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Naval Aviation Vision

Cover concept by Noel Hepp; created by Fred Flerlage

2 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Table of Contents
Letter from the Leadership of Naval Aviation.............................................4
Delivering Readiness...............................................................................................6
Flexible, Strategic Options.................................................................................. 8
Naval Aviation in Action................................................................................... 10
Training Readiness............................................................................................... 12
Training Requirements............................................................................................ 12
Optimizing Aircrew Proficiency............................................................................... 13
Material Readiness.............................................................................................. 16
Supply Chain Management................................................................................... 16
Tools for Improving Readiness................................................................................ 17
Enabling Faster Manufacturing.............................................................................. 18
Manning ................................................................................................................. 20
Accessing and Retaining Highly Qualified Maintainers/Aircrew............................. 20
Enlisted Maintenance............................................................................................ 20
Talent Management: Maximizing Sailor Experience............................................... 21
Expanding Capability.......................................................................................... 22
Increasing Technological Edge...................................................................... 24
Fifth-Generation Fighter: F-35 B/C Lightning II......................................................... 25
Unmanned Family of Systems................................................................................. 27
Open Architecture................................................................................................. 30
Redesigned from Keel to Mast: The Ford-Class....................................................... 31
Weapons: Modular Components........................................................................... 32
Cyberspace Operations........................................................................................ 33
Creating and Delivering Integrated Warfighting Capabilities.............. 34
Implementing Integrated Warfighting Capabilities................................................ 34
AIRWorks Provides Rapid Response........................................................................ 37
Integrated Warfighting Capability Successes......................................................... 38
Advanced Manufacturing and the Digital Thread................................................. 40
Strategic Imperative of Integrated Warfare................................................ 42
Air Warfare............................................................................................................. 43
Anti-submarine Warfare......................................................................................... 44
Mine Warfare......................................................................................................... 44
Strike Warfare......................................................................................................... 45
Expeditionary Warfare........................................................................................... 45
Information Warfare............................................................................................... 47
Surface Warfare..................................................................................................... 51

Maintaining Capacity......................................................................................... 52
Transformational Roadmaps............................................................................ 54
Aircraft Carriers...................................................................................................... 54
Amphibious Assault Ships....................................................................................... 56
Aircraft: Navy Tactical [+ unmanned].................................................................... 59
Marine Corps Tactical [+ unmanned]............................................................... 61
Navy Helicopters [+ unmanned]....................................................................... 62
Marine Corps Assault Support Aircraft [+ unmanned]....................................... 64
Marine Corps Unmanned Systems.................................................................... 67
Navy and Marine Corps Training Aircraft........................................................... 68
Navy Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft [+ unmanned].................. 70
Navy-Unique Fleet-Essential Aircraft.................................................................. 71
Future Carrier Onboard Delivery Aircraft........................................................... 72
Operational Support Airlift................................................................................. 73
Specialized Naval Aircraft................................................................................. 74
Weapons: Air-to-Air................................................................................................ 76
Long-Range Standoff........................................................................................ 77
Midrange Standoff............................................................................................ 78
Direct Attack..................................................................................................... 79
Torpedoes......................................................................................................... 80

Summary.................................................................................................................... 81

Ensuring Wholeness and Affordability I 3

Letter from the
his document is a partner piece to “The
Vision for Naval Aviation 2025,” and together
they are the roadmap to ensuring Naval

Leadership of Aviation possesses the readiness, capabilities

and capacity to deliver on the five essential

Naval Aviation
functions outlined in the maritime strategy, “A
Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower.” The
essential functions—All Domain Access, Deterrence,
Sea Control, Power Projection and Maritime Security—
are missions that depend upon Naval Aviation to
guarantee their success. It is essential that our vision
Naval Aviation forces are forward,
fully supports and aligns to this cooperative strategy.
engaged and ready—every day. The planning horizon described by both the United
States Navy Master Aviation Plan and United States
Expeditionary forces, amphibious forces, Marine Corps Aviation Plan extend far enough into
the future to capture deployments that will occur dur-
nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, ing the timeframe of this document. The points on
the horizon that define our present execution and our
air wings, manned and unmanned future vision are converging. This document aligns
with the vision for 2025 while identifying investments
platforms, rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft to position Naval Aviation to move beyond 2025. It is
based on the expected transition of the major compo-
are on station, valued and in increasingly
nents of the Carrier Air Wing and the Expeditionary
higher demand. No other service or Strike Group, manned-unmanned teaming efforts and
the changing operating environment. It is also based
community can deliver the capabilities on the evolution of DoD’s current strategy to incorpo-
rate commercially driven technology such as robotics,
Naval Aviation brings in support of our autonomously operated vehicles, guidance and control
systems, visualization, biotechnology, miniaturization,
national interests. It is a national priority to advanced computing, big data analytics and additive
manufacturing that ensure a technological advantage
sustain, resource and ultimately expand over an adversary.
As leaders entrusted with the course of Naval Avia-
these capabilities to ensure that when tion, it is our responsibility to define our threat-based
future requirements and deliver the readiness our
called, Naval Aviation is at the hold short,
nation demands of this warfighting community while
takeoff checks complete… smartly navigating the fiscal shoal waters. Our three-
pronged approach aims at achieving wholeness through
Ready to Go. the synergy of readiness, capability and capacity.
Readiness remains the essential key to our warfight-
ing proficiency. Ready for tasking aircraft, ships ready
to get underway, Sailors and Marines fully trained in
their missions are the means by which Naval Aviation
will protect and advance our national interests. In a
resource-constrained environment, the requirements
must be established and defined in order to make
deliberate and thoughtful choices to ensure all units are
combat-ready when required.
Naval Aviation must plan and resource to obtain,

4 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

maintain and retain the capabilities that allow our
As leaders entrusted with
military to achieve global reach and superiority of the
sea, air, land, space, cyberspace and the electromagnetic the course of Naval Aviation,
spectrum. Naval Aviation is leaning forward, transition- it is our responsibility to define
ing nearly every legacy aircraft to a more capable and
technologically advanced platform able to deliver lethal
our threat-based future
combat and credible non-combat effects across the spec- requirements and deliver the
trum of conflict. This strategy is mirrored as well in our readiness our nation demands
carrier and amphibious fleet as we move into the more
lethal, affordable and survivable Ford-class carrier and of this warfighting community
the America-class amphibious assault ship. while smartly navigating the

Capacity is the third pillar of our vision and remains
a priority. Aggregate capacity is force structure and a
fiscal shoal waters.
matter of national policy, whereas operational capacity
is the quantity of existing Naval Aviation capabilities
that can be leveraged to succeed across any of the five
essential functions in the maritime strategy. Possessing
the right operational capacity requires a credible deter-
rent capability and optimal readiness levels. VADM Mike Shoemaker, USN
Despite fiscal pressures, Naval Aviation is develop- Commander, Naval Air Forces
ing groundbreaking technologies and implementing
ways to improve operational capacity.
Readiness based on flight line warfighting require-
ments, superior capability, wholeness of the fleet and
sufficient capacity are the strategic goals. Creating
LtGen Jon D. Davis, USMC
and implementing integrated warfighting capabili-
Deputy Commandant for Aviation
ties; balancing live, virtual and constructive training;
leveraging advances like additive manufacturing while
optimizing proficiency and harmonizing sustainment
accounts reinforce our goals and are the work of all
Naval Aviation Enterprise stakeholders. This document
describes our vision to maximize limited resources VADM Paul A. Grosklags, USN
while fielding tomorrow’s fleet efficiently and capital- Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
izing on future technologies.
We are undeniably the best maritime aviation fight-
ing force in the world. That said, near-peer nations and
non-state actors pose credible threats to our security.
The vision outlined in this document acknowledges our
RADM Michael C. Manazir, USN
fiscal realities and illustrates that Naval Aviation has Director, Air Warfare Division
the readiness, capability and capacity to prevail. It is
consistent with Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus’ dec-
laration that we as a sea service “get there sooner, stay
there longer, bring everything we need with us and we
don’t have to ask anyone’s permission. We provide our
nation’s leaders with options in times of crisis.” RADM Nancy A. Norton, USN
We share this vision to inform and guide the actions Director of Warfare Integration
of those serving Naval Aviation today and those whose for Information Warfare/
support is critical to our continued success as a ready Deputy Director, Navy Cybersecurity
and superior warfighting force.

Letter from the Leadership of Naval Aviation I 5

A V-22 Osprey takes off from the flight deck of amphibious
assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6).
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Taylor A. Elberg

6 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Readiness is the pre-eminent focus of

the Navy and Marine Corps.

he day Adm. John Richardson took command as
Chief of Naval Operations, five carrier air wings
(CVWs) and three amphibious ready groups (ARGs)
were underway. Two CVWs were deployed, one
was conducting workups and two were changing
homeports. Meanwhile, one ARG was deployed and two were
training for deployment, or supporting Marine Expeditionary
Unit (MEU) training. Fleet operations ranged from conduct-
ing airstrikes to freedom of navigation operations to training
partner nation forces. Each of these requires a rigorous matrix
of training events, planned maintenance and logistics to ensure
the operation is executed flawlessly. Even while performing
peacetime operations, naval forces must be prepared to react to
warfighting contingencies. This strategy-to-task methodology
helps determine the readiness requirements for Naval Aviation
to execute our national strategy.
As the dominant maritime aviation fighting force, Naval Avia-
tion must continue to examine how we maintain our high degree
of readiness. We must continue to balance near-term readiness
spending—such as flight hours and repairs—with long-term
readiness investments—such as the use of advanced data analysis
tools, live, virtual, and constructive (LVC) training concepts and
additive manufacturing-while achieving our required readiness.
Naval Aviation leadership’s approach to maintaining superior-
ity over the maritime domain is outlined in “The Vision for Naval
Aviation.” Our readiness is predicated on the execution of three
key strategic elements:
n Ensuring wholeness by managing resources available to orga-
nize, man, train and equip Naval Aviation across its full range
of missions
n Sustaining capability superiority by taking an evolutionary ap-
proach to improving already fielded platforms and payloads,
and integrating enabling technologies into the battlespace
n Maintaining sufficient capacity—having the right number of
units manned, trained and equipped in the right configura-
tion to meet demand
The long-term readiness investments described in this section
support the Naval Aviation vision and are the tools by which we
will deliver decisive combat power at home and abroad.
The flexibility and dedication of our ready forces, while a
credit to our planning, is more a credit to our Sailors and Ma-
rines. Naval Aviation’s long-term vision recognizes that readiness
investments today and in 2025 are a commitment to our troops
and our nation.

Delivering Readiness I 7
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Rafael Martie
Aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), the flagship of the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, transits the Atlantic Ocean
during a Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX).

Taken as a team, the ESGs and the
CSGs are trained in well-established
integrated tactics, techniques and

Strategic Options procedures that allow them to deploy and

operate freely in the global commons.
Each CSG possesses a versatile,
highly maneuverable, and perhaps most
Aircraft carriers (CVNs), National interests require the speed, importantly, an independent strike
amphibious assault ships, endurance, flexibility and autonomous force capable of engaging targets at
carrier air wings (CVWs) and nature of the Navy’s carrier strike sea and hundreds of miles inland. An
Marine Expeditionary Units group (CSG). Typically comprised of a aircraft carrier and its embarked air
(MEUs) provide flexible strategic nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and its wing operate across all warfare areas.
options for the U.S. military now embarked air wing, one guided-missile An ESG is typically comprised of
and into the future. cruiser, guided-missile destroyers and a a large deck amphibious assault ship,
supply ship, the CSG provides our na- two smaller amphibious landing ships
tional command authority with options, and 2,500 Marines and their equipment
access and forward presence that allow that form a MEU. The MEU, the
for rapid response to a wide spectrum smallest Marine Air Ground Task Force
of threats. (MAGTF), is made up of a headquarters
Likewise, the Expeditionary Strike element, an ACE (task organized and
Group (ESG), with its Aviation Combat usually comprised of 29 fixed- and
Element (ACE) and MEU afloat, rotary-wing aircraft), a battalion
provides forward deployed, physical landing team ground combat element,
presence from the sea with the ability and a logistics combat element. This is a
to respond across all five essential lethal assault force capable of operating
functions within the maritime strategy. across the continuum of conflict. With

8 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

U.S. Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin

An F-35C Lightning II prepares to commence night operations aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69).

seven MEUs covering the globe, and the combatant command areas of our expeditionary aviation forces bring.
at least three activated, a quarter of responsibility. Naval Aviation is focused on sustaining
Marine operating forces are forward Our nation values the strategic the capacity to generate these forces
deployed at any given time—ensuring options and flexibility that carrier strike and ensure they are ready to operate
about 30,000 Marines are spread across groups, expeditionary strike groups and forward where and when needed.

Marines with the

Maritime Raid Force,
31st Marine Expedi-
tionary Unit prepare
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thor Larson

to jump from a
UH-1Y Huey during
helocast training.
Once the Marines
jumped into the
water, they swam to
the waiting Com-
bat Rubber Raiding
Craft which brought
them to shore.

Delivering Readiness I 9
(CVN 71) transited the Strait of Hormuz Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. All these
to the Arabian Sea, joining forces con- show the value of forward presence and
ducting maritime security operations to power projection of naval forces.

ensure vital shipping lanes off the Yemeni In addition to acting as a deterrent,
coast remained open and safe. Follow- forward presence also enables rapid

ing CVN 71’s move, an Iranian convoy response to disasters, as demonstrated
traveling toward Yemen reversed course, by the USS George Washington CSG
underscoring the stabilizing effect a car- supporting the Third Marine Expedition-
rier force can have overseas. Additionally, ary Brigade in Operation Damayan in
The stability and security provided the U.S. Navy is daily countering Chinese the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan/
by the carrier strike group (CSG) claims to swaths of the Pacific Ocean; Yolanda in the Republic of the Philip-
often goes unnoticed as mer- Marine CH-53E Super Stallion aircraft pines in November 2013. The tropical
chant ships maneuver the seas, support ground forces with the Marine cyclone devastated portions of Southeast
terrorist groups lie dormant and Rotational Force-Darwin in Australia as Asia, particularly the Philippines, killing
nations seek peaceful resolutions. a strategic presence in the South Pacific; more than 6,000 people and leaving an
Though it can be difficult to quantify con- MV-22B Osprey and KC-130J Super estimated 4.2 million without basic neces-
flict avoided, sometimes we are reminded Hercules aircraft operate from Morón, sities.
of this deterrent effect by what does not Spain, to cover the African littoral as a Sailors and Marines delivered more
occur, when tensions defuse quietly or are part of Special Purpose MAGTF-Crisis than 368,000 liters of water and 160,000
altogether avoided thanks to U.S. Navy Response-Africa; Marine F/A-18s work pounds of food and dry goods to remote
presence. out of Bahrain to combat the rising areas. More than 500 distressed individu-
In April 2015, while on station in the Islamic State Group threat; and Marines als were recovered and transported to
Arabian Gulf, USS Theodore Roosevelt are going back into Afghanistan as part of receive aid and medical attention.

Sailors signal
the pilot of an
F/A-18F Super
Hornet from the
of Strike Fighter
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Bryan Mai

(VFA)102 on
the flight deck
of Nimitz-class
aircraft carrier
USS George
(CVN 73).

10 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

In August 2015 in coordination with
FEMA, USS Ashland (LSD 48) arrived in
In addition to acting as a deterrent,

Saipan to provide relief in the aftermath
of Typhoon Soudelor. Ashland, part of presence also enables rapid
response to disasters. ”
the Bonhomme Richard Amphibious
Readiness Group, and the 31st Marine
Expeditionary Unit (MEU) transported
supplies and relief equipment. In total, the
U.S. services, including the U.S. Army and
Air Force, provided more than 200,000
gallons of water and 47,000 meals to the
people of Saipan.

When the president needed immediate
options to curb the Islamic State Group’s
sudden and vicious advance across the
Middle East in the summer of 2014,
the George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) Strike
Group was on station in the Arabian Gulf
and ready within 30 hours of tasking. The
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Huey D. Younger Jr.

Bush CSG was the only strike option on

station for the first 10 days of the conflict
and remained there for 54 days as the
only viable U.S. asset, until the authoriza-
tion of air and cruise missile strikes.
CSGs have maintained a constant pres-
ence in that region, with seamless transi-
tions between strike groups during rota-
Sailors perform maintenance checks on an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter on the flight
tions. Likewise, MEUs and Marine fighter/ deck aboard Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2).
attack aircraft provided support from land
bases across the Middle East, amphibious
shipping, as well as from the carrier.
The continuous forward presence the
MEUs and CSGs provide around the
world comes with a cost. After nearly 14
years of sustained combat operations,
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Combat Camera Staff Sgt. Jeffrey D. Anderson

Naval Aviation forces must continue

to recapitalize to ensure readiness for
the future. The frequency and extended
duration of CSG deployments accelerate
wear on the force, leading to increased An MV-22B Osprey
crew chief uses his
maintenance and repair requirements, intercom to com-
and subsequently, longer maintenance municate with the
unavailability periods. Despite the stresses pilots while waiting
for earthquake
of near-continuous combat footing, inno-
victims at a land-
vative planning and resourcing described ing zone near
in this "Vision 2016-2025" help Naval Chericot, Nepal,
Aviation ensure naval combat forces are after a 7.3-magni-
tude earthquake
where they need to be, when they need to struck the country
be, for the immediate future. April 2015.

Delivering Readiness I 11
U.S. Navy photo by MCS L. E. Skelton

Sailors aboard guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107) refuel an MH-60R Seahawk helicopter during night flight operations.

Training everyone to the highest standards with

the newest equipment, we must manage
and readiness matrices based on each
community's mission-essential task list.

professional development, flight hours T-rating is measured on a scale of 1.0-4.0,
on aircraft, access to ranges and describes a unit's capability to execute
and simulators as well as its mission essential tasks (METs). To
quality of life. Naval Aviation provide the resourcing to sustain OFRP
Training Requirements is implementing operating constructs and GFMAP goals, the Navy maintains a
Producing trained Sailors and Marines that emphasize a balance of live, virtual T-Rating of 2.5.
is paramount to sustaining our nation’s and constructive (LVC) training devices Marine Aviation trains to produce core
global presence and implementing our ashore and afloat while researching competent units at a T-2.0 rating, which is
technological edge. The heart and soul techniques to optimize the effectiveness a unit capable of executing 80 percent of
of Naval Aviation—its people—deploy of our training systems and considering its METs. Achieving and maintaining this
around the globe 365 days a year, ready deployments that maximize training T-2.0 level requires the entire squadron to
to conduct a wide range of operations time. have trained pilots and aircrew, qualified
from peacetime to wartime activities. The Optimized Fleet Response Plan maintainers, and the appropriate number
We need both the capability and (OFRP) provides the Navy's framework of aircraft on the flight line that are
capacity to train our Naval Aviation for training and deployment certifications certified safe for flight and appropriately
force. Capability comes in the form to meet the Global Force Master Alloca- equipped to execute the assigned mission.
of training techniques and devices tion Plan (GFMAP) and responds to any The ultimate goal is for the entire fleet to
that not only replicate the anticipated Combatant Commander's Operational be consistently ready to quickly and suc-
warfighting domain, but develop skill Response Plan. The key tenets of war- cessfully respond when the nation calls.
elements that will allow our forces to fare capabilities reside within different Naval Aviation is finding innovative,
prevail in combat. The second challenge aviation communities within the Navy groundbreaking and efficient ways to
is capacity. While it is desirable to train and are captured in detailed training train.

12 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Optimizing Aircrew
Proficiency through
New Training Methods
and Tools
Proficiency is critical to Naval Aviation
forces. Our aviators and maintainers
are more than “current” and qualified;
they achieve a level of performance that
guarantees mission success and safety
in operation. Expanding operational
commitments, increasingly complex
and integrated missions and declining

budgets are testing Naval Aviation’s
ability to effectively train our forces for
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Allison J. Herman

all possible missions.

To maintain our warfighting
advantage, Naval Aviation requires
training environments and tools
that replicate diverse operating
environments, realistic adversary
tactics and equipment, and battlespace
complexity. These environments must
replicate as closely as possible the
U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey aircraft fly over Lake Tahoe, Calif.
real-life scenarios aviators can expect
to encounter in joint and coalition
In 2013, NAE stakeholders created
the Proficiency Optimization initiative
that uses an investigative, data-driven
approach and family of decision
support tools to assess return on
investment of a wide range of training
scenarios. Phase one of the Proficiency
Optimization effort is complete with
the creation of the F/A-18C/E/F proof-
of-concept Readiness Cost Assessment
Tool (RCAT). This enterprise-level,
data-driven, predictive decision support
model uses the science of learning and
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Ryan G. Greene

human performance to decompose

training and readiness requirements
so that we can assess and potentially
optimize proficiency.
Phase two of the project will
incorporate more capable proficiency
and sustainment modeling with the
ultimate goal of informing investment
A Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. assigned to Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS)
decisions to achieve the optimal mix of 36 punctures the eyelet of a microchip during an in-class exercise at Naval Air Facility
training solutions to enable proficiency Atsugi’s Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training (CNATT).

Delivering Readiness I 13
LVC training results in a more operationally advanced,
and more cost-effective training environment for
Naval Aviation aircrews.”

across the spectrum of integrated the ability to integrate actual combat other physical assets typically involved
warfighting. aircraft (live) with networked ground- in training missions, mitigating sched-
based simulators (virtual) and comput- uling issues and physical space limita-
Live, Virtual and er-generated threats (constructive). An tions inherent in using actual ranges for
Constructive Training integrated LVC training environment training. LVC training results in a more
The long-term vision for achieving with today’s battle complexity is essen- operationally advanced, safer and more
Naval Aviation readiness incorporates tial to improving proficiency across all cost-effective training environment for
live, virtual and constructive (LVC) current and future mission sets. Naval Aviation aircrews. Additionally,
training that includes using realistic LVC technology provides Naval Avi- LVC can replicate current threats that
virtual or synthetic scenarios to develop ation aircrews with exposure to the full are not available in existing training
the essential decision-making skills re- spectrum of integrated warfare, while systems. By leveraging the capabilities
quired to conduct air warfare in a joint mitigating capacity limitations and of the LVC environment, our warf-
environment. potential operational security concerns. ighters will train more effectively and
LVC training gets its name from LVC decreases the number of aircraft or efficiently, and have the opportunity to
validate existing tactics, techniques and
procedures (TTPs), as well as develop
new TTPs for future threats.
Since 2005, the training community
has been implementing small changes
to existing training systems to execute
the Naval Aviation Simulator Master
Plan (NASMP). Embedded within
the NASMP are high-fidelity training
simulators, which deliver enhanced
graphics displays, accurate aerodynamic
modeling and leading-edge technology
processing using high-fidelity train-
ing simulators. The plan incorporates
objective measurements of proficiency
from several analysis tools, enabling
Naval Aviation leadership to make
informed decisions on future simulator
U.S. Marine Corps photo Cpl. Daniel Flynn

fidelity upgrades and the appropriate

mix of emerging LVC infrastructure
and capabilities. This reallocation of
training to appropriately configured,
networked simulators and/or an LVC
environment will accomplish two
important objectives. One, it increases
aircrew proficiency via an increase in
Copilots with Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152, Marine Aircraft Group 36,
1st Marine Aircraft Wing, use the KC-130J flight simulator to rehearse flight patterns for the number of training “reps and sets”
taking off and landing on Okinawa. in a variety of complex mission events,

14 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

to include scenarios that cannot be
replicated using only live assets. Two, it
frees up aircraft flight hours from one
set of training events and reallocates
them to more effective training events
that truly require flying hours in the
actual aircraft.
Naval Aviation is committed to
expanding its use of networked, virtual
and constructive training. The Navy
is constructing the Air Defense Strike
Group Facility at Naval Air Station

Fallon, Nevada, which will provide a
central location to inject constructive
elements into virtual training events.
The facility will be focused primarily
on the development of aircrew TTPs
U.S. Navy photo by Terri Thomas

that support Naval Integrated Fire

Control–Counter Air (NIFC-CA). The
facility will be a fully integrated training
facility by 2022 with connections to live
aircraft and surface assets to include
joint platforms. Marine Aviation, as
This pilot’s view of MAGIC CARPET helps the pilot stay on course and on glideslope.
a signatory and participant to the
NASMP, is committed to LVC training for increased mission training. MAGIC hours associated with carrier qualifica-
and has plans for construction of the CARPET software enables pilots to tion and performance in the carrier
Marine Aviation Virtual Warfare Center adjust line-up and glideslope correc- landing environment, NAE leadership
(MAVWC) at Marine Corps Air Station tions independent of one another while can reinvest this cost savings in other
Yuma, Arizona. holding angle-of-attack at the approach training areas.
reference setting, leading to improved MAGIC CARPET completed its
MAGIC CARPET touchdown precision and safer recover- first at-sea testing April 2015 aboard
Carrier Landing ies aboard carriers. USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). Tests
Another technological advancement With current F/A-18 flight soft- confirmed that carrier landings can be
for pilot proficiency is the Maritime ware, adjusting the aircraft’s glideslope, achieved with a lower pilot workload
Augmented Guidance with Integrated lineup or angle-of-attack directly affects and with increased accuracy of the
Controls for Carrier Approach and the individual approach parameters. targeted hook touchdown point.
Recovery Precision Enabling Tech- Consequently, pilots must learn how Test pilots, engineers and landing
nologies—MAGIC CARPET. Designed to compensate for these coupled in- signal officers from Air Test and
originally for the F/A-18E/F Super Hor- puts by demonstrating their ability to Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 will
net and also implemented in the F-35C coordinate the individual corrections continue to test MAGIC CARPET
Lightning II, MAGIC CARPET is an en- while minimizing changes in the other demonstration software on F/A-18E/F
hanced set of flight control commands controlled parameters through numer- aircraft through early 2016. Production-
paired with Heads-Up-Display (HUD) ous FCLP approaches. MAGIC CAR- level software for the fleet is scheduled
symbology that simplifies a pilot’s PET decouples the three parameters, to start flight testing in 2017, with
control inputs in conducting aircraft greatly reducing the time it takes for general fleet introduction to follow via
carrier landings. This impacts Naval pilots to become proficient in FCLPs, the F/A-18 and EA-18G program office.
Aviation readiness by allowing money which ultimately translates to improved The system is designed and will be
traditionally spent on Field Carrier performance in the carrier qualifica- fielded in the F/A-18E/F, EA-18G and
Landing Practices (FCLP) to be used tion phase. As a result of reducing flight F-35C platforms.

Delivering Readiness I 15
Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) Supply Chain Management
stakeholders measure equipment One of the critical nodes to ensuring
readiness using common metrics, the required material readiness is Sup-

including the “ready-for- ply Chain Management (SCM). It is an
tasking” (RFT) metric, which effective process that has provided years
is a monthly average combi- of successful material readiness, but like
Naval Aviation is entering an era nation of “ready basic aircraft” (RBA) any good process, it needs to be reviewed
of modernization and sustain- and specific mission systems, which and updated to remain operationally
ment at a time when operational enable squadron aircrews to achieve viable. Therefore, Naval Aviation has
tempo is high, budgets are tight training in mission qualifications across renewed its focus on determining the ap-
and threats are evolving at an primary mission areas, or capability propriate maintenance and supply chain
unprecedented pace. Our fleet areas, during particular phases of the metrics to more accurately identify—
airframes are flying more hours than Fleet Response Training Plan. based on historic trends—and predict—

U.S. Navy photo by Jacquelyn Milham

Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker, left, commander, Naval Air Forces, studies a yoke assembly bushing with Lt. Gen. Jon Davis, deputy
commandant for Marine Aviation, during a Boots on Ground event.

they were originally designed to fly, Using the enterprise approach— based on forward looking models—parts
creating new maintenance and supply emphasizing data analysis and metrics- shortfalls and weaknesses in SCM that
challenges. based decision-making—Naval Aviation negatively impact readiness.
Equipment readiness refers to the leaders have developed the Naval SCM is a complex process. First, the
material condition of an asset necessary Aviation Readiness Recovery Plan, demand signal is created—correctly
to support a squadron’s level of effort which includes lines of effort focused identifying the part. Then the vendor
during a specified training profile for on improving supply support, ensuring that manufactures the part must be
the unit or detachment as required by sufficient repair capacity, achieving identified. The manufacturer must build
the Optimized Fleet Readiness Plan depot production for all type/model/ the part to the appropriate standard, in
(OFRP) for the Navy and T-2.0 for the series (TMS), and ensuring maintainer the desired quantity and within a given
Marine Corps. standardization and training. timeframe. Then the part must be deliv-

16 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

ered to the appropriate supply center for into Fleet Readiness Centers (FRC) for their throughput by 43 percent for non-
rapid distribution to maintenance per- inspection and repair. planned maintenance interval two major
sonnel. Finally, the part must be installed To improve production line output— depot events for legacy Hornets in fiscal
correctly to produce a properly function- returning aircraft to warfighters on the year 2015, delivering 20 more aircraft than
ing aircraft. While a profuse number of flight line as quickly as possible—Naval in fiscal year 2014.
parts for each TMS reach their destina- Aviation is using an industry-tested
tion on time every year, it only takes one project management method from the “Jonah” is a project management tool
incorrect demand signal, one vendor “Theory of Constraints” tool set along for maximizing efficiency and productiv-
shortfall in quality or quantity or one with innovative data analysis tools. ity in a throughput process. Named for
substandard critical part to have a nega- a character in the book “The Goal,” the
tive impact on the whole system. Having Critical Chain Project Manage- Jonah methodology views bottlenecks
the correct metrics will improve supply ment (CCPM) is a Theory of Constraints- as both hindrances to productivity and

chain system performance and overall based project management philosophy leverage points with which to increase
U. S. Navy photo by J. L. Wright Jr.

A mechanical engineering technician uses a 3-D computer software program to analyze a tooling design at Fleet Readiness
Center Southeast. Additive manufacturing was used to print a 3-D prototype of a repair fitting to fix a P-3 Orion.

readiness. At the end of the day, we must that accounts for variability and resource productivity. This process illuminates
ensure that we get the right part at the sharing across projects. This philosophy constraints associated with a particular
right time in the right place. focuses on increasing throughput to send system and allows the organization to
aircraft back to the flight line where they eliminate or manage those constraints to
Tools for Improving are needed. In 2014, Commander, Fleet optimize overall system performance.
Material Readiness Readiness Centers (COMFRC) began the
Budget constraints, high operating implementation of CCPM on the F-18 Naval Aviation’s Sustainment
tempos and the need for some aircraft lines to rapidly arrest the rate of growth in Harmonization Tool is a web-based
to fly longer than their designed service the number of out-of-reporting aircraft— readiness improvement application that
life have resulted in an unprecedented a readiness challenge causing significant provides the proper balance of funding,
number of F/A-18 A-D Hornets inducted problems for the fleet. The FRCs increased readiness and aircraft flying hours to drive

Delivering Readiness I 17
efficiencies, improve productivity and
maximize resources. The tool provides the
ability to harmonize the funding across
the accounts to maximize the number of
RBA that will be available within reduced
budgetary levels. Currently, Operations
and Maintenance, Navy (O&MN) and
sustainment-related Aircraft Procurement
(APN) accounts for Naval Aviation are
championed and funded as individual enti-
ties, leading to sub-optimal funding from a

U.S. Navy photo by Jacquelyn Milham

Naval Aviation perspective. Each account
is interrelated, contributing to overall
TMS readiness and must be balanced to
effectively use the dollars that exist within
Naval Aviation.

The Integrated Logistics Support

A composite technician discusses repairs on a yoke assembly bushing with Navy Capt.
Management System (ILSMS)/Vec- Tim Pfannenstein, commander, Fleet Readiness Center Southwest.
tor is a data analysis tool that provides
fleet operators, program teams and the Naval Aviation has successfully ap- n Custom repair designs that require
logistics community with a common sys- plied AM technology in its prototyping unique tooling or parts
tem to make data-informed decisions on facilities since the early 1990s. Today, n Low-use items that can be made on-
readiness and cost. This powerful tool acts Naval Aviation has moved beyond print- site as needed and do not need to be
as a data warehouse that aggregates 10 ing plastic prototypes to printing actual stocked
years of historical data from 19 disparate parts and components made of metal, n Parts that have a limited or non-exis-
data systems into a single source, provid- composites, ceramics and compound ma- tent supplier base
ing readiness, cost, inventory, mainte- terials that have never existed until now. NAVAIR’s aviation depots have used
nance, supply and operational flight-hour AM technology that prints explosives, AM extensively to accelerate maintenance
data in a standardized format. ILSMS can food, integrated circuits and sensors will and repair. In June 2014, an AV-8B Har-
produce more than 100 top-level metrics soon be available, and will revolutionize rier damaged the frame of its nose cone
to identify components that perform out- how the Naval Air Systems Command during a controlled hard landing on USS
side their established parameters. With (NAVAIR) and DoD design, develop and Bataan (LHD 5). NAVAIR’s FRC Southeast
this information, Naval Aviation lead- support weapon systems. technicians in Jacksonville, Florida, used
ers can see early indicators of potential Because there is no specialized tooling AM-made tools to produce and deliver
readiness degraders and cost drivers and required, production processes can be replacement parts within seven days.
proactively address them. customized faster than ever before. AM Technicians at Naval Air Warfare Center
technology can produce highly complex Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, New Jersey,
Enabling Faster shapes without extensive machining, designed and used AM technology to
Manufacturing: Additive and use less material than conventional fabricate a custom tooling wrench used to
Manufacturing and subtractive manufacturing, or “machine change oil on an H-60 Seahawk helicopter
Digital Thread from solid processes.” AM techniques are without removing the transmission, saving
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a digital particularly well-suited for the following: 80 work hours per oil change.
manufacturing technique that prints n Complex or custom parts that are AM systems are maturing rapidly
parts from digital 3-D drawings, requires difficult to produce or have excessive and manufacturing safety-critical metal
little setup and can be used to quickly lead times parts—parts that have been identified as
produce custom parts and complex n Alternative designs for existing parts critical to maintaining safe flight of an
tooling much more quickly than typical that will improve performance, reduce aircraft—are the next steps in NAVAIR’s
manufacturing techniques. weight or use different materials plan to accelerate the use of AM across

18 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

fleet support teams and administered by
the Naval Aviation Technical Engineer-
ing Center.
The representatives provide knowl-
edge-based training and “over-the-
shoulder” mentoring to a generation
of maintainers more experienced with
composite materials and less familiar
with traditional hands-on corrosion
control practices. To date, site repre-
U.S. Navy photo by MCS Veronica Mammina

sentatives have trained more than 8,000

maintainers and aircrew and continue

to identify opportunities to mitigate
high cost/high man-hour corrosion
degraders across all targeted platforms.
The objective is to improve Naval
Aviation platform material condition
and mission readiness by reducing
A Marine conducts a non-destructive inspection (NDI) on an MV-22 Osprey aboard
amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4). corrosion-related maintenance resource
consumption. This effort was success-
Naval Aviation. NAVAIR’s Additive Man- with initial capability scheduled for 2016. fully piloted on the F/A-18 platform
ufacturing Integrated Program Team has Phase 2 of digital thread capability will in- and subsequently expanded to 11 addi-
identified five safety critical metal parts clude linking to industry, supply, extend- tional platforms at 13 Navy and Marine
that will be manufactured via AM and ing out to intermediate level maintenance Corps sites.
fielded by 2017 on the H-1 Marine Corps facilities, and ultimately providing the As a result, Naval Aviation expects
Light/Attack Helicopters, V-22 Osprey fleet with improved access to all the data to improve aircraft material condition,
and CH-53K King Stallion platforms. The needed to manage its aircraft. reduce in-service repair planner and
safety-critical AM parts fielded on these As AM and digital thread capabilities estimator costs, reduce the number
platforms will allow NAVAIR to develop mature, NAVAIR will greatly accelerate of out-of-reporting aircraft, improve
the processes and digital data standards its product life cycle management pro- reliability centered maintenance data
needed to extend AM to other classes of cess. These capabilities should ensure collection, and reduce the number of
parts and components. Naval Aviation can buy and maintain its corrosion list items across all platforms.
AM and other digital manufacturing aircraft at maximum readiness and best Aircraft that have undergone a planned
techniques give NAVAIR the ability to possible cost. maintenance interval (PMI) event with
“stock the data, not the part,” reducing the benefit of MRT involvement are
supply timelines, enabling faster mainte- Maintenance Readiness Teams showing a significant decrease in the
nance and repairs and reducing packag- In August 2014, NAE’s corrosion pre- number of man-hours required for PMI
ing, handling, storage and transportation vention team deployed maintenance events and corrosion focus area list item
costs. Using these techniques enables readiness teams (MRT) to Navy and repairs, which has reduced the PMI
NAVAIR to integrate its design, engi- Marine Corps sites around the coun- event turnaround time and cost.
neering, manufacturing and production try to educate Sailors and Marines on The MRT concept is a critical ex-
processes and move to all-digital 3-D how to better inspect, detect, correct ample of Naval Aviation's commitment
data. This capability, called digital thread, and prevent corrosion. These teams are to improving material readiness. While
provides the network connectivity, digital comprised of contractor subject matter the idea of leveraging industry through
data, security, processes, tools and trained experts with extensive on-platform the use of strategic contracting is not
workforce to integrate product life cycle airframe experience. They are aligned new, Naval Aviation must use all avail-
and use advanced manufacturing tech- with fleet Type Wings and Marine able levers to meet current readiness
niques. Digital thread capability is under Aviation Logistics Squadrons (MALS) shortfalls and be better prepared for
development at NAVAIR’s aviation depots via platform in-service support centers/ future aviation readiness.

Delivering Readiness I 19
Accessing and tions and incentives will be modified
Retaining Highly to ensure the end strength supports
Qualified Maintainers/ initiatives across the entire enterprise.
Aircrew Manpower policies will continue to focus
The Navy and Marine Corps One of the most critical elements to on retaining the best and brightest with
are defined by the Sailors and achieving readiness is the ability to retain the goal to retain the right aircrews and
Marines that fill their ranks. From and continue to train the most qualified maintainers in the right numbers, with
the CNO and the CMC to the newest maintainers and aircrew. After years of the right skill, at the right time and in
seaman and private in boot camp, our training and on-the-job experience, they the right place. It is up to leadership, at
people make the Navy/Marine Corps reach the pinnacle of their profession—be all levels, to ensure that we keep, train
team the finest in the world. And while it it a maintenance chief, a multi-systems and promote the future leaders of Naval
is necessary to design, build and acquire maintainer, or a weapons and tactics Aviation. For example, the Marine Corps
the most current, cutting-edge weapons instructor—and the Navy and Marine assigns additional military occupational
systems, they are ineffective without the Corps must work to ensure they continue specialties (AMOS) to specific qualifica-
manpower to direct, operate and main- their service and share their knowledge tions and certifications. This will make it
tain them. with subsequent generations. easier for promotion boards to breakout
While conventional warfighting Retention is not a simple task. The and promote the more highly qualified
tactics will always be relevant, current Navy and Marine Corps offer a chal- maintainers, and for headquarters, wings
and future generations of Sailors and lenging and rewarding way of life, which and MAGs to more accurately track and
Marines are engaging adversaries using competes with private industry for the match the skills needed to maintain a 21st
technology-enabled and increasingly best talent. Balancing competing choices century aviation fleet.
sophisticated weapon systems. We must in favor of continued service begins with
ensure they have the proficiency neces- fostering a culture that values and recog- Enlisted Maintenance:
sary to successfully execute the full range nizes everyone’s contribution to increas- A Force in Readiness
of missions as new platforms, such as the ing Navy/Marine Corps readiness—an Over the last 14 years of combat opera-
F-35B Lightning II and unmanned aerial esprit de corps, one team, one fight. tions and deployments, Navy and Marine
systems, enter the fleet. As force requirements evolve, expecta- Corps Aviation maintenance has been
hyper-focused on accomplishing the
mission. Now, as we draw down the force
and shape it for the future, we have to
ensure that we retain and train the best
and brightest enlisted maintainers to train
future Sailors and Marines. The Navy and
Marine Corps must continue to reinforce
the fundamentals of maintenance. An
experienced, well-trained maintainer is
the bedrock, and one who will ensure
maintenance is performed efficiently,
effectively and in accordance with Navy/
Marine Corps Aviation standards and all
TMS-specific maintenance instructions.
U.S. Navy photo by MCS Bryan Mai

Additionally, these seasoned maintain-

ers are responsible for training the next
generation to the same high standards
they achieved. To this end, the Navy and
Marine Corps are reviewing their initial,
follow-on and advanced maintainer
An aviation machinist’s mate inspects an F/A-18 afterburner in the jet shop aboard training programs to make them more
Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). efficient and more effective.

20 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

The Marine Corps is looking at sister This allows for more accurate alignment CNAL squadrons—mandates that every
service and international examples of Sailors and their unique skill sets to reasonable effort be made to match
to base its Maintenance Training specific billets, resulting in better detailing a Sailor with a billet requiring that
Instructor (MTI) initiative. The goal decisions and ultimately enhancing talent Sailor’s skillset. Using the ACDI report
of the MTI initiative will be to take management and personnel readiness. tool, PERS-404 collects data to create a
staff sergeants and gunnery sergeants, The Meritorious Advancement monthly report to examine success at
who are already recognized as leaders Program (MAP) is overseen by the type billet detailing for career NECs (83XX)
in their units, and provide them the commands through their command within the Aviation Machinist’s Mate
necessary training to be future mainte- triads and is used to actively manage (AD), Aviation Electrician’s Mate (AE),
nance chiefs. These future maintenance the resident talent. The program enables Aviation Structural Mechanic (AM),
chiefs will oversee the maintenance and Naval Aviation to advance the best and Aviation Structural Mechanic-Safety
management of a 21st century aviation most qualified Sailors without waiting Equipment (AME), Aviation Ordnance

fleet. Additionally, the Marine Corps for the cyclic Navy-wide advancement man (AO) and Aviation Electronics
is looking at ways to further improve exams. The MAP is also expanding to Technician (AT) ratings.
on-aircraft maintenance competency by include specified shore units critical to The Aviation Maintainer Experience
creating a curriculum and identifying Naval Aviation’s success. This program (AMEX) metric provides Naval Aviation
instructors to provide enhanced main- directly recognizes and rewards our leadership with a measurement of the
tenance training for unit collateral duty most talented Sailors. experience levels existing within each
inspectors and collateral duty quality The Aviation Community Detailing unit for all TMS communities for the
assurance representatives. All of these Initiative (ACDI) is a Navy Personnel above ratings. AMEX is a metric that
efforts are designed to help units to Command Enlisted Aviation captures the aggregated maintenance
better maintain their aircraft-not just Detailers (PERS-404) project aimed at experience levels within Navy squadrons
repair them. maximizing investment in Sailors by over time. The trend, whether up or
keeping them in their communities and down, may indicate to leadership
Talent Management: Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs) possible risks associated with producing
Maximizing Sailor specific billets whenever possible. This required readiness and accomplishing
Experience initiative—currently focused on CNAP/ the mission.
Several manpower, personnel, training
and education developing initiatives are
improving our readiness and combat
capability by enhancing and leveraging
our Sailors’ experience, better aligning
talents to tasks and rewarding those who
demonstrate superior performance.
Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) is
the latest in training and education
technologies, and when implemented,
will tie together rate, billet, fleet, type
command, formal on-the-job and
non-occupational training to form a
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Jessica Gomez

learning continuum for each Sailor.

RRL content will be delivered to our
Sailors on the flight lines, giving them
more time in their units and lessening
time away from home.
Billet-based distribution provides fleet
activity manning managers with access to
the same information on their Sailors that An aviation electrician’s mate performs a 14-day special inspection on a MH-60R
detailers and placement coordinators see. Seahawk in the hangar bay aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73).

Delivering Readiness I 21
An MQ-4C Triton is lifted inside an anechoic chamber for
electromagnetic compatibility testing at Patuxent River, Md.
This event marked the first time that an unmanned aircraft
inside the chamber was controlled from an external ground
control station.
U.S. Navy photo

22 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Naval Aviation forces will continue

to arrive on station with the means—

the capability—to prevail in combat.

Sustaining Naval Aviation’s warfighting

supremacy starts with expanding

our capabilities, which are driven

by warfighting requirements critical

to the future force. Success relies on

maintaining our technological edge.

he Navy and Marine Corps continue to implement
the long-range strategy of transitioning nearly every
legacy aircraft to a more capable and technologically
advanced platform. Commanders at sea, in the air and
on the ground are supported by the F-35 Lightning II’s
instantaneous, high-fidelity view of ongoing operations, which
integrates data from the MQ-4C Triton, P-8A Poseidon, E-2D
Advanced Hawkeye, EA-18G Growler and F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet. At the same time, our carrier and amphibious fleet are
becoming more lethal and survivable with the Ford-class carrier
and the America-class amphibious assault ship.
Naval Aviation is leveraging integrated warfighting capabili-
ties (IWC) to ensure multiple systems operate together across
platforms, weapons, networks and sensors. This system-of-sys-
tems approach by all Naval Aviation stakeholders gives warfight-
ers the capabilities needed in the battlespace to fight and win.
Innovation helps mature and transition key manufacturing
technologies and processes with investments focused on afford-
ability and those most beneficial to the warfighter. There is also
an ongoing shift from a hardware-centric world to a software-
centric world using common development standards and the
requirement for modular weapon components.
Naval Aviation is seizing the advantage where cyberspace
and the electromagnetic spectrum converge while refining and
implementing its vision toward greater tactical and technical
At the foundation of all these changes and innovations is the
need for the right capability in the hands of the warfighter.

Expanding Capabilty I 23
Artist’s rendering

A joint Office of Naval Research (ONR) and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) research and development
program, called Tern, is creating a demonstrator for a long-endurance and long-range aircraft that would operate from a variety
of Navy ships.

to 20 years) needed to mature discoveries,
and activities include investment in air

Technological Edge
vehicle technology, structures and materi-
als, propulsion, autonomy, ener-
getic materials and counter-directed
energy weapons.

Naval Aviation relies on Office of entific research, innovative technology Leap-Ahead Innovations include
Naval Research (ONR) to coordi- and talented people. Innovative Naval Prototypes (INPs) and
nate all science and technology SwampWorks efforts. INPs achieve a level
(S&T) investments for DoN. ONR’s Discovery and Invention (D&I) of technology suitable for transition in
Naval S&T Strategy leverages naval includes basic research and early applied four to eight years. SwampWorks efforts
leadership’s vision to discover, develop research, investing in new ideas and are smaller in scope and are intended to
and deliver decisive naval capabilities, nascent technologies that are explored produce results in one to three years.
near- and long-term, by investing in a for future application. This portfolio has ONR works diligently to leverage
balanced portfolio of breakthrough sci- a broad focus with a long time span (five partner investments with other services

24 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

or organizations. Tern is a Joint ONR/ naval platforms critical to the future aircraft in history, the F-35 delivers
Defense Advanced Research Projects force. Investments focus on manufactur- unprecedented lethality and survivability
Agency Leap Ahead program to develop ing technologies to assist key acquisition to Naval Aviation.
and demonstrate vertical take-off and program offices in achieving affordability Advanced avionics equip the pilot
landing air vehicle technologies for long goals by developing, maturing and tran- with real-time, spherical access to bat-
endurance presence from small-deck air sitioning key manufacturing technologies tlespace information. Commanders at
capable ships. and processes. Investments are focused sea, in the air and on the ground are
on those having the most benefit to the empowered with the F-35’s instanta-
Technology Maturation covers warfighter, such as the F-35 Lightning II neous, high-fidelity view of ongoing
Future Naval Capabilities (FNCs) that and CH-53 Sea Stallion. operations integrating data from the
mature technology for transition to the ONR is committed to ensuring our MQ-4C Triton, P-8A Poseidon, E-2D
fleet in a two- to four-year time frame, Sailors and Marines maintain a decisive Advanced Hawkeye, EA-18G Growler
and turns products from the late stages of technological warfighting advantage, and FA-18E/F Super Hornet.
applied research and advanced technol- today and tomorrow.
ogy development into critical compo- Marine Corps Variant: F-35B
nent technologies for naval acquisition Fifth-Generation Fighter: The F-35B represents the centerpiece of
programs. ONR starts more than 10 FNC F-35B/C Lightning II the Marine Corps Aviation transforma-
programs a year. For example, invest- The supersonic, multi-role, multi-service tion, replacing both the AV-8B Harrier
ments in upgrades to existing missile F-35 Lightning II represents a quantum and F/A-18 Hornet. The single-seat
systems; a new primer/topcoat system leap in air superiority capability. strike fighter will revolutionize close-air

that will provide aviation and amphibi- Combining the next-generation fighter support of ground forces by leveraging
ous platforms with high-performance characteristics of radar-evading stealth, unmatched, fifth-generation stealth, en-
structural protection; as well as novel supersonic speed and fighter agility with hanced precision strike and multi-spec-
technologies such as the Helicopter Ac- the most powerful and comprehensive tral, integrated sensors, along with the
tive Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) integrated sensor package of any fighter expeditionary responsiveness of a short
Protection FNC that will
develop and demonstrate a
prototype hard-kill counter-
measure system for defeating
RPGs that target helicopters.
Another FNC will provide an
upgraded lift-fan capability to
the Marine Corps F-35B.

The Quick Reaction

component funds technology
solutions, as well as Navy and
Marine Corps experimenta-
tion, responding to urgent
operational needs statements
U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Cmdr. Darin Russell

and high-priority fleet de-

mands. These warfighter-cen-
tric technology projects apply
to immediate needs identified
by the fleet for introduction
within one to two years. The
Navy Manufacturing Tech-
nology Program continues Two F-35C Lightning II aircraft initiate a break maneuver with an F/A-18E Super Hornet from Naval
to improve affordability of Air Station Lemoore, Calif.

Expanding Capability I 25
Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

An F-35C Lightning II aircraft is loaded with two AIM- An F-35B Lightning II aircraft takes off from amphibious assault ship USS
9Xs, four GBU-12’s and a gunpod during a symmetri- Wasp (LHD 1). The F-35B is the Marine Corps variant of the Joint Strike
cal external stores and refueling mission. Fighter and was undergoing testing aboard Wasp.

takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL)

fighter-attack platform. The F-35B can
operate from damaged airstrips and
austere expeditionary operating sites
as well as land bases and large deck
amphibious ships.

Carrier Variant: F-35C

The F-35C, flown by the Navy and the
Marine Corps, is capable of overcoming
a variety of threats—surface-to-air mis-
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Remington Hall

siles, air-to-air missiles and tactical air-

craft—while enhancing mission success
through its unprecedented stealth-at-
sea capability, fused targeting, advanced
jamming, network-enabled operations
threat system detection, command
and control supremacy, and interoper-
ability with other aircraft. With a broad
wingspan, reinforced landing gear
and durable coatings, the F-35C can
Four F-35B Lighting II aircraft sit secured to the deck after their arrival aboard amphibi-
withstand harsh shipboard conditions
ous assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1). As the future of Marine Corps aviation, the F-35B
will eventually replace all aircraft from three legacy Marine Corps platforms: the AV- while delivering a lethal combination of
8B Harrier, the F/A-18 Hornet and the EA-6B Prowler. fighter capabilities to the fleet.

26 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

terrorism, crisis response, forcible entry,

“ UAS will play a key role in all missions

including forward presence, security
prolonged operations and counterin-
Providing even more emphasis on
cooperation, counterterrorism, crisis unmanned systems, Secretary of the
Navy Ray Mabus created two positions
response, forcible entry, prolonged in April 2015—a director of unmanned
operations and counterinsurgency. ” weapons systems and deputy assistant
secretary of the Navy for unmanned
the surveillance capabilities of the P-8A systems—to “coordinate and champion
Unmanned Family Poseidon. … all aspects of unmanned—in all do-
of Systems Similarly, the Marine Corps’ family mains—over, on and under the sea and
In line with “A Cooperative Strategy of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)— coming from the sea to operate on land.”
for 21st Century Seapower,” the Navy’s RQ-21 Blackjack, RQ-7 Shadow, RQ-20, The Navy named Rear Adm. Robert P.
unmanned family of systems features RQ-12 Wasp Puma and RQ-11 Raven— Girrier in June 2015 as its first director
innovative technology that makes our will support all Marine Air Ground of unmanned weapon systems (N99).
existing manned platforms more effec- Task Forces (MAGTFs) with offensive This new office exists alongside the
tive by extending range and endurance. air support, cyber/electronic warfare service’s directorates of surface, air and
For example, the MQ-8 Fire Scout en- capabilities, aerial reconnaissance, undersea warfare as part of the Office of
hances the range and sensor suite of the signals intelligence, target acquisition, the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV)

MH-60 Seahawk by providing greater force protection and digital commu- staff. SECNAV named retired Brig. Gen.
persistent coverage for the littoral nication bridges. UAS will play a key Frank Kelley as the first deputy assistant
combat ship or small surface combat- role in all missions including forward secretary of the Navy (DASN) for un-
ant. The MQ-4C Triton complements presence, security cooperation, counter- manned systems in October 2015.
U.S. Navy photo John Dougherty

An MQ-8C Fire Scout completes a test flight Nov. 19 at the Point Mugu Sea Range in California. This flight was one of 11 operation-
al assessment events to validate the system’s performance, endurance and reliability.

Expanding Capability I 27
Unmanned Carrier-based kill chain—the sequence of actions support of combat operations. The
Capability: MQ-XX from finding a target to engaging in at- development of maritime patrol and
The Navy plans to field an unmanned tack—with its multiple-sensor, persis- reconnaissance capabilities incorporates
carrier-based capability in the mid-2020s tent maritime ISR capability. Triton will lessons learned from BAMS-D.
that will deliver an organic refueling and provide a continuous source of combat
high-endurance intelligence, surveillance information to the fleet to maintain a Maritime Identification:
and reconnaissance (ISR) capability. It common operational and tactical pic- MQ-8 Fire Scout
will significantly extend the carrier air ture of the battlespace. The MQ-8 Fire Scout program provides
wing (CVW) mission effectiveness range, A single Triton orbit provides con- sea-based ISR onboard the Navy’s lit-
mitigate the current carrier strike group tinuous surveillance at a maximum ra- toral combat ship and follow-on small
organic ISR shortfall and future CVW- dius of 2,000 nautical miles. Engineered surface combatant fleet, while supporting
tanker gap, and preserve F/A-18E/F Super to operate in all-weather conditions, maritime requirements across military
Hornet fatigue life expectancy. Triton’s mission set includes the ability operations. The MQ-8C will improve on
to descend from its maximum height of the MQ-8B, currently in operation, by ex-
A Persistent Picture: 56,500 feet to lower altitudes, if neces- tending the vehicle’s range and endurance.
MQ-4C Triton sary, to identify ships, watercraft and The MQ-8C is a commercial Bell 407
The MQ-4C Triton UAS is a key ele- coastal targets. The land-based MQ- airframe that includes radar, a dual-band
ment in the Navy’s recapitalization of 4C will operate from designated sites broadcast capability with full-motion
airborne intelligence, surveillance around the globe. video and an automated identification
and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. Triton’s predecessor, the Broad Area system to locate and identify ships.
Triton will be a force multiplier for fleet Maritime Surveillance-Demonstrator The minimum payload for both the
commanders and the joint force by (BAMS-D), has operated in 5th Fleet MQ-8B and C variants includes electro-
enhancing their situational awareness since 2009, providing near real-time, optical/infrared sensors and a laser
and shortening the sensor-to-shooter high-resolution tactical imagery in designator/laser range finder, which

The Navy’s un-

manned MQ-4C
U.S. Navy photo by Erik Hildebrandt

Triton flies over

Naval Air Station
Patuxent River,
Md., while com-
pleting a ferry flight
from Northrop
Grumman’s Cali-
fornia facility.

28 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

enables Fire Scout to locate, track and
designate targets, and accurately pro-
vide targeting data to strike platforms
and assess battle damage.

Runway Independent:
RQ-21A Blackjack
The RQ-21A Blackjack is a tactical
multi-intelligence UAS that will sup-
port Marine Corps operations, and
eventually Navy operations, including
expeditionary units and regiments, U.S.
Naval Expeditionary Combat Com-
mand, L-Class (amphibious) ships
and Naval Special Warfare customers.
Blackjack can operate with minimal
U.S. Navy photo by Sabrina Fine

space for takeoff and recovery and is

well-suited for unimproved expedition-
ary/urban environments or the deck
of Navy ships. The system consists of

five air vehicles, two ground control
stations and several multi-mission
The unmanned RQ-21A Blackjack is a twin-boom, single-engine monoplane for sur-
payloads. Payloads can be mission- veillance and reconnaissance. It can be launched and recovered on land or at sea
specific, configured from a variety without runways, using a pneumatic launcher and net-type recovery system.

Vice Adm.
Paul Grosklags,
Naval Air Systems
and Cmdr.
Sam Hanaki,
officer for Air Test
and Evaluation
U.S. Navy photo by Kimberly Brown

Squadron (VX) 30,

discuss MQ-8C Fire
Scout operations
during a tour of
Naval Air Warfare
Center Weapons
Division facilities in
Point Mugu, Calif.

Expanding Capability I 29
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Timothy Kim
A P-8 Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft from Patrol Squadron Eight assigned to Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Fla., rests on a
ramp on the flightline of Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany.

of components including day/night either the original manufacturer or a develop add-on products or to make
full-motion video cameras, infrared third-party vendor. the software interfaces compatible with
markers, laser range finders, commu- Traditionally, hardware and software other vendors’ products.
nications relay packages and auto- built for aircraft, systems, weapons and Currently there is no mandate for
matic identification system receivers. sensors were owned by the company any DoD program office to include
Ancillary equipment includes launch that developed it, and these proprietary FACE standards in requirements docu-
and recovery mechanisms and tactical systems could only be upgraded by that ments, but vendors are building to the
communications equipment. company. Today’s battlespace no longer standards and measuring compatibility
RQ-21A can provide ISR and com- allows for such independent function- with existing systems. Once the FACE
munications relay for up to 12 hours ing and requires an integrated and in- authority independently certifies each
per day continuously with a short surge teroperable approach to both hardware technology, program managers can ad-
capability for 24 continuous hours. The and software. vertise products as FACE-conformant.
system will have an operating radius For software, the future airborne Each new product that adheres to the
of approximately 50 nautical miles and capability environment (FACE) con- FACE standards is cataloged in a library
airspeeds up to 80 knots with a ceiling of sortium plays a major role in establish- database where program managers can
15,000 feet. ing open architecture design without search for technologies that suit indi-
proprietary interfaces and allows vidual hardware platforms.
Open Architecture developers to compete for portions of The shift from a hardware-centric
Open architecture, or open systems the architecture. world to a software-centric world can
development, allows Naval Aviation to FACE is a government-industry be expensive. However, by using com-
affordably add, upgrade and swap com- collaboration establishing standards for mon development standards, FACE
ponents or software within a system in open software and promoting reusable promotes competition and innovation,
the same way that personal computers software. Specifications are made public thus lowering the cost of developing
can use parts and code developed by to encourage third-party vendors to new, advanced weapons and aircraft.

30 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Photo courtesy of Huntington Ingalls Industries

The aircraft carrier pre-commissioning unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is moved to Pier 3 at Newport News Shipbuilding, Va., where
the ship is undergoing additional outfitting and testing.

Redesigned from Keel to with all-electric utilities that eliminate

Mast: The Ford-Class steam service lines. Compared to their
Featuring an array of technological
improvements, the Navy’s newest aircraft
Nimitz-class counterparts, each Ford-
class carrier will save approximately $4
“ofFeaturing an array
carrier will lead Naval Aviation into its billion over its expected 50-year service
second century. Pre-commissioning life through improved corrosion con- improvements,
unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), the lead trol, decreased manning and reduced the Navy’s newest
ship of this new class, is the largest, most maintenance requirements.
powerful warship ever built. The center- Another significant change is the
aircraft carrier will
piece of the 21st century carrier strike transition from manpower-intensive lead Naval Aviation
group (CSG), CVN 78 is set for commis- steam catapults to the Electromagnetic into its second
sioning in 2016 as the replacement for Aircraft Launch System (EMALS). By
USS Enterprise (CVN 65), inactivated in using an electrically generated mov- century. Pre-
December 2012 after more than 50 years ing magnetic field to propel aircraft commissioning Unit
of service. The ship’s crew moved aboard to launch speed, EMALS expands the
in August 2015 when construction was
Gerald R. Ford
launch envelope, allowing for the launch
more than 92 percent complete. of heavier strike fighters and potentially (CVN 78) is the
The Ford-class incorporates signifi- lighter future unmanned aircraft. The largest, most
cant design and technology changes, projected capability of EMALS—work-
improved integrated warfighting ing in concert with a redesigned flight
powerful and
capabilities originally planned for later deck—to launch more than 160 sorties transformational

ships, and lessons learned from 100 per day represents a 25 percent increase in warship ever built.
years of aircraft carrier operations. launch capacity over Nimitz-class carriers.
Ford is also the first carrier designed During short periods of high-tempo

Expanding Capability I 31
operations, Ford is projected to have the AAG improve the launch and recovery updated shipboard ordnance arrangement
ability to launch more than 270 sorties envelope of the traditional steam catapults that will improve the flow of weapons
per day. Shipboard dead-load testing of and arresting wires, and are expected from magazines to aircraft, further con-
the EMALS bow catapults began in June to produce less stress on airframes, save tributing to increased sortie rates.
2015. More than 100 dead-loads—large, energy and potentially result in lower The smaller island features an ad-
wheeled vessels weighing up to 80,000 equipment and aircraft maintenance vanced dual-band radar integrated war-
pounds to simulate the weight of actual costs. They are also designed to accom- fare system to provide full surveillance,
aircraft—were successful. EMALS will be modate unmanned systems, with a goal of weapon targeting and air traffic control
capable of launching all conventional and launching all future aircraft projected to for the carrier strike group. Ford’s superior
short-takeoff, fixed-wing carrier aircraft be in the inventory through 2050. command and control and “plug-and-
currently projected for the Navy inven- The redesigned flight deck of the Ford- play” capabilities will enable a joint task
tory through 2050, including the F-35C class includes more deck space, a smaller force commander to efficiently coordinate
Lightning II. Shipboard aircraft testing of island set 140 feet farther aft on the ship forces far out at sea.
EMALS is slated for 2016. and three feet farther outboard to enhance Substantial work is underway on the
Also new to the Ford-class is the Ad- launch and recovery, and a NASCAR- next ship in the Ford-class, John F. Ken-
vanced Arresting Gear (AAG), a system inspired “pit stop” concept that reduces the nedy (CVN 79), with scheduled delivery
consisting of energy absorbers, power time required to refuel, conduct mainte- in two phases. The first phase will deliver
conditioning equipment and digital nance and launch aircraft. The new deck in 2022, followed by a 2024 phase-two
controls that replace the existing MK-7 also features electromagnetic field-driven delivery of a fully operational ship to
arresting gear found on Nimitz-class weapon elevators, a relocated “bomb replace USS Nimitz (CVN 68) before
carriers. Shipboard testing of the AAG farm”—where bombs and missiles are her inactivation in 2025. Using lessons
system began in July 2015. EMALS and stored during flight operations—and an learned from the design and construction
of CVN 78, CVN 79 will deliver the same
capability while requiring 18 percent
fewer production man-hours to build and
cost about $1 billion less. The keel-laying
ceremony for CVN 79 was August 2015.

Weapons: Modular
With the constantly changing nature of
warfare and our adversaries, it is chal-
lenging to predict the next generation of
weapons. Regardless, weapons will need
to fly faster, go farther, be more precise
and function from any platform in any
domain. To give our warfighters flexibil-
ity “on the fly,” there is a need to develop
weapons with modular capability.
Until now, industry partners provided
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Joshua J. Wahl

the Navy with “all-up-round” systems that

included the warhead, seeker, guidance
and motor all in one package. Because the
Navy did not have the flexibility to change
out these modules, a new solution was
required to pace the threat: swappable
weapon modules built on an open archi-
Sailors from PCU USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) prepare to launch a dead-load sled tecture framework with interfaces owned
from the ship’s Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS). by the government.

32 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Interchangeable modules could for Naval Aviation to leverage electronic are demonstrating these advanced cyber
include the weapon’s seeker, rocket motor, warfare (EW) tactics with cyber payloads capabilities by featuring the tactical-level
mission computer and/or sensor. that will impact enemy combat capa- integration of electromagnetic spectrum
The Navy will have greater responsibil- bilities, while increasing our land, sea operations and cyber operations in a
ity from an acquisition perspective for and space-based network security and combined-arms approach. Using asym-
overall architecture of the weapons and exploitive capabilities. Resiliency of Naval metrical methods—defeating missiles
take technical control of the interfaces Aviation includes data management and with EW instead of with another missile,
between different components. This will control systems, research and develop- or disrupting Command, Control, Com-
allow for the integration of a weapon with ment of tactical solutions and command, munications, Computers (C4) ISR sys-
all Naval Aviation platforms, rather than control, communications, computers and tems with electromagnetic or cyber-tac-
buying a new interface every time a new intelligence (C4I) systems. tics—Naval Aviation forces will prevent
system is loaded on an aircraft or ship. Naval Aviation is preparing to deter enemy visualization or tracking of naval
In recent years, a new class of bombs and defeat potential adversaries with forces, deny them the ability to com-
was developed that uses GPS to navi- expanded cyber roles for the EA-18G municate targeting information, destroy
gate to a specific target, known as Joint Growler, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, E-2D weapon launchers, and decoy, divert and/
Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM). The Advanced Hawkeye and F-35B/C Light- or destroy launched weapons. U.S. Fleet
Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System ning II. Electromagnetic spectrum and Cyber Command/10th Fleet’s strategy,
(APKWS) was fielded by integrating a cyber operations will target and break an “Navy Cyber Power 2020” and “Strategic
low-cost guidance kit into rockets and adversary’s kill chain. Plan 2015-2020” provide the framework
wings from the Joint Stand-Off Weapon The Marine Corps Forces Cyber that will enable the Navy to achieve and

(JSOW) that allows it to glide to its target Command and Marine Aviation Weap- maintain an operational advantage over
without a propulsion system. ons and Tactics Squadron (MAWTS) 1, it's adversaries in all domains.
The next-generation strike capability
will counter new anti-access/anti-denial
threats and share common components
of existing systems, like Tomahawk and
We envision this new family of weap-
ons will deploy on multiple platforms
using a modular approach, giving the
warfighter the ability to quickly swap out
various weapon components for a specific
target. By using this modular approach,
the warfighter can choose the right
weapon for the right target.

Cyberspace Operations
The Navy's ability to operate and maintain
secure and reliable networks, and develop
as well as maintain cyber resiliency, is
critical to every warfare area and all
U.S. Navy photo by MCS Bryan Mai

aspects of daily operations. The fleet is

highly dependent on cyberspace, the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum and space-based
systems. Modern wars will increasingly
take place in these interrelated domains.
The convergence of the cyberspace
“Liberty Bells” of Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115 prepare an E-2D
domain and the electromagnetic spec- Advanced Hawkeye for a mission on the flight deck of Nimitz-class aircraft
trum presents additional opportunities carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73).

Expanding Capability I 33
Creating and
Our nation benefits significantly
from the technology, power and

influence wielded by the carrier
and its embarked air wings. The
Navy’s challenge is to continue

to develop and integrate ad-
vanced technologies and as-

sets into the fleet within today’s
resource-constrained environ-

For Naval Aviation, integrated warf-
ighting capabilities (IWC) encompass
the combined interaction of people,
equipment and training to launch
weapons or gather intelligence. The
goal is to get the networked platforms,
systems and training to the fleet quickly
and affordably using a system-of-sys-
tems approach, which networks diverse
resources to create new and enhanced
interoperable systems with increased
Historically, Naval Aviation de-
signed, developed and tested new
systems as stand-alone assets that did
not always operate well—or plug and
play—with other aircraft and systems in
the battlespace. This placed the burden
of integration and future logistics sup-
port in the hands of the operators, often
at significant cost and reduced ability
to perform their mission. Naval Avia-
tion has returned that responsibility to
the acquisition community to ensure
systems are compatible and support-
able early in the development of new

Implementing Integrated
Warfighting Capabilities
Naval platforms train, deploy and
operate together in combat as a carrier
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Scott Barne

strike group (CSG) or expeditionary

strike group (ESG) rather than as indi-
vidual aircraft or ships. While individu-
al platforms historically are responsible
for executing a single thread of an
A UH-1Y Venom helicopter lands aboard the San Antonio- effects chain, an integrated approach
class amphibious transport dock ship USS Green Bay (LPD 20). increases combat flexibility, fixes breaks

34 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

in the chain quicker and leverages resource sponsors and fleet representa- Addressing Warfighting Gaps
multiple systems to dramatically reduce tives to maintain technical standards. The systems commands, Commander,
the time required to execute the chain. Operational Test Force (COTF) and
This integrated warfighting approach Developing Mission-Level the fleet use the integrated capability
requires us to better employ existing Technical Standards technical baseline to assess the techni-
test and evaluation and training infra- Mission-level technical standards cal feasibility of executing high-priority
structure. are created for current capabili- warfare chains or mission sequences.
ties, Programs of Record and future This warfare capability baseline identi-
Developing Mission Expertise capabilities. These mission technical fies any gaps in the effects chains and
As Naval Aviation’s primary provider baselines—a line drawn in the sand serves as a feedback loop to the acquisi-
of platforms, weapons, networks and to measure progress—capture the tion process by documenting fielded
sensors, Naval Air Systems Command fleet’s desired concept of operations system performance.
(NAVAIR) established an IWC enter- for a given threat and are compared Identifying, prioritizing and resolv-
prise team to facilitate IWC implemen- to current Program of Record and an- ing gaps in mission sequences is funda-
tation across Naval Aviation. The team, ticipated future capabilities to ensure mental to integrated warfighting. Gaps
which includes representatives from compatibility. The next step is to docu- in effects chains highlight deficiencies
engineering, test and evaluation and ment an integrated capability techni- or risks in executing the desired out-
logistics communities, develops and en- cal baseline that connects fleet-driven come. Analyzing effects chains provides
forces mission-level technical standards concepts of operations to the technical valuable insight into where gaps exist
and looks across commands for ways to underpinnings of aircraft platforms, and how to close them.

integrate facilities, people and tools for weapons, networks and sensors, and Additionally, when we build a new
building system-of-systems efforts. The identify current gaps and guide the weapon or improve an existing system,
team collaborates with other systems new acquisition process to close gaps we need to understand the impacts to
commands and communicates with as they emerge. the mission sequence and apply that

An air officer for

the 13th Marine
Expeditionary Unit
coordinates the
landing of a MV-
22B Osprey onto
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Alvin Pujols

San Clemente
Island, Calif. The
exercise is the first
time Marines and
Sailors worked
together at sea
as they prepare
for deployment
to the Pacific and
Central Command
areas of respon-
sibility in early 2016.

Expanding Capability I 35
life-like scenarios that allow pilots and
platforms to operate with other systems
across multiple locations nationwide.
NAVAIR scientists and engineers ap-
ply modeling and simulation techniques
to network several platforms to evaluate
how well the systems work together and
to create training scenarios not avail-
able otherwise.

Managing Research,
Development, Test and
Evaluation Infrastructure
NAVAIR developed the Naval Infra-
structure Capability (NICAP) database
to ensure the cost-effective use of the
command’s research, development, test

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 David Giorda

and evaluation (RDT&E) assets.
NICAP is a tool that compiles a
portfolio of available Navywide assets
such as labs, ranges and facilities, and
highlights any infrastructure gaps or
redundancies. The tool shows how ef-
ficient it is to reuse several components,
Lt. Brett Eckert, assigned to the Pro's Nest of Patrol Squadron (VP) 30, observes Royal such as code, models, threat definitions
Air Force squadron leaders Andy Bull and Mark Faulds, as they participate in a flight
scenarios and standards. By incorporat-
simulator exercise for the P-8A Poseidon as part of a fleet exercise.
ing NICAP, Naval Aviation can transfer
information to design the system to fit immerse today’s warfighters in a col- those efficiencies to capability develop-
seamlessly into existing and future se- laborative, networked environment of ment efforts such as LVC. NICAP also
quences. Over time, this approach will live, simulated and constructed aircraft, facilitates the creation of advanced
inform a more resilient and adaptive ships and weapons. These realistic en- battle environments and aligns infra-
warfighting capability. vironments deliver training at multiple structure to mission areas. This reduces
levels of complexity and security. the cost of battlespace simulations and
Conducting Integrated The following methods and tools the time needed to integrate new tech-
Training enable Naval Aviation to extract the nologies into the modeled environment.
Integrated warfighting requires that most pilot and aircrew proficiency from Additionally, acquisition programs can
training exercises incorporate all every training dollar. now focus on simulations of their sys-
aspects of the CSG or Marine Air tems built to open standards instead of
Ground Task Force (MAGTF) mission, Government Test and recreating complex threat environments
for example: from launch and recovery Evaluation Laboratories in proprietary frameworks.
aboard the carriers and the amphibi- and Ranges The LVC environment is also well-
ous assault ships to the intelligence- Government labs and facilities provide suited to understanding cyber threats.
gathering EA-18G Growler aircraft to ideal testing environments due to their Integrating the National Cyber Range
the weapons delivery of the F-35B/C non-proprietary nature. NAVAIR’s and Joint Information Operations
Lightning II. Naval Air Warfare Centers are linking Range with LVC enables the assess-
It is no longer possible to replicate a the government’s nationwide infrastruc- ment of offensive and defensive cyber/
future battlespace by relying solely on ture of labs and ranges—large tracts of network capabilities and techniques,
live training. To meet that need, live, land, sea and air space operated for test- ensuring our systems are effective,
virtual and constructive (LVC) exercises ing and training—to create large-scale interoperable and secure.

36 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Simulator Training as compared to traditional acquisi- project teams are 100-percent focused
With the advances in modern technol- tion processes. Called AIRWorks, this on execution and delivery. Teams take
ogy, we are now able to “fly” simulators networking of engineering, prototyp- greater risks while bounded by proper
that very closely match the performance ing, building, installing and testing of acquisition standards and discipline.
of actual aircraft. Upgraded simulators one-time or low-volume solutions is also This work is critical to the contin-
allow aircrew to design, experiment being applied to Programs of Record, ued development of Naval Aviation’s
with, evaluate and perfect unique com- where appropriate, to save time and technical workforce and a key enabler to
bat techniques. It also allows us to train money. achieving affordability goals.
with new techniques and perfect the The AIRWorks rapid delivery model An early success story is the advanced
most difficult ones before introducing fosters a healthy balance between pro- ballistic stopping system for the V-22.
them into live training. cess and innovation through critical After three Air Force Special Operations
In addition to improving individual checks and balances. The overarching Command CV-22s came under fire, caus-
flight and decision-making skills, in- principle is one of minimal oversight so ing multiple injuries and systems failures,
creased simulator performance enables
the networking of multiple, dissimilar
aircraft and other combat elements to
train together in any simulated “clime
and place” mission before executing
these missions on the live training range.

AIRWorks Provides

Rapid Response
Rapid Response initiatives address urgent
warfighting needs that arise during fleet
operations. These projects leverage exist-
ing contracts and technologies to field
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Giovanni Squadrito

an “80 percent” solution within months, An air taffic

versus years, dramatically improving controller dem-
onstrates the first
speed to the fleet. air traffic control
NAVAIR’s Warfare and Fleet Readi- simulator installed
ness Centers have proven they are on board a Navy
aircraft carrier in
capable of delivering urgent fleet needs the USS Carl Vinson
in less time and with less money while air traffic control
achieving equal or superior performance center.

Pilots in Eglin Air Force Base,

Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

Fla., use full mission simulators

as part of their training with
F-35 Lightning IIs. The F-35
simulators can also be found
at Marine Corps Air Station
Yuma, Ariz., where Marine
Fighter Attack Squadron
(VMFA) 121 trains.

Expanding Capability I 37
U.S. Marine
MV-22B Ospreys
from Special-
Purpose Marine
Air-Ground Task
Force Crisis
deliver a platoon
of Marines from
the Black Sea
Rotational Force
to support a
training exercise.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Paul Peterson

the V-22 program needed to deliver a making IWC efforts the next logical air, from the sea and from the land. By
fully qualified ballistic protection system. step in maintaining naval superiority. 2025, “from the air” will, at a minimum,
The AIRWorks project team devel- The following examples demonstrate consist of the F-35B/C Lightning II,
oped an improved protection system progress on ensuring warfighters, aircraft, the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, the E-2D
and pushed the equipment to its limits sensors and weapons communicate and Advanced Hawkeye, the EA-18G Growler,
to uncover any issues. Technical and operate as one. the multifunctional information distribu-
programmatic decisions occurred tion system and the AIM-120 Advanced
when appropriate, and all Advanced Naval Integrated Fire Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.
Ballistic Stopping System team mem- Control-Counter Air NIFC-CA’s efforts bring the following
bers had the authority to make critical NIFC-CA increases the lethal range of the benefits: long-range fire control and pro-
decisions. As a result, a qualified ballis- CSG and ESG by networking otherwise jection; ability to operate in and control
tic system for the CV-22 aircraft was individual platforms, weapons and sen- contested battlespace; and high situational
fielded in less than 180 days by a col- sors to work as one. This network extends awareness. Lower costs are possible by in-
laborative government/industry rapid the Navy’s range over land and water and vesting in common components, conduct-
response team. increases the over-the-radar horizon of ing high-fidelity modeling and simulation,
surface ships, allowing us to fire at more and analyzing associated test data.
Integrated Warfighting distant targets.
Capability Successes March 2015 marked the first deploy- Offensive Anti-Surface
With Naval Aviation entering a period ment of a NIFC-CA-capable CSG, Warfare
of modernization and sustainment in primarily made up of USS Theodore OASuW is another system-of-systems
the wake of budget constraints, afford- Roosevelt (CVN 71), USS Normandy capability that is long-range, survivable
able and rapid delivery of integrated (CG 60) guided missile cruiser and a and available for launch from multiple
warfighting capabilities (IWC) are cru- squadron of E-2D Advanced Hawkeye platforms. OASuW will incorporate exist-
cial for the future battlespace. Systems maritime surveillance aircraft. ing and emergent technologies to support
and platforms themselves are moving This system-of-systems environment an improved capability against future
toward being more network-centric, consists of three kill chains: from the surface threats.

38 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

OASuW involves developing an air-
launched weapon that can go farther,
survive longer and target more accurately
than previous missiles. This joint force
capability will deliver game-changing, of-
fensive strike capability to our warfighters
in theater as quickly as possible.

Network-Enabled Weapon
Controller Interface Module
Developed by NAVAIR’s Naval Air Warfare
Center Weapons Division, NEWCIM is a
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 John Philip Wagner Jr.

community software tool and engineering

reference model that provides standard-
ized design guidance for network-enabled
weapon development, implementation,
simulation and testing.
NEWCIM can also test the interac-
tion between network-enabled weapon
role-players using tactical data link

(TDL) messages. NEWCIM weapon
An EA-18G Growler assigned to the “Cougars” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ)
and platform developers can code their 139 launches from aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).
TDL messages, and test their imple-
mentation with and against the refer-
ence model in a controlled lab envi-
ronment. Ensuring compatibility with
NEWCIM greatly reduces the risk of
identifying network integration issues
during ground and flight test.
NEWCIM identifies compatibility is-
sues at earlier stages, helping developers
save time and money. The Joint Interop-
erability Test Command (JITC) issued
its interoperability certification for the
module in August 2014, and the Space
and Naval Warfare Systems Command
completed its assessment of compliance
with Mil-STD-6016E in August 2015.
The next phase is to expand NEWCIM
capability by incorporating additional
message sets. An E-2D
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Ernest R. Scott

Next Generation Land Hawkeye

Attack Weapon assigned to the
“Tiger Tails” of
NGLAW is a successor to the Toma- Carrier Airborne
hawk weapon system, and a system-of- Early Warning
systems capability that is long-range, Squadron (VAW)
125 flies over
survivable and can be launched from Naval Station
multiple surface and subsurface Norfolk, Va.

Expanding Capability I 39
“ In the future, we must accelerate advanced manufacturing
qualification and certification processes and continue to invest in
digital infrastructure to reap the benefits. ”
platforms. NGLAW will incorporate systems (UAS) and applicable external form industry of the specific interface
existing and emergent technologies to systems while identifying innovative definitions required for the system.
support an improved strike capability contracting and programmatic
against increasing threats and expanded initiatives to reduce costs and delivery Common Control System
target sets. turnarounds. If all UAS comply with the CCS is software that provides UAS com-
NGLAW will mirror previous and same standards, they will be easier and mand and control and sensor/payload
ongoing analytical efforts, including cheaper to build. Much of the team’s processing. CCS has been developed for
data link studies, threat assessments effort focuses on the following: Multi-Mission Unmanned-XX (MQ-
and target sets that have identified criti- n Developing command-and-control XX) and other UAS platforms. CCS is
cal kill-chain gaps. Follow-on assess- and imagery-intelligence interfaces based on the DoD UAS Control System
ments of alternatives will address all of n Aligning naval UAS under a (UCS) Working Group standard, a
these gaps to ensure the full-required standard architecture framework that service-oriented architecture designed
capability can be delivered to the fleet. modularizes major UAS components for reuse among unmanned platforms.
(platform, sensors, control system, etc.) The key goal for CCS is to reduce the
Common Standards and with the goal of providing commanders costs of developing and supporting sepa-
Interoperability Team the flexibility to “mix and match” rate software for each UAS platform by
Established by the Program Executive available assets, and consistently replacing them with a single product that
Office for Unmanned Aviation and depicting the interoperability attributes can leverage enhancements made for one
Strike Weapons, the common standards of each system platform to others. The UCS-based mod-
and interoperability team ensures n Documenting the government-devel- ular architecture and acquisition strategy
the integration of unmanned aircraft oped interfaces in architectures to in- results in competitive development of
new services, application and interface
components. This strategy will provide
new capabilities to existing platforms and
extend CCS to support new platforms.

Manufacturing and
the Digital Thread
Advanced manufacturing and the digi-
tal thread offer a new approach to prod-
uct manufacturing that applies innova-
tive technologies such as 3-D additive
manufacturing and integrated processes
to manufacture products. The “digital
thread” is an all-digital approach to
U.S. Navy photo by Liz Wolter

managing the design, engineering,

manufacturing, production and support
of a given product. With a secure digital
thread for additive manufacturing,
small-batch products, one-of-a-kind
prototypes and unique or customized
The Navy’s unmanned X-47B, right, conducts flight operations aboard aircraft carrier
USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). The aircraft completed a series of tests demon- parts or tools can be produced quickly
strating its ability to operate safely and seamlessly with manned aircraft. and cost-effectively.

40 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Several advanced manufacturing
technologies will reduce costs,
minimize obsolescence and improve
capability and readiness across the
life-cycle of systems. These technologies
include reverse engineering; creation of
3-D models and environments; sending
digital data directly to the shop floor;
and use of computed tomography
scanners, which combine a series of
X-ray images taken from different
angles and use computer processing to

U. S. Navy photo by J. L. Wright Jr.

create cross-sectional images to aid in
non-destructive inspection of aircraft.
A standardized set of digital tools
and product data accelerate the devel-
opment process and save money. Op-
erational readiness is enhanced through
quick access to the authoritative data Artisans at Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) in Jacksonville, Fla., test the func-
necessary to enable next-generation tionality of a P-3 Orion’s landing gear. A team of tool designers, artisans and engineers
from FRCSE used additive manufacturing to repair the Orion’s wheel-well truss.

manufacturing and logistics.
In the future, we must accelerate Business and acquisition processes property and cost models is fundamen-
advanced manufacturing qualification must be able to operate in the digital tal to determining where and when
and certification processes and continue realm by making advanced manufac- advanced manufacturing is appropriate.
to invest in digital infrastructure to reap turing and the digital thread a priority. NAVAIR developed a roadmap on
the benefits. Understanding data rights, intellectual the broad use of advanced manufactur-
ing and digital thread, accelerating its
use across the Naval Aviation Enter-
prise. NAVAIR’s advanced manufactur-
ing team is also working with the avia-
tion program executive offices, program
managers and industry to identify
processes to improve readiness and
capabilities, manage these items and
ensure their safe use. Efforts include the
n Increasing collaboration opportuni-
ties across the advanced manufactur-
U.S. Navy Photo by Kaylee LaRocque

ing community
n Developing an advanced manufac-
turing data architecture to tie data
together across the defense enterprise
n Working with our suppliers, Defense
Logistics Agency and Naval Supply
Systems Command to source ad-
A Fleet Readiness Center Southeast sheet metal worker removes a modeled form vanced manufacturing parts
block for an F/A-18 Hornet bracket from the Statasys Fortus 400mc printer in the n Validating DoD cost models and
military depot’s manufacturing division. The printer creates the 3-D model from a
computer-aided design one layer at a time using a thermoplastic product. The mod- managing the data rights for maxi-
eled form block is then used to form the metal bracket used on the aircraft. mum reuse.

Expanding Capability I 41
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Anthony N. Hilkowski

The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) operates in the Arabian Sea conducting maritime security operations.

bined fashion comes from the fire control systems of
to increase the modern weapons.
lethality of fires From investments in science and

Imperative of
in a cost-effective technology, through managing our test
manner. As Naval and evaluation environments, to the

Aviation moves March 2015 deployment of the first Na-
toward integrated val Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air
warfighting, we (NIFC-CA) capable carrier strike group

will maintain our (CSG) centered around USS Theodore
individual plat- Roosevelt (CVN 71), integrated warf-
forms’ abilities to ighting is maturing and advancing.
control their own Still, Naval Aviation knows the
fires while operat- concept of integration is not new; it is
The integrated warfighting objec- ing independently. Coordinated fires embodied in the idea of “jointness” that
tive is to control fires—the use of require platforms to communicate with has been at the core of the American
weapon systems or other actions each other so the most effective system way of war for decades, and is the guid-
to create specific lethal or nonle- reacts to the target. Systems operating ing principle of combatant commanders
thal effects on a target. Integrated in a combined manner to perform a who use combined Navy, Marine Corps,
warfare leverages the capabilities of task within an effects chain will func- Air Force, Army and allied forces to
multiple systems operating inde- tion better than any single platform. fight and win our nation’s wars. What’s
pendently in a coordinated or com- The embodiment of integrated warfare changing is the speed of action required

42 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

What’s changing is
speed of action
earliest stages of the requirements and ac-
quisition processes. With the rising cost of
a path, defending an area or interdicting
an adversary’s flight profile. However,
military capabilities, integration improves today’s adversaries are more advanced,
required by the upon systems that were once considered which in turn increases the volume of
independent with minimal costs. Integra- airspace to monitor and potentially con-
integrated systems of tion also increases our forces’ resilience trol. The integration of other naval aircraft
the modern force. While through complementary systems with such as the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye,
integration has been multiple approaches. F-35B/C Lightning II, EA-18G Growler
and maritime intelligence, surveillance,
the letter and the law Air Warfare: Maintaining reconnaissance (ISR) platforms such as
at the highest level of Maritime Dominance in the MQ-4C Triton greatly expand the area
command, making it the Skies of control available to fighter aircraft. Fur-
The September 2014 operations in Syria ther integration with Navy surface assets
a reality at the tactical reaffirmed our nation’s ability to work through cooperative engagement capabil-
and technical level with partner nations, gather forces and ity (CEC), and eventually NIFC-CA, not
conduct targeted airstrikes against ad- only increases the control area, but also
has been more versaries with minimal threat to our air expands the range of weapons on the
of a challenge. ”
forces. Operation Inherent Resolve is a
reminder of the importance of air domi-
aggregate platforms. Cooperation with
Air Force and Army partners through
by the integrated systems of the modern nance. The airspace in areas controlled cross-domain integration eliminates

force. While integration has been the by the Islamic State Group is uncon- single points of vulnerability. Networked
letter and the law at the highest level tested due to a continued presence of an information sharing within the global
of command, making it a reality at the integrated force that dominates the air, grid further increases the area of aware-
tactical and technical level has been destroys land-based threats to aviation ness. Many of these capabilities are also
more of a challenge. and leverages the existing electromag- expanding to partner nations, including
As outlined below, Naval Aviation’s netic spectrum. those participating in the international
more traditional missions are all moving Air dominance has traditionally been Joint Strike Fighter program and Austra-
toward greater integration—not only from achieved by dominating the battlespace lia’s purchase of the F/A-18E/F, EA-18G,
an operational perspective, but from the with friendly air forces capable of clearing P-8A, MQ-4C and MH-60R.

The Navy’s
unmanned MQ-4C
Triton flies over
Naval Air Station
Patuxent, Md.,
while completing
a ferry flight
from Northrop
California facility.
U.S. Navy photo by Erik Hildebrandt

Expanding Capability I 43
Anti-Submarine Warfare:
Nowhere to Run,
Nowhere to Hide
Patrol Squadron (VP) 16 returned to
Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida,
in July 2014 after the P-8A Poseidon’s
inaugural six-month deployment to the
Pacific. One year later, in the summer
of 2015, Joint Warrior NATO exercise
included 50 warships, four submarines
and 70 aircraft in anti-submarine warfare
training events. This was the first de-
ployment for the "Vipers" of Helicopter
Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 48 with
the MH-60R-the Navy's next-generation
submarine hunter and anti-surface war-
fare helicopter. The performance of the
MH-60R APS-153 radar was particularly
impressive. Even more indicative of our
U.S. Navy photo by Liz Goettee
future operations was the coordinated
operations between maritime patrol air-
craft, including P-3Cs and one P-8A, and
USS Vicksburg (CG 69) and her MH-60R.
This integration of three platforms and a
A P-8A Poseidon arrives at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md. surface vessel highlighted the importance
of new systems and future upgrades of the
P-8A that will improve communications
and open architecture. Onboard P-8A,
all sensors contribute to a single-fused
tactical situation display, shared over both
military standard and Internet protocol
data links, allowing seamless, precise
information exchange among U.S. and
coalition forces.

Mine Warfare: Up from

the Depths—Airborne
Effective mine warfare is a key tenet of the
Navy’s anti-access/area-denial (A2AD)
An MH-60R
Seahawk strategy, and Airborne Mine Counter-
helicopter measures (AMCM) play an important
U.S. Navy photo by MCS Ryan U. Kledzik

attached to role in executing that strategy. AMCM

the “Vipers” of
Helicopter Maritime
will become an integrated mission area
Strike Squadron for the littoral combat ship (LCS) when
(HSM) 48 lands the mine countermeasures mission pack-
on the flight deck
age reaches initial operational capability.
of guided-missile
destroyer USS Porter The mission package comprises the MH-
(DDG 78.) 60S, employing two onboard systems: the

44 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Travis Gershaneck

An F-35B Lightning II with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA)121, based out of Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., performs
a vertical landing as part of required flying field carrier landing practices. The landing field simulates the flight deck of an aircraft
carrier to prepare pilots for landing and taking off at sea.

Airborne Laser Mine Detection System ity and capacity while in transition. The and command-and-control capabilities to
and the Airborne Mine Neutralization mine countermeasures modular pack- the future air wing. The F-35B/C is also
System, and the MQ-8 employing the ages are tailored for individual missions, designed to share its operational picture
Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance & rotating crews, interchangeable mission with other aircraft, particularly the F/A-
Analysis (COBRA) payload. The mission systems (vehicles, sensors, weapons) and 18E/F, enabling Super Hornets to conduct
package also uses the Remote Multimis- support equipment. The new integrated strike and anti-air attacks with stand-off
sion Vehicle, which deploys from the mine warfare force will allow the Navy to weapons. The F-35B/C will integrate vari-
LCS to provide additional mine-hunting retire obsolescent mine countermeasures ous active and passive sensors from mul-
and neutralization capability. The key to and ensure mine threats are neutralized, tiple aircraft into its operational picture.
integration in AMCM is the maturation while keeping Sailors and Marines out of This process automatically formulates
of data link, full-motion video and stream the minefield. weapons tracks for each target to share
telemetry. These technologies will enable with other aircraft and ships so they can
near real-time, post-mission analysis Strike Warfare: then engage the target.
to reduce the AMCM kill chain, while Integrated Lethality
sharing information with other airborne Key Naval Aviation strike warfare ca- Expeditionary Warfare:
platforms such as the P-8A. pabilities are embodied in the F-35B/C From the Sea, Ready to
Naval Aviation will continue to invest Lightning II, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Fight with Today’s Force
in the unmanned underwater vehicle, and EA-18G Growler, as well as battle The Marine Air-Ground Task Force
which is changing AMCM concepts, and management and intelligence support (MAGTF) is a balanced air-ground,
will continue to sustain the MH-53E Sea from the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye. The F- combined arms task organization of
Dragon to maintain the necessary capabil- 35B/C will deliver needed stealth, sensing Marine Corps forces under a single

Expanding Capability I 45
commander structured to accomplish a is evolving, maneuvering and adapting, commander and national demand). As
specific mission. The MAGTF can move posturing its MAGTF for success—in the Marine Corps evolves, ground com-
from over the horizon into hostile areas, an aggregated or disaggregated form; bat units will be deployed around infantry
from blue water into green water, and the executing split operations, integrating battalions, but future capacity will be built
commander can project forces ashore at Special Operations Forces, working from to employ the battalion as three separate
any time or place. Moving forces this way prepositioned equipment and advanced CLTs. These teams have young officers
requires sealift, at-sea vertical and surface expeditionary bases. and senior non-commissioned officers
connectors and a fleet of amphibious Special Purpose MAGTF-Crisis assuming authority over large swaths of
vehicles. A critical enabler of a MAGTF is Response (SPMAGTF-CR) is becoming terrain that used to be the responsibility
the integration of the air component with a high-profile task force for the Marine of commanders at the battalion level. To
the ground component. Corps. SPMAGTFs, along with MEUs, support these small, agile teams, lead-
As U.S. forces move closer to shore in are built around operational agility and ers must be provided with more flexible
forcible entry scenarios, ships and units highly dependent upon aviation. For fire support capabilities and technology:
comprising the MAGTF will separate example, the SPMAGTF in Morón, Spain, radios, optics, assault and maneuver sup-
into smaller units to re-form on a fluid can reach across the Mediterranean to the port, vehicles and vertical lift. It is incum-
battlespace. The Marine Expeditionary seven countries in the North African litto- bent upon Marine Corps Aviation to lift,
Brigade (MEB) is the “middleweight” ral and beyond; they are staged and ready resupply and support by fire the Marine
MAGTF, which can be aggregated for to move entirely by MV-22 Osprey and on the ground at any time and any place.
large-scale combat or broken down into the KC-130J Hercules or joint tankers.
smaller, more agile teams below the Ma- It is expected that forward deployed Digital Interoperability
rine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) level, and MEUs and SPMAGTF-CR forces will DI is the seamless digital exchange of
frequently down to the company landing help address global threats for the foresee- tactically relevant information between
team (CLT) level. The MEB is the steady able future (especially until the inventory the different elements of the MAGTF,
state for forcible entry, while the MEU of amphibious ships matches combatant increasing the effectiveness and efficiency
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. James Marchetti

Marine Infantry Officer Course (IOC) students await a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter fast rope drill at Marine Corps Air Station
Yuma, Ariz. The fast rope training instills the skills necessary to complete IOC’s final exercise, Talon Reach IV.

46 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Operations spe-
cialists monitor ra-
dar in the Combat
Information Center
(CIC) aboard
amphibious assault
ship USS Bataan
(LHD 5).
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Pedro A. Rodrigue

of the force as a whole. The goal of DI
is not just the connection of nodes on Our mastery of cyberspace puts a hefty
the battlespace, but it is also the effec- in our hands; and our reliance
tive communication of tactically relevant
on cyberspace places a weighty
information that gives decision makers
more time and information. To facilitate
this effort, Marine Corps Aviation is pro-
vulnerability in our path. ”
curing systems that provide distributed continues to define the concept of “ma- austere environments. The Marine Corps
electronic warfare (EW), and intelligence, neuvering within spectrum.” This new is ready for today’s fight.
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) ca- concept will help the Marine Corps find
pability to the MAGTF and joint force. By the optimal portion of the electromag- Information Warfare
making every platform a sensor, an EW netic spectrum, at the appropriate time, Information warfare is the operational
node, a shooter and a connector, we will to conduct its digital communication. advantage gained from integrating
optimize legacy and newly acquired gear. Awareness of the surroundings within the Navy’s information functions,
Additionally, the Deputy Commandant the spectrum is one aspect; the Marine capabilities and resources to optimize
for Aviation has directed that all Marine Corps will also employ diverse, resilient decision-making and maximize warf-
Corps Aviation platforms be equipped and redundant networks and waveforms ighting effects. Information warfare
with data link capability, which will allow that allow for movement within the is a warfighting domain, on par with
all aircraft and the Marines that they are spectrum and within satellite-degraded surface, subsurface, air and space, and
supporting to share a common picture. communications environments. gives commanders battlespace aware-
“New normal” mission requirements The Marine Corps is leveraging new ness, assured command and control,
demand effective linked operations over technologies to accomplish traditional and integrated fires to face threats by
longer distances, in smaller formations, missions. As the nation’s naval expedi- potential adversaries in today’s complex
removed from traditional support ele- tionary force, it is incumbent upon the maritime environment.
ments. To address this, the Marine Corps Marines to assure access and operate in The establishment of the Deputy

Expanding Capability I 47
Chief of Naval Operations for Informa- future conflicts will involve making full picture of the battlespace. Tactical
tion Warfare (N2N6), in conjunction use of the electromagnetic spectrum unmanned systems such as the MQ-4
with U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/10th and cyberspace. Our communication Triton, RQ-21A Blackjack, RQ-11
Fleet, forms an enterprise focused on networks can keep far-flung forces, Raven, RQ-7B Shadow and MQ-8 Fire
the opportunities and challenges for cy- aircraft and ships connected with each Scout carry a host of different intercon-
ber systems and operations. The realm other and the full command struc- nected sensors, and when used in con-
of information warfare includes a host ture at home. The U.S. Fleet Cyber junction with manned aircraft, such as
of capabilities ranging from informa- Command/U.S. 10th Fleet’s “Strategic the EA-18G Growler with its advanced
tion operations, electronic warfare Plan 2015-2020” states “our mastery of airborne electronic attack systems, are
(EW), ISR operations to cyber warfare. cyberspace puts a hefty weapon in our advancing the frontlines of the electro-
These collectively ensure that command hands; and our reliance on cyberspace magnetic battlefield. At the same time,
and control achieves battlespace aware- places a weighty vulnerability in our the increasingly cloud-based storage
and dissemination of global informa-
tion means that the very concept of
the frontline is breaking down as cyber
warfare transforms warfare itself.
In the future, trends within the
worldwide information and operating
environments will drive the continuing
development of a Navywide informa-
tion warfare capability.

Electronic Warfare
Navy and Marine Corps’ superiority in
EW lies in the ability to conduct unfet-
tered operations within the electromag-
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Joan E. Jennings

netic spectrum while using electronic

support, attack and deception in all arenas
and phases of major combat operations,
while denying adversaries the same. EW
begins with the transit of Naval Aviation
forces into a communications-contested
area where an adversary may deny use
of U.S. forces into a theater of operations
An MH-60R Seahawk helicopter and an MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned helicopter, both
assigned to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 35, conduct coordinated flight
(anti-access), or an adversary may prevent
operations with Littoral Combat Ship USS Freedom (LCS 1). the maneuver of U.S. forces within an area
(area denial) based on access within the
ness and integrates kinetic—bullets, path.” Executing the Navy’s electronic electromagnetic spectrum; and concludes
missiles, etc.—and non-kinetic Navy warfare, ISR and cyber warfare opera- with the ability of U.S. forces to access
fires. Non-kinetic fires include EW, tions is a job for integrated manned and and operate freely within the contested
jamming, electronic attack, offensive unmanned aviation assets. environment.
cyberspace operations, psychological The P-8A Poseidon and MQ-4C Naval Aviation platforms must be
operations, and military deception- Triton are the centerpiece of the Navy’s able to engage in electromagnetic spec-
attacks through the networks that the maritime patrol and reconnaissance trum operations anywhere around the
adversary uses. Naval Aviation plays a force. The Triton provides combat globe. Marine Air Ground Task Force
prominent role in all of these capabili- information to operational and tacti- Electronic Warfare (MAGTF EW) will
ties. cal users, supplying a more continu- integrate multiple aviation platforms
In addition to fighting within the ous source of information to maintain (manned and unmanned) and ground-
traditional warfare domains, successful a common operational and tactical based electronic warfare nodes that

48 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

will provide the commander with an will optimize the use of EW systems platforms to make sure sensors stay
organic—internal to command—and while minimizing electromagnetic in the air and perform their missions
persistent EW capability. interference to other spectrum-depen- longer. The Navy is developing a family
The ability to fully leverage the elec- dent systems. of systems to recapitalize airborne ISR
tromagnetic spectrum while limiting ad- capabilities in the EP-3 signals intel-
versary use of the spectrum is a key tenet Battlespace Awareness: ligence reconnaissance aircraft and
of Electromagnetic Spectrum Maneuver ISR Operations special projects aircraft by the end of
Warfare. Some of the current programs Today’s complex and networked bat- the decade, building common sensor
that help ensure EW superiority include: tlespace demands key information payloads that can be delivered by a
n Electronic Warfare Battle Manage- be collected and shared as rapidly wide range of manned and unmanned
ment, enabled by Electronic Warfare as possible in a common and usable aircraft such as the MQ-4C Triton,
Services Architecture, is integral to format, whenever and wherever MQ- 8B/C Fire Scout, Multi-Mission
MAGTF EW’s distributed, networked
approach and will connect EW and
signals intelligence nodes to unit EW
officers, Cyber/EW Coordination
Cells (CEWCC), and other tactical
electromagnetic spectrum nodes. The
CEWCC will coordinate the integrated
planning and execution of cyberspace

operations, EW, ISR, information-re-
lated capabilities, and electromagnetic
spectrum management in order to
gain, maintain and exploit operational
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 John Philip Wagner, Jr.

n The ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming

System on both the EA-18G and
EA-6B is designed to conduct of-
fensive cyberspace operations such
as psychological operations and
military deception by attacking the
adversary’s networks.
n The Next-Generation Jammer is slated
to replace the ALQ-99 carried on EA-
A naval aviator, assigned to the “Cougars” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 139,
18Gs, beginning in 2021, significantly conducts a pre-flight inspection on an EA-18G Growler aboard aircraft carrier USS
improving the aircraft’s airborne elec- Carl Vinson (CVN 70).
tronic attack capability.
n The Low-Band Transmitter on both required. The Navy can maintain a Unmanned-XX (MQ-XX) aircraft and
the EA-18G and EA-6B is designed to decisive information advantage over P-8A Poseidon.
jam low-frequency radar and commu- potential adversaries by fielding an
nications targets. optimal mix of maritime airborne ISR Assuring Command, Control
n The Intrepid Tiger II is a precision systems and supporting capabilities. and Communications
EW pod providing Marine Corps Modular and scalable airborne sensing Assuring command and control means
fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft with a capabilities—radar, electro-optical/ making sure commanders can ef-
distributed, adaptable and net-centric infrared, full-motion video, signals fectively control their forces to put
airborne electronic attack capability. intelligence, etc.—are critical to satisfy weapons on target and achieve their
n According to CNO’s “Navigation Plan growing warfighting demands. Future objectives. The Navy’s future informa-
2016–2020,” Real-Time Spectrum sensor packages will be more autono- tion infrastructure must be able to
Operations (RTSO) are key to EW and mous and closely integrated with host maintain essential network and datalink

Expanding Capability I 49
“ Surface warfare missions encompass many military
operations, and Naval Aviation is critical to the ability
to control the seas in multiple environments. ”
services across secured segments of the command, control and coordinate avia- capacity, improve situational awareness
electromagnetic spectrum. It also must tion operations. This suite of scalable and serve as a prerequisite for fielding
transport, share, store, protect and dis- modules will support MAGTFs as well network-enabled weapons and support-
seminate critical data and combat infor- as joint and coalition forces. ing the Navy’s integrated fires capability.
mation required by forward-deployed The first increment improves current Further, RTSO will provide the electro-
units and on-scene commanders. Of aviation command-and-control systems magnetic spectrum common operational
particular importance is the “opera- in the Direct Air Support Center, Tacti- picture, identify performance degrada-
tionalization” of the electromagnetic cal Air Command Center and Tactical tion resulting from intentional or unin-
and cyberspace realms into warfighting Air Operations Center. Future incre- tentional electromagnetic interference,
domains, turning these into new “ma- ments will encompass Marine Air Traffic and provide recommended solutions for
neuver” spaces. Control Detachment, Low-Altitude Air minimizing it.
To accomplish the mission, Naval Defense Battalion, UAS and airborne
Aviation is investing in personnel, node capabilities. In addition, the Navy Integrated Fires
equipment, facilities and procedures is continuing to improve its protected Integrated fires is the coordination and
to assist commanders in planning, transport and tactical data links. These synchronization of the full range of avail-
directing, coordinating and controlling efforts include engineering changes to able fires—ISR, target identification, force
forces and operations. For example, enhance current systems for commu- dispatch to target, decision and order
the Marine Corps Common Aviation nications in a contested environment to attack the target, and, finally, applica-
Command and Control System consoli- as well as incorporating new systems tion of specific weapons—to seize and
dates existing functionality into a single into the Multifunctional Information hold the initiative in combat and limit an
system and provides common hardware, Distribution System Joint Tactical Radio enemy’s ability to maneuver and act. It is
software, equipment and facilities to System (MIDS-JTRS). This will increase the ability to produce kinetic/non-kinetic
effects through networks, wire, spectrum,
space, gun barrel or missile warhead. By
coordinating the use of all available kinetic
and non-kinetic capabilities, the Navy will
be able to achieve all desired lethal and
nonlethal effects in every warfare environ-
ment, including anti-access/area-denial
scenarios. Integrating fires will require new
capabilities to employ integrated informa-
tion effects in warfare, especially expand-
ing the use of advanced electronic warfare
and offensive cyber systems to comple-
A cryptologic ment air, surface and subsurface systems.
technician mans
the electronic
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Brian G. Reynolds

warfare module
aboard aircraft The Navy is improving its information-
carrier USS based capabilities to prevail in the higher
Roosevelt (CVN threat, information-intensive combat
71), conducting environments of the 21st century. The
training in Navy’s plan for achieving information
for future
warfare highlights long-term opportuni-
deployments. ties for fully integrating its information-

50 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

related activities, resources, processes and
capabilities to optimize warfighting effects
and maintain decision superiority—the
ability to make faster decisions than the
enemy—in every area of warfare. Today’s
current information-based capabilities
require continual changes and improve-
ments in a number of areas: assured
command and control for our deployed
forces regardless of threat environment;
enhanced battlespace awareness to make
decisions faster than our adversaries and
improve understanding of the maritime
operating environment; and fully integrat-
ed fires that expand warfighting options
for both the Navy/Marine Corps team
and joint commanders.

Information Operations
Information operations integrate

information-related capabilities with
other military operations to influence,
disrupt, corrupt or seize adversary
decision making. The growth of po-
tential adversary capabilities combined
with the rapid proliferation of complex
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Christopher A. Veloicaza

technology and accompanying tactics

increasingly threaten U.S. and partner-
nation interests. The United States is
developing and fielding new, improved
information-related capabilities to gain
and maintain a decisive advantage in the
information environment. Information
is no longer limited to an enabling role:
Navy information in warfare amplifies
weapons; Navy information as warfare An operation specialist operates an advanced combat directional system console
in the Combat Information Center aboard Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS
delivers expanded space to maneuver new Essex (LHD 2).
operational and strategic options, asym-
metric operational effects and capability most likely achieve the desired effects. All trol the seas in multiple environments
for dominant control of the battlespace. Naval Aviation assets provide command- including anti-access/anti-denial and
The Navy will employ information as ers with responsive, powerful and scalable contested littorals. The introduction of
a weapon to influence, deny, degrade, information-related capabilities necessary the Surface Warfare Enterprise concept
disrupt or destroy across the full range of to achieve their missions. of distributed lethality is consistent with
maritime and naval missions. Naval Aviation’s efforts toward inte-
Information operations are primarily a Surface Warfare: grated surface warfare operations. The
staff planning function at the operational Distributed Lethality deployment of the first NIFC-CA CSG
and strategic levels of war and require Surface warfare missions encompass is only the beginning of a series of more
identification and employment of many military operations, and Naval capable CSG deployments over the
information-related capabilities that will Aviation is critical to the ability to con- term of this Vision.

Expanding Capability I 51
The sun rises over aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74).
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Andre T. Richard

52 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

For Naval Aviation, capacity has

two distinct sets of requirements.

The first is aggregate capacity,

or force structure. Force structure

comprises the total number of units

manned, trained and equipped to

meet steady-state presence and

crisis-response requirements. For

aircraft carrier, Marine Expeditionary

Forces and air wing force structure,

aggregate capacity is a matter of

national policy.

he second element of capacity is operational ca-
pacity, defined by the quantity of capabilities that
can be brought to bear by a given Naval Aviation
force. Operational capacity is determined by the
number of aircraft within a squadron and the
number of aircrews available to operate them. This directly
affects the nation’s ability to meet operational goals. For
steady-state presence, operational capacity requirements are
largely driven by two factors: providing a credible deterrent
in the execution of national policy, and sustaining minimum
levels of readiness for combat operations. For major combat
operations, whatever is needed to succeed in combat is the
determined operational capacity requirements.
In the following section, we outline Naval Aviation’s current
and projected operational capacity and provide the transforma-
tion roadmaps that show how we plan to build the capacity of
the future.

Maintaining Capacity I 53
Aircraft Carriers

What clearly distinguishes the U.S. Navy
from foreign navies is its nuclear-powered

aircraft carrier (CVN) and embarked
carrier air wings (CVWs). Carriers and
their CVWs provide the right balance of
forward presence and surge capability
to conduct warfighting and peacetime
operations around the globe in support
of national priorities. Each carrier strike
group (CSG) possesses a versatile, deadly,
and perhaps most importantly, indepen-
dent, highly maneuverable strike force
capable of engaging targets hundreds of
miles out at sea or inland.
Aside from survivability, the mobil-
ity and operational flexibility of aircraft
carriers provide a unique level of access
that does not require host-nation support.
Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers can
rapidly respond to crises across the full
spectrum of operations—from humani-
tarian assistance and disaster relief to full
military conflict—and remain on station
for months at a time, replenishing ord-
nance, spare parts, food, consumables and
aircraft fuel at sea while simultaneously
conducting air strikes and other critical
missions. Through life-cycle planning and
inherent design margin, aircraft carriers
provide an upgradable combat capability
that can incorporate installed systems im-
provements and accommodate future air-
craft to remain highly viable and relevant
throughout their 50-year service life.
Pre-commissioning unit Gerald R.
Ford (CVN 78), the lead ship of the first
new class of aircraft carriers in more than
40 years, will deliver in 2016. CVN 78’s
design includes a redesigned flight deck
plan and numerous new technologies that
Photo courtesy of Huntington Ingalls Industries

significantly increase the ship’s mission

effectiveness, operational capacity and
maintainability. Improved nuclear reactors
support the ability to convert all auxiliary
systems outside the main propulsion plant
The lead ship in the first new U.S. carrier class in more than four decades, from steam to electric power. The new,
PCU Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), seen here from the bow in dry dock in more efficient reactors generate an electri-
Newport News, Va., is slated for delivery in 2016.
cal capacity nearly three times that of a

54 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

The island superstructure on
PCU Gerald R. Ford (CVN
78) is smaller and farther aft
than Nimitz-class carriers,
increasing space for flight
deck operations and
aircraft maintenance.
U.S. Navy photo by Jennifer Neal

Nimitz-class carrier, enabling a host of new technologies from the

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) to advanced
command-and-control systems, as well as electrical growth-mar-
gin to integrate and upgrade weapon systems of the future.
The second ship of the Ford-class, John F. Kennedy (CVN
79), began the advanced construction phase in December 2010
and is expected to enter the fleet as the numerical replacement

for USS Nimitz (CVN 68) in 2025. To meet the demands of
21st-century warfare, Nimitz- and Ford-class aircraft carriers will
deploy long-range manned and unmanned strike aircraft. Joint
concepts of operation, centered on the aircraft carrier, will lever-
age the strengths of all the services.
New class ship design and technology upgrades reduce
manpower requirements for Ford-class ships by 500 to 900
Sailors compared to Nimitz-class carriers. These reductions,
coupled with improved reliability and reduced maintenance
requirements, will save about $4 billion during the 50-year life
of each Ford-class ship. Additionally, through a combination of
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Ronald Gutridge

improved process flow, ship lay-out and systems innovations,

Ford-class aircraft carriers will support a 33 percent increase
in sortie generation rate—or the number of aircraft capable of
being launched and recovered in a given period of time. This
Ford-class capability is a direct increase to the lethality available
in the aircraft carrier’s operational capacity. The design approach
and spiral development of the Ford-class will help to reduce risk
Marines prepare to launch from the flight deck of amphibi-
by introducing new technologies and capabilities at an affordable
ous assault ship USS Makin Island (LHD 8) during an off-load of
pace. Armed with advanced aircraft such as the F/A-18E/F Super personnel and equipment.

Maintaining Capacity I 55
Hornet, EA-18G Growler, F-35C Lightning II, E-2D Advanced
Hawkeye and unmanned strike and reconnaissance aircraft, the
Navy’s aircraft carriers will continue to provide maritime combat
power well into the future.

Amphibious Assault Ships

The Marine Corps is our nation’s amphibious, expeditionary, air-
ground team with the flexibility to conduct military operations
from the air, land and sea. Amphibious forces provide versatile
options for joint force commanders tasked with conducting
conventional or irregular operations in the littoral regions, or
near-shore areas.
Resembling small aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships
are the largest amphibious warfare ships. In addition to launch-
ing aircraft, they deliver Marine expeditionary forces and their
equipment onto land by way of small watercraft. These ships
symbolize the warfighting relationship between the Navy and
the Marine Corps, taking the fight to the enemy in “every clime
and place.” Large-deck amphibious assault ships were designed
to embark, deploy and land Marine Corps and special opera-
tions forces by tilt-rotor and rotary-wing aircraft, landing craft
and amphibious vehicles while providing close air support with
rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft. These platforms are routinely
deployed as one of the centerpieces of forward-deployed forces,
which also include San Antonio-class, Whidbey Island-class and
Harpers Ferry-class vessels with embarked Marine Air Ground
Task Forces (MAGTFs). Together they provide a unique tool
supporting all military operations.

LHD: Amphibious Assault Ship-Multi Purpose

The Wasp-class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) has an im-
proved flight deck, elevator scheme and can accommodate a
mix of 31 rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft. LHDs were the first
amphibious vessels designed to carry the AV-8B Harrier and
multiple air-cushioned landing craft. Their enhanced well decks
are capable of carrying three air-cushion or three utility landing
craft, and they can embark more than 1,680 troops. These ships
can also support sea-based command and control of waterborne
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Michael McNabb

and aerial ship-to-shore movements. With a fleet surgical team

embarked, an LHD can function as a primary casualty receiving
and treatment ship with six operating rooms and 600 hospital
beds. All LHDs will be modified by fiscal year 2025 to operate
the F-35B Lightning II. USS Makin Island (LHD 8), the last of the
Wasp-class LHDs to be commissioned, has a gas-turbine propul-
sion system and an all-electric auxiliary system.

The amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) travels through LHA 6: America-Class
the U.S. Southern Command and U.S. 4th Fleet area of respon-
sibility on her maiden transit. America is the first ship of its class, The America-class general-purpose amphibious assault ships—
replacing the Tarawa-class of amphibious assault ships. formerly the LHA Replacement (LHA(R)) program—provide

56 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Liam Kennedy

An AH-1 Cobra helicopter from the "Greyhawks" of Marine Medium Tilitorotor Squadron (VMM) 161 (Reinforced) is given an opera-
tional test on the flight deck of the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Anchorage (LPD 23).

forward presence and power projection as elements of U.S. LHA 8: LHA(R) Flight 1
expeditionary strike groups. With elements of a Marine land- LHA 8 is a modified version of the LHA 6, which restores the
ing force, America-class ships can embark, deploy, control, well deck with capacity for two landing craft air cushions. The
support and operate helicopters for sustained periods. The reduced island increases the aircraft capacity of the flight deck
America-class vessels will also support contingency response, while retaining the enhanced aviation support capabilities of
forcible entry and power projection operations as an integral LHA 6. LHA 8 will provide a functional replacement for the
element of joint, interagency and multinational maritime aging LHD 1 Wasp-class ships, which will begin to retire in fiscal
expeditionary forces. LHA 6, the first of the America-class, year 2029. This technologically advanced amphibious ship will
includes LHD 8’s gas turbine propulsion plant and all-electric provide forward presence and power projection as an integral
auxiliaries enhancements designed to employ the F-35B and part of joint, interagency and multinational maritime expedi-
MV-22B. America represents a significant increase in avia- tionary forces while exploiting fifth-generation aviation assets
tion lift, sustainment and maintenance capabilities for the like the F-35 Lightning II.
future MAGTF aviation combat element and includes space
for a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), amphibious group, Lpd: San Antonio-Class
or small-scale joint task force staff; allows for new-generation The amphibious transport dock (LPD) 17 class’s mission is to
Marine Corps aviation systems; and features substantial surviv- operate offensively in a medium-density, multi-threat environ-
ability upgrades. ment, as an integral member of an Expeditionary Strike Force

Maintaining Capacity I 57
(ESF) or Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG). During amphibious troop and flight deck, fuel, medical and command-and-
assault operations, the LPD 17 class can almost simultaneously control capabilities than the smaller 16,000-ton LSD 41/49
conduct combined and coordinated air- and surface-launched class ships. The increased hull size will accommodate future
operations from over the horizon or close to the shoreline under changes to afloat MAGTF operational requirements. Bal-
restricted maneuvering conditions by coordinating landing and anced capabilities and capacities will enable LX(R) to operate
recovery of aircraft and landing craft. across a broader range of military operations, while sup-
porting operational objectives for independent Amphibious
LX(R) LSD Replacement Ready Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) and
The new LX(R) amphibious assault ship replaces landing ship Amphibious Task Force/Marine Expeditionary Brigade (ATF/
docks (LSD) 41/49 class ships for embarking, transporting, MEB) missions. Substantial increases in aviation capabilities
controlling, inserting, sustaining and extracting MAGTF ele- offset the reduction in landing craft capacity, resulting in an
ments and supporting forces by helicopters, landing craft and equitable balance between ship aviation and surface interface
amphibious vehicles. The inherent capabilities in the LPD capabilities. Eleven LX(R) amphibious warships with a 40-
17 derivative hull-form give LX(R) the necessary capabilities year service life will replace 12 LSD 41/49 class ships that will
to conduct operations in an increasingly complex environ- decommission between fiscal years 2027 and 2038, with the
ment. As a 25,000-ton hull form, LX(R) will possess greater 11th LX(R) scheduled for delivery in fiscal year 2035.

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Christopher B. Janik

The Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2), the San Antonio-class transport dock ship USS Anchorage (LPD 23), and
the Whidbey Island-class amphibious landing dock ship USS Rushmore (LSD 47) are underway while conducting an amphibious
squadron and Marine expeditionary unit integration training exercise.

58 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

An F-35 Lightning II from the
Pax River Integrated Test
Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

Force (ITF) assigned to the Air

Test and Evaluation Squadron
(VX) 23 launches from USS
Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN
69) while conducting the
second phase of F-35C carrier
suitability and integration
developmental testing (DT-II).

Aircraft Navy Tactical [+ unmanned]

n F-35C Lightning II
The F-35 program is building the fifth-generation strike complement the capabilities of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet,
fighter for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. With currently the Navy’s premier strike fighter, and enhance the
its all-aspect stealth design, internal weapons carriage, fully flexibility, power projection and strike capabilities of CVWs
fused mission systems, and unrefueled combat radius of more and joint task forces. The last F/A-18A/B/C/D aircraft used
than 600 nautical miles, the Navy’s F-35C Lightning II will by operational Navy squadrons will retire in 2026.

2016 2025

F/A-18A/B/C/D F-35C

n F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
A number of enhancements to the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet will the nation’s sea power. Naval Aviation continues to study the
sustain its lethality well into the future. Upgrades include critical capabilities required when the F/A-18E/F reaches the limits of its
growth capability, enhanced survivability and the ability to land service life.
on carriers while carrying more unexpended ordnance without The aircraft designation F/A-XX is in the concept
exceeding maximum landing weight. Avionics upgrades for the development phase with the goal to replace the F/A-
F/A-18E/F Block II include the APG-79 Active Electronically 18E/F and EA-18G when they retire. The future air wing
Scanned Array Radar System, the Infrared Search and Track Sys- will be an integrated family of systems that combine for
tem and advanced sensor integration. Future avionics upgrades greater effectiveness than the sum of its parts. F/A-XX will
will enable network-centric operations, which will enhance complement the air wing’s Lightning II, Advanced Hawkeye
situational awareness and the transfer of data to command- and rotary-wing aircraft. The ultimate concept must
and-control nodes. The Super Hornet also serves as an aircraft reliably and affordably incorporate future key technologies,
refueling tanker for CVWs, extending the operational reach of including propulsion, sensors, networks and automation.

2016 2025

Sustaining into the future


Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 59

n EA-18G Growler
The EA-18G Growler is the nation’s foremost tactical airborne of DoD’s plan to build a joint system-of-systems electronic at-
electronic attack platform. The Growler leverages the invest- tack capability. Future upgrades to the EA-18G include critical
ments made in the F/A-18 Super Hornet and ALQ-218 receiver growth capability, enhanced survivability, avionics upgrades
system, which was the heart of the EA-6B Improved Capabil- consistent with the F/A-18E/F Block II and advanced sensor
ity III program. The next evolution in electronic attack is the integration, all of which will keep the Growler at the forefront
Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) initial operational capability of electromagnetic maneuver warfare. Like the Super Hornet,
(IOC) 2021, which replaces the ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming future avionics upgrades will enable network-centric opera-
System. NGJ development is critical to the Navy’s vision for the tions, enhancing situational awareness and the transfer of data
future of airborne electronic attack and is a vital component to command-and-control nodes.

2016 2025

EA-18G EA-18G w/ NGJ

n E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

The E-2C Hawkeye provides all-weather, airborne early warning, recapitalizing its E-2C airborne early warning aircraft with the
airborne battle management, and command-and-control func- E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, with an electronically scanned array
tions for strike group and joint force commanders. An integral radar providing a two-generation leap in technology. The E-2D’s
component of CVWs, the E-2C uses its radar, identification Space Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) radar detects and tracks
friend or foe, electronic surveillance sensors, as well as off-board emerging air/cruise missile threats in high-clutter environments,
data sources to provide early warning threat analysis against making it the central pillar of CSG’s integrated air and missile
potentially hostile air, surface and ground targets. E-2C/D usage defense. The E-2D completed flight testing and is in full rate
of Link-11, Link-16, cooperative engagement capability (CEC), production. The E-2D achieved IOC in October 2014 and the
and a communication suite connects CVWs and CSGs at the first E-2D squadron deployed in 2015. The last E-2C is expected
tactical level to the operational level of warfare. The Navy is to be out of the fleet by 2025.
2016 2025

E-2C E-2D

n Multi-Mission Unmanned-XX
The Navy plans to field an unmanned carrier-based capabil- air wing mission effectiveness range, mitigate the current
ity in the mid-2020s that will deliver an organic refueling carrier strike group organic ISR shortfall and future CVW-
and high-endurance intelligence, surveillance and reconnais- tanker gap, and preserve F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fatigue life
sance (ISR) capability. It will significantly extend the carrier expectancy.

2016 2025


60 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Marine Corps Tactical

U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Rob Tabor

[+ unmanned]
n F-35B/C Lightning II
The F-35B Short Take Off/
Vertical Landing (STOVL)
and F-35C Carrier Variant
(CV) support Marine Corps
expeditionary operations
by providing flexible basing An EA-6B Prowler, assigned to “Banshees” of Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron One
options that allow tactical (VMAQ-1), conducts a mission over the Persian Gulf.
aircraft to be more responsive
and freely maneuver across 2016 2025
military operations. The
F-35B provides a unique joint Sustaining until phased-out
warfighting capability that
allows us to work from L-class AV-8B
ships concurrently with
operations at main bases,
austere forward-deployed
Sustaining into the future
sites and aircraft carriers. This
distribution of forces lets us F-35B
conduct sea- and land-based
operations. Both the B and C
variants are network-enabled
and digitally interoperable Sustaining until phased-out
aircraft ready for full-spectrum
operations. The first operational F/A-18A/C/D
F-35B squadron, Marine Fighter

Attack Squadron (VMFA)
121 “Green Knights,” started
flight operations in early 2013,
declared IOC in summer
2015, and is preparing for the
first deployment in fall 2017. MAGTF EW
The F-35B training squadron, System-
Marine Fighter Attack of-Systems
Training Squadron (VMFAT)
501 “Warlords,” continues to
train instructors and pilots.
In summer 2016, VMFA-211 “The Wake Island Avengers” EW, which uses modern technologies and integrates multiple
will standup as the second F-35B squadron in Yuma, aviation platforms (unmanned, fixed-wing and rotary-wing
Arizona, increasing the F-35B’s ability to support operational assets), payloads, ground-based EW nodes, and cyber effects
requirements. The Marine Corps also has five F-35C aircraft to provide commanders with an organic and persistent EW
with the Navy Fighter Attack Training Squadron (VFA) 101. capability. The MAGTF EW concept transitions the Marine
Corps from focusing on low-density/high-demand EW to a
n MAGTF Electronic Warfare System-of-Systems distributed, networked, platform-agnostic approach. MAGTF
The Marine Corps’ comprehensive plan to address electronic EW will complement joint EW assets in support of ground
warfare (EW) requirements after the EA-6B Prowler sundown forces and fifth-generation aircraft flying against sophisticated
in fiscal year 2019 is Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) integrated air defense systems.

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 61

Navy Helicopters [+ unmanned]
n MH-60R/S Seahawk
The MH-60R and MH-60S Seahawk multi-mission combat system, precision air-to-ground missiles, machine guns and
helicopters are the pillars of the Navy’s 21st-century rotary air lightweight torpedoes. Critical to ensuring maritime dominance,
wing. These two variants share 85 percent common compo- the MH-60R is the only airborne anti-submarine warfare asset
nents to facilitate maintenance and logistics support. CVW within strike groups and on independently deploying warships.
squadrons deploy on aircraft carriers and strike group escort The MH-60S conducts surface and mine countermeasures
ships under the leadership of CVW commanders. Expe- warfare, as well as combat search and rescue, logistics and
ditionary squadrons deploy as detachments embarked on Special Operations Forces support with the Link-16 datalink,
amphibious assault ships (LHAs/LHDs), surface combatants advanced forward-looking infrared system, airborne laser mine
and logistics vessels. detecting and mine neutralization systems, precision air-to-
The MH-60R conducts surface and subsurface warfare with ground missiles, 20-mm fixed forward firing gun, and crew-
datalinks Hawk Link and Link-16, airborne low-frequency served machine guns. The MH-60S deploys with CSGs, ARGs
dipping sonar, sonobuoys, inverse synthetic aperture radar and littoral combat ships.
with automatic periscope detection and discrimination modes, MH-XX is the recapitalization effort of the maritime capabili-
electronic support measures, advanced forward-looking infrared ties currently provided by the MH-60S and MH-60R.

2016 2025

Sustaining into the future



Sustaining into the future


MH-53E CMV-22B

n Future Vertical Onboard Delivery Aircraft

The MH-53E Sea Dragon continues to conduct airborne mine countermeasures, vertical on-board delivery and heavy-lift missions
in the fleet. Current plans include transitioning the MH-53E airborne mine countermeasures capability to the Littoral Combat Ship
Mine Countermeasures Mission Package, which includes the MH-60S and various unmanned airborne, surface and subsurface
vehicles. Although the Navy has not yet identified a replacement for the MH-53E's heavy lift capability, the CMV-22B will provide
interim vertical onboard delivery mission support beginning in 2021 as an adjunct capability.

62 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

n MQ-8 Fire Scout
The MQ-8 Fire Scout System was designed to operate 2016 2025
from suitably equipped air-capable ships. Currently
employed as an organic intelligence, surveillance and
Sustaining until phased out
reconnaissance (ISR) asset, it employs an electro-
optical/infrared system, automatic identification system MQ-8B
and other modular mission payloads. Two air vehicles,
MQ-8B or MQ-8C, fill gaps in surface and mine
countermeasures mission sets with a range of up to 115
nautical miles, an endurance of five to eight hours and
the synergistic capability of simultaneously operating MQ-8C
two airframes (MH-60 and MQ-8) from a single spot ship. operationally deployed from a littoral combat ship (LCS).
The MQ-8 Fire Scout System is maintained by members of a The MQ-8B will continue to support LCS until the MQ-8C
composite MQ-8/MH-60 aviation detachment and fielded from completes its test and evaluation and then joins the MQ-8B in
expeditionary helicopter squadrons Helicopter Maritime Strike support of the LCS Program of Record. The MQ-8C will provide
(HSM) and Helicopter Sea Combat (HSC). In November 2014, increased airborne endurance and payload carrying capacity over
USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) deployed with a single MQ-8B and a the MQ-8B while providing the same ISR capabilities. The MQ-
single MH-60R to provide airborne support for surface warfare 8C completed its first flight in October 2013 and is forecasted to
missions. This marked the first time a composite detachment achieve initial operational capability in late fiscal year 2018.

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman

An MQ-8C Fire Scout conducts a developmental test flight from Naval Base Ventura County at Point Mugu, Calif. Since its first flight
in October 2013, the Navy’s new, larger unmanned helicopter has completed 327 flights and logged over 450 hours. The system
has met all of its performance objectives that allow it to begin operational test later this year.

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 63

Marine Corps Assault Support Aircraft [+ unmanned]
n AH-1Z Viper and 2016 2025
UH-1Y Venom
The AH-1Z and UH-1Y, which are in
full rate production, are equipped with
a four-bladed rotor system and vastly
increased payload (25 percent and
76 percent, respectively), range (125 AH-1W
percent and more than 200 percent,
respectively), and time-on-station from
an increased internal fuel capacity of
32 percent and 90 percent, respectively.
Additionally, they are 10,000-hour
airframes with integrated avionics, glass
cockpits and significantly improved Sustaining into the future
sensors and helmet-mounted displays.
The Viper and Venom share 85 percent AH-1Z
of their significant components
(a common tail boom, engines,
rotor system, drive train, avionics
architecture, software, controls and
Sustaining into the future
displays), resulting in reduced support
requirements, training, logistical UH-1Y
footprint and total ownership costs. The
UH-1Y supported combat operations in Operation Enduring Freedom from October 2009 to May 2014. The West Coast MEUs now
deploy with Viper and Venom. The East Coast and 31st MEUs are sourced with the UH-1Y. In the third quarter fiscal year 2016, the
31st MEU and unit deployment program squadron will operate the UH-1Y and the AH-1Z. Individually, the Viper and Venom are
already arguably the best attack and utility helicopters in the world, but their benefits increase even further when operated together.
Recent deployments proved that the increased speed, range and payloads of both aircraft significantly extended the reach and
influence of expeditionary units.

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Liam Kennedy

An AH-1Z Viper helicopter from the “Greyhawks” of Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM)161 (Reinforced) sits on the flight
deck of San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Anchorage (LPD 23).

64 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Christopher Lindahl
A CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH) 463 launches from the flight deck of amphibious
transport dock ship USS Anchorage (LPD 23) during deck landing qualifications.

n MV-22B Osprey
The MV-22B Osprey tilt rotor, vertical/short takeoff and landing ously deployed since 2007, the MV-22B has twice the speed, six
aircraft provides the U.S. Marine Corps with medium-lift assault times the range, and three times the payload compared to the
support capability. It is used to transport troops, equipment and CH-46E and some CH-53D assault support helicopters that it
supplies from ships and land bases for combat assault. Continu- replaces. The MV-22 has the lowest Class A Flight Mishap rate of
all Marine Corps rotorcraft through
2016 2025 the first 200,000 flight hours. Cur-
rently, the MV-22B supports combat
operations in the Central Command
area of responsibility and is deployed
with two Special Purpose MAGTFs
Sustaining into the future and all three MEUs. The transition to
the MV-22B Osprey is on track to be
MV-22B completed by end of fiscal year 2019.

n CH-53K King Stallion

Approaching 32 years of service, the CH-53E is undergo- The CH-53K was designed with the maintainer in mind, and
ing safety, survivability and sustainment efforts required to improved technology and upgrades will be more reliable,

maintain its heavy-lift capability until delivery of the CH- decrease recurring operating costs, and improve aircraft ef-
53K. Expeditionary heavy-lift requirements are growing and ficiency and operational effectiveness. In addition, the aircraft
will be critical to successful land- and sea-based operations. will better endure enemy threats while enhancing force pro-
Able to transport 27,000 pounds of external cargo to a range tection for both air crew members and passengers, broaden-
of 110 nautical miles under high-altitude and hot weather ing what heavy-lift operational support means to Marine and
conditions, the CH-53K can carry nearly triple that of the joint commanders. The CH-53E is expected to remain part of
CH-53E while fitting within the same shipboard footprint. the fleet until 2030.

2016 2025


Sustaining until phased-out


Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 65

2016 2025

Sustaining until phased-out


Sustaining into the future

n KC-130J Hercules
The KC-130J Hercules is a multi-mission tactical tanker and as- components. This Reserve transition began in 2014 and reserve
sault support aircraft well suited to the needs of forward-deployed component IOC was declared in August 2015. The full operational
MAGTF. As the replacement for active-component KC-130F/R capability date for the two Reserve KC-130 squadrons is planned
aircraft, the KC-130J provides increased speed by 10 percent, for fiscal year 2025. With the addition of Harvest HAWK (Hercu-
range by 10 percent and survivability, and an improved refueling les Airborne Weapons Kit), the KC-130J can be quickly reconfig-
system and a digital cockpit with heads-up display. The KC-130J ured to provide precise targeting and launch onboard weapons
is also replacing reserve squadron KC-130Ts, bringing common- with precision accuracy. The KC-130T is expected to be out of the
ality and interoperability to active and Reserve Marine Corps fleet by 2025.

n CQ-24A K-MAX, Utility UAS

K-MAX provides a low-risk, persistent capability for dispersed deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, K-MAX
forces that will mitigate the requirement for manned ground flew more than 2,100 hours and carried 4.5 million pounds
vehicles to resupply in remote locations. K-MAX will also of cargo. The Marines plan to move the system out to Marine
augment manned aviation assault support assets and airdrop Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona, and operate it under Marine
methods when weather, terrain and enemy threats increase the Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron (VMX) 22 in fiscal
risk involved. A ground control station at a main operating base year 2016 to continue to refine and develop the capability in
and a remote terminal at the drop-off zone will deliver cargo by close coordination with MAWTS-1. The potential exists for
air between main logistical hubs and remote “spokes.” Marines leveraging K-MAX’s 4,500-pound payload capacity by increas-
deployed with the K-MAX helicopter from 2012-2014. While ing capabilities through a spiral upgrade approach. This includes
a high definition electro-optical/infra-
2016 2025 red/IR laser designator sensor ball and
high bandwidth satellite communica-
tion datalink to a shipboard weapons
capability. The Marine Corps envi-
sions the highly reliable, cost effective
K-MAX evolving to a multi-mission
CQ-24A K-MAX utility UAS.

66 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Marine Corps Unmanned Systems
n Marine Corps Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2016 2025
The RQ-7B Shadow is an expeditionary, multi-mission tacti-
cal unmanned system that provides reconnaissance, surveil-
lance and target acquisition and designation to regimental- RQ-7B
sized and larger Marine Corps units. Since 2007, Shadow
systems have deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere,
flying more than 36,000 combat hours in support of Marine Sustaining into the future
Corps, joint and allied operations. Four Marine UAS squad- RQ-21A
rons now operate 12 Shadow systems, which are currently up-
grading to the Tactical Common Data Link v2 configuration, payload, wide-area motion imagery, laser designator, and weap-
a transition from analog to digital technology that provides a ons can also be added to the payload bay. Blackjack is a good
fully encrypted datalink. Shadow will be replaced in the next complement to MEUs because it is a multi-mission platform
decade by Tern. The future Marine Corps UAS will provide a that is also shipboard capable. Blackjack will also operate from
highly capable expeditionary system with strike, ISR and EW land-based forward operating bases. The system is characterized
capabilities. by its runway independence and multi-sensor and EW capabili-
ties. With its multiple payloads, Blackjack will be able to meet the
n RQ-21A Blackjack MAGTF commander’s shifting priorities. Compatibility aboard
The RQ-21A Blackjack will provide a tactical ISR capability for L-class amphibious carriers is key to realizing the full capabil-
amphibious assault ships, Marine Corps units ranging from ity of RQ-21A. Currently, ship installs are ongoing for LPD-17
expeditionary units to regiments and Navy special warfare class. Marine Aviation is pursuing Blackjack compatibility for
operators. When fully loaded, the RQ-21A is a 135-pound all ARG ships to support the MAGTF commander both afloat
unmanned aerial vehicle with a 35-pound payload consisting of and ashore. The RQ-21A completed initial operations test and
an electro-optical/infrared sensor ball, infrared pointer, auto- evaluation in December 2014. IOC is scheduled for first quarter
matic identification system receiver and communications relay. fiscal year 2016 with the first operational deployment on a MEU
A synthetic aperture radar/ground moving target indicator, EW in summer 2016.

n Family of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems–Battalion/Company Level of Support

The family of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) provides packable, with an endurance of up to two hours and a range of 10
a capable, responsive and cost-effective organic airborne intel- kilometers, providing maneuver units with a unique ISR capabil-
ligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, (AISR)/kinetic capability ity. Equipped with color electro-optical, black-and-white low
to the operating force maneuver units at the team/company/bat- light, and infrared payloads, the Raven provides small units with
talion level. day/night full-motion video capability via a laptop-based ground
RQ-11B Raven: The Raven is hand-launched and rucksack- control station.
RQ-12A Wasp: The Wasp SUAS is organic to the infantry battal-
ion, but employed by the company’s platoons and squads. The Wasp
2016 2025
is a small, portable, lightweight, rugged SUAS designed to be used by
small tactical units for frontline day and night reconnaissance and
surveillance. The system provides day and night full-motion video
RQ-11 capability via a laptop-based ground control station. The system is
SUAS waterproof and can be recovered on land or water.
RQ-12A Family of RQ-20A Puma: The Puma is a hand-launched reconnaissance
and surveillance SUAS that transmits live video images and loca-
tion information to the ground control station and remote video
terminals. The Puma uses a digital datalink and a gimbaled electro-
RQ-20A optical/infrared/laser illumination payload. Its capabilities include
laser marking, signals intelligence and communications relay. The
system is waterproof and can be recovered on land or water.

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 67

Pilots climb into
a new T-6B Texan
II for its first flight
from Naval Air
Station Corpus
Christi, Texas.
U.S. Navy photo by Richard Stewart

Navy and Marine Corps

2016 2025 Training Aircraft
n T-6A/B Texan II
Navy and Marine Corps will complete the transition to
T-34C the T-6B as the primary pilot training aircraft with final
delivery in 2016. The T-6A will continue to be used for
Sustaining into the future
naval flight officer training. The T-34C is no longer used
for pilot training, but some aircraft will remain for range
clearance and spotters through 2026.

n T-45C Goshawk
The T-45 Goshawk is the single advanced strike trainer
for tail hook pilots and naval flight officers. The T-45A
aircraft is being retrofitted to the T-45C configuration.
All T-45A cockpits will be digitized through the required
2016 2025 avionics modernization program, which consists of a
glass cockpit upgrade with two multi-function displays,
mission display processor, recorder and cockpit controls.
In addition, the virtual mission training program is em-
ployed for strike NFO training, integrating a virtual multi-
T-45C mode radar into the T-45C to enable basic tactical skills
training, preparing students for the advanced tactical jet
aircraft of the future. Work to identify a replacement for
the T-45C will begin by 2020 as this aircraft reaches the
end of its service life, which will depend on future service
life extension plan.

68 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

A T-45C Goshawk
training aircraft at-
tached to Training
Air Wing (CTW) 1
lands on the flight
deck of aircraft
carrier USS Dwight
D. Eisenhower
(CVN 69).

U.S. Navy photo by MCS Anderson W. Branch

n T-44 Replacement
The T-44A Pegasus and TC-12B Huron are
pressurized, twin-engine, fixed-wing aircraft used 2016 2025
to conduct multi-engine aircraft training for Navy,
Marine Corps and Coast Guard pilots. The T-44C,
which upgrades the T-44A with a digital cockpit, will

become the single multi-engine training platform
for Naval Aviation. The TC-12B will be discontinued
in 2016, and the T-44 replacement will be in place Replacement
by 2025. NOTE: T-44C is slated to be replaced by T-44A/C
2025, but efforts will likely be undertaken to extend
airframe life.

n TH-57B/C Sea Ranger

The TH-57B/C Sea Ranger will continue as Naval Avia-
tion’s single rotary-wing and tilt-rotor aircraft training
platform for the near future. Future upgrades may include
a digital cockpit and passenger protection to enhance 2016 2025
training and safety and to match more closely the capabili- TH-57B/C
ties of Navy and Marine Corps fleet rotary-wing plat- Upgrade/
forms. Options are being explored for a follow on aircraft Replacement

to close the gaps identified in a capabilities-based assess- TH-57B/C

ment done by Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Air
Warfare Division (OPNAV N98). NOTE: Like the T-44C,
the TH-57 is slated to be gone by 2025. Efforts are under-
way for future Advance Helicopter Training.

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 69

Navy Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft [+ unmanned]
n P-8A Poseidon
The P-8A Poseidon continues to gradually replace the P-3C aircraft have created significant multi-intelligence, data-fusion,
Orion. At the end of 2015, five fleet squadrons transitioned to and cue-to-kill targeting capabilities essential to support cur-
P-8A, with transition of all 12 active component squadrons rent overseas contingency operations. Though optimized for
scheduled for completion in 2019. Beginning with the first the anti-surface warfare targeting mission in the maritime and
P-8A deployment in December 2013, the fleet has maintained littoral environments, recent capability upgrades have improved
a continuous P-8A presence in the Western Pacific. The the EP-3E’s mission effectiveness in supporting warfighters in all
Poseidon delivers robust anti-submarine and anti-surface environments around the globe. Multi-intelligence sensors, data
warfare capabilities in the littorals and maritime domain while links, and a flexible and dependable airframe ensure effective
also providing armed ISR capabilities to joint warfighters. To support to conventional and nonconventional warfare opera-
keep pace with emerging threats, the P-8A features a sensor tions. Naval Aviation is developing a family of systems to be in
and communications suite built within an open architecture to place by the end of the decade to recapitalize the airborne capa-
facilitate rapid insertion of state-of-the-art sensors, net-ready bilities currently provided by the Aries. Those systems include
technologies, and the latest joint weapons throughout its service MQ-4C Triton, MQ-8 Fire Scout, MQ-XX and P-8A Poseidon.
life. The procurement plan for the Poseidon generates a force Until then, investment in the EP-3E joint common configura-
with the lethality and capacity needed to support strike groups tion program will ensure the aircraft’s mission systems keep pace
and the joint battle force in any maritime environment. with current and emerging threats. The EP-3E is expected to
reach the end of its service life by the end of the decade.
n EP-3E Capabilities Recapitalization
The EP-3E Aries is the Navy’s premier manned airborne ISR, n MQ-4C Triton
targeting and information operations platform. Upgrades to the The MQ-4C Triton will conduct maritime ISR missions and
complement the P-8A Poseidon
2016 2025 on maritime patrol. Land-based
and forward deployed, the Triton’s
long range and networked sensors
provide persistent maritime ISR
and basic communications relay
capabilities from five operational
orbits worldwide in support of fleet
Sustaining into the future commanders and coalition and joint
forces. The MQ-4C is undergoing
developmental flight testing with
IOC planned for 2018, and full
operational capability early next
Recapitalization decade. Triton Multi-Intelligence
will enter the fleet in 2020, adding
signals intelligence capabilities to
fleet and joint commanders. Since
2009, a Broad Area Maritime Sur-
BAMS-D MQ-4C veillance (BAMS) Demonstrator has
served operationally in the 5th Fleet,
providing near-real-time, high-
resolution tactical imagery in sup-
port of combat operations. Lessons
learned from the demonstrator are
MQ-XX being used to develop the Triton’s
maritime patrol and reconnaissance

70 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Navy-Unique Fleet-
Essential Aircraft
Navy-unique fleet-essential airlift assets
are operational aircraft that provide
combatant commanders and Navy
component commanders with short-
notice, fast-response and intra-theater

U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Wesley Holzapfel

logistics support. These aircraft deliver
medium- and heavy-lift capabilities in
support of the fleet and provide reliable
and flexible airborne transportation for
the wartime movement of personnel
and heavy cargo. They can move
essential fleet personnel and cargo to
A naval air crewman assigned to the “Globemasters” of Fleet Logistics Support
mobile sea-based forces worldwide Squadron (VR) 56, signals to a C-40A Clipper during a run-up onboard Naval Air
quickly and on demand. Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Va.

n C-40A Clipper
The C-40A Clipper is a Boeing 737-700 next-
generation aircraft equipped with an oversized
cargo door that offers multiple passenger 2016 2025
and cargo configurations. The Clipper is now
serving in the capacity of the Navy’s retired
C-9B Skytrain and will assume the role of the
C-20G Gulfstream fleet. The venerable C-9B
has served the fleet well for years, but with an
average age of more than 35 years, its mainte-
Sustaining into the future
nance costs are escalating. Communications

Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Manage- C-40A
ment System upgrades (a future Federal Avia-
tion Administration mandate) have extended
the service life of the C-20G until its departure
from the fleet, which will begin transition to C-20G
the C-40A in 2021. The Marine Corps will
replace the C-9B with the C-40A.

n KC -130J Hercules
The KC-130J Hercules will replace the
C-130T. With increased performance, fuel
2016 2025
efficiency and maintenance reliability, the
KC-130J is fully compliant with the Commu-
nications Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic
Management System and comes equipped
with an electronic flight deck. This aircraft
can transport up to 35,000 pounds of cargo Sustaining into the future
(or 75 passengers) over 1,800 nautical miles
at 350 knots. The KC-130J is projected for
delivery to the Navy between 2020 and 2030.

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 71

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 John Philip Wagner Jr.
A C-2A Greyhound from the Providers of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30 taxis to a catapult on the flight deck of Nimitz-
class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).

Future Carrier Onboard Delivery Aircraft

n C-2A Greyhound operate independently from remote locations. The versatile
The C-2A Greyhound is the Navy’s medium-lift/long-range Greyhound can also provide casualty evacuation, special
logistics support aircraft. Capable of operational ranges up operations and distinguished visitor transport support. The
to 1,000 nautical miles, C-2As can transport payloads up to aircraft has undergone several modifications and a service
10,000 pounds between CSGs and forward logistics sites. life extension program that extended the Greyhound’s service
The Greyhound’s cargo bay can be rapidly reconfigured to life through 2028.
accommodate passengers, litter patients or time-critical
cargo. The large rear cargo ramp allows direct loading and n Navy V-22 Osprey
unloading for fast turnaround and can be operated in flight The Navy V-22 Osprey will replace the C-2A as the Navy’s
to air drop supplies and personnel. Equipped with an aux- medium-lift/long-range sea-based logistics support aircraft. The
iliary power unit for unassisted engine starts, the C-2A can C-2A has served in the carrier onboard delivery role for more
than 50 years, but with an average aircraft age of more
2016 2025 than 27 years, its maintenance costs continue to rise. The
Navy’s variant of the Osprey, designated CMV-22B, will
Sustaining until phased-out have an increased unrefueled operational range of 1,150
C-2A nautical miles, enhancing the flexibility and span of car-
rier strike groups. The cargo bay can be reconfigurable to
accommodate passengers, litter patients or time-critical
cargo, and with its roll-on/roll-off capabilities, the Osprey
will expedite the transport of palletized payloads between
CMV-22B forward logistics sites and the sea base. The Navy will
begin to transition to the CMV-22B in 2020.

72 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Operational Support Airlift
Operational Support Airlift aircraft are used to transport high-priority passengers and cargo when requirements are time-, place- or
mission-sensitive. They are stationed worldwide and perform airlift missions for combatant commanders to and from remote loca-
tions where commercial sources are not available or viable.

n UC-35ER Extended-Range Replacement

The UC-35C/D provides high-speed transport for 2016 2025
forward-deployed Marine forces that have time-sensitive
passengers and cargo requirements. Operating forces
require a jet transport with increased range and improved
passenger and cargo capabilities. The UC-35 Extended- UC-35C/D UC-35ER
Range Replacement aircraft will meet these needs.

n U-12W Huron
The Marine Corps is replacing the UC-12F/M with the
UC-12W Huron, which will provide light-lift capability
through 2034. With a crew of three and a maximum
2016 2025
range of 2,100 nautical miles, the Huron can transport
up to eight passengers while flying at a speed of 300
Sustaining into the future
knots and an altitude of 35,000 feet. The UC-12W is a
deployable, light-lift aircraft equipped with survivability UC-12W
equipment and has the secure communications equip-
ment necessary to operate in the Marine Corps Aviation
command-and-control system.
UC-12 F/M UC-12/C-26D
n C-12/C-26D Replacement replacement
A C-12 replacement aircraft will be identified to replace

the Navy’s current fleet of UC-12F/M Huron and C-26D
C-26D Metroliner aircraft to provide continued light-
lift capability. Transition of Marine Corps UC-12F/M
aircraft out of the fleet is currently underway.

n C-37A/B 2016 2025

The C-37A/B executive transport aircraft
provide senior Navy leaders with high-
speed, long-range transportation with a
secure communications capability. Flying C-20D
at speeds up to 585 knots, the C-37A/B can
Sustaining into the future
travel 6,750 nautical miles at 45,000 feet
and transport 12 or 14 passengers depend- C-37A/B
ing on configuration.

n C-20G Replacement
2016 2025
The Marine Corps has identified a need to replace the
C-20G. Range, payload and performance characteristics C-20
similar to those of the C-20G will be required. C-20G replacement

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 73

U.S. Air Force photo by Josh Plueger
A U.S. Navy E-6B Mercury strategic airborne command post aircraft takes flight from Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. The E-6B aircraft
communicates with ballistic missile submarines while also expanding the mission to include ground missiles and nuclear-armed
strategic bombers.

Specialized Naval Aircraft

n E-6B Mercury 2016 2025
The Navy’s E-6B Mercury aircraft, derived from the
Boeing 707, provides U.S. Strategic Command with
the command, control and communications capa-
bility needed to manage strategic forces. Designed
to support a strong and flexible nuclear deterrent E-6B Sustaining into the future
posture well into the 21st century, the E-6B is capable
of performing low-frequency emergency communications, the U.S. Strategic Command airborne command post mission,
and the airborne launch control of ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. Through Block I program and Internet
protocol bandwidth expansion improvements, the E-6B’s mission communications systems are being upgraded to provide the
on-board battle staff with faster, more reliable access to classified and unclassified information. Future upgrades will increase
line-of-sight and satellite-based data links and enable greater data throughput for high-capacity communications. The service
life extension program will ensure continued airframe viability beyond 2025.

n Adversary Aircraft and Capability Recapitalization

Navy and Marine Corps adversary squadrons provide 2016 2025
advanced training support to active-duty squadrons. The
Navy and Marine Corps Reserve squadrons dedicated to
this mission operate the F-5N and F-5F Tiger II, in addition F-5N/F Adversary
to F/A-18A+ Hornets. The Naval Strike Air Warfare Center Aircraft
in Fallon, Nevada, maintains a fleet of F-16A/B Fighting and Capability
Falcons that provide dissimilar, fourth-generation threat
simulation. Adversary squadrons provide air-to-air training F-16A/B
for strike fighter and electronic warfare advanced readiness
programs, large force exercises, unit-level training and fleet
replacement squadron training. Recapitalization of the F-5 Sustaining into the future
and F-16 advanced training capabilities are envisioned for F/A-18A+
the 2025 timeframe.

74 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

An F/A-18A Hornet
attached to the
“Fighting Omars” of
Fighter Squadron
Composite (VFC)
12 taxis at Naval Air
Station Fallon, Nev.
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Joseph R. Vincent

An artist’s
rendering of
the future VH-
92A presidential
which is under
and will replace
the existing VH-
3D and VH-60N

Artist’s rendering courtesy of Sikorsky

n Presidential Helicopter Replacement

A replacement is under development for the VH-
2016 2025
3D and VH-60N helicopters, currently providing
transportation for the president of the United States,
foreign heads of state and other dignitaries as directed
by the White House Military Office. The Presiden- VH-3D
tial Helicopter Replacement program (VH-92) will
provide mobile, command-and-control-hardened VIP
transportation and a host of integrated systems neces-
sary to meet current and future presidential transport VH-60N
mission requirements.

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 75

n AIM-9X Block II/II+ Sidewinder
The AIM-9X Sidewinder is the latest of the Sidewinder family of
short range air-to-air missiles. The AIM-9X system features a
high off-boresight, focal-plane-array seeker mounted on a highly
maneuverable airframe with greatly improved infrared counter-
countermeasure capabilities. The AIM-9X incorporates many
AIM-9M legacy components (rocket motor, warhead and active
optical target detector), but its performance exceeds the legacy
Sidewinder. Unlike previous AIM-9 models, the AIM-9X can
even be used against targets on the ground.
The AIM-9X Block II is the most advanced short range air-
to-air missile in the U.S. inventory, capable of using its data-
link, thrust vectoring maneuverability, and advanced imaging
infrared seeker to hit targets behind the launching fighter. The
AIM-9X Block II achieved IOC in March 2015 and the full rate
U.S. Navy photo

production milestone in August 2015. AIM-9X Block II+ will be

fielded in 2019 to support the F-35B/C.
Sidewinder is managed as a joint program between the Air
Force and Navy, with the Navy taking the lead. An AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder, a within and beyond visual
range air-intercept missile, is loaded on an Air Force F-15 Eagle
shortly before take-off from Eglin Air Force Base, Valparaiso, Fla.
n AIM-120D Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
The AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile It will also be employed on Air Force F-35A and Navy F-35C
(AMRAAM) is the beyond-visual-range follow-on to the when they become operational.
AIM-7 Sparrow missile. The AIM-120 can be launched day The latest variant, AIM-120D, incorporates a confor-
or night in any weather. It is faster, smaller and lighter than mant antenna with an enhanced two-way data link, GPS for
AIM-7 and has improved capabilities against low-altitude improved navigation, better high off-boresight capability,
targets. It incorporates active radar with an inertial reference enhanced kinematics and increased weapons effectiveness.
unit and micro-computer system, which makes the missile less AMRAAM is managed as a joint program between the Air
dependent upon the aircraft’s fire-control system. AMRAAM’s Force and Navy. The Air Force is the lead service headed by
software can be updated as threats evolve. The AMRAAM is the Senior Materiel Leader, Air Dominance Division, Air Force
employed on Air Force F-15, F-16 and F-22 aircraft and Navy Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Materiel Command,
and Marine Corps F/A-18, EA-18G, AV-8B and F-35B aircraft. Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.

AIR-TO-AIR n AIM-7 Sparrow

The AIM-7 Sparrow is an all-aspect, highly maneuverable, all-
weather, medium-range, semi-active air-to-air missile. AIM-7
2016 2025 has a high-explosive warhead and demonstrated capability
against a variety of threats including low radar-cross-section
AIM-9M air vehicles, low-to-high altitude, in electronic counter-
AIM-9X BLOCK II/III measure, multi-target and high-clutter environments. The
AIM-9X launching aircraft illuminates the target with radio frequency
energy. The seeker acquires the reflected energy and guides
the missile using proportional navigation.
AIM-7 AIM-7 is currently planned to remain in service in the U.S.
AIM-120D Navy through 2018 and is being replaced by the AIM-120D
AIM-120A/B/C Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM).

76 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

of moving targets such as surface ships at sea. Several miles from
the target, during the terminal phase of the flight, the SLAM-ER
activates its imaging infrared sensor. Images are processed by the
Automatic Target Acquisition (ATA) processor, which enables
the weapon system operator or pilot to designate a specific aim-
point to be attacked or verify the decision taken by the missile. To
provide faster, clear image transfer over narrow-band datalink,
the system uses a special stop motion aim-point update, which
can be viewed on the F/A-18 multifunction display console in the
launch aircraft or any other aircraft equipped with compatible
datalink, to provide near-real time battle damage assessment.

n Harpoon
The A/U/RGM-84 Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon,

U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Jason Kofonow

anti-ship missile system that provides the Navy with a common
missile for air and ship launches. The weapon system uses
midcourse guidance with a radar seeker to attack surface ships. Its
active radar guidance, low-level, sea-skimming cruise trajectory,
terminal mode sea-skim or pop-up maneuvers and warhead
design ensure high survivability and effectiveness. Harpoon can be
launched from surface ships, submarines, shore batteries or aircraft.
Sailors assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 30 load an AGM-84K The newest missile iteration scheduled to be introduced into
SLAM-ER missile on a P-8A Poseidon aircraft in preparation for a
conventional weapons technical proficiency inspection.
the fleet during the fourth quarter of 2017 is the Harpoon Block
II+. It will employ with a network-enabled data link interface
AIM-7 is operated by the Navy and Marine Corps as well as that provides in-flight updates, improved target selectivity, an
many international partners. The missile also exists in a ship- abort option and enhanced resistance to electronic countermea-
based intercept version where it is designated RIM-7 Seasparrow. sures. These improvements along with a new GPS guidance kit
will increase reliability and survivability of the weapon.
Long-Range Standoff

When fielded to the fleet, Harpoon Block II+ will join the
n Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Range Joint Standoff Weapon C-1 as the Navy’s only two air-to-
The Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (SLAM- ground network-enabled weapons.
ER) is a long-range weapon system designed to provide day,
night and adverse weather precision strike capability against LONG-RANGE STANDOFF
a broad range of high value land and sea targets. SLAM-ER
provides surgical strike capability against high-value, fixed
land targets, ships in port or at sea. Most significant weapons 2016 2025
characteristics include a highly accurate, GPS-aided guidance Sustaining into the future
system; an imaging infrared seeker and two-way data link with SLAM-ER
the AWW-13 Advanced Data Link pod for Man-In-The-Loop
(MITL) control; improved missile aerodynamic performance
characteristics that allow both long-range and flexible terminal
attack profiles; an ordnance section with good penetrating
power and lethality; and a user-friendly interface for both predecessor OASuW
MITL control and mission planning.
Designed for deployment from carrier-based and land-based
aircraft, SLAM-ER missiles are launched from a distance and fly Follow-on
a subsonic flight, navigating by GPS/Inertial Navigation System TOMAHAWK BL II/III TOMAHAWK Block
(GPS/INS). The missile can also receive in-flight target position
updates on its mid-course flight to enable effective engagement TOMAHAWK BL IV

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 77

n Follow-on Tomahawk Block Upgrade
The Tomahawk land-attack missile is a long-range, subsonic
cruise missile used for deep land-attack warfare launched from
Navy surface ships and U.S. and U.K. Navy submarines. There
are currently three main versions: the Block II nuclear variant,
which contains the W80 warhead; the Block III conventional
variant, which can carry either a 1,000-pound unitary warhead or
a submunition-dispensing warhead; and the Block IV, or Tactical
Tomahawk, which is network-enabled and capable of chang-
ing targets while in flight. Tomahawk provides on-scene com-
manders with the flexibility to attack long-range fixed targets or
support special operations forces with a precise weapon system.
Potential future capabilities for the Tomahawk Block IV include
improvements to the warhead, such as the Joint Multiple Effects
Warhead System, which allows Tomahawk to be fully compliant
with the Tomahawk Operational Requirements Document for all
target sets, and a maritime interdiction multi-mission capability,
or Multi-mission Tomahawk. The Tomahawk program office is
currently investigating industry seeker technologies for maritime
interdiction that could potentially be integrated into the existing
Block IV weapon system. The office is also studying a next-gener-
ation supersonic cruise missile capability for Tomahawk that will
increase responsiveness against time-critical targets.
US Navy Photo by Liz Wolter

Midrange Standoff
n AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile
The Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM)
upgrade program transforms a portion of the existing AGM-88
An F/A-18 carries a model of the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile
(LRASM) during a flight test over Patuxent River, Md., completing high-speed anti-radiation missile inventory into lethal strike
the first phase of inflight loads testing for the weapon program. weapons with enhanced time-critical strike and precision at-
tack capabilities. The AARGM upgrade includes: an advanced
n Long Range Anti-Ship Missile digital anti-radiation homing receiver for greater sensitivity and
The Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) is a near-term solu- enhanced suppression of enemy air defense systems capabilities;
tion for the Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (OASuW) air-launch an active millimeter wave terminal radar to increase lethality
capability gap that will provide flexible, long-range, anti-surface against modern air defense units, such as surface-to-air missile
capability against high-threat maritime targets. The weapon radars that use radar shutdown and countermeasures designed
relies less on ISR platforms, network links and GPS navigation
in electronic warfare environments. Semi-autonomous guidance MID-RANGE STANDOFF
algorithms will allow it to use less-precise target cueing data to
pinpoint specific targets in the contested domain. The LRASM
Deployment Office is developing the Lockheed Martin-built 2016 2025
LRASM as the OASuW Increment 1 solution. When operational,
LRASM will provide the first increment of a next-generation of- AARGM-ER
fensive anti-surface weapon to the warfighter, and will play a sig- HARM BLOCK V & AARGM
nificant role in ensuring military access to the ocean and littorals
due to its enhanced ability to discriminate and conduct tactical
engagements from extended ranges. Early operational capability
for the LRASM is slated for 2018 on the Air Force B-1 Lancer and No
2019 on the Navy F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. SDB II

78 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

to defeat anti-radiation missiles; inertial navigation/GPS; and a
weapon impact assessment transmitter to aid and cue the battle
damage assessment process. In the near term, an integrated
broadcast service receiver for network-centric connectivity
reception of off-board targeting information will be added to
the configuration. AARGM correlates multiple sensors and
geospecific capabilities to locate and attack both stationary and
moving targets with precision while countering enemy tactics
designed to defeat anti-radiation missiles. The follow-on version
of the missile—AARGM-ER (Extended Range)—will add a new
motor section to increase range, and has a target IOC in 2023 on
F/A-18E/F and EA-18G.

n AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon

The Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) is a joint family of arma-
ments capable of attacking targets at increased standoff distanc-
es. The weapon uses inertial navigation and GPS for guidance.
JSOW provides low- and high-altitude launch capabilities to
enable launch platforms to remain outside the range of defenses,
which enhances aircraft survivability. The JSOW-C unitary vari-
U.S. Navy photo by MCS Veronica Mammina

ant adds an imaging infrared seeker and an autonomous target

acquisition capability to attack targets with precision accuracy.
The JSOW-C-1 will incorporate new target tracking algorithms
into the seeker and a strike common weapon data link, giving
joint force commanders an affordable, air-delivered standoff
weapon effective against moving maritime targets as well as fixed
land targets. It includes GPS/ inertial navigation system guid-
ance, terminal infrared seeker and a Link 16 weapon data link.
Marines assigned to the 13th Marine Expeditionary
When fielded in 2016, the JSOW C-1 will introduce a stand-off

Unit attach a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) to
range of 70 nautical miles. The system will maintain JSOW-C an AV-8B Harrier II.
functionality to be effective against targets during day or night
and through adverse weather conditions. attack mobile targets at standoff ranges in all types of weather.
This 250-pound-class weapon will feature a GPS/inertial navi-
n GBU-53 Small-Diameter Bomb Increment II gation system to guide to the vicinity of a moving target. The
The Small-Diameter Bomb Increment II (SDB II) is a joint weapon has the capability to receive updated target coordinates
program that will provide warfighters with the capability to midflight via two-way datalink (Link-16 or UHF) communica-
tions. Using these network options, SDB II allows airborne or
DIRECT ATTACK ground controllers the ability to send in-flight target updates
and the capability to abort a mission post-release. SDB II
integration is planned for the F-35B/C Lightning II and the
2016 2025 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
Sustaining into the future
LCDB Direct Attack
Sustaining into the future
n BLU-126 Low Collateral Damage Bomb
GP BOMBS The Low Collateral Damage Bomb (LCDB) is ideal for
Sustaining into the future modern urban warfare where target discrimination between
LGB noncombatants and friendly and enemy forces requires
Sustaining into the future
exceptional blast control. LCDB provides a reduced blast
JDAM / LJDAM that yields lower collateral damage and adheres to the rules

Color Key I Navy I Marines I Navy/Marine Corps Maintaining Capacity I 79

of engagement currently dictated by U.S. Central Command. infrared), a multipurpose warhead, and an extended-range
A precision strike weapon, LCDB can be used with the same rocket motor to destroy high-value hardened and non-
guidance kits as those used for laser-guided bombs, dual- armored stationary and moving targets. JAGM as a direct-
mode laser-guided bombs (DMLGBs), joint direct attack attack capability is envisioned as the eventual replacement for
munitions (JDAMs) and laser JDAMs. LCDB is the result of a the AGM-114 Hellfire and AGM-71 TOW missile systems.
modification of an existing weapon system, which reduced its The Marine Corps AH-1Z is the only Navy threshold plat-
design, production and sustainment costs. form with a JAGM Increment I capability and is expected
to reach IOC in 2019. Increment I will provide increased
n General Purpose Bombs lethality over the current AGM-114 Hellfire by incorporating
MK-80/BLU series General Purpose (GP) 500-, 1,000- and a dual-mode seeker (semi-active laser and millimeter wave
2,000-pound bombs provide blast and fragmentation effects radar) onto the aft section.
against a variety of non-hardened targets and are used exten-
sively for direct attack, close air support and suppression mis- n Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II
sions. The thermally protected warhead is used for JDAMs, The Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II (APKWS II)
laser JDAMs, DMLGBs and LCDBs. provides precision guidance to the existing Hydra 70 rocket
system by placing a laser-guided seeker on existing rocket
n GBU-54 Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition motors and warheads. APKWS II provides an excellent
The Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) converts the low-cost, midrange weapon that is well-suited to urban
GPS/inertial navigation system-guided JDAM currently in environments. Accurate to within two meters of the aim point,
inventory into a dual-mode configuration using common com- the weapon will destroy target sets consisting of personnel,
ponents and expands the capabilities of JDAM. Laser JDAM unarmored vehicles, lightly armored vehicles, armored
incorporates a laser seeker kit into the forward fuze well of the personnel carriers, structures and man portable air defense
MK-80/BLU series general purpose warhead. By illuminating systems at ranges from 1.5 to 5 kilometers.
the target, the laser JDAM will continually update the estimat-
ed target location at impact, allowing for decreased air crew Torpedoes
workload, increased accuracy and the ability to hit stationary n MK-54 Lightweight Torpedo
or fast-moving targets. Laser JDAM has been successfully em- The MK-54 Lightweight Torpedo is a modular upgrade to the
ployed in combat by the Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. lightweight torpedo inventory and adds the capability to counter
quiet diesel-electric submarines operating in the littorals. The
n Joint Air-to-Ground Missile MK-54 combines existing torpedo hardware and software
The Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) is an Army-Marine from the MK-46, MK-50 and MK-48 programs with advanced
Corps initiative, with the Army designated as the lead ser- digital electronics. The resulting MK-54 offers significantly
vice. The JAGM program seeks to incrementally achieve an improved shallow-water capability at reduced life-cycle costs. A
all-weather, moving-target capability through a 100-pound- modernization plan will introduce new hardware and software
class, direct-attack weapon system that will use a multi-mode updates providing stepped increases in probability of kill, while
seeker (semi-active laser, millimeter wave radar, and imaging reducing life-cycle cost and allowing the torpedo to remain
ahead of the evolving littoral submarine threat. The MK-54 is
DIRECT ATTACK replacing the MK-46 as the payload in the Vertical-Launch Anti-
Submarine Rocket.

2016 2025 Torpedoes

Missile 2016 2025
JAGM Sustaining into the future
Sustaining into the future

80 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Naval Aviation is a warfighting force that

continues to evolve to out-pace threats

and ensure continued combat success

into the future.

o ensure our ability to deter and defeat future
potential adversaries, we will continue to
innovate and invest in platforms, payloads,
sensors and communications required to secure
access, project power and enable sea control
in the future fight. In doing so, we will focus on making
smart investments that support Naval Aviation's ability to
deliver required warfighting readiness while preserving the
capability and sustainability of the future force.
This evolution is deliberate and will span the full spec-
trum of Naval Aviation missions and activity. New warfight-
ing capabilities and positive changes will be evident in the
significant expansion of the live, virtual and constructive
training capabilities; the fielding of the F-35B/C Lightning II
aircraft with its low observable stealth technology and inte-
grated sensor suite; the introduction of MAGIC CARPET to
improve pilot proficiency in the carrier landing environment;
the quantifiable advances in supply chain management to
boost material readiness; the design and commission of the
transformational Gerald R. Ford-class carrier; the enterprise’s
ability to leverage additive manufacturing and digital thread
to enable faster maintenance and repairs; the flexibility and

“ I believe naval assets

offer not only the best value
to preserve our national
security by advancing our
global interests, but also
the best value in supporting
our own and the world’s
economy to help meet our
fiscal challenges. ”
—The Honorable Ray Mabus, Secretary of the Navy

Summary I 81
“ Our Sailors and Marines are
proud members of the world’s
finest maritime aviation team,
and are committed to making
this vision for our future Naval
Aviation force a reality. ”
growing capability of our unmanned family of systems; and
the keen focus on innovative ways to train and manage the
talent resident in the people of Naval Aviation. These are
examples of evolving capability, but they are not all-inclusive.
Naval Aviation will continue to move forward with transi-
tioning nearly every legacy aircraft to a more technologically
advanced platform while maintaining a system-of-systems
approach. Naval Aviation will also make certain warfighters
are equipped with next-generation weapons and will develop
weapons with modular components that can be swapped out
and tailored for specific targets.
Naval Aviation is an in-demand force that serves essential,
unique roles around the globe, often serving as the nation’s
first line of defense far from our shores. Naval Aviation will
continue to ensure its current and future readiness to respond
when the nation calls. Whether operating from sea or land—
from aircraft carriers, austere forward deployed locations or
main base facilities—our forces will be trained, equipped and
ready to achieve mission success.
This vision for Naval Aviation, consistent with "The Vision
for Naval Aviation 2025," reinforces our commitment to the
three pillars of capability, readiness and capacity. In uncertain
and increasingly contested environments, Naval Aviation will
continue to provide a persistent, flexible, forward-deployed
force that will remain a stabilizing presence around the world.
Our Sailors and Marines are proud members of the world’s
finest maritime aviation team, and are committed to making
this vision for our future Naval Aviation force a reality.
U.S. Navy photo by MCS Eric S. Powell

Carriers USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and USS John

C. Stennis (CVN 74) underway in the Arabian Sea.

82 I Naval Aviation Vision I 2016-2025

Naval Aviation Vision 2016-2025
Project Sponsor Subject Area Representatives
RDML Paul Sohl, USN John Altomare
Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers Naval Air Systems Command
Director for Readiness and Sustainment, Naval Aviation Enterprise Executive Director
Naval Air Systems Command
Amy Behrman
Project Director Naval Air Systems Command,
Marcia Hart Strategic Communication
Naval Aviation Enterprise
Public Affairs Officer Joseph F. Gradisher
and Communication Coordinator Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
for Information Warfare (N2N6)
Production Manager Public Affairs Officer
Andrea Watters
Naval Air Systems Command Chris Marsh
Air Warfare (OPNAV N98) Operations
Art Director Research Advisor
Fred Flerlage
Jacquelyn Millham
Creative Director Naval Aviation Enterprise Current Readiness
Noel Hepp CFT/Enterprise AIRSpeed Public Affairs Officer

Graphic Designer James D. Neal, Jr.

Melissa Johnson Headquarters Marine Corps,
Naval Aviation Enterprise
Research and Editing Team Aviation Logistics Support Branch
Jennifer Neal
Jennifer Nentwig Mike Warriner
Jeffrey Newman Director, Naval Aviation Enterprise

NAE Publication Distribution

Arlene Guy

Thanks to the many others in Naval Aviation who contributed to the creation of this document.

The information in this book is current as of January 2016.

Summary I 83
For additional information or copies of
this publication, visit the NAE web page at
Approved for public release.
Distribution is unlimited.







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