Microbiological, Physical, Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Milk Fermented With Lactobacillus Plantarum
Microbiological, Physical, Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Milk Fermented With Lactobacillus Plantarum
Microbiological, Physical, Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Milk Fermented With Lactobacillus Plantarum
ISSN printed: 1679-9291
ISSN on-line: 1807-8648
Doi: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v35i1.11939
ABSTRACT. This study developed a fermented milk with Lactobacillus plantarum and evaluated its
microbiological, physical-chemical and sensory characteristics during 70 days of storage at 10ºC. The study
analyzed the counts of total viable cells, total and thermotolerant coliforms, yeast and mold; acidity, pH,
ash, fat and total solids; sensory evaluation and purchase intention of the final product by consumers.
Nutrition information was compared with seven commercial brands of fermented dairy products. The
final formula contained 10% sugar, 6% milk powder and 4% microbial inoculum. The final product was
fat-free. Acidity, ash content and total solids were stable during storage, unlike pH. No total or
thermotolerant coliforms, yeast or mold were detected. L. plantarum counts ranged from 10.1 Log10 CFU
mL-1 at the beginning to 8.9 Log10 CFU mL-1 at the end of the storage period. The product had good
acceptance and high purchase intent. The nutrition information of fermented milk was similar to those of
commercial brands evaluated. L. plantarum demonstrated good viability in fermented milk, and although
not considered a probiotic food in Brazil, it is promising for the production of foods with functional
properties and/or health claims.
Keywords: fermented dairy products, viability of lactic acid bacteria, shelf life of fermented milk products, probiotic.
2004). Among these, stood out the improvement of the benefits to consumer health. In this way, the
the defenses of intestinal mucosa against pathogens goal of this study was to develop a formulation of
and the balance of microbiota after taking fermented milk using L. plantarum, and to evaluate
antibiotics, and help in lactose digestion in intolerant its microbiological behavior, as well as its physical,
individuals, stimulate immune system, relieve
chemical and sensory features along 70 days of
constipation, increase absorption of minerals, and
refrigerated storage, since to date there are no
promote the production of vitamins. Some studies
have reported the decrease in risk of colon cancer, reports of its use in dairy products in domestic
cardiovascular disease, decrease in cholesterol, market.
antihypertensive effect, reduction in the ulcerative
activity of Helicobacter pylori, control of colitis caused Material and methods
by rotavirus or Clostridium difficile and prevention of We developed a formulation of fermented milk
urogenital infections (TUOHY et al., 2003).
containing L. plantarum with a sample of
In Brazil, the species approved by the National
reconstituted milk plus sugar. During the storage
Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), for
period, we evaluated: total count of viable cells of L.
purposes of functional and/or health claims, with
plantarum, total and thermotolerant coliforms, yeast
probiotics characteristics, are: Lactobacillus acidophilus,
and mold count, titratable acidity, pH, ash content,
Lactobacillus casei Shirota, Lactobacillus casei variety
fat and total solids, acceptance and purchase intent
rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei variety defensis,
of the final product, and nutritional information and
Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactococcus lactis, Bifidobacterium
comparison with seven trademarks.
animallis (including the subspecies B. lactis),
Bifidobacterium longum and Enterococcus faecium Development and processing of the fermented milk
(BRASIL, 2008). For developing the fermented milk a commercial
Lactobacillus plantarum belongs to the group of strain of Lactobacillus plantarum BG112 (Sacco® -
lactic acid bacteria that have heterofermentative Brazil) was used along with skimmed milk powder.
metabolism (CLAESSON et al., 2007). This Fifteen different formulations (Table 1) were
microorganism has a long history of natural developed, which were sensorially analyzed to
occurrence and safe use in a variety of food survey the main characteristics of the product, to
products, and clinical studies emphasize these select the promising formulation, and to evaluate the
desirable characteristics for its use in human beings shelf life of the product. The formulation with the
(VRIES et al., 2006). However, the ANVISA does best sensory characteristics was the one with 4% of
not recognize it as a probiotics, although this inoculum, 6% of skimmed milk powder (SM) and
microorganism is used in several European Union 10% of refined sugar, this being the final
countries like Germany, France, Italy, among others, formulation.
and by the United States. The preparation of the inoculum was performed
The consumption of fermented milk is widely with the activation of the culture in 100 mL of
associated with the presence of lactobacilli in the sterile 10% SM, with subsequent addition of 1.5 g of
formulation, due to desirable sensory characteristics the freeze-dried culture, followed by incubation for
promoted by these microorganisms, associated with 6-8h at 37ºC or until clot formation.
Table 1. Formulations tested for the elaboration of the final product.
Experimental design
Groups Ingredients Inoculum Acidity (% lactic acid) Sensory characteristics
4% SM+ + 8% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Little sweet
4% SM + 7% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Tasteless/Unstable/Lumpy
4% SM + 6% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Sour flavor
5% SM + 8% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Little sweet
1 5% SM + 7% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Tasteless / Lumpy
5% SM + 6% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Less acidic flavor
6% SM + 8% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Little sweet
6% SM + 7% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Consistent/Viscous
6% SM + 6% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Pleasant acidity
10% SM + 10% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Sweet / Pleasant acidity
2 10% SM + 10% Sugar 4% 0.85-0.90 Sour flavor
10% SM + 10% Sugar 4% 1.45-1.50 Spoiled flavor
4% SM + 10% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Tasteless / Sweet / Lumpy
3 5% SM + 10% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Sweet / Lumpy
6% SM + 10% Sugar 4% 0.60-0.70 Consistent/ Viscous /Pleasant acidity
+ SM – Skimmed milk powder.
The production of the fermented milk was made The determination of total solids and ash content
through weighing the dry ingredients (sugar and were made at T0; T28; T56 and T70 at 4ºC in
skimmed milk powder), addition of distilled water triplicate. At first, it was analyzed the total solids by
and mixing the solution, and the filling was done the gravimetric method for milk, according to
using high density polyethylene bottles, previously Pereira et al. (2001). The fat analysis was determined
washed and sanitized with hypochlorite solution at only at T0, once this nutrient was absent from the
200 mg kg-1 of active chlorine. Then, the product formulation.
was sterilized in an autoclave at 121ºC for 15 min. Sensory analysis
and subsequent cooling at 10ºC. It was inoculated
4% of milk culture of L. plantarum at room For sensory analysis during the storage, we
temperature and incubated at 37ºC for 10h. proceeded with the acceptance test at the storage
times T0 and T70, being analyzed the attributes:
Microbiological analysis color, sweetness, acidity, viscosity and overall
The total count of viable cells of L. plantarum was evaluation. A team of 50 volunteers untrained tasters
made to monitor this organism over storage time. and possible potential consumers of the product
Also total and thermotolerant coliforms were evaluated the samples through a structured 7 point-
quantified aiming the safety for sensory analysis, and hedonic scale (1 = dislike very much, and 7 = like
the count of yeast and mold, in order to evaluate very much) (FERREIRA et al., 2001). The samples
possible contaminations in the final product. were presented in randomized complete blocks
For the analysis of total count of viable cells, an design, aiming to enhance the comparison between
aliquot of 1 mL was taken from the final the samples. We calculated the acceptability index
formulation at the times T0, T14, T28, T42, T56 (AI) of the product (mean of overall acceptance x
and T70, followed by serial dilution (in peptone 100 / 7) and a minimum of 70% of AI was used as a
water – Himedia) and seeded in De Man-Rogosa- threshold to consider that the product was well
Sharpe agar (MRS - Himedia). The plates were accepted by the consumers (DUTCOSKY, 1996).
incubated at 37ºC for 72h under aerobic conditions. To complement the study, a questionnaire was
All platings were performed in quadruplicate. applied to the tasters for characterization. At the end
The analysis of total and thermotolerant of sensory test, a purchase intent test was done,
coliforms was carried out using the multiple tube
using a 5 points-scale (1 = certainly would not buy,
technique. The inoculations took place directly in
and 5 = certainly would buy) to verify the possible
series of three tubes containing lactose bile brilliant
purchase intent of the developed formulation.
green broth (CLVBB - Himedia) and EC broth
(Himedia), with Durhan tubes, followed by Development of the nutrition label and comparison with
incubation at 37ºC and 45ºC for 24-48h, commercial formulations
respectively, according to Silva et al. (2001). These The nutrition label of the product was elaborated
analyses occurred at time zero (T0), at the end of
and compared with nutrition information on labels
fermentation, and after seven days (T7), to verify the
of fermented milks of trademarks established in
presence of these microorganisms.
Brazilian market. For the calculation of nutrition
Yeast and mold count was undertaken on potato
dextrose agar medium (BDA - Himedia) acidified information we used the nutrition data of sugar
with solution of tartaric acid (10%) and incubated at available in the Brazilian Food Composition Table
25ºC for 120h (SILVA et al., 2001). It was (NEPA, 2004) and of the milk powder, with the data
performed at T0 and then every 14 days, by the end available on the product label. The serving of the
of the experiment. product was taken from the Resolution RDC 359
(BRASIL, 2000b) and the calculation and
Physical and chemical analyses presentation of nutrition information followed the
Physical and chemical analyses occurred at one proposed by the RDC 360 (BRASIL, 2000c).
distinct times. It was examined the titratable acidity,
Ethical aspects
pH, content of ash and fat, according to standards
established by the Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL, 2008). The present study was approved by the Research
The titratable acidity and the pH were performed in Bioethics and Ethics Committee of the Santa Casa
triplicate with two repetitions, during fermentation of Londrina, under the protocol number 028/2009,
and at all the storage times (T0, T14, T28, T42, T56 to accomplish sensory tests. All the tasters signed the
and T70), for monitoring and process control. consent form before performing sensory analyses.
occurs the casein precipitation once its isoelectric ranging from ‘like slightly’ to ‘like moderately’,
point is reached, but a sudden pH decrease around which in practice means that the product had good
3.70 indicates the proteolysis of the product. acceptance of sensory characteristics in these
However, these characteristics are able to inhibit the attributes evaluated at T0 and T70, with good
development of pathogenic microorganisms (VRIES acceptability indices of 84.3% and 75.7%,
et al., 2006). respectively.
As listed in Table 3, the content of ash and total
solids was not significantly different between Table 4. Mean value1 and standard deviation of the acceptance by
attributes: color, sweetness, acidity viscosity, overall grade, and
assessed storage times (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, the acceptability index of the product at T0 and T70.
fat content was absent in the product. Thamer and
Penna (2006) elaborated different formulations of (days)
Color Sweetness Acidity Viscosity Overall AI2
probiotic fermented milk drinks plus prebiotic and 0 a a a a
6.0 ±1.17 5.8 ±1.13 6.0 ±1.14 5.7 ±1.23 5.9 ±1.00 84.3% a
Table 6. Nutrition information of the fermented milk compared with seven trademarks already established in the market.
Nutrients in Trademarks
100 g of the product Control1 A B C D E F G
Calorie 64 kcal 74 kcal 64 kcal 68 kcal 79 kcal 31 kcal 38 kcal 82 kcal
Carbohydrate 13 g 16.5 g 14 g 14.5 g 13.5 g 4.9 g 7g 14.5 g
Protein 2.9 g 2g 2g 2g 2.7 g 2.5 g 3g 2.7 g
Total fat 0g 0g 0g 0g 1.6 g 0g 0g 1.6 g
Saturated fat 0g 0g 0g 0g 1g 0g 0g 1g
Trans fat 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g
Fiber 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0.65 g
Sodium 42.5 mg 37.5 mg 32.5 mg 32 mg 46 mg 41 mg 43.5 mg 46 mg
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