Paso de Blas NHS: Practical Research 2

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Paso de Blas NHS Practical Research 2


Grade 12 1st Semester CRITIQUE
A.Y. 2019-2020
Absin, Mark Lesther Caber, Mary Jane
Argarin, Jomarie Demition, Veronica 12-Rembrandt
NAMES: Denoso, Charlotte Dawn Oliva, Jeremy
Diaz, Christine Santa, Janna Victoria
Villanueva, Jessel YR & SEC

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the table below by critiquing the assigned research
article/paper. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
Follow APA-format for your answers. Please be guided by the
rubric below (except for 1-5). 50
5  The answer is well-justified and addresses the question. The answer is specific and it refers to the research article.
4-3  The answer is sufficient, but needs minor improvement to make it more specific.
2-1  The answer lacks justification. It does not refer to the research article.
0  No answer is provided.

Title of research paper/article Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance in
(1pt) Mathematics Subject of Junior High School Students in Paso de Blas
National High School
Do you think they have the
It is no for us, because the research title stated that Impact of Sleep
correct working title? If yes
Deprivation on the Academic Performance in Mathematics Subject of
expound, if no what should be
Junior High School Students in Paso de Blas National High School ,but
the correct working title?
if the question is … what is the impact of sleep deprivation to the
students it actually answer ,it has a poor performance. So the research is
already done.
What is the general objective of 6-10.
the study? Possible specific  To know the effects of sleep habits in the studying of the
objectives? students on Mathematics subject
 To know the impact of sleep habits to the performance of the
Provide a simple outline on how 11-15.
the author/s structured the
research paper/article. You may
use flow chart with brief
description for each part.

Impact of Sleep
Deprivation on the
Academic Performance in
Mathematics Subject

Defining sleep

Effects of Sleep
Deprivation in Reasons of having Problems in having
performance of Sleep Deprivation sleep deprevation

1. Defining sleep deprivation

-"Sleep deprivation also known as insufficient sleep or sleeplessness is
the condition of not having enough sleep"(Wikipedia). It is sleep
problem that affects the way of thinking of people. Since sleep is
considered as one of an essential aspect to the functioning of the brain.
2. Effects of sleep deprivation in performance of students
- Sleep Deprivation can lead students into serious health problems.
- Teenager who experience insufficient sleep, inadequate sleep quality
and irregular sleep patterns can be result for many effects in day time
such as negative moods, and poor attention in academic activities.
3. Reasons of having sleep deprivation
-"There are many reasons accounting for students sleep deprivation but
academic stress occasioned by academic workloads and social pressure
were considered among the factors attributing students engagement in
sleep problems"
4.Problems in having sleep deprivation
- These sleep problem will not only affect the studies of students such as
being inactive and poor concentration inside the classroom, but it will
also lead to serious sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Is this a qualitative, quantitative For us it is a Qualitative Research, because base on the title that we
or a quali-quanti research? have read it is the impact of the sleep deprivation to the students, so we
Explain each answer. think that it needs observation and it didn’t need to conduct a survey.

What was the problem/issue 21-25.

discussed by the researchers? The problem in the study is the sleep habits of the students. It is timely,
Was it a relevant or timely because almost of the students experience the sleep deprivation.
problem/issue? Expound.
Who are the intended 26-30.
beneficiaries/participants of this The beneficiaries are the Students, future researchers and parents. Yes it
study? Will it be applicable to is, because the students and parents can know the effects and possible
all? Why? solutions in the problem, while the future researchers can get an
additional information from the study.
31-35. The general idea is the effect/ impact of sleeping deprivation to
the students.

1. "Sleep is important to cognition just as food to the body and

sleep-related variables such as sleep deficiency and poor sleep
Based on the related
quality can influence the performance of students" ( Lack 1986;
studies/literatures discussed in
Mulgrew, Ryan et al)
the research, what are the
2. "There are many reasons accounting for students sleep
general ideas about the research
deprivation but academic stress occasioned by academic
problem? Cite at least three (3)
workloads and social pressure were considered among the
factors attributing students engagement in sleep problems"
(Ginsberg & Gapen, 2008 et al).
3. Sleep deprivation will lead to poor academic performance and
mental health and behavioral issues.
Is the research accurate, clear Yes it is accurate, clear and objective, but still it is already have an
and objective? Expound. Cite answer to their research. “Sleep deprivation will lead to poor academic
lines or contents from the performance and mental health and behavioural issues. Lack of sleep
research paper to prove your also reduces the efficacy of immune systems and that leaves students
answer. vulnerable to all the illnesses they are exposed to at school.”

Is the study relevant, significant 41-45.

and timely? Explain. Cite lines Yes it is relevant study, significant and timely especially to the students.
or contents from the research “Some impact of this to the academic performance of students may
paper to prove your answer. cause a poor performance on mathematics subject. On the other hand
students having sleep deprivation might affect the academic
performance especially in math subject that we need a critical thinking
to solve a problem or situation and get the best answer for that. Based
on our observation some of the students will not focus on the
Performance because they sleep during class discussion.”
If you will do a related study 1.) Factors affecting the sleeping habits of the students
based on this research paper, - Because the research discuss the impact of the sleep deprivation, so we
what are the possible title/topics think that another related study on this research is what are the factors
you can generate from this? Cite affecting their sleeping habits to have a sleeping deprivation.
at least two (2) and why. 2.) How many students having sleep deprivation are affected in solving
problems in Mathematics subject?
- Because some students, even though they are experiencing sleep
deprivation they can still pace to their classmates in solving Math
problems, because sometimes other students become more active in
math subject.


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