Review of Primary Directions - Astrologys Old Master Technique 6 Oct 2009

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The book provides a reasonably comprehensive survey of the techniques used for calculating primary directions from ancient Hellenistic times to the early 20th century. It helps untangle threads like method names and origins to better understand the field.

Some of the methods discussed include the proportional semi-arc method, Placidus under the Pole method, and the Key of Placidus which was a predecessor to solar arc directions.

It would have been interesting if the author discussed whether Sepharial's adoption of the Placidus under the Pole method increased its popularity on the European continent in the later 20th century.

Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique

by Martin Gansten
October 6, 2009
By Regulus Astrology LLC
Copyright © 2009 All Rights Reserved.

Part I. Scope, Content, and Style

` Given how far the train of astrology has veered off the tracks since its heyday in
Medieval and Renaissance times, there is no guarantee that what might currently be in
print has any relevance to primary directions as originally intended or practiced. Until
very recently, books by authors like Sepharial 1, Simmonite 2, and Pearce 3 dominated the
bookshelves of beginning primary directions students because of sheer availability.
Written in a pre-calculator age, primary directions by these authors are computed with the
idiosyncratic use of logarithmic tables which belongs to an age long past. In more recent
times, Rumen Kolev was the first author to make any attempt at systematically reviewing
primary directions dating from the time of Ptolemy. His self-published booklets offer a
bare bones historical outline of the primary directions tradition and are more geared
towards presentation of formulae and worked out mathematical solutions. 4

Compared to Kolev’s published work, Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master

Technique by Martin Gansten is decidedly less technical but does a much better job at
filling in the history of primary directions which Kolev treats in a condensed fashion.
The merit of Gansten’s work rests in a reasonably comprehensive survey of techniques
employed from the Hellenistic Era to the early 20th century. Simply knowing who did
what and when is a necessary step for understanding the field of primary directions. As
one example, consider the Placidus under the Pole method. Unless one knows this
method was originally introduced by Placidus as a short-cut approximation to the
proportional semi-arc method, one may never question its validity. It was designed to be
used with house tables as a way to bypass calculations required for the complete
proportional semi-arc method. But how many contemporary practitioners realize these
facts when clicking on the Placidus under the Pole option in their astrological software
program (not to mention how many of these individuals have ever cracked a book with
house tables)? Probably not many. It is the untangling of threads like these - with
respect to nomenclature and method - where the book shines.

There are a few areas where Gansten might have extended his historical review.
Regarding the just mentioned Placidus under the Pole method, it seems Sepharial’s
dissatisfaction with the ability of his rivals to predict the arrival of World War I led him
to turn away from the proportional semi-arc method towards Placidus under the Pole. 5
The history of astrology is littered with “new and improved” methods designed to replace
existing techniques which failed to predict events or otherwise meet requirements of
some theoretical construct. We know that Morin and Placidus’ rejection of symbolic
methods like profections used by Arabic astrologers led in part to the elevation of solar
and lunar returns in the predictive model (for Morin) and the creation of mundane
October 6, 2009

primary directions and secondary progressions (for Placidus). It would be interesting to

learn what effect, if any, Sepharial’s move to embrace Placidus under the Pole had on the
popularity of the latter method on the European continent later in the 20th century.

The Key of Placidus (p. 75) is another topic which Gansten could have briefly
developed as a predecessor step in the evolution of solar arc directions. The scholarship
of Noel Tyl on the development of solar arc theory could stand an update with today’s
greater availability of traditional texts and translations. 6 A brief treatment of solar arc
directions, while having no bearing on primary directions as traditionally practiced, might
also have widened the book’s audience to modern practitioners who use solar arcs but
remain new to primary directions.

Primary Directions is illustrated with a mix of horoscopes: examples published by

earlier astrologers, individuals whose data exists in the public domain, and private
individuals from Gansten’s own client files. One such private client horoscope is used to
exemplify computation of the proportional semi-arc method with rising and culmination
times measured in hours. This is a helpful reminder that primary directions theory is
firmly grounded in observable astronomical activity. Gansten reserves trigonometric
formulas for Appendix I. This is a reasonable presentation choice likely made so as not
to scare off less mathematically inclined readers. While I have no problem with private
client charts used to illustrate astrological concepts, Gansten stretches the use of private
data when it is used for mathematical purposes. A single horoscope, with birth details
withheld, is used for example calculations in the main body of the text and in the
Appendix. While serviceable, it is an awkward choice and limits the ability of readers to
compare calculations presented in the book with those available from astrological
software. In retracing my own steps in learning the mathematics of primary directions, I
recall a constant iteration of comparing calculations made by hand-held calculators,
personal computer spreadsheet software, and astrological software; to calculations
presented by whatever author I was reading at the time. The horoscope for Joseph
Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) or some other public figure would have been a much
better choice for calculation examples.

Where the book does make a substantial step towards clarity for beginners is the
inclusion of summaries which conclude each chapter. Even if excerpted and read on a
standalone basis, the book’s chapter summaries are worth the price of the book for every
beginning student of primary directions. Sometimes astrological publishers forget the
clarity afforded by the seemingly terse use of bullet points, summaries, and other stylistic
formats seen more frequently in academic textbooks. Not all astrological books require a
prose format, especially books dealing in technique like this one.

Overall, Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique is best used as a

reference for the historical development of the technique. Students seeking worked out
examples of primary directions are advised to look elsewhere, with spreadsheet examples
available in the members bulletin board of my website (,
authors like Mckransky and Kolev, and an ever increasing pool of website articles 7 as
good places to begin. 2
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Part II. Theory versus Practice

Since Ptolemy introduced the semi-arc proportional method of directing, the number of
computable directions has substantially increased. Additional aspects and bodies added
permutations to the original proportional semi-arc method while new theories by
Placidus, Regiomontanus, and others added entirely new computational methods. Today
it’s quite easy to run a primary directions report with over 5000 computed directions for a
single individual. At some point one has to stop and ask whether the additional
permutations have any empirical validity.

After considering post-Ptolemaic developments in primary directions theory, Gansten

emerges as an unabashed defender of Ptolemy’s proportional semi-arc method. Though
his preferences are not made explicit, Gansten makes no secret of his disdain for new
computational methods introduced by Regiomontanus 8 and Placidus 9. And consistent
with traditional practice through the Renaissance, he excludes minor aspects, trans-
Saturnian planets, and bodies; and rejects neo-converse directions which move the
celestial sphere from west to east. Within Ptolemy’s conceptual framework, Gansten is
willing to experiment and accepts planet-planet directions (which exclude the five
traditional significators) and appears to favor Naibod’s Key (1 year = 0°59'09") in a
departure from Ptolemy’s Key (1 year = 1 degree). When considering conjunctions and
aspects, Gansten accepts planet-angle directions computed with either zero latitude or the
full latitude of a planet. For opposition aspects, he assigns the opposite sign to a planet’s
latitude using the method advocated by Bianchini. Finally, though Gansten recognizes
the importance made by the earliest authors of directing the Ascendant through the
Egyptian bounds (terms), he remains silent on this method because of doubts regarding
the validity of bounds as a dignity in general not to mention his shared confusion with
many astrologers on competing systems of bounds. 10

For students of primary directions, Gansten’s observations on the efficacy of

competing methods are helpful when sorting through the myriad of computational
choices. But in a book whose focus is a history of primary directions, the author’s
preferences might have been better reserved for treatment in a separate chapter (or a
separate volume) which separates results of empirical tests versus a discussion of the
methods themselves. The preference for Ptolemy’s framework over Regiomontanus is a
case in point. From Gansten’s perspective, the directional method of Regiomontanus
should be discounted on theoretical grounds because it was based on a misunderstanding
of Ptolemy’s intent. But is this so? Or did Regiomontanus develop an innovative method
to Ptolemy’s proportional semi-arc method based on better empirical results? We are left
with the idea that the popularity of the Regiomontanus method was due to widespread
availability of tables published by Regiomontanus for computation of his method of
directions. But whether or not a successful marketing ploy had any empirical validity is a
question that Gansten does not investigate. And this leaves some readers in the lurch. 3
October 6, 2009

A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency

Nowhere else does Gansten better demonstrate his disdain against post-Ptolemaic
innovation than in his comments on my book A Rectification Manual: The American
Presidency. In Chapter 6, ‘The Quest for Precision,’ he states:

In previous chapters, we have been content to note simply in what year of a

native’s life a primary direction is completed. In doing so, we have in fact taken a
traditional stance: astrologers of earlier times never attempted to use directions
alone for more precise timing. Nevertheless, contemporary astrologers interested
in primary directions sometimes claim consistently to achieve hit dates
corresponding to the actual week or day of an event. Such claims may sound
impressive, but typically do not hold up under investigation, p. 75.

‘Such claims’ refer specifically to A Rectification Manual:

A case in point is a recent anonymous volume on rectification techniques, which

states that we must ‘discard any notion [that] the orb surrounding a primary
direction to the angles may last several months or a year […] direction to the
angles for a reliably timed birth chart occur with a few days, often within 48
hours’ (Regulus 2008:299). By this means among others, the author claims to
have rectified the birth times of American presidents to the very second.
Unfortunately, the calculations on which this claim is based were incorrectly
performed, so that many of the supposed directions are invalid, and others have a
large margin of error. By way of illustration, the very first chart in the database
(that of George Washington, Regulus 2008:422 ff) contains seven supposed
primary directions to the angles. Five of these are incorrectly calculated,
bringing the ecliptical degrees of the natal angles to the promissors rather than
the promissors to the fixed angles, and assigning aspects to the angles rather than
to the planets. Of the remaining two directions, Jupiter’s zodiacal opposition to
the ascendant is wrong by 1 year 9 months, perfecting around 17 January, 1771,
rather than the stated time of 21 April, 1769. Only the very last direction, the
zodiacal sextile of Mars to the Midheaven, is correct within a few days pp. 80-81.

Gansten would have been more accurate to state that the seven directions he refers to
were computed with assumptions in use after the time of Ptolemy. In no way are the
calculations he references incorrect. 11 The disputed directions are presented in Appendix
I, displayed as output from Morinus software endorsed by Gansten. Accompanying each
direction is a discussion of which assumptions were used and how they vary from
traditional practice. 4
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Summary: An Empirical Approach ~ George Washington

As an alternative to Gansten's straw man argument ("Traditional authors didn't direct

this way so results based on post-Renaissance variations are wrong"), I suggest the
following empirical approach for evaluating the effectiveness of additional directions.
Included with each step is a summary of my findings based on a detailed examination of
directions of Jupiter to the angles for George Washington's horoscope.

• Ptolemy’s Model. What are the allowable directions consistent with Ptolemy’s
original theory of primary directions?

Holding the Ascendant and Midheaven fixed on the celestial sphere, there are three
directions of Jupiter and its aspects to the angles. The first two are directions of Jupiter
to the Descendant which can be computed with latitude (Jupiter's "mundane" position)
and without latitude (Jupiter's "zodiacal" position). The third direction is the sinister
square of Jupiter directed to the Midheaven.

• Additional Permutations. What additional directions are created by making different

assumptions regarding latitude, method, and theory?

Maintaining Ptolemy's key of 1 degree = 1 year for all directions in this study 12, the
following permutations are investigated: assignment of both zero and full latitude for
aspects, use of Regiomontanus in addition to Ptolemy's method, converse as well as
direct motion, and aspects of the angles allowed as promissors. These permutations
add another twenty-six directions for a total of twenty-nine.

• Empirical Results. Do additional directions correspond with actual life events which
match the delineation for each direction?

A six-step outline for delineating directions is proposed. The steps are: (1) choice of
significator, (2) choice of promissor, (3) aspect type, (4) Directing through the Bounds
(a.k.a. ‘circumambulations’), (5) house position, and (6) pace and flow of events
according to the Primary Direction Sequence. After demonstrating these six steps with
one direction computed using Ptolemy's model, each of the twenty-nine directions is
evaluated. The ability of additional permutations to time events consistent with the
delineation of each direction confirms their empirical validity. Specific to the career
and social status of George Washington is the ability of additional directions to time
diplomatic successes by Benjamin Franklin (French Treaty of Alliance) and John
Adams (Dutch recognition/loan and British Treaty of Alliance). These diplomatic
successes are not timed by directions computed using Ptolemy's model. 5
October 6, 2009

• Methodology. Can events timed by additional permutations of primary directions be

shown by other predictive techniques sanctioned by traditional authors?

This is a very logical question whose origin lies in the ability of additional
permutations of directions to time Washington's diplomatic successes in ways which
directions computed under Ptolemy's model do not. I consider Directing by Triplicity,
Fidaria, Annual Profections, Solar Returns, and Transits. Of the five methods, Annual
Profections, Solar Returns, and Transits do in fact show favorable diplomatic events
similar in spirit and close in time to events promised by directions. Nevertheless
"similar" and "close" means that events timed by Annual Profections, Solar Returns,
and Transits do not perfectly duplicate events timed by directions. Whether or not
additional permutations time unique events which other predictive methods are
incapable of showing remains an open question. Just the same, the empirical validity
of additional permutations means their relevance as a rectification method remains.

• Precision. Can primary directions time events within 24 hours? If so is the predictive
ability compromised for those working with reported birth data (e.g., not rectified)?

Gansten’s initial criticism of results presented in A Rectification Manual stems from a

dispute on the level of precision afforded by primary directions as practiced by
astrologers through the Renaissance. Citing Morin, Gansten discounts claims of 24
hour accuracy for directions computed with rectified horoscopes because traditional
authors claimed no such accuracy. The inherent inaccuracy of astronomical tables
during prior eras renders this concern another straw man argument. The better question
is whether or not to-the-second horoscopes can be computed in today’s era of greater
precision afforded by the Swiss ephemeris and primary directions software. I answer
in the affirmative and offer the following evidence for George Washington presented in
the balance of this paper. For the twenty-nine directions considered, 41% timed events
within 3 days; 97% timed events within one month or less.

George Washington. Precision of Jupiter-Angle Directions

(Summarized from Table 3.)

Events accurate to within # %

3 days or less 12 41
1 week or less 19 66
2 weeks or less 23 79
1 month or less 28 97

Whether or not a to-the-second birth time can be computed through rectification is an

entirely different question than whether an astrologer can deliver accurate predictions
based on birth data at hand. And this seems to be the rub implied by the claimed 24
hour accuracy of events timed by primary directions computed from to-the-second
rectified horoscopes. It is not my objective to disparage the work of practicing
astrologers who rely on reported birth times. Availability of other robust natal
predictive techniques and supplementary tools like horary renders the necessity of to-
the-second rectified birth data a moot point. 6
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

An Empirical Approach - Investigation of Primary

Directions of Jupiter to the Angles for the Nativity of
President George Washington, 1768 - 1783.
A. Ptolemy’s Model
B. Additional Permutations
C. Delineation
D. Empirical Results
E. Methodology
F. Precision

00z 00
Spirit 20 r 15 00z
> 25 r 41
r 00z ) 08 p 37 |
00 00z ( 23 q 09 q
B 28 q 33 00

11 10 9
# 14 u 22 12 8
Faith 16 u 59
Natal Chart 00z
v 01 George Washington o
22 Feb 1732
5:38:57 AM
$ 06 v 24 1 7SAN 21 m 33
@ 09 v 01 LMT +05:07:56
Wakef ield Corner VA 00
00z USA 00z
00 76w58 52, 38n13 44
! 03 w 08 Rectif ied
2 Hyleg
6 01 l 50
Y 27 w 46 3 4 5 Subst 00 l 23
& 29 w 11
00 00z
00 00
i * 02 i 40 k ? 25 k 41
00z 00z

Janus Astrology Software

George Washington, 1st President of the United States

Proposed Ascendant = 9AQ01’14”
A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency, pp. 420-425.
Regulus Astrology LLC, 2005. 7
October 6, 2009

The larger question Gansten raises is the validity of assumptions made in A
Rectification Manual regarding latitude and the choice of promissor/significator which
extend permutations well beyond Ptolemy’s original model. With Jupiter comprising
three of the seven directions critiqued by Gansten, let me focus on directions of Jupiter to
the angles for 1768-1783. This period begins with agitation leading up to the American
Revolution, includes the Revolution itself, and concludes with the postwar period of
treaty negotiations with England. Holding the Ascendant and Midheaven fixed as
significators on the celestial sphere, what are the allowable directions of Jupiter to the
angles according to Ptolemy’s original model? There are two:

PT D Venus/Aries P opposition Jupiter d. → ASC 18-Jan-1771

(equivalent to Jupiter d. → DSC)

PT D Jupiter/Capricorn P sin. square Jupiter d. → MC 23-Mar-1775

For notation format, see Primary Directions Notation: Towards a Uniform Presentation Standard available
for free download from the Research tab of

Ptolemy’s Model. Computed with zero latitude, both directions time events involving
Washington and his friends in disputes with the British government prior to the
Revolution. Saving a complete delineation of these directions for the next section, here is
a preview of what these directions signify: For Washington, Jupiter signifies friends
which are wealthy, sociable, rebellious; interested in legal and religious matters, a
philosophy of egalitarianism, and writings thereof; driven by a desire to maintain upper
class status through consumption of luxury goods. Some friends form political alliances
with Washington; others serve as diplomats in foreign lands. At the time of the 1771
direction, Washington and his friends concluded a successful nonimportation campaign
against Britain spurred by taxes imposed by the Townshend Revenue Act. In early 1775,
Washington participated as delegate in the 2nd Virginia Convention as heated political
rhetoric against Britain led to armed conflict.

Variations. Working within the framework of primary directions as practiced through

the Medieval era, we can add two more variations. The 1771 direction can be
recomputed with Jupiter’s full latitude, also known as Jupiter’s ‘mundane position.’ In
addition, we can consider the bound placement of aspects of Jupiter as an additional
delineation step. I will take up these modifications and others in the next section. But for
now, let’s consider that in the most basic primary directions model there are only two or
three directions of Jupiter to the angles. As we take the leap and increase permutations,
we need to consider whether additional directions have empirical validity and whether
their results add to our understanding of Washington’s life in ways which other predictive
methods do not. These are big questions. The easier of the two is whether or not
additional directions have empirical validity. I suggest they do and will offer substantive
evidence in favor of both their validity and precision. The more difficult question is
where additional directions fall in the predictive hierarchy and how should we consider
them vis-à-vis other predictive methods. 8
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

By adding permutations which include additional latitude options (for aspects),
additional methods (Regiomontanus), and modifications to theory (allowing converse
motion from west to east); the number of Jupiter directions expands from three to twenty
nine. As presented in Table 1, this is the type of expanded list which causes many
primary directions theorists to cringe. Do these permutations represent a degradation of
the art? or do they demonstrate empirical validity in ways which extend our knowledge
of technique and predictive abilities?

Table 1. Directions of Jupiter to the Angles, George Washington, 1768-1783.

1 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter 16-Sep-1768

2 PT D Venus/Aries P opposition Jupiter (l=JU) d. → ASC 21-Apr-1769
3 REG D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter d. → dex. square MC 8-May-1769
4 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 7-Dec-1769
5 REG D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) d. → dex. square MC 18-Dec-1769
6 PT D Venus/Aries P opposition Jupiter d. → ASC 18-Jan-1771
7 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 2-Nov-1771
8 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) d. → opposition ASC 14-Oct-1772
9 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter 11-Nov-1772
10 REG D Venus/Aquarius P ASC c. → opposition Jupiter 24-Apr-1773
11 PT D Jupiter/Capricorn P sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) d. → MC 11-Feb-1775
12 REG D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter 12-Feb-1775
13 PT D Jupiter/Capricorn P sin. square Jupiter d. → MC 23-Mar-1775
14 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) 13-Feb-1776
15 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) 10-Jul-1776
16 REG D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter (l=JU) 16-Nov-1776
17 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter 5-Mar-1777
18 PT D Venus/Aquarius P ASC c. → opposition Jupiter (l=JU) 13-May-1777
19 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter 12-Dec-1777
20 REG D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 2-May-1778
21 PT D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter 15-Nov-1778
22 REG D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter 11-Jul-1779
23 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) c. → MC 2-Dec-1779
24 PT D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter (l=JU) 4-May-1780
25 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter c. → MC 12-Jul-1780
26 PT D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 29-Oct-1781
27 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter d. → dex. trine MC 19-Nov-1781
28 PT D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter 30-Oct-1782
29 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) d. → dex. trine MC 29-Jun-1783

For explanation of notation, see Primary Directions Notation: Towards a Uniform

Presentation Standard, April 21, 2010, posted under the website’s Research tab. 9
October 6, 2009

To test the empirical validity of directions, we need to know what exactly a direction is
said to predict before comparing projected direction dates to actual life events. The order
of the process is: Delineation => Prediction => Evaluation. So we start with delineation.
Let’s return to one of the two directions allowable from Ptolemy’s model:

PT D Jupiter/Capricorn P sin. square Jupiter d. → MC 23-Mar-1775

The Basic Delineation Method divides the process into three steps:

(1) Choice of significator. Significators signify an area of life: Ascendant, physical

body/life purpose; Midheaven, career/social status; Sun, fame/father; Moon,
body/marriage/wife/mother; Part of Fortune, material gain.

This example includes the Midheaven (MC) as significator so this direction will impact
Washington’s career and social status.

(2) Choice of promissor. Promissors indicate, or promise, some type of accident, good
or bad, lying dormant until the promissor meets a significator by primary motion.

This example includes Jupiter as the promissor. For Washington, Jupiter signifies
friends which are wealthy, sociable, rebellious; interested in legal and religious matters, a
philosophy of egalitarianism, and writings thereof; driven by a desire to maintain upper
class status through consumption of luxury goods. Some friends form political alliances
with Washington; others serve as diplomats in foreign lands (see p. 13 for details).

(3) Aspect type. By what aspect the promissor joins the significator describes the
interaction between the two points. The conjunction (technically not an aspect) finds the
promissor and significator working side by side - sometimes helping other times
hindering - depending on reception between the two bodies. Square aspects are the
nature of Mars (fighting/strife); oppositions are the nature of Saturn
(obstruction/destruction); sextiles the nature of Venus (friendship); trines the nature of
Jupiter (perfect friendship/love). In addition, sextile, square, and trine aspects can be
further defined as ‘dexter’ or ‘sinister. Dexter aspects are formed to the right of the
planet by clockwise motion (e.g., rise before the planet in diurnal motion) and are said to
be more effective/forceful than sinister aspects which are formed to the left.

This example includes the sinister square. The direction will be marked by fighting and
strife, though its sinister position will temper the severity of its effects.

Conclusion: Rebellious friends mark Washington’s career/social status with strife. 10
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Actual event. The sinister square of Jupiter directed to George Washington’s

Midheaven yields an arc of 43deg 4min 53sec which projects 23 March 1775. From 20
March to 27 March, Washington attended the 2nd Virginia Convention as an elected
member representing Fairfax County. On 23 March (exact date match), Washington
opposed a motion by Patrick Henry for creation of new militia units with offensive
objectives. Henry responded with his famous speech and concluded with these lines:

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace — but
there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the
north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already
in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would
they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may
take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

It was also reported that those in attendance shouted “To arms! To arms!” at the
conclusion of the speech. 13 Within three months Washington was unanimously selected
as Commander in Chief of the Continental Congress.

Delineation Match. The event found Washington among his friends, some of whom
served on a legislative body (both friends, groups, and the legislature correspond to 11th
house affair which Jupiter rules). The event was marked by strife and was one of several
outbursts by Washington’s rebellious friends seeking fair treatment from Britain which
led Washington to accept a career as military leader of the American Revolution.

Additional Delineation Steps. So far, so good. But we have yet to exhaust the full
arsenal of delineation steps. There are three more: bound placement, house position of
significators and promissor, and evaluation of the pace and flow of events with the
Primary Direction Sequence.

(4) Directing through the Bounds (a.k.a. ‘circumambulations’). A more complex

system for evaluating primary directions is outlined by Abu Mashar in his treatise on
solar returns which dates from the Hellenistic era. In this method, we are to consider not
just the promissor - the sinister square of Jupiter - but its bound placement as well. The
promissor is computed as 8CP37 and falls in the bound of Jupiter/Capricorn. The
Directing through the Bounds method also introduces some additional terminology: the
promissor (“sinister square of Jupiter”) is called the Participator and the bound
placement of the promissor (“Jupiter/Capricorn”) is called the Distributor. 14

Placed in the sign of his fall, Jupiter/Capricorn promises shortcuts taken to achieve
success in contexts which normally require dedication and hard work. “Naked ambition”
for short. Placement of planets in Capricorn, where Mars is exalted, also adds a military
flavor to their delineation. But consistent with Jupiter’s weakness in Capricorn, the
military appearance of Jupiter/Capricorn looks good on the surface but does not stand up
on further inspection. Military personnel with Jupiter/Capricorn in their natal horoscopes
often wear uniforms loaded with insignia, epaulettes, and medals - usually obtained 11
October 6, 2009

through an inappropriately ambitious manner. 15 At the time of this direction, Washington

developed what would be the prototype uniform for the Continental Army; impressive in
appearance but not commensurate with actual ability.

Table 2. George Washington, Midheaven Directions

DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
22-Feb-2732 24SC-Saturn
19-Oct-2732 dex trine Venus
21-Aug-2733 0SA-Jupiter
7-Jun-2736 dex trine Saturn
2-Dec-2736 dex square Sun
17-May-2740 dex sextile Mercury
23-Sep-2742 sin sextile Jupiter
27-Apr-2746 12SA-Venus
13-Sep-2751 17SA-Mercury
12-Jan-2756 21SA-Saturn
17-Feb-2761 conj N Node
20-Jun-2761 26SA-Mars
11-Dec-2764 dex square Venus
29-Oct-2765 0CP-Mercury
28-Sep-2768 dex square Saturn
1-Apr-2769 dex sextile Sun
14-Jun-2773 7CP-Jupiter
23-Mar-2775 sin square Jupiter
12-Jan-2781 14CP-Venus
11-Jun-2781 conj Moon
7-Aug-2789 22CP-Saturn
29-Oct-2790 sin sextile Mars
29-Oct-2793 26CP-Mars
4-Mar-2797 dex sextile Venus
5-Jan-2798 0AQ-Mercury

In this example, placement of the Participator (“sinister square of Jupiter”) in the

Distributor (“Jupiter/Capricorn”) should degrade the effect of the direction. Consistent
with this observation are Washington’s remarks to Patrick Henry following his selection
as Commander in Chief by the Continental Army on 15 June 1775:

Remember, Mr. Henry, what I now tell you: from the day I enter upon the command
of the American armies I date my fall and the ruin of my reputation. 16

The word ‘fall’ corresponds to Jupiter in Capricorn, sign of his ‘fall.’

(5). House Position. Often we take the house position of the promissor for granted
when considering effects of directions. This additional step adds another level of
understanding because it forces us to deal with issues of sect, joys, and other factors.

Background. We know from the arcus vitae methodology that in some cases
directions of a luminary (as hilāj) to an angle can cause death. Why is this? For the
Moon of the nocturnal sect, Moon directions to the Ascendant degree are harmful
because it is as this place the Moon becomes visible and loses its in-sect status. This is
why Moon-Ascendant directions can kill. 17 Directions of the Sun to the 7th cusp may
also kill because as the western angle this the position where the Sun’s light is 12
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

extinguished. 18 We can extend this principle of the luminaries to the entire zodiac
circle by treating directions of the Sun to positions below the horizon as harmful, with
the worst effects at the IC or possibly 3rd house (opposite its house of joy in the 9th).
Likewise directions of the Sun to positions above the horizon are favorable reaching a
maximum at the 10th (or 9th in the house of its joy). Vice versa for the Moon. More
generally, I believe these principles can be applied to diurnal or nocturnal planets. An
example is the diurnal planet Jupiter whose direction to the 7th cusp should prove
problematic as this is the position where Jupiter loses its in-sect status 19 (vis-à-vis
nocturnal planets which gain sect as they move below the horizon).

In this example, the sinister square of Jupiter (8CP37) falls in the 12th house (WS).
How does this house position affect events timed by this direction? By advocating
formation of militias with offensive purposes, Patrick Henry moved Virginia colonists
(and members of the Virginia Convention) towards treason against the British Crown.
If caught, Washington faced extradition, trial, imprisonment, and probable execution.
Imprisonment is a 12th house affair and is consistent with the career risks Washington
took as he faced his rebellious friends and political alliances.

(6). Pace and Flow of Events. Having understood the nature and character of the
event, we can turn to principles proposed in my own Primary Direction Sequence as a
way of predicting the pace and flow of events promised by the direction. As a review:

Definition: Primary Direction Sequence 20

A set of dates, computed with all latitude combinations between significator and promittor, which
defines a sequence of events listed in chronological order.

For Ascendant-planet and Midheaven-planet directions, a pair of dates is computed. The first direction
is computed with the full latitude of the planet. The second direction assumes the planet has zero

Because the Sun has zero latitude, only a single direction is computed for the Sun.

For interplanetary directions, four dates are computed:

(1) zero latitude of significator and zero latitude of promittor,

(2) zero latitude of significator and full latitude of promittor,
(3) full latitude of significator and full latitude of promittor, and
(4) full latitude of significator and zero latitude of promittor.

What are the implications of the Primary Direction Sequence for prediction?
Suppose the promise of the direction is good. Because the start and end dates of a
sequence can be considered like bookends to a series of events, a ‘good’ event kicks off
a sequence, followed by similar ‘good’ events, and concludes with another ‘good’
event. The preponderance and accumulation of ‘good’ events means the native
progresses from ‘good’ to ‘great’ as the sequence unfolds. Vice versa if the promise
for a direction is bad. The native goes from ‘bad’ to ‘worse.’ 13
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As well as this works for directions computed by direct motion as the celestial sphere
moves from east to west in diurnal motion; the same principle applies for converse
directions - except in the opposite fashion. I first noticed this feature when studying
performance of the U.S. Dollar signified by Saturn/Libra in the Regulus USA National
Horoscope. The promise of Saturn in that figure is an initial exalted status of the U.S.
dollar which cannot be maintained, e.g., the dollar moves from ‘good’ to ‘bad.’ But as
demonstrated by Saturn-Ascendant Direction #10 computed by converse motion, as the
sequence progressed, the dollar moved from ‘bad’ to ‘good.’ 21

This pace and flow of events does not work every time. Sometimes events timed at
the start and end of a Primary Direction Sequence are unrelated. However, when a
series of events which correspond to the sequence does occur, the sequence concept
can be helpful in narrowing down actual life events which match a set of primary
directions. For not only do we consider the zodiacal state of the promissor,
significator, aspect, bound placement, and house placement; but we also consider
whether a progressive chain of actual life events matches the pace and flow of a
primary direction sequence. It is the hard work required by each of these six steps
which allows us to definitively conclude whether or not a given primary direction has
empirical validity.

Conclusion on Delineation Methods. Applying Directing through the Bounds to the

figure of George Washington, we look to MC directions computed in Table 2 to judge
Washington’s career/social status. According to directions in Table 2, from 1775 to
1781 Washington faced a fall from grace because he was pushed into a position of
military authority which risked imprisonment and death at the hands of the British
government. We can predict this because Jupiter/Capricorn as Distributor is placed in
the sign of his fall and the position of the Participating Jupiter direction is placed in the
12th house. There is no change in either Distributor or Participator until 1781. And
true enough, the period from 1775 to late 1777 were disastrous years for the rebellion
when Washington faced removal from office by Congress for his military failures. But
the fortunes of the colonial rebels changed materially with the French Alliance in early
1778. Without the support of the French, the colonial rebels would have faced almost
certain ruin.

So how do we account for the French Alliance through Washington’s natal figure?
True, the French Alliance need not be shown by primary directions, but in fact - they
are - but only if additional permutations of directions of Jupiter to the Ascendant and
Midheaven are allowed. In the end, the merit of additional permutations of directions
rests on their ability to time substantive events which are not timed by other predictive
methods. I suggest they do and offer the following analysis of the complete set of
twenty-nine directions as empirical evidence in support of this thesis. 14
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Let’s begin with Jupiter. What does Jupiter signify for George Washington? 22

Universal signification: magnates, scholars, judges, religious authorities, upper class.

Libra - Quadruplicity (Cardinal): creative, active, centrifugal, active.

Libra - Triplicity (Air): intellectual matters; friends available for counsel in the same.

Libra - Sex (Masculine): commanding, rather fruitful, rational, fine voiced, violent.

Bound: Mercury/Libra; adds written diplomacy to Jupiter’s significations.

Duad: Read as a Jupiter/Capricorn influence, placement in the duad of Capricorn adds

concern over status, centralized authority, and naked ambition to Jupiter’s significations.

Retrograde: Rebellious and defiant. 23 Repeated matters.

Temperament: Jupiter (hot/wet) in Libra (hot/wet) is a very sanguine placement which

doubly emphasizes the sociability of Jupiter-signified individuals.

Sign Ruler: Venus/Pisces/2nd signifies sacrifice of personal wealth for acquisition of

luxury goods required to maintain the social status of a wealthy Virginia planter. As
Jupiter’s ruler, Venus shows the cause and result of Jupiter’s actions.

Aspects: Applies to trine of Mercury/Aquarius (assisted by the written word, surveys,

constitutional law) and opposes Saturn/Aries (obstructed by impediments to war).

Houses (general): Placed in or rules all good houses. Jupiter’s universal significations of
scholarship and the law are analogous to its 9th house placement.

9th house placement (WS): Long distance travel, pilgrimage, God.

2nd house sign rulership: Moveable wealth/possessions.
11th house sign rulership: Friends, hopes, faith.

1st house participating triplicity rulership: physical body and life in general.
5th house participating triplicity rulership: emissaries/legates.
11th house participating triplicity rulership: usefulness of friends.

Summary delineation: Friends which are wealthy, sociable, rebellious; interested in

legal and religious matters, a philosophy of egalitarianism, and writings thereof; driven
by a desire to maintain upper class status through consumption of luxury goods. Some
friends serve as emissaries in foreign lands and increase good fortune (and land grants)
through access to the King’s treasury. An overzealous nature and the necessity to repeat
actions mar the capacity of friends to meet their objectives in a straightforward manner. 15
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I. MC → Jupiter
1 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter 16-Sep-1768
4 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 7-Dec-1769

7 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 2-Nov-1771

9 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC d. → Jupiter 11-Nov-1772

23 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) c. → MC 2-Dec-1779

25 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter c. → MC 12-Jul-1780

Delineation. Besides signifying career/social status, the MC also signifies the King.
Accordingly, these directions time events involving Washington’s friends and the King of
England (or his colonial representatives). Jupiter placed in the bound of Mercury/Libra
means written documents (Mercury) seeking legal justice/balance (Libra) are a focus of
friends’ activities. The MC degree placed in the bound of Saturn/Scorpio signifies the
King’s concern with national security matters; specifically those involving naval warfare
(Mars-ruled Scorpio). In addition to national security concerns signified by
Saturn/Scorpio, paranoia and anxiety are common psychological traits to Saturn/Scorpio
placements so a level of angst should accompany events timed by these directions.
Finally, Jupiter ruling the 11th also signifies Washington’s own hopes/desires for land
grants from the King. Why real estate instead of money or a civil service position? For
Washington, the Lot of Real Estate 6GE48 forms a grand trine to its sign ruler Mercury
(signifies Washington’s professional significator as a surveyor) and its bound ruler
Jupiter (signifier of grants from the King). This configuration between Mercury, Jupiter,
and the Lot of Real Estate appears to specify Washington’s 11th house hopes/wishes to
land grants from the King.

Land Grants - Events. On 1 April 1769, Washington ordered his surveyor William
Crawford to explore western Pennsylvania for land tracts for possible acquisition. 24 This
followed a year (dating from 1768) when Washington had traveled extensively in search
of land tracts in Virginia. 25 In early May (most likely 5 May 1769) 26, Washington
switched tactics and asked the Virginia Governor Botetourt whether he might present the
Governor with a petition from members of the former Virginia Regiment which fought
under Washington during the French & Indian War. At that time, Virginia Governor
Dinwiddle promised bounty land grants for soldiers as incentive compensation for their
wartime service. Fifteen years had passed with no fulfillment of the promise. On 8
December 1769, Washington sent the petition to Botetourt and the Virginia council for
consideration. Death of Botetourt on 15 October 1770 and increased colonial strife
delayed Washington’s petition. In the summer of 1771, Washington convened members
of his former Regiment to prepare a new petition for Botetourt’s replacement, John
Murray, the 4th Earl of Dunmore. Lord Dunmore agreed to distribute the land bounties in
November 1771, ordered land surveys completed by William Crawford and presented to
Washington during October 1772, and finalized Washington’s bounty of 20,147 acres on
6 November 1772. 16
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Land Grants - Comments. Washington’s desire for land bounties is an exact

delineation match to Jupiter in the 9th of foreign lands (Ohio Valley qualified as foreign
territory at this time) ruling the 11th of grants from the King. Petitions confirm the
influence of Mercury/Libra as Jupiter’s bound ruler. Also note that Jupiter-retrograde
can mean a repeated action. Washington required two petitions before his bounty
requests were accepted. Influence of Saturn/Scorpio as the MC bound ruler is less
evident though the MC signification as the King (here Governor) is clear. Finally, the
1769 petitions may also be timed by Jupiter → dexter square MC (see p. 20).

Boston Protests - Events. In response to protests against taxes imposed by the

Townshend Acts, 27 Parliament ordered troops to occupy Boston in order to quell unrest.
Citizens had rioted following arrival of the HMS Romney during May 1768 because of
that captain’s impressments of local sailors. In a separate incident, customs officials
seized the vessel Liberty owned by John Hancock on 10 June 1768. Specific to the
timing of direction #1 was a town meeting held 12 September 1768 requesting Governor
Bernard to convene the General Court. After Bernard’s refusal, a gathering of delegates
from ~100 towns met in Faneuil Hall beginning on 22 September and drafted a letter
protesting the planned military occupation a violation of legal rights of Bostonians. The
1st of 4 regiments landed 1 October 1768 under the command of General Thomas Gage.
Two regiments were removed in 1769 but tensions remained high leading Franklin to
comment in October 1769 that “God knows how it will end.” 28 This same month, near
the end of the sequence, a Boston Mob attacked, tarred, and feathered, a customs service
sailor. Continued taunts of British soldiers by residents eventually led to the Boston
Massacre of 5 March 1770 when British soldiers fired and killed Boston citizens in self-
defense (acquitted by John Adams in late 1770).

Boston Protests - Comments. Concern over national security matters (Saturn/Scorpio)

in the wake of Boston protests caused Parliament (MC) to send naval and ground forces
to suppress rebellion. Washington’s soon-to-be friend and political ally John Adams was
a leader among rebellious and defiant Bostonians (Jupiter) who helped draft a letter
protesting violation of legal rights (Mercury/Libra). The period between Sep 1768 and
Dec 1769 was one of increased conflict; no exact event match was found for 7 December
1769. These events are a rough match to a sequence defined by Directions #1 and #4,
especially the 12 September 1768 Boston Town Meeting which kicked off an increased
period of agitation.

Committee of Correspondence - Events. As a method of raising revenue, Britain

deputized officers of the Royal Navy to help enforce customs laws. One such officer was
Lieutenant William Dudingston of the HMS Gaspée who arrived in Narragansett Bay,
Rhode Island, in early 1772. On 9 June 1772 the Gaspée ran aground in a failed chase
with the packet ship Hannah; the next day the Gaspee was boarded, attacked, and set on
fire by members of the Sons of Liberty. In a separate decision, the British crown decided
to have salaries paid directly by the Crown as a way to garner colonial political influence.
Previously, colonists had paid salaries of British officials themselves. In response to both
events, Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren organized the first Committee of
Correspondence on 2 November 1772. The goal of the Committee was to state "the 17
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rights of the colonists, and of this province in particular, as men, as Christians, and as
subjects; to communicate and publish the same to the several towns in this province and
to the world as the sense of this town” 29 This Committee served as a model for other
similar groups. Eventually it led to formation of the Continental Congress which
functioned during the Revolutionary War.

Committee of Correspondence - Comments. Similar to earlier clashes during

1768/1769 timed by Directions #1 and #4, a group of Jupiter-signified individuals protest
security arrangements made by Britain. The dispute over salaries demonstrates Jupiter’s
rulership over the 11th house of the King’s treasury. Matching the timing of Directions
#7 and #9, the flow of events deteriorated as the 2nd MC-Jupiter sequence unfolded.

French Alliance - Events. Negotiated in large part by Benjamin Franklin and signed on
6 February 1778, the French provided both ground and naval forces in support of the
American Revolution. Charles Hector, Comte d’Estaing, led the first group of French
naval assets. Hector was not successful, suffering failures at Newport (1778) and
Savannah (1779). He quit and returned on crutches to France in early December 1779. 30
With the council of King Louis XVI’s approval of the Expédition Particulière on 2
February 1780, a new naval force led by Admiral de Grasse transported General
Rochambeau’s 6,000 land troops to Newport, Rhode Island where they arrived on 12
July 1780. Because of fears concerning the status of the remaining French fleet
blockaded by the British in Narragansett Bay, Rochambeau delayed deployment of his
army until July 1781. During summer/fall of 1781, Rochambeau combined his forces
with Washington and Lafayette; the collected troops forced Lord Cornwallis to surrender
at Yorktown.

French Alliance - Comments. Issues of security and naval warfare (Saturn/Scorpio)

and foreign alliances (Jupiter) correspond to Directions #23 and #25 which form a
sequence. Given these directions are computed by converse motion, it is interesting to
see Admiral Charles Hector hobbling on crutches as the sequence begins and the arrival
of superior forces led by de Grasse and Rochambeau as the sequence concludes. Unlike
the increased angst felt by Bostonians as the first two sequences unfolded; here it is just
the opposite: things start out badly and improve as the sequence unfolds. As
Washington’s diplomatic representative in France, Benjamin Franklin’s plays a
supporting role signified by Jupiter’s rulership of the 5th house of legates/emissaries as
participating triplicity ruler of air. 31 18
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

II. Jupiter → DSC

2 PT D Venus/Aries P opposition Jupiter (l=JU) d. → ASC 21-Apr-1769
6 PT D Venus/Aries P opposition Jupiter d. → ASC 18-Jan-1771
8 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) d. → opposition ASC 14-Oct-1772

10 REG D Venus/Aquarius P ASC c. → opposition Jupiter 24-Apr-1773

12 REG D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter 12-Feb-1775
16 REG D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter (l=JU) 16-Nov-1776

18 PT D Venus/Aquarius P ASC c. → opposition Jupiter (l=JU) 13-May-1777

21 PT D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter 15-Nov-1778
24 PT D Venus/Leo P opposition ASC c. → Jupiter (l=JU) 4-May-1780

Technical Note. Most software programs allow directions to the ASC or MC but not to
the DSC or IC. Directions to the DSC are represented as directions to the ‘opposition of
the Ascendant.’ Zero latitude aspects when directed to either the opposition of the ASC
or the DSC proper yield identical results. But when an aspect with latitude is directed to
an aspect of either the ASC or MC one has to be careful. These examples include
directions of the opposition of Jupiter with latitude to the ASC. With latitude, the
direction ‘opposition Jupiter → ASC’ will produce the same result as ‘Jupiter → DSC’
only if the full latitude is assigned to Jupiter for ‘Jupiter → DSC’ and the opposite
(negative) latitude is assigned to ‘opposition Jupiter → ASC’. This is the method of
Bianchini which is based on the mathematical premise of locating all aspects in a great
circle on the celestial sphere. 32 Taking the first three directions as examples, #6 and #8
conform to this principle. By assigning the full latitude of Jupiter to the opposition aspect
of Jupiter in #2, aspects are effectively located on a small circle parallel to the ecliptic. 33
This concept was not used by traditional authors.

Let’s keep this simple! Instead of getting caught up with Venus/Aries as the bound for
the opposition aspect of Jupiter (and other bound permutations listed above), just
consider these directions equivalent to Jupiter in the bound of Mercury/Libra directed to
the DSC in the bound of Venus/Leo.

Delineation. The importance of house position is demonstrated by contrasting events

timed by the previous Jupiter-MC directions with this present set of Jupiter-DSC
directions. The MC is the 10th house cusp, it is a ‘good house’ and one positioned above
the horizon where superior planets like Jupiter are in their own sect (for diurnal figures).
The DSC is the 7th house cusp. While this house still sees the Ascendant (not one of the
2nd, 6th, 8th, or 12th ‘bad’ houses), it still opposes the Ascendant. For this reason conflict
and legal disputes are assigned to the 7th. As the place where the Sun sets, it also
demarcates the division between day and night. Superior planets like Jupiter lose their
in-sect status when they move below the horizon. 34 This means that events timed by
Jupiter-DSC directions should be problematic for Washington’s Jupiter-signified friends
and diplomats. Unlike the prior Jupiter-MC directions when Washington gained friends,
political & foreign alliances, and land grants with legal petitions; those same strategies
will generate legal conflict and disputes in ways which Jupiter loses its in-sect status. In 19
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Hellenistic sect doctrine, in-sect planets are regarded as member of the political party in
power; vice-versa for out-of-sect planets. The following directions will demonstrate this
principle dynamically as Washington’s friends and diplomats lose standing with the
British government as Jupiter is directed to the 7th house cusp. Finally, Jupiter’s
retrograde condition makes him rebellious and defiant - analogous to disputes and legal
conflict assigned to the 7th - so Jupiter-signified friends will not go down without a fight.

Nonimportation - Events. Following passage of the Townshend Revenue Act on 29

June 1767 which applied to consumer items (including tea) imported from Britain,
colonists protested the taxes and urged a boycott. These actions followed similar protests
against the Stamp Act of 1765 which was repealed on 18 March 1766. In protesting the
Townshend Revenue Act, colonists hoped for a similar result. Beginning 18 April 1769
and lasting four days 35, Washington joined with his friends George Mason, Richard
Henry Lee, and other merchants at Mount Vernon to complete a rough draft of a
nonimportation agreement. Washington presented the nonimportation proposal to the
Virginia House of Burgesses on 15 May 1769. 36 Washington’s move was not accepted
by the British who simply shuttered the House of Burgesses on 17 May 1769, ending its
150 year history dating to 1619. After its termination, former House of Burgess members
began to meet in the Raleigh Tavern. At this time, George Washington and Patrick
Henry began to speak revolution. Most colonists adhered to nonimportation, forcing
Britain to repeal taxes imposed by the Townshend Act on 12 April 1770, save for taxes
on imported tea. In turn, non-importation agreements were suspended during October
1770 and by early 1771 British tea and other goods were again received by the colonies.

Nonimporation - Comments. Washington’s 18 April 1769 gathering at Mount Vernon

connects rebellious and defiant friends (Jupiter) with Washington in a legal dispute
(DSC). It is an exact delineation match and noteworthy because this was the very first
time in Washington’s life that he took a pro-active stance against the British Crown. 37
The protest over taxes of imported goods and their boycott can be read by Jupiter-retro
applying to Mercury by trine. Mercury rules the 8th of taxes and traded goods. Mercury
is the tax. Jupiter-retro applying to Mercury signifies the rebellious and defiant House of
Burgesses seeing but refusing to pay the tax. Mercury’s reception of Jupiter by bound
appears sufficient to perfect collection of taxation on tea throughout this period despite
success in repealing the Townshend Revenue Act (which removed all taxes save for tea);
a good example of the ability of a minor dignity to perfect a portion of what planet in
question desires. The loss of Jupiter’s in-sect status can be read as Burgesses losing their
official status as colonial representatives to the Crown. Subsequent unofficial meetings
conducted in the Raleigh Tavern (a venue what we might refer today as a locale for
‘underground’ meetings) are consistent with Jupiter’s now out-of-sect status. 38 I did not
find an exact event match for Direction #8 computed for 14 October 1772 which
concludes the 1st sequence, but do note that formation of the Committee of
Correspondence followed on 2 November 1772. It may be the case that the weakness of
Jupiter in legal conflicts timed by this Jupiter-DSC sequence prevents re-establishment of
viable political alliances until the Jupiter-DSC sequence has timed out. 20
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Boston Tea Party and the Surrender of New York - Events. On 27 April 1773,
Parliament passed the Tea Act, designed to aid the East India Company facing
bankruptcy on the account of unsold surplus tea accumulated as a result of the successful
colonial nonimportation movement timed by the 1st sequence. This led directly to the
Boston Tea Party on 16 December 1773 and Britain’s response in the form of the
Coercive Acts (first instigated on 31 March 1774). By 9 February 1775, Parliament
officially declared Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion. Franklin, in France at this
time, left in the spring of 1775 and from the time he returned to America to when he left
in October 1776 (see below), Franklin was continuously involved in affairs of the
Continental Congress which convened in Philadelphia on 10 May 1775. During the
period April 1775 to October 1776, Franklin served on various committees (including
currency - another 11th house signification) and was active in drafting articles of
confederation for the colonies, a constitution for Pennsylvania and the Declaration of
Independence itself. Direction #16 concludes the sequence and timed British capture of
Fort Washington on 16 November 1776 following Washington’s evacuation of
Manhattan Island. Direction #16 also timed Congressional approval of Benjamin
Franklin and Arthur Lee as diplomats to France in an effort to fortify Silas Deane who
had arrived in Paris in July 1776. Franklin sailed for France on 27 October, landed in
Auray on 3 December, arrived in Paris on 21 December, and met Comte de Vergennes
on 28 December 1776.

Boston Tea Party and the Surrender of New York - Comments. Events timed by
directions #10, #12, and #16 proved problematic for Washington’s rebellious and defiant
political alliances. Events at Boston clearly connect directions #10 & #12; direction #16
is indirectly related so much as the Boston Tea Party is considered one of the forerunners
to the Declaration of Independence. It might seem that appointment of Franklin and Lee
to fill out Washington’s French diplomatic corps in late 1776 was a boon given
Franklin’s later success. But the truth is that Franklin and Lee’s assignment was made to
shore up America’s diplomatic presence in France, under considerable pressure given
Washington’s disastrous military campaign in 1776 which featured the loss of Manhattan
Island. It was not until news of Washington’s surprise victory at the Battle of Trenton
(26 December 1776) reached France in mid-March 1777 39 did the French again give the
American diplomatic corps their attention.

Diplomatic Bungling - Events. Diplomatic snafus are a constant theme of events timed
by directions #18, #21, and #24. At the end of May 1777, Franklin learned that recent
dispatches from the colonies had been intercepted and turned over to the British. At the
same time, Arthur Lee traveled to Berlin seeking a commercial treaty with Prussia where
his diary was stolen from his room. Days later the contents - which described Franklin’s
first four months in Paris - made their way to London. That summer, Franklin was duped
by a messenger who exchanged Franklin’s dispatches to the colonies with blank paper;
sending the originals to the head of British intelligence William Eden. Franklin received
a rebuke from Congress for this incident. 40 Layfayette, whose journey to America from
20 April to 13 June 1777 matches direction #18 resurfaced during direction #21 in a
conflict with the Earl of Carlisle, threatening him with a duel in response to anti-French
comments. Carlisle was in charge of a Peace Commission organized by William Eden 21
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and Lord North whose objective was a negotiated settlement with the Continental
Congress following Britain’s defeat at Saratoga. With the Commission not authorized to
grant independence, Americans rejected their overtures and the peace mission returned to
Britain on 27 November 1778. Direction #24 closes out the 3rd sequence with problems
faced by Franklin’s diplomatic efforts in France. Franklin is joined by John Adams on 9
February 1780 whose forthright manner is found grossly out-of-place in French
diplomatic circles. Adams entangled himself in various intrigues with Vergennes 41 to the
point that Vergennes refused to deal with Adams at the end of July, and requested that
Franklin report to Congress that Adams had given offense to the French Court (which
Franklin did so on 9 August 1780). In addition to dealing with Adams, Franklin had to
deal with fallout from the March 1780 40:1 devaluation of the Continental currency made
by the Continental Congress. It was over this topic that Adams and Vergennes had their
June 1780 argument. The fall of Fort Moultrie at Charleston, SC, on 6 May 1780 and the
town itself on 12 May 1780 was the last straw which so diminished Franklin’s status that
Franklin was said to be in the King’s disfavor. 42

Diplomatic Bungling - Comments. In this set of directions the influence of Venus/Leo

as bound ruler of the DSC comes into play. Venus (pleasure, social interaction) in Leo
(sign of France) specifies the type of conflict which marked John Adams’ diplomatic
tenure in France as well as Lafayette’s threatened duel with the Earl of Carlisle. Unlike
the 1st and 2nd Jupiter-DSC sequences, the entire period is not consistently bad for
Washington’s Jupiter-signified diplomats. The Treaty of Alliance negotiated and
approved in early 1778 was a major coup for Washington’s diplomats. Nevertheless, the
full favorable effects of the Alliance were not felt until the very last phase of the war
following the arrival of de Grasse and Rochambeau on 12 July 1780 (after the sequence

III. Jupiter → dexter square MC

3 REG D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter d. → dex. square MC 8-May-1769
5 REG D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) d. → dex. square MC 18-Dec-1769

Delineation, Events, and Comments. Concurrent with the timing of directions #1 and
#4, these two directions appear relevant to Washington’s petition for land bounties made
to Virginia Governor Botetourt in 1769. Here is a recap of those events:

1768/1769. Traveled extensively in Virginia seeking tracts of land for acquisition.

5 May 1769. Asked Governor Botetourt permission to present a petition from members
of the former Virginia Regiment for land bounties promised by Virginia Governor
Dinwiddle in 1754.
8 December 1769. Presented petition to Botetourt.

Placement of the dexter square of the MC in the bound of Mars/Leo makes this pair of
directions relevant to Washington’s petition to Botetourt. Mars/Leo signifies defense of
honor, a theme Washington used in his petition to honor prior wartime service of himself
and his regiment members. This significator is also placed in the 7th house of legal
disputes. Given that one of Washington’s soldiers complained that Washington reserved 22
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

the best tracts of land for himself when the bounties were distributed on 6 November
1772 43, one cannot rule out disputes between Washington and members of his regiment
over his original petition to Botetourt. But this is speculation on my part which is in need
of further research for confirmation.

IV. sinister square Jupiter → MC

11 PT D Jupiter/Capricorn P sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) d. → MC 11-Feb-1775
13 PT D Jupiter/Capricorn P sin. square Jupiter d. → MC 23-Mar-1775

Delineation. Discussed earlier in this paper (see pp. 10-14).

March to War - Events. Following the Boston Tea Party of 16 December 1773,
colonial representatives held five meetings on the growing conflict with Britain. This
sequence timed the 2nd Virginia Convention called by Peyton Randolph in early
February 1775. Washington was selected representative of Fairfax County on 20
February 1775 and attended the Convention held at Richmond, VA during 20-27 March
1775. It was during this convention that Patrick Henry made his famous ‘Give me
Liberty or Give me Death’ speech on 23 March 1775.

March to War - Comments. In rhetoric and decisions which overstate the actual
military capability of colonists, Washington’s friends and political alliances authorized an
offensive military force. The overblown pompous military tone of the event and
Washington’s subsequent fear of failure after taking command of the Continental Army
in June 1775 (largely realized in 1776 and 1777) confirm the influence of
Jupiter/Capricorn as Distributor as well as its 12th house placement.

Note direction #11 computed for 11 February 1775 falls just a day before direction #12
computed for 12 February 1775. How is it possible to distinguish events between these
two directions? By properly delineating the DSC in direction #12 (legal conflicts) and
the sinister square of Jupiter falling in the 12th house in direction #11 (pompous military
actions which risked imprisonment) events can properly attributed to directions. In
addition, the primary direction sequence concept allows an otherwise solo direction to be
grouped with other directions which match the course of a series of events. The act of
declaring Massachusetts ‘in rebellion’ on 9 February 1775 was in response to the Boston
Tea Part in turn triggered by the Tea Act of 27 April 1773. Both the Tea Act (direction
#10) and declaration of Massachusetts ‘in rebellion’ (direction #12) were timed by
Jupiter-DSC directions which link the two events. Considering direction #13 timed
Patrick Henry’s ‘Give me Liberty or Give me Death’ speech at the 2nd Virginia
Convention, it is fitting to pair direction #11 with #13 because it was Peyton’s call for the
Virginia Convention made in early February timed by direction #11 which led directly to
the Convention itself timed by direction #13. 23
October 6, 2009

V. MC → sinister square Jupiter

14 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) 13-Feb-1776
17 PT D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter 5-Mar-1777

15 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) 10-Jul-1776

19 REG D Saturn/Scorpio P MC c. → sin. square Jupiter 12-Dec-1777

Delineation. Computed by converse motion, these two sequences demonstrate events

which begin badly and show improvement as the sequence progresses. The end of the
sequence signals a positive event. We know events start badly because like in the prior
pair of directions, the sinister square of Jupiter is computed to be 8CP37 which is placed
in the 12th house (WS). As just delineated, this configuration of Jupiter promises a fall in
status for Washington. In addition, this configuration is consistent with diplomats
(Jupiter) who spy (12th house).

Battle Losses and Diplomatic Spies - Events. Both sequences begin with bad omens on
the Continental Army’s ability to defend New York City. After surveying Manhattan
Island on 19 February 1776, Washington’s second-in-command Charles Lee wrote
Washington that Manhattan Island was virtually indefensible without control of
surrounding waters. 44 One of the resulting defensive strategies was construction of Fort
Washington near the northern tip of Manhattan Island at its highest point. Lee and
Washington envisioned that artillery and cannon could attack British ships approaching
from the North. When two British frigates passed waters surrounding Fort Washington
unscathed on 12 July 1776, weakness of Washington’s defensive plan for New York was
revealed. Both of these incidents confirm the weakness of Jupiter/Capricorn as
Distributor: Fort Washington was construction built on top of a mountain
(Capricorn=rocks) with overstated military capabilities (Capricorn=sign of Mars’
exaltation). The British easily took New York City during their September 1776
offensive. With the help of a defecting member of the Continental Army, the British
easily defeated Washington’s remaining forces at Fort Washington on 16 November
1776; taking nearly 3000 prisoners of war as well as supplies.

It is in these two sequences where the signification of Jupiter as foreign diplomats

emerges. Most relevant is Silas Deane, appointed as America’s first secret agent by the
Secret Committee of Congress in March 1776. His mission was to obtain ammunition,
arms, and clothing from France. After arriving in Paris on 7 July 1776, Deane engaged
in arms deals with Pierre Beaumarchais. At about the time Congress appointed Deane a
spy in early 1776, Beaumarchais approached King Louis XVI requesting the King
support the incipient stages of the American rebellion. Not willing to risk an open break
with England, King Louis XVI allowed Beaumarchais to create Roderique Hortalez and
Company, a front organization designed to channel arms and supplies to American
colonists. The Company was funded with two separate contributions of 1 million livres
from France and Spain and supplied Deane’s sought after ammunition, arms, and
clothing. There were multiple shipments including two ships which arrived in
Portsmouth, New Hampshire in Spring 1777 45 whose supplies were used by Horatio
Gates in the successful Battles of Saratoga (19 September and 7 October 1777). 24
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Gates’ victory at Saratoga was especially galling to Washington who suffered defeats
at Brandywine (11 September 1777) and Germantown (4 October 1777) in virtual synch
with Gates’ successes. Consistent with the 12th house placement of Jupiter/Capricorn as
Distributor, direction # 19 timed a move by Brigadier General Thomas Conway who
emerged as Washington’s secret enemy. Serving admirably at Germantown but not
promoted to the rank of Major General by Washington, Conway turned against
Washington by writing letters critical of Washington to a receptive Congress who had
just been run out of Philadelphia by the British. Congress overruled Washington by
making Conway a Major General in December 1777 and appointing him inspector
general of the Army. How it turned out: Washington held the upper hand and Conway
returned to France after he was shot by John Cadwalader in a duel.

December 1777 also marked the end of Silas Deane’s official tenure with a recall letter
dated 8 December 1777. Deane apparently made enemies with fellow diplomat Arthur
Lee who it is speculated pushed Deane out in a diplomatic row. 46 As a technical matter,
note that Deane’s 7 July 1776 arrival corresponds to direction #15 (error = 3 days) and
his recall of 8 December 1777 matches direction #19 (error = 4 days). This exemplifies
the Primary Direction Sequence concept that the start and end of a sequence of connected
events is computed by two directions, with and without the full latitude of the planet. As
a diplomatic spy, Deane is the perfect delineation match to this sequence. Jupiter in the
natal signifies diplomats as 5th house participating triplicity ruler. The sinister square of
Jupiter, falling in the 12th house of secrets, further specifies the nature of the event to
diplomats who spy. As a final observation, consider on the date of Deane’s letter of
recall tr. South Node 9CP57 was closely conjunct the position of the Distributor (8CP37)
and more speculatively, Deane’s own natal Ascendant (see Appendix IV).

Battle Losses and Diplomatic Spies - Comments. To conclude this discussion, let me
return to the point I made that sequences which promise bad events can actually time
periods of improvement when computed by converse motion. Despite Washington’s
losses at Brandywine and Germantown, his willingness to stage a surprise offensive at
Germantown demonstrated a fighting spirit which appealed to the French. Together with
Gates’ victory at Saratoga, the Americans demonstrated sufficient battlefield success to
sway the French towards making an outright political alliance. The French received word
of Saratoga on 4 December and in a 12 December 1777 meeting with French foreign
minister Vergennes, Franklin presented a draft treaty which was later accepted on 6
February 1778. Franklin’s meeting with Vergennes is an exact date match to direction
#19; together with Deane’s recall it marked the end of secret diplomatic maneuvers in the
early phases of the war. Within 2 months, relations with France would be demonstrably
public. 25
October 6, 2009

VI. dexter sextile ASC → Jupiter

20 REG D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. Sextile ASC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 2-May-1778
22 REG D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. Sextile ASC d. → Jupiter 11-Jul-1779

26 PT D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 29-Oct-1781

28 PT D Jupiter/Sagittarius P dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter 30-Oct-1782

Technical Note: The above direction #20 is one of three Jupiter-angle directions listed
in A Rectification Manual (2nd ed, p. 424). Controversial is its construction based on an
aspect of the Ascendant as promissor. This was not sanctioned by traditional authors and
represents the largest departure from theory of the six directions criticized by Gansten.
So let’s look at these carefully.

Celebration of French Alliance - Events. Following the French Treaty of Alliance

signed on 6 February 1778, Congress approved the alliance on 4 May 1778. This was an
event celebrated by Washington with a victory party at Valley Forge on 6 May 1778. 47
Of the American diplomatic corps in France, Benjamin Franklin was most well known
and accepted by the French. On 14 December 1778, Congress promoted Franklin to
‘Minister Plenipotentiary of the United Provinces of America’ in recognition of his lead
role in securing the French Alliance earlier that year. Direction #22 concludes the first
sequence with a diplomatic party - similar to Washington’s Valley Forge party on 6 May
1778. To mark his promotion and his formal introduction to ex-pat Americans, Franklin
held an Independence Day celebration on 5 July 1779. Biographer Schiff speculates this
was most likely the largest and most elaborate party of Franklin’s entire life. 48

Celebration of French Alliance - Comments. Both sets of directions time among the
most celebrated events for Americans during and after the Revolution War. All
directions involved individuals who were both political alliances and foreign diplomats.
The contrast between the exuberance of events timed by these directions with
Jupiter/Sagittarius/11th as Distributor is in marked contrast to prior directions with
Jupiter/Capricorn/12th as Distributor. Instead of observing movements of the secret
diplomatic spy Silas Deane, Washington and Franklin hosted huge parties
(Jupiter/Sagittarius = ‘too much is not enough’) to celebrate diplomatic successes.

Dutch Alliance - Events. In the same set of directions computed by Ptolemy’s method,
the diplomatic efforts of John Adams take center stage. For many reasons, Adams fared
poorly as a diplomat in France. Moving to Holland, Adams was authorized by the
Continental Congress to seek a loan on 16 September 1780. His proposal for a Dutch
Alliance made 4 May 1781 fell on deaf ears. It was not until Washington’s victory at
Yorktown on 19 October 1781 that the Dutch became interested. Like the French, who
waited until Saratoga and Germantown before signing their Treaty of Alliance, the Dutch
also wanted to see tangible military success. New of the surrender of Cornwallis at
Yorktown reached Adams on 23 November 1781. He was recognized as an ambassador
on 19 April 1782 and received by William V and the Princess Wilhelmina on 22 April
1782. Adams received the loan on 11 June 1782. After signing a Treaty of Commerce
on 8 October 1782, Adams traveled to Paris on 26 October 1782 and started negotiations 26
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

with the British on 30 October 1782. The final Treaty of Paris ending the American
Revolutionary War was signed on 3 September 1783.

Dutch Alliance - Comments. The zodiacal position of the Distributor (9SA01) in the
11th house is also important to the bounty afforded by events timed by these directions.
Jupiter has its joy in the 11th house whose affairs include the King’s treasury. While
debt/loans are assigned to the 8th house; I suggest the relevance of the 11th to John
Adam’s request for the Dutch loan because Adams is not requesting the loan from a
bank; he is dealing with the Crown.

Finally, there is an interesting case of dynamic synastry between the Jupiter-ASC

directions which timed Adam’s diplomatic success between Washington’s natal chart and
John Adam’s own solar return computed for 29 October 1781, the same date as direction
#27. In A Rectification Manual (p. 26) I discussed reasons why Adams’ 1781 solar return
promised success in securing a Dutch loan. I reproduce the solar return below. Note
carefully that for Adams’ 1781 solar return, the POF 9SA32 placed in the 8th house of
debt is partile conjunct the dexter sextile of the Ascendant in Washington’s natal chart
(9SA01) which is the promissor for the direction which timed Adam’s success.

00z 00
i w 00z B 24 u 34
00 00z v
( 14 v 13

11 10 9 * 17 r 17
# 11 i 32 12 8 & 14 r 55
> 24 i 42 Y 09 r 28
Solar Return Chart ) 01 r 24
j 02 John Adams r
29 Oct 1781
5:11:41 PM $ 27 q 55
7Subst 16 q 13
@ 14 j 08 1
LMT +04:44:00 ! 06 q 52
Hyleg 01 q 20
Braintree MA 00
00z USA 00z
00 71w00 00, 42n13 20
Rectif ied ? 24 p 42
2 6
3 4 5
SAN 24 p 21
Spirit 18 p 49
00 00z
00 00
l o Faith 27 o 46 p
00z 00z

Janus Astrology Software 27
October 6, 2009

VII. Jupiter → dexter trine MC

27 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter d. → dex. trine MC 19-Nov-1781
29 PT D Mercury/Libra P Jupiter (l=JU) d. → dex. trine MC 29-Jun-1783

Delineation. Like prior directions with the Distributor and Participator placed in the
12th house, this pair of directions falls in a bad house (the 6th) and is tainted by the
significator placed in the bound of Saturn/Cancer. Placed in the sign of his detriment,
Saturn/Cancer signifies harsh measures designed to control the people by fearful
governments. The 6th house is the place of illness, slaves, and the usefulness of slaves.
Because it is the house of joy of Mars, it also is associated with military personnel which
are relevant here.

Prison Ships - Events. The sad fact for the victorious Americans after Yorktown was
the status of American prisoners of war held by the British in prison ships (and
elsewhere). Conditions on British prison ships, many anchored in the East River off the
shore of Manhattan Island, were deplorable. Roughly 70% of prisoners who entered
these ships died of starvation and/or disease. More American colonists died on these
ships than the number lost in all battles of the American Revolution combined. 49

Negotiations between Washington and Sir Henry Clinton for the exchange of prisoners
were resumed in December 1781 after Yorktown. One exchange was brokered on 9
February 1782. In this agreement, British General Burgoyne (who surrendered at
Saratoga) was freed in exchange for the equivalent of ~1000 American officers and
soldiers. Additional negotiations were not as successful, in part because Britain held
many more POWs at the conclusion of the War which left Washington at a disadvantage
in negotiating exchanges. It was not until June 1783 when the last remaining American
prisoners were released.

Prison Ships - Comments. Denial of creature comforts in a waterborne prison ship is a

delineation match to harsh control measures consistent with Saturn/Cancer. Besides read
as the 6th house of soldiers, the house position can be read as 12th from the 7th, or enemies
of Washington’s open enemies (which in turn are Washington’s own troops). For events
which correspond to this sequence, Jupiter can be read as the Commissary General of
Prisoners, recommended by but appointed by Congress. This post was held by Elias
Boudinot (1777), John Beatty (1777-1780), and Abraham Skinner (1780-1783). Skinner
signed the prisoner exchange agreement of 9 February 1782. Skinner’s activities at the
start and end of this sequence would be of interest to help confirm the empirical validity
of this sequence. No such activities were found making Skinner’s connection to the
sequence speculative with current information. 28
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Having established the empirical validity of additional directions of Jupiter to the
angles, I turn to the following question:

Can events timed by additional permutations of primary directions be shown by other

predictive techniques sanctioned by traditional authors?

As a way to focus this discussion, I will specifically examine diplomatic successes

timed by the permutations of dexter sextile ASC → Jupiter which corresponded to
celebrations following the February 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France, Franklin’s 1779
diplomatic party, 1782 Dutch loan, and start of treaty negotiations with the British.
These are important events to consider, because as I suggested earlier, they are not
promised by the direction sinister square Jupiter → MC which timed the risky move
taken by the 2nd Virginia Convention to support an offensive military strategy.

To sum up, the direction dexter sextile ASC → Jupiter timed diplomatic successes
using primary directions calculated with assumptions not sanctioned by Ptolemy’s
original model. Turning to other techniques, were there any other predictive methods
which promised successful foreign alliances? (if so, then the dexter sextile ASC →
Jupiter direction may be considered an accurate timer of diplomatic success, but a
superfluous one in the context of other predictive methods.)

The specific dates I will test are Congressional ratification of the Treaty of Alliance on
4 May 1778 and the start of treaty negotiations with the British on 30 October 1782.

Directing by Triplicity

As participating triplicity ruler of air signs, Jupiter rules the Ascendant, 5th, and 9th
houses in final years. For Washington, I apply the Directing by Triplicity method in A
Rectification Manual (see 109-112). In this method, Jupiter rules the 1st, 5th and 9th
houses from 16 June 1775 to 10 February 1797. The interval begins with Washington’s
command of the Continental Army, includes his Presidency, and ends near his retirement
to Mount Vernon. As Ascendant ruler in final years, Washington enjoys the company of
many friends in final years, some of whom are diplomats he uses to secure foreign
alliances. But the 22 year interval between 1775 and 1797 is lengthy. At best we can say
that Jupiter directions are likely to manifest with greater power after 1775 because Jupiter
is the Ascendant’s participating triplicity ruler in final years. But there is nothing in this
method which allows us to state that Washington’s war campaign will be rescued with a
French political alliance in 1778 not that his diplomats will secure a Dutch loan in 1782. 29
October 6, 2009

Fidaria (1768-1783)

Date Major Subperiod

21-Feb-1770 Mars Jupiter
22-Feb-1771 North Node n.a.
22-Feb-1774 South Node n.a.
22-Feb-1776 Sun Sun
28-Jul-1777 Sun Venus
31-Dec-1778 Sun Mercury
6-Jun-1780 Sun Moon
9-Nov-1781 Sun Saturn
15-Apr-1783 Sun Jupiter
17-Sep-1784 Sun Mars

Mars-Jupiter. As a protest against the Townshend Revenue Act, the nonimportation

movement organized by Washington and his friends reached its peak influence in early
1770 as losses faced by British merchants forced Parliament to repeal the Townshend Act
on 12 April 1770.

North Node. North Node/Sagittarius/11th ruled by Jupiter signifies an increase in

political alliances from Washington’s Jupiter-signified friends. Formation of the first
Committee of Correspondence on 2 November 1772 occurred during this period.

Sun. The only possible connection which can be made between the Sun’s major period
and diplomatic successes is Jupiter’s rulership of the Sun by sign. But Jupiter rules no
subperiod until the spring of 1783, long after the 1778 Treaty of Alliance and the Dutch
loan of 1782 were negotiated.

Other than the indirect influence of Jupiter’s rulership of the Sun (granting Washington
fame from Jupiter-signified friends), there is no obvious match between Fidaria
main/subperiods and the 1778 and 1782 diplomatic successes.

Profections, Solar Returns, and Transits

Analysis of these methods requires accumulation of the following data:

• Profected Ascendant: Sign and Ruler.

• Solar Return: Computation.

• Jupiter: Transiting position on event date. 30
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Congressional Ratification of the French Treaty of Alliance, 4-May-1778

00z ! 03 w 08 00
B 24 u 40 00z
i Y 04 w 59 w 00z
? 05 u 59
00 ( 28 w 3400z $ 06 v 37 v
& 25 v 29 00

11 10 9
12 8
# 26 r 38

Solar Return Chart 00z

j 01 George Washington r
21 Feb 1778
9:40:01 AM
@ 11 j 28 1
LMT +05:07:56
* 15 q 17

Wakef ield Corner VA 00

00z USA 00z
00 76w58 52, 38n13 44
Rectif ied
2 6
3 4 5
00 ) 20 m 27 |
l > 05 l 59 o
00z 00z

Janus Astrology Software

Age 46, 11th house year. 22-Feb-1778 to 22-Feb-1779

Lord of Year = Jupiter; Lord of the Period = Moon
Transit of Jupiter for 4-May-1778: 17LE27

The Treaty of Alliance was signed on 6 February 1778 in Paris, a 10th house profected
year for Washington. It is following his 46th birthday that Washington learns of the
Treaty and its Congressional ratification on 4 May 1778 for which he celebrates in a
Victory Party at Valley Forge on 6 May 1778.

For this year, Jupiter rules time as Lord of the Year and for the return rules the 11th of
alliances. By transit, Jupiter/Leo transits the natal 7th (read as partnerships) and falls in
the return’s 4th. Jupiter’s placement in Leo, sign of France is relevant to predicting a
French Alliance as is the Moon’s translation of Venus to Mars. Jupiter rules both Mars
and the lot of Fortune in the return’s 11th of alliances. Weakness of Mars/Pisces degrades
the overall effect of the alliance; consistent with the poor showing of French Admiral
Charles Hector Comte d’Estaing’s at Newport in 1778.

Perhaps the most interesting element of this solar return is its synastry to the natal
figure of the Comte d’Vergennes who lobbied for an American alliance with the King
Louis XVI. Vergennes’ natal figure recapitulates Jupiter/Leo, Venus/Aquarius, and
Mars/Pisces in Washington’s 1778 solar return (See Appendix IV). 31
October 6, 2009

John Adams began Negotiations with the British, 30-Oct-1782

w v * 29 r 26 00z

00 00z
) 24 r 56
B 11 u 26

11 10 9
! 03 w 08 12 8
$ 19 w 03
Solar Return Chart 00z
i 01 George Washington q
21 Feb 1782
& 07 i 56 8:43:26 AM
> 18 i 37 1
LMT +05:07:56
? 18 p 37
@ 20 i 19
Wakef ield Corner VA 00
00z USA 00z
00 76w58 52, 38n13 44
Rectif ied
2 6
( 01 j 33 3 4 5
00 00z
00 00
k # 15 k 41 m Y 02 m 52
00z 00z

Janus Astrology Software

Age 50, 3rd house year. 22-Feb-1782 to 22-Feb-1783

Lord of Year = Mars; Lord of the Period = Sun
Transit of Jupiter for 26-Oct-1782: 27SA01

For the year that Adam’s secured the Dutch loan and started negotiations with the
British, Mars was Lord of the Year. Mars/Taurus in detriment - in generosity with
Venus/Aries - and ruling the 8th of debt does not promise success in debt negotiations.
[In contrast, John Adam’s 1781 solar return explicitly promised a substantial rise in
career/reputation from debt negotiations.]

Even though Jupiter is not Lord of the Year, Jupiter remains relevant as signifier of
Washington’s diplomatic corps. Jupiter’s Sagittarius Ingress follows Jupiter’s transit of
Washington’s natal MC on 16 October 1781, three days before the British surrendered at
Yorktown. Sagittarius is the natal 11th of political alliances and the 9th of foreign lands in
the return where Jupiter recapitulates its natal house position. Lot of Fortune falls in the
return’s 5th of legates/diplomats; Jupiter is the lot’s bound and triplicity ruler.
Jupiter/Sagittarius/11th ruling the POF/5th is a sufficient configuration to predict monetary
benefit from diplomats operating in foreign lands. 32
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Overall Conclusion. Of competing predictive methods surveyed, annual profections,

solar returns, and transits demonstrated indications of diplomatic successes for both 1778
and 1782 events. Directing by Triplicity and Fidaria were not as helpful.

Still, the level of specificity offered by primary directions in timing events does not
appear to be perfectly duplicated by competing methods. For instance:

• Washington’s 1778 solar return promises a military alliance with the French
because Jupiter/Leo rules both Mars and the lot of Fortune in the 11th. But unlike
the dexter sextile ASC → Jupiter Primary Direction Sequence, the return fails to
time the continuity of successful events for Franklin’s diplomatic mission which
culminated with his 5 July 1779 diplomatic party.

• Washington’s 1782 solar return promises monetary gain from diplomats operating
in foreign lands because Jupiter/Sagittarius/11th rules the POF placed in the 5th of
diplomats/legates. But the return fails to specify diplomatic success to debt
negotiations because of the weakness of Mars as 8th house lord. Yet the ability of
John Adams to secure the Dutch Loan in 1782 was one of the year’s most
important diplomatic successes.

Based on this limited sample, I conclude the additional permutation offered by the
dexter sextile ASC → Jupiter Primary Direction Sequence yields empirical events
which may prove similar in spirit to events promised by other predictive methods.
Whether or not additional permutations time unique events which other predictive
methods are incapable of showing remains an open question. Just the same, the empirical
validity of additional permutations means their relevance as a rectification method
remains. 33
October 6, 2009

If you are working with an accurate birth time, verified by observation at the time
of birth, or accurately rectified, and you are attentive and precise in your
calculations you may attain to directions accurate to within 24 hours . . .

Robert Zoller, “More Light on Primary Directions,” Sep. 2, 2002, privately published.

In previous chapters, we have been content to note simply in what year of a

native’s life a primary direction is completed. In doing so, we have in fact taken a
traditional stance: astrologers of earlier times never attempted to use directions
alone for more precise timing. Nevertheless, contemporary astrologers interested
in primary directions sometimes claim consistently to achieve hit dates
corresponding to the actual week or day of an event. Such claims may sound
impressive, but typically do not hold up under investigation.

Martin Gansten, Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique, p. 75.

Gansten’s initial criticism of results presented in A Rectification Manual stems from a

dispute on the level of precision afforded by primary directions as practiced by
astrologers through the Renaissance. Gansten cites Morin’s response that uncertainty
concerning a direction’s timing in a given year (e.g., choosing which single year from a
range of years) can be resolved by examining congruity between a direction and a solar
return for a particular year. What Morin implies is the inherent imprecision in primary
directions requires recourse to the solar return for confirmation; and without that step we
are lucky to even get the year of the event correct, much less the month, and in no way
the event date within 24 hours as Zoller or I suggest is possible.

Morin’s observations are important; in fact, for approximately one-third of the

nativities in the Presidential Database, the promissor/significator of the natal arcus vitae
was mirrored in the solar return computed for the year of death. 50 I also agree that use of
the solar return as a confirming tool is helpful for directions of the Moon which are often
the most inaccurate of any significator owing to factors which may relate to parallax and
disk size. But for a man whose calculations and tables were so inaccurate as to render
many published lunar returns with improper Ascendants 51, Morin’s practice must be
considered within the limits of precision for his era. Do Morin’s observations on
precision mean that such precision is not possible (1) in theory or (2) in practice given the
accuracy of available astronomical calculations? In my opinion, it is the latter. The
widespread availability of personal computers and software since the early 1980s has
made possible an investigation of precision in ways which were not available to
traditional authors. Whether for my own horoscope, for those of family members or
clients, or the many dozens of rectified horoscopes I have researched and published, I
stand by the claim of '24 hour’ accuracy for events timed by primary directions.52

So how did this exercise turn out for Washington? Did directions time events within
24 hours of the projected event date? Table 3 summarizes each direction, the projected
event date, description and timing of the actual event, and the level of precision. 34
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Table 3. Precision of Washington’s Ascendant and Midheaven Directions

Date Direction Event Description Precision

1 16-Sep-1768 MC d. → Jupiter 12-Sep-1768 Boston Town Meeting 4 days
2 21-Apr-1769 opposition Jupiter (l=JU) d. → ASC 18/22-Apr-1769 Mt. Vernon Meeting exact
3 8-May-1769 Jupiter d. → dex. square MC 5-May-1769 Petition requested 3 days
4 7-Dec-1769 MC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 8-Dec-1769 Petition delivered 1 day
5 18-Dec-1769 Jupiter (l=JU) d. → dex. square MC 8-Dec-1769 Petition delivered 10 days
6 18-Jan-1771 opposition Jupiter d. → ASC early 1771 End of nonimportation ~1 month
7 2-Nov-1771 MC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) Nov-1771 Land bounties granted ~1 month
8 14-Oct-1772 Jupiter (l=JU) d. → opposition ASC none no event found n.a.
9 11-Nov-1772 MC d. → Jupiter 2-Nov-1772 Com. of Correspondence 9 days
6-Nov-1772 Land bounties distributed 5 days
10 24-Apr-1773 ASC c. → opposition Jupiter 27-Apr-1773 Tea Act 3 days
11 11-Feb-1775 sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) d. → MC early Feb 1775 Peyton calls Convention ~1 week
12 12-Feb-1775 opposition ASC c. → Jupiter 9-Feb-1775 Rebellion declared 3 days
13 23-Mar-1775 sin. square Jupiter d. → MC 23-Mar-1775 ‘Give me Liberty’ exact
14 13-Feb-1776 MC c. → sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) early Feb 1776 Charles Lee/Manhattan ~1 week
15 10-Jul-1776 MC c. → sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) 12-Jul-1776 Ft. Washington evaded 2 days
16 16-Nov-1776 opposition ASC c. → Jupiter (l=JU) 16-Nov-1776 Fall of Ft. Washington exact
17 5-Mar-1777 MC c. → sin. square Jupiter Spring 1777 Arms shipment ~1 month
18 13-May-1777 ASC c. → opposition Jupiter (l=JU) end-May 1777 Diplomatic snafus ~2 weeks
19 12-Dec-1777 MC c. → sin. square Jupiter 8-Dec-1777 Silas Deane recall 4 days
20 2-May-1778 dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 4-May-1778 French Treaty approved 2 days
21 15-Nov-1778 opposition ASC c. → Jupiter 27-Nov-1778 Carlisle Mission returned ~2 weeks
22 11-Jul-1779 dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter 5-Jul-1779 Franklin diplomatic party 6 days
23 2-Dec-1779 Jupiter (l=JU) c. → MC early Dec Comte D’estaing returned ~1 week
24 4-May-1780 opposition ASC c. → Jupiter (l=JU) 6-May-1780 Fall of Fr. Moultrie 2 days
25 12-Jul-1780 Jupiter c. → MC 12-Jul-1780 French Troops arrive exact
26 29-Oct-1781 dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter (l=JU) 19-Oct-1781 Yorktown victory 10 days
27 19-Nov-1781 Jupiter d. → dex. trine MC Dec-1781 Prisoner negotiations ~1 month
29 30-Oct-1782 dex. sextile ASC d. → Jupiter 30-Oct-1782 British negotiations began exact
30 29-Jun-1783 Jupiter (l=JU) d. → dex. trine MC June-1783 Last prisoners released ~1 month 35
October 6, 2009

Zoller continues…

I used to think that Primary Directions pin-pointed specific events in the native’s life.
I hasten to add, however, that directions often produce a period of time of the
character of the Significator and the Promittor during which a number of events
happen near each other in time rather than a solitary event. What happens is that
we may remember but one event occurring during the time in question . . .

Having stated that directions can time events within 24 hours, Zoller goes on to state
that sometimes more than one event occurs, yet the events are ‘near each other.’ I agree
with this finding and have proposed the Primary Direction Sequence in support of the
ability of a direction to time events within a discrete time interval. My choice of
assigning a full planet’s latitude to aspects is non-standard among traditional authors, but
represents no less tinkering with latitude than what astrologers like Bianchini, Morin,
Montulmo, or Placidus have done in the past. As documented by this paper, directions
computed by both zero and full latitude consistently timed actual life events which
matched the delineation of the respective direction. A highlight is the Jupiter = DSC
direction computed for 21 April 1769 which timed Washington’s first actions taken in
response to the Townshend Revenue Act. This direction assigns the full latitude to the
opposition of Jupiter, in violation of theoretical principles for an aspect circle presented
by Bianchini. And yet it works.

Among the issues raised by the ability of primary directions to time events within 24
hours is the predictive accuracy of horoscopes which are not rectified. For those
astrologers who routinely make good predictions with reported birth data, a common
reaction is the affront to their practice made by claims of 24 hour event timing afforded
by primary directions. But it is not my objective to disparage the work of practicing
astrologers who rely on reported birth times. As demonstrated in the methodology
section, primary directions are but one technique. Many other methods are available to
the predictive astrologer with some requiring only the correct Ascendant sign for usage
(e.g., Fidaria and Annual Profections). Establishing whether or not a to-the-second birth
time can be computed through rectification is an entirely different question than whether
an astrologer can deliver accurate predictions based on birth data at hand.

Consider also the availability of horary as a supplementary predictive tool. John

Adams’ negotiations for a Dutch loan are a case in point. If a practicing astrologer at the
time knew only Washington’s Ascendant sign (Aquarius) 53, it would be hard to overlook
the significance of Jupiter’s Sagittarius Ingress in the 11th house of alliances. Knowing
the simple fact that all prior instances of French aid followed battlefield victories
(Princeton, Saratoga) it would not be a stretch of the imagination to conclude that John
Adams might be received by the Dutch after Washington’s victory at Yorktown. If there
was any uncertainty of Adams’ chances for success, the specifics of the question could
have been proposed at the time as a horary.

Conclusion. Availability of other robust natal predictive techniques and supplementary

tools like horary renders the necessity of to-the-second rectified birth data a moot point. 36
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Appendix I.
Assumptions used for directions presented in A Rectification Manual, pp. 424-425.

What follows is a reponse to Gansten’s assertion that the planet-angle directions listed for
George Washington were either incorrectly performed or have a large margin of error.

This Appendix details the following:

(1) each direction as presented in ARM 2nd edition,

(2) the direction restated using notation used by Janus 4.3 and in ARM 3rd edition,
(3) the direction as computed by the program Morinus,
(4) assumptions made by each direction, and
(5) how the assumptions vary from traditional practice.

Direction #1

(1) ARM: 14-Jul-1755. d. ASC square Saturn, lat=zero.

(2) Janus 4.3: REG. sin. square ASC d. => Saturn (l=SA).

(3) Morinus computation:

(4) Assumptions: Regiomontanus; full latitude is assigned to the significator (Saturn).

(5) Variance. Assignment of latitude to significators (e.g., using the ‘mundane position’
of a planet) was standard practice by Regiomontanus and his followers. 54 What is
nonstandard is use of the ‘square of the Ascendant’ as a promissor.

Direction #2

(1) ARM: 15-Jul-1755. d. ASC conj. Moon, lat=zero.

(2) Janus 4.3: REG. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO).

(3) Morinus computation: 37
October 6, 2009

(4) Assumptions: Regiomontanus; full latitude is assigned to the significator (Moon).

(5) Variance. This direction is described by Gansten as the ‘converse direction of the
angles’ and was used by Morin in the Renaissance. Gansten also lists an example
direction of this type by ar-Rijāl in the Arabic Era (pp. 98-99). Though Ptolemy did not
allow the angles to move as promissors, Morin and others did. The rationale for
Gansten’s objection to this direction is unclear.

Direction #3

(1) ARM: 2-May-1778. d. ASC sextile Jupiter, lat=zero.

(2) Janus 4.3: REG. dex. sextile ASC d. => Jupiter (l=JU).

(3) Morinus computation

(4) Assumptions: Regiomontanus; full latitude is assigned to the significator (Jupiter).

(5) Variance. Same style as Direction #1. Assignment of latitude to significators (e.g.,
using the ‘mundane position’ of a planet) was standard practice by Regiomontanus and
his followers. What is nonstandard is use of the ‘sextile of the Ascendant’ as a

Direction #4

(1) ARM: 21-Apr-1769. d. Jupiter opposed ASC, lat=zero.

(2) Janus 4.3: PT. opposition Jupiter (l=JU) d. => ASC.

(3) Morinus computation

(4) Assumptions: Directs opposition of Jupiter to the Ascendant. Equivalent to directing

Jupiter to the Descendant. This type of direction is sanctioned by Ptolemy. In early
2009, Gansten and I had several rounds of private email correspondence which included
discussion of this specific direction. At that time, I indicated my notation of zero latitude
assigned to Jupiter was an editorial error and the full latitude of Jupiter was used for
computing that direction. 38
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

(5) Variance. The direction computed for 21-Apr-1769 is computed by assigning the full
latitude of Jupiter to the opposition aspect. It varies from the method of Bianchini who
assigns the negative (-) of Jupiter’s latitude for opposition aspects. The Bianchini
computation yields a projection of 14-Oct-1772.

Direction #5

(1) ARM: 14-Aug-1789. d. MC opposed Sun.

(2) Janus 4.3: REG. opposition MC d. => Sun.

(3) Morinus computation

(4) Assumptions: Regiomontanus. Equivalent to directing the IC by direct motion to the

conjunction of the Sun.

(5) Variance. Like Direction #2, Gansten defines this type as ‘converse direction of the
angles.’ The rationale for Gansten’s objection to this direction is unclear.

Direction #6

(1) 13-Jul-1780. d. MC conj. Jupiter, lat=zero.

(2) Janus 4.3: PT. Jupiter c. => MC (l=0).

(3) Morinus computation

(4) Assumptions: Method of Ptolemy. A ‘neo-converse direction’ which moves the

celestial sphere from west to east against the diurnal motion of the sky.

(5) Variance. Named ‘converse’ directions by late 19th century authors like Alan Leo and
A. J. Pearce, this type of direction was not computed from the time of Ptolemy to the
Renaissance. 39
October 6, 2009

Direction #7

(1) 29-Oct-1790. d. Mars sextile MC, lat=zero.

(2) Janus 4.3: PT. sin. sextile Mars d. => MC.

(3) Morinus computation

(4) Assumptions: This is an example of a direct direction, zero latitude assigned to the
sextile aspect of Mars, which was sanctioned by Ptolemy.

(5) Variance. Gansten states this direction is correct ‘within a few days.’ Slight
differences in rounding of longitude and latitude - accounted for by limitations of the
Morinus program which Gansten endorses - are responsible for variations of several days
when comparing results of competing software programs. Morinus allows only degrees
and minutes of longitude; not seconds. At this level of detail, the choice of ephemeris
used by software makers also makes a difference. Janus started using the Swiss
ephemeris with its version 4.0. Morinus also uses the Swiss ephemeris. Slightly
different ephemeris values used by the earlier Janus 3.0 version may also account for
small differences between results presented in the first two editions of A Rectification
Manual and results computed using other software programs. So far, the largest
differences I have encountered have been for the Moon and the Lunar Nodes.


Directions #2 and #5 employ a Renaissance technique which Gansten refers to as

‘converse directions to the angles.’ His objections to these directions are unclear.

Results for Direction # 4 vary from the correct calculation because of an editorial error
I made in failing to disclose the full latitude of Jupiter used in the calculation. Assigning
Jupiter’s full latitude to an opposition aspect is a nontraditional assumption. For
empirical tests of this direction, see pp. 19-22 of this report.

Direction #6 reverses the diurnal motion by moving the sky from west to east. Though
not sanctioned by Ptolemy and not employed until the late 19th century, the direction is
computed correctly. For empirical tests of this direction, see pp. 16-18 of this report.

Directions #1 and #3 allow aspects of the Ascendant as promissors. Of the six

directions Gansten disputes, these two directions represent the largest departures from
traditional practice. For empirical tests of #3, see pp. 26-27 of this report. 40
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

Appendix II.
George Washington, Primary Directions using the Method of Ptolemy

Ascendant Directions

DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
22-Feb-1732 7AQ-Venus
7-Mar-1735 13AQ-Jupiter
14-Apr-1740 20AQ-Mars
2-Jul-1742 sin square Mars
9-Oct-1743 25AQ-Saturn
29-Mar-1744 dex trine S Node
29-Mar-1744 sin sextile N Node
19-Feb-1747 0PI-Venus
13-Mar-1749 conj Sun
2-Nov-1754 12PI-Jupiter
26-Apr-1756 sin sextile Moon
27-Apr-1757 16PI-Mercury
28-Feb-1759 19PI-Mars
9-Sep-1761 sin trine Mars
24-Mar-1763 dex square S Node
24-Mar-1763 sin square N Node
14-Aug-1764 28PI-Saturn
4-May-1765 conj Venus
29-Oct-1765 0AR-Jupiter
10-Jun-1767 conj Saturn
14-Jun-1769 6AR-Venus
14-Sep-1769 sin sextile Mercury
19-Jan-1771 opposed Jupiter
7-Feb-1773 12AR-Mercury
27-Jul-1774 sin square Moon
25-Jan-1778 20AR-Mars
2-Apr-1781 25AR-Saturn
12-Sep-1781 dex sextile S Node
12-Sep-1781 sin trine N Node
8-Jul-1784 0TA-Venus
14-Aug-1786 sin sextile Sun
9-Nov-1788 sin square Mercury
16-Dec-1789 8TA-Mercury
1-Apr-1794 14TA-Jupiter
12-Jul-1794 sin trine Moon 41
October 6, 2009

George Washington, Primary Directions using the Method of Ptolemy

Midheaven Directions

DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
22-Feb-1732 24SC-Saturn
19-Oct-1732 dex trine Venus
21-Aug-1733 0SA-Jupiter
7-Jun-1736 dex trine Saturn
2-Dec-1736 dex square Sun
17-May-1740 dex sextile Mercury
23-Sep-1742 sin sextile Jupiter
27-Apr-1746 12SA-Venus
13-Sep-1751 17SA-Mercury
12-Jan-1756 21SA-Saturn
17-Feb-1761 conj N Node
20-Jun-1761 26SA-Mars
11-Dec-1764 dex square Venus
29-Oct-1765 0CP-Mercury
28-Sep-1768 dex square Saturn
1-Apr-1769 dex sextile Sun
14-Jun-1773 7CP-Jupiter
23-Mar-1775 sin square Jupiter
12-Jan-1781 14CP-Venus
11-Jun-1781 conj Moon
7-Aug-1789 22CP-Saturn
29-Oct-1790 sin sextile Mars
29-Oct-1793 26CP-Mars
4-Mar-1797 dex sextile Venus
5-Jan-1798 0AQ-Mercury 42
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

George Washington, Primary Directions using the Method of Ptolemy

Sun Directions, Method of Ptolemy

DATE Distributor asp Participator lat

22-Feb-1732 0PI-Venus
1-Apr-1738 12PI-Jupiter
9-Nov-1739 sin sextile Moon
11-Dec-1740 16PI-Mercury
12-Dec-1742 19PI-Mars
13-Sep-1745 sin trine Mars
18-May-1747 dex square S Node
18-May-1747 sin square N Node
22-Nov-1748 28PI-Saturn
5-Sep-1749 conj Venus
18-Mar-1750 0AR-Jupiter
21-Dec-1751 conj Saturn
1-Mar-1754 6AR-Venus
9-Jun-1754 sin sextile Mercury
26-Nov-1755 opposed Jupiter
21-Feb-1758 12AR-Mercury
25-Sep-1759 sin square Moon
14-Jul-1763 20AR-Mars
23-Dec-1766 25AR-Saturn
18-Jun-1767 dex sextile S Node
18-Jun-1767 sin trine N Node
2-Jul-1770 0TA-Venus
4-Oct-1772 sin sextile Sun
28-Feb-1775 sin square Mercury
3-May-1776 8TA-Mercury
27-Nov-1780 14TA-Jupiter
16-Mar-1781 sin trine Moon
24-Apr-1787 22TA-Saturn
8-Apr-1788 opposed Mars
6-Jul-1791 27TA-Mars
28-May-1793 sin sextile Venus
10-Feb-1794 0GE-Mercury
25-Jun-1796 sin sextile Saturn
25-Nov-1796 sin square Sun
4-Jul-1799 6GE-Jupiter
20-Nov-1799 sin trine Mercury 43
October 6, 2009

George Washington, Primary Directions using the Method of Ptolemy

Moon Directions, Method of Ptolemy (Moon’s full latitude)

DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
22-Feb-1732 14CP-Venus
19-Oct-1740 22CP-Saturn
26-Nov-1741 sin sextile Mars
30-Jul-1744 26CP-Mars
9-Jul-1747 dex sextile Venus
3-Apr-1748 0AQ-Mercury
28-Aug-1750 dex sextile Saturn
10-Dec-1753 conj Mercury
13-Jun-1754 7AQ-Venus
8-Nov-1755 sin trine Jupiter
14-Jul-1759 13AQ-Jupiter
24-Mar-1765 20AQ-Mars
20-Sep-1767 sin square Mars
26-Feb-1769 25AQ-Saturn
9-Sep-1769 dex trine S Node
9-Sep-1769 sin sextile N Node
24-Dec-1772 0PI-Venus
4-May-1775 conj Sun
2-Nov-1781 12PI-Jupiter
21-Jul-1783 sin sextile Moon
17-Sep-1784 16PI-Mercury
8-Nov-1786 19PI-Mars
18-Oct-1789 sin trine Mars
3-Aug-1791 dex square S Node
3-Aug-1791 sin square N Node
19-Mar-1793 28PI-Saturn
19-Jan-1794 conj Venus
15-Aug-1794 0AR-Jupiter
2-Jul-1796 conj Saturn
6-Nov-1798 6AR-Venus
21-Feb-1799 sin sextile Mercury 44
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

George Washington, Primary Directions using the Method of Ptolemy

Part of Fortune Directions, Method of Ptolemy

DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
22-Feb-1732 19PI-Mars
19-Apr-1732 28PI-Saturn
25-Feb-1733 conj Venus
24-Sep-1733 0AR-Jupiter
24-Aug-1735 conj Saturn
10-Jan-1738 6AR-Venus
29-Apr-1738 sin sextile Mercury
2-Dec-1739 opposed Jupiter
8-May-1742 12AR-Mercury
28-Jan-1744 sin square Moon
11-Mar-1748 20AR-Mars
30-Nov-1751 25AR-Saturn
8-Jun-1752 dex sextile S Node
8-Jun-1752 sin trine N Node
16-Sep-1755 0TA-Venus
18-Feb-1758 sin sextile Sun
14-Sep-1760 sin square Mercury
17-Dec-1761 8TA-Mercury
30-Oct-1766 14TA-Jupiter
22-Feb-1767 sin trine Moon
5-Aug-1773 22TA-Saturn
8-Aug-1774 opposed Mars
1-Jan-1778 27TA-Mars
24-Dec-1779 sin sextile Venus
18-Sep-1780 0GE-Mercury
7-Mar-1783 sin sextile Saturn
12-Aug-1783 sin square Sun
22-Apr-1786 6GE-Jupiter
14-Sep-1786 sin trine Mercury
30-Oct-1788 dex trine Jupiter
14-Feb-1792 12GE-Venus
19-Feb-1797 17GE-Mars 45
October 6, 2009

Appendix III.
George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Ascendant


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
d. 22-Feb-1732
c. sin trine Jupiter 11-Jun-1732
c. 7AQ-Venus 22-Sep-1733
c. conj Mercury 10-Mar-1734
c. sin trine Jupiter JU 16-Mar-1734
c. dex sextile Saturn SA 24-Aug-1734
c. conj Mercury ME 6-Sep-1734
d. 7-Mar-1735 13AQ-Jupiter
c. dex sextile Saturn 19-Mar-1737
c. dex sextile Venus VE 9-Dec-1738
c. 0AQ-Mercury 10-Jun-1739
c. dex sextile Venus 15-Feb-1740
d. 14-Apr-1740 20AQ-Mars
c. sin sextile MC 30-Aug-1740
d. 30-Nov-1740 sin square Mars MA
c. dex sextile POF 1-May-1741
d. 21-May-1741 opposed SAN
d. 2-Jul-1742 sin square Mars
c. 26CP-Mars 16-Nov-1742
d. 9-Oct-1743 25AQ-Saturn
d. 29-Mar-1744 dex trine S Node
d. 29-Mar-1744 sin sextile N Node
c. sin sextile Mars 25-May-1745
d. 6-Mar-1746 sin square MC
c. 22CP-Saturn 10-Jun-1746
c. sin sextile Mars MA 12-Dec-1746
d. 19-Feb-1747 0PI-Venus
d. 13-Mar-1749 conj Sun
c. conj Moon 8-Aug-1753
c. 14CP-Venus 22-Dec-1753
d. 6-Aug-1754 sin sextile Moon MO
d. 2-Nov-1754 12PI-Jupiter
c. conj Moon MO 3-Apr-1755
d. 26-Apr-1756 sin sextile Moon
d. 27-Apr-1757 16PI-Mercury
d. 28-Feb-1759 19PI-Mars
c. sin square Jupiter 3-May-1759 46
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

d. 16-Feb-1760 sin trine Mars MA

c. sin square Jupiter JU 13-Dec-1760
c. 7CP-Jupiter 4-Jan-1761
d. 9-Sep-1761 sin trine Mars
d. 24-Mar-1763 dex square S Node
d. 24-Mar-1763 sin square N Node
c. dex square Saturn SA 6-Apr-1763
d. 26-Jun-1764 conj POF
d. 14-Aug-1764 28PI-Saturn
d. 15-Dec-1764 sin trine MC
c. dex sextile Sun 25-Jan-1765
d. 4-May-1765 conj Venus
c. dex square Saturn 25-Jul-1765
d. 29-Oct-1765 0AR-Jupiter
d. 30-Jun-1766 conj Venus VE
d. 10-Jun-1767 conj Saturn
c. dex square Venus VE 20-Apr-1768
c. 0CP-Mercury 14-Jun-1768
d. 21-Mar-1769 sin sextile Mercury ME
d. 22-Apr-1769 opposed Jupiter JU
c. dex square Venus 3-May-1769
d. 14-Jun-1769 6AR-Venus
d. 14-Sep-1769 sin sextile Mercury
d. 1-Dec-1769 conj Saturn SA
c. dex square POF 22-Nov-1770
d. 19-Jan-1771 opposed Jupiter
d. 15-Apr-1771 sin sextile ASC
d. 1-Nov-1772 sin square Moon MO
c. 26SA-Mars 14-Nov-1772
d. 7-Feb-1773 12AR-Mercury
c. conj N Node 20-Mar-1773
d. 27-Jul-1774 sin square Moon
c. sin trine SAN 28-Nov-1777
d. 25-Jan-1778 20AR-Mars
c. 21SA-Saturn 21-Jul-1778
d. 20-Jan-1779 dex trine SAN
d. 2-Apr-1781 25AR-Saturn
d. 12-Sep-1781 dex sextile S Node
d. 12-Sep-1781 sin trine N Node
c. 17SA-Mercury 18-Mar-1783
d. 8-Jul-1784 0TA-Venus
d. 14-Aug-1786 sin sextile Sun
d. 12-May-1788 sin square Mercury ME
d. 9-Nov-1788 sin square Mercury
c. 12SA-Venus 24-Feb-1789 47
October 6, 2009

d. 16-Dec-1789 8TA-Mercury
d. 4-Sep-1790 sin square ASC
c. dex sextile ASC 29-Sep-1792
d. 1-Oct-1792 sin trine Moon MO
c. sin sextile Jupiter 20-Mar-1793
d. 1-Apr-1794 14TA-Jupiter
c. sin sextile Jupiter JU 30-May-1794
d. 12-Jul-1794 sin trine Moon
c. dex sextile Mercury 1-Dec-1795
c. dex sextile Mercury ME 29-Mar-1796
c. dex trine Saturn SA 22-Nov-1798
d. 8-Aug-1799 opposed Mars MA
c. dex square Sun 8-Dec-1799
d. 18-Dec-1799 dex square SAN

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Midheaven


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
d. 22-Feb-1732 conj MC
d. 23-Jul-1732 dex trine Venus VE
d. 19-Oct-1732 dex trine Venus
c. dex trine POF 13-Dec-1732
d. 21-Aug-1733 0SA-Jupiter
d. 19-Dec-1735 dex trine Saturn SA
d. 7-Jun-1736 dex trine Saturn
c. 24SC-Saturn 3-Nov-1736
d. 2-Dec-1736 dex square Sun
c. conj Mars MA 2-May-1737
c. conj Mars 13-Sep-1737
c. sin square SAN 3-May-1739
d. 17-May-1740 dex sextile Mercury
d. 14-Jun-1740 dex sextile Mercury ME
c. 19SC-Jupiter 2-Dec-1741
d. 23-Sep-1742 sin sextile Jupiter
d. 26-Dec-1742 sin sextile Jupiter JU
d. 21-Feb-1743 dex sextile ASC
c. dex sextile Moon MO 28-Jan-1746
d. 27-Apr-1746 12SA-Venus
c. dex sextile Moon 18-Jul-1746
c. 11SC-Mercury 21-Nov-1749
d. 13-Sep-1751 17SA-Mercury
c. dex square ASC 1-Nov-1751 48
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

c. 7SC-Venus 21-Oct-1753
c. dex square Mercury ME 24-Mar-1754
c. dex square Mercury 17-May-1754
d. 12-Jan-1756 21SA-Saturn
d. 21-Aug-1756 sin trine SAN
c. dex trine Sun 17-Jul-1757
c. 0SC-Mars 21-Jul-1760
d. 17-Feb-1761 conj N Node
d. 20-Jun-1761 26SA-Mars
c. 28LI-Mars 17-Jun-1762
d. 29-May-1763 dex square POF
c. sin trine S Node 23-Aug-1764
c. dex sextile N Node 23-Aug-1764
d. 9-Dec-1764 dex square Venus VE
d. 11-Dec-1764 dex square Venus
d. 29-Oct-1765 0CP-Mercury
c. sin sextile SAN 14-Jul-1768
d. 28-Sep-1768 dex square Saturn
d. 16-Oct-1768 dex square Saturn SA
c. 21LI-Venus 22-Jan-1769
d. 1-Apr-1769 dex sextile Sun
d. 14-Jun-1773 7CP-Jupiter
c. dex square Moon MO 17-Aug-1774
d. 12-Feb-1775 sin square Jupiter JU
c. dex square Moon 23-Mar-1775
d. 23-Mar-1775 sin square Jupiter
c. 14LI-Jupiter 29-Jul-1775
c. conj Jupiter JU 1-Dec-1779
c. dex trine ASC 3-Mar-1780
c. conj Jupiter 12-Jul-1780
d. 12-Jan-1781 14CP-Venus
d. 7-Apr-1781 conj Moon MO
d. 11-Jun-1781 conj Moon
c. dex trine Mercury ME 25-May-1782
c. dex trine Mercury 27-Jul-1782
c. 6LI-Mercury 13-Dec-1782
c. opposed Saturn 1-Jan-1786
c. opposed Saturn SA 19-Nov-1786
c. 0LI-Saturn 15-Jun-1788
c. opposed Venus 13-Mar-1789
d. 7-Aug-1789 22CP-Saturn
c. opposed Venus VE 10-Aug-1789
c. dex sextile MC 11-Oct-1789
c. 28VI-Saturn 16-Apr-1790
c. opposed POF 29-Jun-1790 49
October 6, 2009

d. 29-Jul-1790 sin sextile Mars MA

d. 29-Oct-1790 sin sextile Mars
c. sin square S Node 29-May-1792
c. dex square N Node 29-May-1792
d. 29-Oct-1793 26CP-Mars
c. dex sextile Mars MA 8-Mar-1794
c. dex sextile Mars 27-Sep-1794
d. 11-Sep-1795 dex sextile POF
d. 5-Jul-1796 sin sextile MC
c. 21VI-Mars 20-Sep-1796
d. 4-Mar-1797 dex sextile Venus
d. 27-May-1797 dex sextile Venus VE
d. 5-Jan-1798 0AQ-Mercury

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Sun (Ptolemy)


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
d. 22-Feb-1732 0PI-Venus
c. 0PI-Venus 13-May-1734
c. sin square MC 25-May-1735
c. dex trine S Node 22-Jun-1737
c. sin sextile N Node 22-Jun-1737
c. 25AQ-Saturn 24-Dec-1737
d. 1-Apr-1738 12PI-Jupiter
d. 1-May-1738 sin sextile Moon MO
c. sin square Mars 4-May-1739
d. 9-Nov-1739 sin sextile Moon
c. opposed SAN 12-Jul-1740
c. sin square Mars MA 23-Sep-1740
d. 11-Dec-1740 16PI-Mercury
c. 20AQ-Mars 14-Sep-1741
d. 12-Dec-1742 19PI-Mars
d. 24-Apr-1744 sin trine Mars MA
d. 13-Sep-1745 sin trine Mars
c. 13AQ-Jupiter 17-Feb-1747
d. 18-May-1747 dex square S Node
d. 18-May-1747 sin square N Node
d. 30-Sep-1748 conj POF
d. 22-Nov-1748 28PI-Saturn
d. 6-Apr-1749 sin trine MC
d. 5-Sep-1749 conj Venus 50
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

d. 18-Mar-1750 0AR-Jupiter
c. conj ASC 3-May-1750
c. sin trine Jupiter 27-Aug-1750
d. 15-Sep-1750 conj Venus VE
d. 21-Dec-1751 conj Saturn
c. 7AQ-Venus 1-Jan-1752
c. sin trine Jupiter JU 7-Mar-1752
c. conj Mercury 27-Jun-1752
c. conj Mercury ME 30-Nov-1752
d. 3-Jan-1754 sin sextile Mercury ME
d. 1-Mar-1754 6AR-Venus
d. 3-Mar-1754 conj Saturn SA
d. 10-May-1754 opposed Jupiter JU
d. 9-Jun-1754 sin sextile Mercury
c. dex sextile Saturn 28-Aug-1755
d. 26-Nov-1755 opposed Jupiter
d. 28-Feb-1756 sin sextile ASC
c. dex sextile Venus VE 1-Sep-1757
c. dex sextile Saturn SA 19-Oct-1757
c. 0AQ-Mercury 23-Dec-1757
d. 21-Feb-1758 12AR-Mercury
d. 13-Mar-1758 sin square Moon MO
c. dex sextile Venus 8-Sep-1758
c. sin sextile MC 1-Apr-1759
d. 25-Sep-1759 sin square Moon
c. dex sextile POF 11-Dec-1759
c. 26CP-Mars 17-Jul-1761
d. 14-Jul-1763 20AR-Mars
c. sin sextile Mars 23-Feb-1764
d. 7-Aug-1764 dex trine SAN
c. 22CP-Saturn 22-Mar-1765
c. sin sextile Mars MA 21-Jun-1765
d. 23-Dec-1766 25AR-Saturn
d. 18-Jun-1767 dex sextile S Node
d. 18-Jun-1767 sin trine N Node
d. 2-Jul-1770 0TA-Venus
c. conj Moon 22-Jul-1772
d. 4-Oct-1772 sin sextile Sun
c. 14CP-Venus 7-Dec-1772
c. conj Moon MO 14-Dec-1773
d. 22-Sep-1774 sin square Mercury ME
d. 28-Feb-1775 sin square Mercury
d. 3-May-1776 8TA-Mercury
d. 6-Feb-1777 sin square ASC
c. sin square Jupiter 16-May-1778 51
October 6, 2009

d. 27-Aug-1779 sin trine Moon MO

c. sin square Jupiter JU 23-Sep-1779
c. 7CP-Jupiter 25-Jan-1780
d. 27-Nov-1780 14TA-Jupiter
d. 16-Mar-1781 sin trine Moon
c. dex sextile Sun 24-Feb-1784
c. dex square Saturn 24-Aug-1784
c. dex square Saturn SA 21-Jun-1786
d. 13-Nov-1786 opposed Mars MA
d. 13-Dec-1786 dex square SAN
d. 24-Apr-1787 22TA-Saturn
c. 0CP-Mercury 16-Jul-1787
c. dex square Venus VE 28-Jul-1787
d. 8-Apr-1788 opposed Mars
c. dex square Venus 3-Jun-1788
c. dex square POF 22-Dec-1789
d. 6-Jul-1791 27TA-Mars
c. 26SA-Mars 13-Dec-1791
d. 7-Mar-1792 sin sextile POF
c. conj N Node 16-Apr-1792
d. 8-Nov-1792 opposed MC
d. 28-May-1793 sin sextile Venus
d. 10-Feb-1794 0GE-Mercury
d. 17-Apr-1794 sin sextile Saturn SA
d. 31-May-1794 sin sextile Venus VE
d. 25-Jun-1796 sin sextile Saturn
d. 25-Nov-1796 sin square Sun
c. sin trine SAN 12-Dec-1796
c. 21SA-Saturn 2-Aug-1797
d. 21-Jun-1799 sin trine Mercury ME
d. 4-Jul-1799 6GE-Jupiter
d. 20-Nov-1799 sin trine Mercury

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Sun (Regiomontanus)


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
c. 0PI-Venus 30-Mar-1734
c. sin square MC 22-Mar-1735
c. dex trine S Node 10-Mar-1737
c. sin sextile N Node 10-Mar-1737
c. 25AQ-Saturn 2-Sep-1737
d. 26-Sep-1737 sin sextile Moon MO 52
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

d. 24-Nov-1737 12PI-Jupiter
c. sin square Mars 18-Dec-1738
d. 30-May-1739 sin sextile Moon
c. opposed SAN 5-Feb-1740
d. 7-Jun-1740 16PI-Mercury
c. sin square Mars MA 1-Jul-1740
c. 20AQ-Mars 20-Mar-1741
d. 24-Apr-1742 19PI-Mars
d. 18-May-1743 sin trine Mars MA
d. 24-Nov-1744 sin trine Mars
c. 13AQ-Jupiter 27-May-1746
d. 20-Jun-1746 dex square S Node
d. 20-Jun-1746 sin square N Node
d. 3-Oct-1747 conj POF
d. 22-Nov-1747 28PI-Saturn
d. 27-Mar-1748 sin trine MC
d. 16-Aug-1748 conj Venus
d. 15-Feb-1749 0AR-Jupiter
c. conj ASC 26-Jun-1749
d. 2-Oct-1749 conj Venus VE
c. sin trine Jupiter 16-Oct-1749
d. 10-Oct-1750 conj Saturn
c. 7AQ-Venus 2-Feb-1751
c. sin trine Jupiter JU 28-Jun-1751
c. conj Mercury 24-Jul-1751
c. conj Mercury ME 13-Jan-1752
c. dex sextile Saturn SA 23-Feb-1752
d. 13-Aug-1752 sin sextile Mercury ME
d. 7-Oct-1752 opposed Jupiter JU
d. 30-Oct-1752 6AR-Venus
d. 1-Feb-1753 sin sextile Mercury
d. 7-Mar-1753 conj Saturn SA
d. 18-Jun-1754 opposed Jupiter
c. dex sextile Saturn 15-Aug-1754
d. 14-Sep-1754 sin sextile ASC
d. 16-May-1756 sin square Moon MO
c. dex sextile Venus VE 3-Jun-1756
d. 24-Jul-1756 12AR-Mercury
c. 0AQ-Mercury 14-Nov-1756
c. dex sextile Venus 25-Jul-1757
d. 21-Jan-1758 sin square Moon
c. sin sextile MC 8-Feb-1758
c. dex sextile POF 13-Oct-1758
c. 26CP-Mars 5-May-1760
d. 18-Aug-1761 20AR-Mars 53
October 6, 2009

d. 21-Aug-1762 dex trine SAN

c. sin sextile Mars 19-Nov-1762
c. 22CP-Saturn 9-Dec-1763
c. sin sextile Mars MA 17-May-1764
d. 16-Nov-1764 25AR-Saturn
d. 2-May-1765 dex sextile S Node
d. 2-May-1765 sin trine N Node
d. 17-Mar-1768 0TA-Venus
d. 7-May-1770 sin sextile Sun
c. conj Moon 23-Feb-1771
c. 14CP-Venus 9-Jul-1771
d. 24-Feb-1772 sin square Mercury ME
d. 17-Aug-1772 sin square Mercury
c. conj Moon MO 23-Sep-1772
d. 30-Sep-1773 8TA-Mercury
d. 23-Jun-1774 sin square ASC
d. 3-Sep-1776 sin trine Moon MO
c. sin square Jupiter 25-Nov-1776
d. 9-Feb-1778 14TA-Jupiter
d. 24-May-1778 sin trine Moon
c. sin square Jupiter JU 12-Jun-1778
c. 7CP-Jupiter 1-Aug-1778
c. dex square Saturn SA 12-Dec-1780
c. dex sextile Sun 24-Aug-1782
c. dex square Saturn 22-Feb-1783
d. 15-Aug-1783 opposed Mars MA
d. 28-Nov-1783 dex square SAN
d. 3-Apr-1784 22TA-Saturn
d. 6-Mar-1785 opposed Mars
c. dex square Venus VE 6-Dec-1785
c. 0CP-Mercury 12-Jan-1786
c. dex square Venus 30-Nov-1786
d. 25-Apr-1788 27TA-Mars
c. dex square POF 21-Jun-1788
d. 18-Dec-1788 sin sextile POF
d. 13-Aug-1789 opposed MC
d. 24-Feb-1790 sin sextile Venus
c. 26SA-Mars 13-Jun-1790
c. conj N Node 17-Oct-1790
d. 2-Nov-1790 0GE-Mercury
d. 11-Apr-1791 sin sextile Venus VE
d. 21-Feb-1793 sin sextile Saturn
d. 20-Jul-1793 sin square Sun
c. sin trine SAN 23-Jun-1795
d. 6-Jul-1795 sin sextile Saturn SA 54
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

d. 30-Dec-1795 sin trine Mercury ME

d. 2-Feb-1796 6GE-Jupiter
c. 21SA-Saturn 13-Feb-1796
d. 18-Jun-1796 sin trine Mercury
d. 16-Oct-1796 dex trine Jupiter JU
d. 25-Jun-1798 dex trine Jupiter
d. 3-Nov-1798 sin trine ASC

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Moon (Ptolemy)


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
c. 14CP-Venus 8-Dec-1732
c. conj Moon 27-Apr-1733
c. sin square Jupiter 6-Nov-1736
c. sin square Jupiter JU 26-Dec-1737
c. 7CP-Jupiter 24-Jul-1738
d. 8-Oct-1740 sin sextile Mars MA
d. 19-Oct-1740 22CP-Saturn
d. 26-Nov-1741 sin sextile Mars
c. dex sextile Sun 30-Aug-1742
c. dex square Saturn 1-Mar-1743
d. 30-Jul-1744 26CP-Mars
c. dex square Saturn SA 2-Sep-1744
c. 0CP-Mercury 22-Jan-1746
d. 24-Mar-1746 dex sextile POF
c. dex square Venus VE 29-Mar-1746
c. dex square Venus 10-Dec-1746
d. 10-Dec-1746 sin sextile MC
d. 9-Jul-1747 dex sextile Venus
d. 3-Apr-1748 0AQ-Mercury
d. 25-May-1748 dex sextile Venus VE
c. dex square POF 28-Jun-1748
d. 18-Oct-1748 dex sextile Saturn SA
c. 26SA-Mars 17-Jun-1750
d. 28-Aug-1750 dex sextile Saturn
c. conj N Node 19-Oct-1750
d. 28-Jul-1753 conj Mercury ME
d. 10-Dec-1753 conj Mercury
d. 13-Jun-1754 7AQ-Venus
d. 9-Jul-1754 sin trine Jupiter JU
c. sin trine SAN 6-Jun-1755
d. 8-Nov-1755 sin trine Jupiter 55
October 6, 2009

c. 21SA-Saturn 23-Jan-1756
d. 8-Mar-1756 conj ASC
d. 14-Jul-1759 13AQ-Jupiter
c. 17SA-Mercury 12-Aug-1760
d. 24-Mar-1765 20AQ-Mars
c. 12SA-Venus 17-May-1766
d. 19-Jun-1766 opposed SAN
d. 29-Jun-1766 sin square Mars MA
d. 20-Sep-1767 sin square Mars
d. 26-Feb-1769 25AQ-Saturn
d. 9-Sep-1769 dex trine S Node
d. 9-Sep-1769 sin sextile N Node
c. dex sextile ASC 2-Nov-1769
c. sin sextile Jupiter 16-Apr-1770
c. sin sextile Jupiter JU 8-Jan-1771
d. 21-Nov-1771 sin square MC
c. dex sextile Mercury 17-Nov-1772
d. 24-Dec-1772 0PI-Venus
c. dex sextile Mercury ME 27-Jan-1773
d. 4-May-1775 conj Sun
c. dex square Sun 19-Sep-1776
c. dex trine Saturn 6-Apr-1777
c. dex trine Saturn SA 4-Mar-1778
c. 0SA-Jupiter 28-May-1780
c. dex trine Venus VE 13-Dec-1780
c. dex trine Venus 10-May-1781
d. 2-Nov-1781 12PI-Jupiter
c. conj MC 6-Feb-1782
d. 11-Mar-1782 sin sextile Moon MO
c. dex trine POF 7-Jan-1783
d. 21-Jul-1783 sin sextile Moon
d. 17-Sep-1784 16PI-Mercury
d. 8-Nov-1786 19PI-Mars
c. 24SC-Saturn 20-Jun-1787
c. conj Mars 16-Jun-1788
d. 22-Jul-1788 sin trine Mars MA
c. conj Mars MA 1-Dec-1788
d. 18-Oct-1789 sin trine Mars
c. sin square SAN 7-May-1790
d. 3-Aug-1791 dex square S Node
d. 3-Aug-1791 sin square N Node
d. 21-Jan-1793 conj POF
d. 19-Mar-1793 28PI-Saturn
c. 19SC-Jupiter 7-May-1793
d. 10-Aug-1793 sin trine MC 56
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

d. 19-Jan-1794 conj Venus

d. 15-Aug-1794 0AR-Jupiter
d. 21-Dec-1794 conj Venus VE
d. 2-Jul-1796 conj Saturn
d. 20-Jun-1798 conj Saturn SA
d. 4-Oct-1798 sin sextile Mercury ME
c. dex sextile Moon 7-Oct-1798
d. 6-Nov-1798 6AR-Venus
d. 21-Feb-1799 sin sextile Mercury
c. dex sextile Moon MO 1-Mar-1799
d. 30-Apr-1799 opposed Jupiter JU

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Moon (Regiomontanus)


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
d. 8-Apr-1733 14CP-Venus
d. 23-Aug-1733 conj Moon
c. sin square Jupiter 3-Jun-1736
c. sin square Jupiter JU 19-Nov-1737
c. 7CP-Jupiter 9-Feb-1738
d. 19-Jul-1740 sin sextile Mars MA
c. dex square Saturn SA 10-Aug-1740
d. 27-Nov-1740 22CP-Saturn
d. 20-Dec-1741 sin sextile Mars
c. dex sextile Sun 7-Mar-1742
c. dex square Saturn 5-Sep-1742
d. 15-Jul-1744 26CP-Mars
c. dex square Venus VE 11-Jul-1745
d. 11-Feb-1746 dex sextile POF
c. dex square Venus 14-Jun-1746
d. 19-Oct-1746 sin sextile MC
d. 8-May-1747 dex sextile Venus
c. dex square POF 3-Jan-1748
d. 18-Jan-1748 0AQ-Mercury
d. 9-Jun-1748 dex sextile Venus VE
c. 26SA-Mars 25-Dec-1749
c. conj N Node 29-Apr-1750
d. 1-May-1750 dex sextile Saturn
d. 11-Sep-1752 dex sextile Saturn SA
d. 24-Dec-1752 conj Mercury ME
d. 8-Jun-1753 conj Mercury
d. 8-Aug-1753 sin trine Jupiter JU 57
October 6, 2009

d. 29-Nov-1753 7AQ-Venus
c. sin trine SAN 30-Dec-1754
d. 26-Mar-1755 sin trine Jupiter
d. 17-Jul-1755 conj ASC
c. 21SA-Saturn 22-Aug-1755
d. 3-Sep-1758 13AQ-Jupiter
c. 17SA-Mercury 5-Apr-1760
d. 16-Dec-1763 20AQ-Mars
d. 10-Oct-1764 sin square Mars MA
d. 5-Feb-1765 opposed SAN
c. 12SA-Venus 22-Feb-1766
d. 3-Apr-1766 sin square Mars
d. 29-Jul-1767 25AQ-Saturn
d. 24-Jan-1768 dex trine S Node
d. 24-Jan-1768 sin sextile N Node
c. dex sextile ASC 12-Sep-1769
d. 28-Jan-1770 sin square MC
c. sin sextile Jupiter 1-Mar-1770
d. 28-Jan-1771 0PI-Venus
c. sin sextile Jupiter JU 19-Mar-1771
c. dex sextile Mercury 29-Oct-1772
c. dex sextile Mercury ME 10-Feb-1773
d. 22-Mar-1773 conj Sun
c. dex trine Saturn SA 13-Dec-1775
c. dex square Sun 16-Oct-1776
c. dex trine Saturn 10-May-1777
d. 17-Jan-1779 sin sextile Moon MO
d. 12-Feb-1779 12PI-Jupiter
c. 0SA-Jupiter 11-Aug-1780
d. 30-Aug-1780 sin sextile Moon
c. dex trine Venus VE 25-Dec-1780
c. dex trine Venus 6-Aug-1781
d. 17-Sep-1781 16PI-Mercury
c. conj MC 15-May-1782
c. dex trine POF 29-Apr-1783
d. 21-Aug-1783 19PI-Mars
d. 25-Oct-1784 sin trine Mars MA
d. 15-Apr-1786 sin trine Mars
d. 24-Nov-1787 dex square S Node
d. 24-Nov-1787 sin square N Node
c. 24SC-Saturn 15-Dec-1787
c. conj Mars 27-Dec-1788
d. 20-Mar-1789 conj POF
d. 10-May-1789 28PI-Saturn
d. 17-Sep-1789 sin trine MC 58
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

c. conj Mars MA 19-Sep-1789

d. 10-Feb-1790 conj Venus
d. 15-Aug-1790 0AR-Jupiter
c. sin square SAN 16-Dec-1790
d. 14-Mar-1791 conj Venus VE
d. 24-Apr-1792 conj Saturn
c. 19SC-Jupiter 4-Feb-1794
d. 25-Mar-1794 sin sextile Mercury ME
d. 3-Jun-1794 6AR-Venus
d. 16-Jun-1794 opposed Jupiter JU
d. 23-Aug-1794 conj Saturn SA
d. 7-Sep-1794 sin sextile Mercury
d. 4-Feb-1796 opposed Jupiter
d. 5-May-1796 sin sextile ASC
d. 25-Feb-1798 sin square Moon MO
d. 1-Apr-1798 12AR-Mercury
c. dex sextile Moon 11-Oct-1799
d. 12-Oct-1799 sin square Moon

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Lot of Fortune (Ptolemy)


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
d. 19-Apr-1732 28PI-Saturn
d. 13-Sep-1732 sin trine MC
d. 25-Feb-1733 conj Venus
c. dex square S Node 20-Aug-1733
c. sin square N Node 20-Aug-1733
d. 24-Sep-1733 0AR-Jupiter
d. 16-Jan-1734 conj Venus VE
c. sin trine Mars 16-Jun-1735
d. 24-Aug-1735 conj Saturn
c. sin trine Mars MA 28-Aug-1736
d. 20-Jul-1737 conj Saturn SA
d. 14-Dec-1737 sin sextile Mercury ME
d. 10-Jan-1738 6AR-Venus
d. 29-Apr-1738 sin sextile Mercury
c. 19PI-Mars 13-Jun-1738
d. 30-Jul-1738 opposed Jupiter JU
d. 2-Dec-1739 opposed Jupiter
d. 13-Mar-1740 sin sextile ASC
c. 16PI-Mercury 15-Aug-1740
c. sin sextile Moon 19-Oct-1741 59
October 6, 2009

d. 8-May-1742 12AR-Mercury
d. 30-Sep-1742 sin square Moon MO
c. sin sextile Moon MO 13-Feb-1743
c. 12PI-Jupiter 17-Jul-1743
d. 28-Jan-1744 sin square Moon
d. 11-Mar-1748 20AR-Mars
d. 6-May-1749 dex trine SAN
c. conj Sun 20-Feb-1750
d. 30-Nov-1751 25AR-Saturn
d. 8-Jun-1752 dex sextile S Node
d. 8-Jun-1752 sin trine N Node
c. 0PI-Venus 12-Jul-1752
c. sin square MC 21-Aug-1753
d. 16-Sep-1755 0TA-Venus
c. dex trine S Node 13-Nov-1755
c. sin sextile N Node 13-Nov-1755
c. 25AQ-Saturn 29-May-1756
c. sin square Mars 12-Nov-1757
d. 18-Feb-1758 sin sextile Sun
c. sin square Mars MA 19-Jan-1759
c. opposed SAN 19-Feb-1759
d. 1-May-1760 sin square Mercury ME
c. 20AQ-Mars 22-May-1760
d. 14-Sep-1760 sin square Mercury
d. 17-Dec-1761 8TA-Mercury
d. 12-Oct-1762 sin square ASC
d. 30-Oct-1765 sin trine Moon MO
c. 13AQ-Jupiter 24-Feb-1766
d. 30-Oct-1766 14TA-Jupiter
d. 22-Feb-1767 sin trine Moon
c. conj ASC 14-Jul-1769
c. sin trine Jupiter 14-Nov-1769
c. sin trine Jupiter JU 25-Feb-1771
c. 7AQ-Venus 15-Apr-1771
c. conj Mercury 19-Oct-1771
c. conj Mercury ME 26-Feb-1772
d. 19-Mar-1773 dex square SAN
d. 5-Jun-1773 opposed Mars MA
d. 5-Aug-1773 22TA-Saturn
d. 8-Aug-1774 opposed Mars
c. dex sextile Saturn 12-Feb-1775
c. dex sextile Saturn SA 25-Nov-1776
c. dex sextile Venus VE 7-Jun-1777
c. 0AQ-Mercury 15-Jul-1777
d. 1-Jan-1778 27TA-Mars 60
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

c. dex sextile Venus 12-Apr-1778

d. 13-Sep-1778 sin sextile POF
c. sin sextile MC 10-Nov-1778
d. 28-May-1779 opposed MC
c. dex sextile POF 1-Aug-1779
d. 24-Dec-1779 sin sextile Venus
d. 18-Sep-1780 0GE-Mercury
d. 24-Oct-1780 sin sextile Venus VE
c. 26CP-Mars 29-Mar-1781
d. 15-May-1781 sin sextile Saturn SA
d. 7-Mar-1783 sin sextile Saturn
d. 12-Aug-1783 sin square Sun
c. sin sextile Mars 7-Dec-1783
c. sin sextile Mars MA 7-Jan-1785
c. 22CP-Saturn 15-Jan-1785
d. 22-Apr-1786 6GE-Jupiter
d. 12-May-1786 sin trine Mercury ME
d. 14-Sep-1786 sin trine Mercury
d. 9-Aug-1787 dex trine Jupiter JU
d. 30-Oct-1788 dex trine Jupiter
d. 16-Mar-1789 sin trine ASC
d. 14-Feb-1792 12GE-Venus
c. conj Moon 23-Jul-1792
c. 14CP-Venus 10-Dec-1792
c. conj Moon MO 7-Sep-1793
d. 19-Feb-1797 17GE-Mars
c. sin square Jupiter 19-Jun-1798
c. sin square Jupiter JU 18-Jul-1799

George Washington, Additional Permutations of Primary Directions - Lot of Fortune (Regiomontanus)


asp Participator lat Distributor DATE Distributor asp Participator lat
d. 14-Apr-1732 28PI-Saturn
d. 26-Aug-1732 sin trine MC
d. 23-Jan-1733 conj Venus
c. dex square S Node 3-Jul-1733
c. sin square N Node 3-Jul-1733
d. 4-Aug-1733 0AR-Jupiter
d. 8-Feb-1734 conj Venus VE
c. sin trine Mars 1-Mar-1735
d. 2-May-1735 conj Saturn
c. sin trine Mars MA 27-Jul-1736 61
October 6, 2009

d. 5-May-1737 sin sextile Mercury ME

d. 4-Jul-1737 6AR-Venus
d. 25-Jul-1737 conj Saturn SA
d. 30-Aug-1737 opposed Jupiter JU
d. 11-Oct-1737 sin sextile Mercury
c. 19PI-Mars 22-Nov-1737
d. 26-Mar-1739 opposed Jupiter
d. 27-Jun-1739 sin sextile ASC
c. 16PI-Mercury 17-Nov-1739
c. sin sextile Moon 15-Dec-1740
d. 13-Jun-1741 12AR-Mercury
d. 20-Jun-1741 sin square Moon MO
c. sin sextile Moon MO 3-Jul-1742
c. 12PI-Jupiter 20-Jul-1742
d. 10-Jan-1743 sin square Moon
d. 17-Oct-1746 20AR-Mars
d. 8-Nov-1747 dex trine SAN
c. conj Sun 10-Aug-1748
d. 19-Mar-1750 25AR-Saturn
d. 10-Sep-1750 dex sextile S Node
d. 10-Sep-1750 sin trine N Node
c. 0PI-Venus 25-Oct-1750
c. sin square MC 3-Nov-1751
d. 17-Sep-1753 0TA-Venus
c. dex trine S Node 26-Nov-1753
c. sin sextile N Node 26-Nov-1753
c. 25AQ-Saturn 30-May-1754
c. sin square Mars 5-Oct-1755
d. 15-Dec-1755 sin sextile Sun
c. opposed SAN 11-Dec-1756
c. sin square Mars MA 3-Mar-1757
d. 26-Nov-1757 sin square Mercury ME
c. 20AQ-Mars 10-Feb-1758
d. 5-May-1758 sin square Mercury
d. 7-Jul-1759 8TA-Mercury
d. 10-Apr-1760 sin square ASC
d. 16-Oct-1762 sin trine Moon MO
c. 13AQ-Jupiter 7-Jul-1763
d. 23-Jan-1764 14TA-Jupiter
d. 10-May-1764 sin trine Moon
c. conj ASC 16-Sep-1766
c. sin trine Jupiter 10-Jan-1767
c. 7AQ-Venus 15-May-1768
c. sin trine Jupiter JU 27-Jul-1768
c. conj Mercury 8-Nov-1768 62
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

c. conj Mercury ME 14-Apr-1769

c. dex sextile Saturn SA 12-Oct-1769
d. 25-Dec-1769 opposed Mars MA
d. 29-Jan-1770 dex square SAN
d. 10-Jun-1770 22TA-Saturn
d. 25-May-1771 opposed Mars
c. dex sextile Saturn 6-Jan-1772
c. dex sextile Venus VE 5-Jan-1774
c. 0AQ-Mercury 1-May-1774
d. 19-Aug-1774 27TA-Mars
c. dex sextile Venus 15-Jan-1775
d. 20-Apr-1775 sin sextile POF
c. sin sextile MC 7-Aug-1775
d. 22-Dec-1775 opposed MC
c. dex sextile POF 17-Apr-1776
d. 9-Jul-1776 sin sextile Venus
d. 24-Mar-1777 0GE-Mercury
d. 15-Jul-1777 sin sextile Venus VE
c. 26CP-Mars 21-Nov-1777
d. 5-Aug-1779 sin sextile Saturn
d. 4-Jan-1780 sin square Sun
c. sin sextile Mars 28-Jun-1780
c. 22CP-Saturn 26-Jul-1781
d. 22-Sep-1781 sin sextile Saturn SA
c. sin sextile Mars MA 29-Oct-1781
d. 28-Jul-1782 sin trine Mercury ME
d. 11-Aug-1782 6GE-Jupiter
d. 28-Dec-1782 sin trine Mercury
. 19-Jul-1783 dex trine Jupiter JU
d. 19-Jan-1785 dex trine Jupiter
d. 2-Jun-1785 sin trine ASC
d. 3-Apr-1788 12GE-Venus
c. conj Moon 23-Nov-1788
c. 14CP-Venus 9-Apr-1789
c. conj Moon MO 19-Apr-1790
d. 1-Mar-1793 17GE-Mars
c. sin square Jupiter 16-Sep-1794
c. sin square Jupiter JU 27-Jan-1796
c. 7CP-Jupiter 27-May-1796
d. 20-Oct-1797 dex sextile SAN
c. dex square Saturn SA 24-Jan-1799 63
October 6, 2009

Appendix IV. Related Nativities of Interest.

1. Richard Henry Lee


B 20 v 05 v
j i & 18 v 35 00z
$ 17 v 16
00 00z Y 17 w 19 w
! 00 v 04
* 29 w 23 00

11 10 9
12 8

Natal Chart 00z

k Richard Henry Lee - trial u
20 Jan 1732
1:32:32 PM
@ 12 k 49 1 7
> 27 r 25
? 27 k 25 LMT +05:07:24
Stratf ord VA 00
00z USA 00z
00 76w51 00, 38n09 00
Rectif ied
2 6 ( 07 q 37
3 4 5 # 04 q 34
00 00z
00 00
m p ) 09 p 51
00z 00z

Janus Astrology Software

Born just 32 days before George Washington, Richard Henry Lee was present with
Washington, Mason, and other businessmen at the April 18/22 1769 Mount Vernon
meeting when the first draft for a nonimportation agreement was made. Lee is best
remembered for his 7 June 1776 Independence Resolution which was the precursor for
the 4 July 1776 formal Declaration of Independence.

10-Dec-1773. PT. sin. square Jupiter (l=JU) c. => MC. Boston Tea Party, 16 Dec.
7-Jun-1776. REG. North Node d. => Mars. Independence resolution, exact date.
25-Nov-1783. REG. opposition *ASC c. => Sun. Washington’s farewell address (exact).
14-Jun-1794. PT. dex. square Mars d. => ASC. Death, 19 June

Rating: Ascendant accurate to within 2 degrees. 64
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

2. George Mason

00z 00
q ? 25 p 34 p 00z ( 16 m 00
00 00z B 20 o 26 o
Y 20 o 56 00

11 10 9
12 8
Subst 14 q 28

Natal Chart 00z

r George Mason - trial l
11 Dec 1725
@ 04 r 59 6:04:32 AM
SAN 12 r 35 1 7
! 19 r 28 LMT +05:09:14
$ 26 r 55
Fairf ax VA 00
00z USA 00z
00 77w18 24, 38n50 46

2 6
* 20 u 31 3 4 5
) 10 w 46
02& v 06 00
# 03 w 31 00

v Faith 11 v 35 i > 25 i 34
Spirit 19 v 02 00z
Hyleg 25 v 56

Janus Astrology Software

Physiognomy. Compared to Abraham Lincoln, also with Sagittarius rising and lord
Jupiter in Pisces, this nativity is a good example of the relevance of the rising decan to
physiognomy. Ascendant falls in the 1sst decan of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter/Pisces; this
is a consistent match to the fleshy round appearance of Mason’s face. Lincoln’s
Ascendant falls in the 3rd decan of Sagittarius assigned to Leo; ruler Sun/Aquarius gives
Lincoln a more melancholy appearance.

Rating. Ascendant correct to within 10 degrees. A slightly later Ascendant of

8SA07’51” will move Mars to the DSC for death on 7-Oct-1792. A slightly earlier
Ascendant of 4SA47’51” moves both solar arc Moon and Sun to the 1st and 10th
respectively for the 9 April 2002 posthumous dedication of the George Mason National
Monument in Washington D.C. (ceremony 11:00 AM). 65
October 6, 2009

00z 00 SAN 22 p 14
u B 01 r 36 r 00z ( 15 p 57
00 00z ! 06 q 52
q > 14 p 23
& 16 q 38 |
$ 28 q 16
11 10 9
12 8
) 08 u 37 Faith 12 o 34

Natal Chart 00z

v 02 John Adams o
30 Oct 1735
1:23:43 PM
21 m 10
@ 10 v 11 1
LMT +04:44:00 Hyleg 13 m 49
Braintree MA 00
00z USA 00z
00 71w00 00, 42n13 20
Rectif ied
2 6
3 4 5 Y 29 l 11
00 01 i 33
00 * 25 j 32 |
i ? 14 i 23 k
00z # 25 i 52 00z

Janus Astrology Software

j i B 20 v 05 00z

00 00z
$ 12 v 18 |
# 07 w 16

Spirit 06 j 14
* 12 j 54 12
11 10 9
! 27 u 19
SAN 24 u 18
> 20 j 25
& 05 u 55
Faith 21 j 12
Natal Chart 00z
k Benjamin Franklin u
17 Jan 1706
1:43:14 PM
@ 16 k 11 1
LMT +04:44:15
( 20 r 43

Boston MA 00
00z USA 00z
00 71w03 37, 42n21 30
) 24 l 19 |
2 6
Y 26 l 08 3 4 5 ? 20 q 25
Hyleg 29 l 09
00 00z
00 00
m p Subst 08 p 54 q
00z 00z

Janus Astrology Software

3. John Adams, see ARM pp. 426-431.

4. Benjamin Franklin, see ARM pp. 338-345. 66
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

5. Patrick Henry

00 Spirit 18 r 11
# 01 v 58
v Faith 08 r 31

) 17 v 18
u SAN 03 r 45
B 13 u 55

11 10 9
12 8
( 10 w 29

Natal Chart 00z

i Patrick Henry - trial q
29 May 1736
? 03 i 11 2:32:09 AM
Subst 09 i 06 1
LMT +05:09:10
> 03 p 11
@ 24 i 17
Studley VA 00
00z USA 00z
00 77w17 28, 37n40 32

2 6
& 15 j 11 3 4 5 Y 00 o 23
02 * k 01 00

k 08 ! k 04 m o
17 $ k 44 00z
Hyleg 22 k 30

Janus Astrology Software

Physiognomy. Sign ruler Mars/Pisces consistent with round face. Decan ruler
Jupiter/Aquarius consistent with prominent forehead.

Rating. Bound of Mars/Aries rises; range from 20 to 25 Aries. In this trial

rectification, Henry’s “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” is timed by PT. opposition
Sun c. => MC, 23 March 1775, exact. There are also a number of Moon = Mars
directions which time key events in the rebellion including the Stamp Act (22-Mar-1765)
and the Townshend Act (29-Jun-1767). 67
October 6, 2009

6. Sam Adams

00z 00
l > 27 k 35 k 00z SAN 01 i 33
00 00z # 04 j 26 j
B 08 j 04 00

11 10 9
12 Spirit
8 18 w 32
Subst 08 l 00
Faith 12 w 26
Natal Chart 00z
m Samuel Adams - trial w
27 Sep 1722
1:59:57 AM
@ 17 m 53 1
LMT +04:44:15

Boston MA 00
00z USA 00z
00 71w03 37, 42n21 30
Rectif ied
2 6
Hyleg 20 o 46 3 4 5 Y 17 u 13
00 & 15 q 56 00z
00 ! 03 p 46 00 ? 27 r 35
p $ 09 p 53 r * 12 r 56
00z ( 11 p 11 00z ) 02 r 07

Janus Astrology Software

Physiognomy. 2nd Decan of Leo rising is assigned to Sagittarius. Ruler Jupiter in

Sagittarius (sign he rules) gives Adams a textbook appearance for this decan: a relatively
long mid-section relative to the length of the legs, e.g., a ‘horsy’ appearance. See also
Hillary Clinton (ARM, pp. 764-765) for a similar configuration.

Rating. Accurate to 10 degrees, 2nd decan of Leo. This figure is presented with tr.
Saturn conjunct the MC for passage of the Sugar Act on 5 April 1764 which initiated
Sam Adam’s confrontation with Britain. Converse direction of the Ascendant to
conjunction of Venus appears a reasonable arcus vitae though I am not sure which
permutation to use. 68
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

7. Silas Deane

00z 00
r B 05 q 41 q 00z > 02 o 46
00 00z p
Spirit 02 r 19
Faith 03 r 31 11 10 9
12 8
( 06 r 56 Subst 18 m 51
& 08 r 15
SAN 29 r 55 Natal Chart 00z
u Silas Deane - Trial m
24 Dec 1737
! 02 u 52 8:01:17 AM
$ 04 u 04 1
LMT +04:48:19

@ 10 u 27
Groton CT 00
00z USA 00z
00 72w04 44, 41n21 00
# 11 v 00 Rectif ied
2 6
Y 18 v 35 3 4 5 * 21 k 36 |
Hyleg 21 v 32
00 00z
00 00
w ? 02 w 46 j k
00z ) 17 w 00 00z

Janus Astrology Software

Rating. Appears accurate to within 2 degrees. Arms deals with Beaumarchais during
1776 and 1777 appear to be timed by either POF d. => Mercury or Mercury c. => POF
directions with various latitude combinations. The following Saturn directions appear the
strongest testimony to support the trial rectification:

6-Aug-1779. PT. sin. square Saturn (l=SA) c. => MC. Discharged by Congress, exact.

30-Oct-1789. PT. dex. square Saturn d. => ASC. Death, 23-Sep-1789. Note the
Distributor for this direction is Mars/Pisces. Deane died at sea. 69
October 6, 2009

8. Arthur Lee

00z 00
j i 00z B 27 v 17
00 00z w

Spirit 24 j 39 12
11 10 9
# 24 u 42
Faith 28 j 41 ? 04 u 56
$ 03 u 27 |
Natal Chart 00z
k Arthur Lee - trial u
20 Dec 1740
3:59:06 PM
@ 19 k 56 1 7 ! 29 r 25
LMT +05:07:24 SAN 27 r 26
Stratf ord VA 00
00z USA 00z
00 76w51 00, 38n09 00
> 04 l 56 Rectif ied
) 06 l 47 |2 Subst
6 25 q 14
Y 15 l 14 3 4 5 & 18 q 07
Hyleg 17 l 13 00z
00 00z
00 00
m ( 00 m 45 | p q
00z * 07 m 26 | 00z

Janus Astrology Software

Physiognomy. No photo/portrait found. The trial rectification is on the cusp of the

2nd/3rd decan of Gemini. Photo/portrait would help confirm the rising decan.

General configuration of the Chart. Lee is remembered as a propagandist for the

American Revolution. Another figure with Gemini rising, Mercury/Capricorn is that of
William Herndon, Abraham Lincoln’s law partner, biographer, and ‘propagandist’ if you
will. 55 First pamphlets appeared in the late 1760s, during the latter part of Mercury’s
major Fidaria period for a diurnal figure. Lee’s dispute with Deane and Franklin led to a
split in Congress; those following Lee (and John Adams) tended to be more anti-
European. Both malefics in Leo ruling the 9th (with Leo the significator for France) are
consistent with an anti-European attitude. Lee shares a Gemini rising figure with
Mars/Leo and Saturn/Leo with Thomas Jefferson. Though Jefferson liked French culture
very much, he did not favor the French monarchy and helped draft France’s own
Declaration. Like Jefferson, Lee distrusted Federal authority. For Lee, this extended to
his opposition for the Federal Constitution.

29-Aug-1787. d.s.a. ASC conj Saturn

6-Nov-1787. c.s.a. Saturn conj ASC
Both directions occur at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention.

12-Dec-1792. PT. ASC c. => Saturn (l=SA). Death, exact date.

Accuracy: Believe Ascendant sign to be accurate. Needs much more work. 70
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

9. Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes

00z 00
l SAN 26 k 25 k 00z Subst 23 i 43
00 00z j
B 06 j 04

11 10 9 ? 29 w 48
12 Faith
8 27 w 22
Spirit 23 w 15
Natal Chart ( 08 w 16
Charles Grav ier Comte de Vergennes - trial
m w
20 Dec 1717
) 02 m 52 | 1 8:17:58 PM
# 03 m 39 LMT -00:20:05
& 12 v 37
@ 18 m 32
Dijon 00
00z France 00z
00 5e01 00, 47n19 00
Rectif ied
Hyleg 25 o 46 2 6
> 29 o 48 3 4 5 Y 13 u 50
00 00z
00 00
p * 29 p 33 r ! 28 r 57 u
00z 00z $ 24 r 49 00

Janus Astrology Software

Physiognomy. As the epitome of everything French, it would be surprising for the sign
of Leo not to be highlighted in physical appearance. Vergennes has the classic Leo ‘stiff
upper lip’ (compare to G. W. Bush). Second decan of Leo rising, ruled by Jupiter/Leo,
adds double chin (Jupiter) and reinforces Leo appearance.

13-Oct-1777. PT. sin. sextile Jupiter (l=JU) d. => ASC. Saratoga victory, 7 October.
3-Feb-1778. PT. sin. sextile Jupiter d. => ASC. Treaty of Alliance, 6 February.

7-Feb-1787. REG. ASC d. => Saturn. Death, 13-Feb-1787.

Rating. Ascendant accurate to within 2 degrees. 71
October 6, 2009



AGW. John Ferling. The Ascent of George Washington: The Hidden Political Genius of
an American Icon. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009.

ARM. A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency. Princeton, NJ: Regulus

Astrology LLC, 3rd edition, 2009.

AIB. America is Born: Introducing the Regulus USA National Horoscope. Princeton,
NJ: Regulus Astrology LLC, 2008.

BF. Stacy Schiff. A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America.
New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2005.

GWL. Willard Sterne Randall. George Washington: A Life. New York: Henry Holt and
Company, 1997.

MG. Martin Gansten. Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique.

Bournemouth, England: The Wessex Astrologer, 2009.

Sepharial, Primary Directions, Astrology Classics, reprint, 2006.
W. J. Simmonite, Arcana of Astrology, London: W. Foulsham, 1890.
Alfred John Pearce, The Textbook of Astrology, 2nd edition, Washington, D.C.: American Federation of
Astrologers, 1911; Reprint, 1970.
Kolev’s first three booklets are titled: Primary Directions I: Directions to MC, IC, ASC. & DESC.;
Primary Directions II: Classic Placidian Interplanetary Directions, and The Primary Directions of
Regiomontanus & William Lilly. For availability, refer to the author’s website:
Sepharial, Primary Directions Made Easy, Kessinger Publishing (reprint), July 2003. See Preface.
Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs: Astrology’s Most Successful Predictive System, Llewellyn Publications, 2001. See
Chapter 1.
Notable are the series of blog posts by Anton Grigoryev's on calculation methods:

and Deborah Houlding's "An Easy Introduction to Primary Directions."
“For some 1,300 years after Ptolemy, the proportional semi-arc method remained virtually unchallenged.
In the 15th century, however, Regiomontanus (1436 - 1476) claimed to have understood Ptolemy’s real 72
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

intentions with regard both to house division and to directions. This belief, though earnestly held, was
false; nevertheless, the ‘rational method’ proposed by Regiomontanus soon gained a following, no doubt
partly due to the availability of his published tables.” MG, p. 57.

9 “In contrast to Morin, Placidus viewed Ptolemy’s text as gospel truth - albeit a gospel which could be
subjected to a most implausible exegesis in order to save his own notions of an astrology conformable to
nature and reason.” MG, p. 121.
For empirical tests which support the Egyptian bound system, see ARM (Appendix A) and AIB (Chapter
6 and Appendix D).
Part of Gansten’s critique of A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency stems from my choice of
Janus 3.0 software used for primary directions computations. In addition to misrepresenting Placidus under
the Pole directions (actually Regiomontanus), Janus 3.0 employed a non-standard latitude option for
aspects based on the full latitude of the planet. Finally, a small number of the Regiomontanus directions
were incorrectly computed. Fortunately - with help from myself and others - these issues have been
resolved with a completely revamped primary directions software module in Janus Version 4.3 released on
July 20, 2009. Appropriate revisions have been made in the 3rd edition of A Rectification Manual now
available as of September 2009. This does not excuse any calculation errors presented in the first two
editions of A Rectification Manual which Gansten critiques. Yet readers might be interested to know that
only 5% of the primary directions presented in those editions were computed incorrectly; more important is
the observation that at least as many new directions using corrected algorithms emerged which supported
the vast majority of the rectifications as originally proposed. Only five of the forty-three horoscopes from
the Presidential database required revision. This demonstrates the reliability of the majority of primary
directions used in the text as well as other non-directional techniques used for rectification.
For natal horoscopes I have never veered from Ptolemy's key of 1 degree = 1 year. For solar returns, I
use both keys of Ptolemy and Naibod.
Patrick Henry’s speech as well as recollections of the event were published by William Wirt in 1816,
seventeen years after Patrick Henry’s death. Wirt’s account reflects correspondence with those present at
Henry’s speech and should be treated as a second-hand reconstruction. See William Wirt. Sketches of the
Life and Character of Patrick Henry. New York: Derby and Jackson, 1859.
For a full treatment of this method see AIB Chapter 4.
For one example of Jupiter/Capricorn puffery, consider Saddam Hussein’s construction of elaborate
palaces as a demonstration of his elevated social status (b. 28 Apr 1937, Jupiter 26CP51, no time).
Quoted in GWL, p. 283. Washington made similar comments in his public acceptance letter read to the
Continental Congress: “But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I get it
may be remembered by every gentlemen in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity I do
not think myself equal to the command I am honored with.” GWL, p. 284.
From the Presidential Database in A Rectification Manual, the following Moon-Ascendant directions
correspond to a variety of tragic events ranging from illness/death of family members to illness/death for
the native.

George Washington. 18-Jul-1755. REG. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO). Defeat at Battle of Wilderness. Two
horses shot out from underneath his saddle.

John Adams. 10-Feb-1781 to 13-Apr-1782. PT. Moon d. => ASC (sequence). Near death, late August
and most of September 1781. 73
October 6, 2009

James Madison. 17-Jul-1772. PT. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO). Suffered exhaustion and ill health
following return to home after finishing studies at Princeton University, April 1772.

James Monroe. 2-Feb-1799 to 17-Dec-1800. PT. Moon c. => ASC (sequence). Birth and death of only
son; depression of wife, slave revolt.

John Quincy Adams. 23-Feb-1848. REG. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO). Death (exact date).

Martin Van Buren. 11-Apr-1831 to 5-May-1837. PT. Moon c. => ASC (sequence). Cabinet shakeup
(1831); start of Panic of 1837 which would dominate entire Presidential term.

Franklin Pierce. 29-Nov-1863 to 20-May-1864. PT. ASC c. => Moon & REG. ASC c. => Moon
(l=MO). Death of wife and death of close friend Nathaniel Hawthorne triggered a resumption of alcohol
abuse which led to his death.

Abraham Lincoln. 18-Jan-1829. PT. Moon (l=MO) d. => ASC. Death of sister.

Ulyesses Grant. 12-Apr-1885. PT. Moon d. => ASC. Ruptured artery in neck April 1885; died 23 July

Rutherford Hayes. 23-Feb-1865. REG. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO). Confederate raiders captured two
Union Generals, 21-Feb-1865. Wife Lucy also ill with rheumatism at this time.

Grover Cleveland. 9-May-1876. PT. ASC d. => Moon. Kidnapping of illegitimate child, Oscar Folsom
Cleveland, 28 April 1876.

Harry Truman. 30-Oct-1914. REG. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO). Father John Truman had hernia
operation (October) and died 2-Nov-1914. Other Moon-ASC directions timed failed speculative financial

Lyndon Johnson. 30-Aug-1935. REG. ASC d. => Moon (l=MO). Following his appointment as Texas
head of the National Youth Administration under FDR, Johnson became abusive towards his staff in
response to inefficiencies created by excessive bureaucratic paperwork. Moon/Virgo rules the 12th of slave
The following examples from Presidential Database in A Rectification Manual demonstrate the Sun/7th
house relationships at the time of death:

Martin Van Buren. 13-Aug-1862. PT. ASC d. => Sun. Death, 24 July.
Though the Sun does not conjunct the 7th cusp in the natal arcus vitae, in the solar return for the year of
death, the Sun does fall in the 7th.

William Harrison. Solar return for year of death: Sun in 7th.

John Tyler. Solar return for year of death: Sun in 7th.

Abraham Lincoln. Solar return for year of death: Sun in 7th.

Grover Cleveland. Solar return for year of death: Sun in 7th.

Calvin Coolidge. Solar return for year of death: Sun in 7th.

John F. Kennedy. 1-Dec-1963. PT. DSC c. => Sun. Death, 22 November.

Sun also in 7th for solar return for year of death. 74
Review of Primary Directions: Astrology’s Old Master Technique by Martin Gansten

For diurnal horoscopes.
ARM, p. 132.
AIB, p. 211.
Many of these observations are taken from Benjamin Dykes’ summary of universal techniques.
Benjamin N. Dykes, Using Medieval Astrology: A Compendium of Concepts and Techniques, self-
published, 2005.
Ibn Ezra, The Beginning of Wisdom, translated by Meira Epstein. Reston, VA.; Arhat Publications, 1998,
p. 136.
GWL, p. 235.
GWL, p. 235.
so speculates biographer Randall, see GWL, p. 242.
Wikipedia contributors, "Samuel Adams," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed September 22, 2009).
BF, p. 412.
Page Smith, A New Age Now Begins, New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 1976, p. 368.
BF, p. 226.
Al-Qabīsī. The Introduction to Astrology. Edited and Translated by Charles. Burnett, K. Yamamoto, and
Michio Yano. London: The Warburg Institute, 2004, pp. 50-55.
MG, p. 69.
MG, p. 162.
Washington’s chart is nocturnal making the diurnal planet Jupiter out-of-sect. However one can make
the argument that dynamically, as soon as the Sun rises in Washington’s chart, Jupiter’s status changes to
an in-sect planet. Directing the Sun to the Ascendant yields an arc of 17deg 3min and projects 12 March
1749. I am making the argument that Jupiter was ‘in-sect’ between 1749 and these series of directions
during 1769-1780 when Jupiter set in the western sky. Given the fact the Virginia House of Burgesses was
abolished just after the 1769 Jupiter-DSC direction, the 1769 direction appears most relevant to the sect
argument I present.
GWL, p. 239.
GWL, p. 240.
Washington followed the events of, but did not actively participate in, protests against the Stamp Act of
This is also an exact delineation match to Robert Schmidt’s description of in-sect planets belonging to
the ‘political party in power.’ 75
October 6, 2009

BF, p. 77.
BF, pp. 72-73.
Birth date for Vergennes (b. 20-Dec-1717, no time) reveals strong connections with Washington’s ASC-
DSC axis. For Vergennes, consider the synastry between Venus 12AQ19, Jupiter 2LE53, and the Moon
most likely in early Leo with Washington’s own ASC-DSC axis located at 9AQ01 - 9LE01.
BF, pp. 245-249.
GWL, p. 248.
GWL, p. 309.
see which quotes biographer George L. Clark, Silas
Deane: A Connecticut Leader in the American Revoluiton, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, The
Knickerbocker Pres, 1913, p. 90).
For the recall letter, see; for speculation on
enmity with Arthur lee, see
One of Washington’s ranks and in attendance at the Valley Forge party was the young James Monroe,
the future 5th President of the United States. See ARM, pp. 148-149 for a discussion of Monroe’s solar
return computed for the year the French Alliance was celebrated.
BF, p. 212.
At present, there is little available scholarship on British prison ships available. Sources used for this
article include Paul J. Rastatter, “‘Rebel’ Prisoners Detained in North America,” available online: Accessed September 16, 2009. Also
see Danske Dandridge, “American Prisoners of the Revolution,” December 6, 2910; available online: Accessed September 18, 2009.
For the Presidential Database as presented in ARM.
As recomputed by James Holden and referenced by Gansten, MG, p. 139.
Most reliably for directions of Saturn, Mars, and the Sun to the angles.
In no way do I suggest that Washington relied on astrology for decision making.
See MG, p. 59 and Kolev “The Primary Directions of Regiomontanus & William Lilly,” pp. 26-27.
William Herndon, b. 25 Dec 1818. Gemini rising based on a preliminary rectification in my own
working papers. Unpublished. 76

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