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Daily Lesson Log

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GRADE 1 to 12 School Ramos National High School Grade Level 7

DAILY Teacher Ms. Zaire Maricar V. Gaspar Learning Area English

LESSON LOG Teaching Dates / Time June 27 – July 1, 2016 / 1:00-2:00 P.M. Quarter First


The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word
A. Content Standard
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
B. Performance Standard using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and
observing correct subject-verb agreement.
EN7LC-I-a-5: Recognize EN7F-I-a-3.11.1: Read words
EN7RC-I-a-7: Use the EN7RC-I-a-7: Use the
prosodic features: volume, EN7F-I-a-3.11: Observe the phrases, clauses, sentences and
appropriate reading style appropriate reading style
C. Learning Competency / projection, pitch, stress, correct production of vowel and paragraphs using the correct
(scanning, skimming, speed (scanning, skimming, speed
Objectives intonation, juncture, and speech consonant sounds, diphthongs, production of vowel and
reading, intensive reading etc.) reading, intensive reading etc.)
rate that serve as carriers of blends, glides, etc. consonant sounds, diphthongs,
for one’s purpose for one’s purpose
meaning. blends and glides.
Reading Techniques: Reading Techniques:
Using Correct Intonation and Using Correct Intonation and Using Correct Intonation and
II. CONTENT Scanning, Skimming, and Scanning, Skimming, and
Stress Stress Stress
Close Reading Close Reading
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages - - - - -
2. Learner’s Materials pages - - - - -
English Communication Arts and English Communication Arts and English Communication Arts and English Communication Arts English Communication Arts
3. Textbook pages Skills through Philippine Skills through Philippine Skills through Philippine and Skills through Philippine and Skills through Philippine
Literature, pp.8-11 Literature, pp.8-11 Literature, pp.8-12 Literature, pp.17-18 Literature, pp.17-18
4. Additional Materials from LR
- - - - -
B. Other Learning Resource
Ask the students about the
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the students to give some importance of the concepts they Elicit reactions on the lesson Ask the students about the Ask the students about the
presenting the new lesson common social expressions. learned about proper stress and about stress and intonation. importance of reading. importance of reading.
Let them share some Let them share some
techniques that they use when techniques that they use when
B. Establishing a purpose for the Brainstorm students’ ideas about Practice reading aloud some Have the students recall key
they have to look for specific they have to look for specific
lesson a good speech. common social expressions. terms in speaking good English.
information in a reading information in a reading
material. material.
Let the students imitate the Ask the students to share their
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Let the students observe the
correct stress and intonation in insights about the terms stress, Introduce the term scanning. Introduce the term scanning.
the new lesson changes in tone.
reading some sentences intonation, shift, and glide.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss concepts about stress Introduce the terms shift and Lead the students to Exercise 9 Facilitate the accomplishment Facilitate the accomplishment
practicing new skills # 1 and intonation. glide in speaking. on p. 11. of numbers 1 and 2 in Exercise of numbers 1 and 2 in

11 on p. 17. Exercise 11 on p. 17.
Assist the students in Let the students scan the Let the students scan the
Assist the students in developing
E. Discussing new concepts and Let the students familiarize the determining the part of the paragraph on p. 18 for the paragraph on p. 18 for the
tonal flexibility with the aid of
practicing new skills # 2 three basic tones in English. sentence where shift or glide information asked in Exercise information asked in Exercise
Exercise 9.
occurs. 11 on p. 17, no. 3. 11 on p. 17, no. 3.
Mark the correct intonation Let them scan another Let them scan another
F. Developing mastery Oral Reading - Exercise 6 on p. Let students identify common
pattern for each sentence. - paragraph to find specific paragraph to find specific
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) 10 polite expressions.
Exercise 7 on p. 10 information. information.
Mark the correct intonation Let them scan another Let them scan another
G. Finding practical application of Oral Reading - Exercise 7 on p. Oral Reading – Exercise 10 on p.
pattern for each sentence. - paragraph to find specific paragraph to find specific
concepts and skills in daily living 10 12
Exercise 8 on p. 11 information. information.
Ask the students about the
Let the students explain the
H. Making generalizations and importance of the concepts they Ask the students about the Ask them why scanning is an Ask them why scanning is an
difference between glide and
abstractions about the lesson learned about proper stress and importance of correct intonation. effective reading technique. effective reading technique.
Tell whether the intonation ends Read each sentence with
Oral Reading - Exercise 8 on p. Scan the paragraph to find the Scan the paragraph to find the
I. Evaluating learning with a glide or shift. - Exercise 8 different intonations. – Exercise
11 needed information. – p. 18 needed information. – p. 18
on p. 11 10 on p. 12
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher I Principal II


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