Bill: That’s a term that I came up with. It is one of
networking. I was asking people, “Can I come the major reasons people have to start thinking
and see you?” I was out there making sales. I did about becoming a marketer instead of a sales-
that for about six or seven years. I built up person. The typical sales process that most peo-
a good business. At a certain point, I realized, ple use isn’t working anymore. It’s becoming
“You know what? This is getting to be more and more obsolete. The reason is some-
tiresome.” thing I call the sales pitch bunker.

I wanted to go to the next level. How could I do If you think of yourself knocking on doors,
that? what’s happening is that less and less people are
opening their door. As a matter of fact, the
As a consultant, one of the marketing things that door’s getting thicker and thicker. They are, in a
I knew would be good would be to write a book. sense, going into a bunker because so many peo-
I spent 18 months putting together a book on ple are knocking on their door.
Internet marketing. It was right when the world-
wide web had come out. Many our clients were Dan: That’s right.
asking about it. It was an interesting topic.
Bill: There so many people trying to sell them
I spent much time working on that book and not something. Everywhere you turn, listening to
getting anything out of it for the first 18 months. the radio, there’s advertising. You get to the
As soon as it came out, I had all kinds of people office, and there are emails of somebody trying
that started calling me from all over the world. It to sell you something. You’ve got all these letters
made a change in how our business ran. coming in. You’ve got people phoning you at
Suddenly, all these people were calling us say- home.
ing, “I read your book. I want you to help me.”
It’s a continuous barrage of people marketing to
That’s basically how I continued from there on. I you. Psychologically, we just try to defend our-
hardly ever call a prospect. It’s mainly people selves by going into a psychological bunker that
calling us now, because of all the different things says, “No more. I just don’t want another sales
that we do. pitch.”

What we recommend is that you impose those The interesting thing is when people think about
kinds of strategies. There are certain ways that their business and they think about their com-
you can put yourself out there and get people to petitors, they’re usually companies that are
come to you. In my case, I did it with the book. doing similar things to them.

It changed my business, and that’s why I contin- In fact, when you’re a salesperson, you’re actu-
ue to write books. I give speeches. I do inter- ally competing against every other company, no
views like this and so on because people might matter what business they’re in, because they
hear this and go, “Bill Bishop sounds like an are competing for the attention of your prospect.

What Do These 19 Multi-Million Dollar Marketers Know That You Don't (And Probably Never Will)?
The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

They are banging on that person’s door as well, If most people had a box of chocolates, they
and your prospect just isn’t answering. They’ve would hold up the box and say, “We’ve got these
gone into a bunker. great chocolates. They’re wonderful. They’re
really high quality. They taste great.” You’d
This wasn’t true a hundred years ago, or even 30 bring out a couple of people and they’d say,
years ago. With the coming of computer technol- “Oh, yes! They’re great chocolates.” You’d do
ogy and everything, sales processes are just lots of advertising and all that sort of thing. It
accelerated. There are just so many ways to mar- costs a lot of money.
ket to you that people are really becoming over-
whelmed. You know you’re going to make some sales, but
maybe not as many as you want. There’s a much
This is a real problem for everybody because if faster way to sell a box of chocolates. What do
you use a typical sales technique, you’re just not you think it is, Dan?
going to get as many people answering the door
when you knock on it. Dan: Just give one piece of chocolate away.

Dan: It’s going to get worse ten years from now. Bill: Just give them a piece of chocolate. You
already have some chocolate. Give them a piece
Bill: I can’t really see it getting any better. I can of chocolate. They taste it. They experience it.
see it getting worse, because there are just going They say, “Wow, I just love that chocolate! Give
to be more and more ways to try to sell people me the whole box.” Not only is it cheaper, but
something. it’s a lot easier and more effective. You’ve let
them experience what it is that you have.
Dan: What can we do to get them out of the
bunkers? That’s the analogy. We’d try to apply that to all
of our client’s experiences and say, “What is it
Bill: I realized this problem a few years ago and that you could give away free that would attract
I asked myself the same question. Out of it came the attention of prospects and help you develop
our idea of what we call “free value.” that relationship?” That’s essentially the Free
Value Strategy.
It seems to me it’s the only way to do it. We’re
seeing many of our clients using this strategy, Dan: Plus, nowadays, people are so skeptical.
and many other companies using it to achieve With this strategy, what you are doing essential-
success as well. ly is saying, “Listen, don’t believe a word I just
said. Just give it a try. It’s free.”
Essentially what it means is that you need to
offer your prospect something of real, tangible Bill: You don’t have to do any convincing. You
value free to get the relationship started. You put don’t have to try to talk them into it. You’re
it out there and say, “Here, this is something of right. Many people are cynical about people sell-
value. I’m willing to give it to you with no obli- ing and marketing to them, so that’s got to be
gation if you’re willing to come out of your overcome somehow. The only way you can do
bunker and talk to me.” That’s the basic idea. that is really to put it out there and make it avail-
able to them. Hopefully, they will come out and
I use an analogy for that. I call it the box of try it and say, “This is great!”
chocolates. Let’s pretend that, whatever you’re
selling, it’s a box of chocolates. Essentially, when you’re a marketer, you’re not
trying to talk anyone into anything. You’re just

What Do These 19 Multi-Million Dollar Marketers Know That You Don't (And Probably Never Will)?
The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

giving them information. You’re giving them an will feel at least that they got some value there.
experience. You’re giving them a free sample so It does attract people because they can start on
they can make up their own mind. it. In our case, that’s what we do.

People are not interested in being sold some- Dan: There’s no obligation. They don’t have to
thing anymore. They want to experience it and buy anything. They can just come in and give it
come to their own conclusion that they want to a try.
buy it.
Bill: That’s the key point. There can’t be any obli-
Dan: What I always like to say is, “People hate to gation attached to it. A free value doesn’t mean
be sold, but they love to buy.” a 25% discount or a coupon or something like
that. It can’t be tied to a sale. It has to be com-
Bill: Oh yes, they love to buy. You’ve just got to pletely no obligation.
put it out there. Give them choices and allow
them to make their own decision. We really It’s like asking somebody out on a date for the
think that’s a key strategy. Really, we’ve built first time. You can’t expect them to pay for it.
our whole business around that one. You’re saying, “If you want to go on a date with
me, I’ll take you to a movie. We’ll go out for din-
Dan: Bill, our listeners might be thinking, “Well, ner. We’ll have a nice time.” Right? You can’t say,
Bill, what if my profit margin is thin? I can’t “I’m going to take you out on a date, but you are
afford to give my stuff away. It costs too much to going to have to pay for it, or pay for half of it.”
produce.” What would you say to them?
You’re not going to get many dates! That’s why
Bill: The analogy works to some degree, as far as it’s important there isn’t anything tied to it. It’s
the box of chocolates and the piece of chocolate. no obligation on the other person’s part. It’s very
You don’t necessarily have to give away your valuable to them.
product, for example. It could be something else.
Dan: Bill, you shared a great story about a restau-
For example, you might not want to give your rant and how you used your strategy giving
product away, but you might be willing to give away a free meal. Talk to me about that story.
your prospect time. You might be willing to
spend time with them. You might be willing to Bill: After I left the steak restaurant and started
give them advice. These are things that are not my company, I obviously had some experience
necessarily going to cost you any extra money. working in the restaurant business. I got a
restaurant as a client. They had just opened.
In our case, we are a consulting company. What They didn’t have any customers. You know
we do is we say, “Well, what I’m willing to give what it’s like when you walk past a restaurant
you free is a package.” I call it a starter kit. In and you don’t see anybody in the restaurant.
there is a document called “How to Create a
Marketing Plan that Works” with a CD, which I Dan: You don’t go in.
give away free, that people can learn from.
Bill: You don’t go in because you figure it’s not a
I offer a one-hour starter session. It’s not a sales good place. You go on to the next place. It’s busy,
pitch. We begin people on our process and we so you go in there. You figure that must be a
help them experience it. If they walk away and good restaurant. Right? It’s a real problem for
don’t work with us, they’ve still carried out someone starting something new. They don’t
parts of developing their marketing plan. They have any customers. Because they don’t have

What Do These 19 Multi-Million Dollar Marketers Know That You Don't (And Probably Never Will)?
The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

any customers, nobody wants to be a customer. after doing that. The way I look at it, it had a lit-
It becomes this self-fulfilling thing. tle hudspeth there. The fact was, he had a great
place and he wasn’t getting any customers. We
This was the problem that my client had. We had to do something.
really used two strategies here. The first one was
the free value. I said, “We’ve got to get people in Dan: If your client’s restaurant was not good,
here. We’ve got to get them to experience it.” even if you used this strategy, people wouldn’t
come back.
We sent out a letter with coupons in it for free
dinners and drinks at the restaurant. We sent it Bill: He had a good place. He had a good chef.
to places like modeling agencies and airlines, for He had a fabulous place.
the flight attendants and sports clubs and that
kind of thing. You know, good-looking, young The real shame of not doing marketing and
people. thinking of some of these ideas is the world
misses some wonderful things. Just because
We made the offer great. It’s all free and every- people haven’t quite found or used a few simple
thing. People started coming to the restaurant little techniques to get their business started or
over about a week. get people experiencing it. I find that’s probably
the biggest shame of not having a marketing
The other thing we did was hire people to stand plan.
in line.
Dan: That was a fun one! Bill, most business
Dan: You didn’t! owners build their business around a specific
product or service. I know you have a very dif-
Bill: We actually started a line. The other thing I ferent philosophy. You suggest we build a busi-
know is if there is a line, people will get in it. So, ness around a customer type. Can you expand
I hired people. I’d say, “You wait. You go in. You on that?
hang out for a little while, then go out the back
door and get back in the line again.” Bill: This is the key principle to how I look at
every company and help them with their mar-
People are driving and walking by. They see all keting plan.
these good-looking people inside. They see the
lineup. They get in the line. Essentially, what most companies do is start off
having a particular product or service that
Dan: Something exciting is happening. they’ve built their business around. As they
grew, they might have tried to have more prod-
Bill: After a couple of days, we didn’t actually ucts and services, but the whole business is built
need to have these paid line people anymore. around that.

Dan: Where’d you find them, Bill? What they do is get those products or services,
and then start looking for customers. There are a
Bill: It was easy. They were just people I knew. couple of problems with that.
Basically, we had primed the pump. The thing is,
if we hadn’t done that, he probably would have One is that it makes you into a salesperson.
gone broke in a couple of months. You’re going to do sales most of the time when
you think that way, because you are just trying
That place was full, with a lineup for ten years to sell these products.

What Do These 19 Multi-Million Dollar Marketers Know That You Don't (And Probably Never Will)?
The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

That’s one thing. The second is you’re going to is build a business that’s dedicated to helping
end up with a whole bunch of different kinds of business owners succeed.” That was my only
customers. Basically, it’s like, “Well, I’ll sell this mission. It wasn’t about any particular product.
thing to anybody I can.” Over time, you might
end up with ten different types of customers, As soon as I did that, I started thinking very cre-
which is like playing ten different sports at the atively. I said, “I could write books, and we
same time. It’s like playing tennis and hockey could give workshops and seminars. I could cre-
and basketball. You get all of your equipment ate a whole process for helping them.” We creat-
mixed up, and it gets confusing. ed software. As the years have gone on, we just
continually expand. We actually have more
The third reason is the most compelling one. If products than ever, but it isn’t the point of our
you build your business around products and business.
services, two things happen. One is they can
become commoditized. Other companies might The point of our business is helping business
offer the same thing, and the prices start to fall. owners. I call this the Relationship First
The other thing is those products and services Formula.
may become obsolete. People don’t want them
anymore. That’s what happened to me. That’s Instead of using what I call the “product first”
where I learned this lesson. trap, which I feel is getting to be an obsolete
thing, you say, “Let’s pick a particular customer
When I was doing the marketing company, I type that we want to help. We’ll build our whole
developed this technology. It was a bulletin business around helping them in any way that
board system, which was a forerunner to the we can.” It just opens all your creativity and
Internet. I had given it out to all of my clients gives you a much clearer vision for the future of
and everything. I started to think I could build a your company.
business around offering this technology.
In my case, I look ahead ten years and don’t
I started this company, and we started selling know what I’m going to be doing, but I do know
this technology. It was great. We were getting all that I’m going to be helping business owners.
kinds of clients. I thought this was it. We were It’s future-proof that way. I don’t think business
going to make tens of millions of dollars on this. owners are going to become obsolete. There
might even be more of them!
Yet in 1994, when the worldwide web came out,
just like in one day, no one was interested in that Dan: You are putting aside all of your products,
product anymore. It just went “poof,” like that. all of your services. You are going into a relation-
It was like an overnight thing. ship and asking yourself, “How else can I help
my customers? What else do you want? What
Dan: Overnight failure. else can I sell them?”

Bill: Yes, it was an overnight failure. It was Bill: Suddenly, you can start thinking of things
unbelievable. Once I got over it, I thought, “Well, you never thought of before. When you are in
what did I do there?” I realized I built my busi- the Product First Trap, you have your product or
ness around a product. I said, “I’m not going to your widget. You’re not interested in thinking of
do that again. Let’s flip it around.” anything else. You’re just trying to sell that
“Who do I like working with? Well, I like work-
ing with business owners. What I’m going to do As soon as you put that aside and start to think,

What Do These 19 Multi-Million Dollar Marketers Know That You Don't (And Probably Never Will)?
The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

“I’m trying to help manufacturing companies,” around and pick that one customer. Maybe it’s
or something, you start looking at them a little dog catchers. Maybe it’s teachers. Maybe it’s
closer. You think, “Oh, jeez! They have this prob- nursing home administrators. Whoever. The
lem, and that problem, and this problem. I have very first thought is, “Let’s zero in on those.”
all kinds of ways I think I can help them more.” You don’t necessarily have to give up the other
Suddenly you’re more helpful to them, and ones right away.
there’s more opportunity for you to make
money. Dan: You start with one. Focus on just one of
them and try to dominate the niche.
The other thing is this model works better
because nowadays, the world keeps changing. Bill: I call that your number one customer type.
It’s changing faster and faster. When you’re in Just take that one and say, “Okay, we can’t do
the Product First Trap, change is the biggest them all, obviously. Let’s zero in on this one and
enemy, because that means your product might see how we do with it.” That is such a suc-
become obsolete. cessful approach that you start to realize, “I did-
n’t really want to work with those other people,
If you’re using the Relationship First Formula anyway.”
and helping whoever, then change is an oppor-
tunity. Every time something changes, usually You just become very focused. Once you become
your client or customer needs help to deal with focused on one customer type, all kinds of good
it. There’s an opportunity now. Change becomes things happen because you are just so much
an ally as opposed to an enemy. clearer about what you’re doing, who you’re
going after, and so on and so forth. I real-
Dan: The other mistake I see entrepreneurs make ly recommend to the listeners that they have that
is they try to sell to everybody instead of selling discussion. What customer type do we want to
to a niche market. What’s your take on it? help? Zero in on that.

Bill: Well, that ties in with what we’ve just been Dan: Probably, the 80/20 rule applies here. If you
saying. Most of my clients, when they come to look at his customer base, probably 20% of his
me, one of the first exercises we do is look at the customers contribute to 80% of his sales.
different types of customers they have. Usually
they have more than one. In one case, I had one Bill: The thing is, when we do that exercise, the
client who had 26 different types of customers. answer is always obvious because it’s already
their number one customer type. They just
The problem with that was they were spreading haven’t been giving them the credit that they
themselves out way too thin. Their whole busi- deserve.
ness was disorganized because they were con-
stantly going from one customer to another. They’re hanging on to all these other kinds of
customers because they’re just hedging their
Everybody has a limited amount of money and bets, or they’re afraid to give up a little opportu-
resources to put into marketing. If you’re nity. Usually, those other customers are not
spreading them out over 26 different types of worth the trouble.
customers, then you’re not going to be effective
in any of those areas. You’re neither here nor Dan: Bill, what about the “big idea?” Why is hav-
there to any of those people. ing a big idea so important to a business?

That’s why I believe that you’ve got to switch it Bill: This is another term. Our company is called

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Big, so what we try to do is help all of our clients these things I learned, in a narrative so it’s not
come up with what we call a “big idea” when just a boring, “Here’s what I did.” I’m telling it
they’re doing marketing. like in a novel. That’s the style of it. I thought it
would be useful. People like it because it’s a
I’ve seen people develop marketing tools like short book. They get many ideas out of it and it’s
websites and brochures, and go out there and easy to read.
attend trade shows and do all these kinds of
things, but the basic content of what they’re pre- Dan: Bill, do you have any marketing mentors?
senting to their market is boring. It’s flat. There’s Who did you learn from?
nothing there. There’s nothing new or interest-
ing. There’s nothing to get the other person Bill: There’s many people that I’ve learned from.
excited. You’re just there. I guess I would start with my dad, because he
was the first marketing person I ever knew. He
What we believe is that you’ve got to really was really brilliant. He was great at coming up
think a little harder and say, “Let’s come up with with big ideas. That was his thing. Of course,
a big idea. Something that will get us all excite, one of his big ideas was dressing me up like a
that’s a really interesting story to tell, that we can frog and a bunny rabbit, but it worked! He was
tell other people and get them listening to us. a terrific influence.
Get the attention of that person that’s in the
bunker. Something new that will get them inter- I worked in several different marketing compa-
ested.” nies over the years. The people that I worked
with, all the senior people, all had excellent
A big in my case is the lobster book. That’s why things. There’s too many names to go into.
I called it How to Sell Lobster. It doesn’t have
anything to do with lobsters except for that one Another person is Dan Sullivan, who is the head
story. of The Strategic Coach. I’ve been in that pro-
gram for ten years. He’s a consummate mar-
Dan: People might misread it as, “How to cook a keter, so I’ve learned a lot from him. I read all the
lobster.” different books.

Bill: It gets their attention. The book’s been out a Tom Peters is a great influence on me, and
little while. I run across people who say, “Oh, I Michael Gerber who wrote The eMyth. I believe
read the book. It was great! You’re the lobster that we’re all learning from each other, so I’m
guy.” Suddenly, I’m the lobster guy. That’s my always interested in knowing what the other
big idea, “Here’s something about lobster.” It’s marketing people are doing. Those are some of
just completely different. They can remember the people.
the lobster, and then they associate that with me.
Dan: I’m just curious. How do you come up with
I’ve had many different big ideas, but this is the all of these amazing names? They are so interest-
current one I’m using. It just makes everything ing. Do you have a formula for it?
stand out. Otherwise, you’re just not going to
get people’s attention. Bill: It’s one of the things we do, obviously, when
we help our clients come up with big ideas and
Dan: The book is interesting. It’s like nonfiction, talk about how they describe themselves. I help
but it’s also fiction. them package up naming it so they can tell that
story and people will remember it.
Bill: It’s a little bit of both. I’m telling my story,

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Dan: There’s a process to it. Bill: Get the momentum going. Get people buy-
ing it just to get it started. That works really well.
Bill: For the people in The Strategic Coach, when
I worked with some of those people, we had a Another story I had which can apply to, per-
process called the Unique Name Formula. We haps, something that’s going on with the listen-
helped them name their process. There’s a er. I had this magazine. I created a mock-up of it
whole way of doing it. because I wanted to sell advertising in it. It was
a new magazine.
Essentially, you don’t just come up with the
name. You’ve got to think through the strategy I mocked up the magazine. I put an ad in it for a
first, then you can package it so people will restaurant that I just made up. I made a dummy
remember it. I think that’s an important part of ad for it. Then I went to see the competitor of
packaging. that restaurant and showed them the magazine.
I didn’t say anything. I just showed him the
What we’re really saying is, “There are all these magazine. He saw this ad. He said, “Well, how
ideas and things that you’re doing that are invis- much is a full-page ad?” I told him. He said,
ible. The only way you can get people to remem- “Okay, I’ll buy it.”
ber them is to package them by naming them.”
I was like, “Whoa! I actually sold an ad.”
All the different stories in the book have a differ-
ent name. Instead of just giving them advice, I So, I designed up the ad for the client. I took out
have a name for it, like “The Lobster Strategy” that dummy ad and went and saw the company
or whatever. across the street. They saw the real ad and said,
“We’ve got to buy an ad too, because our com-
Dan: Free meals. Professional Lineup Strategy. petitor is buying it.” I sold him an ad. Once I
started, all the other companies in the area want-
Bill: Yes, the Professional Lineup Strategy and ed to advertise too, because they saw there were
things like that. other people doing it.

Dan: Another interesting thing you talk about in It seems to me one of the things about human
the book is how to make the first sale. Tell us a nature is if people perceive nobody wants some-
story and the marketing lesson behind it. thing, then nobody wants it. As soon as they per-
ceive people want something, they want it too.
Bill: There are a few ways to make the first sale. They just want to be part of it. They don’t want
I talk about the restaurant. We had a lineup. One to miss something.
of the things is to give away what you’re doing
to a group of people, to get the club started. Dan: People like to buy things that are popular.
It’s like you have this club, but you don’t have
any members. Because you don’t have any Bill: They want to buy things that are popular, so
members, nobody wants to join the club. you have to create a sense that it is popular.
You’ve got to get the whole thing rolling.
Whenever I create something new in our busi-
ness, some new process or something, what we A little story related to this is that when we got
do is offer it either free to our existing clients or that magazine out, we wanted to hand them out
at a very low rate. We’re trying to get people to people on the street corners to get them read-
started. ing it.

Dan: To get the momentum going. Dan: You hired people to pick up the magazine?

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Bill: It was almost like that. I had a partner. We that’s not proven.
were handing out the magazine. I noticed if
somebody picked up the magazine as they were Bill: There are the early adopters, right? There
walking along, then the next six or seven people are also the people that come after them. They’re
would take it, too. If somebody didn’t take it, then the ones that are saying, “Until it’s absolutely
the next six or seven people wouldn’t take it. proven, I don’t even want to touch it.“ Most peo-
ple are like that. What we’ve got to do is get the
I thought, “This is taking too long.” I said to my early adopters going. We’ve got to make it as
partner, “You hand them out.” I walked around easy as possible for them to do that.
in a circle. I’d walk along and pick up a paper.
The seven people behind me would pick it up. Dan: Bill, you also teach a marketing strategy
Then I’d walk around again and pick it up, and called The Three Boxes. What exactly is that?
the seven people behind me would pick it up.
Bill: The Three Boxes is probably my favorite
Dan: You’re funny, Bill. You’re really funny! one. It’s so simple to use. Anybody can use it.
The way I explain it is when I was a kid back in
Bill: It was interesting. There’s a whole element the 60s, I would go to the movie. I wanted to
of human psychology here. If you want to do buy a drink before the movie and the people
marketing, you’ve got to start thinking about would say, “Would you like a large or a small
that. It’s just the way people are. There’s a herd drink?”
mentality. We’re all part of it. I’m part of it. I’m
not saying I’m above it or anything. I’m the I would say, “Well, I’m a little kid, so I’ll have a
same way. If I see somebody lining up, I’m going small drink.” My mom was there. She said,
to get in the line. “Well, I’m on a diet so I’ll have the small drink,
Dan: You don’t even know what it is.
The fact was that in those days, 80% of people
Bill: I don’t even know what it is. I remember I always bought the small drinks. Only 20% of
was at Expo ’67 in Montreal and there were them bought the large ones. That was the statis-
many lineups. People would just get in a line. tic. This went on for years and years, until the
We got in a line. You wait for half an hour. You 1980’s.
get to the front and realize, “Oh, my God! I’ve
just lined up for the washroom.” But it was a line Theater owners thought, “How can I get more
up, so you got in it. people to buy the large drinks?” Someone said,
“Why don’t you introduce a third size, like a
There are all kinds of strategies around creating super size, and see if that changes anything?”
a sense that people want something. They want
what you’ve got. Sometimes you just have to If you go to a movie now and buy the largest
create that sense before it exists. Once it exists, drink, how big is it?
then it happens.
Dan: It’s like a bucket. The thing is huge!
I’ve seen so many companies never get off the
ground because they just didn’t get that first cus- Bill: Absolutely massive, right? You just can’t
tomer and get the pump going. even imagine drinking it all. The reason they do
that is because 20% of people buy the small
Dan: In a way, people don’t want to make drinks, 60% buy the regular size, which is
mistakes. They don’t want to buy something actually the old large, and 20% are buying the

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super size. By adding the super size, they now Dan: “That thing has to be a gigantic, totally out-
have 80% buying the old large or an even larger rageous.”
size. They flipped it around.
Bill: The “gigantic, outrageous” part is key. It
I read about this in an article in The Harvard also gets people in the door. If you have a car
Business Review years ago. A company had dealership and you put a 1948 Rolls Royce in
done this study. They said, “I wonder if this there, mint condition, people are going to look.
would work with other businesses?” They They want to come in and take a good look at it
inferred that it would work with any business. It because they don’t see that every day.
didn’t matter what it was or what you were sell-
ing, the three boxes would work. Dan: It’s like they look at it and say, “Wow, that’s
amazing! Well, I can’t afford it, but I can afford
The reason they gave was if you have one size, the one in the middle.”
which is what most people sell, they just say,
“Here it is. I’ve got it. You want it.” The cus- Bill: Hang on. They look at the small one.
tomer then just has a choice between yes or no. They’ve just looked at this most incredible,
They are either going to take it or not. amazing thing they’ve ever seen in their life.
Sometimes they say, “Well, I’ll take it, but I want Now, they’re looking at the small one and it’s
you to give me a deal,” so they start haggling like, “Well, this looks really small, and cheap,
with you. and basic.” That’s just so depressing! Right?

Dan: “I want a discount. I want more stuff.” Their eyes go to the middle, which is the regular
one. They say, “Well, I’ll take that one because
Bill: You end up in that situation. If you have two it’s the one most people are taking.” Right? They
sizes, that’s better now. What the customer feel comfortable. They’re right in the middle.
intends to do then is say, “What should I do? They’re going to take that one.
Should I take the large or the small?”
The key is if you want to sell something, most of
Dan: “A or B?” the time, put it in the middle. Make a basic small
version. Make a super size outrageous one. Most
Bill: A or B, and they are going to buy something. people will take the one in the middle. The other
Most of them, 80% of them, will buy the small thing is, a small percentage will actually take the
one. Like you said, they are careful. They are not super size. If you didn’t have it, you never
sure. They don’t want to take a big chance. would have sold it. You might as well create it.
They’ll take the small. If you have three sizes, Right? That’s a bonus.
the whole thing changes. A person will natural-
ly look at the super size first. It’s just like, “Wow, The other thing is it enables you to charge more
look at that!” for the one in the middle. People are saying,
“The super size is $100. I’ll take the one in the
It doesn’t have to be size. It’s just the most middle, because it’s only $10.” Meanwhile, you
expensive thing. Like the most expensive car, used to charge $5.
most expensive watch, most expensive dress.
They are going to take a look at it. It doesn’t cost Now, you are charging $10. You’ve doubled
anything to look. your price and people think it’s cheaper. They
think they’re getting a good deal.
You look at it and go, “Oh, that’s fabulous!” You
look at the price and go, “That’s way out my Dan: It’s perception.

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Bill: There’s a relative term. You’ve created Dan: You were happy about it.
this little relative market between the three
products. Now, people are going to the middle Bill: I was happy about it because I felt I had
one thinking they’re saving money, when made my own decision. I laughed.
they’re spending twice as much.
Dan: Maybe the owner read your book?
This whole Three Boxes is a fabulous tool, and it
works whether you have a physical product or Bill: I think so! It’s being used a lot. I didn’t
products that are intangible, like services or con- invent this idea. I popularized it because I pack-
sulting. It’s a neat thing. The other thing is it aged it and I understand the principles of it. I
works even if you know that it’s happening to can show people how to use the idea.
Dan: In fact, we see this a lot in the fast-food
Dan: What do you mean? Give me an example. industries. You have the super size fries.

Bill: I’ve done this a million times, these Three Bill: Yes. They have the super size, which is get-
Boxes. One day, I decided I wanted to buy bocce ting to be something people don’t like us to do
ball. Do you know the game, bocce? I had never anymore.
owned one before, so I went out to the store.
Sure enough, they had them. Dan: Because of the movie. Right?

I noticed, “Oh, my God! They’ve got three Bill: Yes. I just watched that last night. One of the
sizes.” They had the kid’s size that was $30. I things I think they can make a mistake with is
thought I might spend $30 on these. I saw the that three boxes works. Four boxes doesn’t. Why
kid’s ones. They were $30. They had these tour- do you think four boxes doesn’t?
nament models, which were $160.
Dan: Too many choices. You confuse them.
Dan: For professionals.
Bill: Yes. There’s one other reason.
Bill: For professionals. They had the adult ver-
sion, the regular ones, for $60. I’m looking these Dan: You want to pick the one in the middle.
over. I’m like, “Those $160 ones, those look cool
but I don’t need that. That’s $160. Then I looked Bill: That’s right. You see, there is no middle.
at the kid’s ones.
Dan: There’s no middle.
Dan: You are not a kid.
Bill: People get confused because there is no
Bill: I’m not a kid, and they looked cheap. I went middle. If you could have five, now there’s a
for the regular at $60. I went back to the house middle, but you have way too many choices.
and I said, “I got the bocce balls.” They were
like, “That’s great.” I said, “It’s great, too, Dan: People can have too many.
because I saved a whole bunch of money. They
were only $60. I could have bought these profes- Bill: It defeats the purpose. Three seems to work.
sional ones for $160. I saved $100.” Meanwhile, It’s not too many for them to think about. They’ll
I had spent twice as much as what I had go for the one in the middle. That’s it.
Obviously, they’re using it in the fast-food

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industry, but you’ll see it used even when you Whether you end up working with me, it does-
buy gasoline. There are three prices. If you want n’t matter. You can read it. You can understand
to go on a trip, they give you three packages to how the process is and try to do it yourself.
look at. You take the one in the middle. Anyone that read it would be much farther
ahead than someone that just started creating a
Dan: That’s interesting. brochure or something.

Bill: What it does is it’s a bit of a technique, but Dan: How can they get a hold of that?
it’s also just multiple choices as opposed to hav-
ing one and saying, “Take it or leave it,” which I Bill: The thing to do is either to call our company
see many people doing. The point is, people at 1 (866) 462-4446, that’s our toll-free number, or
leave it. Three boxes is a terrific concept. email us at [email protected].

Dan: It’s a great concept. Bill, we’ve gone Dan: Or go to your website, BigInc.com.
through several marketing ideas, several strate-
gies. Our listeners might be a little over- Bill: Or go to our website and send us a message
whelmed. How do they apply these strategies? that you want to receive it. There’s no charge for
How do they go about creating a marketing that. This is our free value. That’s the key thing.
blueprint? What should they do first? What
should they do second? Just as a quick start, if you can’t wait to get that,
begin by picking that number one customer type
Bill: It is important that when you think about and saying, “Let’s put our product aside for a
marketing, you don’t fall into what I call the minute and see who is our number one cus-
Marketing Tool Trap, which is to start producing tomer type.”
without having any kind of a plan. You might
just create a website or brochure or that kind of Start thinking about all the different ways you
thing. could help that type of customer or that person
more. Think of other things. That will really help
What I’ve found is many people do that, then get this whole thing started with changing
they don’t work or things change and they have everything. Even if you just did that, you are
to throw those brochures away or keep redoing going to be way far ahead.
the website. We want to stay away from the
tools. We want to get the blueprint first, before Dan: Shift your focus. It’s just as simple as that.
we build the house.
Bill: Totally shift your focus. A marketer is some-
There is a process that I’ve created I call the one who thinks about what’s going on in the
Breakthrough Marketing Process. It’s a series of mind of my customer. They are not always try-
steps that you go through to figure out your ing to sell whoever. “Anybody will buy it. I
marketing strategy. I don’t want to go through don’t care. Let’s think about my customer. What
all the steps right now, but there is a method. do they need? Maybe I need to change my busi-
ness to suit their needs more.” That’s really fun-
I’ve created something that anyone listening, if damental Marketing 101.
they want, I can send to them. It’s a portable
document file. It’s a package called How to When I took marketing courses, they kept drum-
Create a Marketing Plan That Works. It goes ming that into us. It’s interesting. Most people
through the entire process and all the different don’t do that. They’re all hung up on their own
steps. thing. That’s why it’s always been the first step

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The World’s Greatest Marketing Stories

for me, because I just think that’s so important. Dan: Bill, are there any final thoughts you would
like to add?
Dan: Our listeners can get your books on your
website as well. Correct? Bill: I really appreciate you taking the time to
interview me and allowing me to speak to your
Bill: Yes, they can do the same thing. Call, email audience.
us, or go to our website and we can get those
books. Those lobster books are available I guess the one message I’d like to leave you
through us. with is we can do sales and yet, you’ve got to
think of that sales pitch bunker as a problem.
Dan: The other book, Strategic Enterprises, is a Becoming a marketer is something that all of us
good one as well. I like that book. It’s more tech- should think more and more about, how we can
nical. provide free value, get people to come to us and
really develop relationships with us. It’s making
Bill: It’s more technical, but it’s got a lot more that transition from being a salesperson to a
examples in it. It goes into that whole idea of the marketer.
Product First Trap and the Relationship First
Formula and so on. I would like to leave everybody with, “How can
we do that?”
Dan: You even have a step-by-step formula, as I
remember. Dan: Thank you very much, Bill. You were
Bill: There is a step-by-step formula, the same
one I talk about in this other document as well. Bill: Thanks a lot, Dan.
It’s all one process.
Dan: Thank you. Bye, bye.

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