0170 PDF
0170 PDF
0170 PDF
0170 rev. no. 1 - 18 August, 2003 Authorised by Executive Officer, APAS page 1 of 7
Copyright APAS 2003
1.4 Uses coated steel. For use in marine
Products approved under this environments (Note 1) considered
specification are commonly used as wall "severe".
and roof cladding materials or gutters and
downpipes. They are usually factory- 0170/4 Heavy industrial and industrial
coated and formed, although some on-site marine
forming is also performed. Decorative roof and wall cladding;
typically either 25µm thick on aluminium or
1.5 Types ≥ 45µm on zinc or zinc/aluminium alloy
While there are six types, products coated steel. Used in heavy industrial or
approved within any one type are not moderate industrial atmospheres close to
necessarily equivalent in performance even the coast (Note 1&2).
for the same “finish”. This is due to the
variety of processes making up the product 0170/5 Very severe marine
(processes such as substrate metal type, A decorative or semi decorative roof
pretreatment and prime coats). For and wall cladding; coating consisting of
example, propensity for pitting and either a durable or high build coating over
corrosion at cut edges, resistance to metallic coated steel or a low build coating
mechanical damage, ease of installation over aluminium or stainless steel. Used in
etc. may vary from product to product areas in close proximity to coastal salt
unless all components of the product are spray (Note 1).
In addition, the formed shape or profile 0170/6 Very severe industrial and
of the sheet metal cladding can have a geothermal
significant effect on its long term A decorative or semi decorative roof
performance. Reference should be made and wall cladding; coating as described for
to the manufacturer as to the most suitable Type 6(a). For use in general heavy
profile. industrial applications and in New
Zealand’s geothermal area (see Notes 1 &
0170/1 Mild to Moderate 2).
Decorative metal roof and wall
cladding; typically 25µm thick over zinc or Note 1: For maximised performance, particularly of
zinc/aluminium alloy coated steel, or low build finishes, viz <30µm, regular washing of
aluminium. Used for general exterior surfaces exposed to airborne salt and industrial
pollutants is necessary, especially in areas protected
service in mild to moderate rural, urban, from rainfall.
tropical and industrial environments.
Note 2: Industrial pollution implies general pollution,
0170/2 Marine and Industrial including particulates; where specific atypical
Decorative roof and wall cladding; chemical or solvent pollutants occur, the suitability of
the product will need to be considered on an
typically 20-25µm thick over zinc or individual basis.
zinc/aluminium alloy coated steel, or
aluminium. Used for exterior service in 1.6 Finishes
coastal or moderate industrial atmospheres (a) “Standard Finish”
(Note 1). A “standard finish” provides optimum
decorative and durability performance for
0170/3 Severe marine coating subjected to exterior exposure in
Decorative roof and wall cladding; most domestic, commercial and light
typically either 25µm thick on aluminium or industrial circumstances. In areas remote
≥ 45µm on zinc or zinc/aluminium alloy from coastal salts or industrial pollution, a
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Copyright APAS 2003
life durability of some 15 years could be Group 5 Dark blues based on organic
expected before recoating becomes blue pigments.
necessary. (L value <40).
Group 6 Dark greens based on
(b) "Enhanced Finish” inorganic green pigments
An “enhanced finish” provides for (L value <40).
maximised colour and gloss retention and Group 7 Dark greens based on organic
resistance to chalking when the coating is green pigments
subject to exterior exposure. Application is (L value <40).
largely limited to high rise and prestige Group 8 Mid blues based on inorganic
constructions. In areas remote from coastal blue pigments
salts or industrial pollution, a life durability (L value >40 <70).
of 25 years could be expected before Group 9 Mid blues based on organic
recoating becomes necessary. blue pigments
(L value >40 <70).
(c) “Industrial Finish” Group 10 Mid greens based on inorganic
An “industrial finish” provides long term green pigments
coating integrity under exterior exposure. (L value >40 <70).
However while the coating will provide an Group 11 Mid greens based on organic
essentially even colour and appearance, green pigments
chalking and/or dirt retention may limit its (L value >40 <70).
aesthetic appeal. Such decorative Group 12 Mid to dark violets
performance is usually of secondary (L value >40 <70).
importance. Group 13 Reds & oranges based on
inorganic red & orange
1.7 Colour Groupings pigments
Applicator’s Colour Range (ACR) (L value <70).
typically run to several hundred colours Group 14 Reds & oranges based on
with dozens of new colours being added organic red & orange pigments
annually. (L value <70).
In order to limit the number of Group 15 Yellows based on inorganic
submissions required for ACR approval, yellow pigments
colours have been grouped according to (L value <70).
the chemical composition of the main Group 16 Yellows based on organic
pigment. yellow pigments
These colour groupings are; (L value <70).
Group 17 Mid tone greys and browns
Group 1 Whites (L value >80) based on inorganic pigments
Group 2 Black, dark brown or dark grey (L value >40 <70).
colours based on inorganic Group 18 Mid tone greys and browns
black pigment based on organic pigments
(L value <40). (L value >40 <70).
Group 3 Black, dark brown or dark grey Group 19 Pastel colours
colours based on non- (L value >70 <80).
inorganic black pigment. Group 20 Metallics & pearlescents
(L value <40). (no L-value limits).
Group 4 Dark blues based on inorganic
blue pigments.
(L value <40).
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Copyright APAS 2003
• primer,
2. Applicable Documents • top coat and/or backing coat.
Reference is made to:
AS/NZS 1580 Paints and related (See section 3.3.2 (a) for required
materials - Methods of test. compositional details. See section 3.2 for
AS/NZS 2728 Prefinished/prepainted sheet Traceability requirements).
metal products for interior/exterior building It shall be the responsibility of the
applications - Performance requirements applicator to notify the Executive Officer -
available in Australia from Standards APAS, of any significant changes made to
Australia offices in all capital cities (and this approved product composition and
on-line at www.standards.com.au) and in supply evidence if so requested, to
New Zealand from Standards New demonstrate why the changes will not
Zealand offices. downgrade the performance of the product.
The applicator shall also have in place
Australian Uniform Paint Standard procedures and processes requiring
(Appendix I of issue No.17 onwards of the coating manufacturers to advise of all
Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of significant formulation changes.
Drugs & Poisons), In cases involving changes in dry film
available from Australian Government Info thickness of the base metal, top coating,
stores in all capital cities in Australia. coating formulation and baking schedules
of the product, APAS may request
additional verification testing.
3. Requirements for Product Approval Depending on the extent and
relevance of the data provided in support of
The general requirements of APAS the change, product approval may be
Document D192 shall apply. continued on an interim basis until the
As product performance depends results of this latter test become available.
critically on not only the conditions of An audit of the product composition or
exposure but also on the composition of coating formulation may be carried out at
the approved product, there can be no any time and is likely to be carried out in
blanket approvals for one coating type cases of user complaints where the cause
(Industrial, Standard, Enhanced) over all of the complaint has not been determined.
combinations of base metal, pretreatment In such cases, where a significant formula
and primer. change has been made without
Product approval shall be limited to the notification, APAS approval shall be
product composition specified in the withdrawn.
3.2 Traceability
3.1 Composition The applicator shall be required to
The composition of the product maintain a level of traceability on the
submitted for the tests on which the APAS product such that the source of individual
approval was based, shall be known as the components of the product can be
approved product composition. This examined in the event of a product
composition shall comprise some or all of complaint or failure. For the applied
the following, depending on the end use of coating, this traceability shall include
the product; details of the manufacturer, their product
reference and batch number.
• base metal,
• pretreatment/s,
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Copyright APAS 2003
3.3 Submission Procedure include full details of sheet profiles and
Where an application is being made for design and installation requirements,
approval of the Applicator’s Colour Range treatment of cut edges and
(ACR), provided that the product recommendations for recoating and
composition and coating formulation is damage touch-ups.
essentially the same, one submission for
each colour group shall be made. (f) A colour card (or selection of swatches)
In cases where a colour is to be added demonstrating the range of colours
to the colour group of an approved product, available.
provided that the product composition and
coating formulation is essentially the same (g) The applicator’s quality control test
as the existing approved products, a schedule and limits for the product range.
request in writing to APAS to the effect that
approval is being sought for product X, 3.4 Resubmission Procedure
colour Y, being of the same composition as The approval is valid for ten (10) years
product Z, shall be made. (or for the life of the approved product,
whichever is shorter) but only for the
The applicator shall provide to the product submitted and the design and
Executive Officer - APAS for each product / installation recommended by the
colour group applied for; applicator.
Following any significant changes to
(a) an "Application for Approval" form the product (refer Appendix APAS
(APAS Document D139) showing the Document D183), a resubmission shall be
compositional details of the product, ie. the made in accordance with clause 3.5 of
base metal, pretreatment/s, primer, topcoat APAS Document D192.
and backing coat, as applicable.
Continuation of product approval will
Note 3: APAS Documents and specifications may be be dependent upon the extent and
downloaded from the APAS web site: relevance of the data provided in support of
the change.
(b) three (3) 150 x 100 mm panels
prepared from the base metal, including
4. Tests for Product Approval
pretreatment, primer and topcoat of the
submission, illustrating the colour, gloss,
4.1 General
finish and typical dry film build for each
For compliance to this specification,
colour group submitted.
tests results shall be reported showing
compliance to Table 1 of this specification.
(c) one set of duplicate panels (300 x 150
mm) prepared as per AS/NZS 2728
4.2 Sunshine Durability
Appendix C for each approval submission.
Panels for sunshine durability testing
shall be prepared in accordance with
(d) A NATA endorsed test report for each
AS/NZS 2728 Appendix C.
application confirming compliance with
Product composition other than the top
clause 4 of this specification.
coat ie. base metal, pretreatment/s and
primer, shall be uniform across the
(e) A data sheet or other information
Applicator Colour Range and shall be
detailing compositional permutations,
nominated by the applicator on the basis of
performance properties and the correct
usage of the product. This information shall
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Copyright APAS 2003
the (anticipated or known) highest volume APAS. However, as a guide they are likely
product. to include, but not be limited to, coating
Product interim approval may be thickness and continuity, colour, gloss, T
granted on the basis of known 4 year bend, adhesion and hardness.
exposure history of coatings based on
chemically similar pigmentation
composition. 6. Ordering
Such data should be supplemented by
case history data and/or the results of Orders shall specify the name of the
accelerated testing. For guidelines, refer applicator’s approved product “...complying
APAS Documents D192 Appendix 2 and with APAS 0170 Prefinished/Prepainted
D183 clause 3.7. Exterior Sheet Metal Cladding", and shall
After 10 years exposure in accordance not include more than one approved
with AS/NZS 2728 Clause 2.8, the ratings prefinished product on the one building
shall not exceed that indicated in Table 1 of installation.
this specification. (Exposure at the Alternatively, specify, as appropriate,
Australian and New Zealand sites substrate material (eg. steel), metal coating
mentioned in AS/NZS 2728 shall take (eg. hot dip aluminium zinc), finish type (eg.
place at 45° N). 0170/5 Enhanced) and the colour and dry
In addition to the exposure sites film build required.
detailed in AS/NZS 2728 Appendix H,
acceptable sunshine sites are Florida and
Arizona, USA with exposure taking place at
45° S.
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Copyright APAS 2003
Table 1
Dry Film Tests (Performed by the applicator in addition to tests nominated in AS/NZS
2728 section 2)
Evaluation of dry film properties shall be carried out on panels of the product prepared by the
applicator using the pretreatment/s and/or priming appropriate to the product.
Colour 601.1 Colour matching to an approved standard shall comply with;
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Copyright APAS 2003