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Racial Discrimination - English - Accessible PDF

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Identifying and addressing For more information

racial discrimination The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s

Policy and Guidelines on Racism and Racial
Organizations must take proactive steps
Discrimination and other publications are
to make sure they are not taking par t in,
available at www.ohrc.on.ca.
condoning or allowing racial discrimination

or harassment to happen. To file a complaint – called an application –
contact the Human Rights Tribunal of
A good place to star t is to develop a solid
Ontario at:
anti-racism program that can help prevent
Toll Free: 1-866-598-0322
and address individual and systemic forms
TTY Toll Free: 1-866-607-1240
of racial discrimination. This might include:
◗ Collecting race-based numerical data
Website: www.hr to.ca

in appropriate circumstances If you need legal help, contact the Human
Aussi disponible en français.
◗ Accounting for race-based historical Rights Legal Suppor t Centre at:
disadvantage Toll Free: 1-866-625-5179 ©2012, Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
TTY Toll Free: 1-866-612-8627
◗ Reviewing policies, practices, decision- ISBN: 978-1-4435-8643-6 (Print)
Website: www.hrlsc.on.ca ISBN: 978-1-4435-8644-3 (HTML)
making processes and workplace culture,
for adverse impact ISBN: 978-1-4435-8645-0 (PDF)
◗ Putting in place and enforcing anti-racism,
Follow us!
anti-discrimination and anti-harassment
policies and education programs.
An anti-racism program will also make it
easier for organizations to promote equity @OntHumanRights
and diversity goals, and it makes good
business sense.
Ontario’s Human Rights Code
of racism – par ticularly towards Aboriginal Racial discrimination is the illegal expression
Systemic racial

persons, but to other groups as well, includ­ of racism. It includes any action, intentional
The Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code) ing African, Chinese, Japanese, South Asian, or not, that has the effect of singling out discrimination

provides for equal rights and oppor tunities, Jewish and Muslim Canadians. This legacy persons based on their race, and imposing Racial discrimination can happen on an
and freedom from discrimination. The Code affects our systems and structures even burdens on them and not on others, or institutional – or systemic – level, from
recognizes the dignity and wor th of ever y today, affecting the lives of racialized withholding or limiting access to benefits ever yday rules and structures that are
person in Ontario. It applies to the areas of persons and all people in Canada. available to other members of society, not consciously intended or designed to
employment, housing, facilities and ser vices, in areas covered by the Code. Race only discriminate. Patterns of behaviour, policies
contracts, and membership in unions, trade The Ontario Human Rights Commission needs to be one factor in a situation for or practices that are par t of the structures
or vocational associations. describes communities facing racism as racial discrimination to have occurred. of an organization or an entire sector can
“racialized.” Race is a social construct.
Under the Code, ever y person has the right disadvantage or fail to reverse the ongoing
This means that society forms ideas of Racial harassment is a form of discrimination.
to be free from racial discrimination and impact and legacy of historical disadvantage
race based on geographic, historical, political, It includes comments, jokes, name-calling,
harassment. You should not be treated of racialized persons. This means that even
economic, social and cultural factors, as display of pictures or behaviour that insults
differently because of your race or other though you did not intend to, your “normal
well as physical traits, even though none you, offends you or puts you down because
related grounds, such as your ancestr y, way of doing things” might be having a
of these can be used to justify racial of your race and other related grounds.
colour, place of origin, ethnic origin, negative impact on racialized persons.
superiority or racial prejudice.
citizenship or creed. This applies to areas Racial discrimination can often be ver y
covered by the Code such as at work, Racism is a broader experience and practice subtle, such as being assigned to less Example: In the education sector,
at school, in rental housing, or in ser vices. than racial discrimination. Racism is a belief desirable jobs, or being denied mentoring systemic discrimination can include:
Ser vices include places such as stores and that one group is superior to others. and training. It might also mean facing stereotyping that streams racialized
malls, hotels, hospitals, recreation facilities Racism can be openly displayed in racial different job standards than other workers, students towards technical programs
and schools. jokes, slurs or hate crimes. It can also be being denied an apar tment because you instead of academic ones. Also, when
more deeply rooted in attitudes, values and appear to have Aboriginal ancestry, or facing promotion practices focus on cultural
stereotypical beliefs. In some cases, people unfair scrutiny from police while driving and organizational factors that are
Racism and racial don’t even realize they have these beliefs. or from security staff at a shopping mall. based on the experiences of White
discrimination Instead, they are assumptions that have educators, the result can be lower
evolved over time and have become numbers of racialized people in
In Canada, there are strong human rights
par t of systems and institutions, and also leadership roles (such as principals).
laws and systems to address discrimination.
At the same time, we also have a legacy associated with the dominant group’s
power and privilege.

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