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Crystalline Capillary Waterproofer


CRYSTOR is a crystalline waterproofing formulation of MIXING

selected blends of cement, very fine treated silica Slurry coat
sand and various proprietary active chemicals
providing a lasting imperviousness to water. Mix 25 kg bag of CRYSTOR with 8.75 liters of clean
CRYSTOR is a unique chemical treatment for the water. Mix thoroughly with a slow speed drill equipped
waterproofing and protection of concrete. In the with a recommended mixing paddle until a creamy
presence of moisture, the active chemicals in consistency is achieved. Allow the mix to rest for 15
CRYSTOR penetrate concrete and react chemically minutes to allow for chemical reaction. It should then
with free lime to produce insoluble crystals. This adhere to the brush without dripping. If mixture
crystalline growth reduces porosity by blocking thickens, re-stir to reduce consistency. Do not add
capillaries and filling hairline non-structural cracks extra water.
caused by shrinkage or expansion.
CUSTOMER BENEFITS Prior to the application of CRYSTOR, saturate
 ready to use, easy to apply concrete surface with water to promote reaction.
 very economical CRYSTOR slurry coat may be applied with a brush or
 for internal and external applications broom. Be sure to work slurry well into openings,
 can be applied on green concrete rough surfaces, joints and routed out areas.
 can be painted over
Allow a time interval of 24 hours and moisten surface
 for use in contact with potable water
before applying second coat. Finish with final strokes
 effective treatment for hydrostatic conditions
in one direction.
Dry shake for newly poured concrete:
CRYSTOR can be applied on both new and old
Use CRYSTOR as is, directly from the container.
structures either on the water retaining side or on the
Wearing rubber gloves, distribute the powder evenly
negative side. CRYSTOR is recommended for the
by hand, over freshly poured concrete 1.25 to 1.35
following typical applications:
kg/m2 per application before final troweling works. It is
 water treatment and sewage structures best to distribute the powder at half the recommended
 basement walls rate in one direction, and the other half at a right angle
 irrigation tunnels to the first application.
 supporting walls and columns
 tunnels, manholes, silos SURFACE PREPARATION
 foundation slabs inside underground Concrete surface to be treated must be clean and free
garages of laitance, dirt, paint coating and other foreign matter.
Remove existing coatings, smooth surfaces or
laitance by acid etching, water blasting or sand Release the powder as close to the wet concrete as
blasting. possible to prevent material from blowing away.

Structural defects such as cracks, faulty construction Two applications are recommended with a roughened
joints and honeycombing should be routed out to finish on the first application providing adequate
sound concrete and repaired with LEAK PLUG (see adhesion of the second application. Float slab and
separate data sheet). trowel to final finish.
Saturate routed area and leave damp for application

CRYSTOR Ver00: Date 04/11/2017 Page 1

Crystalline Capillary Waterproofer


When the last coat has stiffened, float it to desired CRYSTOR may contain chemicals that may cause
texture with a sponge or wood float. irritation to eyes and skin. Goggles, face-mask,
rubber gloves and long sleeves should be worn when
CURING AND PROTECTION using the product.
Proper curing procedures are important to ensure the
durability and quality of the coating. To prevent FIRE
surface cracking, curing must begin as soon as the CRYSTOR is non-flammable.
CRYSTOR coating has reached initial set. Moist
curing using continuous water spray is recommended.

Keep WATERGARD CRYSTOR treatments moist and

cured for a minimum of 48 hours by spraying surfaces
with a fine mist of water three times a day for 2 – 3
days (under moist conditions). In warmer climates,
more frequent spraying may be required.

CRYSTOR slurry coat: 1.0 – 1.3 kg/m2 per application
by brush.

Note: Actual coverage rates will depend upon the

profile and porosity of the substrate.

CRYSTOR is available in 25 kg PE bags.

CRYSTOR should be stored in protected dry areas.
The shelf life is 12 months in its original unopened
packing in a cool ventilated place below 35°C in a
shaded dry environment. Do no store in direct

Do not use CRYSTOR over previous coated surface
without proper surface preparation.

Freshly applied CRYSTOR treatment must be

protected from extreme weather conditions such as
rain or high temperature for a period of not less than
48 hours after application.

For water retaining structures CRYSTOR treatment Important Note:

The information contained in this leaflet is published to the best of our knowledge and is

should be cured for 14 days before filling with liquid. supported by current available data. Hence, subject to the care and method of
application, deviations (from published values) in performance may occur. Our
guarantee is therefore limited to the quantity of the supplied material.

CRYSTOR Ver00: Date 04/11/2017 Page 2

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