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Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 1


A Qualitative Research presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Gingoog City Comprehansive National High School
Gingoog City

In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Practical

Edwin D. Ranoco

MayCris Cabeltes

Eubert Albino

Jimson Epogon

Jonathan Devera

January 2018
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 2

Chapter 1



This study examined the student who are having a higher grades of

their studies knowing their qualities of how they doing very well to their

classroom. The goal of a student is to have good grades and to

acknowledge some other students, this time we are going to estimate the

top student of a school on how they are habits of their study by knowing how

they make use of their time on what why they achieving it and deserves to

have a rewards.

Consequently, the schools in the Philippines making to strengthen their

practice on group activities and the ability of those students find them worth

doing not only academically but socially. Parents with small families offer their

children greater intellectual and educational advantages, like the more

siblings in the family the more diluted parent’s attention and material

resources by (Blake in 1991) with that many students are not focus learning. In

fact, Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School, as a public

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 3

institution, are also making rewards to the student who are deserve to be

rewarded. Mostly top students are scared to have failing grades that are why

we need to know their weakness. However the school is giving a fair to those

students that deserve to be on top not just in their classroom. According also

to Entwisle and Alexander, (1995) these are all activities that reinforce values

education and supplement learning.

The student’s engagement also considered to make a requirements

task of the teacher. It also involves the requirements to be pass on time this is

the one of the doing of a top students it also has a consideration for those

student who are late on deadline of the requirements it seems also others

student having are grapple with many issues in their lives. They are generally

critical to success in schools, considered essential for acquiring the grades

and useful for learning throughout one’s life. Some of the top students are

making double time on their work as fast as they can and nurtured their

selves to enhance their ability of the use of a knowledge of the student.

Therefore the habits of some top students to think there determination to

study by achieving their goal how they work hard and focus more on the
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 4

knowledge they have and pursuing how excellent they done and how they

make use their ability.

According to Crow & crow (1979) a child’s attitude towards his works

affects worthwhileness in his activity like how they do their task properly that is

how also important of the top students for their grades.

The habits of a top students are regularly practicing on how they

performs to maximize their productivity, efficiency, retention in preparation

for a particular evaluation. To organize and have a plan for what they are

going to do and how their work make sure as always like having the activities

in the school. The relationship between sleeping and learning is often

disregarded by busy students but those at the top know the importance of

this essential element of the learning process.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the experiences of top students. It also seeks to:

1. Identifying their limitation and weaknesses of being top students?

2. Investigate the difficulties of top students outside and inside the

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 5

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will benefits the following.

School Administrators: The study is beneficial to them because this is

one of their basis designing motivation plan, such as seminars and resolving

the needed and be issues to the school.

Teacher: This is beneficial to the teacher for they will know how they

teach proper way and influence of every student or one of this is the student

who are working hard to their study.

Students: This study may benefit the students for they will know how to

enhance their grades and may know some tips on how to be one of the top


To Future Researcher: This study can be one of your bases on your research.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This thesis determine the factors that impact a student practicing and

they will learn more. Like having a work sheet to challenge to do their study.

The experience of a student most is the way they fail the more they work

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 6

The main respondents were the students of Gingoog City

Comprehensive National High School (GCCNHS), in this campus, the

research that we are having to investigate by the help of the grade 11 levels

and the sections of every rooms.

This study will help us to know more information based on the

participants making a qualitative component. Interview was used on the

basis of the variable component in this qualitative research.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were operationally defined for a better

understanding of the study.

Habits. It is a practice. You do these things without knowing you’ve

done it.

Task. It is a work to be done.

Top Student. Students who have high grades than any other students.
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 7

Chapter 2


This chapter aims to provide the foundation to this study which

contains gathered research works of different literature and references by

the researchers. It discusses the review of relevant literature which explained

accordingly to support the problem being studied and their performance on

how they perform. Foreign and local setting studies are presented under the

different researchers.

Foreign Related Literature and Studies

Study habits are termed as the Methods of study of students, the ways

of studying whether systematic, efficient or inefficient (Ayodele and Adebiyi

2013), in other term efficiently as study provides a positive academic

performance while inefficient study leads academic performance failure.

According to Marquez (2009) also pointed that a students who is

successful in his/her desired career has a good study habit. In this line it states

that student must apply this all to their classes to comply their aim to success

However to think their suggested are to explain that being a top student they

also have the limitations of how they study, they also apply the tips on how

they may manage the time they used and preparing the study tine to
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 8

performed .And it is the choice of a person to study or be distract on social


According to Hoyle (1986) he argued that schools are established

within the aim of imparting knowledge and skills to those I who go through

them and behind all this idea of enhancing good academic performance.

Academic performance and the achievements of a student is the outcomes

of education, the student excellence activity is evidence of a good grades

and achieve the intention goal. Academic performance and excellence

achievement is one of the important role of an individual as a top students,

be in having institutions placement. Kyosaba(2009) , the emphasis on

academic excellence based on this which is also prevalent worldwide has

encourage many studies about the conditions promoting. The role of

academic achievement as predictors of one life success and also in the

aspect of academic placement in school to higher institution as well as the

level of example employability in one's career is inevitable.

In this study time management is also referred to set a techniques for

planning, in this study time management is also referred to set a techniques

for planning, managing? And appropriate time. According to Steel (2017)

procrastination consist of the intentional delay of an intended cause of

actions, in spite of an awareness of negative outcomes, and the study also of

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 9

Ferrari, O' Callaghan and New begin (2005) it often results in unsatisfactory


Furthermore several studies have found a moderate to strong

negative correlation between academic procrastination and academic

performance (Van Eerde, 2003). Time consumed of every student's is

depending on the tasks, such as preparing for exam and doing homework to

the last minute an feel discomfort out of a this (Capan,2010). Those are the

tasks of every responsible students some also have their techniques to have

their study like an excellent student.

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 10

Chapter 3


This chapter describes and justifies the research design, the population

and sampling procedure, data gathering method used. It also outlines the

details of the instrument of the study.

Research Design

Research design This study will utilize the phenomenological research

design, (Gaston-Gayles 2005) the focus of phenomenological inquiry is what

people experience in regard to some phenomenon or other and how they

interpret those experience. The goal of qualitative phenomenological

research is to describe a "lived experience" of a phenomenon analyze its

data must be quite different from more traditional (Moore 2010).

Participants/Respondents of the Study

The (8) Senior high school and junior are the following top students on

their classroom in Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School

students will be the respondents of the study.

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 11

Student 1- She is 17 year's old and a residence of barangay San Juan

Gingoog City. She was one of the top students in their class since first


Student 2- She is 17 year's old and a residence of Barangay nawasa

Gingoog City. She was top since she was in elementary.

Student 3- She is 18 year's old and a residence in barangay Malangka

Gingoog city. She was top since she is grade 9.

Student 4- He is 18 year's old and a residence of barangay Gahub

Gingoog city. He was top since he is grade 10.

Student 5- She is 17 year's old and a residence of barangay Aquino

Street Gingoog city. She was top since she was in Grade 7.

Student 6- She is 18 years old and a residence of barangay Aquino

Street Gingoog city. She is top since first semester.

Student 7 -She is 16 year's old and a residence of barangay Nawasa

Gingoog city. She was a top students this grade 11.

Sampling Design

This study will introduce sampling techniques which represent a body

of sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparison of two or more

recently different subgroups (Platton 2001). According to (Parahool 1997)

Specific attributes trails, experience, knowledge, skill, and expose to an

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 12

Research Instrument/s

The data used interview and focus group discussion instrument to

gather the data information. The researcher will conducted interviews that

will ask the student to explain and share how they are doing excellent to their

academic performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data for this study is the main tool use in the researcher in

gathering the data. This will be complete by the researcher information

where they gather regarding the experience of the respondents particularly

on being a top student.

Researcher explains the reason to the academic performance of a

student. The approval of research will be obtained both from the school

administration and research adviser. There will be also an informed consent

from the respondents regarding their participants of the study.

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 13
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 14

Alexander, K. L., Entwisle, D. R., & Dauber, S. L. (1995). On the success of

failure: A reassessment of the effects of retention in the primary grades.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 286 pp., $49.95

John C. Maxwell certified Leadership Coach, Speaker and Trainer, Corporate

Development, Multilevel Marketing strategist Nigeria

Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design : Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed

methods Approaches.

Hoyle, E. (1986). The politics of school management. London: Hodder and


Marquez (2009)Posted on December 19, 2009 by jefhenninger SUPERIOR


Van Eerde, W. (2003). A meta-analytically derived nomological network of

procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences, 35, 1401-1418.

Joy Gaston Gayles Associate Professor, North Carolina State University

Verified email at ncsu.edu

The George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War in
Shepherdstown, West Virginia, is a Civil War research center at Shepherd
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School-Senior High School Page 15

Platoon is a 1986 American anti-war film written and directed by Oliver Stone,
starring Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, and Charlie Sheen. It is the first
film of a trilogy of Vietnam War films directed by Stone, followed by Born on
the Fourth of July (1989) and Heaven & Earth (1993).

Lolita is a 1997 American-French drama film directed by Adrian Lyne and


Steel is a 1997 American superhero film based on the DC

Comics character of the same name.

Luka Capan (born 6 April 1995) is a Croatian footballer playing for HNK Rijek

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