Student Shutdown and Cooldown Procedure
Student Shutdown and Cooldown Procedure
Student Shutdown and Cooldown Procedure
Millstone Station
4.2.5 When boiling stops in the steam generator, perform the following:
a. CLOSE Feedwater Regulating Valves FRV-FW1 for “A” S/G and FRV-
FW2 for “B” S/G.
b. STOP “Feed Pump – P3”.
c. STOP “Condensate Pump – P4”.
Steps 4.2.6 through 4.2.7 must be performed quickly to prevent an automatic
actuation of the Safety Injection System.
4.2.7 Perform the following steps to fill the reactor coolant system to a “water solid”
a. CLOSE manual valve RC-22
b. OPEN valve RC-5, “Pressurizer PORV”
c. START “Safety Inj Pump - P1”.
d. PLACE the “Injection – SI1” key switch to “Bypass” (key in horizontal
position - ¼ turn clockwise).
Pressurizer pressure may lower to 8 to 10 psig and then stabilize between
10 and 15 psig when the reactor coolant system is “water solid” and valve
RC-22 is closed.
1. Operation of valve RC-22 will require constant attention during the
plant cooldown.
2. A slower cooldown rate will cause less stress on the plant components.
3. Opening manual valve RC-22 will provide a flowpath from the
pressurizer to the quench tank/RWST.