Shuffleboard Table Rules
Shuffleboard Table Rules
Shuffleboard Table Rules
Briefly, the objective of the game is to slide, by hand, all four of one’s weights alternately against those
of an opponent, so that they reach the highest scoring area without falling off the end of the board into the
alley. A player’s weight(s) must be farther down the board than his opponent’s weight(s), in order to be
in scoring position. This may be achieved either by knocking off the opponent’s weight(s), or by
outdistancing them. Note: Shuffleboard weights are often called pucks but the common term is
shuffleboard weights.
With 2 players the game is played to 15. Both players shoot from the same end, alternating ends
after each round
With 4 players each team has two players. The game is played to 21 points. One member from
each team stands at opposite ends of the board
Example: If a RED weight is the most distant weight from the playing end at the completion of a round,
RED becomes the winner of the round, and only RED can score. To determine Red’s score, total the value
of each RED weight, which lies ahead of the leading BLUE weight. RED weights which are either cut off
by or which lie behind the leading BLUE weight are not scored. If there are no BLUE weights remaining
on the board, all remaining RED weights are scored. See example illustrated here.
Score Count Summary - In order to score, a player or team must have at least one puck being worth 3
points or more (it does not have to be the first puck thrown in order to score). For example if a player or
team throws 1 puck worth 3 points and 2 pucks worth 2 points and 3 pucks worth1point and all remaining
pucks on the board are past the designated foul line, the player or team would score 10 points. Hangers
are worth 13 points (hanger being a puck that is hanging partially off the end of the board). Hangers on
corners are worth 26 points (puck is hanging partially off the end and partially off the side of the board in
either corner). A puck just hanging only off the side of the board does not have any special meaning or
point value unless it is a 26-point hanger on one of the corners. Games are played in frames until one
player or team scores 51 points. Every player or team gets to finish each frame and the highest score is
the winner (51 points or greater). If the player or team that scores 51 points or more has the hammer (the
last player or team to play), then they are declared the winner.
Same as regular shuffleboard but instead of playing to 15 or 21 points;
o Game is played for 9 rounds or in this case called innings
o Scoring is the same as regular shuffleboard but the game stops at the end of 9 innings
o Player or team with highest score after 9 innings wins the game
o If play is tied after 9 innings extra innings are played
Ten small bowling pins and pin setter are available from McClure Tables.
o Each pin can be placed using the pin setter.
o Head pin placement should be at the front of the two line.
o The same rules apply as the game of bowling. Each bowler is permitted to deliver two
pucks in each frame.
o Remove all pins and pucks from the board after each frame and reset the pins for the next
Don’t slide the pucks too swiftly! A slow, controlled and well placed puck will gather more strikes than
trying to hit the pins too hard.