SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Buyers Inventory Add On
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Buyers Inventory Add On
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Buyers Inventory Add On
SAP Ariba Supply Chain Solutions | SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration for Buyers, Inventory Add-On
•• Provide real-time visibility into inventory The inventory add-on for the SAP® Ariba® Supply Chain Collaboration for Buyers
and production status at external solution supports your SMI programs and helps eliminate the associated manual
trading partners processes and homegrown tools. It provides instant visibility into inventory managed
by your direct spend trading partners and offers network-generated intelligence to
About SAP® Ariba® help optimize inventory levels, accelerate your reaction to changes in demand, and
Solutions improve on-time customer delivery rates. You can:
•• Collaborate with suppliers on schedule agreements, inventory and minimum-
SAP® Ariba® solutions support the maximum information, replenishment signals, advance ship notices, and goods
marketplace for modern business, creating receipts notices
frictionless exchanges between millions of •• Integrate your ERP system and your suppliers, sending consumption signals
buyers and suppliers across the entire to your finance system and suppliers for accurate accounting
source-to-pay process. Our market-leading •• Obtain planned shipment calculations and use a convenient dashboard to view alerts
solutions enable companies to simplify and notifications of minimum and maximum inventory level violations to help
collaboration with their trading partners, ensure supplier compliance
make smarter business decisions, and
extend their collaborative business The figure below illustrates the capabilities of the inventory add-on.
processes with an open technology
platform. More than two million companies
use SAP Ariba solutions to connect and Figure: SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration for Buyers, Inventory Add-On
collaborate around nearly US$1 trillion in
Buyer Supplier or contract
commerce on an annual basis. To learn manufacturer
more about SAP Ariba solutions and the
Planned replenishment
transformation they are driving, visit SMI* scheduling agreement notification
Demand, inventory, and
minimum and maximum
Studio SAP | 52846enUS (17/07)