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Girraj Singh, Scholar,, Jagannath University, Jaipur The innovation behind the prefluxing inrush current reduction
Dr. Mukesh Kr. Gupta, Professor, Deptt. of Electrical Engg, JNIT Jaipur strategy lies in the prefluxing device itself. The prefluxing
Reduction of Harmonics and Inrush Current of Power transformer using Prefluxing Technique
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
Harmonics of uncompensated system is shown in figure 6,7 Figure 9 shown the simulation model which is same as
and 8. Figure 5 show harmonic in phase A, Total harmonics describe as above but in this model, a new technique has been
distortion is 37.37 %.The DC component in this phase is 68 % introduce to mitigate high inrush current. This technique
and second harmonic is 100 %. mitigate the inrush current till 90% and provide a smooth
wavefrom. The results are shown as below.
Mitigate current
Figure 6: Harmonics in phase A
Figure 7 show harmonic in phase B, Total harmonics Figure 10, shown the inrush current in phase A in power
distortion is 46.46 %. The DC component in this phase is 62 transformer with using prefluxing. The magnitude of current
% which is large compare to phase A DC component but is 38 kA. Compare with figure 2, the inrush current is
second harmonic is 105 % which less than phase A second mitigating from 2900 kA to 38 kA.
Reduction of Harmonics and Inrush Current of Power transformer using Prefluxing Technique
Figure 12: Mitigated current in phase C Figure 15: Reduced Harmonic in phase B
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
simple in form and flexible to apply to any range of
transformer sizes. In addition, the device can operate at low-
voltage levels, such as the substation ac or dc supply,
regardless of the voltage rating of the transformer.
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