Liner Protrusion
Liner Protrusion
Liner Protrusion
Thoroughly clean the cylinder block liner counter bores to remove any foreign material. Foreign
material in the cylinder liner counter bores can cause the liner to seat improperly.
2. Install the cylinder liner into the engine block without any seals.
It is necessary to leave the cylinder liner installation tool in place until after the liner protrusion is
3. Install J–35597–A , over the liner. See Figure 2.
4. Thread three cylinder head bolts through the tool and into a head bolt hole so that the round
shoe of the tool is centered over the liner.
It is not necessary to torque the bolts.
[a] Allowable liner protrusion is -0.0127-0.0762 mm (-0.0005-0.003 in) with no more than
0.0508 mm (0.002 in) variation between any two adjacent cylinders.
[b] If the liner protrusion exceeds the maximum allowable, remove the liner and check for
debris under the liner flange. If there is no debris, machine the liner counterbore.
Install the cylinder liner as follows:
Refer to section "Installation of the Piston and Connecting Rod" for 14L liner, piston and connecting
rod procedure.
It is necessary to leave the cylinder liner installation tool in place until after the liner protrusion is
6. Thread three cylinder head bolts through the tool and into a head bolt hole so that the round
shoe of the tool is centered over the liner.
7. Tighten the bolts.
It is not necessary to torque the bolts.
8. Turn the threaded center bolt in a clockwise direction. As the round shoe of the tool reaches the
liner, ensure that the shoe is properly positioned into the cylinder liner.
9. Continue turning the bolt until the liner bottoms in the cylinder counterbore. Apply a tightening
torque of 60 N·m (44 lb·ft) to the installation tool center bolt.
10. Install a dial indicator sled gauge. See Figure 4.
11. Measure the distance from the top of the liner flange to the top of the block. To verify that the
liner protrusion has not changed. See Figure 5.
[a] Allowable liner protrusion is -0.0127-0.0762 mm (-0.0005-0.003 in) with no more than
0.0508 mm (0.002 in) variation between any two adjacent cylinders.
[b] If the liner protrusion exceeds the maximum allowable, remove the liner and check liner
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