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An Iot Based Smart Power Mangement System For Technical University

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

An IoT based Smart Power Mangement System for

Technical University
Khalid A. Fakeeh, PhD
King Abdullaziz University
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT IoT based power management system is an effective method

IoT has been a great use in the modern world; the importance for power management. The recent development in internet of
and usage of IoT’s are increasing day by day. There is lots of things has helped researchers and industrialist to identify its
research going into IoT based power management systems. role in energy in management system. The usage of IP
The increase in power requirement has pushed the (Internet Protocol) enabled service has now proven that it can
researchers and industrialist to design low power systems. be used to save energy.
The wastage of energy is a very serious concern; this paper In older days internet had a limited applications. Now internet
proposes a novel method to reduce the wastage of power in is a chain of network connection in which the numbers of
technical universities by the power distribution agencies connected devices are increasing rapidly. At present the
across the world. The system consists of thermal sensing and internet is used to access, process and command real time
IoT enabled microcontrollers for the working. parameters from remote locations. The implementations of
IoT based systems are inexpensive. But it will not be cost
Keywords effective and efficient if implemented improperly. In olden
IoT,Thermal sensing,IoT enabled microcontrollers days, for home automation, large number of sensors is used to
control electrical appliances. The large number of sensors
1. INTRODUCTION used is not cost effective. Since each appliance requires
Internet is an interconnection of computers all over the world. unique sensor the cost and the power consumed increases as
It follows TCP/IP protocols. Internet links billion of devices the number of devices increases. In modern IoT systems the
worldwide, and is used to send, receive data all over the large number of sensors can be replaced by few sensors and
world. It was first developed in the USA. The first World can be put in a single platform thus consuming both power
Wide Web (WWW) was developed at CERN, and because of and energy. The context aware systems are designed for such
this it became accessible to the whole world. Internet has vast purposes which allow the IoT to work effectively. Different
uses and applications in many fields and domain. One of the models of context aware system exist; they are object oriented
important applications of the internet is IoT. IoT is and antilogy base [1]. Impress context management enables
interconnection of physical objects, vehicles etc. mixed with rapid development of the context aware IoT system which can
various other fields like embedded systems, sensors, software be applied in many areas of interest. Recent trend use image
which helps to collect, transfer and exchange information. processing to perform context management [2]. A camera acts
One of the main applications of IoT is monitoring information as an input to the image processing system. The camera
from a remote location. monitors human activities and the IoT systems perform the
Power management is an important aspect towards the required adjustments based on the input. The cameras can be
development of the nation. Most of the countries are trying to replaced by thermal sensors, which are cheaper than cameras
develop and execute various projects to conserve energy. [3]. The thermal sensors can detect infrared waves emitted by
Power should be utilized efficiently, and for that we need humans. Based on the IR signal they can detect the presence
systems which consume power efficiently. The bulbs being of humans and monitor their activities. Thermal sensors are
replaced by CFL are one of the examples of such a project more cost effective compared to cameras. They also do not
being carried out by electricity distributors all over the world. need complex image processing. Instead simple filtering and
transformations are sufficient. So thermal sensors are
But the energy consumption is increasing rapidly, and the considered better option when considering cost as a main
energy is not sufficient enough to meet the rising demand. aspect.
Many of the countries have renewable energy source, but are
not utilizing it. The usage of hydroelectric power which was
the major source of energy in the twentieth century is now
being replaced by nuclear energy. Since nuclear plants have
many security issues. This increases the installation cost of
the reactor.
When there is such an energy crisis, one possible solution is
efficient utilization of energy. This can be done only if every
individual contributes to power saving. That is they should
not waste power unnecessarily .only if this is done there can
be efficient utilization of energy and energy crisis can be
reduced. So the society needs to be educated on power saving
and power wastage reduction. A further step towards power
saving is by imposing penalty for power wastage. It can be
imposed on industries and households.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

device Power usage in watts

Convergence Computing Content Normal bulb 60
CFL bulb 20
Celling fan 510
Speaker 60
Air conditioner 1200
Computer 270
TV 100
Vacuum cleaner 500
Iron box 1,100
Washing machine 700
Cell phone charging 2-4
Connectivity Collections Communicatio
Cameras for security 25
Electric Clothes Dryer 3400
Figure 1: a high level view of IoT
Coffee Machine 1500
The successfulness of an IoT system also depends on the
environment where it is installed. For instance if it is installed Microwave 1500
in a forested area, the path loss during transmission will be Blender 300
greater than line of sight communication[5]. Another
important aspect of IoT system is its adaptation for different LCD Monitor 80-150
season. In different season the sensor constraints such as
temperature are different. The IoT based system should be Portable Fan 100
able to handle and change according to such changes. Only Well Pump (1/3-1 HP) 480-1200
then the IoT system can be put to real time application. Thus
handling seasonal variation becomes one of the major aspects Satellite dish 30
of an IoT based system. Similarly the physical parameters at Clothes Dryer - Gas Heated 300-400
different regions are different. When the IoT systems are used
worldwide, the physical parameters are completely different. Hair Dryer 1,538
So along with seasonal constraints the IoT must also be able
Water heater 479
to handle regional constraints.
Shaver 15
IBM has now introduced a framework for autonomic
computing [6]. It is aimed at easier management of systems. Video Game Player 195
The framework consists of two units. They are managed
resource and autonomic manager. The managed resource is Figure 2: Power usage by appliances
simple entity and consists of sensors and effectors. The sensor
senses the environment and collects the data. The effectors are Some of the electrical appliances shown in above table are
the interface which the device uses to manipulate the widely used in day to day life. The power can be saved by
environment. The autonomic manager on the other hand is maximizing the use of CFL bulbs, other low power driven
more complex and provides centralized control and performs devices. The computer and other similar devices will consume
data analysis. The centralized control includes monitoring of only less power in standby mode hence such systems are
data and reporting. An environment will be monitored and the always neglected when a IoT based power management
data will be collected. The data is filtered, managed and then system is installed .but in a technical university there is a huge
reported. The analyzing part models the situation and learns number of such electronic devices .so we need to develop
about the environment. This helps in predicting the future specific IoT platforms for university. There are 4 types of IoT
situation. Further mechanisms are provided to guide the platforms, they are M2M Connectivity platforms, and IaaS
action based on the policies in order to achieve the required back ends, Hardware-specific software platforms and
objective. These plans will be further executed. Thus it acts as Consumer/Enterprise software extensions.
a self-learning adaptive IoT based system. These systems
would be much more efficient and reliable.
The IoT platforms are specific to their application. In a single
IoT platform, various applications are provided. The
application can include business, enterprise, company and
Government related [4]. All together it can perform as a
generic platform for entire city or country.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

IoT Devices

IoT gateway

Figure 3: cumulative percentage loss on feeders

Figure3: A typical M2M BASED IoT architecture.

The above figure shows the elements in the M2M based
architecture which is one of the most effective IoT based


Figure 4: Lengths of various feeders on LT HT side of
DURING DISTRIBUTION distribution system in km
Power losses take place in the progression of distributing
electrical energy to users due to technical and commercial
losses. The technical losses are due to energy dissipated in
the conductors and equipment used for transmission,
transformation, sub- transmission and distribution of power.
These technical losses are inherent in a system and can be
reduced to an optimum level. The losses can be further sub
grouped depending upon the stage of power transformation
& transmission system as Transmission Losses
(400kV/220kV/132kV/66kV), as Sub transmission losses
(33kV /11kV) and Distribution losses (11kV/0.4kv). The
commercial losses are caused by pilferage, defective meters,
and errors in meter reading and in estimating unmetered
supply of energy The power wastage during the
transmission is very high .the graphs below shows the power
lose in rural places of India. The power lose during
distribution is one of the very serious concern in power
management across the globe.

Figure 5: Cumulative percentage loss on feeders

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

be connected to the Internet by using WAN (Wide Area

Network). Gateway and Network: This includes Wide Area
network (WAN) or global communication network. That is
Wi-Fi, Ethernet and Gateway Control. The Gateway includes
Microcontroller, Radio Communication Module, Signal
Processor and Modulator, Access point, Embedded /OS, Sim
Module, Encryption. The Gateway network connects the
gateway and sensor networks together. In this domain we
have Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local Area Network
(LAN) technologies. This consists of Wi-Fi, Ethernet and
Gateway and Network layer is the second layer. This must
support massive volumes of IoT data produced by wireless
sensors and smart devices. It requires robust and reliable
performance, regarding private, public or hybrid network
models. In addition, Network models are designed to support
the communication QoS requirements for latency, error
probability, scalability, bandwidth, security, while achieving
high levels of energy efficiency meaning that they are low
energy efficiency. In addition, it is important to integrate
different types of networks into a single IoT platform. IoT
sensors are aggregated with various types of protocols and
heterogeneous networks using different technologies. IoT
network needs to be scalable to efficiently serve a wide range
of services and applications overall large scale networks,
where in large scale networks some parts may have different
packet types and different security requirements.
Management Service: This includes Device modeling,
Figure 6: Percentage loss at Chodavaram subdivision Configuration and Management is the main focus. Dataflow
during 2006-07 management, Security Control is needed to be provided in
this layer. Here the management services are Operational
3. IOT ARCHITECTURE Support System (OSS), this includes device modeling,
There has been present and quite much publicity about configuration, Management, Performance Management,
“Internet of Things”. The notion of a universally interlocked Security Management. Then there is Billing Support System
variety of devices, objects and things in universal began with (BSS) which includes Billing Reporting. Service Analytics
the RFID technology, and this model has significantly been Platform is for Statistical Analytics, Data Mining, Text
stretched to the present idea that visualizes an excess of Mining and Management layer for security includes Access
mixed things communicating with the physical surroundings. control, Encryption, Identify access. In addition, Business
Today, a huge amount of diverse means are used to permit Rule Management (BRM) which includes Rule Definition,
interaction amongst various devices. However, this hard Modeling, Simulation and Execution. Then there is the
work will lead to a probable strike in inventing a feasible Business Process Management (BPM) which has Water flow
worldwide way out. In addition, current explanations do not process, Modeling, Simulation and Execution.
talk the flexible necessities for an upcoming IoT; they deliver
unsuitable prototypes of supremacy and basically In the Management Service layer, it is in charge of
abandonment confidentiality and safe keeping in their Information Analytics, Security Control, Process Modeling
project. and Device Management. In data management side we need
periodic IoT sensor data requires filtering. Some data may
There are 4 layers in the IoT. They are Sensor Connectivity not be needed. But because it is periodically going to be
and Networks, Gateway and Network, Management Service collecting information, there is going to be a lot of
and Application. Sensor Connectivity and Networks: This information which we actually don’t need. We throw that
includes the Sensor networks, sensors/actuators and Tags. unwanted information and we pick only the required
This provides sensor connectivity and network connectivity. information. And use to Actuate, provide control,
Tags which includes RFID, Barcode, and other tag devices. Management based upon these data. Aperiodic event
Sensors/Actuators which consists of Attitude indicator, triggered IoT sensor data may require immediate delivery
Depth gauge, Gyroscope, GPS, Accelerometer, etc. And and response. Application: This includes Energy,
LAN which consists of local networking includes Wi-Fi, Environmental, People Tracking, Retail, Healthcare, Supply
Ethernet, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wired, etc. This layer is made Chain, Surveillance, and lot more. In the Horizontal Market
up of sensors and smart devices. These sensors are used to it consists of Fleet Management, Asset Management, Supply
collect the real time information and to be processed. Sensor Chain, People Tracking and Surveillance. The sectors which
Network put away fewer power and low data rate use this for the overall domain of the application are Sector
connectivity so as Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Sensors which includes Environment, Energy, Transport, Healthcare,
are assembled according to their tenacity and data types. Retail and Military. And this is the major application
Sensor aggregators are the Gateways units. These need to be domain.
provided using networking connectivity. At the LAN we
have Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections. Ad at the PAN we In the Application layer various industry sectors can use IoT
have ZigBee, Bluetooth and other protocols as well. Sensors for service enhancement. Applications can be classified
which need not be connected to the LAN gateway which can based on the type of network availability, coverage, size,

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

heterogeneity, business model, as well as real-time or non-

real-time requirements. Personal and Home where IoT at the
scale of an individual or home. Small limited number of
users so overall application needs to focus on some number
of users. When we reached the Enterprise here IoT scale of a
community is much larger. Then we go to the Utility layer
here IoT at a national or regional scale. Then there is a
mobile where devices are usually spread across other
domains mainly due to their mobility, and lots of the devices
we use are battery operated portable IoT devices and
therefore they can move around us everywhere with us.
That’s why mobility support is very important.
IoT has been developing at very swift rate. Owing to this,
study on novel IoT devices and IoT wireless equipment is
also expanding to carry the IoT goods at low-cost and more
rapid rate. IoT has remained categorized into two
classifications viz. public to belongings mentioned as C2B
(Customer to Business) and belongings to belongings or
appliance to appliance mentioned as M2M. Public to
belongings includes IoT devices obtainable at home such as
wearable’s, health associated appliances, linked belongings
etc. M2M includes everything associated to developed and
computerization production. Let us comprehend
fundamentals of IoT structural design. As we identify IoT
structure contains of three key parts viz. measuring device,
network connectivity and data storing applications. The
identical has been presented in figure-1. Figure shows,
Sensors in the IoT devices one or the other lead into the
central server for information storing or transfer via gateway
strategies. Figure 7: IoT structure
The initial phase of the IoT has previously taken place to
Sensors for numerous applications are used in not the same
alter the way of living, to do commercial services and sort
IoT devices according to dissimilar presentations for
judgments. As prices of regulators, processors, measuring
example temperature, force proximity, power, humidity, etc.
device and transmitter’s decline, no matter what that can be
Gateway takes attention of numerous wireless standard
assumed an electronic circuit has purpose to distantly lead
crossing points and in future one gateway can grip various
into other structures are an applicant to develop “smart
equipment and several sensors. The classic wireless
equipment used broadly is Bluetooth, 6LoWPAN, Zwave,
NFC, RFID. ZigBee, etc. Gateway crossing point with cloud
using support of wireless or wired equipment such as Wi-Fi, LAN, Low power Wireless,
Mobile, DSL or Fiber. As revealed IoT chains in cooperation RFID (Sensors)
IPv4 and IPv6 procedures. Owing to support of IPv6 which
has nearly 128 bit protracted IP address size, there are
sufficient addresses obtainable to rising request of IoT WAN (Wired, Wireless)
policies. DTN (Delay Tolerant Networks) is the exclusive (Gateway Functions)
feature of IoT which receipts care of huge variable
interruption necessity of IoT established networks relate to
customary computer networks. As displayed, IoT facility Data, Security, BPM, BRM,
suppliers offer different QoS with dissimilar set a price and
strategy need for memory, CPU and battery intake.
Analytics, OSS & BSS


Figure 8: IoT technologies

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

4. PROPOSED METHOD Latin script needs more aspect. A minor difference is

the sixteen-segment display which permits supplementary
legibility in exhibiting literatures or additional cyphers.
Sixteen-segment display is a kind of display created on 16
fragments that can be switched on or off permitting to the
detailed design to be formed. It is an addition of the extra
common seven-segment display, additional four diagonal and
two upright fragments and unbearable the three straight
fragments in part. Additional alternatives comprise
the fourteen-segment display which ensures non division of
the top or bottom straight fragments.
Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller is a generally used
alphanumeric dot matrix LCD regulator technologically
advanced by Hitachi. The governor crossing point and
procedure is a de-facto typical for this type of display. The
character set of the organizer comprises ASCII typescripts,
Japanese Kana fonts, and about cyphers in two 28 character
lines. By means of an addition driver, the means can
exhibition up to 80 characters.
Thermal Sensor likewise named as an electromagnetic
camera or thermal imaging camera is a stratagem that
produces a duplicate by means of electromagnetic radiation,
like a mutual camera that forms a copy using visible light. In
its place of the 400–700 nm variety of the visible light
camera, electromagnetic cameras function in wavelengths as
extensive as 14,000 nm (14 µm). Their usage is known
as thermography.
Pictures from electromagnetic cameras have a tendency to
be neutral since the cameras usually use an image sensor that
does not differentiate diverse wavelengths of electromagnetic
radiation. Color image measuring device need a composite
building to distinguish wavelengths, and color has fewer
sense free standing of the standard visible spectrum since the
Figure 9: block diagram for proposed method
differing wavelengths do not record consistently into the
Display is an output scheme for exhibition of facts in visual or structure of color visualization used by individuals.
demonstrative form. When the input facts are provided as an
electrical indication, the display is called an automatic Occasionally these monotone images are presented in pseudo-
display. Approximately displays can indication only numerals color, where deviations in color are used moderately than
or alphanumeric typescripts. They are termed segment deviations in concentration to display variations in the
displays, since they are collected of numerous sections that indication. This is valuable since even though individuals
shift on and off to stretch arrival of wanted glyph. The have much superior active range in intensity recognition than
fragments are typically sole LEDs or liquid crystals. There are color general, the capability to see well concentration
numerous types: alterations in perky parts is fairly restricted. This procedure is
known as density slicing.
 Seven-segment display
The proposed system uses the thermal sensors which will
 Fourteen-segment display detect the human presence in the class and other offices of the
university by sensing the thermogram. There will be the
 Sixteen-segment display power measurement device kept in all the rooms. When there
 HD44780 LCD controller are no humans detected, the sensor sends a notification to
microcontroller to save the meter reading until human
Seven-segment display: Is a method of electrical display detection is made. If the electronic appliances are working at
device for presenting decimal digits that is an substitute to the this time interval, the microcontroller sends a message to the
additional compound dot matrix displays. These displays are server of power distributors regarding the measurement of
extensively used in alpha numeric watches, electrical meters, power wasted and then power distributors resends the penalty
simple computers, and additional electronic devices that information to the university.
display mathematical statistics.
Fourteen-segment display is also occasionally mentioned to as
a "Union Jack" display. This is a category of display
constructed on 14 fragments that can be switched on or off to
produce literatures and numbers. It is a development of the
extra shared seven-segment display, taking a further four
crosswise and two erect sections with the central flat section
damaged in half. A seven-segment display suits for digits and
definite letters, but unmistakably representation the ISO basic

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 149 – No.1, September 2016

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