Comparison Analysis of Subsurfaces Survey Between Geophysics Method (Geoelectric/Ert) and Geotechnical Method (Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at Kaima Overpass Manado-Bitung Toll Road
Comparison Analysis of Subsurfaces Survey Between Geophysics Method (Geoelectric/Ert) and Geotechnical Method (Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at Kaima Overpass Manado-Bitung Toll Road
Comparison Analysis of Subsurfaces Survey Between Geophysics Method (Geoelectric/Ert) and Geotechnical Method (Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at Kaima Overpass Manado-Bitung Toll Road
Abdurrahman Wafi, Panganggit Sasmito ( PT. Andalan Tunas Mandiri) , Mohammad Arief Rizki,
Arief Rahman ( PT. Pembangunan Perumahan)
Manado-Bitung Toll Road is one of priority projects announced by Indonesia President, Joko Widodo,
to speed up economic growth in North Sulawesi Province. Kaima Overpass is one of many overpass
which will be built to provide crossing between Manado Bitung toll road and local roads around it.
Geo-electric method or known as Electrical Resistivity Tomography is used to get subsurface data and
groundwater, while geotechnical method is used to get data about mechanical properties of subsurface
material. The purpose of this research is to know the structure subsurface, estimated volume of hard
rocks and soft rocks at Kaima overpass location. Kaima overpass location is dominated by medium
rocks and hard rocks from Geo-electric data with value greater than 500 Ohmmeter and Standard
Penetration Test N-SPT value greater than 15. The subsurface material structure consists of Andesite
and Gravel Alluvium, which come from sediment / lava sediment from Mount Klabat.
EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
In the construction of an overpass, it is necessary to survey the subsurface structure around the
overpass for overpass foundation stability analysis. The method that can be used for structural
investigation subsurface are geophysical methods and geotechnical methods. Geophysical method
uses Geo-electric Wenner- Schlumberger configuration while Geotechnical method uses standard
penetration test (SPT). Comparison of both methods in obtaining precise data and its interpretation as
well of the subsurface profile of overpass locations is a description of the valid subsurface conditions
along with other constituent components.
Geo-electric method measures resistivity value. If the resistivity value is great, it indicates that the
level of electrical conductivity is small so that the rocks / material is more compact/dense. However,
the resistivity value still can’t infer what kind of material is contained in subsurfaces, only sums up in
general, while standard method penetration test (SPT) examining the hardness of material indicated
by great value of N-SPT. The purpose of this research is to know the condition of early development
area of Kaima overpass, by acquiring image of subsurface layers. To obtain it, Geo-electric and
Standards Penetrometer Test (SPT) will be conducted. The result will be compared to analyse the
rocks spreading and hardness levels in the Kaima overpass.
Geologic setting
In Manado Bitung Toll Road, there are double subduction i.e the North Sulawesi subduction zone to
the north of the north arm of Sulawesi and the East Sangihe subduction zone to the east and south of
the north arm. Those subductions zone resulted in magmatism and volcanism activities producing
widely spread plutonic rocks and volcanic rock in North Sulawesi. From the Geological Map it is
found that the geological structure of the Kaima area (Figure 1) consists of young volcanic rock with
the type Qv which is composed by Andesite obtained from the mountain Klabat lava contained in the
area at an altitude of 300 mdpl. Andesites is included as igneous rocks intermediate as a result of the
formation of magma diorite melt. Andesite is gray-black, while the colour in situation weathered is
gray-brown, grained smooth to rough.
Figure 1. Geology map of Kaima overpass area is a young volcanic rocks formed by lava, bomb,
lapilli and ash, these rocks make up the young stratovulcanic, i.e G. Soputan, G Mahawu, G. Lokon,
G. Klabat, G Tongkoko etc:
EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Geoelectric Geophysical method and Standart Penetration Test (SPT) gethecnic method
The geo-electric method is one method to acquire soil layers. This method has good advantages in
terms of accuracy, cheaper and faster as well. This method has been developed recently so its use is
not limited to resource exploration only but also have been widely used on environmental and
geotechnical issues. The principle is to observe the layering of rocks based on differences in the
nature of electrical conductivity of rock or to observe the existence of anomaly in physical quantity
difference of the object sought with the soil covering it. Physical quantities for geo-electric method of
type resistance are electrical properties (Telford, 1990).
However, geo-electric survey has drawbacks due to measured ground electrical resistance is greatly
associated with moisture content and soil material which is not directly measured (Liu and Evett,
2008). The geo-electric survey is more qualitative (Clayton et al., 1995) and therefore requires
quantitative confirmation through geotechnical data such as the standard penetration test (SPT).
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a geotechnical method for obtaining identification of soil data,
including soil type, soil colour, undisturbed and disturbed samples. Geo-electric investigations are
conducted to obtain macro data including soil / rock stratification, heterogeneity, etc. Meanwhile, a
geotechnical investigation was conducted to obtain micro data on soil / rock mechanical property
including shear strength data, shear angle, cohesion and soil density. These two macro and micro data
will be able to complement our understanding of the subsurface conditions at location the Kaima
Figure 2. Location of Geoelectric measurement (Line 1 and Line 2) and location Standart
Penetration Test ( SPT) name location SPT 1 and SPT 2 location Kaima overpass.
Geo-electric measure is conducted using Multichannel Resistivity type X 612 EM equipment from
MAE Italy using 24 electrodes with 10 meter space between electrodes. Measurement is conducted
using Wenner-Schlumberger method. Wenner-Schlumberger configuration is a configuration with a
constant system of space rules with a factor record the "n" comparison for this configuration is the
ratio of the distance between the AM electrodes with the distance between MN. If the distance
between the potential electrode of MN is "a" then the distance between the current electrode (A and
B) is 2na + a. The geometry factor of the configuration Wenner-Sclumberger is:
k = n (n + 1) πa
With a is the distance between the M electrode and N.
EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Geo-electric measurement result on line 1 (Fig 1) is dominated by green and yellow colour structures.
Green and yellow colour show resistivity value between 200-800 Ohm meters, which are classified as
Alluvium and Gravel, a result from weathering mountain lava. Meanwhile, structures with resistivity
values greater than 1000 Ohm meters indicated by orange to dark red colour is classified as hard rocks
consisting of Andesite rocks found in a distance 0-80 meters from initial point at a depth of 7.75
meters below the ground. Also it founds in a distance 140-170 meters from initial point at a depth
deeper than 20 meters. Therefore, line 1 measurement result is dominated by Alluvium and Gravel
Geo-electric measurement result in line 2 (Fig 3) is also dominated by green and yellow colour,
orange to purple as well. Green and yellow colour show resistivity value between 200-800 Ohm
meters, also classified as Alluvium and Gravel. While structures with resistivity values greater than
1000 Ohm meters indicated with orange to dark red colour are identified as hard rocks consisting of
Andesite rocks found in a distance from initial point 0-80 meters at a depth of 7.75 meters, 110-120
meters at a depth 7.75 meters and 140-170 meters at a depth deeper than 20 meters. Therefore, line 2
measurement result is dominated by Alluvium, Gravel Mountain (yellow green) and Andesite / hard
structure (red to dark) structures.
The 3D image below is a cross-section of two geo-electric lines. It shows the distribution of resistivity
value greater than 1000 Ohm meters, which is included as hard structure dominated by igneous and
metamorf rocks. This type of rock can be identified as Andesite rock. The distribution of the Andesite
rock founded in a distance 0-90 meters from initial point which is dominated by hard rock and
boulders. Also it founded in a distance 160-170 meters from initial point, shown as boulder, at a depth
of 20 meters and 200-230 meters at a depth of 30 meters, shown as boulder as well.
Line 1
Line 2
Figure 3 Result of geo-electric. Line 1 and line 2 data processing with Software RES2DINV inversion
and data processing 3D inversion with Software ERTLab. Data processing 3D only the above
resitivity value > 1000 Ohmmeter with interpretation igneous rocks.
EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Figure 4 Result Standart Penetration Test ( SPT) up to depth 20
From the results of research that has been done by collaborating Geophysical and Geotechnical
Methods at the site of development Kaima Overpass, Manado Bitung Toll Road, it can be concluded
that the construction site is dominated by materials with the level of medium to hard. This can be seen
from the distribution of resistivity value which is greater than 500 Ohmmeter, categorized as medium
rock. On the other hand, measurement of Standard Penetration Test also shows N-SPT values greater
than 15, classified as medium to hard materials. From geophysical test, the result shows that the
materials is dominated by Gravel Alluvium and Andesite. The materials come from sediment / lava
sediment from Mount Klabat. Therefore, the construction of Kaima Overpass foundation must be
conducted carefully since there are many gravels of igneous rocks in location.
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EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia