Service Recovery
Service Recovery
Service Recovery
Service Guarantees
• What should be guaranteed?
• Is a service guarantee appropriate in an educational setting?
• How should such a guarantee be written?
• How should such a guarantee would be administered and paid out?
• What is appropriate compensation?
• What are the advantages of providing a guarantee to students?
• What are the advantages of providing a guarantee to the instructor?
• What are the advantages of providing a guarantee to the university?
• What are the disadvantages of providing such a guarantee?
• Why is it that universities typically do not offer such guarantees?
Unconditional Guarantee
• High Price Response to Service Failure
• Price Increases • Negative Response
• Unfair Pricing • No Response
• Deceptive Pricing • Reluctant Response
• Location/Hours Competition
• Wait for Appointment Service • Found Better Service
• Wait for Service Switching Ethical Problems
Core Service Failure Behavior • Cheat
• Service Mistakes • Hard Sell
• Billing Errors • Unsafe
• Service Catastrophe • Conflict of Interest
Involuntary Switching
Service Encounter Failures • Customer Moved
• Uncaring • Provider Closed
• Impolite
• Unresponsive
• Unknowledgeable
Source: Sue Keaveney, “Customer Switching Behavior in Service Industries: An Exploratory Study,” Journal of Marketing, April, 1995, pp. 71-82.
Service Guarantees
-- T erms --
1. The student must be a “good customer” and not abuse the product.
2. This guarantee covers the instructor's performance. The instructor is not responsible for occurrences outside his
control. Such events include, but are not limited to, student illness, personal emergencies, or financial hardship that
may require the student to withdraw from the class or the university. Likewise, the activities of other students are
not guaranteed.
3. This guarantee does not apply to the student’s satisfaction with his/her final course grade.
4. A student invoking the guarantee will receive his/her earned grade and credit for the course.
5. The guarantee may be invoked by submitting, in person, a written request to the instructor or to C. Randall Byers
(Chair, Department of Business). Students who wish to remain anonymous to the instructor may do so.