Makati Science High School Rules and Regulation
Makati Science High School Rules and Regulation
Makati Science High School Rules and Regulation
Incoming Makati Science JUNIOR High School Grade 7 students shall be admitted based on the
following requirements:
1. Student applicants must have grades of at least 85 percent in English, Mathematics, and Science
and Technology, and at least 83 percent in other subjects in the first and the second grading
periods to qualify for the Makati Science High School Admission Test. A grade obtained in the
third and fourth grading periods lower than the required grade will be a ground for
disqualification to enroll at the Makati Science High School. Student applicants must also be in
good health and of good moral character.
3. Application forms can be obtained from the Guidance Office or can be downloaded at the
school’s website at
4. Test permits will be issued to the parent or guardian upon presentation of the application form
and admission test requirements.
5. ELIGIBILITY STATUS - The Makati Science High School Admission Test shall be conducted by the
Makati Science High School Admission Committee and shall include mental ability and aptitude
tests in English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Abstract Reasoning.
The final percentage score of the student examinees shall be computed as follows:
English 30%
Mathematics 30%
Science and Technology 30%
Abstract Reasoning 10%
TOTAL 100%
The top 250 of the total number of student examinees, 125 from the Makati public schools and
125 from the Makati private schools and other schools outside the city, shall be accepted as
incoming Makati Science High School grade seven students.
Incoming Makati Science SENIOR High School Grade 11 students shall be admitted based on the
following requirements:
1. All student‒applicants should comply with the following scholastic requirements pursuant to
DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 entitled: “Policy Guidelines on the National Assessment of
Students Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education Program”:
a. No grade lower than eighty five (85) both in Mathematics and Science from the first to
third quarter during his/her study in Grade 10; and
b. The Career Examination results, as reflected in the National Career Assessment
Examination ‒ Certificate of Rating (NCAE‒COR) should have a percent rank of 86 and
above in the STEM subtest.
2. DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS - The student‒applicant should submit the following
documentary requirements upon application:
a. Fully accomplished 2018 Admission Test for Incoming Grade Eleven (11) Students‛
Application Form
b. Original and certified true copy of Grade 10 Form 138 (Report Card);
c. Original and certified true copy of NCAE‒COR;
d. Original and certified true copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) authenticated
Birth Certificate;
e. Certified true copy of Form 137 with Learner‛s Reference Number (LRN);
Remarks/Purpose: Senior High School Application/Admission
f. Two (2) pieces of 2 x 2 ID picture with nametag;
g. Original copy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
h. Original copy of Barangay Clearance
3. The application form can be obtained from the Guidance Office of Makati Science High School
or can be downloaded at
4. ELIGIBILITY STATUS - The following students are qualified to apply for the Admission Test for
Incoming Grade Eleven (11) Students of Makati Science High School ‒ Senior High School
Program under the Academic Track ‒ Science, technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) Strand:
a. Category A: Grade Ten (10) completers of public junior high school (JHS) in the Division
of City Schools of Makati (DepEd–Makati) ‒ 60%
b. Category B: Grade Ten (10) completers of private JHS within/outside Makati, and public
JHS outside Makati ‒ 40%
5. The student‒applicant will take the Admission Test based on the schedule indicated in the test
permit. He/She should bring the following during the admission test:
a. Admission Test Permit;
b. School ID or any government‒issued ID; and
c. One (1) black ballpen
The final percentage score of the student examinees shall be computed as follows:
Science and Technology 45%
Mathematics 45%
Interview 10%
TOTAL 100%
6. ADMISSION TEST RESULTS The admission test results will be released after one (1) week. This
will be posted at the Makati Science High School Grounds, and in the school‛s official website
Enrolment at the Makati Science High School is considered as a formal acceptance by the students
of the obligation to faithfully carry out their responsibilities and their expression of willingness to
collaborate with the school administration, faculty and staff.
GRADE 8 to 10
1. Report Card (Form 138)
2. Five 1”X 1” ID pictures are requirements for enrolment in Grade 8 to Grade 11.
3. Students should meet the grade requirements stated in the Retention Policy (see Academic
All Makati Science High School JHS completers are automatically qualified to enter the SHS program
of the school, provided that they will undergo the normal enrolment procedures.
Students shall enroll on the prescribed period for their particular grade or year level. Students who
fail to enroll on the given period without valid reasons forfeit their rights to enroll.
For Junior High School
Elective in English
o Grammar and Composition I and II
o Academic Discourse Writing
o Journalism 9 and 10
o Special Program in Foreign Language: Mandarin, French, Nihongo
Elective in Science
o Environmental Science
o Science Research Paper Writing
o Consumer Chemistry
o Biotechnology
o Research 9
o Research 10
Elective in Mathematics
o Statistics
o Geometry
o Trigonometry
o Analytic Geometry
Mathematics Intensive Learning Enhancement for Students (MILES)
Robotics Class
Each student is required to join/ participate in at least three (3) club and organization that are DepEd-
accredited, DepEd-managed, and DepEd-recognized clubs and organizations.
2. Failure to meet 1.a shall disqualify a student to enroll in the next year level at Makati Science
High School.
3. Failure to meet 1.b or 1.c or both shall put an incoming Grade 8 to Grade 10 student under
probationary status for a period of one year the next school year.
4. An incoming Grade 8, Grade 9 or Grade 10 student under probationary status for a period of
one year the next school year shall be required to take summer enhancement programs so that
they can catch up when they move to the next grade level.
5. An incoming Grade 8, Grade 9 or Grade 10 student may remove his or her probationary status
for a period of one year by meeting 1.a, 1.b and 1.c the next school year.
6. Failure to remove the probationary status shall disqualify a student to enroll in the next year
level at the Makati Science High School.
1. CLASSROOM AWARDS are recognition given to learners in each class or section. A simple
recognition may be given per quarter for JHS, semester for SHS, or at the end of the school year.
Awardees are given merit by adviser and/ or the subject teacher in recognition of the learners’
outstanding performance in class.
2. CONDUCT AWARDS for grades 7 – 12 in each class will be given at the end of the school year.
This will be based on the evaluation of the adviser and subject teachers, using the guidelines
stipulated in Section VI of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015.
4. RECOGNITION FOR PERFECT ATTENDANCE is an award given at the end of every quarter. Perfect
attendance means that a learner must be present in all his/ her classes and must have NO
ABSENCES for the entire quarter. Learners who are representing the school for various purposes
(in-school and off-campus activities) may also qualify for this award provided he/ she has an
excuse letter signed by the teacher-in-charge and noted by the department head and/ or
Students shall take quarter examinations scheduled during the whole school year. However, a
student who, because of justifiable reasons, fails to take any examination may be given a special
The term cheating during examinations means not only an actual copying from someone but also
the possession of the examinee either in his or her person or within his or her reach of any material
related to the subject matter under examination. Giving one’s answer is also a form of cheating, as
well as providing one’s opportunity to cheat, like talking to a student, looking at, or holding other’s
Specification and guidelines of wearing a proper school uniform of Makati Science High School
students are as follows:
Grade 7 to 10
MALE students – the prescribed white polo jacket/shirt with school patch, and dark blue straight-
cut pants. Black leather shoes and white ankle-high socks.
FEMALE students – the prescribed white blouse with lace and school patch, green and yellow
checked skirt. Black leather shoes and white ankle-high socks.
Grade 11 and 12
MALE students – the prescribed white polo jacket/shirt with school patch/school name tag and
black straight-cut pants. Black leather shoes and black ankle-high socks.
FEMALE students – the prescribed white blouse and school patch, and black pants. Black leather
shoes and black low-cut socks.
P.E. UNIFORM – shall be brought by the students for change of clothes and be worn only during
their designated P.E. Schedule. Students shall be given ample time by the P.E. Teacher to change
Teaching and Non-Teaching personnel are allowed to call the attention of the non-complying
student. Refer to the Security and Safety Protocol on dress code and uniforms for further
In case of loss, the students shall report to the Guidance Office of the incident immediately. The
Guidance Counselor shall determine if the student should be issued with new identification card
or not.
(Refer to the guidelines on pages 40-41 of the Student Handbook)
Students shall use their Student Diary in case of absences and tardiness. Excuse letters shall be
subjected to the guidelines on absences of the Student Handbook. Parental notes or letter from
the Student Diary are not valid without the attached with the ADMISSION SLIP of the Guidance
Any students that are considered late must secure a stub from the security personnel so they may
have it exchanged for LATE SLIP from the Guidance Office upon arrival. Student who misses Flag
Ceremony is considered late. Students are considered late once they scanned their IDs after 7:00
Students are not allowed to neither loiter along the corridors nor proceed to any part of the school
premises aside from their classroom without permission from the subject teacher or class officers
who can give him the CLASS PASS or HALL PASS (except for emergency cases). Two CLASS PASS or
HALL PASS will be given to each section from the Office of the Prefect of Discipline.
To excuse the student(s) for trainings, practices, and rehearsals requires an excuse letter signed by
the Teacher Assigned, and the Principal prior to their date and time of their reason for excuse.
I hereby declare that I have read the Makati Science High School’s Rules and Regulations. I ,the
undersigned, promise to abide by these.
________________________________ ________________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name Parent’s Signature over Printed Name
Date ___________________________ Date ___________________________
Adviser’s Signature over Printed Name
Grade and Section _____________________
Date _______________________
Principal I, Makati Science High School