SESSION GUIDE FOR I.T: Media and Information Literacy

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T: Media and Information Literacy

Number of Participants : Male: Female:

Participants’ Profile : Subject Supervisor, LRMDS Division Coordinator, Head Teachers and Subject Teachers

Duration: 6 Hours

I. Objectives:

At the end of the training, the SHS teachers will be able to teach the different subjects under “Media and Information Literacy” competently
during the teaching demonstration and return demonstration. Specifically, the teachers will be able to:

1. Explain the relationship between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in 1st Quarter of Media and Information Literacy (day1)
2. Exhibit the pedagogical approaches applicable in teaching the Media and Information Literacy;
3. Identify the appropriate assessment tools that are suited to the subject content.

II. Key Understanding/Content

1. Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
a. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
2. Types of Media
a. Print (Books, Newsletter, Magazines, Journals and other printed materials
b. Broadcast (Radio, Television, and Film)
c. New Media (Internet)
3. Element of Media and Information Sources
a. Indigenous
b. Library
c. Internet
d. Others
III. References:
Curriculum Guide for IT Media and Information Literacy
Internet: for video references and discussions
LRMDS Portal

IV. Session Guide



Orient Teacher-participants Assessing oneself in preparing Prepare training venue/room for the
regarding Curriculum Guide lessons regarding Media and workshop and other instructions.
(CG) Information Literacy.
Prepare a simple energizer/motivation Video Zumba Dance 10 minutes
Objectives of the session: before the opening the session (Father Abraham.mp4)

1. Introduce the Curriculum DO: Give teacher-participants a copy Curriculum Guide

Guide (CG) and its parts of the Curriculum Guide
to the participants
SAY: Today we are to orient
ourselves on the purpose of the
seminar/workshop regarding the
content of Curriculum Guide (CG)

SHOW: Show the participants a copy PowerPoint Presentation

of CG and the prepared PPT Slide 3-4
presentation to be delivered by the
Analyze the components
under Media and 2. Make a sample teaching DO: Give a sample rubric to be used Curriculum Guide in Media and 10 minutes
Information Literacy simulation regarding the by the participants for their activity Information and Literacy
(CONTENT) elements of Media and simulation (Assessment Tool)
Information Literacy:
a. Media Literacy - Group the participants in to six(6) PPT slide 5- Rubric Sample
b. Information Literacy for their collaboration activity
c. Technology Literacy
Give a sample copy of strategies or
methodologies that they can used in PPT slide 6
the teaching-simulation
Exhibit the pedagogical Session aims and objectives:
approaches applicable in Give them manila paper and metacard Meta cards
teaching the Media and Make a pedagogical approach Manila Paper
Information Literacy aligned in the subject-matter to
(PEDAGOGY) be utilized in the teaching- SAY: Discuss the preliminary content PowerPoint Presentation 20 minutes
simulation regarding the of the CG as basis for their activity. Slide numbers 7-8
elements of Media and
Information Literacy: Interactive Discussion
a. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy Brainstorm or make a simple Focus 30 minutes
c. Technology Literacy Group Discussion (FGD) about your
prepared strategies to be used in the
presentation of Elements of Media
and Information Literacy
Identify the appropriate 30 minutes
assessment tools that are Formulate an assessment tool Group Leader will consolidate all the
suited to the subject content which is suited to the subject individual input and present it after
(ASSESSMENT) content regarding the elements the given time
of Media and Information (Group Presentation)
a. Media Literacy SHOW:
b. Information Literacy
c. Technology Literacy Show sample strategy like the 4Cs – PPT slide 7 5 minutes
Collaboration, Communication,
Creativity and Critical Thinking
Differentiated Instruction, etc.

Show the rubric mechanics PPT slide 5 5 minutes

in assessment and evaluation

Assess the rapporteur based on their

group performance output, group 10 minutes
participation, and creativity using the
given rubric.
Session Break 10 minutes

Analyze the different types Objective of the session: Prepare a simple energizer/motivation Video Zumba Dance 5 minutes
of Media to set the mood (Zumba Final.mp4)
(CONTENT) 1. Identify the different
Types of Media Interactive Discussion CG page 2 5minutes

a. Print (Books, Newsletter, DO: Conduct a group discussion See PPT entitled Mass Media in
Magazines, Journals and about the different types of media the Resource Folder
Exhibit the pedagogical other printed materials
approaches applicable in b. Broadcast (Radio, SAY: What is your idea about the See PPT entitled 30 minutes
teaching the Media and Television, and Film) different types of media? Types of Media
Information Literacy c. New Media (Internet)
(PEDAGOGY) -You will going to conduct a
2. Construct a portfolio- collaborative discussion about the
based assessment using different types of media
the different types of
computer application Application:

-Use MS Word, PowerPoint or any Laptop , Cellphone 50 minutes

Identify the appropriate application produce the output Application: Word, PPT,
assessment tools that are Publisher, Photoshop, Notepad
suited to the subject content -Make a simple HTML, Layout Video Software
(ASSESSMENT) Magazine, News, Tarpaulin Layout

SHOW: Show the different types of PPT Slide 8, hyperlink

media available in our society.

Assessment: Laptop , Cellphone

Construct a portfolio-based Application: Word, PPT, 10 minutes
assessment using the types of Media Publisher, Photoshop, Notepad, for critiquing
-Differentiated Instruction Video Software
Brochures, Simple Web Page using Sample HTML Page
HTML, Radio Broadcasting >> See Resource Folder

Objectives of the session: Session Break 10 minutes

Formulate a discussion
regarding the different Prepare a simple energizer/motivation Go on the board – Motivation 10minutes
elements of media and 1. Identify the Elements of to set the mood (All terms related to computer)
information sources Media and Information
(CONTENT) Sources Interactive Discussion/Workshop
a. Indigenous
b. Library DO: Introduce the content and CG page 3 10 minutes
c. Internet conduct a Focus Group Discussion
d. Others (FGD)
Exhibit the pedagogical
approaches applicable in 2. Choose/design activity SAY: What is your level of PPT slide 9 30 minutes
teaching the elements of and methodology understanding about the elements of
media and information appropriate to the media and information sources?
resources content/subject matter
(PEDAGOGY) Form a group and collaborate about
3. Identify the assessment the given content/subject-matter
tool which is suited to
the given topic Application
>> Conduct an interview among the Cellphone or Video/Sound 60 minutes
Identify the appropriate elders in your society Recorder
assessment tools that are >> Make an ANSWER GARDEN Computer using Photoshop
suited to the subject content See sample in the Resource
(ASSESSMENT) Portfolio Assessment Folder

SHOW: Show sample teaching

strategies and methodologies
-Using 4As, 4Cs, Differentiated
Instruction, Using Flipping PPT slide 6
Facilitator’s Note: Please see all the prepared resources needed (PPT, Energizers, Video Presentations, Rubrics, CG and others) in the Resource folder
You can use or integrate different teaching strategies and methodologies for this Session Guide for the teachers and students
Kindly discuss also the contextualization and the application of the topic/subject-matter to our daily lives in order to instill the relevance

Other Internet References:

Prepared by:

MT1 – [email protected]
Sindalan National High School

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