Earthquake Resistant Building
Earthquake Resistant Building
Earthquake Resistant Building
S.N Group Members Symbol Number
1. Upendra Ghimire 15521022
2 Sunil Gautam 15521015
3 Santosh kharel 15520995
4 Sudeep Basnet 15521009
5 Laxman Acharya 15520950
6 Ramesh chaudhari 15520984
7 Kishor kumar Mandal 15520943
8 Dilip kumar pal 15520922
9 Om Nath Chaudhari 15520963
10 Guddu yadav 15520930
Letter of approval
This is certified that this project work entitled “STRUCRURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF EARTHQUAKE
RESISTANT 5 STOREY COMMERCIAL BUILDING” has been examined and it has been declared
successful for the fulfilment of the academic requirement towards the completion of the bachelor
degree in civil engineering.
1. Acknowledgement
2. Background
3. Objectives
4. Scope
5. Methodology
6. Introduction
7. Seismic Vulnerability in Nepal
8. Philosophy of Seismic Design
9. Building Description
10. Structural System
11. Location of the Site
12. Preliminary Design
a) Slab
b) Beam
c) Column
1. Weights and loads in Building
2. Lateral load estimation according to IS 1893:2002
3. Load cases and Combinations
16. Finite Element modeling and analysis of structure using SAP 2000 V14
17. Loading in structural System
a) Wall loading
b) Loading due to Floor finish
c) Live load
18. Deflected shape of Building
19 .Design of structural members
a) Design of Slab
b) Design of Beam
c) Design of Column
d) Design of Footing
e) Design of Staircase
Structural Drawings
Flexural details of Beam & Columns
Reference Codes
We would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our teachers as well as our principal
who gave us the opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic which also helped us in
doing a lot of Research and we came to know about so many new things. I am making this
project not only for marks but to also increase my knowledge.
Our sincere appreciation goes to the teachers namely Er. L.N. Pandey Principal),E.r.Bimal Aryal
( HOD), Er. Krishna Prasad Parajuli(Cod. Civil) ,Er Yadav Nepal (Project teacher) and he also
helped us to make this project happen.
Lastly we would like to thanks everyone for their kind co-operative and help and all who
helped us with their friendly behavior and guidance during the whole project work
including work instructions, calculation plotting and reporting. Their efforts and sincerely
on the fields are always memorable to us.
Finally, we like to thank all the persons for their direct and indirect help for the successful
completion of this project and report.
Submitted By:
BE Civil ‘A’ (2014 batch)
Earthquake resistant design of buildings depends upon providing the building with strength, stiffness
and inelastic deformation capacity which are great enough to withstand a given level of earthquake-
generated force.
To design and analyze a Apartment building for its structural stability and resistant
against earthquake.
4. Scope
It will make student familiar with structure related engineering software like AUTOCAD,
SAP 2000.
6. Introduction
The basic aim of the structural design is to build a structure, which is safe, fulfilling the intended
purpose during its estimated life span, economical in terms of initial and maintenance cost,
durable and also maintaining a good aesthetic appearance.
A building is considered to be structurally sound, if the individual elements and the building as a
whole satisfy the criteria for strength, stability and serviceability and in seismic areas additional
criteria for ductility and energy absorption capabilities. The overall building must be strong
enough to transfer all loads through the structure to the ground without collapsing or losing
structural integrity by rupture of the material at the critical sections, by transformation of the
whole or parts into mechanisms or by instability.
Failure of one structural element (e.g., due to explosions or collisions) should not cause
progressive collapse of the entire structure. Such a building will normally have alternate load
paths or mechanisms to transfer loads safely to the foundation.
7. Seismic Vulnerability of Nepal
Nepal is located in the boundary of two colliding tectonic plates, namely, the Indian Plate (Indo-
Australian Plate) and the Tibetan Plate (Eurasian Plate). The Indian Plate is constantly moving
under the Tibetan Plate causing many minor and major earthquakes in this region. As a result,
Nepal has witnessed many major as well as minor earthquakes during the past. Records of
earthquakes are available in Nepal since 1255 A.D. Those records show that around 18 major
earthquakes have shaken Nepal since then. The 1833 A.D. earthquake and 1934 A.D Bihar-Nepal
earthquakes were the most destructive ones in the history of Nepal.
The probability of occurrence of severe earthquakes is much less than that of minor earthquakes
at a given site. Many of the structures may never experience severe earthquakes during its
lifetime. Construction of any ordinary structures to resist such severe earthquakes without
undergoing any damage may not be considered economically feasible, as it may be far cheaper
to repair or even rebuild the structure after having severe and strong shaking. On the other
hand, structures located in seismic areas experience minor earthquakes rather frequently. Thus,
in the event of severe and strong shaking, the structure is allowed to have some damage which
may be repairable or even irreparable, but the structure will not be allowed to collapse
completely, thereby ensuring the safety of life and the property in the structure. In order that
one does not have to undertake frequent repair and retrofitting of the structure, the structure
should not have any damage during minor level of shaking. In case of moderate shaking the
structure is allowed to have some nonstructural damage without endangering life and property
within the structure. During such event the level of damage should be such that it can be
economically repaired.
The structures are generally designed for much lower seismic forces than what it may actually
experience during its life time. Since the structure is expected to undergo damage in the event of
a severe shaking, reliance is placed on the inelastic response of the structure beyond yield.
Therefore, structures have to be ductile and capable of dissipating energy through inelastic
actions. Ductility can be achieved by avoiding brittle modes of failures. Brittle modes of failures
include, shear and bond failure. Thus, structures should be designed on Weak beam-Strong
column philosophy.
9. Building Description
12.Preliminary Design
For the analysis, dead load is also necessary which depends upon the size of member itself. So it is
necessary to pre-assume logical size of member which will neither overestimate the load nor under
estimate the stiffness of the building. So, the tentative sizes of the structural elements are
determined through the preliminary design so that the pre-assumed dimensions may not deviate
considerably after analysis thus making the final design both safe and economical. Tentative sizes of
various elements have been determined as follows:
a) Slab:
Preliminary design of slab is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code Clause 23.2.1 of
[IS 456: 2000]. The cover provided is 15 mm and the grade of concrete used in the design is M20.
According to which,
Eff. Depth
Where, the critical span is selected which is the maximum shorter span among the all slab element.
This is done to make uniformity in slab thickness. The amount of reinforcement will be varied slab to
slab but the thickness will be adopted corresponding to the entire slab.
b) Beam:
Preliminary design of the beam is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code Clause
23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000] and ductility criteria of ACI code. The cover provided is 30 mm and the grade
of concrete used in the design is M20 .
According to which,
Eff. Depth
According to Ductility code, Spacing of Stirrups in beam should not exceed d/4 or 8 times diameter of
minimum size of bar adopted and should not be less than 100 mm. So, for considering construction
difficulties in actual field, it is logical to use d/4 as spacing as per the construction practice in Nepal.
c) Column :
Preliminary design of column is done from the assessment of approximate factored gravity loads and
live loads coming up to the critical section. To compensate the possible eccentric loading and
earthquake loads the size is increased by about 25% in design. For the load acting in the column, live
load is decreased according to IS 875: 1978. Initially a rectangular column is adopted in this building
project so as to provide internal aesthetics required from architecture point of view but the column
size and shape will vary as per the requirement for the analysis, design and aesthetic value. The
cover provided is 40 mm and the grade of concrete used in the column design is M20.
Using deflection criteria for combination of continuous and simply supported slab,
Le f f
= k x basic value
Basic value = 26
Effective length of beam = 5.4864 m
Mft = 0.7
Mfc = 1.25 for 2% steel
Correction factor for span = 1
Correction factor for flange = 1
d = 5486.1/(0.7 x 1.25 x 26) = 241.16mm
Effective depth d = 650 mm
Overall depth D = 700mm
Width of beam b = 350 mm
Similarly, from the total weight of building, the tentative size of columns is assumed to make the
finite element model.
Load calculation is done using the IS 875:1978 as reference. At first type of material is selected and
value of unit weight of the materials is taken from the above mentioned code. Thickness of the
material is selected as per the design requirement. Knowing area, thickness and unit weight of
materials, loads on each section is found.
Types of loading KN
Dead 14697.52
Wall 4639.9
Loading pattern from slab to beam can be obtained by drawing 45° offset line from each corner. Then
obtained trapezoidal as well as triangular loading are converted into equivalent uniformly distributed
load. Lateral loads on the building frames are caused primarily by wind pressure. In addition; earthquake
shocks produce horizontal sway, which results in inertia forces acting horizontally on the structure. But in
an area like Butwal wind load is not so vital so, only the lateral load due to earthquake shock is
considered in this case. For the analysis and design of earthquake action following methods has been
applied in this building complex.
T=0.075*H0.75 sec
T=0.66630 Sec.
Z* I * Sa
i.e Horizontal acceleration spectrum Ah ¿ =0.1353
2 R* g
Vb = Ah * W = 0.1353*24297.52 kN = 3184.778KN
Load cases are the independent loadings for which the structure is explicitly analyzed. Earthquake
forces occur in random fashion in all directions. For buildings whose lateral load resisting elements
are oriented in two principal directions, it is usually sufficient to analyze in these to principal
directions (X – and Y – direction) separately one at a time. Thus, the load cases adopted are as
a. Load Combinations
Load combinations are the loadings formed by the linear combination of the independent loading
conditions. The different load cases have been combined as per IS code. The load combinations are
as follows:
i. 1.5 DL + 1.5 LL
Beam and column are assumed to be line element having six degree of freedom at each node and
slab is assumed to be shell element having six degree of freedom. Loading due to wall, floor finish
and live load is as shown in figure above and analysis is done by static method (seismic coefficient
method) as well as dynamic method (response spectrum method using IS 1893:2002 spectrum).
Although the time period from FE model is little bit higher than from codal formula, the base shear
corresponding to codal formula (time period) is imposed in the FE model for design purpose. In
addition to seismic coefficient method, Response spectrum analysis is also performed regarding its
complicated configuration. Base shear during dynamic analysis is less than that of static analysis.
Thus base shear due to response spectrum analysis was multiplied by a factor equals to base shear of
static analysis divided by base shear due to dynamic analysis. The factor used is equal to 1.5364in x
direction and 1.9777 in y direction. Load combinations and other data are taken from IS codes. The
static and dynamic analysis is carried out to obtain member forces. The numbers of modes
considered are 5 and mass participation in both directions is more than 90%. From the different
combinations, severe values of bending moment, shear force and axial loads are taken for design
18.Deflected Shape of Building
The slabs are kept in such a way that ly/lx is kept less than 2 such that it can be designed as two way
slab. The slab is designed manually on excel sheet based on IS 456:2000 and is presented below.
Where, type of panal1 indicate that the 2 ADG EDG DISCONTINUOUS. Similarly other slab were also
analyzed and designed as per IS 456:2000.
The beams are designed with the help of SAP2000 V19 and checked manually. The calculation of
reinforcement on typical section of beam is obtained as shown below in Fig.4 (a).
Fig. 4 (a ) Typical reinforcement details for beam obtained from SAP 2000 V19.
The square columns are designed with the help of SAP2000 V14 and checked manually. The
calculation of longitudinal reinforcement of typical elements is shown below in Fig. 5. The method
carried out during the structural analysis is verified with other possible methods. There is not
significant change in the design values. The interaction curve provided in literature is then used to
design these columns.
(d) Design of foundation
The foundations used in the building are of isolated foundation type as per the requirements. The
depth of the footing is designed by two way shear (punching shear).The soil type is assumed to be of
medium type. So the allowable bearing capacity of soil is assumed to be 180 KN/m2. The dimension
of footing has been calculated in the excel sheet:
(e) Design of staircase
The staircase used in the building is of dog legged staircase type. The design of staircase is done
manually and is presented on excel sheet.
Isolated Footing Design (Sample Footing F1)
Foundation Type :
Required Data
size of column
l= 0.7 m
b= 0.7 m
Bearing Capacity of Soil= 150 KN/m²
Adopted size=
L= 2.5 m
B= 2.5 m
d= 600 mm Okay
Hence, OK
Tc should be
equal to or
greater than
Check for two-way
Shear action
The critical section is
taken at a distance of
0.5d away from the face
of column ,
Shear force
Vu= 940.339 KN
Nominal Shear
Stress(Tv) = Vu/b'd
(Where b' is the
periphery of critical
section )
Shear Strength of
concrete is
0.25 √ f c¿k=¿
Tc = 1.118 N/
T'c = Ks*Tc Ks=(0.5+Bc)
Bc=length of
shorter side of
of longer side of
Bc= 1
should not
be greater
Ks= 1.5 than 1
Take(Ks)= 1
Ast = 0.12%
= 1948 >Ast min of b * d
Req. Area of
steel = 1948 600
mm bar mm c/c
Steel requied as 12 @ 157 distance.
mm bar mm c/c
Provide Steel as = 12 @ 150 distance.
Provided steel
= 2052 mm²
Hence Ok.
Design of Slab
Slabs are designed assuming that they are the plate elements forming floors and roofs of the
buildings and carrying distributed loads primarily by frames, which may be supported, by beams or
walls. Slabs maybe simply supported or continuous over one or more supports and are classified
according to the manners of the supports as one way slab or two way slab.
Slabs, in our case, have been designed by using simple theories of bending and shear. We have
categorized the existence of slabs of the buildings into categories according to end conditions and
conditions of corner supports.
fy 500 N/mm2
fck 20 N/mm2
cover 20.000 mm
diameter of main bars 12.000 mm
Rise 0.16 m
Thickness of waist slab 0.150 m
FF 1.000 kN/m2
LL 4.000 kN/m2
FF 1.000 kN/m2
LL 4.000 kN/m2
Thus, maximum tensile moment is obtained at this point and is calculated to be, Mmax =174.022
Thus, let us take the design moment to be maximum of above, i.e. M design=174.022 KNm
Tv 0.173
Pt 0.650
Tc 0.351
check safe in shear
M1 174.022 kNm
V 125.770 kN
Ø< 32.084 mm
Result Safe
Length (L) (m) 5.784
d (mm) 174.000
fck(N/mm2) 20.000
fy(N/mm2) 415.000
Moment (M) KNm 174.022
Mu/bd2 1.378
Ast(reqd) mm2 3227.713
b 1.000
g 1.718
d 1.000
l 1.000
abgdl 39.517
Reqd (d) 146.366
L/d 33.241
Check ok
Conclusion :
Reinforced concrete construction is common all over the world. It is used extensively for construction
of variety of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, water tanks, stadium, towers, chimneys,
tunnels and so on.
Experiences from past earthquakes and extensive laboratory works have shown that a well-designed
and detailed reinforced concrete structure is suitable for earthquake resistant structure. Ductility and
strength required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by following the recommendations
made in the standard codes of practice for earthquake resistant design.
Detailing of steel reinforcement is an important aspect of structural design. Poor reinforcement
detailing can lead to structural failures. Detailing plays an important role in seismic resistant design.
In seismic resistant design, actual forces experienced by the structure are reduced and reliance is
placed on the ductility of the structure. And, ductility can be achieved by proper detailing only. Thus,
in addition to design, attention should be paid on amount, location and arrangement of
reinforcement to achieve ductility as well as strength.
Design and construction of the structure are inter – related jobs. A building behaves in a manner how
it has been built rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large percentage of structural
failures are attributed due to poor quality of construction. Therefore, quality assurance is needed in
both design and construction.
In earthquake resistant construction quality of materials and workmanship plays a very important
role. It has been observed that damages during earthquakes are largely dependent on the quality
and workmanship. Hence, quality assurance is the most important factor in the good seismic
behavior of the structure.
SN Structures Sizes(mm)
1 Column 700X700
2 Beam 350X700
3 slab 125
concrete grade M20 -
Steel grade Fe500 for main bar Fe500 stirrups
Element : 361 D=0.700 B=0.350 bf=0.350
Station Loc : 5.600 ds=0.000 dct=0.050 dcb=0.050
Section ID : beam700*350 E=22360680.0 fc=20000.000 Lt.Wt. Fac.=1.000
Combo ID : 1.5(DD+EQx) fy=500000.000 fys=415000.000
Gamma(Concrete): 1.500
Gamma(Steel) : 1.150
Design Forces
Factored Factored Equivalent Capacity Gravity
Vu Tu Ve Vp Vg
144.218 0.865 195.493 126.423 65.116
Design Basis
Lt.Wt.Reduc Strength Strength Area
Factor fy fck Ag
1.000 415000.000 20000.000 0.245
Concrete Capacity
Conc.Area Tensn.Rein Ast Allowable Allowable CompFactor DepthFactr
Ac Area Ast % Tau_c(MPa) Tau_c Delta k
0.228 0.001 0.528 0.489 489.051 1.001 1.000
Torsion Reinforcement
Rebar Torsion Shear Core Core
Asvt/s Tu Vu b1 d1
3.373E-04 0.865 144.218 0.270 0.620
Flexural Details of Column Section
Indian IS 456-2000 COLUMN SECTION DESIGN Type: Ductile Frame Units: KN, m, C (Shear
Element : 119 B=0.700 D=0.700 dc=0.058
Station Loc : 3.200 E=22360680.0 fc=20000.000 Lt.Wt. Fac.=1.000
Section ID : column700x700 fy=500000.000 fys=415000.000
Combo ID : .9DD-1.5EQy RLLF=1.000
Gamma(Concrete): 1.500
Gamma(Steel) : 1.150
Design Forces
Factored Factored Capacity
Vu Pu Vp
Major Shear(V2) 16.838 67.974 146.159
Minor Shear(V3) 24.157 67.974 210.645
Design Basis
Shr Reduc Strength Strength Area
Factor fy fck Ag
1.000 415000.000 20000.000 0.490
N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed
Reference Codes
The End