Technical ADM1660

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Characteristics of STM-1 Interfaces

Characteristics of STM-4 Interfaces


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Characteristics of STM-16 Interfaces

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Alcatelo Lucent @

Characteristics of STM-64 Interfaces

Wavelength range nm 1290-1330 1530-1565 1530-1565 1530-1565

Mean launch power
- maximum Tx dBm -1 +2 12 4
- minimum Tx dBm -6 -1 10 0
Attenuation range dB 0-4 3 - 11 13-22 11 -22
Chromatic dispersion
- maximum ps/nm 6.6 800 1600 1600
- minimum pslnm NA NA NA NA
Minimum sensitivity dBm -11 -14 -14 -24
Maximum overload dBm -1 -1 -1 -7

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on Board variant:
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Alca tel Lucent 9 @
Characteristics of 1000Base SX GbE

Wavelength range nm 1 820 - 860 1 820 - 860

Mean launch power I
I - maximum TX I dBm I I I
- minimum Tx I dBm 1 -9,5 1 -9,5
receive sensitivitv IdBm 1-17 1 -17

Characteristics of 1000Base LX GbE

Mean launch power

- maximum Tx dBm -3 -3 -3
- minimum Tx dBm -11,5 -11,5 -11,O
receive sensitivity dBm -19 -19 -19

Characteristics of 1OGRE SR

Wavelength range 1 840 1 860

Optical average

I output power
- maximum Tx
- minimum Tx dBm -7,3 -7,3
receive sensitivity dBm < -13,l -11,l

Characteristics of 10 GBE LR; ER; ZR

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