300 Synonyms For IELTS Listening and Reading PDF
300 Synonyms For IELTS Listening and Reading PDF
300 Synonyms For IELTS Listening and Reading PDF
Funny Amusing , Hilarious , Entertaining , Witty , side splitting. laughable , good humoured.
Thank you I appreciate you , My Gratitude , Much Obliged , I owe you one cheers.
I Understand I get you, I know what you mean , I take your point , fair enough , I hear you.
Sorry Unfortunately, I regret the inconvenience, Please accept my apologies , Forgive my oversight,
Pardon me.
According to, In keeping with , In line with, Conforming to , In Consonance with, As agreement with as
Therefore As a result, subsequently, For this reason, hence , thus , So/ so then , Consequently.