Moisture Absorbers For Food Packaging Applications

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The document discusses moisture absorbers which help control moisture levels inside food packages to extend shelf life by preventing microbial growth and quality degradation.

Moisture absorbers help control excess moisture inside packages of high water activity foods like produce and meat. Excess moisture can lead to microbial growth and quality losses, so absorbers help extend shelf life.

Common absorbers include silica gels, zeolites, and polymers like polyacrylates which absorb moisture through physical adsorption.

Environmental Chemistry Letters


Moisture absorbers for food packaging applications

Kirtiraj K. Gaikwad1   · Suman Singh2 · Abdellah Ajji1

Received: 31 August 2018 / Accepted: 5 September 2018

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

Even though moisture in food products is useful for the quality of foods, excess moisture in a package is unfavorable to
the quality of the food product and the integrity of the package, particularly in the case of high water activity food such as
fresh produce and raw meat. In those cases, including moisture absorbers in food packages is helpful. The common process
involved in moisture absorption in food packages is physical adsorption. Here, the moisture absorption capacity is reviewed
with respect to packages containing high water activity food. The applications of moisture absorbers in food packaging are
discussed regarding the benefits achieved and their effectiveness. An overview of various types of moisture absorbers, their
forms, and packaging material applications is provided. Particularly, the benefits of moisture absorbers for specific food
products are reviewed.

Keywords  Moisture scavenger · Fresh produce · Absorption · Active packaging · Modified atmosphere · Micro-perforated

Introduction modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), active packaging,

and intelligent packaging (Yildirim et al. 2018; Gaikwad
Packaging plays a significant role in the food distribution. et al. 2018b; Biji et al. 2015; Hussein et al. 2015). Food
Packaging encounters the essential need to preserve food packaging structures have diverse functions, which includes
quality and safety from manufacturing to final consumption avoiding containment, facts/information, and marketing. The
by inhibiting any unwanted chemical and biological changes primary functions of packaging is to separate food from the
(Gaikwad et al. 2017a; Singh et al. 2018a; Choi and Lee surrounding environment, reducing exposure to spoilage
2013). Consumer awareness of the importance of eating factors (e.g., microorganisms, oxygen, water vapor, and off-
safe and healthy food is increasing. Specifically, apprehen- flavors) and avoiding losses of desirable compounds (such
sion about the safety and preservative content in food has as flavor volatiles), thus extending food shelf life (Gaikwad
received much attention. Therefore, increasing demand for et al. 2017b). Active and modified atmosphere packaging
naturally high-quality foods, which are non-processed or technologies deliver all these functionalities and several
nominally processed, and not comprised with preservatives, other new solutions for extending the shelf life and main-
but offer an adequate shelf life to food (Gaikwad et al. 2018a; taining the nutritional quality and safety of food (Ahmed
Singh et al. 2018b). In response, the protecting function of et al. 2017; Illeperuma and Nikapitiya 2006).
the package has been advanced and enhanced important to A key reason for food spoilage is the existence of mois-
the development of novel packaging technologies, such as ture/water in the food (Yildirim et al. 2018; Mahajan et al.
2008). The accumulation of excess relative humidity (RH)
due to moisture inside the package of high water activity
* Abdellah Ajji foods such as fish, poultry, meat, and fresh produce acceler-
[email protected] ates the growth of bacteria and mold, which further leads
to nutritional and quality loses of food. The control of high
Department of Chemical Engineering, Polytecnique
Montreal, P.O. Box 6079, Montreal, QC H3C 3A7, Canada
moisture inside the food package is essential to defeat-
ing microbial growth and for improving the food sensory
Department of Food Engineering, Institute of Food
Science and Technology, VCSG Uttarakhand University
attributes. Many dry food products are sensitive to relative
of Horticulture and Forestry, Majri‑Grant, Dehradun, humidity during the storage period, and even presence of
Uttarakhand 248140, India

Environmental Chemistry Letters

low relative humidity inside the packages may cause sig- secondly, moisture prevention (by high barrier packaging),
nificant quality loss. The increase in moisture makes the and third, moisture removal (by using moisture absorber).
food product more susceptible to microbial growth and may The percentage of relative humidity levels inside packages
cause changes in texture and appearance, therefore reducing can also be controlled by the proper selection of packaging
the shelf life of food (Murmu and Mishra 2018; Choi and materials having a high barrier against water vapor (Bovi
Lee 2013). For high water activity-based products, such as et al. 2018).
fresh fish, raw meat, and fresh produce, keeping a controlled While there has been great interest and developments in
high RH level inside the package is beneficial in preventing the field of oxygen scavenging packaging (Gaikwad et al.
drying. In addition, excess liquid caused by drip loss due to 2017a; Choi and Lee 2013), comparatively very little atten-
muscular degradation and storage temperature fluctuation is tion has been paid to moisture absorbers (Fig. 1). Hence,
common for raw fish and meat. Consumers observe liquid in this review paper aims to provide an overview of moisture
a package as reducing the attractiveness of a packed product absorbers used for food packaging applications. We first dis-
making it less required (Rux et al. 2016). cuss the significant types of moisture absorbing materials,
An effective way to control this excess moisture devel- their mechanism, major types of polymeric films in humid-
opment inside the package is to use a moisture absorber. ity regulations application, trends in moisture absorbing
Moisture absorber regulates water activity of the product packaging systems, and classification of moisture absorbing
to suppress the microbial growth (Choi and Lee 2013). The system by food type. Then, we provide an overview of food
common form of moisture absorbers is sachets, films, tray applications, which is future perspective for the moisture
and pads which usually employed to maintain fluid exudates absorbers.
from food products or to maintain the relative humidity
inside the package. Moisture absorbing/scavenging materi-
als are usually contained inside sachets and pads for food Classification of moisture absorbers
packaging application that is added to the package to regu-
late the excessive moisture from the food which saturates in In principle, moisture absorbers comprise various hygro-
the package during storage. Absorbers react with moisture scopic substrates or substances to attract and hold water mol-
via physical adsorption of a moisture absorbing material. ecules from the surrounding environment. They are gener-
The approaches for the moisture regulation can be classified ally hygroscopic substrates or substances. Active moisture
into three main categories: firstly, reduction in moisture (via absorbers can be further divided into two main categories:
MAP through swapping the humid air in the headspace with RH controllers that absorb humidity in the package head-
dry modified atmosphere (MA) gas, or via vacuum packag- space, such as desiccants, and moisture removers that absorb
ing in which the removal of humid air from the headspace), exuded liquids from food products (Yildirim et al. 2018).

Fig. 1  Number of research 8
papers on moisture absorbers
for food packaging applica-
tions from 2003 to 2017. Data
collected from Scopus using the
keywords Moisture absorber 6
packaging, Moisture absorbers,
Number of research papers

and Moisture absorbing film 

2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

Environmental Chemistry Letters

The latter can be applied in the form of pads and sheets and increasingly interested in the development and application
are typically placed below fresh products and meat in dif- of novel absorbing materials in the polymeric film form.
ferent packaging concepts. Price, safety, and the moisture
absorption capacity restrict the range of candidate substance Organic based
for food packaging applications. In recent years, some novel
superabsorbent composite materials have received great In recent times, researchers from academic as well as
attention, including organic- and polymer-based composite from industries have focused on the production and use of
materials. Some potential moisture absorbing materials by organic-based moisture absorbers for moisture absorbing
their nature for food packaging applications are classified packaging (Gaikwad et al. 2018a). Organic-based mois-
in Table 1. Even though most commercial moisture absorb- ture absorbers present potentials for forming new packag-
ers are constructed from desiccants for high water activ- ing systems with many required qualities and advantages
ity food, the moisture absorbing film industry has become for consumer perception and sustainability. Several novel

Table 1  Examples of commercially available moisture absorbing packaging for food packaging

Company Trade name Polymer matrix Product form Application

Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd., MOISTCATCH™ PET/AL/moisture absorbing Film Meat products
Japan layer/sealant layer
BOSSPACK Co., Ltd., Korea MOSSPACK Linear low-density polyeth- Film Dry and crispy products
CSP Technologies, USA Activ-Film™ Linear low-density polyeth- Film Fruits and vegetables
Maruto Sangyo Co., Ltd, MoistPack PET/Al foil/polyethylene/ Film Moist food
Japan layer/polyethylene
Peakfresh Products, Australia Peakfresh Low-density polyethylene Film Fruits and vegetable
BASF Chemical company, Luquasorb® Sodium polyacrylate Film Food packaging application
Nordenia International AG, Nor® Absorbit – Film (Microwavable) Moist food
Sorbed India, India SORBED India™ Linear low-density polyeth- Film Meat and meat products
CSP Technologies, USA Fresh-R-Pax® Polyolefin Tray Fruits and vegetables
SEALPAC Germany Tenderpac® PET Tray Meat products
Laizhou Guoliang Packing GUOLIANG Eco-friendly polystyrene Tray Processed aquatic and meat
Products Co., Ltd. China products
RossPack, Russia Water-absorbing tray M-3 Expanded polystyrene Tray Moist food
Paper Pak Industries, USA UltraFreshSystem PET Tray Fresh produce
Sealedair, USA Dri-Loc Linear low-density polyeth- Pad Meat, fish, fresh-cut produce,
ylene etc.
SOCO Chemical, China SOCO® Low-density polyethylene Pad Chicken, fish, fruit, vegetable,
pork and beef meet
Sealedair, USA Cryovac® Absorbent Pads Renewable resources Pad Meat, fish and poultry prod-
C-Airlaid Company, Russia C-Airlaid Polyethylene-laminated Pad Frozen and chilled meat,
fish and their semicooked
Sirane Ltd, UK Dri-Fresh – Pad Fruits and vegetable
McAirlaid Inc., USA MeatGuard – Pad Raw meat
Swiss Pac Pvt Ltd, India AGELESS – Sachets High water activity food
Shenzhen Chunwang Envi- CHUNWANG – Sachets Food and pharmaceutical
ronmental Protection Tech- products
nology Co., Ltd., China
Multisorb Technologies, FreshPax® Packets – Sachets Moist and dry food

PET polyethylene terephthalate, AL aluminum

Environmental Chemistry Letters

moisture absorbing especially superabsorbent composite Inorganic based

materials in the form of film and tray have been studied in
the past few years. The use of natural moisture absorber Inorganic-based moisture absorbers are the largest seg-
entrapped in a polymer matrix will be the focus of future ment of the market and have traditionally been used as a
work. Possible absorbers include food grade such as fruc- water absorbent. For those food products that need very low
tose and sorbitol, which is the interest to the researcher. relative humidity, sachets containing calcium oxide (CaO),
Fructose is a hygroscopic material which can absorb silica gel have typically been used (Yildirim et al. 2018),
moisture from the environment. It initiates to absorb and other materials including silica gel, calcium chloride
water vapor from surrounding at about 55% RH. It has ­(CaCl2), potassium chloride, potassium carbonate, bentonite
acceptable humectant properties. Fructose can retain are most common moisture absorbers for food packaging
moisture for a long period, even at low RH (White 2014). applications due to its non-toxic and non-corrosive nature.
Recently, Bovi et al. (2018) developed Fruitpad contain- The general reaction of calcium oxide with water is as given,
ing fructose for the packaging of fresh strawberries. The
fructose was incorporated to Fruitpad to increase overall
CaO + H2 O → Ca(OH)2 (1)
moisture absorption capacity. The Fruitpad containing The high thermal resistance properties of these absorbing
30% fructose exhibited the highest amount of moisture materials permit their incorporation into polymeric matrix
absorption in a package that is 0.94 g of water/g of pad via melt extrusion process to produce plastic/desiccant-
stored at 20 °C and 100% RH. The results showed that based moisture absorbing structures. Some companies are
strawberries packed with Fruitpad containing fructose manufacturing these types of structure for use in films,
had less than 0.92% weight loss. Sorbitol is a food-grade trays, and so on. MOISTCATCH™, Dri-Loc®, AGELESS,
moisture absorber and approved by FDA (Food and Drug and CHUNWANG are an example of commercial moisture
Administration), USA. Sorbitol occurs naturally, and it absorbing sachets, and MoistPack, ­Luquasorb®, and Fresh-
is also manufactured synthetically from glucose. The use R-Pax are available in tray form which is made from inor-
of sorbitol has already been applied in different fresh ganic-based moisture absorbing material for food packaging
produce such as green tomatoes, mushrooms, and broc- applications. Chiba et al. (2011) developed moisture absorb-
coli, extending their shelf life and suppressing micro- ing film based on low density polyethylene (LDPE) and
bial growth (Shirazi and Cameron 1992). DeEll Jr. et al. zeolite for food packaging applications. The author claimed
(2006) studied the incorporation of sorbitol powder in that the packaging film achieved a saturation reaching the
modified atmosphere packaging permitted better main- time of moisture absorptiveness of the containing desiccant
tenance of physical and nutritional quality of broccoli of 100 days or more. Kia (2010) developed a low-moisture
heads in comparison with the control sample (without absorbing sheet containing calcium carbonate-coated acry-
sorbitol). Roy et al. (1995) studied the use of sorbitol as a lonitrile and polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC). The devel-
moisture absorber (Ratio: 15 g sorbitol/100 g mushrooms) oped composite showed the highest moisture absorption
to regulate in-package relative humidity mushrooms at (3.4 wt%), where talc coated at 0.08 wt% has the lowest
10  °C. Results showed that the desiccant added into moisture absorption.
the package increased the shelf life of the product and The water sorption capacity of zein powder and zein
higher sorbitol quantities in the package increased prod- films using the extrusion method was studied by Wang and
uct weight loss. Cellulose and their derivatives are also Padua (2004). Extruded film samples showed less mois-
explored as a moisture absorber by various researchers for ture compared to zein powder; further zein films contain-
food packaging applications (Pinming et al. 2016). The ing plasticizer (oleic acid) exhibited a further reduction in
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) can absorb nearly eight moisture uptake by zein film the. Water vapor permeability
times greater than the standard cotton. However, the dis- of extruded zein films was strongly affected due to a rela-
advantage of CMC is its low resistance to decomposition, tive humidity of the testing environment. Higher relative
insects, and light (Boruvkova and Wiener 2011). humidity resulted in higher water vapor permeability. Aha-
The main disadvantages of the organic-based moisture roni et al. (2007) utilized ­Xtend® (StePac, Tefen, Israel), a
absorbers are relatively higher expensive and have lower co-extruded packaging film, and stated that ­Xtend® films
absorbing capacity in comparison with inorganic-based could effectively modify both atmospheric composition
absorbers, therefore bigger sachets than the traditional and RH condition in the package containing various fresh
silica gel descants. However, more research must be done produce. Azevedo et al. (2011) developed desiccants with
to expand technical and commercial possibility, including calcium oxide, sorbitol, and ­CaCl2 in a range of 0.2–0.6 g
prolonging the stability of materials during processing as of desiccant mass in varying proportions. The variation in
well as efficiency for moisture absorbance. the moisture content of each mixed desiccants was evaluated
at regular intervals till 5 days at 10 °C. Results indicated

Environmental Chemistry Letters

that developed desiccant mixture contained 0.5, 0.26, and Cellulose is the most abundant organic-based polymer.
0.24 g g−1 of CaO, ­CaCl2, and sorbitol, respectively, and had Cellulose and its derivatives including carboxymethylcel-
a moisture holding capacity of 0.813 g water g−1. lulose (CMC) were utilized to prepare moisture absorbing
film for food packaging applications. Guo et al. (2018) stud-
Polymer based ied water vapor sorption performance of two nanocellulose
films that is TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanocrystal film and
Polymer-based moisture absorbers are the new area of atten- sulfuric acid-treated cellulose nanocrystal film. The results
tion for the packaging material manufacturers. They include confirmed that the film had equilibrium moisture contents of
a base polymer suitable for packaging applications that are 28 and 22%, respectively, at an RH of 95% storage condition.
modified with a polymer-based moisture absorber. The list of A polymeric film based on cellulose-based NatureFlex™
different commercially available oxygen scavenging plastic (Innovia films, Cumbria, UK) exhibited a good perspec-
films for food packaging applications is presented in Table 2. tive for fresh produce packaging application since the film
Various researchers have studied polymer-based moisture has a very high water permeability as against the conven-
absorbers, such as starch copolymers, polyacrylic acid, poly- tional polypropylene (PP) films (Madonna et al. 2018). The
vinyl alcohol, and cellulose-based biopolymers. Polyvinyl water vapor transmission rate of cellulose-based Nature-
alcohol (PVA) is a biodegradable and hydrophilic polymer Flex™ packaging films has been shown to increase with
in nature and commonly used in packaging applications the increase in relative humidity. Hence, precaution must
since they possess excellent film forming, biodegradability, be taken while designing fresh produce packaging system as
acceptable mechanical, and oxygen barrier properties (Chen extremely high water permeability can lead to higher food
et al. 2018; Srinivasa et al. 2003). moisture and weight loss.
Moisture absorbing film based on polyvinyl alcohol add-
ing into low-density polyethylene (Ding et al. 2008). Result
exhibited that the PVA added in LDPE showed good mois- Mechanism of moisture absorption
ture absorption property for food packaging applications
but poor mechanical properties. Shi et al. (2008) studied Several mechanisms in both organic and inorganic have been
the moisture sorption characteristic of PVA films impreg- studied in moisture absorbers by the researchers (Wilson
nated with starch for active food packaging applications to 2017). The key considerations when developing profit-
be appropriate for packaging applications. Chen et al. (2018) able technologies are not only the technical factors, e.g.,
developed active packaging film with functions of moisture absorption capacity, rate, activation mechanisms, reaction
absorbing as well as antioxidant properties based on poly- end, derivatives, potential interactions or reactions with the
vinyl alcohol and green tea extract. Results showed that the other functional packaging technologies, and food product,
neat PVA film showed 29.25% moisture sorption; further, but also regulation and marketing issues, e.g., food safety,
this film is utilized for packaging of dried eel and it is found cost, and consumer acceptance. Moisture absorbers are those
that the film containing 2% green tea extract showed the best materials who physically absorb and hold water molecule
quality protective efficiency to prevent the dried eel from from the surrounding environment and, on the other hand,
absorbing moisture and oxidizing of lipid. Polyacrylic acid- moisture scavenger, where water absorption is by means
based water absorbent resin was developed by Matsumoto of a chemical reaction between two functional materials.
et al. (2018) by convenient production method and claimed Dry desiccants can absorb moisture from environment both
an acceptable amount of moisture absorbing property. by physical and chemical adsorption, and hence decrease

Table 2  Classification of moisture absorbing materials for food packaging applications

Classification Moisture absorbing materials

Inorganic Silica gel, natural clay (montomorillonite, zeolite), calcium chloride, magnesium chlo-
ride, aluminum chloride, lithium chloride, potassium acetate, calcium bromide, calcium
nitrate, zinc chloride, phosphorus pentoxide, activated alumina, calcium oxide, barium
oxide, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium carbonate, ammonium nitrate,
bentonite, sodium hexametaphosphate
Organic Sorbitol, xylitol, fructose, cellulose and their derivatives (sodium carboxymethyl cel-
lulose, potassium carboxymethyl cellulose, ammonium carboxymethyl cellulose,
monoethanolamine carboxymethylcellulose), diethanolamine or triethanolamine
Polymer-based Starch copolymers, polyvinyl alcohol, absorbent resin
Other synthesized Starch-grafted sodium polyacrylate, acrylamide synthesis attapulgite, diatomaceous earth

Environmental Chemistry Letters

the relative humidity in the headspace of the sealed pack. moisture absorbing is high. Although the moisture absorp-
Moisture absorption by silica gel is an example of physi- tion by cellulose causes deformation of macromolecular
cal moisture adsorption, and sorption by calcium chloride structure and ends the advantage of the dimensional stability
is an example of a chemical reaction. In general, the use of cellulose, it produces a unique pathway for their use as a
of moisture absorbers is most common for food packaging moisture absorbing material, which has recently been used
applications. in an increasing number of active packaging areas.
Choi and Lee (2013) evaluated synthesized attapulgite
as a moisture absorbing material. Attapulgite is a hydrated
octahedral covered magnesium aluminum silicate absor- Forms of moisture absorbers
bent mineral (structure as presented in Fig. 2). Attapulgite
has exchangeable cations and reactive −OH groups on its Moisture absorbing materials absorb the in-package mois-
surface. Hence, the addition of attapulgite into a polymeric ture and free water, leading to a lowering of relative humid-
matrix, especially in polyacrylic acid, could increase mois- ity to a point at which condensation no longer takes place.
ture absorbency as well as swelling rate compared to other The amount of water absorbed in a closed package can be
natural clays (Zhang et al. 2009). In case of organic-based influenced by (a) the type and volume of used absorbing
moisture absorbers, cellulose is the widely studied mate- material; (b) how strong the water molecule is bound to
rial as a tendency to moisture absorbance, and cellulose is the source; (c) the amount of water that has already been
categorized as a hygroscopic material, owed to a number of absorbed by the absorbing material, as well as temperature
possible water molecule adsorption sites at hydroxyl groups (Bovi and Mahajan 2017). The moisture absorption capacity
(−OH) and carboxyl groups (−COOH). Moisture absorp- of material should be considered along with the intended
tion in cellulose can take place on either the surface or all product application and expected shelf life when designing
over the bulk of disordered regions, commonly denoted as a moisture absorbing packaging system for food having high
amorphous regions in cellulose (Boruvkova and Wiener water activity. For food packaging applications, the most
2011). Studies have found that moisture penetrates through commonly used forms of moisture absorbing packaging
the amorphous regions of cellulose; on the other hand, it systems are sachets, pads, humidity-regulating trays, and
penetrates much low amount into crystalline regions (Guo polymeric films as shown in Fig. 3. The commercially well-
et al. 2018). established technologies incorporate the use of sachets, or
Recently, the use of derivatives of cellulose especially pouches, and pads that do not affect with the structure of
sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in the active packag- exterior packaging materials.
ing material is getting attention due to their excellent film-
forming properties. CMC is a polar macromolecule com-
pound and its degree of moisture absorption subject to the
relative humidity, and the presence of some polarity group.
The higher the number of polarity group, the degree of

Fig. 2  Attapulgite structure with complex magnesium, aluminum sili-

cates with an open-channel structure. (Adapted from Choi and Lee Fig. 3  Different forms of moisture absorbers for food packaging
2013) applications

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Sachets, bags Moisture absorbent pads

Moisture absorbing packaging systems in the form of The moisture absorbent pads are mostly used at the bot-
sachets are commonly used to keep low levels of moisture tom of polymeric trays or containers to absorb the exuded
in dried food packages, for example meat, nuts, spices, bis- fluids from food during the storage period and temperature
cuits, sweets, crackers, milk powder, and instant coffee to fluctuation during transportation. Otherwise, absorbent pads
decrease water activity and inhibit mold, yeast, or bacterial have been placed in bags for displaying food items (Ren
growth (Yam 2010). In this category, moisture absorbers et al. 2018). Food products that may be found in the market
are in forms of powder, granules, beads, blocks typically placed in this packaging system include raw meat, poultry,
packed in a porous sachet or bag. Silica gel, dry sorbitol, fish, or shellfish and fresh produce (Choi and Lee 2013).
xylitol, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium Principally, the absorbent pad must contribute to extend the
chloride are the most common absorbing materials used shelf life of packaged food and to retard microbial growth.
in the sachets form. The commercial moisture absorb- Some examples of commercial pad available in materials are
ing sachets used to absorb and/or control moisture inside shown in Table 2. Absorbent pads are already successfully
food packages are Desi Pak, Desi View, Sorb-It and 2-in-1 well established in the market especially for the packaging
(United Desiccants, USA), Ageless (Swiss Pac Pvt. Ltd, of raw meat and products (Yildirim et al. 2018). Commer-
India), MiniPax, F ­ reshPax® StripPax, Natrasorb (Multi- cial moisture or drip-absorbent pads are generally supplied
sorb Technologies, USA), Chunwang (Shenzhen Chun- in the form of sheets of different sizes to match the tray and
wang, China), and the moisture absorbing label Desimax anticipated drip loss of different food products ­(SOCO®,
(Multisorb Technologies, USA). Moisture absorbers in the SOCO Chemical, China; ­Cryovacs® Dri-Locs®, Sealed Air
form of granules or powders should not expose directly Corp., USA; C-Airlaid, C-Air laid, Russia; Toppan ­Sheet®,
to an environmental atmosphere where relative humidity Toppan Printing, Japan; Dri-Fresh, Sirane Ltd., UK; Meat-
is high. guard, McAirlaid Inc., USA; ­SupaSorb®, ThermaRite Pty.;
The important factors to study when evaluating the type ­Luquasorb®, BASF, Germany; Fresh-R-Pax, Maxwell Chase
of desiccant-based sachets and calculating the capacity Technologies, USA; ­UltraZap®, Paper Pak Industries, USA).
to keep moisture balance between equilibrium relative The typical structure of the food packaging system contain-
humidity in the headspace to the optimum water activ- ing moisture absorbent pad is shown in Fig. 4. Moisture
ity of packaged food are: equilibrium adsorptive capacity, absorbent pads primarily comprise of granular or powder
the rate at production, or storage temperatures. Sachets form a superabsorbent polymer, such as polyacrylate salts or
that carry moisture absorbers comprise with powder form graft copolymers of starch, and or high-moisture absorbent
absorbing materials placed inside a high-permeable mate- paper located in between two sheets of a microporous or
rial (sachet material), which was heat-sealed to form the nonwoven polymer. The moisture absorbing polymer can
sachet. The materials used to make a sachet must resist absorb 100–500 times its weight of liquid water, depend-
handling and distribution to avoid failure and leakage of ing on salinity (Otoni et al. 2016). The multipurpose water
the absorbing material. Sachets are generally placed along- absorber pads can be designed to remove drip loss leaking
side food products inside an enclosed system, divided by from raw meat, which in turn trigger the active functions
the external environment by an exterior packaging that
contests specific permeability requirements contingent
upon each application, in an effort to adjust the moisture
composition within the packaging headspace. Packaging
materials for sachet are essential to be either highly porous
or semipermeable to a water molecule. Numerous materi-
als have been utilized to overwrap materials for sachet
making purposes, for example semipermeable polymer
films, perforated barrier films, porous nonwoven fabrics,
and papers (Ozdemir and Floros 2004).
Main drawbacks of sachets as food contact materials; it
negatively affects the composition and the sensory proper-
ties of the packaged food and the risk of accidental rupture
of the sachets as well as inadvertent consumption of their
contents (Gaikwad et al. 2018a).
Fig. 4  Scheme of the food packaging system with moisture absorbent

Environmental Chemistry Letters

such as antimicrobial properties, pH decreasing, and odor applications and polypropylene (PP)-based tarty used as
absorption (e.g., ­UltraZap® OdorVac, Paper Pak Industries, control sample. In this study, trays containing 12 wt% of
USA) (Yildirim et al. 2018). Moisture absorbing pads are sodium chloride best maintained relative humidity inside
not frequently considered to be active packaging. As per the tray for fresh tomatoes. Nevertheless, moisture loss of straw-
European Union (EU) Guidance to the Commission Regu- berries was greater than the moisture sorption rate by the
lation (EC) No 450/2009, “Materials and articles active on tray. The authors claimed that the volume of water vapor
the basis of the only natural constituents, for example pads absorbed by the tray during storage is directly proportional
composed of 100% cellulose, do not comes under the defi- to the percentage of sodium chloride integrated into the
nition of active materials since they are not considered to trays matrix. Overall, the result concluded that the devel-
incorporate constituents that would release or absorb sub- oped humidity-regulating trays have an effect on tomato and
stance deliberately.” strawberries and are mean to extend the shelf life. Similar
Even though traditional moisture absorbent pads have studies (Rux et al. 2015; Singh et al. 2010) reported with the
been commercially well established for food preservation, varying amount (% on a weight basis) of sodium chloride
packaging systems provided with them may have some as an active material in humidity-regulating trays for fresh
drawbacks regarding food preservation. Kannankeril and produce packaging.
Cruikshank (1993) specified that the moisture absorbent
capacity of the pad may be restricted by the total mass of the Polymeric films
packaged food, not allowing absorbing all the liquid exuded
by the food. One more drawback is the perforation of the The large variety of plastic materials and the diverse compo-
outer layers of the absorbent pad. These layer perforations sitions available allow companies to adopt a food packaging
must be delivered in a suitable distance to avoid film tearing, solution and develop most appropriate to the particular needs
thus releasing the absorbent material. of each product. Most polymeric films (polyethylene, poly-
propylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate)
Humidity‑regulating trays utilized in fresh produce packaging have a lower water vapor
transmission rate relative to the transpiration rates of fresh
Most of the plastic materials used in packaging of fruits produce. Similarly, for meat packaging films the amount
and vegetable packaging have lower water vapor transmis- of exuded water from the product is too high compared to
sion rates compared to the transpiration rate of fruits and the water vapor transmission rate of films. In such cases,
vegetables. Hence, the level of relative humidity increases, moisture absorbing materials can be integrated throughout
as well as condensation of water, occurs inside the package. the package. By dispersing absorbing compound into the
The use of plastic trays for food packaging applications is polymeric matrix (or by placing the humectants between
increasing steadily from the last few years (Gaikwad et al. two layers of a plastic film), moisture occurs in the package
2017c). The key reasons for its popularity are their glass- headspace and prevents moisture which permeates through
like transparency, acceptable gas barrier, lightweight, and the package from the external environment. This approach
shatter resistance. The incorporation of moisture absorbing is applicable for the preparation of active films using mois-
materials into the polymer matrix of packaging tray offers ture absorbing compounds by either solution-casting method
a new approach for regulating humidity of packaged food (Chen et al. 2018) or melt extrusion (Choi and Lee 2013;
products. A wide range of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene Sängerlaub et al. 2018). Furthermore, the absorbers can be
terephthalate (PET), expanded polystyrene (EPS), polysty- incorporated into the polymeric matrix via hot melt extru-
rene (PS) trays are used for fresh produce as well as fresh sion ­(DesiMax®SLF, Multisorb Technologies, USA), or inte-
meat packaging applications. Moisture absorbing trays grated into foil and barrier laminates, such as with oriented
comprising an inbuilt high-capacity absorbing materials polypropylene and metalized polyester to be develop into
are available for packaging high water activity-based foods a pouch (SuperDryFoil™, Baltimore Innovations Ltd. UK;
(LINPAC Packaging Ltd). Some commercially available Maruto Sangyo Co., Ltd., Japan), and foil blister (Activ-
humidity-regulating trays are Fresh-R-Pax® (CSP Technolo- Blister®, CSP Technologies, Inc., USA; F ­ ormpack®, Amcor
gies, USA); T­ enderpac® (SEALPAC, Germany); UltraFresh- Limited, USA). Recently, innovative moisture absorbing film
System (Paper Pak Industries, USA). These polymer-based ­Nor® Absorbit was developed by Nordenia International
trays are manufactured by the process of thermoforming. Germany. It is a flexible microwavable packaging film,
Rux et al. (2016) developed humidity-regulating trays which can absorb drip losses from packaged foods during
with thermoformed multilayer structure polyethylene (outer microwave cooking (www.foodi​ngred​ients​first​.com).
layer)/foamed hygroscopic ionomer (absorbing layer) with Chen et al. (2018) developed moisture absorbing active
0–12% (wt/wt) sodium chloride/hygroscopic ionomer packaging film based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The result
(sealing layer, inside) for fruit and vegetables packaging showed that the PVA film as active moisture absorbing film

Environmental Chemistry Letters

has the highest moisture absorbing capacity that is 29.2% at et al. 2015; Bovi and Mahajan 2017). Perforated films that
80% relative humidity. Further, the film used for dried eel have micro-holes are penetrated through all the layers of
packaging confirmed that the quality index such as weight the film. Depending on the size of holes, the film may be
change, peroxide value, and thiobarbituric acid reactive sub- called micro- or macroperforated films (Yam 2010). Micro-
stances (TBARS) value was changed more slowly during or macroperforations are utilized to achieve higher gas and
storage than that packed without PVA films. Lee and Lee water vapor permeation through polymeric films. The per-
(2016) tested moisture absorbing composite polymeric films forations should be adjusted to get the equilibrium modified
from superabsorbent sodium polyacrylate particles and pol- atmosphere in the package.
yurethane (solvent-type). The water absorption percentage Moreover, besides improving gas and moisture transfer,
of polyurethane films incorporated with sodium polyacrylate perforations have been described to prevent in-package
was increased with reducing sodium polyacrylate particle condensation. Perforation in polymer films is accomplished
size and with reducing ionic concentration in the bulk solu- by various techniques such as laser perforation, cold or hot
tion. Polyacrylic acid sodium salt applied in linear low den- needle perforation, tube perforation and ­CO2 laser (Hussein
sity polyethylene (LLDPE) film as a moisture absorbing film et al. 2015). Recently, Mistriotis et al. (2016) studied biode-
was developed by Lee et al. (2014). The results indicated that gradable micro-perforated polylactic acid films for cherry
an increased amount of polyacrylic acid sodium salt in mois- tomatoes and peaches packaging. Results showed that the
ture absorbing films showed a reduction in tensile strength, water vapor permeability of poly lactic acid (PLA) films was
elongation at break, as well as tear strength of the devel- very high compared to traditional orientated polypropylene
oped film. 4% polyacrylic acid of incorporated in LLDPE (OPP) films which allow permeation of moisture from pack-
films had high-moisture absorbency capacity compared to age to outside environment, and hence, no microbial growth
the other films with the different polyacrylic acid amount. was found on the tomato packed in perforated film com-
A moisture-regulating film based on polylactic acid and pared to OPP film. Different polymers including oriented
polypropylene dispersed with calcium chloride (2–4 wt%) polypropylene (D’Aquino et al. 2016), biaxially oriented
was developed by Sängerlaub et al. (2018) manufactured polypropylene (Kartal et al. 2012), low-density polyethyl-
with biaxial stretching to induce the formation of cavities. ene (Dirim et al. 2004), and polyvinyl chloride (Simón et al.
Developed films absorbed reversibly up to 15 wt% water 2005) as a micro-perforated film for fresh produce packaging
vapor at condition 75% relative humidity at 23 °C. Effective applications have been widely studied. ­Xtend® films (Tefen,
diffusion and effective sorption coefficients pronounce this Israel) are a commercial example of micro-perforated films.
water absorption performance. Almenar et al. (2009) examined the effects of micro-perfo-
Even though moisture absorbing films have been the com- rations in equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging for
mercial success, it has few drawbacks including the capacity wild strawberries packaging below 10 °C. In comparison
and rate of moisture absorbing regulating polymeric films with non-perforated films, micro-perforated films using one
and laminates are considerably lower than descant-based and three perforations delivered suitable C ­ O2 and O­ 2 per-
moisture absorbing sachets (Choi and Lee 2013). Issues meability when analyzed chemical and physical quality of
such as potential migration of moisture absorbing material strawberries. Results showed that the use of polyethylene
from the film into food products are getting the attention of terephthalate and polypropylene as packaging films having
researchers. In addition, high amounts of absorbing materi- one and three micro-perforations with a diameter of 100 μm
als are needed to assure dispersion all over the package, and maintained the quality of wild strawberries through the gen-
major mass and activity losses can occur during the produc- eration of adequate permeability of gases and water. The
tion (Gaikwad et al. 2018a). 6-day shelf life was achieved for wild strawberries in micro-
perforations package, though maintaining quality with the
slight incidence of fungal decay and odor.
Polymeric films for in‑pack moisture control Common drawbacks of micro-perforated films are com-
paratively expensive, permit extra moisture from inside to
Micro‑perforated films outside and odor losses, and may permit for the ingress of
microbes into sealed packs through wet handling conditions
Barrier properties of polymeric films are a very important (Yam 2010).
parameter to maintain gas and moisture composition inside
the package. Films utilized in fresh produce have lower Enhanced permeable films
water vapor transmission rates as compared to transpiration
rates of fresh produce, and hence, high humidity conditions Low oxygen and water molecules and high carbon diox-
occur in the packages, initiating moisture condensation, ide permeability of generally used polymeric materials are
the growth of microbes, and hence short shelf life (Hussein not appropriate for preserving extremely respiring fruits,

Environmental Chemistry Letters

for example strawberries, garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms,

and apple (Hussein et al. 2015). The solution to this is the
development of high permeability toward water molecules
compared to the commonly used plastic films, for example
polypropylene or polyethylene (Bovi and Mahajan 2017).
Using such packaging material, the level of condensed water
in the package can be maintained throughout storage. Aha-
roni et al. (2007) tested a commercial X ­ tend® film which
can effectively adjust gas composition as well as relative
humidity inside the packages comprising various fresh pro-
duce. The cellulose-based NatureFlex™ polymeric film was
developed by Innovia Films, Cumbria, UK. The permeabil-
ity of water vapor of this film is 200 g m−2 day−1 at 25 °C
and 75% RH, which is very highly compared to traditional
polypropylene film (Sousa-Gallagher et  al. 2013). Kim
et al. (2016) prepared permeable composite films based on
polypropylene and phase change material (octadecane) for
packaging of cherry tomatoes. Films for water vapor and
gases permeability were dependent on temperature. The
water permeability of the polypropylene film increased Fig. 5  Cobalt-free humidity indicator labels at a different relative
from 0.5 to 11.1 g m−2 day−1, while for the polypropyl- humidity level
ene–octadecane composite films it increased from 2.9 to
31.9 g m−2 day−1 with a temperature increase from 10 to
48 °C. Some researchers, for instance, Caleb et al. (2016), indicators are well established such as cobalt chloride-free
have used humidity windows instead of enhanced perme- humidity indicator card (Ströbel GmbH, Germany), (Stream
able films to cover the entire package in order to overcome Peak International, Singapore); HUMITECTOR™ (Clari-
this drawback. The use of enhanced permeable films is the ant Cargo & Device Protection, USA); HumiJudge (Kyodo
only applicable packaging of fresh produce and not for other Printing Co., Ltd., Japan) are available for monitoring rela-
moist products such as raw meat. tive humidity in the food package. The colored capacity
indicators have been widely combined with desiccants, such
as silica gels and calcium sulfate, to indicate the degree of
Trends in moisture absorbing packaging water saturation of the desiccant as suitable substitutes for
a humidity indicating cards. The common indicator is the
Humidity indicator/sensor “blue” anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride, which turns purple
when it bonds to water molecules.
High moisture inside the package can speed up the decom- Further hydration results in the pink hexaaquacobalt (II)
position process in raw meats, dry powder such as sugar, chloride complex. Due to potential toxicity, the blue indicat-
milk powder, and salt lose textural and free-flowing proper- ing silica gel has slowly been replaced by the “orange,” cop-
ties if the moisture level is too high. Therefore, humidity per (II) chloride, which turns blue when reaching moisture
indicators are desirable in the food industry for monitoring adsorption capacity. Due to this reason, manufacturers are
the quality, freshness, and shelf life of packaged food prod- focusing on cobalt chloride-free humidity indicator for food
ucts (Esse and Saari 2008). An indicator is a material, which packaging applications. Recently, Thompson et al. (2017)
indicates the existence or lack of additional substance or the developed DryCard, a humidity indicator strip based on lam-
degree of reaction between two and more materials by means inated on one side to PET and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA)
of a property change, mainly in color (Fig. 5) (Kim et al. polymer using a cobalt chloride, which changes color with
2017). In general, humidity indicators/sensors are prepared altering relative humidity. Authors described that the Dry-
using electronic hygrometers based on capacitive or resistive Card™ has a dependable color response to humidity with
structures that determine the change in conductivity of a pol- fast response time to calculate approximately water activity.
ymeric or ceramic film as a function of moisture. Majority of A humidity indicator was developed by Zhou (2013) using
colorimetric based humidity indicators are based on the inor- iridescent technology. A nanocrystalline cellulose film was
ganic salts, for example cobalt (II) chloride. However, such produced by using a casting method to form a thick irides-
indicators have limitations in their operating circumstances cent film in which chiral nematic texture was made by self-
and high cost (Zhang et al. 2013). Commercially, humidity assembly of the rigid rod crystallites. The developed film’s

Environmental Chemistry Letters

structure interacts with the electromagnetic field and indi- of LDPE film as shown in Fig. 6. Authors claim that the pul-
cates humidity percentage. The observed dry film color was lulan coatings may be of significant importance as a supe-
stated blue–green. Upon contact to humidity or moisture, rior, novel, and “green” alternative to conventional antifog
the color of film changes from blue–green to red–orange; agents in future food packaging applications. Other antifog-
to change the color in films, it required 2 s. Holst Center ging systems that prevent fog include polyglycerol fatty acid
(Eindhoven, Netherlands) prepared a prototype of a flexible esters/polyethylene (Wei et al. 2017), hydroxypropylmethyl-
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag with integrated cellulose and tannic acid/PLA (Zhang et al. 2018), silver
sensors which are able to monitor temperate and humidity nanoparticles, or grapefruit seed extract/ternary blend agar/
and a resistive sensor proficient of perceiving the presence alginate/collagen hydrogel films (Wang and Rhim 2015),
of amines (Smits et al. 2012). The RFID tag able to detect agar, κ-carrageenan/konjac glucomannan/Cloisite® 30B clay
traces of trimethylamine gas is a sign of interest to assess (Rhim and Wang 2013), and silica/LDPE (Rosen-Kligvasser
the freshness of raw fish. The clear response to even as low et al. 2013). Most of the polymeric films used in antifogging
concentrations as 1 ppm proposes that the tag may be well applications are made from polyethylene (PE), PET, EVA,
suitable for sensing the presence of trimethylamine in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and PP. Atmer™ antifog (Croda
headspace of the food package. Polymer Additives, USA); ­Vistex® (FSI Coating Technolo-
gies, Inc., USA); WeeTect (WeeTect, Shanghai, China) are
Antifogging films some examples of commercially available antifogging films
for food packaging applications. The antifogging material
Antifogging polymeric films prevent the formation of fog has limitations in the polymer matrix when it uses packag-
inside the food packages, for example fresh produce and ing materials for food application. Important factors include
raw meat packages. Antifogging films also let consumers its stability during film manufacturing and its impact on
see food in packages clearly (Ozdemir and Floros 2004). the other properties of the film, especially mechanical and
The antifogging property is essential for the packaging film barrier properties. Another key issue in the choice of the
when it is used for packaging of frozen products. The anti- antifogging materials is its compatibility with the selected
fog films have been considered as a more eye-catching dis- polymer matrix. Nevertheless, antifogging films for food
play for frozen food products (Hu et al. 2018). Antifogging packaging applications are expected to find more attention
materials are typically surface-active agents which consist in the future.
of two parts: a hydrophilic head and a lipophilic tail; exam-
ples include glycerol fatty acid ester, polyglycerol fatty acid Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs)
ester, a fatty acid ester of polyethylene glycol, alkyl ether of
polyethylene glycol, ethoxylated alkyl phenol, sorbitan ester, Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs), also commonly known
ethoxylated sorbitan ester, and alkanol. When the antifog- as hydrogels or superporous hydrogels, denote one more
ging agent incorporated in a polymer matrix, the antifogging remarkable family of desiccants. The SAP is in fact poly-
agent migrates from the matrix to the film surface, reducing electrolyte networks commonly known for their capabil-
the interfacial tension between the polymer and the water ity to absorb high amounts of water. One gram of the
drops. As a result, the water drops spread across the film hydrogel can absorb more than 4000 g of water within
surface. 200 min, with half of this water being absorbed within
Recently, Hu et al. (2018) developed antifogging multi- the first 12 min (Delgado et al. 2009). Variety of mono-
layered film using acrylamide-modified chitosan and algi- mers, typically acrylics, is used to prepare SAPs. Acrylic
nate aldehyde. The thickness-dependent antifogging prop- acid and its sodium or potassium salts, and acrylamide
erty of the films initiates from the hydrophilic nature of the are commonly used in the industrial production of SAPs
two polysaccharides, and the water drops absorbing ability for packaging applications (Zohuriaan-Mehr and Kabiri
of the films. Results state that the six-layer film displayed 2008). Drip-absorbent sheets in meat packaging mostly
superior fog-resistant performance compared to three-layer comprise of two layers of a microporous polymer like
film. The films can reinstate their original transparency polyethylene or polypropylene sandwiched with an SAP
and antifogging performance. Park et al. (2016) developed in the form of free-flowing granules (Biji et al. 2015). The
antifogging films derived from water-absorbing polymer superabsorbent polymer such as carboxymethyl cellulose
(isosorbide epoxy resin). The antifogging ability was con- and polyacrylate salts has solid attractions for moisture.
trolled by changing the film thickness. Introzzi et al. (2012) Absorbing pads made from these polymers are usually
studied active LDPE films coated with pullulan as an anti- placed under packaged fresh poultry, meat, and fish to
fogging coating. Pullan is an exopolysaccharide obtained absorb unattractive fluid exudates from the meat tissues.
from the yeast-like fungus Aerobasidium pullulans. The Large blankets or sheets are generally used for absorbing
coated film showed effective in preventing fog on the surface the melted ice during the distribution of chilled seafood.

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fig. 6  Untreated LDPE and

pullulan-coated antifogging film
after removal from the refrigera-
tor (7 days at 4 °C) at 20 °C.
(Adapted and modified from
Introzzi et al. 2012)

Recently, Mbuge et al. (2016) used SAP drying of maize Moisture sorption isotherm model
and reduced aflatoxin contamination during the storage
period. Kim et al. (2017) developed a pH indicator com- The relation in the moisture content and the water activ-
prising moisture absorbing materials in the form of the ity at a constant temperature is known as the moisture
pad for monitoring the freshness of chicken breast. The sorption isotherm (Yam 2010). Each food products have
author used high water absorbance pad made with the unique sorption isotherm at a constant temperature, and
three-layered structure of gauze/superabsorbent polymer these statistics play a vital role in evaluating the ideal stor-
(polyacrylamide)/gauze. Some patents have also been age conditions for the food (Choi and Lee 2013). Although
disclosed, exploring extensively on the development and the knowledge of moisture sorption isotherms is broadly
properties of the SAPs based on the soy protein isolate used to calculate the shelf life, it can also be used in evalu-
(Damodaran and Hwang 1998). The inventors have stated ating other parameters such as design and optimization
that similar approaches can be used on other proteins such of packaging materials. The new methods of calculating
as leaf (alfalfa), microbial, animal proteins, and those the sorption isotherms are the electrochemical impedance
recovered from food industries wastes.

Environmental Chemistry Letters

spectroscopy and the infrared spectroscopy technique (Van 2015), bovine gelatin films (Nafchi et  al. 2014), chi-
der Zanden and Goossens 2004). Nonetheless, for food tosan–glycerol films (Monte et al. 2018), chitosan bio-based
products, sorption isotherm can be measured in three dif- and intelligent films (Yoshida et al. 2014), and soy protein
ferent methods that is a gravimetric method, the manomet- isolate/poly(vinyl alcohol)/glycerol blend films (Su et al.
ric method, and hygrometric method (Iglesias and Chirife 2010). Further, Langmuir isotherm model for hydroxypropyl
1976). In the gravimetric method, the weight of the sample methylcellulose-based nanocomposite films (Klangmuang
is measured until the samples reach an equilibrium stage. and Sothornvit 2016), BET model for gelatin films contain-
Several models can be found in the literature which ana- ing nanoencapsulated tea polyphenols (Liu et al. 2017). The
lyzes the sorption behavior of the foods. Models which models that are commonly used highly most in food products
have been suggested and used for food products since are BET and GAB models. The GAB model underestimates
decades are the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) equation, the moisture content values at high water activity levels
Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer (GAB) model, Lang- (aw > 0.93). The discrepancy underlines two facts: This type
muir equation, Chen, Hasley, Henderson, Smith, Oswin, of model is inappropriate for a high humidity range, and the
Lewicki, Iglesias–Chirife equation, and Peleg model as saturated salt solution method does not deliver appropriate
presented in Table 3 (Choi and Lee 2013). The GAB and information to get a comprehensive sorption curve (Choi
BET models have been considered to be substantial and and Lee 2013).
versatile sorption models (Siripatrawan and Jantawat
2006). Though the BET model has been used for numer-
ous food products, the GAB model has a benefit over the Food packaging applications
BET model as its strong theoretical background, and it
can be considered as an upgraded version of Langmuir Fruits and vegetables
and BET theories (Delgado et al. 2009). The second, an
important factor of using a GAB model, is that it can be One of the key issues with packaged fruits and vegetables is
used for a wider range of water activities that is 0–0.95, condensation, leading to additional free water in the pack-
unlike BET model which can only show best results when age. The relative humidity in the package is promoted by
water activity is less than 0.60 (Siripatrawan and Jantawat respiration and transpiration process of the fresh produce, in
2006). Equilibrium sorption isotherms model used for the addition to the water vapor permeability of the used packag-
seasoned laver packed in moisture absorbing film by Choi ing material (Bovi and Mahajan 2017). Moisture condensa-
and Lee (2013). Results disclosed that the calculating the tion dynamic in packaging system containing fresh produce
BET monolayer value was utilized to determine the water during storage period is presented in Fig. 7. Most of the
activity that could provide the maximum shelf life for the polymeric materials utilized in the packaging of fresh pro-
dried product. The monolayer value was calculated from duce have lower water vapor permeability compared to the
the BET equation derived from the isotherm data of the transpiration rates of fresh produce. As a result, most water
seasoned laver below a water activity value of 0.35. The vapor that evaporates from the fresh produce does not escape
model also provided data that allowed for the characteriza- through the packaging material and stay within the package;
tion of the seasoned laver. in these circumstances, minor temperature fluctuations may
Other studies that used various moisture sorption iso- result in condensation in the package, leading to an accel-
therms include GAB for fish gelatin films (Hazaveh et al. eration of microbial growth and further spoilage of produce
(Linke and Geyer 2013). The relative humidity inside the
package can be controlled by the use of moisture absorbers
Table 3  Moisture sorption isotherm mathematical models in the package (Bovi and Mahajan 2017). Various research
Model Equations
studies based on the use of moisture absorbers for food
packaging applications are presented in Table 4. Murmu
Henderson Ln [− ln(1 − aw)] = n ln ­Meq + ln K and Mishra (2018) used coarse silica gel as a moisture
Chen Ln (− ln ­aw) = K − aMeq absorber in combination with MAP technology for guava
Halsey Aw = exp (− a/Meq) fruits. The fruits stored with silica gel showed minor physi-
GAB Meq = C(K) ­(aw) (Wm)/(1 − Kaw) (1 − Kaw + Ckaw) ological weight loss, higher retention of total phenol content,
BET Aw/Meq (1 − aw) = 1/MmC + aw (C − 1/MmC) and ascorbic acid content after 1 month of storage period
Aw is water activity, Meq is equilibrium moisture content, Mm is mon-
compared to the control. Wang et al. (2017) used sodium
olayer moisture content carbonate-based sachets and sodium carbonate with calcium
a is a constant which represents the slope of the straight line between hydroxide and sodium carbonate incorporated in the cot-
the − ln Aw and Meq ton pad for shiitake mushrooms packaging. Results showed
n, K, and C are constants that the sachet combined with sodium carbonate and the

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fig. 7  Moisture condensation
dynamic in package containing
fresh produce during storage.
(Adapted and modified from
Bovi and Mahajan 2017)

superabsorbent polymer was effective in the quality preser- packaging container and hence leak during distribution and
vation of mushrooms. Superabsorbent polymer was studied storage (Singh et al. 2018c). The exuding liquids (water,
by An (2016) in master packaging system for preservation blood, or other fluids) are a sign of unhygienic meat from
of fresh shiitake mushrooms in the distribution process. The most customer’s perception. Moreover, it supports the
packaging system with superabsorbent polymer improved microbial growth, thus reducing stability and shelf life of
mushroom preservation and mainly reduced decay during the packaged meat (Ren et al. 2018). To overcome such
supply chain and storage compared to the control sample. issues in meat packaging, absorbent pads are commonly
Other packaging systems that used for different fresh pro- used in the meat industry to absorb the exudates and create
duce which absorb condensed water include drip-absorbent an attractive package. Recently, Ren et al. (2018) studied
pads for fresh-cut cantaloupe (Wilson 2017), humectant salt N-halamine antimicrobial compound coated on absorbent
for wild pomegranate (Sharma and Thakur 2016), sodium pads for raw beef packaging applications. Findings state that
carbonate for shiitake mushrooms (Wang et al. 2015), cal- the absorbent pads coated with N-halamine reduced the lev-
cium sulfate for breba fruits (Villalobos et al. 2015), calcium els of total aerobic bacteria, that is, Pseudomonas spp., and
chloride, sorbitol, sodium hexametaphosphate for mushroom bacteria to under the detection limit. Further, N-halamine-
(Ya et al. 2015), silica gel for fresh chilies (Zhao et al. 2014), coated pads were capable of decreasing microbial loads in
silica gel crystals for green bell pepper (Singh et al. 2014), packed beef samples by 1 log CFU g−1 on average. A sorbent
silica gel, calcium chloride, sorbitol for button mushroom polymer (polyacrylamide) is used as a moisture absorber for
(Shahraki et al. 2013), sodium chloride for avocado (Illepe- the development of pH indicator by Kim et al. (2017) for
ruma and Nikapitiya 2006), and sorbitol for broccoli (DeEll monitoring the freshness of chicken breast. In the study, a
Jr. et al. 2006). superabsorbent pad was used to avoid direct contact of the
The challenge of using moisture absorber in fresh produce used dye with the chicken and to increase the color change
is continually finding a balance between reducing moisture sensitivity of indicator. Results state that developed pH indi-
condensation and keeping produce weight loss as less as cator comprising high-moisture absorbing materials demon-
possible. While choosing the most appropriate approach for strated the excellent possibility for monitoring the freshness
moisture control, it is essential to know the physiological of various meat products as well as chicken breast. Fernán-
characteristics of the fresh produce. Additionally, the appli- dez et al. (2009) prepared absorbent pads incorporated with
cation of predictive mathematical modeling can be impor- silver nanoparticles (4–9 nm) achieved through silver nitrate.
tant tools for choosing the most appropriate packaging sys- Since traditional absorbent pads are commonly used in the
tem (Bovi and Mahajan 2017). The drawback is that such commercial market as part of packaging structures for meat
mathematical models are typically product specific because preservation, the prepared nanosilver-based absorbing pads
of fresh produce dissimilarities in transpiration and respira- were verified in poultry meat, resulting in a 40% decline of
tion process, along with different suggested humidity levels. the total aerobic microbial (TAM) growth, while the LAB
was unobserved (Fernández et al. 2009). Other packaging
Meat, fish, and poultry systems include polyvinyl chloride overwrap and absorbent
pad for preserving the quality of chicken breast (Charles
Raw meat naturally contains a high amount of water (more et al. 2006).
than 75%). Due to the oxidation process, excessive cellu- In meat packaging, the selection of moisture absorber on
lar damage follows in meat and water can saturate in the the basis of type, size, and capacity is very important to

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Table 4  Research studies on the use of moisture absorbers in food packaging applications

Moisture absorbing material Polymer matrix/packaging form Food application References

Dri-loc® AC Polyethylene-based pad Raw beef Ren et al. (2018)

Poly(vinyl alcohol) Poly(vinyl alcohol) film Dried eel Chen et al. (2018)
Silica gel Sachet Guava Murmu and Mishra (2018)
Silica gel Drip-absorbent pads Fresh-cut cantaloupe Wilson (2017)
Cellulose/fructose Polyethylene-based pad Strawberries Bovi et al. (2018)
Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose, Coating on food Jaggery cubes Chand and Kumar (2018)
carboxy methyl cellulose
Polyacrylate Tyvek film-based sachet Shiitake mushrooms. Wang et al. (2017)
Polyvinyl alcohol Polyvinyl alcohol-based pH indicator Raw chicken breast Kim et al. (2017)
Sodium salt/hygroscopic ionomer Linear low-density polyethylene-based Strawberries and tomatoes Rux et al. (2016)
Superabsorbent sodium polyacrylate Polyurethane films – Lee and Lee (2016)
Desiccants PET/aluminum foil/polyethylene film Moist food Haraguchi (2016)
Superabsorbent polymer Sachet Shiitake mushrooms An (2016)
Humectant salt Aluminum laminated pouch Wild pomegranate Sharma and Thakur (2016)
2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate Antifogging coating – Zhao et al. (2016)
Polyacrylate/sodium salt Powder in a porous tea bag Dry maize Mbuge et al. (2016)
Sodium carbonate, sodium glycinate Food-grade agar film Shiitake mushrooms Wang et al. (2015)
Calcium sulfate Polypropylene punnets Breba fruit Villalobos et al. (2015)
Calcium chloride, sorbitol, sodium Mushroom Ya et al. (2015)
Sodium chloride Thermoformed multilayer trays: PP/ Mushrooms Rux et al. (2015)
foamed and stretched, PP-NaCl/
Polyacrylic acid partial sodium salt Linear low-density polyethylene film – Lee et al. (2014)
Silica gel Paper-based pad Fresh chilies Zhao et al. (2014)
Silica gel crystals Polymer-based sachet Green bell pepper Singh et al. (2014)
Synthesized attapulgite with acryla- Linear low-density polyethylene film Dried-seasoned laver Choi and Lee (2013)
Silica gel, calcium chloride, sorbitol – Button mushroom Shahraki et al. (2013)
Pullulan Pullulan coating on LDPE – Introzzi et al. (2012)
Calcium chloride, sorbitol – Oyster mushrooms Azevedo et al. (2011)
Sodium chloride PP/foamed and stretched PP-NaCl/ Mushrooms Singh et al. (2010)
Calcium carbonate Unsaturated polyester resin – Kia (2010)
Potassium chloride, calcium chloride, Powder in trays/bags in the package Mushrooms Mahajan et al. (2008)
sorbitol, bentonite
Desiccants Micro-perforated polyethylene-based Cheese Pantaleão et al. (2007)
sachet, ­Humidipak®)
Sodium chloride Poly-coated paper pouch Avocado Illeperuma and Nikapitiya (2006)
Calcium sulfate – Strawberries Changrue et al. (2006)
Sorbitol LDPE bags Broccoli DeEll Jr. et al. (2006)
Sorbitol Cassava starch film – Mali et al. (2005)
N, O-carboxymethyl Chitosan/gelatin blend film – Zhang et al. (2005)
Hylon VII (Amylose starch) Chitosan-based film – Cervera et al. (2004)
Zein powder Zein-based film – Wang and Padua (2004)
Polyvinyl alcohol Chitosan–polyvinyl alcohol blend film Srinivasa et al. (2003)
Sorbitol, silica gel Polyvinyl chloride, LDPE Pleurotus mushrooms Villaescusa and Gil (2003)

PP polypropylene, NaCl sodium chloride, EVOH ethylene vinyl alcohol, PE polyethylene, LDPE low density polyethylene

Environmental Chemistry Letters

avoid adverse effects in meat; such as, the absence of oxy- Research needs and prospect
gen on the side of meat that is in contact with the moisture
absorber can produce a color change in the product from red A promising future is expectable for moisture absorb-
to brown. Limitation of pads in the meat pack is the satu- ing packaging system especially in the form of films and
rated exudates from the pad may generate unwanted odors pads for food preservation since they are suitable to the
and support the microbial growth. Thus, decreasing micro- food safety approach, which includes an enhanced level
bial loads in absorbent pads and use of antimicrobial with of food safety and transparency to customers. The use of
the absorbent pad is essential for successful food quality and moisture absorbers in the form of sachets, trays, films, and
safety during food packaging and storage. pads are well accepted, in the commercial market. Never-
theless, the use of moisture absorbers in polymer-based
packaging material continues to attract researchers from
Dry food products industries as well as from academia. New research relies
on the focus of the food and packaging industries. The
Even though dry food such as powders, such as pasta, cook- technologies involving combine antimicrobial emitting
ies, biscuits and milk powder, and instant coffee powder, sachets and absorbent pads will be continuing to improve
contain very low moisture that is around 2–3% water, the as new active packaging technology in meat industries.
water vapor permeates through the packaging material from The natural-based active moisture absorbers have been
outside to inside package unfavorable to the quality of such widely exploited by the scientific community all over the
food product. Moisture affects the shelf life of food including world due to growing demands for less artificial substance
crystallization, stickiness, and texture. The rate of crystal- or chemical in food or food packaging. The application of
lization rises as moisture increases, therefore limiting the bio-based and biodegradable packaging materials such as
shelf life (Duckworth 1981). Permeation of high amount PLA and PVA is also advised as environmentally friendly
of water molecule from package wall may also help oxida- substitutes for the carrier, sachet, and packaging materi-
tion of fat. The use of high-moisture barrier film or active als. Complications in the processing of moisture absorb-
barrier film, that is, use of moisture absorber in packaging ing films present a challenge. The trends of using natu-
film for moisture sensitive food, is recommended (Gaikwad ral-based absorbing agents have increased from past few
et al. 2018a). Choi and Lee (2013) developed LDPE film years. Nevertheless, natural materials are unstable at the
incorporated with synthesized attapulgite with acrylamide high processing temperatures commonly used in polymer
as a moisture absorbing film for packaging of dry seasoned melt extrusion; therefore, it is challenging for scientists
laver. The 4% attapulgite with acrylamide LDPE film con- to integrate such materials into film matrices. New com-
firmed a moisture absorbency of 44.59% at a water activity mitted migration tests and mass transfer modeling tools
of 0.71. However, the mechanical properties of the devel- must be established for migration analysis of active mate-
oped film such as tensile strength and elongation of breaks rials from package to food since the present methods for
were decreased with increasing the amount of moisture traditional packaging might not be appropriately adapted
absorber into film matrix. The absorbing film successfully to active systems. Possible toxic migrants are a technical
maintained crispiness of dry seasoned laver that is 0.66 N challenge since the active material must be compatible
on day 30. A multifunctional packaging film prepared by with the packaging material. The standard level of migra-
Chen et al. (2018) with functions of moisture absorbing as tion is set by regulating agencies, such as the US Food
well as antioxidant properties based on polyvinyl alcohol and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Union
and green tea extract. Results showed that the neat PVA (EU). Evaluating migration indicates the development of
film showed 29.25% moisture sorption; further, this film committed migration tests and mass transfer modeling
utilized for packaging of dried eel and it is found that the tools.
film containing 2% green tea extract showed the best quality A humidity indicator and sensor that indicates the level
protective efficiency to prevent the dried eel from absorbing of moisture in the package could act as both an active
moisture and oxidizing of lipid. A superabsorbent polymer and intelligent package element. The reception of new
is used for dry maize and reduction in aflatoxin contamina- moisture absorbers will rest on their safety for direct food
tion during storage period by Mbuge et al. (2016) under contact and their incapacity to leach toxic substances into
various temperatures and drying times. Results demonstrate the food and beverages. Overall, researchers are more con-
that temperature and the amount of superabsorbent poly- cerned about the absorption of unwanted by-products as
mer influenced the drying rate and aflatoxin contamination well as the moisture absorbance capacity of these systems
of maize. Moreover, it is shown that superabsorbent poly- each in vitro or in vivo. When actual food quality is tested,
mer had a good capability for grain drying and can be used even though their physicochemical qualities are generally

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