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Product Data

Precision Sound Level Meter — Type 2232

❍ Community and industrial noise measurements ❍ Ease of operation
❍ Checking compliance with noise rating ❍ Small and light weight, fits in a pocket
recommendations ❍ Measuring range from 34 to 130 dB
❍ Traffic noise measurements ❍ Type 1 precision
❍ Front-end for other equipment ❍ Equipped with a robust, high sensitivity prepolarized
condenser microphone
❍ Large easily-read digital display
❍ DC output

Introduction Description

Precision Sound Level Meter Type The Sound Level Meter consists ba-
2232 is an inexpensive instrument sically of a microphone, an amplifier
for making primarily community and a detector with associated fre-
noise surveys and less demanding quency and time weighting circuits,
acoustic measurements, but never- an analogue DC output, and a digital
theless offers the accuracy and qual- display. Overload, underrange and
ity associated with a precision-grade low battery indications are also pro-
sound level meter. Its excellent ergo- vided.
nomic design and ease of operation The Type 2232 is equipped with a
enable even the inexperienced user high sensitivity Brüel & Kjær Prepo-
to carry out reliable measurements larized Condenser Microphone Type
quickly and effectively. The handy 4176 which was developed especially
convenience of a Type 1 precision for use with the Sound Level Meter.
sound level meter which can be car- The non-removable protection grid is
ried around in the pocket will be ap- internally fitted with a fine gauze fil-
preciated by all users. A large, easily- ter which provides excellent immuni-
read digital display gives a single val- ty from dust and particle penetration
ue indication of the maximum A- to the diaphragm.
weighted sound level measured dur- Measurements from 34 to 130 dB
ing the previous second, thereby are carried out in two 60 dB measur-
eliminating meter reading errors. ing ranges: 34 to 94 dB and 70 to
The Type 2232 is robust, compact and 130 dB. “F” or “S” time-weighting
lightweight (460 g), and is the ideal may be selected in accordance with
tool for environmental health inspec- IEC 651. Two display-reset modes al-
tors and other personnel concerned low either a “max. hold” reading to
with maintaining acceptable noise be displayed or automatic resetting
levels in industrial and residential lo- every second. In the automatic mode
cations, for instance police officers the max. time-weighted sound level
checking vehicle noise. measured during the preceding 1 s is
The Sound Level Meter satisfies displayed. When the manual display-
the requirements of IEC 651 Type 1 reset mode is selected, the display
and ANSI S1.4 1983 Type S1A. shows the max. time-weighted level
measured since the last manual re-

Brüel & Kjær B K

set. A continuous analogue DC out- The Type 2232 is powered from two Calibration of the Type 2232 is eas-
put, which is proportional to the A- 9 V, preferably alkaline, batteries ily carried out using an external ref-
weighted “F” or “S” time-weighted (IEC type 6LF22) which, from new, erence source such as the Sound
sound level, is provided for connec- will provide approximately 30 hours Level Calibrator Type 4231.
tion to other equipment. continuous operation.

Specifications 2232
34 dB to 130 dB in two 60 dB ranges: 1 kHz): 460 g (1 lb) with batteries
34 to 94 dB Operating Temperature Range: –10 to +50°C ACCESSORIES INCLUDED:
70 to 130 dB (+14 to 122°F). Sensitivity variation of complete Half-inch Prepolarized Condenser
PRIMARY INDICATOR RANGE: sound level meter <0.5 dB (re. 20°C) Microphone ........................................Type 4176
Identical to actual display range Microphone Temperature Coefficient: Windscreen............................................ UA 0459
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: –0.004 dB/°C Random Incidence Corrector ................ DZ 9566
In accordance with IEC 651 Type 1. Storage Temperature Range: –20°C to +70°C Leather Carrying Case.......................... KE 0205
A-weighting (–4 to +158°F) without batteries 9 V Alkaline Battery (2 pieces) .............QB 0016
DETECTOR: EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FIELD: 2.5 mm Mini-jack Plug ............................JP 0213
Characteristics: RMS indication in accordance <22 dB for 80 A/m at 50 Hz Instruction Manual
Dynamic Range: 70 dB (60 dB on scale plus <0.5 dB sensitivity variation for 0 to 90% R.H. Sound Level Calibrator.......................Type 4231
10 dB over) VIBRATION SENSITIVITY (10 Hz to 2 kHz) Output Cable .........................................AO 0481
Time Weighting: “F” and “S” to IEC 651, Type 1 Typically <76 dB equivalent sound pressure level Tripod ..................................................... UA 0587
Crest Factor: 10 dB (c.f. 3) at upper limit of for vibration level of 1 m/s2 applied perpendicu- 9 V Alkaline Battery ...............................QB 0016
display range, rising linearly with decreasing sig- larly to microphone diaphragm. (Typically <71 dB
nal level to a maximum of 26 dB (c.f. 20) equivalent SPL for 1 m/s2 parallel to diaphragm)
3 1/3 digit liquid crystal display with 0.1 dB dis- Two 9 V alkaline batteries (IEC type 6LF22) or
play resolution. Overload, underrange and low other 9 V batteries
battery warning Battery Life: Approx. 30 hours continuous op-
Read Out Interval: Updated once per second eration with alkaline batteries.
Display Reset: “Auto.” resets once per second DIMENSIONS:
and displays max. time-weighted value meas- Overall Length: 267 mm (9.9 in)
ured during the previous 1 s. “Man.” resets when Overall Width: 72 mm (2.8 in)
the reset button is pressed and displays max. Depth: 23 mm (0.9 in)
time-weighted value measured since last reset
Proportional to continuous A-weighted “F” or “S”
sound level
Output Impedance: <10Ω CE-mark indicates compliance with EMC Directive
Nominal Output Voltage: 50 mV/dB ±3% (0 to
3 V in both measuring ranges)
Offset: 7 mV ±15 mV Safety EN 61010–1 (1993) and IEC 1010-1 (1990): Safety requirements for electrical
Minimum Load Impedance: 10 kΩ equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
Type: Brüel & Kjær Half-inch Prepolarized Con- EMC Emission EN 50081–1 (1992): Generic emission standard. Part 1: Residential,
denser Microphone Type 4176 commercial and light industry
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa (–26 dB re 1 V/Pa) EN 50081–2 (1993): Generic emission standard. Part 2: Industrial environment
Cartridge Capacitance: 13 pF CISPR 22 (1993): Radio disturbance characteristics of information technology
equipment. Class B Limits
<0.5 dB up to 10 kHz
FCC Rules, Part 15: Complies with limits for a Class B digital device
Trimmer adjustment using Sound Level Calibra-
EMC Immunity EN 50082–1 (1992): Generic immunity standard. Part 1: Residential,
tor Type 4230 or Multifunction Calibrator Type
4226 commercial and light industry
CALIBRATION REFERENCE CONDITIONS: RF immunity implies that sound level indications of 34 dB or greater will be
Sound Field: Free Field Condition affected by no more than ±0.5 dB
Reference Incidence Direction: Perpendicular EN 50082–2 (1995): Generic immunity standard. Part 2: Industrial environment
to microphone diaphragm (0° incidence) RF immunity implies that sound level indications of 60 dB or greater will be
Reference Sound Pressure Level: 94 dB re. affected by no more than ±0.5 dB
Reference Frequency: 1000 Hz Note:
Reference Temperature: 20°C The EMC specifications are given for use with:
Reference Measuring Range: 70 to 130 dB • one AO 0481 AC output cable
WARM-UP TIME: EMC standards are not guaranteed to be fulfilled with cables other than the one mentioned above

Brüel&Kjær reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without notice

Brüel & Kjær B K

WORLD HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850 Nærum • Denmark • Telephone: +4542800500 •Telex: 37316 bruka dk • Fax: +4542801405 • e-mail: [email protected]

BP 0187 – 16 95/11

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