Nightmutare RPG

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Introduction News of the success of the experiment would circulate

There has been no greater impairment in mankind’s quickly. The small city of just over 6,000 people would
quest for immortality than the struggle with disease, become the centerpiece of International attention.
aging, and injury. Recent breakthroughs at a Belpre, Headlines reading “The Immortal Man,” “After Curing
Ohio based medical research facility named Mind’s Eye Every Disease Man Must Now Think About Hunger,”
Medical Institute may have solved that particular “Life’s No Longer Too Short,” and “Think Yourself
problem. After extensive research and development the Healthy.”
group was able to manufacture a synthetic cell that
responds to the signals from the human brain. In the weeks that followed, Dr. Morton Chabal would
disappear. After a statewide manhunt came up empty, a
The cell that was manufactured would later be called a hiker veering off a trail located at the Old Man’s Cave
script cell. The script cell got its name from its ability to Campground (72 miles to the west of Belpre) would
execute commands from a simple cue from the brain. discover a winged humanoid abomination that looked
Mind’s Eye Medical Institute began their first batch of exactly like Chabal. The creature had a face that closely
testing with the newly discovered script cell on resembled Chabal, but talons, hollow bones, and a
volunteers in late stages of terminal illnesses. The initial disfigured body frame. The winged corpse looked to
application of the cell yielded little results. have been ravaged by a black bear.

After the initial application looked like a failure, a Investigators performed an autopsy on the body, but
staffer of the Mind’s Eye sought the help of esteemed the DNA identity did not match Dr. Morton Chabal.
local hypnotherapist Dr. Morton Chabal. Dr. Chabal Investigators downplayed the incident as a cruel hoax.
began doing recall hypnosis to make the patients However, in spite of the claim of the incident being a
remember the way their body felt prior to experiencing hoax, the federal government would go on to order a
symptoms of the disease. With every passing session, complete halt of the Mind’s Eye Medical Institutes
patients began showing remission of their symptoms operations following the discovery of the winged
further and further. After a full week of treatment, the abomination. The released statement claimed that there
patients symptoms disappeared. were undisclosed improprieties at the facility and the
claims of success that they made were false.
Following the news of the campus shutdown, angry The news captured video of soldiers running through
mobs of people that had dire medical needs and other an angry mob of protesters telling them to “Get back!”
citizens that know people with dire medical needs and yelling “Drone! Drone! Drone!” Some of the soldiers
flooded the perimeter setup by the military installation. were being carried out of the facility with flesh torn from
The tension between military units and the public bone and thick lacerations across their body. As the
became the topic of global headlines.Many of the legions of soldiers dispersed into the now fleeing
civilians protesting made on camera claims that the civilians, a drone would fly overhead bombing the
government was keeping the cure to all diseases for campus.
themselves while the working man was left to die
because the government feared the effects After the bomb dropped, many of the civilians started
overpopulation. fighting soldiers as chaos ensued through the evening. In
the bloodiest day since the beginning of the tensions,
As the tension rapidly escalated in the coming day, 243 civilians and soldiers would perish in an event that
multiple terrorist attacks were attempted against the would come to be known as “The Night of the Mortal
military perimeter. Eventually the military began firing Men” in response to the earlier news headlines claiming
back at perceived threats. Amidst the chaos and man was now immortal. Many news reporters made
confusion US Army Sargeant James Baften would fire a contact with military personnel, but all members of the
fatal shot into the chest of a 14 year old diabetic child military seemed to not know the justification for the
named Lucas Gray. events or feigned ignorance on the subject.

Media outlets plastered Lucas Gray’s picture Following the “Night of Mortal Men,” outrage turned
everywhere. The news would tell the story of a young 14 into despair as people began to lose faith and hope for
year old boy afflicted with type 1 diabetes that came to the once promising script cell medical advancement.
Belpre with his father to find a way out of his suffering, Many US soldiers withdrew from the scene in the
but instead got murdered in the street by the forces morning following the incident. The news cycle was rife
pledged to protect him. As the photos of the dead child with debate and speculation about the bombing and
circulated, the tensions in the the U.S. would reach violence over the next few days. The prevailing
extreme levels as people demanded answers. speculation was that terrorists infiltrated the facility, but
other people claimed it was to destroy all evidence and
The U.S. reprimanded the soldier as a show of good intel inside the facility.
will to the public, but that incident was just the
proverbial spark that ignited an uncontrollable fire. As the news cycle slowed in the next two days, a video
Fearing for their safety, many prominent politicians and was broadcasted on a social media livestream in a
wealthy Americans fled the U.S. in order to seek refuge Denver, Colorodo park that showed a man turn into a
from a civilian class that directed their collective anger tentacle laden monstrosity. The man was later identified
at the rich and powerful. as U.S. soldier Nick Bosworth. After his transformation
Bosworth attacked civilians at the park. During the
The coming days would be filled with stories of episode Bosworth killed 7 and injured 8 others before
disappearances from some of the miracle cure patients. police arrived and shot him down.
The government would deny involvement. Around the
same time, stories and photos of variousmonsters with In the days following the attack, a few of the injured
features resembling some of the originally cured victims made miraculous recoveries from their grievous
patients began circulating on the Internet. wound. They then began demonstrating on television
that if they can think it that they can do it. One of the
People began arguing the authenticity of the photos, men showcased his talent by breathing fire from his
claiming them to be a hoax to ease the tension with the mouth and then altering his flesh to look similar to the
public. As the public began to split on the theories about interviewer that he is talking to. Unfortunately, that
what was real or false, the US Army and National Guard same interviewee disappeared later around the same
would open fire inward onto the Mind’s Eye Medical time that a human sized arachnid attacked his
Institute’s campus before frantically evacuating. neighborhood, injuring 6 and killing 2 before being shot
down by an armed local. The nature of the egregore band opens the possibility
for one script cell host to perform dazzling wonders
Could it be that over the span of just weeks that the against another script cell host. Examples of this include
miracle once thought to be mankinds salvation had spontaneous combustion, polymorphism, telepathic
become a global catastrophe that could eradicate life as communication, and necromancy. The egregore band
we know it? Is this all just an elaborate attempt by the has no influence over a creature that is not infected with
government/rich to suppress the miracle cure because script cells.
the population swell would be unsustainable with our
current resources? Or is there some external force Script cells can fully disappear in some cases of
unbeknownst to mankind that is influencing the greatest mutation. The disappearing script cells are thought to be
medical breakthrough in their history? the biggest lead on a way to cure the infected, but the
phenomenon is unexplainable in the scientific
community. The prevailing theory is that once a script
Script cells cell hard codes itself for a specific form then the script
Script cells are synthetic cells that multiply, regenerate, cells will alter their malleable code to fully form into the
and respond to signals from the brain. These cells allow specific new biological form.
for thoughts of the mind to manifest into reality by
recomposing the physical form of the host that is Alternatively, some scientists speculate that a script
sending signals. However, changes in physiology begin to cell will defeat itself if the mutated forms biology is at
take their toll on the brain function of the host. When risk from the existence of script cells. This claim was
the changes become too much to handle, the host brain dismissed in most scientific circles due to tests that
is corrupted and transforms into a nightmarish injected new script cells in an infected subject that
monstrosity. underwent the phenomenon. Tests showed the infected
had a second mutation following the injection of script
The changes into a monster tend to occur during a cells.
resting period, but can occur at any time or place.
Hypnotherapy can help control or manage script cells by
allowing patients to delve into their psyche in order to
issue necessary commands to the infected.
Unfortunately, hypnotherapy can also corrupt a script
cell and even trigger a mutation.

Not all mutations with script cells are instantaneous.

Some afflicted can gradually descend into a monstrous
form and maintain aspects of their humanity. While
suspended in this state between human and monster an
infecteds mutation can be contagious to other infected
that have not turned. Nightmutare triggered when
around an infected that is suspended in mutation is
likely going to replicate the mutation.

There does not need to be direct contact for a

suspended mutation to affect another infected because
script cells can feed a short range wireless frequency
that exposes them to potential manipulation from
another host brain. This frequency is known as the
egregore band. Despite the potential and power of the
egregore band, an infected maintains the most influence
over themselves until they turn.
Character Development Abilities
All characters in Nightmutare begin play with 60 Abilities are a characters natural gifts. These stats
experience points to spend on skills for their character. dictate the agility, constitution, influence, psyche,
Additional experience points are earned through play at physicality, and wits of a character. Abilities are ranked
a rate of 1-5 per session (1 for the worst outcome and 5 in a progression of d4 ->d6->d8->d10->d12. If a situation
for the best outcome). Experience point are only ever occurs where a character goes below the minimum
spent on skills and may be spent at any time between value then add a -1 penalty on the attribute for each
game sessions. rank below that value. If going above maximum then
add a +1 for each rank above the max value. These
New characters also begin with 2 advantages and 1 bonuses or penalties should only occur as a result of play
psychological hurdle. A character earns a new advantage and not during character development.
for every 10 experience points earned. Physical setbacks
or psychological hurdles can be earned through play, but During character creation all abilities start at d4. Every
they are not tied to experiences. player is given six upgrades that they can increase their
abilities with. Each upgrade raises a die to the next
New characters have 6 points that they can use in order highest type. No die may be raised above a d12. The
to upgrade an ability die to the next type. A character average adult human tends to have a d6 an all abilities.
gets an additional upgrade with each tier of
advancement. Agility is the ability to move quickly and with ease. It
governs the hand eye coordination of a character. This
A new character begins play at tier 1. Every 35 points of ability governs a characters speed.
experience earned increases a characters tier by 1 to a
maximum of tier 4. Constitution is the overall hardiness of a character. This
ability governs resistances to damage, disease, pain,
Note: Currency and gear are to be determined by the poison, and venom. This ability determines wind
Storyteller at the time the campaign begins. Gear should threshold, damage threshold and partially determines
be awarded based on its relevance to a characters stress threshold.
current status combined with their backstory.
Stress Threshold is how much stress a character can
Influence is the social capabilities of a character. This take before being rendered useless. Stress can come in
ability governs charisma and social capabilities. This also the form of anxiety, fatigue, or wounds. Every two
determines a characters force of personality as well as points of stress received imposes a -1 penalty up to a
their cunning. maximum of –3 on all rolls of the affected character. A
characters stress threshold is equal to the highest
Psyche is the mental fortitude of a character. This ability number on their psyche die divided by 2 plus the highest
governs the sanity and willpower of a character. This number on the constitution die divided by 2.
ability also is used for any resistances to psychological
and social effects. This ability partially determines a Wind Threshold is the amount of sustained physically
characters stress threshold. exerting action a player can take. Physical exertion
comes from things such as melee attacking, sprinting, or
Physicality is the physical orientation of a character. This other athletic maneuvers. A character receives 1 wind
ability governs strength, contact, and physically for each physical skill check they call that would require
demanding tasks. This ability is used with any strength energy to perform. Each point of wind imposes a 1 point
based weapon to calculate damage. penalty on all defensive rolls. A character can remove 1
wind at the start of a round in which they do not
Wits are the measure of a characters ability to learn. perform a physical skill or all out movement.
This ability determines how well a character can acquire
and apply their knowledge. If a character is winded up to half of their Constitution
score then they sustain a point of stress due to fatigue. A
point of fatigue related stress can only be removed after

Derived Attributes the character rests for a full minute.

Derived attributes are ones that a calculated based off Wind only needs to be tracked during frenzied times in
of your abilities. These items can also be raised or the game such as combat where a character might not
lowered from different qualities or setbacks. be able to catch their breath.

Speed is how fast your character can move. This ability is

the max number of the agility die in inches (1” equals
5ft) on a map. If sprinting or moving all out on a mat Skills
then roll the agility die to determine additional distance Skills represent the learned abilities of a character. All
covered. skills start out at a d4 just like abilities. Skills are ranked
in a progression of d4 ->d6->d8->d10->d12. Skills are the
Toughness is the amount of damage a character can only thing that a player spends their experience points
absorb in conflict before applying damage. A characters on. A character may not purchase a skill above a d12.
natural toughness is equal to 1 for a d4 Constitution
score and increases by 1 for every increase in the In order to upgrade a skill, characters may spend
Constitution die type above d4. Toughness can also be experience equal to the maximum value of the next die
augmented with worn armor. of that skills progression to upgrade it. If upgrading a
skill multiple levels, a character must account for every
Damage Threshold is how many dings you can take die in the progression. For instance to raise a d4 skill to a
before receiving a wound. A character can receive a total d8 it will cost 14 experience because you need 6 to
number of dings up to the highest number on their improve to the d6 and 8 to improve to the d8.
constitution die before taking a wound.
Agility Skills Disable Device, Pick Lock, Pick Pocket
Elusiveness This skill covers acts of theft as well as breaking and
Escapism, Ranged Defense, Reflex Saves entering. When used to disable a device, a character can
This defensive skill covers the ability to evade contact bypass a trap. When used to pick a lock, a character can
from a foe. When used to escape, you can free yourself render a safeguard preventing entry useless. When used
from the suppressing clutches of something that has you to pick a pocket, a character can take something from an
held by being slippery. When used for ranged defense, unwitting target.
you can avoid attacks made at range. When used for
reflex saves, you can attempt to get out of a dangerous
zone. Influence Skills
Animal Handling
Shooting Animal Empathy, Ride, Train
Artillery, Bows, Guns This skill covers interactions with animals or creatures.
This skill covers any act to strike a target with a ranged When used to empathize with an animal or creature , a
weapon. When used with artillery, a user can strike a character understands the targets emotions and may
target with large or unwieldy ranged weapons. When attempt to calm/manipulate it. When used to ride a
used with bows, a character can strike a target with any character can control, guide, or hang onto an animal.
kind of bow or crossbow. When used with guns, a When used to train this skill lets a character teach an
character can fire a gun that can be easily held in one or animal or monster commands to obey should they call
two hands. upon it.

Stealth Persuasion
Conceal, Disguise, Sneak Barter, Diplomacy, Inspire
This skill covers acts done to avoid alarm or detection. This skill covers good natured attempts to influence a
When used to conceal, a character can hide an object person or group. When used to barter a character can
from view even while having it on the ready. When used alter the exchange value in a transaction. When used for
to disguise, a character can blend in with a crowd or diplomacy a character can use facts and evidence in an
other people. A character can even mimic the most intrigue. When used to inspire a character can bolster a
subtle movements when disguised. When used to sneak, characters confidence on a chosen skill, giving them a +1
a character can blend in with the environment to avoid circumstance bonus (+2 critical) for a round.
Maneuvering Bluff, Intimidate, Trick
Aircraft, Land Vehicles, Watercraft This skill covers ill -natured attempts to influence a
This skill covers acts done to successfully operate and person or group. When used to bluff a character can use
navigate a vehicle. When used on an aircraft, a character lies and treachery to invent facts and evidence (at a
may maneuver anything that used flight for movement penalty based on the absurdity of the lie) in an intrigue.
(i.e. airplanes, rocket boots, wings). When used for land When used to intimidate, the skill targets a characters
vehicles, a character can maneuver anything that uses willpower to apply mental stress. When used to trick an
land for maneuvering (i.e. cars, chariots, tanks). When opponent, a character can use this skill to inflict a -1
used for watercrafts, a character can maneuver any penalty (-2 critical) on a characters chosen primary
device that moves on or in water (i.e. boat, submarine). attribute for a round.
Hand Weapon
Psyche Skills Bludgeoning, Slashing, Stabbing
This skill covers usage of hand to hand melee weapons
Shrewdness for close combat. When used to bludgeon a user is
Doubt, Sway, Temperament controlling a weapon that does blunt force damage.
This defensive skill represents a characters power of When used to slash a user is using a weapon to cut in a
judgment. When used to doubt, it counters acts of sweeping movement. When used to stab a user is
deception. When used for sway, it counters acts to thrusting the pointy end of a weapon to impale a target.
persuade. When used for temperament, it counters
tricks and taunts. Parry
Brace, Striking Defense, Wrestling Defense
Metaphysics This defensive skill is the ability to thrive defensively in
Affliction, Augmentation, Destruction, Healing, Illusion, high contact fields of combat. When used to brace, a
Protection, Transmutation, Necromancy, Polymorphism, character can increase their toughness by a roll of their
Psionics Physicality die for 1 round in exchange for a -2 parry
This skill is used for mutations and abilities surrounding penalty. When used for striking defense, a character can
script cells. All infected characters gain use of this skill. A avoid damage from a melee attack. When used for
proficiency can be taken to govern the use of any unique wrestling defense, a character can avoid attempts to
function of script cell abilities. grapple, throw, tackle or move them unwillingly.

Willpower Scrapping
Fearlessness, Persistence, Resistance Brawling, Disarming, Wrestling
This skill is used to exert control to overcome mental This skill covers unarmed combat practices. When used
hurdles. When used for fearlessness, it resists fear and to brawl a user is using their fists and legs to attack and
intimidation. When used for persistence, it enables a damage a specified target. When used to disarm a
user to ignore negative modifiers from wounds or stress character attempts to seize a weapon from a specified
in their next round. Furthermore, persistence can be foe using a melee attack with an additional penalty
used to ignore 1 stress penalty for 1 psyche die rounds. based off of the weapons melee threat level. Wrestling
When used for resistance, it resists mind altering affects is used for grappling, taking downs, and submission
such as those attained from magic and certain poisons. maneuvers on an opponent.

Physicality Skills Wits Skills

Athletics Engineer
Climbing, Swimming, Throwing Analyze Object, Build, Repair
This skill governs general sports. When used to climb, This skill covers attempts assemble an item such as a
this skill allows a user to scale vertical surfaces. When trap or invention, disassemble an item, or repair a
used to swim this skill lets a user to propel through broken item. When used to analyze an object a user can
water with their body at half of their land speed. When determine qualities, function, capabilities, and structural
used for throwing this skill allows a user to throw an details. When used to build a character can apply
item or object at a target. Throwing doubles as a ranged blueprints or understanding to craft a specified device.
combat skill. When used to repair a character can fix a
broken/damaged device.
Healing, Medical Examination, Pharmaceuticals
This skill is used for treating wounds and illnesses. This
skill may also be used to diagnose or perform an
autopsy. When used for healing a character may make a
one-time check on a given set of wounds outside
combat to heal their targets wounds. When used for a
medical examination, a user can determine the nature of
an ailment, cause of death, or impairments of a subject.
When used for pharmaceuticals, a player can concoct
medicinal drugs to treat adverse symptoms or ones to
enhance an ability at the expense of another ability for 1

Alchemy, Biology, Technology
This skill is used for all checks pertaining to science and
technology. When used for alchemy a player may
concoct a limited number of potions per day equal to
their alchemy level minus 4. The alchemy effect is rolled
on the magic table when the potion is used. When used
for biology a character can learn a creatures habits,
weaknesses, and capabilities. When used for technology
a character can interact with or manipulate emerging
technology such as computers or robotics.

Foraging, Rope Use, Tracking
This is the skill used for surviving in an unknown
environment. When used for foraging, a character can
find provisions and resources. When used for ropes, a
character can tie or untie complex knots. When used for
tracking, a character can shadow the path of something
that moved through the space a character is in.

Gather Intel, Sense Motive, Spot Anomaly
This skill is used if there is an effort to find information.
It is used when a player scrutinizes a scene in order to
collect information that may be helpful. When used to
gather intel a character can sift through written or
recorded information in order to find crucial information
about a subject. When used to sense motive on a
character a user can scrutinize a testimony or account of
a character to point out point out lies and
inconsistencies. When used to spot an anomaly a user
can locate an inconsistency within a given scene
Proficiency Fortunate
This advantage was placed first intentionally, as it is the This character has luck on their side. A character with
advantage that will be selected most often by players in this advantage always begin play with one bonus tension
Nightmutare. Select one subset of a skill (italicized point. A character can take this for an additional tension
underneath the skill name) and gain a permanent +1 point at the beginning of play one time per tier of
when performing that particular task. This may be taken advancement.
multiple times for different subsets. It may also be taken
an additional time for the same subset of a skill with General
each tier of advancement. This character can inspire others for a longer period of
time. Inspiration from this character lasts an additional
Alternatively, a character selecting to gather a round. This advantage can be improved by an additional
proficiency may opt to become proficient in a round per tier of advancement.
metaphysical function such as affliction, augmentation,
destruction, healing, illusion, necromancy, Iron Chin
polymorphism, protection, and psionics, and This character is difficult to harm and gains a permanent
transmutation. Proficiencies may only be taken for +1 bonus to toughness. This advantage can be improved
metaphysics if the user has become infected. by an additional +1 per tier of advancement.

All Out Attack Kip Up

This character press an attack furiously, but expending This character can move from prone to upright as a free
more energy. This advantage allows a character to take action once per round.
an additional wind to gain a +1 bonus on an attack and
damage roll. This may be taken additional times with Resilient
each tier of advancement to improve an additional +1 to This character is has a knack for surviving against the
attack and damage. Each improvement adds 1 additional odds. Character has a +1 bonus on rolls made to survive
wind to the cost of the all-out attack. if they are incapacitated from wounds. This bonus also
extends to rolls to save against becoming infected with
Built For This script cells. This advantage can be improved by an
Pick a defensive skill. If a metaphysics roll targets your additional +1 per tier of advancement.
that defensive skill on your character then you gain a +1
bonus to that defensive roll. This advantage may be Signature Weapon
taken multiple times for an additional defensive skill. This character has a weapon that they understand
This advantage can be improved by an additional +1 per greatly. A character gains a +1 bonus to damage when
tier of advancement. using a weapon designated when taking this advantage.
This advantage may be taken an additional time for each
Clutch tier of advancement.
This character thrives under pressure. They can take 1
stress to flip penalties from stress (including the new Slippery
point of stress) into bonuses on the next 1d4 rolls. The This character is adept at avoiding attacks when
die type accounting for the duration of this advantage vulnerable. Defensive rolls against cheap shot attacks
may be increased by 1 type per tier of advancement. are done at a +1 advantage. This advantage can be
Stress may not be recovered while this advantage is improved by an additional +1 per tier of advancement.
Conditioned This character can carry a brisk pace. When moving all
This character is well conditioned and may refuse to take out, add 2 to your roll. This advantage can be improved
any Wind during a full round twice per encounter. This by an additional +1 per tier of advancement.
can be taken once per tier of advancement.
Psychological Hurdles Curious
Every player character in Nightmutare has an aspect of A curious character will throw caution into the wind
their psychology that holds them back. These aspects when the opportunity presents itself to solve even the
are called psychological hurdles. These hurdles are the most minor mystery. If a curious character hears a
primary means to earn tension points and a central part peculiar sound then they will stop at nothing to see what
to a characters identity. the cause of the noise was even if they were supposed
to be hiding. A curious person is usually the first person
When role playing a character, a player will call into at a scene. They will gawk and pry into matters that
their psychological hurdle at a point where it could be don’t involve them just to satiate their desire to know a
disadvantageous to their character as a self-imposed piece of gossip.
challenge. If they succeed at the challenge then they will
be rewarded with a tension point. It is important to note If adopting this psychological hurdle then any time a
that a character may not gain more than 1 tension point curious character triggers an encounter by prying into a
per encounter/scene. scene they get 1 tension point. Alternatively, if they
solve a mystery they get a tension point. If a curious
Bleeding Heart person leaves a mystery behind then they must make
A bleeding heart character is one that is compassionate willpower check or else suffer 1 stress for an hour as
to a fault. Their desire to live and let live, while well their character keeps pondering what they missed.
intentioned, can be quite dangerous in a world plagued
by monsters. The bleeding heart will often times Flashy
sympathize with a creature and view them as being once A flashy character is one that pursues the cool as
somebodies child or still capable of being saved. These opposed to the sensible. Rather than punching a foe, a
people hold high hopes for a cure to the infected. Even flashy character will attempt a missile dropkick. They will
though they will fight, a bleeding heart does not agree not open a window to escape a foe, they will dive
with killing under any circumstance. through it. These characters try to lead the lives of an
action movie character and often suffer dire
If adopting this psychological hurdle then, any time a consequences as a result.
bleeding heart is able to keep a monster alive through
their actions after a combat encounter, they gain 1 If adopting this psychological hurdle then any time a
tension point. If a bleeding heart is able to negotiate the character attempts to self-impose a -2 or worse penalty
safekeeping of a monster, they gain 1 tension point. on a check pointlessly and dangerously by being flashy
they get 1 tension point. Unfortunately, when a check
Craven fails with this ability the character receives nothing.
A craven character is one that seeks the path of the least
amount of confrontation. Even necessary violence can Hateful
rattle a craven character. They are more like to run and A hateful character has an extreme prejudice that can’t
hide from a fight, than to actually fight. A craven be reasoned with. A hateful characters prejudice will
character only uses violence as an absolute last resort. override their ability to reason with the subject of their
hatred. Causing emotional and/or physical harm to a
If adopting this psychological hurdle then during any hated group is satisfying to a hateful person.
combat encounter that the craven character completes
without attacking, calling for an attack or taking part in If adopting this psychological hurdle then a hateful
the violence they shall receive 1 tension point. A craven character will attempt to cause an unnecessary point of
character can also get a tension point by surrendering stress or a wound to the subject of their hatred. If the
peacefully to a foe. A craven character should need to subject of their psychological hurdle is a logical target
succeed on a willpower once during any encounter for stress or wounds then the character does not get the
before they can attack. If they succeed on the check they benefit of collecting a tension point. Examples hatreds
will not need to repeat it for the rest of the encounter. are classism, misandry, misogyny, racism, and religious
Honor Sensitivity
An honorable character will put themselves in A sensitive character is one that can be easily upset by
dangerous situations to uphold a particular code of the smallest detail that opposes their worldview. A
conduct. Although honorable candidates can often be sensitive character frequently finds an issue and
respected by their peers, they lack nuance and vocalizes it to the chagrin of the people around them. It
pragmatism. This leaves them constantly in danger. is common for people to isolate their worldviews from a
sensitive person because they do not let things go.
If adopting this psychological hurdle then a character
can get a tension point if they use their code of honor to If adopting this psychological hurdle then a character
put themselves in a perilous situation. A character must can call a willpower check once per encounter if
require a skill check they could have avoided otherwise confronted by something that offends their sensibilities.
to get the tension point. An example of this would be a If the character fails this check then they take 1 stress
character that adopted chivalry as a code of honor from being offended, but if they succeed they maintain
placing themselves face to face with a monster so a their poise. Example sensitivities would be personal
woman can escape. Other example codes of honor beauty, religious beliefs, political beliefs etc.
include protect and serve, bushido, omerta etc.
A prankster is a character that does not take anything
Junkie seriously. They often spend their time looking for a good
A junkie is a character that is dependent on a particular slapstick moment to win the laughter of the people they
substance or item for happiness. Junkies get great are around. Unfortunately, this behavior is at best
pleasure from the source of their addiction, but in doing disruptive, but at worst dangerous.
so they devalue everything around them. A junkie will
choose the source of their addiction over their closest If adopting this psychological hurdle then once per
friends and family members. encounter, a jokester can attempt to humiliate an allied
target. A prankster doesn’t want to cause meaningful
If adopting this psychological hurdle then a character harm, but their stunts should create a hazardous
must make a willpower save when in presence of their situation that their target ‘will laugh at later.’ This can
addiction. If the character fails then they must preserve involve tripping an ally running away then laughing and
collect or consume the item or suffer 1 point of stress defending the now prone friend, pulling down the pants
until the craving is satisfied. If a junkie gathers a fix of someone during a negotiation etc.
during an encounter then they gain a tension point.
Examples of addiction are drugs, food, technology etc. Tyrant
A tyrant is a character that does not take orders from
Schemer anyone. They seek to take a position of leadership by
A schemer is a hustler that is always making ‘cunning’ choice or by force. Tyrants may listen to people that
plans to get something they want. Schemers generally they consider to be their subjects, but the buck stops
have goals, and when they see something they want with them. Tyrants tend to bark commands at those
then they will stop at nothing in order to get it. they see themselves presiding over. A tyrant’s
Schemers tend to develop complex plots that backfire. controlling nature often sparks strife or rebellion with
the people they try to lead.
If adopting this psychological hurdle then the character
can receive 1 tension point when they deploy a difficult If adopting this psychological hurdle then any time an
plot to get a small reward. Examples of a schemer plot allied character is insubordinate to the tyrant he can
would be to having a team mate fake an injury in a gain a tension point if he inflicts 1 point of stress or a
convenience store and while the faker is getting the wound on the insubordinate character.
employees attention, the schemer loots the cash
Physical Hurdles
Physical hurdles are aspects outside of the norm of Leg Hindrance
human function that hinder a characters ability to A leg hindrance is an event where a character loses
function in a combat scenario. Through rigorous training function of one or both legs. Each leg accounts for half
or devices some of these can be overcome or have there of a character movement rate in the movement phase. If
effects lessened. a character loses function of one leg and tries to hop for
half movement without a crutch then they must succeed
Arm Hindrance on a base Agility check or else they will fall. One legged
An arm hindrance is an event where a character loses characters can’t sprint. All Agility rolls involving legs are
function in one or both arms. A character losing function done with a –2 penalty while on one leg.
in a single arm may only hold one item at a time. They
are much easier to strike due to only having half of their A character that has lost function in both legs can only
guard. Each disabled/missing arm imposes a -2 penalty crawl to move without assistance of a device like a
on Parry checks to defend against a melee attack. Larger wheel chair. In these circumstances, a character may
items become unwieldy when one armed, which means only travel 1” per round. A character with no use of legs
that a character is at a –1 or -2 penalty based on the is at a -4 penalty on any physical check that involves the
storytellers discretion for using the object. use of legs. Some skill checks are not permitted at all.

Hand Tremors Respiratory Problems

Some people have shaking hands as a result of ailments A character suffering from respiratory problems
or as a reaction to fear. If a character is experiencing a struggles with managing their wind when exerting
tremor then impose a -1 penalty to any Agility based themselves. A character with a less respiratory difficulty
task involving hands. will suffer two wind for taking a second physical action
within two rounds. A character with a greater
Head Trauma respiratory issue will suffer two wind for any physical
A character that has undergone head trauma such as a action they exert themselves with.
concussion have their Influence, Psyche, and Wits ability
all reduced by 1 type. Any physical skill check called Sensory Hindrance
while enduring head trauma where the ability die turns A sensory hindrance imposes a penalty using the chosen
up as a 1 will inflict dizziness (dazed condition), sense. A character dealing with an acutely impaired
confusion, or nausea. Characters with head trauma sense (i.e. nasal congestion for scent) has a -1 penalty
often experience light sensitivity, which will impose a -1 for any roll that involves the sense that is affected. An
penalty when exposed to sunlight. impaired sense (i.e. losing the use of one eye) imposes a
-2 penalty to any roll involving the sense that is affected.
Heart Problems Total hindrance (i.e. deafness) imposes a –4 penalty to
A character suffering from heart problems must make a the sense that is affected.
base constitution check with a +2 bonus (ignoring any
penalties from stess) any time that they surpass half of Socially Stigmatized Hindrance
their stress threshold. A failure on this check induces a A character suffering from an ailment that repulses
heart attack. A character suffering a heart attack people such as uncontrollable body odor, unsightly skin
requires a Medicine check with a -1 penalty for each conditions/sores, leaky bowels or other stigmatized
round that the condition is unattended. If the medicine diseases will suffer a -1 hindrance on any social skill
check generates doom then the affected character check if their condition is recognized. People will often
perishes from their ailment. avoid or keep their distance from the affected even if
their plight is not a legitimate threat. If the condition is
Only one first aid check may be attempted per round on greater than this penalty can increase to -2.
a character suffering from a heart attack.
Roll Modifiers Table
Difficulty Modifier
The Dice Mechanics Routine No roll needed
The formula for most checks in Nightmutare requires Simple +2 to roll
rolling the skill die plus the linked ability die plus/minus
any bonuses/penalties and trying to achieve a 7 or Normal +1 to roll
greater. If the roll meets or exceeds 7 then you have Challenging No modifier
achieved success. Difficult -1 to roll
Masterful -2 to roll
Sometimes a player can be called upon to make a Heroic -4 or worse to roll
check using only their ability check. When this is the
case, roll that ability die twice adding any bonuses or There are two types of die rolls in Nightmutare. The
penalties to get the total and compare against the usual first die roll is a standard roll. A standard roll is a roll that
target of 7. Base ability checks do not suffer penalties occurs where the players can see it. This is the most
from stress. common type of roll. This roll is done to perform any
skill check in which meta knowledge is not relevant. It is
Naturally, not all challenges are created equal and important to note, that if a player is targeted by an
thus the storyteller will need to use their discretion attack that they get to make a standard roll using their
when applying penalties or additional benefits to the defensive skill and any penalties or bonuses for the
rolls made to dictate the outcome. A challenging roll is attack are inverted for the purposes of the defensive
considered to be something an average trained roll.
professional can succeed at 50% of the time. For the
benefit of the storyteller, we have attached a roll The second type of roll is a blind roll. Blind rolls are
modifier table that will assist in determining the made only by the storyteller using a players stats so as
appropriate rating to a challenge. to prevent the players from ascertaining data that their
character wouldn’t know. Blind rolls also perform non-
playable character skill checks that don’t involve a player
Round Actions
Outside of combat the storyteller should just work Tension
clockwise around the table to give every character the Nightmutare has a reward system for self-imposed
opportunity to work within the framework of a scene. challenges called tension. If a player merely attempts to
Some sequences of events may shuffle this flow a bit. strike a foe or operate on their meta whims then they
When turn order becomes a factor in play then players will not be able to receive these valuable tokens of
have likely engaged in combat and should reference the currency. The Game Master should always use tension
combat action rules for initiative. If a player is in a dire points to reward players that use good role playing to
situation outside of combat then let the players decide challenge their own fortunes.
with the character possessing the highest speed winning
ties. Tension points give the character the chance to impact
the story in a way that benefits your character. These
are designed to give the player control over the
Greater Success narrative and find opportunities to continue where hope
By default a 7 is a success, however, a player can get a might be futile. You can spend tension points to gain
greater success for achieving a roll value of 12 or more. small benefit (even out of your turn) or you can burn
When achieving a greater success a player may do one them for a great effect (which permanently erases the
of the following: destiny point). A character may only ever use one of
these on a given check.
-Reroll a single die once on a linked roll such as
damage for fighting to change the result. Here is a list of ways that a player can use tension
-Add +1 to the characters next skill/ability roll points:
-Add +1 to all defenses for the next round
-Improvise a bonus at the storytellers discretion Alter Disposition
-Remove wind received from the action This improves or worsens a targets disposition toward
you by one step. This may only be used on a target once

Doom a day.

A roll of the dice causes doom when the result of the roll Ignore Environment
is a 2 or fewer. This result is always a miss that renders a This ignores the effects of an environment for a short
player in an unfortunate situation whether that be by a time. In particularly treacherous environments the
character fumbling on a check or something storyteller should omit a portion of the penalties.
circumstantial happening to cause a failure (i.e. a rope
breaking on a climb). Ignore Stress
This allows players to ignore all penalties from stress for
-Inflict stress a single round.
-Impose opposite outcome of roll
-Suffer a complication with equipment Luck
-Remove an action This allows a player to reroll any roll except for a roll that
-Improvise a penalty generates doom.

The Storyteller should always interpret the results of a Recover

doom in a way that renders new dangers or This allows a player to remove either 1 stress of any
complications in the scene. If a roll causes doom then it kind.
may never be rerolled irrespective of any features that
allow for rerolling of a particular stat.
Enhance the Odds
+1 to all rolls for the next round

Fortune Hazard
Checks in Nightmutare not only dictate the degree to Insert a hazard into the scene.
which a check succeeds or fails, but it also contains a
narrative cue for the Storyteller. This cue is called Introduce A Character
fortune. To determine what fortune occurs on a Add a character to the scene that can help get the
characters roll, the narrator must simply observe the players to their objective.
dice from the check. If the check has 2 odd numbers
showing on the dice then they have rolled misfortune, if Lose Benefits
the check has 2 even numbers showing on the dice then The character loses any bonuses from a Combat Action
they have rolled good fortune, and if there is 1 even and maneuver for the remainder of the round.
1 odd number showing on the dice then no fortune
occurs. Lower the Odds
-1 to all rolls for the next round
Roll Fortune Psychological Hurdle
2 odd numbers Misfortune Trigger a characters psychological hurdle in order to
influence their behavior in the next round. When
1 odd/1 even number No Effect
triggering a psychological hurdle this way, no tension
2 even numbers Good Fortune
points should be rewarded to the player.

Fortune does not change whether the roll was
Something happens that alleviates 1 point of stress.
successful or failed, but rather provides narrative details
about other events in the framework of a scene that tilt
the balance of power for better or worse. This means
A vital discovery is made about a character such as a
that even a failed check can have a positive effect. On
weak point, loyalty, power source, strength, or hidden
the flip side, sometimes winning a battle can mean
losing a war.
Shift Focus
Sample Fortunes A number of foes turn their attention away from the
target because of a disruption.
Example effects that can occur as a result of good
fortune can be, but are not limited to:
Side Tracked
Something occurs that removes a lesser action from the
Affect Gear
affected character’s next action.
Cause a characters weapon to malfunction, run out of
ammo or drop.
Positional Advantage
A character gains a positional advantage due to their
target falling or perhaps even rising at an inopportune
Inflict a condition on a character for a short time.
Warp The Environment
Cover is either discovered or removed.
An environmental effect occurs that can help the player
better navigate a scene (such as a lock breaking loose
and swinging an escape door open).
The character spots an important item or valuable.
Mechanically, script cells should be used as an open
The Infected ended metaphysics skill check with penalties assessed
When players come into contact with the script cell based on the intensity of the effect. All checks using
bloodborne pathogen they risk infection and must make script cells should be built around the restructuring of
a base constitution check. After being infected, a the player’s physiology. Apart from building the effect
character can use their conscious mind to rewire their around the player’s physiology, the rest should be open
body’s physiology. This means that they can will their ended. Below are some things to take into consideration
body into entirely different forms to help them achieve for a metaphysics check
their aims. The downside is that manipulating a body’s
physiology can affect the brain chemistry, which can
transform the player when they rest.
Each time a player with using script cells rolls a 1 on Penalty Time
either die during their metaphysics skill check they take
- 1 psyche die rounds
a single point of nightmutare. If a player generates doom
1 save per round (affliction only)
on a metaphysics roll then they take 5 points of
-1 2 psyche die rounds
nightmutare. During a rest period or at the end of a
1 save per minute (affliction only)
session a player will roll percentile dice to see if the
-2 3 psyche die rounds
infection has taken hold. A player must roll above the
1 save per day (affliction only)
total accumulation of nightmutare. Points from
-3 4 psyche die rounds
nightmutare carry over between sessions. Script cells are
1 save per week (affliction only)
a slow spiral into becoming a monster.
-4 5 psyche die rounds
Permanent (affliction only)
If a player is the target of a metaphysics check then they
roll resistances. If they are able to achieve a greater
success then the infected targeting them receives
backlash. If the player critically fails on a metaphysics Range
roll then they receive backlash. If spell backlash occurs
use the following table and roll a d6 to determine the Penalty Distance
result. 0 Reach/Self
-1 5” (25 feet)
-2 10” (50 feet)
Spell Backlash Table -3 20” (100 feet)
Roll Backlash -4 40” (200 feet)
1 Opposite Effect
(Only if detrimental)
2 Reduce random ability by 1 Area of Effect
die type until rested Penalty Area
3 1 Stress 0 1” (5 feet)
4 1 wound from deformity
-1 2” (10 feet)
5 1 nightmutare point
-2 3” (15 feet)
6 2 nightmutare points
-3 4” (20 feet)
-4 5” (25 feet)
Script cells can give characters a chance to survive

Script Cell Powers perilous situations. They can be used to let a player
breath underwater, endure extreme heat, gain
Affliction protection of a natural armor or to create a shield effect
Script cells can be used to create toxins that debilitate a to protect others. Depending on the threat level of an
character. A normal affliction involves lowering an ability item, additional penalties may be assessed.
be 1 die type, applying a condition (penalties applied by
narrator based on intensity), reduce toughness, or Transmutation
making a character wind/wound easy. Unlike normal Script cells can be used to change the physical
effects that last for rounds afflictions last until a save is appearance or function of an infected. This allows
made. By default a character gets one save per round. players to change sex or adopt characteristics of a
For a -2 penalty, they only get 1 save per day. For a -4 species. An example of this would be adapting hollow
penalty, the effect becomes permanent. bones and wings to gain the benefit of flight.

Augmentation Apart from the natural uses of script cells, they can also
When using script cells to augment, a player can select be used in a communicative nature for multiple infected
any chosen ability score and increase it by 1 die type for characters. Script cells perform through a mysterious
1 psyche die rounds. A player can increase the ability by biological frequency known as the egregore band. This
an additional die type for a -1 penalty die type per exposes other infected to a range of different effects.
increase. A player can also augment more than 1 ability When an infected attempts to perform feats on other
for a -1 penalty per augmentation. infected then they have more options with their
Script cells can be used to give players the power to
destroy with ease. Select a power type for the Egregore Band Powers
destruction skill. The chosen skill by default does 1 Necromancy
psyche die of damage. A player can increase the power The egregore band can be used on a body with limited
of this attack by an additional psyche die for a -1 penalty to no brain activity as long as it has active script cells in
per additional die. the body. This enables the raising of the dead by making
the script cells write an artificial brain. A raised character
Healing is usually mindless and reckless and can only be
Script cells original purpose was to restore a patient controlled using necromancy. If a character dies
back to health. A script cell can heal 1 wound by default uninfected then this ability cannot be used even if
with a check. Scripts cells can also mend stress the same injected with script cells. The body of a corpse raised
way. Wind is restored by half of a characters with necromancy takes 1 wound every day from rot. This
constitution die in a check or all the way for a -1 penalty. can only be healed through necromancy. Penalties for
necromancy should be based on the power level of the
Illusion creature.
Illusory affects can be generated using script cells.
Illusion can range from creating an obscuring mist (20% Polymorphism
concealment to start with a -1 penalty for every The egregore band can communicate with the biological
additional 20% thereafter) to appearing more attractive coding in order to rewrite the biological makeup of a
to a person so you can manipulate them. target character. Polymorphism works just like
transmutation, but has an additional penalty assessed
based on the opponents willpower.
Psionics Trigger
Psionics enables the ability to communicate silently, Triggering is the ability to force a Nightmutare check.
read a mind (a blind roll), or to hack the mind. Psionic Using the table below, roll a manipulation check against
attacks are usually opposed by Shrewdness. On some a target infected characters shrewdness. If successful
creatures that have lost their ability to speak or then that character must immediately roll Nightmutare.
understand language, psionics can be used to gather
information using the target brains mental imagery.
Penalties on psionic attempts should be assessed based Trigger
on the shrewdness of the target and how extreme the Nightmutare Penalty/Bonus
feat being attempted is (i.e. convincing a character they 01-20 -4 penalty
are in danger may produce no penalty, convincing them
to jump off a building to their death would have at least 21-40 -2 penalty
a -4 penalty). 41-60 0
61-80 +2 bonus
81-100 +4 bonus

Hypnotherapy is a unique type of social interaction with
an infected character. When using hypnotherapy a
character must decide whether they want to accelerate,
repress, or trigger a target infected characters
symptoms. Nightmutare
At the end of a gaming session or during a rest period (at
Acceleration the narrator’s discretion) a game phase begins for
Acceleration is a dastardly form of hypnotherapy infected players called nightmutare. Nightmutare is an
designed to increase Nightmutare in a target. In order to occurrence where script cells make unwanted changes
accelerate a target roll a manipulation check versus a to an infected characters brain that makes them spiral
characters shrewdness. If successful, a character may into an uncontrollable mutant form. Any character that
roll a single influence die and add the result to the undergoes this radical alteration from their
characters existing Nightmutare. This die can be rerolled subconscious becomes a monster and loses all their
if it lands on the highest number just like a damage roll. mental faculties in becoming the abomination that takes
Any acceleration not repressed before the next them over.
Nightmutare roll is permanent.
When first infected with script cells, a character begins
Repression with 2 nightmutare points. As infected begin using script
Repressive therapy is done to restrain Nightmutare, but cells to benefit themselves they will begin to accumulate
repression only works on the next nightmutare roll. In more points of nightmutare. During this phase a player
order to repress a character, roll a persuasion check with must roll percentile dice and meet or exceed the
a -1 penalty for every 20 points of Nightmutare. If number of Nightmutare points they are afflicted with.
successful, a character may roll a single influence die and Nightmutare carried into a Nightmutare roll can be
subtract the result from the characters existing repressed, but never eliminated permanently. If
Nightmutare on their next Nightmutare roll only. Nightmutare is repressed below 2 points then no roll is
Repression can permanently diffuse acceleration, but it needed.
only temporarily diffuses existing Nightmutare.
Combat Initiative character must roll an elusiveness check to recover to
When combat encounters are initiated then all involved their feet. If the check fails then they can choose to
parties at the beginning of the conflict roll their Agility grant the opportunity for a cheap shot attack or remain
die once. The highest number goes first with players prone. This elusiveness check can gain a +2 bonus if the
winning ties with non player characters. Only the top character is using a defend action in the round.
number matters because the player that wins initiative
gets to decide the next acting character in the turn Interact
order. After a player has acted in a round then they may Move/pick up item, open/close doors and windows
not act again until all other characters in a scene have
acted. Every characters turn is comprised of one lesser Manage Inventory
action and one greater action. Equip a weapon, reload, take item from pocket or
pouch, and store items.
If a player character rolls a doom during their check at
any time then the storyteller seizes the initiative and Mount
may pick the next character to act in the turn order. Get on or off/in or out of an animal or vehicle
Alternatively, if a player character rolls a greater success
when defending then they seize the initiative and may Move
decide the next character to act. A character not engaged in combat can move a number
of inches equal to the maximum value of their agility die
The last character to act in any round gets to decide in exchange for 1 lesser action. If engaged in close
the first character to act in the next round even if that combat, a character can only move 1” in any direction
means picking themself. The fluctuating dynamic of with a lesser action to safely disengage.
combat initiative makes teamwork and plotting essential
in Nightmutare. Alternatively, they can attempt to retreat and move
their full pace away from combat. Reatreating like this

Lesser Actions leaves themselves vulnerable to a cheap shot attack. A

character is considered to be engaged in close combat if
A lesser action is defined as a movement that does not they are within the reach of a melee attack.
require a skill check to perform. Here are some lesser
actions a character can perform: Any character expending effort in order to perform a
cheap shot attack during a movement action loses 1
Aid lesser action from their next turn and expends 1 wind. A
Grant a +1 to a characters next skill check character may attempt a cheap shot so long as they
have an unused lesser action available on their next
Aim turn.
Add +1 to your next combat check with a ranged
weapon. Additionally, A characters movement allowance is
reduced in inches by the total number of stress received
Focus from wounds All characters retain a minimum of 1
Add +1 to a check in the next round using script cells. speed.
Focusing lowers defenses by 1. A character can perform
this twice in a round. Both penalties and bonuses stack. Sprint
A character can move their full pace plus a roll of their
Crouch/Go Prone/Stand Up Agility die in exchange for one wind. This faster
Change your level as you see fit. A character knocked movement is called a sprint. A roll of 1 on a sprint
prone in a close combat situation can attempt to recover generates doom for the action, which is usually reflected
and get to their feet. When performing this maneuver, a by a character tripping or encountering an obstruction
that complicates their movement.
Greater Actions Physical Check
A greater action is defined as a movement that involves This triggers a roll using a any skill. If a character uses a
a player selecting to use a skill. Here are some greater physical check in a round then apply any applicable wind
actions a character can perform: following the use of a the physical action.

Brace Second Lesser Action

This is a greater action that allows you to withstand This greater action can be used to perform a lesser
impact from a foe and recovers 1 wind. When action that a character has not yet performed in the
performing a brace maneuver you take a -2 defensive current round. Please note that if a character has
penalty until your next action, but your toughness already moved or sprinted with their lesser action then
increases by a roll of your physicality die each time you they may not perform a second lesser action for moving
are hit successfully by any kind of attack. or sprinting.

This greater action allows you to hold your actions and
use them as an out of turn incidental for the purpose of
cheap shot attacking a foe that misses an attack against
you. When doing this action you gain no defensive
bonus, but if your opponent misses their attack then you
may follow up with an immediate cheap shot attack
using either a greater or lesser action. A cheap shot
attack from a counter has a +1 bonus to both your skill
check and to any damage. Countering actions only spend
wind if they allow for an attack. If the counter does not
allow an attack by the characters next turn then they
recover 1 wind.

Defend and Recover

This greater action grants a +2 bonus on defense until
the end of the round, allows for a character to roll their
Constitution die to remove dings and recovers 1 wind.
The +2 bonus only extends to skill checks and does not
assist with your toughness score or damage resistant

Mental Check
This is a tactic that prompts a non-physical skill check.
This includes tactics such as inspiring an ally,
intimidating a foe, recovering stress, studying the foe
etc. Mental checks allow for the recovery of 1 wind since
they do not involve physical exertion.
Holds expend a lot of energy on both parties, but they
Close Combat Tactics can prove to be dangerous. Putting a character directly
Certain tactics in Nightmutare can shift battlefield in a hold is done at a -1 penalty. If a character succeeds
dynamics and exploit weaknesses in the enemy. One on a grappling check to lock in a hold then they spend 1
such tactic is the art of wrestling. Wrestling is a tactic wind, but cost their opponent 2 wind per round. If a
that enables the combatant to hold an opponent against check to secure a hold fails then the aggressor spends 2
their will. If a character is considered successfully wind and the opponent loses only 1.
grappled then both they and the wrestler expend 1 wind
per round that the grapple is sustained unless one of the If a player maintains a hold long enough to go beyond
parties willfully concedes in the grapple allowing their a characters stress threshold then the hold injures the
foe to freely succeed on a grappling art using the brace adversary accordingly. This means that a leg hold can
maneuver. Only the brace maneuver allows for the cause tissue and ligament damage, an armbar can break
recovery of wind when grappled and opponents arm, a choke hold can asphyxiate the
target etc.
If a character is grappled then all Scrapping skill checks
are at a +1 bonus while any other physical check incurs a Overwhelming is a circumstance where multiple
-1 penalty. This bonus grappling is helpful in people are attacking an the same foe. For each
transitioning into other scrapping arts. additional adjacent person attacking the same foe, all
parties get a +1 bonus. If the foe is flanked on opposite
Another valuable tactic is the takedown maneuver. sides then there is an additional +1 bonus. These
Takedowns are done at a -1 penalty. If successful a bonuses also serve as penalties on checks to flee.
takedown knocks the opponent into a prone position.
The person doing the takedown can decide whether Disarming is a combat tactic that enables an attacker
they want to go prone by pinning their target and to take away a held item from a foe. If the character
initiate ground combat (giving them a +2 bonus to disarming is trying to just knock the weapon out of the
scrapping checks) or stay upright (giving them a +1 hand of a foe then they must succeed with a -2 penalty.
bonus to all close combat checks, but giving the knocked If they want to rip an item away and keep it themselves
down opponent the ability to freely move. A character then they must succeed with a -4 penalty.
pinning down another character with a takedown
maneuver can stand up during the move phase unless If an opponent attempts a physical action that takes
they are in a hold. their focus away from the combat then the foe may
spend their next lesser action to trigger a cheap shot
A character pinned down by a successful takedown is attack. This cheap shot attack usually has no bonuses
at a -2 to all physical checks, but can attempt a counter unless performing a counter because even though the
to flip position. A successful counter can trade a cheap foe is compromised the additional action is frenzied.
shot attack to immediately reverse position. If a reversal
bonuses and penalties for position are flipped as the To gain a greater advantage over a foe you can
pinned character becomes the pinning character. perform a manipulation skill check to perform a trick. A
trick can be anything from a feint to draw an opponent
Throws work like takedowns by knocking an opponent offside (reduce defenses in the next round) to a cheap
into a prone position, but they also do damage and can shot to spitting a mist into the opponent’s eyes
move the target in any location adjacent to the thrower (inflicting the blindness condition in the next round).
on the game board. Throws are done at a -2 penalty. A These moves do not expend any wind, and leave the
throw generates a characters physicality die plus a d4 in opponent at a minimum of with a debilitating status
non-lethal damage and inflicts 1 wind on an adversary effect that is determined by the Storyteller. The
Storyteller may reward extra benefits for creativity on a
tricky move.
Automatic and semi-automatic weapons can perform
an advanced tactic called suppressive fire. Suppressive
Ranged Combat fire rapid fires ammo in a line in order to control the
Ranged combat is combat that involves any sort of movements of an adversary. To perform this maneuver,
missile weapon or thrown weapon. Whether you are the draw a straight line from their character up to 60” for
type to throw a stone at your advesary or the kind that suppressive fire. If the player draws suppressive line
prefers to notch, draw then loose an arrow through the over an NPC then they get to make a shooting roll at a -4
heart of your foe, it is important to understand the risks penalty (these checks do not generate doom) for all
involved with firing such a shot. NPCs in the line. Player characters with a suppressive
line drawn over them may make an elusiveness check
If a character generates doom on a shot against a foe with a +4 bonus to escape the random hailstorm of
threatening an ally then the narrator should apply the unfocused bullets. Following this check, characters must
damage to the ally. An ally is considered to be elect to move to one space to either side of the
threatened if they are within 2” (10 feet) of the foe. suppressive line or 1 space into total concealment from
the bullet storm or else be treated once per round as
A character can improve their odds of landing a shot by though they have tried to cross a suppressive line.
trading their lesser action in for an aim maneuver.
Aiming grants a +1 bonus to the next shot. A character Any player character using elusiveness to cross a
seeking to greatly improve their fortune can use a suppressive line must make an elusiveness check with a
greater action to get a +2 bonus on a ranged combat penalty for each point of suppression on the particular
attack taken in the next round. This +2 bonus is lost if weapon being used for suppression. Failure on this roll
the character performing the aim is hit in combat before inflicts damage to the character as though they were
taking their next shot. targeted and struck by the weapon. A player holding a
suppressive line may make a shooting check against any
Distance is a major factor when performing combat non-playable character that crosses the suppressive line
attempts. The table below displays how the varying with a bonus for the weapons suppressive capabilities.
distances affect ranged attempts.
A character can crouch or go prone to better defend
Ranged Combat Distance against ranged attacks. A crouched character gains a +1
Range Modifier bonus in defending a ranged attack, but a -1
Point Blank -2 to attack/+2 to die roll vulnerability to melee attacks. A prone character gains a
before damage multiplier +2 bonus in defending against a ranged attacks, but a -2
Close Distance No Modifier vulnerability against melee attacks. It is important to
Medium Distance -1 to attack roll note that at point blank range the bonuses invert to
Long Distance -2 to attack roll penalties for a ranged attack.
Extreme Distance -4 to attack roll
In situations where lighting plays a factor, additional
There are three kinds of ranged weapons – standard, penalties can come into play. Please reference the table
semi-automatic, and automatic. A standard weapon can below for the application of ranged combat penalties.
be used once in a round, but requires the next round to
reload/equip. A semi-automatic weapon can be used in Ranged Combat Visibility
consecutive rounds, but each round imposes a -1 Range Modifier
penalty on the check.The last is an automatic, which Clear No Modifier
sprays bulletfire heavily in a direction with a -2 penalty Poor -1 penalty
for each successive round of use. Dark -2 penalty
Pitch Black -4 penalty
Foe concealed -1 per 20% concealment
If a request is made successfully in an intrigue and a
character fails to fulfill the aims of the instigator then
they are inflicted with 1 stress for the duration of the
game session or until such a time that the narrator feels
the character has atoned enough to clear their

Success in resisting an intrigue attempt does not mean

that a character has to refuse the request, it just means
nothing happens if they do. If an intrigue fails then the
character targeted by the instigator has a chance to
counter with a conditional request. This means that
they can make an intrigue attempt at a +1 bonus against
the instigator that must be fulfilled if the original
instigators initial terms are met. This request inflicts
double the stress on the instigator if they fail to hold up
their end of the bargain.

Intrigue In the event of a greater success for an instigator (or a

Intrigue is the element of social interaction and conflict rolled critical failure against an instigator) a player is
used in Nightmutare. As much of this game has to do compelled to deliver the underlying desire in the way
with the psychology and interactions with the infected, described by the instigator. Failure to follow the order
this element is at minimum as essential as combat. induces 1 point of stress. If a player fails to both follow
Intrigue begins with an instigator making a request from the order and fail to satisfy the emotional reward then
players or vise versa. This can range from a distress call they take 2 points of stress.
to help rescue an at risk child to a simple flirtation to get
somebody alone. When a character instigates an When dealing with characters in an intrigue it is
intrigue the player will make a roll in defense of the important to note a characters disposition towards a
request particular member. Various factors can influence a
characters disposition , but the main ones are allegiance
When making a request the issuer must attach a and status. Status is typically social standing, but a
simple one to two word underlying desire. Sample character can gain it by holding leverage such as a
underlying desires are affection, assistance, forgiveness, ransom over a character. The value of status is
punishment, protection, provocation, and trust. This determined by the Storyteller.
underlying desire should be no more than two words
long and must be fulfilled or else the character will
suffer penalties.
Intrigue Disposition Modifier
Status Modifier
An example of identifying an underlying desire would
Friendly +2 bonus
be a circumstance is which an instigator requests that
Allied +1 bonus
you jump into harsh waters to save their drowning child.
Neutral No modifier
In this instance the underlying desire would be to
Unfriendly -1 penalty
protect the child. If a character fails the intrigue then
Enemy -2 penalty
they feel a compulsion to ensure the child live. This
Hostile -4 penalty
means that the character is not compelled to dive into
Lower Social Status +1 bonus per degree
the harsh water, but instead might toss a lifebuoy to
Higher Social Status -1 penalty per degree
rescue the child.
Stress Damage
Stress is a mechanic that seizes your characters ability to Rolling damage in Nightmutare is a simple roll notated
perform skills checks. A character can endure stress by the weapon. If any die in a damage roll lands on its
equal to half of their Psyche die. Stress comes from highest value then it may be rerolled with the new value
three primary areas, which are anxiety, fatigue and added to the existing damage pool. This is done until
wounds. Stress from anxiety can be overcome with a such a time that the damage die does not reach its
willpower check. Stress from fatigue requires a period of maximum value.
rest to overcome. Finally, Stress from wounds requires
medical attention before it can be overcome. Nightmutare has three scales of damage. The three
damage types are dings, wounds, and injuries. When
When a character meets or exceeds their stress rolling damage complete the die roll and subtract the
threshold they lose control and are removed from the characters toughness from the total. All damage
scene in any acting capacity unless something occurs remaining must be applied to the character.
that reduces their stress to a point below their stress
threshold. The determination of what happens to Damage is initially applied as a ding. A character can
incapacitate the player should reflect the event that receive dings up to the maximum number on their
made them exceed their stress threshold. constitution die. If taking a defensive action a character
can roll their Constitution die to recover from a number

Anxiety of dings equal to the value rolled. Each time a character

receives a number of dings equal to the maximum value
Anxiety is a type of stress that is accumulated through on their constitution die, then those dings are removed
mental anguish. This stress is accumulated long term by and exchanged for a wound.
failing to fulfill an objective from an intrigue. A character
can’t undo a long term stress until such a time that they Unlike a ding, a character can’t roll to remove a wound
have atoned for the shortcoming that left them naturally by recovering in a defensive action. Since they
emotionally burdened. The Storyteller will dictate when are more grievous, wounds impose a point of stress until
a character has overcame a long term anxiety. they are healed. If a character is wounded beyond their
stress threshold then they are considered injured
Short term anxiety is a type of stress that comes from
fear. If a character experiences this kind of anxiety. A Example: Allistair lands a strike with a weapon that deals
character incapacitated via stress from intimidation 2d6 damage. His opponents Toughness rating is 3 and
should become panicked and flee the scene. Constitution is a d6. He rolls a 6 on the first die and a 2
on the second. Because one of the d6 landed on its max
value, he rerolls it and gets a 3 to add to his damage

Fatigue total. His total was 6+3+2 for 11 points. The toughness
absorbs 3 points of the damage, leaving 8 to be resolved.
Fatigue is monitored by a characters wind threshold. If His opponent receives1 wound for the first 6 points of
they commit to sustained frenzied action then they will damage remaining and also receives 2 dings for the
become tired and vulnerable. Characters receive 1 wind remaining points.
on any skillcheck that requires physical exertion. When a
player surpasses their wind threshold then they get Some damage is considered to be non-lethal, which
afflicted with 1 point of stress from fatigue. A characcter means that any damaged sustained will not inflict
that exceeds their stress threshold because of fatigue wounds or injury. If a character is struck with a non-
collapses due to exhaustion. lethal blow that exceeds their dings then they take
stress instead of a wound. If the stress from a non-lethal
blow pushes a character over their stress threshold then
the character will be incapacitated, but not injured.
First Aid
If a character ever takes three wounds from a single hit If a character has sustained wounds in a combat then a
then they are considered to have suffered a one hit character can administer first aid to a character that is
incapacitation. Treat grievous hits like this as though the disengaged from combat. A first aid check is done at the
character has exceeded their stress threshold from usual DC7 to recover a characters wounds. If the check is
damage. This effect occurs on non-lethal damage as successful then the target character may make a base
well. Constitution check. If successful, they naturally recover 1
wound on a success or 2 wounds on a critical success.

A character that has sustained over half of their wound

allowance in damage imposes a -2 penalty on the person
Injury attempting to administer first aid. Additionally, a first aid
When a characters stress threshold is exceeded from attempt may only ever be performed 1 time by a
wounds then they must make an immediate base character on a given set of wounds.
constitution roll to stay alive. As with all base ability
check no penalties from stress apply. If the roll is fails First Aid Recovery
then the character has succumbed to their injuries. If Roll Wounds Healed
they succeed at the roll then are moved out of play and 1-2 1 wound
must roll to see what the effects of the event that
finished them is. Rolls to survive injury may use multiple 3-4 2 wounds
rerolls with tension points unless the result is a snake 5-6 3 wounds
eyes. Incapacitation rolls may also be rerolled with 7-8 4 wounds
tension points. 9-10 5 wounds
11-12 6 wounds
Roll Effect
1 1 die Agility loss A character can also recover naturally by making a base
2 1 die Constitution loss Constitution check once per day during a resting period.
3 1 die Influence loss If successful, they naturally recover 1 wound on a
4 1 die Physicality loss success or 2 wounds on a critical success.
5 1 die Psyche loss
6 1 die Wits loss Injuries take longer to heal. Lesser injuries occur until
7 -1 toughness all stress from wounds has been fully healed. Greater
8 -1 stress threshold injuries may only be tended to with a -2 first aid check
9 2 Nightmutare if infected/make once at the end of a session. These types of injuries can
Nightmutare roll linger for a long time. If the first aid to treat them
10 1 Nightmutare if infected/make generates doom then they become permanent.
Nightmutare roll
11 -1 stress threshold until fully healed
12 -2 speed until fully healed Pharmaceuticals
13 -1 speed until fully healed Pharmaceuticals are an alternative approach to first
14 1 die Agility loss until fully healed aid. A character can attempt to concoct a synthetic
15 1 die Constitution loss until fully healed device that can allow a character to ignore some stress
16 1 die Influence loss until fully healed or enhance performance. This type of crafted medicine
17 1 die Intrigue loss until fully healed takes time to prepare and a Storyteller will add penalties
18 1 die Physicality loss until fully healed based of access to supplies. This type of crafting requires
19 1 die Psyche loss until fully healed significant investments of time and should only be
20 1 die Wits loss until fully healed allowed to occur a number of times each session equal
to a characters first aid skill.
Performance enhancing pharmaceuticals augment Hazards
ability by one type, but at the expense of lowering There are a multitude of other types of dangers that
another ability by one type. For instance, creating a range from temperature effects to disease. Here are a
steroid will elevate a characters physicality by one type, list of some of the common in game hazards and the
but at the expense of lowering their psyche due to effects.
increased aggression. The duration of a pharmaceuticals
affect is typically one day. Asphyxiation
A choking character takes 2 wind damage per round. If
Pharmaceuticals can also be used to ignore stress. This choked for a number beyond a characters stress
does not eliminate the stress, but it does mitigate a threshold then a character must immediately make a
point of penalty from stress per pill. This type of stress base constitution roll with a +2 to stay alive. If the check
management works similar to performance enhancers in succeeds then they become unconscious, but lives
that in exchange for the benefit of ignoring a wound, it through the round.
lowers a chosen ability by one type.
If asphyxiation persists then the character must repeat
Pharmaceutical success is not rolled until the this check (base constitution+2), but assessing a -1
pharmaceutical is ingested. This roll is done as a First Aid penalty for every round the target is still choking. If the
check by the person playing the character that crafted roll for asphyxiation fails then the character succumbs to
the pharmaceutical. If a first aid check to craft a the oxygen deprivation and begins to die. A character
pharmaceutical generates doom then it offers no can attempt to revive a character that has collapsed
benefit. Doom should come in the form of a random from oxygen deprivation within four minutes of the
condition and haunt the ingesting character based on collapsing. If a character is not revived then they perish.
the effect. An example would be that a pharmaceutical
acting as a blood thinner so any type of damage begins Cold
generating the bleed condition on the affected Below 0 degrees Celsius a character must make a
character. Constitution check or suffer 1 stress every 3 hours. Every
20 degrees below zero requires the check to be made in
A greater success with a pharmaceutical can offer all of 1 fewer hour. If the Constitution check is failed the
the benefits without the tradeoffs. Alternatively, the character takes 1 stress. Stress from cold is treated like
potency of the pharmaceutical can be potent enough to stress from a wound since it is physical in nature,
grant a double bonus with respect to the desired effect. however, it can be removed if a character can access
The application of bonuses should be given to the external warming.
creator of the drugs at the time of ingestion.
Additionally, Cold makes a character
immunocompromised and they suffer a -2 weakness to
Persistence disease.
Where medicine isn’t a choice, the mind can be a viable
short term alternative. A character can make a roll using Disease/Poison/Venom
their willpower skill as an action to persist despite their Whether by air, blood, or ingestion there are a range of
stress. Each success of a persistence roll allows for a debilitating or fatal afflictions that a character can
character to ignore a single penalty from stress for the encounter in Nightmutare. The effects from these can
duration of an event or encounter. vary greatly depending upon their nature. All effects of
this type are resisted with a base Constitution check that
A roll to persist is risky. If the roll fails then the has penalties assessed based on the lethality.
character incurs one additional stress token.
Additionally, any benefits received from other rolls to Effects form these statuses can be permanent/fatal,
persist are negated. Stress generated from persistence which means that they last until the afflicted has died.
can be removed after a resting period. Alternatively, they can be temporary. Temporary
Ailments can be overcame by succeeding at a base dice by 1. Certain types of fire (such as dragons breath)
Constitution save during the allowable period. start this additional damage counter higher in the
advancement order.
Base saves on temporary ailments may be allowed
once every round, minute, hour, day, week, or month. Gravity
The frequency of these saves is dependent upon the If a character is pulled by force into an object then they
type of effect. Some afflictions may go away, take 1d10 damage for every 10 feet they fall. If the
irrespective of whether or not a character has saved character falls on a forgiving surface then reduce the
against them, after enough time has passed. damage by 1 die type for each degree of forgiveness.

A chronic ailment, such as being infected by script cells

never goes away after it has been contracted. Certain Gravity Reduction
permanent ailments require a check at chosen intervals Type Damage per 10 feet
of time similar to temporary ailments. Unlike temporary Mud 1d8
ailments, these checks are done to determine whether
the character can continue living rather than recovering. Snow 1d6
Water 1d4
Electric Life Net Negate 50 feet
If a character is struck by electricity then they will gain
the stunned or dazed depending on the intensity of the
electricity in addition to the damage they receive.
Electricity is also a concentrated physical process and Water
should yield the most concentrated damage of any Can be a hazard when a character fails an athletics check
hazard and is augmented even more when it comes into to swim. A character receives 1 stress for each failed
contact with metal or water. attempt to swim and if they are rendered incapacitated
by failing a swim check then they drown. A drowned
Famine/Thirst character is treated the same as one that has suffered
If a character is not properly nourished then they may from asphyxiation and can be revived within 4 minutes
be required to make a base Constitution save versus of their drowning.
famine. Failure will give them 1 stress token that can
only be removed when they are replenished from their
malnourishment. If a character collapses from famine
The journey that your campaign will take you down will
then they are considered to have died from the source
often put you or your foes in various states of temporary
of malnourishment.
vulnerability. These effects are known as conditions. This
is a list of some of the conditions that you will most
often see, but the Storyteller may reserve some
Fire is a highly damaging hazard that requires a survival
unknown or unique ones based on the events in the
check to overcome. A character being struck with a
flaming weapon by default has a chance to be set
ablaze. A fortune or misfortune can trigger the blaze. A
flaming weapon can reek havoc in any scene. A highly
When antagonized the character can only attack or
flammable character (such as one covered in gasoline) is
focus on the character, creature, or object that has
set ablaze with any contact.
antagonized it. No peaceful actions may be taken while
in this hostile state. A Willpower check may be freely
Fire typically augments damage by +2, but if set ablaze
taken once per round at the start of a round to
it adds an inflicts a d6 of damage bypassing toughness.
overcome this effect.
Every round the fire is sustained increases the damage
Bleed Frightened
A character suffering bleed takes a number of dings per A frightened character receives 1 stress for each round
round equal the the amount of bleed damage they incur. they are in the presence of the subject of their terror.
This condition can only be stopped with a successful This stress can be recovered permanently with a
medicine check. persistence check after they have escaped the subject
terrifying them.
The character can’t see and takes a -4 penalty to all skill Grappled
checks involving sight. A successful Sleuth check as a While grappled a character is at a +1 bonus on all
lesser action can be made to reduce this penalty to 2. scrapping checks, but incurs -1 penalty on all other
physical skill checks.
A confused character loses the ability to tell friend from Nauseated
foe. If attacked a confused character focuses its While nauseated a character is unable to do anything
attention on a random perceived assailant. If requiring attention unless they can pass a willpower
unthreatened, then a confused character will determine check to overcome the effect.
the closest living creature to be a threat and must focus
their efforts on that creature. A sleuth check can be used Panicked
to overcome confusion for a round. Any action they A panicked character flees from the source of their
direct goes to a random target. terror and gain 1 stress if they perceive the presence of
their subject of terror. This affliction can be overcome
Dazed with a willpower check.
A dazed character can’t move or attack. They can
defend, but gain can have no bonuses from a defensive Paralyzed
action. This effect typically lasts one round. A paralyzed character is unable to move. While
paralyzed they can’t take any physical actions.
A deaf character takes a -4 penalty on any check that Pinned
uses sound. If the check is completely sound based then Character can’t move. An elusiveness check may be
they automatically fail. made to escape this condition.

Entangled Prone
The character is tied up by an object. This causes a -2 Character is at a -2 on all defensively in close combat
penalty on all checks requiring physical movement and and a +2 defensively in ranged combat. If crouched
forbids movement to varying degrees depending on the these penalties and bonuses are -1.
source. Typically this can be overcome with an
elusiveness check to escape entanglement. Sickened
Character has a 5% chance per degree of sickness to
Embarrassed vomit each round. Also they suffer a 1 stress for each
Embarrassed characters receive 1 stress for every round degree of sickness.
that they are enduring humiliation. They can recover this
stress by stopping the source of their shame (i.e. pulling Stunned
up their dropped trousers). Character drops everything held and loses their Agility
Due to not being aware of their danger, a flatfooted Unconscious
character loses their entire skill die when targeted by an An unconscious character is considered knocked out.
attack. They may not move nor take any actions.
Scrapping Weapons Explosives
Scrapping weapons are close range weapons that are Explosives are unique weapons that are designed to
designed to augment the scrapping skill to a lethal level. target an area with a blast. This can be used to
Weapons with this designation are easy to conceal from overcome obstacles or flush out a target. When using an
others and serve more of a purpose in fisticuff brawls. explosive pick a target location (if throwing then make a
By default a strike from fists does a base physicality die check at a +2 bonus). If a unit is aware of the explosive
of non-lethal damage. then they may attempt an elusiveness check to escape
the blast with a -1 penalty for every inch they are from
Brass Knuckles/Steel Toes the edge of the explosion. Damage is rolled
Damage: Phys+1 independently for each target in a blast radius.
These scrapping weapon augment non-lethal scrapping
damage into lethal damage and do an additional +2 Grenade
damage. Radius:3
Damage: d10x3
Garrote Grenades are small and deadly explosives designed to
Damage: 2x wind inflict maximum damage to a 3” area. If something
This strangulation wire augments a choke to take double blows up then 1d6 damaging debris debris can be hurled
the wind amount from a victim per round of in up to a 6” radius.
Molotov Cocktail
Knife Radius: 2
Damage: Phys+2 Damage: d6 + sets target ablaze
These scrapping weapon augments hand strikes into Molotov cocktails are makeshift incendiary devices that
cuts and stabs, which enable a higher damage amount are designed to evoke a fire hazard on a target rather
while performing like a fist to cuffs weapon. than devastate it immediately on impact. These are easy
to manufacture.
Melee Weapons Blades are versatile weapons that can be fashioned to
either slash, stab, and/or even bludgeon a target.
Melee weapons are weapons optimized for close
combat. The four types of melee weapons are axes, Possessing one gives the wielder the chance to dictate
blades, blunt and spears. Melee weapons are often the terms of a combat attack. With a greater success a
cheaper, reusable, easy to obtain, and easy to craft. blade will inflict staggered condition on a target if used
to bludgeon, inflict the bleed condition if used to slash
or inflict the impale effect if used to stab.

Axes Dagger
Axes are handled slashing items with bladed heads that Versatility: Slash and stab
can cleave or chop effectively. Weapons with this Range: 4 close/8 medium/12 long
designation gain the ability to bypass shields and also Damage: d4+phys
sunder items better than other weapons. Axes are Cost: $50
abundant due to their utility in woodworking. This type of blade is smaller and more handheld, which
sacrifices its ability to bludgeon in exchange for the
Battleaxe ability to be an effective thrown weapon. Ranged
Bypass: 3 points of parry from shields attacks with this weapon are throws using the athletics
Sunder: +1 damage on items. skills.
Damage: d10+Phys
Cost: $200 Sword
This is the least common type of axe due to its lack of Versatility: Bludgeon, slash, stab
utility. These blades are designed to be lighter with Damage: d8+phys
more weight concentrated in the axe head. This creates Cost: $200
a smaller area of impact which focuses more damage at This bronze age invention is still in great supply do to the
the point contact. celebration of its impact in ancestral warfare. It is not
wholly uncommon to find a decorative sword in a home,
Hand Axe but the swords that are designed for proper damage are
Bypass: 1 point of parry from shield rare to encounter.
Sunder: +1 damage on items
Thrown Weapon Thrusting Sword
Damage: d6+Phys Versatility: Stab
Cost: $50 Accurate: Reduce penalty for targeting a specific
This type of axe is common due to its small size and location of an opponent by 2.
utility. Due to the small size, a wielder of this item can Damage: d6+phys
use it in both melee and ranged fighting. Ranged attacks Cost: $100
with this weapon are throws using the athletics skills. This specialized type of blade is designed to sacrifice
versatility for handling. These types of weapons are
Pick Head Axe often characterized as rapiers and short swords.
Bypass: 1 point of parry from shield
Sunder: +3 damage on items Two-Handed Sword
Damage: d6+Phys Versatility: Bludgeon, slash, stab
Cost: $120 Damage: d12+phys
This type of axe is designed to destroy obstructions. It is Cost: $200
popular among firefighters for breaking down doors. The This sword is similar to the traditional sword, but
pick shape on the back of the head can be used to requires two hands to wield due to its massive size and
puncture a surface, while the wielder pries the item length. This added size and girth makes a wielder
apart with the handle. expend 1 extra wind on the attack to reflect the added
effort needed to use force with the object.
Blunt Spears
Blunt weapons combine the strength of the wielder with Spearing weapons are sharp tipped pole-weapons
the mass of the object to inflict as much bludgeoning designed for impaling a target. These weapons are quick
trauma as possible. Weapons with this designation have and often create a reach advantage against a foe. A
the powerful designation, which means that for every reach bonus allows for melee attacks and engages
die of physicality above d4, you can increase powerful targets in close combat in spaces farther than normal.
weapons damage by an additional 1 point. In addition to Whenever you achieve greater success with a spear
this power, with a greater success with a bludgeoning weapon then you drive your weapon through them.
weapon will inflict the staggered condition on a target. When the impaled weapon the opponent takes damage
again (whether in the same turn or not).
Damage: d4+Phys Bayonet
Cost: Varies Reach: +1
A light club is any blunt instrument that weights under 3 Damage: d4+Phys
lbs. Light clubs govern items similar to baseball bats that Cost: $50
can be swung easily due to their light weight. These This is an attachment for rifles that turns them into a
items can be makeshift even. If they are unwieldy spearing weapon. They cannot give the full damaging
penalties should be attached to the attack roll. effect due to the configuration maintaining an emphasis
on the firearms capability, but a bayonets reach makes it
Medium formidable at keeping enemies away from a gunman.
Damage: D6+Phys
Cost: Varies Pike
A medium club is any blunt instrument that weighs Type: 10-14 foot/15-19 foot
between 3 and 10 lbs. These items cover steel rods or Attack: -1/-2
similarly weighted items. Reach: +2/+3
Damage: d12+Phys+1/d12+Phys+2
Heavy Cost: $400/500
Damage: d8+Phys This is the most unwieldy of the spear family, but also
Cost: Varies has the greatest reach and deals massive damage. You
A heavy blunt object is an item in excess of 10 lbs. For can get a 10-15 foot pike or a 16-19 foot pike. Pikes gain
every additional 5 lbs above the 10 lb mark, subtract 1 additional -1 penalties if a target manages to get to an
from the attack roll and add 1 to the damage roll. adjacent position on them.
Attacking with a heavy blunt object can be fatiguing.
When using a heavy blunt object to attack expend 1 Spears
extra wind on the attack to reflect the added effort Reach: +1
needed to use force with the object. Thrown Weapon
Damage: d8+Phys
Hammer Cost: $60
Damage: Augmented This is the most common type of spearing weapon.
Cost: Small $5/Medium $50/Large $100 These are typically 6-8 feet long with a sharp tip
A hammer is a type of blunt instrument that is weighted designed to wreak as much havoc on an impaled target.
in the head in order to focus the impact in a small Spears are one of the easiest weapons to crudely
concentrated area. A hammer increases light object fashion, which makes them a favorite choice for people
damage to d6+Phys, medium object damage to looking to engineer an easy weapon.
d10+Phys and heavy object damage to d12+phys.
Ranged Weapons Range: 10 short/20 medium/40 long/60 extreme
Ranged weapons are weapons optimized for fighting at a Damage: d6x2
distance. The three types of ranged weapons are Cost: $150
standard, semi-automatic and automatic. These This is a common handgun that needs the user to cock
weapons have more swingy damage than melee the hammer and align the cylinder with the guns barrel.
weapons, meaning they can kill on a direct hit or just hit This type of gun can be fired up to 6 times before
by hurling ineffective debris from a narrow miss. Trigger needing two rounds to reload.
weapons can ignore inflicting wind since they require no
expenditure for physical effort, but at a tradeoff of Single Shot Rifle
expensive/limited ammunition. Range: 20 close/40 medium/60 long/100 extreme
Damage: d8x2
Low Caliber Cost: $300
Low caliber ammunition is indicated by using a d6 for This rifle requires each bullet to be manually loaded
the damage die before the multiplier. This type of between shots. A lot of these rifles exist in a hobbyist
ammunition costs $0.50 per round. context.

High Caliber Shotgun

High caliber ammunition is indicated by using a d8 for Range: 10 close/20 medium/40 long
the damage die before the multiplier. This type of Damage: d6x(3 close, 2, medium, 1 long)
ammunition costs $1.00 per round. Cost: $900
This weapon works just like the semi-automatic shotgun,
50 Caliber but requires a round to reload in between uses. You can
50 caliber ammunition is indicated by using a d8 for the can get a double barreled version of this that allows you
damage die before the multiplier. This type of to target two separate targets in a single straight line
ammunition costs $1.00 per round. with the -1 penalty to elusiveness.

Standard Ranged Spray Weapon

Range: 10
A standard ranged weapon is one that must be reloaded
Damage: Varies
or reequipped every round. These types of ranged
Cost: $6000 and up
weapons are cheaper and more common than their
This type of weapon can be waved in a 45 degree frontal
semi-automatic and automatic counterparts. Standard
arc and deal damage to anything that does not succeed
ranged weapons can’t be used for suppressive fire due
at an elusiveness check to escape the affected area.
to their one shot nature.

Thrown Weapon
Range: 10 short/20 medium/40 long/60 extreme
Range: 5 short/10 medium/ 15 long
Damage: d6x2
Damage: Same as melee
Cost: $150
Cost Varies
Bow class weapons are ones that use elasticity to launch
A thrown weapon is any weapon that can deliver a
projectiles at an opponent. A regular bow takes one
melee impact from a distance using the throwers
round to reload and expends 1 wind for each round the
strength. Using an item like a sling would have the same
bow is drawn at full tension. A crossbow requires two
effect as using your physicality to bludgeon an opponent
rounds to reload, but does not use wind and can
with a rock (d4+physicality). If a weapon is not designed
maintain tension at no expense.
to be used as a thrown weapon then an additional –1
penalty should be imposed on the ranged check for
An automatic weapon is one that continually fires Semi-Automatic
rounds as long as the wielder is holding the trigger. A semi-automatic weapon is one that fires a round with
Automatic firearms spray heavy bullet fire in a direction, each trigger pull. Where the automatic weapon is more
but they quickly become inaccurate when used in of a staple of military use, the semi-automatic weapon is
successive rounds, which is reflected by the additional -2 more commonly found in the possession of civilian gun
penalty assessed for each successive round of use. The enthusiasts. Semi-automatic weapons lack the
wide range of damage is a measurement of whether the suppressive penalties to elusive of automatic weapons,
hail of bullets hit with shrapnel, grazed the target, or but can be used for suppressive fire. They can be used in
tore into flesh directly. If struck by the bulletstorm that successive rounds with an additional -1 penalty for each
comes out of an automatic weapon, the chances of successive round of use.
survival may be low. These weapons use belts or
magazines to fire. Ammo costs are tripled when using A semi-automatic can be purchased for use with a
an automatic weapon. higher caliber of ammunition. This adversely affects
recoil and doubles successive usage penalties. The
Assault Rifle tradeoff is that the higher caliber increases the damage
Suppression: +4 multiplier by 1.Cost for a higher caliber weapon should
Range: 20 close/40 medium/60 long/100 extreme be doubled.
Damage: d8x3
Cost: $6000 Semi-Automatic Pistol
This type of firearm is a favorite of for military usage due Range: 10 short/20 medium/40 long/60 extreme
to its ability to generate suppressive fire across a long Damage: d6x2
range for the purposes of crowd control. This type of Cost: $300
weapon would be uncommon in pedestrian usage. This type of pistol is a favorite among gun enthusiasts
due to its self-loading capabilities. This fast reloading is
Heavy Machine Gun usually achieved by recoil operation, but some models
Bulk: 5 vary.
Suppression: +4
Range: 40 close/80 medium/160 long/1000 extreme Semi-Automatic Rifle
Damage: d10x4 Range: 20 close/40 medium/60 long/100 extreme
Cost: $15,000 Damage: d8x2
This machine gun design gets its name from its bulky Cost: $400
weight and deadlier fire. These weapons typically fire a This type of rifle has a lot of versatility in design. They
large caliber round that eviscerates anything that they are staple of hunters and target shooters. Military
come into contact with. They are extremely weighty and versions of this firearm are commonly augmented with
must be mounted for operation. Once mounted they bayonets and scopes.
may not be moved from their mounting surface to fire
elsewhere. This kind of firearm is not in civilian use. Semi-Automatic Shotgun
Range: 10 close/20 medium/40 long
Submachine Gun Damage: d6x(3 close, 2, medium, 1 long)
Suppression: +2 Cost: $900
Range: 10 short/20 medium/40 long/60 extreme This weapon is designed to target elusive subjects at
Damage: d6x3 close range. Draw a 40” line from starting with the
Cost: $3000 shooter and connecting through the target. Everything
This pistol caliber weapon was designed to render less in that line must make an elusiveness check with +1
damage and be easier to control. It is a weapon of bonus for medium distance and a +2 bonus for long
choice for SWAT teams and other units operating in distance to escape the scatter of pellets hurling from the
close quarters. These weapons are not designed for gun. Being targeted by the shotgun imposes a -1 penalty
civilian use. to the elusiveness check.
Heavy Metal
Armor Toughness: +4 melee/+2 missile
Armor is the buffer between a character and the object Bulk: 3
striking him. If a campaign moves more into in Cost: $800
apocalyptic venue then the players will see a This primitive type of armor is very rare and difficult to
renaissance of historic heavy armors among the civilian move in. The tradeoff to this is that this armor is the
class since creatures can be effective at closing distances most effective type against impact from melee attacks.
and surprising a target. The correct armor can often The most well-known armor of this type is plate armor.
spell out the difference between victory and defeat or Heavy metal armors are very rigid, which leaves exposed
even life and death. If two items of armor are worn areas where the joints are.
together then use the greatest stats between the two
armors and add all of the bulk together. Leather
Toughness: +1 all
. There are two key items to look at when reviewing a Bulk: 0
piece of armor. The first item and primary benefit of the Cost: $50
armor is the toughness. The armor toughness is added Leathery armors are flexible and strong. Armor with the
to your characters toughness in order to increase your thickness or similar texture to leather is abundant and
overall toughness. available. The availability of leather or similarly
structured armor makes it the most commonly used
The second item of consideration on armor is the armor among the civilian class.
armor bulk. Armor bulk recognizes the impact armor
would have on its wearer. The penalty is imposed on all Metal
rolls where armor would be a burden such as climbing Toughness: +2 melee/+1 missile
and running. The armor bulk penalty doubles for the Bulk: 2
purposes of swimming. Cost: $200
This more primitive type of armor is bulky, but effective
Augmented Textile Vest for many types of close combat. The most well-known
Toughness: +2 melee/+6 missile armor of this type is mail. Mail armor poses steep
Bulk: 1 complications to slashing and stabbing weapons, often
Cost: $1000 reducing their strikes to bludgeoning damage. Metal
This type of armor is the advanced armor used to wearers are more like to bruise than bleed from a blades
protect against direct impact from bulletfire. This armor edge.
takes the typical Kevlar armor found in a ballistic vest
and compounds its abilities with trauma plates. The Shields
weight of this type of vest can be problematic to some Melee Combat Effect: +1 small/+2 medium/+3 large
wearers if nothing is done to offset it. bonus on a parry skill check.
Ranged Combat Effect: 20% small/40% medium/60%
Ballistic Vest large concealment in frontal arc.
Toughness: +1 melee/+3 missile Bulk: 0 small/1 medium/2 large
Bulk: 0 Cost: $20/$80/$160
Cost: $200 This kind of armor, unlike worn armor, has an effect to
This is the more standard type of bullet proof wear. This complicate attacks for an adversary. Held armor when
kind of vest typically has woven fibers that catch and successful serves to fully buffer an attack or cause it to
deform missile weapons to spread the impact across a miss. Shields come in three sizes (small, medium, and
broader region of the armor wearer. Captured missile large). A small shield is sized between 1 and 2 feet, a
weapon fire often leaves a trace of blunt force impact on medium shield is sized between 2 and 4 feet, and a large
the wearer of a ballistic vest. shield is sized from 4 feet up to the size of the person
wielding it.
It is important to note the absence of skills from this
How To Use list.. If the character needs to be used to call upon a skill
The mutation codex is a list of prebuilt monsters that check that is not targeted to a player controlled
have underwent the process of Nightmutare. This character then it is incumbent on the Storyteller to make
section is devoted solely to the Storyteller. If you are a a skill check for the non-playable character. Skill checks
player and don’t want spoilers then please ignore the with non-playable characters are done simply by using
contents of this chapter. If you are a Storyteller then feel the ability die twice with the second die representing
free to introduce your own curve balls into these the skill die.
templates. Each section in the mutation codex is broken
down into the following sections – abilities, derived Improvised Foe
attributes, modifiers, tactics, special moves, and then Some Storytellers will need to improvise statistics to
background. satisfy a certain sequence of events or an encounter.
The simplification of skills and abilities enables this to be
Modifiers are the bonuses or penalties that are done quickly. A d6 statistic is the baseline for an average
imposed on a player character making a roll against or adult human. Modifiers can be assessed on the fly based
around this creature. Tactics provide a brief overview of on the character background.
how the creature operates. Tactics should be used as a
guide for how to play a creature in an instance. Special Lackey
moves are unique maneuvers (usually superpowered) If designating a character as a lackey then eliminate
that a creature can perform during play. Background them from play after they have taken two stress.
details key event that occurred prior to Nightmutare Lackeys should always use a d4 as their skill die
that were influential to the manifestation of the specific regardless of their ability die. Lackeys are popular to use
creature in the codex. as minions for a dangerous creature or for allies to a
player character in a campaign.
Special Moves
A damsel of distress allures characters through intrigues.
Any character that hears the cry of the damsel must
make a shrewdness save at a -1 penalty. If they see the
damsel, but can’t hear her then they incur a -1 penalty.
If a character both sees and hears the damsel then they
are at a -2 penalty on a shrewdness save.

Characters that fail a shrewdness save against the

damsel feel a compulsion to ease her burden. Any round
spent not moving closer to or protecting her from a
threat requires a save or else the character suffers from
1 stress from anxiety.

A character trapped in the allure of a damsel must

make a willpower save at a –2 penalty any time the
damsel is hit to save against stress as well.

Damsel of Distress A damsel can devour any characters life energy by
You are captivated by the low volume sobs of a gorgeous clasping her porous hands on them. When a damsel
woman in her wedding dress. Her tears infectiously fill grabs (usually by hugging) a target, she deals 2d6
you with sorrow. damage to the target. If the damage is enough to inflict a
wound then it recovers one of her wounds if she has
Abilities sustained any. Devouring works for up to 24 hours after
Agi Con Inf Psy Phys Wits a damsel has been slain. Any healing done from skin to
skin contact will revive her.
d6 d4 d8 d8 d4 d6
Derived Attributes When 64 year old Robert McDrunnom was married, he
Dings Tough Stress Wind Speed 1 Shot had only 3 months to live due to a failing heart. He had
fallen for his 19 year volunteer caretaker named
4 1 6 2 6 12 Amanda. When an opportunity came to extend his now
happy life with Amanda, Robert felt compelled to jump
Modifiers at it. An original patient at the Minds Eye, McDrunnom
Any close combat skill check +2 bonus fully recovered, regained some youth, and then returned
Shrewdness -1/-2* home.

Tactics When he arrived home, Robert found an empty home

The damsel of distress will try to surround herself with with his most precious valuables missing. After looking
people in order to protect herself from threats due to at his bank statements, Robert discovered that Amanda
her frail body. The damsel has an incredible psychic withdrew or drained nearly every penny. Grief stricken
force that allows her to manipulate even non-infected and betrayed Robert stared at the wedding photo and
people. A damsel will feed off of the life force of dress of Amanda. As the nights began to pass Roberts
characters under her control in order to heal herself if obsession with Amanda slowly mutated him into a twist
hurt. If slain an ally to the damsel will often sacrifice of her form and his hyperbolic thoughts of what she
their own life energy to resuscitate the damsel. does.
Special Moves
If hitting a mocking mirror with a physical attack or
kinetic attack then they will absorb the attack and return
it in kind. Ranged items like bullets are absorbed in one
side of a mocking mirrors body and released out of the

If damaging a mocking mirror with an element such as

electricity, fire, or frost then they take no damage from
any kinetic portion of the attack.

A mocking mirror can form into a near perfect image of
any character or object of similar mass that they can see.
When in this form they adopt every perceived aspect
right down to the speech patterns of the target. If it has
not perceived the sound of a character then it lacks this

Even with the ability to mimic to perfection, mocking

mirrors are often easy to detect due to the
uncharacteristic behaviors and shenanigans they
perform while in the form they possess.
Mocking Mirror
A shapeless mirror ooze begins to take shape as soon as Background
it captures the presence of the living. Struggling comedian Alyssa Tantalino was used to the
deafening silence and jeers of her audience. Her hack
Abilities jokes and often plagiarized one liners never seemed to
Agi Con Inf Psy Phys Wits take with any crowds. When she witnessed the dazzling

d8 d6 d8 d6 d6 d6 wonders of some infected on the news one day, Alyssa

knew she could find her niche if she could get herself
Derived Attributes
Dings Tough Stress Wind Speed 1 Shot After acquiring an injection of script cells on the black

6 2 6 3 6 18 market at a steep expense, Alyssa got her wish. Her

career begin taking off as she became one of the most
renown impersonators on the local scenes as she found
Modifiers a way to use script cells to mimic anybody and anything.
Elusiveness -2 Suddenly, Alyssa’s hack comedy was received with
Parry -1 roaring laughter as she made a mockery of easily
identifiable voices.
A mocking mirror will mimic anything that comes into its When some talent evaluators booked her a large
view right down to the shape it holds. They tend to venue and got her a deal for a comedy special, Alyssa
commit to juvenile mockery, stalking, and bullying. A felt she had finally got her big shot. As she anxiously fed
mocking mirror is always looking for a good laugh and lines into the mirror and practiced all of her best
tends to avoid cruelty to those that get pleasure from its material, she quickly eroded from her physical form into
a shapeless mirror ooze.
Special Moves
Plague Source
A Phobopoein creates new plagues around anyone that
he comes into contact with. Anyone that interacts with a
Phobopoein plague must make an immediate Con save
with a penalty for each point of stress the Phobopoein is
suffering from. People that fail a save from a
Phobopoein take on a random condition until the
Phobopoein is cured of that condition.

d6 Roll Effect
1 Blindness
2 Seizures any time character
rolls a 1 on a skill check.
3 Shortness of breath causing a
-2 Wind Threshold
4 Rotting flesh causing 1
wound per hour
Phobopoein 5 Stiffening joints that reduce
You see a man that carries the hallmarks of a myriad of Agi or Phys by 1 die per day
ailments. He looks past the point of death and his body 6 Anxiety that causes 1 stress
trembles all over. every time a character rolls a
1 on a skill check
Agi Con Inf Psy Phys Wits Mind Over Matter
A Phobopoein must be convinced they are dead for it to
d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 become true. A Phobopoein will not believe this if they
are suffering from any kind of stress. A Phobopoein will
Derived Attributes lose stress and/or plague if they can be convinced they
Dings Tough Stress Wind Speed 1 Shot do not have it. The difficult part is that attempts to
influence a Phobopoein have a penalty equal to the
6 2 6 3 6 - characters stress penalties. A Phobopoein never
accumulates more than 6 stress.
Con -1 Background
Jarvis Jackson used to frequent online health diagnosis
Tactics pages and convince himself that his health had taken a
A Phobopoein does not purposefully manufacture chaos. turn for the worse. When no diagnosis ever came to
He reacts cruelly to his hypochondriatic stress. The fruition, despite the persistence of his symptoms, Jarvis
greater his stress level, the more contagious that he sought a black market fix and purchased some script
becomes. A Phobopoein can receive stress from cells. The script cells responded poorly to his thought
wounds, but can’t be incapacitated until he wills it. processes and he immediately began accumulating
authentic ailments before slipping into a self-inflicted
disease that not even death could cure.
Special Moves
Lycanthropy Egregore
Lycanthropy is often a suspended mutation and is
communicated over the egregore band. Any infected
that comes into contact with a werewolf must make an
immediate willpower save to resist being afflicted with
lycanthropy. If afflicted with lycanthropy a character
must add 1d10 to their Nightmutare and make an
immediate roll to see if they fully turn.

Hunters Bloodlust
Lycanthropy creates an insatiable bloodlust that requires
three human corpses to satisfy. Due to herd
characteristics, a werewolf must pass a willpower save
to attack another werewolf. If they fail then they will
succumb to their feral instincts and attack the nearest

Lethal Scrapping
A Werewolf has lethal claws and fangs that deal d6+Phys

Werewolf Rapid Healing

A twist of man and wolf, this creature is ripped straight Werewolves heal 1 wound plus any dings during any
from the pages of horror. round where they take a defensive action.

Abilities Background
Agi Con Inf Psy Phys Wits Kaarim al-Arafat was a first generation immigrant that
d10 d8 d4 d6 d10 d6 fled his home country due to war and an unstable
political climate. When he arrived in the Americas he
devoted all of his economic capital into opening a small
Derived Attributes shop in the mall with his wife Salwaand their 6 year old
Dings Tough Stress Wind Speed 1 Shot boy Safar.

8 3 7 4 10 24 Kaarim was leading the American dream until he was

robbed. The robber panicked and left the store empty
Modifiers handed after a physical altercation, but not before
Sleuthing -2 Survival -2 Shooting -2 Stealth -2 scratching Kaarim’s face. The robber was wearing a
Fighting -2 cheap wolf mask from a party supply store that etched
itself in Kaarim’s mind. After brooding over the incident
Tactics Kaarim began noticing physiological changes and
Werewolves are tremendous hunters of humans. They psychological changes. He was infected by the robber.
are quick, hard to hit, and fast healers. They tend to hide
and surprise a target from the shadows. A werewolf that Kaarim snapped one night over the absence of meat at
fully turns past its suspended mutation will stalk and the dinner table and went out of his character to attack
maul any human it encounters whereas those that are his wife and child. The terror and their screams proved
suspended can control their mutation, but need to to be enough for him to withhold a full Nightmutare, but
satisfy a bloodlust. in his suspended state he spread his family his plight.
Wind and Stress Token Printout
Area Tokens



Elusiveness Animal Handling Athletics Engineer

Shooting Persuasion Hand Weapon Medicine

Stealth Manipulation Parry Science Max

Maneuvering Scrapping Sleuthing

Thievery Survival

Metaphysics Nat Armor

Willpower _______________ Total
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
__________________________________ _______________ _______________
__________________________________ _______________ _______________
__________________________________ Weapon Name Damage Range Notes
__________________________________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________________
__________________________________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________________
__________________________________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________________
__________________________________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
_____________ ____________
__________________________________ Max
_____________ ____________
_____________ ____________
_____________ ____________
_____________ ____________
_____________ ____________

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