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Our Class Newsletter

Issue: Fall 2005 Our School Name Teacher: Dr. Lamb

more information will go. This is

In This Issue where more information will go.
Welcome to the first issue of our
newsletter. You’ll find articles on a Tips from the Teacher
wide variety of topics. Lots of exciting things are happening
in our classroom.
Rally the Readers!
Tips from the Teacher This is where more
Powerful Performances information will
Technology Time go. This is where
Class Calendar more information
will go. This is
where more
Rally the Readers! information will
Reading is a critical skill in everything go. This is where more information
we do. In this column, students talk will go. This is where more
about their reading information will go. This is where
experiences. more information will go. This is
where more information will go.
This is where more
information will go. Powerful Performances
This is where more Our students are doing great things in
information will go. our classroom. Here are some
This is where more examples.
information will go. This is where
more information will go. This is This is where
where more information will go. This more
is where more information will go. information
This is where more information will will go. This is
go. This is where more information where more
will go. This is where more information
information will go. This is where will go. This is
where more information will go. This
Turn me over
is where more information will go. This is where more information will
This is where more information will go. This is where more information
go. This is where more information will go. This is where more
will go. This is where more information will go. This is where
information will go. This is where more information will go. This is
more information will go. This is where more information will go. This
where more information will go. This is where more information will go.
is where more information will go. This is where more information will
This is where more information will go. This is where more information
go. This is where more information will go. This is where more
will go. This is where more information will go.
information will go. This is where
more information will go. This is Class Calendar
where more information will go. Lots of exciting things are happening
in our classroom. Keep track with the
Technology Time following schedule of events.
Students love using computers and
other technology. Let’s explore some Date Event or topic
things you can do at home that Date Event or topic
promote learning. Date Event or topic
Date Event or topic
Date Event or topic
Date Event or topic
Date Event or topic

This is where more information will

go. This is where more information
will go. This is where more
information will go. This is where
more information will go. This is About Us
where more information will go. This
is where more information will go.
Our Class Newsletter
Issue: Fall 2005 Our School Name Teacher: Dr. Lamb

This newsletter was produced by

students in BLANK class at BLANK
Our School
School Address
School Phone
Class Email

This is where you might include a

publication policy.

Turn me over

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